expired on Dec 7, 2023
Publication of VirtualFluids 0.1
- release of VF 0.1
- publication of VF on
- Notes
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- [GPU] delete F3/g6 infrastucture (K18/K20)
- [GPU] Remove Scale Functions
- [GPU] Delete unused apps
- [GPU] Velocity BoundaryCondition
- Add regressions test for cpu apps.
- Remove App Acoustic Pulse and Cylinder Flow
- Throw Exception when refinement is initialized with odd number of nodes.
- [GPU] NoSlip Boundaryconditions
- [GPU] Temperature Folder
- [GPU] delete folders FindQ and FindInterface
- [GPU] Delete Pressure BoundaryConditions
- [GPU] delete particle related code
- Clean CMake
- Timer
- [GPU] Delete Kernel
- Avoid additional copy
- Proposal: move src/cuda into src/gpu
- [GPU] GridBuilder instantiation
- Pvtu files in GPU branch broken
- Rename "Coefficients" in lbm/refinement/
- Rename variables in collision kernels to avoid underscores
- Naming of the Directions
- Rename collision kernels in GPU branch
- Bookmark: Remove src/cpu/DEMCoupling
- Remove unused Files.
- Bookmark: GKS Module
- Bookmark: Delete Traffic Module
- Add naming convention for (collision) kernels to wiki/ documentation
- Job Failed #129733
- gpu_numerical_tests fails
- Initialisation of mnemonic constants is inconsistent.
- Add CFF file (cff = citation file format)
- Publication on zenodo
- CMake presets clean up
- Remove unused libraries from VirtualFluids
- DrivenCavity regression-test failed
- redundant function "void getPointersToDistributions(Distributions27 &dist, real *distributionArray, const unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, const bool isEvenTimestep)"
- Apply conditioning of the grid scaling to cpu code
- Make use of common Direction definitions
- Switch to common numeric constants
- Switch from LBMReal to common "real" type definition
- Some constants are literal constants of double.
- Merge Konstantins CPU Code line into Upstream
- Clean up GPU Code
- Conditioning Grid refinement Review
- Do not add empty entries to sendProcessNeighbors (MultiGPU)
- Kernel templetization and efficiency improvements
- D3Q27 Directions - Order and Naming
- Proposal: Naming of our libraries