# Dataflow
In this chapter, we will introduce the dataflow and data format convention between the internal modules managed by the [Runner](
## Overview of dataflow
The [Runner]( is an "integrator" in MMEngine. It covers all aspects of the framework and shoulders the responsibility of organizing and scheduling nearly all modules, that means the dataflow between all modules also controlled by the `Runner`. As illustrated in the [Runner document of MMEngine](, the following diagram shows the basic dataflow.

The dashed border, gray filled shapes represent different data formats, while solid boxes represent modules/methods. Due to the great flexibility and extensibility of MMEngine, some critical base classes can be inherited and their methods can be overridden. The diagram above only holds when users are not customizing `TrainLoop`, `ValLoop`, and `TestLoop` in `Runner`, and are not overriding `train_step`, `val_step` and `test_step` method in their custom model. The default setting of loops in MMSegmentation is as follows, it uses `IterBasedTrainLoop` to train models with 20000 iterations in total and do evaluation each 2000 iterations.
train_cfg = dict(type='IterBasedTrainLoop', max_iters=20000, val_interval=2000)
val_cfg = dict(type='ValLoop')
test_cfg = dict(type='TestLoop')
In the above diagram, the red line indicates the [train_step](./ At each training iteration, dataloader loads images from storage and transfer to data preprocessor, data preprocessor would put images to the specific device and stack data to batch, then model accepts the batch data as inputs, finally the outputs of the model would be sent to optimizer. The blue line indicates [val_step](./ and [test_step](./ The dataflow of these two process is similar to the `train_step` except the outputs of model, since model parameters are freezed when doing evaluation, the model output would be transferred to [Evaluator](./ to compute metrics.
## Dataflow convention in MMSegmentation
From the diagram above, we could see the basic dataflow. In this section, we would introduce format convention of data involved in this dataflow, respectively.
### DataLoader to Data Preprocessor
DataLoader is an essential component in training and testing pipelines of MMEngine. Conceptually, it is derived from and consistent with [PyTorch]( DataLoader loads data from filesystem and the original data passes through data preparation pipeline, then it would be sent to Data Preprocessor.
MMSegmentation defines the default data format at [PackSegInputs](, it's the last component of `train_pipeline` and `test_pipeline`. Please refer to [data transform documentation](./ for more information about data transform `pipeline`.
Without any modifications, the return value of PackSegInputs is usually a `dict` and has only two keys, `inputs` and `data_samples`. The following pseudo-code shows the data types of the data loader output in mmseg, which is a batch of fetched data samples from the dataset, and data loader packs them into a dictionary of the list. `inputs` is the list of input tensors to the model and `data_samples` contains a list of input images' meta information and corresponding ground truth.
**Note:** [SegDataSample]( is a data structure interface of MMSegmentation, it is used as an interface between different components. `SegDataSample` implements the abstract data element `mmengine.structures.BaseDataElement`, please refer to [the SegDataSample documentation](./ and [data element documentation]( in [MMEngine]( for more information.
Though drawn separately in the diagram [above](#overview-of-dataflow), data_preprocessor is a part of the model and thus can be found in [Model tutorial](./ at data preprocessor chapter.
The return value of data preprocessor is a dictionary, containing `inputs` and `data_samples`, `inputs` is batched images, a 4D tensor, and some additional meta info used in data preprocesses would be added to the `data_samples`. When transferred to the network, the dictionary would be unpacked to two values. The following pseudo-codes show the return value of the data preprocessor and the input values of model.
class Network(BaseSegmentor):
def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor, data_samples: List[SegDataSample], mode: str):
**Note:** Model forward has 3 kinds of mode, which is controlled by input argumentmode, please refer [model tutorial](./ for more details.
As [model tutorial](./ mentioned 3 kinds of mode forward with 3 kinds of output. `train_step`and `test_step`(or `val_step`) correspond to `'loss'` and `'predict'` respectively.
In `test_step` or `val_step`, the inference results would be transferred to `Evaluator`. You might read the [evaluation document](./ for more information about `Evaluator`.
After inference, the [BaseSegmentor]( in MMSegmentation would do a simple post process to pack inference results, the segmentation logits produced by the neural network, segmentation mask after the `argmax` operation and ground truth(if exists) would be packed into a similar `SegDataSample` instance. The return value of [postprocess_result]( is a **`List` of `SegDataSample`**. Following diagram shows the key properties of these `SegDataSample` instances.

The same as Data Preprocessor, loss function is also a part of the model, it's a property of [decode head](
In MMSegmentation, the method [loss_by_feat]( of `decode_head` is an unified interface used to compute loss.
- seg_logits (Tensor): The output from decode head forward function.
- batch_data_samples (List\[:obj:`SegDataSample`\]): The seg data samples. It usually includes information such as `metainfo` and `gt_sem_seg`.
- dict\[str, Tensor\]: a dictionary of loss components
**Note:** The `train_step` transfers the loss into OptimWrapper to update the weights in model, please refer [train_step](./ for more details.