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Installing and managing requirements with venv

  1. Create a new virtual environment (.venv) (Only required for the first time)

    $ python3 -m venv .venv

    1.1. Install the required python packages

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Activate the virtual environment

    $ source .venv/bin/activate

Steps to run the IBI (needs update to use ES as docker)

[!WARNING] Deprecated. It uses a local installation of ElasticSearch. Please use the instructions below.

  1. Install Docker and its dependencies.

  2. Install Elasticsearch.

  3. Clone the project and cd into the directory of the project, then run:

    sudo docker build -t ibi_horse .
  4. After the build, run:

    sudo docker run --network host ibi_horse

Run HORSE IBI for development

Create a dedicated Docker Network for ElasticSearch

docker network create elastic

Pull ElastichSearch image and run it

docker pull
docker run --name es01 --rm -it --net elastic -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -m 1GB -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e ""

> [!NOTE]
> Keep the ElastichSearch running and do not clode the terminal

Run the HORSE IBI App

Open a new terminal and navigate to the Project folder

In a new terminal window (assuming the project is at `~/devel/horse-ibi/`)
cd ~/devel/horse-ibi/

Pull the Python Image from Docker Hub

docker pull python:3.8.10


Run HORSE IBI Software

#### Option 1: One-line command
 sudo docker run --name horse-ibi --rm -it --net elastic -p 7777:7777 --mount src=`pwd`,target=/code,type=bind -w /code python:3.8.10 sh -c "pip install -r requirements.txt && python app/"

> [!NOTE]
> Edit the files in your local directory (e.g., `~/devel/horse-ibi/`) and it will be updates in the running docker container

#### Option 2: Multiple commands for debugging and info

1. Run the Docker container
sudo docker run --name horse-ibi --rm -it --net elastic -p 7777:7777 --mount src=`pwd`,target=/code,type=bind -w /code python:3.8.10 sh

2. Runt the app from the container command line:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app/

> [!NOTE]
> Edit the files in your local directory (e.g., `~/devel/horse-ibi/`) and it will be updates in the running docker container

Using the service

  • The API is available at your local IP address (or localhost), on port 7777.
  • The Elastic Search Instance is exposted at port 9200, also at your local IP (or localhost).