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// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __         
// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |        
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//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____    
//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|   
//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________    
//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|   
//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______    
//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)   
//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______    
//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/   
//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can 
//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
//  for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
//! \file GridBuilder.h
//! \ingroup grid
//! \author Soeren Peters, Stephan Lenz, Martin Sch�nherr
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#ifndef GridBuilder_H
#define GridBuilder_H

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <memory>

#include "gpu/GridGenerator/global.h"
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#define GEOMQS 6
#define INLETQS 0
#define OUTLETQS 1
#define TOPQS 2
#define BOTTOMQS 3
#define FRONTQS 4
#define BACKQS 5

#define QFILES 7

struct Vertex;
class GridWrapper;
class Transformator;
class ArrowTransformator;
class PolyDataWriterWrapper;
class TransientBCInputFileReader;
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class BoundingBox;
class Grid;

enum class SideType;

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class BoundaryCondition;
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class GeometryBoundaryCondition;

class GridBuilder
    enum class GenerationDevice
        CPU, GPU

    virtual GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT ~GridBuilder() {}
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    virtual void getGridInformations(std::vector<int>& gridX, std::vector<int>& gridY, std::vector<int>& gridZ, std::vector<int>& distX, std::vector<int>& distY, std::vector<int>& distZ) = 0;
    virtual GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT uint getNumberOfGridLevels() const = 0;
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    virtual void writeArrows(std::string fileName) const = 0;

    virtual SPtr<Grid> getGrid(uint level) = 0;
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    virtual unsigned int getNumberOfNodes(unsigned int level) const = 0;
    virtual void getNodeValues(real *xCoords, real *yCoords, real *zCoords, 
                               uint *neighborX, uint *neighborY, uint *neighborZ, uint *neighborNegative, 
                               uint *geo, const int level) const = 0;
    virtual void getDimensions(int &nx, int &ny, int &nz, const int level) const = 0;
    virtual uint getNumberOfNodesCF(int level) = 0;
    virtual uint getNumberOfNodesFC(int level) = 0;
    virtual void getGridInterfaceIndices(uint* iCellCfc, uint* iCellCff, uint* iCellFcc, uint* iCellFcf, int level) const = 0;

    virtual void getOffsetFC(real* xOffCf, real* yOffCf, real* zOffCf, int level) = 0;
    virtual void getOffsetCF(real* xOffFc, real* yOffFc, real* zOffFc, int level) = 0;

    virtual uint getSlipSize(int level) const = 0;
    virtual void getSlipValues(real *normalX, real *normalY, real *normalZ, int *indices, int level) const = 0;
    virtual void getSlipQs(real* qs[27], int level) const = 0;

    virtual uint getStressSize(int level) const = 0;
    virtual void getStressValues(real *normalX, real *normalY, real *normalZ, 
                                real* vx1,     real* vy1,     real* vz1, 
                                real* vx, real* vy, real* vz, 
                                int *indices, int* samplingIndices, int*        samplingOffsets, real* z0, int level) const = 0;
    virtual void getStressQs(real* qs[27], int level) const = 0;

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    virtual uint getVelocitySize(int level) const = 0;
    virtual void getVelocityValues(real* vx, real* vy, real* vz, int* indices, int level) const = 0;
    virtual void getVelocityQs(real* qs[27], int level) const = 0;
    virtual uint getPressureSize(int level) const                                                  = 0;
    virtual void getPressureValues(real *rho, int *indices, int *neighborIndices, int level) const = 0;
    virtual void getPressureQs(real *qs[27], int level) const                                      = 0;
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    virtual uint getPrecursorSize(int level) const              = 0;
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    virtual void getPrecursorValues(uint* neighborNT, uint* neighborNB, uint* neighborST, uint* neighborSB, 
                                    real* weightsNT, real* weightsNB, real* weightsST, real* weightsSB, 
                                    int* indices, std::vector<SPtr<TransientBCInputFileReader>>& reader, 
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                                    int& numberOfPrecursorNodes, size_t& numberOfQuantities, uint& nTRead, 
                                    real& velocityX, real& velocityY, real& velocityZ, int level) const = 0;
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    virtual void getPrecursorQs(real* qs[27], int level) const  = 0;

    virtual uint getGeometrySize(int level) const                                 = 0;
    virtual void getGeometryIndices(int *indices, int level) const                = 0;
    virtual void getGeometryQs(real *qs[27], int level) const                     = 0;
    virtual bool hasGeometryValues() const                                        = 0;
    virtual void getGeometryValues(real *vx, real *vy, real *vz, int level) const = 0;
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    virtual SPtr<gg::BoundaryCondition> getBoundaryCondition(SideType side, uint level) const = 0;
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    virtual SPtr<GeometryBoundaryCondition> getGeometryBoundaryCondition(uint level) const = 0;
    virtual uint getCommunicationProcess(int direction) = 0;
    virtual uint getNumberOfFluidNodes(unsigned int level) const = 0;
    virtual void getFluidNodeIndices(uint *fluidNodeIndices, const int level) const = 0;
    virtual uint getNumberOfFluidNodesBorder(unsigned int level) const = 0;
    virtual void getFluidNodeIndicesBorder(uint *fluidNodeIndices, const int level) const = 0;
    virtual uint getNumberOfSendIndices(int direction, uint level)             = 0;
    virtual uint getNumberOfReceiveIndices(int direction, uint level)          = 0;
    virtual void getSendIndices(int *sendIndices, int direction, int level)    = 0;
    virtual void getReceiveIndices(int *sendIndices, int direction, int level) = 0;

    virtual void findFluidNodes(bool splitDomain) = 0;
    virtual void addFluidNodeIndicesMacroVars(const std::vector<uint>& fluidNodeIndicesMacroVars, uint level)           = 0;
    virtual void addFluidNodeIndicesApplyBodyForce(const std::vector<uint>& fluidNodeIndicesApplyBodyForce, uint level) = 0;
    virtual void addFluidNodeIndicesAllFeatures(const std::vector<uint>& fluidNodeIndicesAllFeatures, uint level)       = 0;
    virtual void sortFluidNodeIndicesMacroVars(uint level) = 0;
    virtual void sortFluidNodeIndicesApplyBodyForce(uint level) = 0;
    virtual void sortFluidNodeIndicesAllFeatures(uint level) = 0;
    virtual uint getNumberOfFluidNodesMacroVars(uint level) const = 0;
    virtual void getFluidNodeIndicesMacroVars(uint *fluidNodeIndicesMacroVars, int level) const = 0;
    virtual uint getNumberOfFluidNodesApplyBodyForce(uint level) const = 0;
    virtual void getFluidNodeIndicesApplyBodyForce(uint *fluidNodeIndicesApplyBodyForce, int level) const = 0;
    virtual uint getNumberOfFluidNodesAllFeatures(uint level) const = 0;
    virtual void getFluidNodeIndicesAllFeatures(uint *fluidNodeIndicesAllFeatures, int level) const = 0;
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