Intent-Based Interface
The IBI is a software prototype developed within the scope of HORSE project. The main goal of the module is to match intents that represent the desired state of the system or network and apply policies to achieve those states or, in other words, to fulfill the intents. Currently, the IBI can receive intents encoded as JSON files through a RESTful API or a graphical user interface (GUI). The receives security intents that could be mitigation or prevention intents regarding threats affecting the network. Within the IBI, the intents are processed and matched with the policies that are sent to the RTR module.
Download the application code:
git clone
Change the current directory to IBI.
cd IBI
Build and run the software as Docker container:
- Production environment
docker compose -f build docker compose -f up
- Development environment
docker compose -f build docker compose -f up
- Production environment
Stop the execution of the software:
- Production environment
docker compose -f down
- Development environment
docker compose -f down
- Production environment
Accessing the service
- The API is available at your local IP address (or localhost), on port 7777.
- The ElasticSearch Instance is exposted at port 9200 and 9300, also at your local IP (or localhost).