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MultipleGridBuilder.h 5.44 KiB
// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __         
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//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can 
//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
//  for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
//! \file MultipleGridBuilder.h
//! \ingroup grid
//! \author Soeren Peters, Stephan Lenz, Martin Schoenherr

#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include <array>

#include "global.h"

#include "grid/GridBuilder/LevelGridBuilder.h"
#include "grid/GridFactory.h"
#include "grid/distributions/Distribution.h"

class Object;
class BoundingBox;

class MultipleGridBuilder : public LevelGridBuilder

    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT void addCoarseGrid(real startX, real startY, real startZ, real endX, real endY, real endZ, real delta);
    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT void addGrid(SPtr<Object> gridShape);
    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT void addGridWithSameDeltaAsPreviousGrid(SPtr<Object> gridShape);
    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT void addGrid(SPtr<Object> gridShape, uint levelFine);

    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT void addGeometry(SPtr<Object> gridShape);
    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT void addGeometry(SPtr<Object> solidObject, uint level);

    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT uint getNumberOfLevels() const;
    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT real getDelta(uint level) const;

    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT real getStartX(uint level) const;
    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT real getStartY(uint level) const;
    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT real getStartZ(uint level) const;

    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT real getEndX(uint level) const;
    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT real getEndY(uint level) const;
    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT real getEndZ(uint level) const;

    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT std::vector<SPtr<Grid> > getGrids() const;
    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT void buildGrids(bool enableThinWalls = false);

    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT void setNumberOfLayers( uint numberOfLayersFine, uint numberOfLayersBetweenLevels );

    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT void writeGridsToVtk(const std::string &path) const;

    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT void setSubDomainBox(SPtr<BoundingBox> subDomainBox);

    void addGridToList(SPtr<Grid> grid);
    real calculateDelta(uint level) const;
    bool coarseGridExists() const;
    bool isGridInCoarseGrid(SPtr<Grid> grid) const;

    void addFineGridToList(uint level, SPtr<Object> gridShape);
    void addIntermediateGridsToList(uint levelDifference, uint levelFine, uint nodesBetweenGrids, SPtr<Object>gridShape);
    void eraseGridsFromListIfInvalid(uint oldSize);
    void addGridToListIfValid(SPtr<Grid> grid);

    std::array<real, 6> getStaggeredCoordinates(SPtr<Object> gridShape, uint level, uint levelFine, bool &xOddStart, bool &yOddStart, bool &zOddStart) const;
    std::array<real, 6> getStaggeredCoordinates(real startX, real startY, real startZ, real endX, real endY, real endZ, real delta, uint level) const;
    std::array<real, 3> getOffset(real delta) const;
    std::vector<uint> getSpacingFactors(uint levelDifference) const;

    SPtr<Grid> makeGrid(SPtr<Object> gridShape, uint level, uint levelFine, std::optional<real> deltaPredefined = std::nullopt);
    SPtr<Grid> makeGrid(SPtr<Object> gridShape, real startX, real startY, real startZ, real endX, real endY, real endZ, real delta, uint level) const;

    static void emitNoCoarseGridExistsWarning();
    static void emitGridIsNotInCoarseGridWarning();

    SPtr<GridFactory> gridFactory;
    SPtr<Object> solidObject = nullptr;

    uint numberOfLayersFine;
    uint numberOfLayersBetweenLevels;

    SPtr<BoundingBox> subDomainBox;

    GRIDGENERATOR_EXPORT void findCommunicationIndices(int direction);
