From 644c16bd2e548812abf4960734fe9ec6855e07dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Ricco=20M=C3=BCller?= <>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 08:54:43 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Upload New File

 Arduino Code/PMW3360_Test/PMW3360_Test.ino | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 86 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Arduino Code/PMW3360_Test/PMW3360_Test.ino

diff --git a/Arduino Code/PMW3360_Test/PMW3360_Test.ino b/Arduino Code/PMW3360_Test/PMW3360_Test.ino
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab00408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Arduino Code/PMW3360_Test/PMW3360_Test.ino	
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#include <PMW3360.h>
+  * MI = MISO
+  * MO = MOSI
+  * SS = Slave Select / Chip Select
+  * SC = SPI Clock
+  * MT = Motion (active low interrupt line)
+  * RS = Reset
+  * GD = Ground
+  * VI = Voltage in up to +5.5V 
+Module   Arduino
+  RS --- (NONE)
+  GD --- GND
+  MT --- (NONE)
+  SS --- Pin_10   (use this pin to initialize a PMW3360 instance)
+  SC --- SCK 
+  MO --- MOSI
+  MI --- MISO
+  VI --- 5V
+# PMW3360_DATA struct format and description
+  - PMW3360_DATA.isMotion      : bool, True if a motion is detected. 
+  - PMW3360_DATA.isOnSurface   : bool, True when a chip is on a surface 
+  - PMW3360_DATA.dx, data.dy   : integer, displacement on x/y directions.
+  - PMW3360_DATA.SQUAL         : byte, Surface Quality register, max 0x80
+                               * Number of features on the surface = SQUAL * 8
+  - PMW3360_DATA.rawDataSum    : byte, It reports the upper byte of an 18‐bit counter 
+                               which sums all 1296 raw data in the current frame;
+                               * Avg value = Raw_Data_Sum * 1024 / 1296
+  - PMW3360_DATA.maxRawData    : byte, Max/Min raw data value in current frame, max=127
+    PMW3360_DATA.minRawData
+  - PMW3360_DATA.shutter       : unsigned int, shutter is adjusted to keep the average
+                               raw data values within normal operating ranges.
+ */
+#define SS  5   // Slave Select pin. Connect this to SS on the module.
+PMW3360 sensor;
+int dx_with_negative = 0;
+int dy_with_negative = 0;
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(115200);  
+  while(!Serial);
+  //sensor.begin(10, 1600); // to set CPI (Count per Inch), pass it as the second parameter
+  if(sensor.begin(SS))  // 10 is the pin connected to SS of the module.
+    Serial.println("Sensor initialization successed");
+  else
+    Serial.println("Sensor initialization failed");
+  //sensor.setCPI(1600);    // or, you can set CPI later by calling setCPI();
+void loop() {
+  PMW3360_DATA data = sensor.readBurst();
+  dx_with_negative = convertTwoComplementToInt(data.dx);
+  dy_with_negative = convertTwoComplementToInt(data.dy);
+  if(data.isOnSurface && data.isMotion)
+  {
+    Serial.print(dx_with_negative);
+    Serial.print("\t");
+    Serial.print(dy_with_negative);
+    Serial.println();
+  }
+  delay(10);
+int convertTwoComplementToInt(unsigned int value) {
+    // Überprüfen, ob das höchste Bit gesetzt ist (negative Zahl im Zweierkomplement)
+    if (value & 0x8000) {
+        // Konvertieren in int und die negativen Bits setzen
+        return -((~value + 1) & 0xFFFF);
+    } else {
+        // Wert ist positiv, direkte Konvertierung
+        return value;
+    }