-`feedback to lecturers: comment function? StudIP group?`
The HUB provides a collection of teaching materials in the form of microcredits. A microcredit is a teaching unit that counts 0.25 - 1.0 ECTS. You may bundle a collection of different microcredits and bring them in as part of the interdisciplinary pool qualifications.
The HUB provides a collection of teaching materials in the form of microcredits. A microcredit is a teaching unit that counts 0.25 - 1.0 ECTS:
```{figure} ../../figures/hub.png
align: center
The HUB brings together students and lecturers from different displicines in order to foster interdisciplinary education and research.
**Need help?** Contact your lecturers to recommend you microcredits that match your individual level of knowledge and personal interests!
```{figure} ../../figures/hub.png
align: center
The HUB brings together students and lecturers from different displicines in order to foster interdisciplinary education and research.
## For Lecturers
You want to publish your microcredit in our HUB? Great! Please send a short description in the required format shown below to ki4allcluster@irmb.tu-bs.de.
You want to publish your microcredit in our HUB? Great! Please send a short description in the required [markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org) format shown below to ki4allcluster@irmb.tu-bs.de.
## Name-of-microcredit
Short description of microcredit (max. 700 characters) with `catchy keywords`.
Short description of microcredit (max. 700 characters) with highlighted `catchy keywords`.
Check out https://git.rz.tu-bs.de/my-name-space/my-repo.git or
**Remark**: Please choose a licence file in your public git repository that you are referencing!
- Please choose a licence file in your public git repository that you are referencing!
- To ensure a smooth execution of any jupyternotebook on the TU BS Jupyterhub, please make sure that you have a suitable [python environment](https://irmb.gitlab-pages.rz.tu-bs.de/knowledge-base/content/04_cluster/2_jupyterhub.html) installed, that you refer to in your microcredit description.