- Sep 16, 2020
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Remove VirtualFluidsDefinitions.h header file. Remove redundant compiler definitions from gpu.cmake.
Soeren Peters authored
Few refactorings in cmake. Remove the old openmp flag. Put the intel and gcc libraries in the compiler file.
Soeren Peters authored
Make use of the new cmake command: target_link_options, target_compile_options and target_compile_definitions.
- Sep 15, 2020
Soeren Peters authored
Removed unused machine config files. Removed CAB_COMPILER variable. compiler flag files is now loaded regarding the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID variable: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_LANG_COMPILER_ID.html Removed the 64 bit support.
- Sep 10, 2020
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Move VirtualFluids header to src. Add CI file and add files, only existing in the open source version.
Soeren Peters authored
Merge pull request 'Update MuParser to version 2.3.2 from 17.06.2020.' (#21) from peters/VirtualFluids_dev:feature/update_muparser into develop
Soeren Peters authored
Therefore the muparser cmakeLists.txt was used, but a modified: - name is corresponding to the original file: muparser (in lowercases) - removed the install - adds public include directory : CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR/include. --> also adapt the include from the dependent fles. - adds link to OpemMP CXX 11 is now required. (CMake throws an error if cpp11 is not available).
- Sep 08, 2020
Soeren Peters authored
Merge pull request 'Little Refactorings in the 3rd cmake part.' (#20) from peters/VirtualFluids_dev:develop into develop
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Exclude the cmake .in.h file from the cmake target.
- Sep 04, 2020
Soeren Peters authored
* feature/clean_3rd_cmake_macros: Add 3rd library cmake functions. Fix gpu cell type. Add public include directories. CMake: rename the directory variables in a consistent way. Remove redundant PointerDefinition file. Make the cmake project more flexible while removing the CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR usage. Remove all old unused cmake files. Update gitignore file. Fix cell type to unsigned int. Adapt basics CMakeLists according to develop. Adapt open_source basics to develop. Remove unnecessary files in basics. # Conflicts: # CMake/VirtualFluidsMacros.cmake # CMakeLists.txt # apps/cpu/LidDrivenCavityCPU/CMakeLists.txt # apps/gpu/LidDrivenCavity/CMakeLists.txt # apps/gpu/LidDrivenCavity/LidDrivenCavity.cpp # cpu.cmake # gpu.cmake # src/basics/CMakeLists.txt # src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CMakeLists.txt # src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteBoundaryConditionsCoProcessor.cpp # src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteBoundaryConditionsCoProcessor.h # src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor.cpp # src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor.h # src/gpu/GksGpu/CMakeLists.txt # src/gpu/GksMeshAdapter/CMakeLists.txt # src/gpu/GridGenerator/CMakeLists.txt # src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/CMakeLists.txt # src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/Simulation.h # src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Output/FileWriter.cpp # src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.h
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Merge pull request 'Add public target include directories to the cmake targets. Therefore the IncludeList.cmake files are not necessary anymore.' (#18) from peters/VirtualFluids_dev:feature/add_public_include_path into develop
Soeren Peters authored
Merge pull request 'feature/add_public_include_directories' (#17) from peters/VirtualFluids_dev:feature/add_public_include_directories into open_source
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Add public target include directories to the cmake targets. Therefore the IncludeList.cmake files are not necessary anymore. ADapt the export macros in the gks libraries. Add 3rd/vtk helper cmake macro. Gorup muparser into 3rd subfolder in visual studio project.
Soeren Peters authored
Merge pull request 'Adapt to develop basics.' (#16) from peters/VirtualFluids_dev:open_source into open_source
- Sep 03, 2020
Konstantin Kutscher authored
Merge pull request 'feature/unify_basic' (#15) from peters/VirtualFluids_dev:feature/unify_basic into develop
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
- Sep 02, 2020
Soeren Peters authored
Make the cmake project more flexible while removing the CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR usage.
Soeren Peters authored
Make the cmake project more flexible while removing the CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR usage.
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
- Sep 01, 2020
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Remove the old write/read functions.
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored
Soeren Peters authored