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  • a.wellmann-develop-patch-391f
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.017May161413121110986543229Apr282726252319151211876542131Mar29281411109825Feb24211817163231Jan262524212014121174316Dec13107643230Nov2928272625242319181513121195432129Oct28272620191815141312118765130Sep2928272422212019171615141310632131Aug24231716121196543229Jul2827262120161514131298765130Junadds precursor writerfinish image writerSetup Mussel for ParCFD 2022 on Phoenixbug fixes in WallModelProbeFinished WallModelProbe and added further documentationadded WallModelProbe, replaced PostProcessingVariable with Statistic in Probe (and all derived classes) and added some documentationadds VTKImage writermake probe writing more flexibleUpdate Ubuntu20_04.DockerfileAdded SG model to StressBC, added Timer-class which wraps existing timer in Simulation, added round-off correction in TurbulentViscosityCumulantK17CompChim_Device (testing ongoing)Use cuboid instead of STL in DrivenCavityMultiGPUMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/tests/copyEdgeNodes' into developAnnaadded refinement in DrivenCavityfixed temporal averaging bug in PlanarAverageProbeMerge branch 'develop' into 'develop'Allow failure in manual running to avoid a blocked pipeline.Update .gitlab-ci.yml fileCreate analyze template out of the rules.Try to remove MR pipelineRemove run in MR.Refactor tests for copyEdgeNodesMove setUp of recvProcessNeighbors into functionAdd move copying of fs into functionUse fixture for setup of parameter class in CopyEdgeNodesTestStop writing grids to vtkUpdate MusselOyster for one GPUSmaller testcase mussel, write grid to vtkRemove comments in devcontainerfix Viskomat XL setup for Non-Newtonian fluidfixed S and F in PlanarAverageProbe and some clean-up in StressBCalwaysAdd OR to ruleRun job also on MRRemove unused commentfix yamlRun cppcheck only on irmb namespace.Change gitlab ci file when cppcheck is executed.Move cppcheck and gcovr to docker image.Remove consistency settings from devcontainerUse smaller grid in MusselOyster