//! \file IndexRearrangementForStreams.h
//! \ingroup GPU
//! \author Anna Wellmann
//! \details See [master thesis of Anna Wellmann]
#ifndef IndexRearrangementForStreams_H
#define IndexRearrangementForStreams_H
#include <gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/DataStructureInitializer/GridProvider.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "LBM/LB.h"
class Parameter;
class GridBuilder;
class IndexRearrangementForStreams
//! \brief Construct IndexRearrangementForStreams object

Anna Wellmann
IndexRearrangementForStreams(std::shared_ptr<Parameter> para, std::shared_ptr<GridBuilder> builder, vf::gpu::Communicator& communicator);
// communication after coarse to fine
//! \brief Initialize the arrays for the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse in x direction
//! \details Only the nodes involved in the interpolation need to be exchanged. Therefore in this method all nodes,
//! which are part of the interpolation as well as the communication, are identified.
//!See [master thesis of Anna Wellmann (p. 59-62: "Reduzieren der auszutauschenden Knoten")]
void initCommunicationArraysForCommAfterFinetoCoarseX(const uint &level, int j, int direction);
//! \brief Initialize the arrays for the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse in y direction
//! \details --> see x direction
void initCommunicationArraysForCommAfterFinetoCoarseY(const uint &level, int j, int direction);
//! \brief Initialize the arrays for the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse in z direction
//! \details --> see x direction
void initCommunicationArraysForCommAfterFinetoCoarseZ(const uint &level, int j, int direction);
// split interpolation cells
//! \brief Split the interpolation cells from coarse to fine into border an bulk
//! \details For communication hiding, the interpolation cells from the coarse to the fine grid need to be split
//! into two groups:
//! - cells which are at the border between two gpus --> "border"
//! - the other cells which are not directly related to the communication between the two gpus --> "bulk"
//! see [master thesis of Anna Wellmann (p. 62-68: "Überdeckung der reduzierten Kommunikation")]
void splitCoarseToFineIntoBorderAndBulk(const uint &level);
//! \brief Split the interpolation cells from fine to coarse into border an bulk
//! \details For communication hiding, the interpolation cells from the fine to the coarse grid need to be split
//! into two groups:
//! - cells which are at the border between two gpus --> "border"
//! - the other cells which are not directly related to the communication between the two gpus --> "bulk"
//! See [master thesis of Anna Wellmann (p. 62-68: "Überdeckung der reduzierten Kommunikation")]
void splitFineToCoarseIntoBorderAndBulk(const uint &level);
// communication after coarse to fine
//! \brief Initializes pointers for reduced communication after interpolation fine to coarse by copying them from "normal"
void copyProcessNeighborToCommAfterFtoCX(const uint &level, int indexOfProcessNeighbor);
void copyProcessNeighborToCommAfterFtoCY(const uint &level, int indexOfProcessNeighbor);
void copyProcessNeighborToCommAfterFtoCZ(const uint &level, int indexOfProcessNeighbor);
void reorderSendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCX(int direction, int level, int indexOfProcessNeighbor,
std::vector<uint> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions);
void reorderSendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCY(int direction, int level, int indexOfProcessNeighbor,
std::vector<uint> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions);
void reorderSendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCZ(int direction, int level, int indexOfProcessNeighbor,
std::vector<uint> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions);
//! \brief The send indices are reordered for the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse
//! \details The indices of nodes which are part of the interpolation are moved to the front of vector with the send
//! indices.
//! \pre para->getParH(level)->intCF needs to be inititalized
//! \param sendIndices is the pointer to the vector with the send indices, which will be reordered in this function
//! \param numberOfSendNodesAfterFtoC will be set in this method
//! \param sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions stores each sendIndex's positions before reordering
void reorderSendIndicesForCommAfterFtoC(int *sendIndices, int &numberOfSendNodesAfterFtoC, int direction,
int level, std::vector<uint> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions);
//! \brief Check if a sparse index occurs in the ICellFCC
bool isSparseIndexInICellFCC(uint sizeOfICellFCC, int sparseIndexSend, int level);
//! \brief Aggregate all nodes in the coarse cells for the interpolation in coarse to fine
//! \details For the coarse cells in the interpolation from coarse to fine only one node is stored. This methods
//! looks for the other nodes of each cell and puts them into vector. Duplicate nodes are only stored once.
void aggregateNodesInICellCFC(int level, std::vector<uint> &nodesCFC);
//! \brief Add index to sendIndicesAfterFtoC and sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions, but omit indices which are already in sendIndicesAfterFtoC
void addUniqueIndexToCommunicationVectors(std::vector<int> &sendIndicesAfterFtoC, int &sparseIndexSend,
std::vector<unsigned int> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions,
uint &posInSendIndices) const;
//! \brief Find if a sparse index is a send index. If true, call addUniqueIndexToCommunicationVectors()
findIfSparseIndexIsInSendIndicesAndAddToCommVectors(int sparseIndex, int *sendIndices, uint numberOfSendIndices,
std::vector<int> &sendIndicesAfterFtoC,
std::vector<uint> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions) const;
//! \brief Find all indices which are not part of the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse
void findIndicesNotInCommAfterFtoC(const uint &numberOfSendOrRecvIndices, int *sendOrReceiveIndices,
std::vector<int> &sendOrReceiveIndicesAfterFtoC,
std::vector<int> &sendOrIndicesOther);
void reorderRecvIndicesForCommAfterFtoCX(int direction, int level, int indexOfProcessNeighbor,
std::vector<uint> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions);
void reorderRecvIndicesForCommAfterFtoCY(int direction, int level, int indexOfProcessNeighbor,
std::vector<uint> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions);
void reorderRecvIndicesForCommAfterFtoCZ(int direction, int level, int indexOfProcessNeighbor,
std::vector<uint> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions);
//! \brief Reorder the receive indices in the same way that the send indices were reordered.
//! \details When the send indices are reordered, the receive indices need to be reordered accordingly.
//! \pre sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions should not be empty
//! \param recvIndices is the pointer to the vector with the receive indices, which will be reordered in this function
//! \param numberOfRecvNodesAfterFtoC will be set in this function
//! \param sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions stores each sendIndex's positions before reordering and is used to reorder the receive indices in the same way
void reorderRecvIndicesForCommAfterFtoC(int *recvIndices, int &numberOfRecvNodesAfterFtoC, int direction,
int level, std::vector<uint> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions);
// split interpolation cells
//! \brief This function reorders the arrays of CFC/CFF indices and sets the pointers and sizes of the new
//! subarrays: \details The coarse cells for interpolation from coarse to fine (iCellCFC) are divided into two
//! subgroups: border and bulk. The fine cells (iCellCFF) are reordered accordingly. The offset cells (xOffCF,
//! yOffCF, zOffCF) must be reordered in the same way.
void getGridInterfaceIndicesBorderBulkCF(int level);

Anna Wellmann
//! \brief This function reorders the arrays of FCC/FCF indices and return pointers and sizes of the new subarrays:
//! \details The coarse cells for interpolation from fine to coarse (iCellFCC) are divided into two subgroups:
//! border and bulk. The fine cells (iCellFCF) are reordered accordingly.
void getGridInterfaceIndicesBorderBulkFC(int level);
std::shared_ptr<GridBuilder> builder;
std::shared_ptr<Parameter> para;
vf::gpu::Communicator& communicator;
// used for tests
friend class IndexRearrangementForStreamsTest_reorderSendIndices;