diff --git a/apps/cpu/Applications.cmake b/apps/cpu/Applications.cmake
index 210268968abe6fc0abf3eac0ba97e4310a9b4b32..436db3c5d3cc2f9c3bc867ce633bb6d9585ef0a8 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/Applications.cmake
+++ b/apps/cpu/Applications.cmake
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ add_subdirectory(${APPS_ROOT_CPU}/FlowAroundCylinder)
diff --git a/apps/cpu/JetBreakup/JetBreakup.cfg b/apps/cpu/JetBreakup/JetBreakup.cfg
index 22d20f7d5667ae30c2f3405334566c4d109e7d9f..426891d2cd7fee2dde95796a0e3e3f7a7a0b5483 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/JetBreakup/JetBreakup.cfg
+++ b/apps/cpu/JetBreakup/JetBreakup.cfg
@@ -1,39 +1,34 @@
-pathname = d:/temp/Multiphase
-pathGeo = d:/Projects/VirtualFluids-Multiphase/source/Applications/Multiphase/backup
-geoFile = JetBreakup2.ASCII.stl
+pathname = d:/temp/JetBreakupBenchmark_D50
+#pathGeo = d:/Projects/VirtualFluids-Multiphase/source/Applications/Multiphase/backup
+pathGeo = d:/Projects/VirtualFluidsCombined/apps/cpu/Multiphase/backup
+#geoFile = JetBreakupR.ASCII.stl
+#geoFile = inlet1.stl
+geoFile = tubeTransformed.stl
 numOfThreads = 4
 availMem = 10e9
-#boundingBox = -1.0 121.0 0.5 629.0 -1.0 121.0 #(Jet Breakup) (Original with inlet length)
-#boundingBox = -60.5 60.5 -1.0 -201.0 -60.5 60.5 #(Jet Breakup2) (Original without inlet length)
-#blocknx = 22 20 22
-boundingBox = -60.5 60.5 -1.0 -21.0 -60.5 60.5 #(Jet Breakup2) (Original without inlet length)
-blocknx = 22 20 22
-dx = 0.5
-refineLevel = 0
+blocknx = 10 10 10
-uLB = 0.05 #inlet velocity
-uF2 = 0.0001
+uLB = 0.01 #inlet velocity
+#uF2 = 0.0001
 Re = 10
-nuL = 1.0e-5  #!1e-2
-nuG = 1.16e-4 #!1e-2
-densityRatio = 10 #30
-sigma = 4.66e-3 #surface tension 1e-4 ./. 1e-5
-interfaceThickness = 5
-radius = 615.0   (Jet Breakup)
+nuL =0.00016922169811320757# 1.0e-5 #!1e-2
+nuG =0.00016922169811320757# 1.16e-4 #!1e-2
+densityRatio = 24.579710144927535
+sigma = 1.7688679245283022e-07 
+interfaceWidth = 5
+D = 0.0001 # m
+deltaXfactor = 50
 contactAngle = 110.0
-gravity = 0.0
-#gravity = -5.04e-6
 phi_L = 0.0
 phi_H = 1.0
 Phase-field Relaxation = 0.6
-Mobility = 0.02 # 0.01 ./. 0.08, fine correction of Phase-field Relaxation parameter, to activate it need to change in kernel tauH to tauH1 
+Mobility = 0.02 # 0.01 ./. 0.08, fine correction of Phase-field Relaxation parameter, to activate it need to change in kernel tauH to tauH1
 logToFile = false
@@ -44,5 +39,5 @@ restartStep = 100000
 cpStart = 100000
 cpStep = 100000
-outTime = 1
-endTime = 200000000
\ No newline at end of file
+outTime = 1000
+endTime = 36000
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/cpu/JetBreakup/JetBreakup.cpp b/apps/cpu/JetBreakup/JetBreakup.cpp
index eb7d705537e4307e4ca1066ac9d06dafb72449f4..262eafca939fab9d95272758c1bea7abe7c43e5f 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/JetBreakup/JetBreakup.cpp
+++ b/apps/cpu/JetBreakup/JetBreakup.cpp
@@ -1,516 +1,582 @@
 #include <iostream>
+#include <memory>
 #include <string>
 #include "VirtualFluids.h"
 using namespace std;
+void setInflowBC(double x1, double x2, double x3, double radius, int dir)
 void run(string configname)
-   try
-   {
-      vf::basics::ConfigurationFile   config;
-      config.load(configname);
-      string          pathname = config.getString("pathname");
-      string		  pathGeo = config.getString("pathGeo");
-      string		  geoFile = config.getString("geoFile");
-      int             numOfThreads = config.getInt("numOfThreads");
-      vector<int>     blocknx = config.getVector<int>("blocknx");
-      vector<double>  boundingBox = config.getVector<double>("boundingBox");
-      //vector<double>  length = config.getVector<double>("length");
-      double          uLB = config.getDouble("uLB");
-      double          uF2 = config.getDouble("uF2");
-      double		  nuL = config.getDouble("nuL");
-      double		  nuG = config.getDouble("nuG");
-      double		  densityRatio = config.getDouble("densityRatio");
-      double		  sigma = config.getDouble("sigma");
-      int		      interfaceThickness = config.getInt("interfaceThickness");
-      double		  radius = config.getDouble("radius");
-      double		  theta = config.getDouble("contactAngle");
-      double		  gr = config.getDouble("gravity");
-      double		  phiL = config.getDouble("phi_L");
-      double		  phiH = config.getDouble("phi_H");
-      double		  tauH = config.getDouble("Phase-field Relaxation");
-      double		  mob = config.getDouble("Mobility");
-      double          endTime = config.getDouble("endTime");
-      double          outTime = config.getDouble("outTime");
-      double          availMem = config.getDouble("availMem");
-      int             refineLevel = config.getInt("refineLevel");
-      double          Re = config.getDouble("Re");
-      double          dx = config.getDouble("dx");
-      bool            logToFile = config.getBool("logToFile");
-      double          restartStep = config.getDouble("restartStep");
-      double          cpStart = config.getValue<double>("cpStart");
-      double          cpStep = config.getValue<double>("cpStep");
-      bool            newStart = config.getValue<bool>("newStart");
-      double beta = 12 * sigma / interfaceThickness;
-      double kappa = 1.5 * interfaceThickness * sigma;
-      CommunicatorPtr comm = vf::mpi::MPICommunicator::getInstance();
-      int myid = comm->getProcessID();
-      if (logToFile)
-      {
+    try {
+        // Sleep(30000);
+        vf::basics::ConfigurationFile config;
+        config.load(configname);
+        string pathname = config.getValue<string>("pathname");
+        string pathGeo = config.getValue<string>("pathGeo");
+        string geoFile = config.getValue<string>("geoFile");
+        int numOfThreads = config.getValue<int>("numOfThreads");
+        vector<int> blocknx = config.getVector<int>("blocknx");
+        //vector<double> boundingBox = config.getVector<double>("boundingBox");
+        // vector<double>  length = config.getVector<double>("length");
+        double uLB = config.getValue<double>("uLB");
+        // double uF2                         = config.getValue<double>("uF2");
+        //double nuL = config.getValue<double>("nuL");
+        //double nuG = config.getValue<double>("nuG");
+        //double densityRatio = config.getValue<double>("densityRatio");
+        //double sigma = config.getValue<double>("sigma");
+        int interfaceWidth = config.getValue<int>("interfaceWidth");
+        //double D          = config.getValue<double>("D");
+        double theta = config.getValue<double>("contactAngle");
+        double deltaXfactor = config.getValue<double>("deltaXfactor");
+        double phiL = config.getValue<double>("phi_L");
+        double phiH = config.getValue<double>("phi_H");
+        double tauH = config.getValue<double>("Phase-field Relaxation");
+        double mob = config.getValue<double>("Mobility");
+        double endTime = config.getValue<double>("endTime");
+        double outTime = config.getValue<double>("outTime");
+        double availMem = config.getValue<double>("availMem");
+        //int refineLevel = config.getValue<int>("refineLevel");
+        double Re = config.getValue<double>("Re");
+        double dx = D/deltaXfactor;
+        bool logToFile = config.getValue<bool>("logToFile");
+        double restartStep = config.getValue<double>("restartStep");
+        double cpStart = config.getValue<double>("cpStart");
+        double cpStep = config.getValue<double>("cpStep");
+        bool newStart = config.getValue<bool>("newStart");
+        double beta = 12 * sigma / interfaceWidth;
+        double kappa = 1.5 * interfaceWidth * sigma;
+        int caseN = config.getValue<int>("case");
+        SPtr<vf::mpi::Communicator> comm = vf::mpi::MPICommunicator::getInstance();
+        int myid = comm->getProcessID();
+        if (myid == 0)
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Jet Breakup: Start!");
+        if (logToFile) {
 #if defined(__unix__)
-         if (myid == 0)
-         {
-            const char* str = pathname.c_str();
-            mkdir(str, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
-         }
-         if (myid == 0)
-         {
-            stringstream logFilename;
-            logFilename << pathname + "/logfile" + UbSystem::toString(UbSystem::getTimeStamp()) + ".txt";
-            UbLog::output_policy::setStream(logFilename.str());
-         }
-      }
-      //Sleep(30000);
-      LBMReal dLB; // = length[1] / dx;
-      LBMReal rhoLB = 0.0;
-      LBMReal nuLB = nuL; //(uLB*dLB) / Re;
-      LBMUnitConverterPtr conv = LBMUnitConverterPtr(new LBMUnitConverter());
-      const int baseLevel = 0;
-      Grid3DPtr grid(new Grid3D(comm));
-      //grid->setPeriodicX1(true);
-     //grid->setPeriodicX2(true);
-     //grid->setPeriodicX3(true);
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      //restart
-      UbSchedulerPtr rSch(new UbScheduler(cpStep, cpStart));
-      //RestartCoProcessor rp(grid, rSch, comm, pathname, RestartCoProcessor::TXT);
-      MPIIORestart1CoProcessor rcp(grid, rSch, pathname, comm);
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      mu::Parser fctF1;
-      //fctF1.SetExpr("vy1*(1-((x1-x0)^2+(x3-z0)^2)/(R^2))");
-      //fctF1.SetExpr("vy1*(1-(sqrt((x1-x0)^2+(x3-z0)^2)/R))^0.1");
-      fctF1.SetExpr("vy1");
-      fctF1.DefineConst("vy1", -uLB);
-      fctF1.DefineConst("R", 8.0);
-      fctF1.DefineConst("x0", 0.0);
-      fctF1.DefineConst("z0", 0.0);
-      if (newStart)
-      {
-         //bounding box
-         /*double g_minX1 = 0.0;
-         double g_minX2 = -length[1] / 2.0;
-         double g_minX3 = -length[2] / 2.0;
-         double g_maxX1 = length[0];
-         double g_maxX2 = length[1] / 2.0;
-         double g_maxX3 = length[2] / 2.0;*/
-         double g_minX1 = boundingBox[0];
-         double g_minX2 = boundingBox[2];
-         double g_minX3 = boundingBox[4];
-         double g_maxX1 = boundingBox[1];
-         double g_maxX2 = boundingBox[3];
-         double g_maxX3 = boundingBox[5];
-         //geometry
-         //GbObject3DPtr innerCube(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1+2, g_minX2+2, g_minX3+2, g_maxX1-2, g_maxX2-2, g_maxX3-2));
-       //GbObject3DPtr cylinder1(new GbCylinder3D(g_minX1 - 2.0*dx, g_maxX2/2, g_maxX3/2, g_minX1 + 12.0*dx, g_maxX2/2, g_maxX3/2, radius));
-       //GbObject3DPtr cylinder2(new GbCylinder3D(g_minX1 + 12.0*dx, g_maxX2/2, g_maxX3/2, g_maxX1 + 2.0*dx, g_maxX2/2, g_maxX3/2, dLB / 2.0));
-       //GbObject3DPtr cylinder(new GbCylinder3D(g_minX1 - 2.0*dx, g_maxX2/2, g_maxX3/2, g_maxX1 + 2.0*dx, g_maxX2/2, g_maxX3/2, dLB / 2.0));
-       //GbObject3DPtr cylinders(new GbObject3DManager());
-       //GbObject3DPtr cylinders1(new GbObjectGroup3D());
-         GbObject3DPtr gridCube(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
-         if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), pathname + "/geo/gridCube", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-         GbTriFaceMesh3DPtr cylinder;
-         if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Read geoFile:start");
-         //cylinder = GbTriFaceMesh3DPtr(GbTriFaceMesh3DCreator::getInstance()->readMeshFromSTLFile2(pathGeo+"/"+geoFile, "geoCylinders", GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT, false));
-         cylinder = GbTriFaceMesh3DPtr(GbTriFaceMesh3DCreator::getInstance()->readMeshFromSTLFile(pathGeo + "/" + geoFile, "geoCylinders", GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT));
-         GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(cylinder.get(), pathname + "/geo/Stlgeo", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-         //inflow
-      //GbCuboid3DPtr geoInflowF1(new GbCuboid3D(40.0, 628.0, 40.0, 80, 631.0, 80.0));  // For JetBreakup (Original)
-         //GbCuboid3DPtr geoInflowF1(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1-2.0*dx, g_minX2-2.0*dx, g_minX3-2.0*dx, g_maxX1+2.0*dx, g_minX2+2.0*dx, g_maxX3+2.0*dx));
-         //if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoInflowF1.get(), pathname + "/geo/geoInflowF1", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-         ////outflow
-         ////GbCuboid3DPtr geoOutflow(new GbCuboid3D(-1.0, -1, -1.0, 121.0, 1.0, 121.0)); // For JetBreakup (Original)
-         //GbCuboid3DPtr geoOutflow(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1-2.0*dx, g_maxX2, g_minX3-2.0*dx, g_maxX1+2.0*dx, g_maxX2+2.0*dx, g_maxX3+2.0*dx));
-         //if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoOutflow.get(), pathname + "/geo/geoOutflow", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-         GbCuboid3DPtr geoInflowF1(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2-0.5*dx, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_minX2 - 1.0*dx, g_maxX3));
-         if (myid==0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoInflowF1.get(), pathname+"/geo/geoInflowF1", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-         //outflow
-         //GbCuboid3DPtr geoOutflow(new GbCuboid3D(-1.0, -1, -1.0, 121.0, 1.0, 121.0)); // For JetBreakup (Original)
-         GbCuboid3DPtr geoOutflow(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_maxX2-1*dx, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
-         if (myid==0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoOutflow.get(), pathname+"/geo/geoOutflow", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-         double blockLength = blocknx[0] * dx;
-         if (myid == 0)
-         {
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "uLb = " << uLB);
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "rho = " << rhoLB);
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "nuLb = " << nuLB);
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "Re = " << Re);
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "dx = " << dx);
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - start");
-         }
-         grid->setDeltaX(dx);
-         grid->setBlockNX(blocknx[0], blocknx[1], blocknx[2]);
-         grid->setPeriodicX1(false);
-         grid->setPeriodicX2(false);
-         grid->setPeriodicX3(false);
-         GenBlocksGridVisitor genBlocks(gridCube);
-         grid->accept(genBlocks);
-         //BC Adapter
-         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-         BCAdapterPtr noSlipBCAdapter(new NoSlipBCAdapter());
-         noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(BCAlgorithmPtr(new NoSlipBCAlgorithmMultiphase()));
-         BCAdapterPtr denBCAdapter(new DensityBCAdapter(rhoLB));
-         denBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(BCAlgorithmPtr(new NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithmMultiphase()));
-         double r = 5.0; //boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GbCylinder3D>(cylinder)->getRadius();
-         double cx1 = g_minX1;
-         double cx2 = 0.0; //cylinder->getX2Centroid();
-         double cx3 = 0.0; //cylinder->getX3Centroid();
-         mu::Parser fctPhi_F1;
-         fctPhi_F1.SetExpr("phiH");
-         fctPhi_F1.DefineConst("phiH", phiH);
-         mu::Parser fctPhi_F2;
-         fctPhi_F2.SetExpr("phiL");
-         fctPhi_F2.DefineConst("phiL", phiL);
-         mu::Parser fctvel_F2_init;
-         fctvel_F2_init.SetExpr("U");
-         fctvel_F2_init.DefineConst("U", 0);
-         //fct.SetExpr("U");
-         //fct.DefineConst("U", uLB);
-         //BCAdapterPtr velBCAdapter(new VelocityBCAdapter(true, false, false, fct, 0, BCFunction::INFCONST));
-         BCAdapterPtr velBCAdapterF1(new VelocityBCAdapterMultiphase(false, true, false, fctF1, phiH, 0.0, endTime));
-         //BCAdapterPtr velBCAdapterF2_1_init(new VelocityBCAdapterMultiphase(false, false, true, fctF2_1, phiH, 0.0, endTime));
-         //BCAdapterPtr velBCAdapterF2_2_init(new VelocityBCAdapterMultiphase(false, false, true, fctF2_2, phiH, 0.0, endTime));
-         //BCAdapterPtr velBCAdapterF2_1_init(new VelocityBCAdapterMultiphase(false, false, true, fctvel_F2_init, phiL, 0.0, endTime));
-         //BCAdapterPtr velBCAdapterF2_2_init(new VelocityBCAdapterMultiphase(false, false, true, fctvel_F2_init, phiL, 0.0, endTime));
-         velBCAdapterF1->setBcAlgorithm(BCAlgorithmPtr(new VelocityBCAlgorithmMultiphase()));
-         //velBCAdapterF2_1_init->setBcAlgorithm(BCAlgorithmPtr(new VelocityBCAlgorithmMultiphase()));
-         //velBCAdapterF2_2_init->setBcAlgorithm(BCAlgorithmPtr(new VelocityBCAlgorithmMultiphase()));
-          //velBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(BCAlgorithmPtr(new VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm()));
-          //mu::Parser fct;
-          //fct.SetExpr("U");
-          //fct.DefineConst("U", uLB);
-          //BCAdapterPtr velBCAdapter(new VelocityBCAdapter(true, false, false, fct, 0, BCFunction::INFCONST));
-          //velBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(BCAlgorithmPtr(new NonReflectingVelocityBCAlgorithm()));
-          //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-          //BC visitor
-         BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitorMultiphase bcVisitor;
-         bcVisitor.addBC(noSlipBCAdapter);
-         bcVisitor.addBC(denBCAdapter);
-         bcVisitor.addBC(velBCAdapterF1);
-         //bcVisitor.addBC(velBCAdapterF2_1_init);
-         //bcVisitor.addBC(velBCAdapterF2_2_init);
-         WriteBlocksCoProcessorPtr ppblocks(new WriteBlocksCoProcessor(grid, UbSchedulerPtr(new UbScheduler(1)), pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
-         ppblocks->process(0);
-         Interactor3DPtr tubes(new D3Q27TriFaceMeshInteractor(cylinder, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-         D3Q27InteractorPtr inflowF1Int = D3Q27InteractorPtr(new D3Q27Interactor(geoInflowF1, grid, velBCAdapterF1, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-         //D3Q27InteractorPtr inflowF2_1Int_init = D3Q27InteractorPtr(new D3Q27Interactor(geoInflowF2_1, grid, velBCAdapterF2_1_init, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-         //D3Q27InteractorPtr inflowF2_2Int_init = D3Q27InteractorPtr(new D3Q27Interactor(geoInflowF2_2, grid, velBCAdapterF2_2_init, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-         D3Q27InteractorPtr outflowInt = D3Q27InteractorPtr(new D3Q27Interactor(geoOutflow, grid, denBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-         //SetSolidBlockVisitor visitor1(inflowF2_1Int, SetSolidBlockVisitor::BC);
-         //grid->accept(visitor1);
-         //SetSolidBlockVisitor visitor2(inflowF2_2Int, SetSolidBlockVisitor::BC);
-         //grid->accept(visitor2);
-         Grid3DVisitorPtr metisVisitor(new MetisPartitioningGridVisitor(comm, MetisPartitioningGridVisitor::LevelBased, D3Q27System::BSW));
-         InteractorsHelper intHelper(grid, metisVisitor);
-         intHelper.addInteractor(tubes);
-         intHelper.addInteractor(inflowF1Int);
-         intHelper.addInteractor(outflowInt);
-         intHelper.selectBlocks();
+            if (myid == 0) {
+                const char *str = pathname.c_str();
+                mkdir(str, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
+            }
-         ppblocks->process(0);
-         ppblocks.reset();
+            if (myid == 0) {
+                stringstream logFilename;
+                logFilename << pathname + "/logfile" + UbSystem::toString(UbSystem::getTimeStamp()) + ".txt";
+                UbLog::output_policy::setStream(logFilename.str());
+            }
+        }
+        // Sleep(30000);
+        double rho_h, rho_l, r_rho, mu_h, mu_l, Uo, D, sigma;
+        switch (caseN) {
+            case 1: 
+                //density of heavy fluid (kg/m^3)
+                rho_h = 848; 
+                //density of light fluid (kg/m^3)
+                rho_l = 34.5;
+                //density retio
+                r_rho = rho_h / rho_l;
+                //dynamic viscosity of heavy fluid (Pa · s)
+                mu_h = 2.87e-3;
+                //dynamic viscosity of light fluid (Pa · s)
+                mu_l = 1.97e-5;
+                //velocity (m/s)
+                Uo = 100;
+                //diameter of jet (m)
+                D = 0.0001;
+                //surface tension (N/m)
+                sigma = 0.03;
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                // density of heavy fluid (kg/m^3)
+                rho_h = 848;
+                // density of light fluid (kg/m^3)
+                rho_l = 1.205;
+                // density retio
+                r_rho = rho_h / rho_l;
+                // dynamic viscosity of heavy fluid (Pa · s)
+                mu_h = 2.87e-3;
+                // dynamic viscosity of light fluid (Pa · s)
+                mu_l = 1.84e-5;
+                // velocity (m/s)
+                Uo = 200;
+                // diameter of jet (m)
+                D = 0.0001;
+                // surface tension (N/m)
+                sigma = 0.03;
+                break;
+        }
+        // LBMReal dLB = 0; // = length[1] / dx;
+        LBMReal rhoLB = 0.0;
+        LBMReal nuLB = nuL; //(uLB*dLB) / Re;
+        SPtr<LBMUnitConverter> conv(new LBMUnitConverter());
+        // const int baseLevel = 0;
+        SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel;
+        // kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new MultiphaseScratchCumulantLBMKernel());
+        // kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new MultiphaseCumulantLBMKernel());
+        // kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new MultiphaseTwoPhaseFieldsCumulantLBMKernel());
+        // kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new MultiphaseTwoPhaseFieldsVelocityCumulantLBMKernel());
+        // kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new MultiphaseTwoPhaseFieldsPressureFilterLBMKernel());
+        kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new MultiphasePressureFilterLBMKernel());
+        kernel->setWithForcing(true);
+        kernel->setForcingX1(0.0);
+        kernel->setForcingX2(0.0);
+        kernel->setForcingX3(0.0);
+        kernel->setPhiL(phiL);
+        kernel->setPhiH(phiH);
+        kernel->setPhaseFieldRelaxation(tauH);
+        kernel->setMobility(mob);
+        // nuL, nuG, densityRatio, beta, kappa, theta,
+        kernel->setCollisionFactorMultiphase(nuL, nuG);
+        kernel->setDensityRatio(densityRatio);
+        kernel->setMultiphaseModelParameters(beta, kappa);
+        kernel->setContactAngle(theta);
+        kernel->setInterfaceWidth(interfaceWidth);
+        dynamicPointerCast<MultiphasePressureFilterLBMKernel>(kernel)->setPhaseFieldBC(0.0);
+        SPtr<BCProcessor> bcProc(new BCProcessor());
+        // BCProcessorPtr bcProc(new ThinWallBCProcessor());
+        kernel->setBCProcessor(bcProc);
+        SPtr<Grid3D> grid(new Grid3D(comm));
+        // grid->setPeriodicX1(true);
+        // grid->setPeriodicX2(true);
+        // grid->setPeriodicX3(true);
+        grid->setGhostLayerWidth(2);
+        SPtr<Grid3DVisitor> metisVisitor(new MetisPartitioningGridVisitor(
+            comm, MetisPartitioningGridVisitor::LevelBased, D3Q27System::BSW, MetisPartitioner::RECURSIVE));
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // restart
+        SPtr<UbScheduler> rSch(new UbScheduler(cpStep, cpStart));
+        // SPtr<MPIIORestartCoProcessor> rcp(new MPIIORestartCoProcessor(grid, rSch, pathname, comm));
+        SPtr<MPIIOMigrationCoProcessor> rcp(new MPIIOMigrationCoProcessor(grid, rSch, metisVisitor, pathname, comm));
+        // SPtr<MPIIOMigrationBECoProcessor> rcp(new MPIIOMigrationBECoProcessor(grid, rSch, pathname, comm));
+        // rcp->setNu(nuLB);
+        // rcp->setNuLG(nuL, nuG);
+        // rcp->setDensityRatio(densityRatio);
+        rcp->setLBMKernel(kernel);
+        rcp->setBCProcessor(bcProc);
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // BC Adapter
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        mu::Parser fctF1;
+        // fctF1.SetExpr("vy1*(1-((x1-x0)^2+(x3-z0)^2)/(R^2))");
+        // fctF1.SetExpr("vy1*(1-(sqrt((x1-x0)^2+(x3-z0)^2)/R))^0.1");
+        fctF1.SetExpr("vy1");
+        fctF1.DefineConst("vy1", 0.0);
+        fctF1.DefineConst("R", 8.0);
+        fctF1.DefineConst("x0", 0.0);
+        fctF1.DefineConst("z0", 0.0);
+        // SPtr<BCAdapter> velBCAdapterF1(
+        //    new MultiphaseVelocityBCAdapter(false, true, false, fctF1, phiH, 0.0, BCFunction::INFCONST));
+        mu::Parser fctF2;
+        fctF2.SetExpr("vy1");
+        fctF2.DefineConst("vy1", uLB);
+        double startTime = 30;
+        SPtr<BCAdapter> velBCAdapterF1(
+            new MultiphaseVelocityBCAdapter(true, false, false, fctF1, phiH, 0.0, startTime));
+        SPtr<BCAdapter> velBCAdapterF2(
+            new MultiphaseVelocityBCAdapter(true, false, false, fctF2, phiH, startTime, endTime));
+        SPtr<BCAdapter> noSlipBCAdapter(new NoSlipBCAdapter());
+        noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new MultiphaseNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+        SPtr<BCAdapter> denBCAdapter(new DensityBCAdapter(rhoLB));
+        denBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new MultiphaseNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm()));
+        mu::Parser fctPhi_F1;
+        fctPhi_F1.SetExpr("phiH");
+        fctPhi_F1.DefineConst("phiH", phiH);
+        mu::Parser fctPhi_F2;
+        fctPhi_F2.SetExpr("phiL");
+        fctPhi_F2.DefineConst("phiL", phiL);
+        mu::Parser fctvel_F2_init;
+        fctvel_F2_init.SetExpr("U");
+        fctvel_F2_init.DefineConst("U", 0);
+        velBCAdapterF1->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new MultiphaseVelocityBCAlgorithm()));
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // BC visitor
+        MultiphaseBoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor bcVisitor;
+        bcVisitor.addBC(noSlipBCAdapter);
+        bcVisitor.addBC(denBCAdapter); // Ohne das BB?
+        bcVisitor.addBC(velBCAdapterF1);
+        //SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> inflowF1Int;
+        //SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> cylInt;
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> inflowInt;
+        if (newStart) {
+            //  if (newStart) {
+            // bounding box
+            double g_minX1 = 0;
+            double g_minX2 = 0;
+            double g_minX3 = 0;
+            double g_maxX1 = 8.0*D;
+            double g_maxX2 = 2.5*D;
+            double g_maxX3 = 2.5*D;
+            // geometry
+            SPtr<GbObject3D> gridCube(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
+            if (myid == 0)
+                GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), pathname + "/geo/gridCube",
+                                           WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+            //if (myid == 0)
+            //    UBLOG(logINFO, "Read geoFile:start");
+            //SPtr<GbTriFaceMesh3D> cylinder = make_shared<GbTriFaceMesh3D>();
+            //cylinder->readMeshFromSTLFileBinary(pathGeo + "/" + geoFile, false);
+            //GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(cylinder.get(), pathname + "/geo/Stlgeo", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+            //if (myid == 0)
+            //    UBLOG(logINFO, "Read geoFile:stop");
+            // inflow
+            // GbCuboid3DPtr geoInflowF1(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2 - 0.5 * dx, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_minX2 - 1.0 *
+            // dx, g_maxX3));
+            //GbCuboid3DPtr geoInflowF1(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 * 0.5 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 * 0.5 - dx,
+            //                                         g_maxX1 * 0.5 + dx, g_minX2, g_maxX3 * 0.5 + dx));
+            //if (myid == 0)
+            //    GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoInflowF1.get(), pathname + "/geo/geoInflowF1",
+            //                               WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+            GbCylinder3DPtr geoInflow(new GbCylinder3D(g_minX1 - 2.0*dx, g_maxX2 / 2.0, g_maxX3 / 2.0, g_minX1,
+                                                       g_maxX2 / 2.0,
+                                                       g_maxX3 / 2.0, D / 2.0));
+            if (myid == 0)
+                GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoInflow.get(), pathname + "/geo/geoInflow",
+                                           WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+            GbCylinder3DPtr geoSolid(new GbCylinder3D(g_minX1 - 2.0 * dx, g_maxX2 / 2.0, g_maxX3 / 2.0, g_minX1-dx,
+                                                       g_maxX2 / 2.0, g_maxX3 / 2.0, 1.5*D / 2.0));
+            if (myid == 0)
+                GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoSolid.get(), pathname + "/geo/geoSolid",
+                                           WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+            // GbCylinder3DPtr cylinder2(
+            //    new GbCylinder3D(0.0, g_minX2 - 2.0 * dx / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, g_minX2 + 4.0 * dx, 0.0, 8.0+2.0*dx));
+            // if (myid == 0)
+            //    GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(cylinder2.get(), pathname + "/geo/cylinder2",
+            //                               WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+            // outflow
+            // GbCuboid3DPtr geoOutflow(new GbCuboid3D(-1.0, -1, -1.0, 121.0, 1.0, 121.0)); // For JetBreakup (Original)
+            // GbCuboid3DPtr geoOutflow(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_maxX2 - 40 * dx, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
+            GbCuboid3DPtr geoOutflow(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_maxX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3));
+            if (myid == 0)
+                GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoOutflow.get(), pathname + "/geo/geoOutflow",
+                                           WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+            // double blockLength = blocknx[0] * dx;
+            if (myid == 0) {
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "uLb = " << uLB);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "rho = " << rhoLB);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "nuLb = " << nuLB);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Re = " << Re);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "dx = " << dx);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - start");
+            }
-         unsigned long long numberOfBlocks = (unsigned long long)grid->getNumberOfBlocks();
-         int ghostLayer = 3;
-         unsigned long long numberOfNodesPerBlock = (unsigned long long)(blocknx[0]) * (unsigned long long)(blocknx[1]) * (unsigned long long)(blocknx[2]);
-         unsigned long long numberOfNodes = numberOfBlocks * numberOfNodesPerBlock;
-         unsigned long long numberOfNodesPerBlockWithGhostLayer = numberOfBlocks * (blocknx[0] + ghostLayer) * (blocknx[1] + ghostLayer) * (blocknx[2] + ghostLayer);
-         double needMemAll = double(numberOfNodesPerBlockWithGhostLayer * (27 * sizeof(double) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(float) * 4));
-         double needMem = needMemAll / double(comm->getNumberOfProcesses());
+            grid->setDeltaX(dx);
+            grid->setBlockNX(blocknx[0], blocknx[1], blocknx[2]);
+            grid->setPeriodicX1(false);
+            grid->setPeriodicX2(false);
+            grid->setPeriodicX3(false);
+            GenBlocksGridVisitor genBlocks(gridCube);
+            grid->accept(genBlocks);
+            SPtr<WriteBlocksCoProcessor> ppblocks(new WriteBlocksCoProcessor(
+                grid, SPtr<UbScheduler>(new UbScheduler(1)), pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
+            //SPtr<Interactor3D> tubes(new D3Q27TriFaceMeshInteractor(cylinder, grid, noSlipBCAdapter,
+            //                                                        Interactor3D::SOLID, Interactor3D::POINTS));
+            // inflowF1Int =
+            //    SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(cylinder1, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+            // inflowF1Int->addBCAdapter(velBCAdapterF2);
+            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> outflowInt(new D3Q27Interactor(geoOutflow, grid, denBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+            // Create boundary conditions geometry
+            GbCuboid3DPtr wallXmin(
+                new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - 2.0*dx, g_minX2 - 2.0*dx, g_minX3 - 2.0*dx, g_minX1, g_maxX2 + 2.0*dx, g_maxX3));
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallXmin.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallXmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+            GbCuboid3DPtr wallXmax(
+                new GbCuboid3D(g_maxX1, g_minX2 - 2.0*dx, g_minX3 - 2.0*dx, g_maxX1 + 2.0*dx, g_maxX2 + 2.0*dx, g_maxX3));
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallXmax.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallXmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+            GbCuboid3DPtr wallZmin(
+                new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - 2.0*dx, g_minX2 - 2.0*dx, g_minX3 - 2.0*dx, g_maxX1 + 2.0*dx, g_maxX2 + 2.0*dx, g_minX3));
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallZmin.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallZmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+            GbCuboid3DPtr wallZmax(
+                new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - 2.0*dx, g_minX2 - 2.0*dx, g_maxX3, g_maxX1 + 2.0*dx, g_maxX2 + 2.0*dx, g_maxX3 + 2.0*dx));
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallZmax.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallZmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+            GbCuboid3DPtr wallYmin(
+                new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - 2.0*dx, g_minX2 - 2.0*dx, g_minX3 - 2.0*dx, g_maxX1 + 2.0*dx, g_minX2, g_maxX3));
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallYmin.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallYmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+            GbCuboid3DPtr wallYmax(
+                new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - 2.0*dx, g_maxX2, g_minX3 - 2.0*dx, g_maxX1 + 2.0*dx, g_maxX2 + 2.0*dx, g_maxX3));
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallYmax.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallYmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+            // Add boundary conditions to grid generator
+            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallXminInt(
+                new D3Q27Interactor(wallXmin, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallXmaxInt(
+                new D3Q27Interactor(wallXmax, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallZminInt(
+                new D3Q27Interactor(wallZmin, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallZmaxInt(
+                new D3Q27Interactor(wallZmax, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallYminInt(
+                new D3Q27Interactor(wallYmin, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallYmaxInt(
+                new D3Q27Interactor(wallYmax, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+            //cylInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(cylinder1, grid, velBCAdapterF1, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+            //cylInt->addBCAdapter(velBCAdapterF2);
+            // SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> cyl2Int(new D3Q27Interactor(cylinder2, grid, noSlipBCAdapter,
+            // Interactor3D::SOLID));
+            inflowInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(geoInflow, grid, velBCAdapterF1, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+            inflowInt->addBCAdapter(velBCAdapterF2);
+            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> solidInt =
+                SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(geoSolid, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+            InteractorsHelper intHelper(grid, metisVisitor, true);
+            //intHelper.addInteractor(cylInt);
+            //intHelper.addInteractor(tubes);
+            // intHelper.addInteractor(outflowInt);
+            // intHelper.addInteractor(cyl2Int);
+            intHelper.addInteractor(wallXminInt);
+            intHelper.addInteractor(wallXmaxInt);
+            intHelper.addInteractor(wallZminInt);
+            intHelper.addInteractor(wallZmaxInt);
+            intHelper.addInteractor(wallYminInt);
+            intHelper.addInteractor(wallYmaxInt);
+            intHelper.addInteractor(inflowInt);
+            //intHelper.addInteractor(solidInt);
+            intHelper.selectBlocks();
+            ppblocks->process(0);
+            ppblocks.reset();
+            unsigned long long numberOfBlocks = (unsigned long long)grid->getNumberOfBlocks();
+            int ghostLayer = 3;
+            unsigned long long numberOfNodesPerBlock =
+                (unsigned long long)(blocknx[0]) * (unsigned long long)(blocknx[1]) * (unsigned long long)(blocknx[2]);
+            unsigned long long numberOfNodes = numberOfBlocks * numberOfNodesPerBlock;
+            unsigned long long numberOfNodesPerBlockWithGhostLayer =
+                numberOfBlocks * (blocknx[0] + ghostLayer) * (blocknx[1] + ghostLayer) * (blocknx[2] + ghostLayer);
+            double needMemAll =
+                double(numberOfNodesPerBlockWithGhostLayer * (27 * sizeof(double) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(float) * 4));
+            double needMem = needMemAll / double(comm->getNumberOfProcesses());
+            if (myid == 0) {
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of blocks = " << numberOfBlocks);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of nodes  = " << numberOfNodes);
+                int minInitLevel = grid->getCoarsestInitializedLevel();
+                int maxInitLevel = grid->getFinestInitializedLevel();
+                for (int level = minInitLevel; level <= maxInitLevel; level++) {
+                    int nobl = grid->getNumberOfBlocks(level);
+                    UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of blocks for level " << level << " = " << nobl);
+                    UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of nodes for level " << level << " = " << nobl * numberOfNodesPerBlock);
+                }
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Necessary memory  = " << needMemAll << " bytes");
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Necessary memory per process = " << needMem << " bytes");
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Available memory per process = " << availMem << " bytes");
+            }
-         if (myid == 0)
-         {
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of blocks = " << numberOfBlocks);
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of nodes  = " << numberOfNodes);
-            int minInitLevel = grid->getCoarsestInitializedLevel();
-            int maxInitLevel = grid->getFinestInitializedLevel();
-            for (int level = minInitLevel; level <= maxInitLevel; level++)
+            MultiphaseSetKernelBlockVisitor kernelVisitor(kernel, nuL, nuG, availMem, needMem);
+            grid->accept(kernelVisitor);
+            //if (refineLevel > 0) {
+            //    SetUndefinedNodesBlockVisitor undefNodesVisitor;
+            //    grid->accept(undefNodesVisitor);
+            //}
+            intHelper.setBC();
+            // initialization of distributions
+            mu::Parser fct1;
+            fct1.SetExpr("phiL");
+            fct1.DefineConst("phiL", phiL);
+            // MultiphaseInitDistributionsBlockVisitor initVisitor(interfaceThickness);
+            MultiphaseVelocityFormInitDistributionsBlockVisitor initVisitor;
+            initVisitor.setPhi(fct1);
+            grid->accept(initVisitor);
+            ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            //{
+            // std::vector<std::vector<SPtr<Block3D>>> blockVector;
+            // int gridRank = comm->getProcessID();
+            // int minInitLevel = grid->getCoarsestInitializedLevel();
+            // int maxInitLevel = grid->getFinestInitializedLevel();
+            // blockVector.resize(maxInitLevel + 1);
+            // for (int level = minInitLevel; level <= maxInitLevel; level++) {
+            //    grid->getBlocks(level, gridRank, true, blockVector[level]);
+            //}
+            //    for (int level = minInitLevel; level <= maxInitLevel; level++) {
+            //    for (SPtr<Block3D> block : blockVector[level]) {
+            //        if (block) {
+            //            int ix1 = block->getX1();
+            //            int ix2 = block->getX2();
+            //            int ix3 = block->getX3();
+            //            int level = block->getLevel();
+            //            for (int dir = 0; dir < D3Q27System::ENDDIR; dir++) {
+            //                SPtr<Block3D> neighBlock = grid->getNeighborBlock(dir, ix1, ix2, ix3, level);
+            //                if (!neighBlock) {
+            //                }
+            //            }
+            //        }
+            //    }
+            //}
+            //    SPtr<Block3D> block = grid->getBlock(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            //    SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel = dynamicPointerCast<LBMKernel>(block->getKernel());
+            //    SPtr<BCArray3D> bcArray = kernel->getBCProcessor()->getBCArray();
+            //    for (int ix3 = 0; ix3 <= 13; ix3++) {
+            //        for (int ix2 = 0; ix2 <= 13; ix2++) {
+            //            for (int ix1 = 0; ix1 <= 13; ix1++) {
+            //                if (ix1 == 0 || ix2 == 0 || ix3 == 0 || ix1 == 13 || ix2 == 13 || ix3 == 13)
+            //                    bcArray->setUndefined(ix1, ix2, ix3);
+            //            }
+            //        }
+            //    }
+            //}
+            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            // boundary conditions grid
-               int nobl = grid->getNumberOfBlocks(level);
-               UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of blocks for level " << level << " = " << nobl);
-               UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of nodes for level " << level << " = " << nobl * numberOfNodesPerBlock);
+                SPtr<UbScheduler> geoSch(new UbScheduler(1));
+                SPtr<WriteBoundaryConditionsCoProcessor> ppgeo(new WriteBoundaryConditionsCoProcessor(
+                    grid, geoSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
+                ppgeo->process(0);
+                ppgeo.reset();
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "Necessary memory  = " << needMemAll << " bytes");
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "Necessary memory per process = " << needMem << " bytes");
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "Available memory per process = " << availMem << " bytes");
-         }
-         LBMKernelPtr kernel;
-         kernel = LBMKernelPtr(new MultiphaseCumulantLBMKernel(blocknx[0], blocknx[1], blocknx[2], MultiphaseCumulantLBMKernel::NORMAL));
-         kernel->setWithForcing(true);
-         kernel->setForcingX1(0.0);
-         kernel->setForcingX2(gr);
-         kernel->setForcingX3(0.0);
-         kernel->setPhiL(phiL);
-         kernel->setPhiH(phiH);
-         kernel->setPhaseFieldRelaxation(tauH);
-         kernel->setMobility(mob);
-         BCProcessorPtr bcProc(new BCProcessor());
-         //BCProcessorPtr bcProc(new ThinWallBCProcessor());
-         kernel->setBCProcessor(bcProc);
-         SetKernelBlockVisitorMultiphase kernelVisitor(kernel, nuL, nuG, densityRatio, beta, kappa, theta, availMem, needMem);
-         grid->accept(kernelVisitor);
-         if (refineLevel > 0)
-         {
-            SetUndefinedNodesBlockVisitor undefNodesVisitor;
-            grid->accept(undefNodesVisitor);
-         }
-         //inflowF2_1Int->initInteractor();
-         //inflowF2_2Int->initInteractor();
-         intHelper.setBC();
-         grid->accept(bcVisitor);
-         //initialization of distributions
-         LBMReal x1c = radius; //g_minX1; //radius; //19; //(g_maxX1+g_minX1)/2;
-         LBMReal x2c = (g_maxX2 + g_minX2) / 2; //g_minX2 + 2;
-         LBMReal x3c = (g_maxX3 + g_minX3) / 2;
-         mu::Parser fct1;
-         //fct1.SetExpr("0.5-0.5*tanh(2*(sqrt((x1-x1c)^2+(x2-x2c)^2+(x3-x3c)^2)-radius)/interfaceThickness)");
-         //fct1.SetExpr("phiM-phiM*tanh((sqrt((x1-x1c)^2+(x2-x2c)^2+(x3-x3c)^2)-radius)/(interfaceThickness*phiM))");
-         //fct1.SetExpr("0.5*(phiH + phiL)-0.5*(phiH - phiL)*tanh(2*(sqrt((x1-x1c)^2+(x2-x2c)^2+(x3-x3c)^2)-radius)/interfaceThickness)");
-         //fct1.SetExpr("0.5*(phiH + phiL) + 0.5*(phiH - phiL)*tanh(2*((x2-radius))/interfaceThickness)");
-         fct1.SetExpr("phiL");
-         fct1.DefineConst("x1c", x1c);
-         fct1.DefineConst("x2c", x2c);
-         fct1.DefineConst("x3c", x3c);
-         fct1.DefineConst("phiL", phiL);
-         fct1.DefineConst("phiH", phiH);
-         fct1.DefineConst("radius", radius);
-         fct1.DefineConst("interfaceThickness", interfaceThickness);
-         mu::Parser fct2;
-         //fct2.SetExpr("vx1*(1-((x2-y0)^2+(x3-z0)^2)/(R^2))");
-         fct2.SetExpr("vx1");
-         fct2.DefineConst("R", 10.0);
-         fct2.DefineConst("vx1", uLB);
-         fct2.DefineConst("y0", 1.0);
-         fct2.DefineConst("z0", 31.0);
-         /*fct2.SetExpr("0.5*uLB-uLB*0.5*tanh(2*(sqrt((x1-x1c)^2+(x2-x2c)^2+(x3-x3c)^2)-radius)/interfaceThickness)");
-         fct2.DefineConst("uLB", uLB);
-         fct2.DefineConst("x1c", x1c);
-         fct2.DefineConst("x2c", x2c);
-         fct2.DefineConst("x3c", x3c);
-         fct2.DefineConst("radius", radius);
-         fct2.DefineConst("interfaceThickness", interfaceThickness);*/
-         InitDistributionsBlockVisitorMultiphase initVisitor(densityRatio, interfaceThickness, radius);
-         initVisitor.setPhi(fct1);
-         //initVisitor.setVx1(fct2);
-         grid->accept(initVisitor);
-         //set connectors
-         InterpolationProcessorPtr iProcessor(new IncompressibleOffsetInterpolationProcessor());
-         //InterpolationProcessorPtr iProcessor(new CompressibleOffsetInterpolationProcessor());
-         SetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm, true, D3Q27System::ENDDIR, nuLB, iProcessor);
-         //ConnectorFactoryPtr factory(new Block3DConnectorFactory());
-         //ConnectorBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm, nuLB, iProcessor, factory);
-         grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
-         //domain decomposition for threads
-         //PQueuePartitioningGridVisitor pqPartVisitor(numOfThreads);
-         //grid->accept(pqPartVisitor);
-         //boundary conditions grid
-         {
-            UbSchedulerPtr geoSch(new UbScheduler(1));
-            WriteBoundaryConditionsCoProcessorPtr ppgeo(
-               new WriteBoundaryConditionsCoProcessor(grid, geoSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), conv, comm));
-            ppgeo->process(0);
-            ppgeo.reset();
-         }
-         if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - end");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         if (myid == 0)
-         {
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "Parameters:");
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "uLb = " << uLB);
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "rho = " << rhoLB);
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "nuLb = " << nuLB);
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "Re = " << Re);
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "dx = " << dx);
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "number of levels = " << refineLevel + 1);
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "numOfThreads = " << numOfThreads);
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "path = " << pathname);
-         }
-         rcp.restart((int)restartStep);
-         grid->setTimeStep(restartStep);
-         //BCAdapterPtr velBCAdapter(new VelocityBCAdapter());
-         //velBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(BCAlgorithmPtr(new VelocityBCAlgorithm()));
-         //velBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(BCAlgorithmPtr(new VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm()));
-         //bcVisitor.addBC(velBCAdapter);
-         //grid->accept(bcVisitor);
-         //set connectors
-         //InterpolationProcessorPtr iProcessor(new IncompressibleOffsetInterpolationProcessor());
-         InterpolationProcessorPtr iProcessor(new CompressibleOffsetInterpolationProcessor());
-         SetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm, true, D3Q27System::ENDDIR, nuLB, iProcessor);
-         grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
-         if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Restart - end");
-      }
-      UbSchedulerPtr visSch(new UbScheduler(outTime));
-      WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor pp(grid, visSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance(), conv, comm);
-      UbSchedulerPtr nupsSch(new UbScheduler(10, 30, 100));
-      NUPSCounterCoProcessor npr(grid, nupsSch, numOfThreads, comm);
-      //UbSchedulerPtr bcSch(new UbScheduler(1, 12000, 12000));
-      //TimeDependentBCCoProcessorPtr inflowF2 (new TimeDependentBCCoProcessor(grid,bcSch));
-      //inflowF2->addInteractor(inflowF2_1Int);
-      //inflowF2->addInteractor(inflowF2_2Int);
-       //CalculationManagerPtr calculation(new CalculationManager(grid, numOfThreads, endTime, visSch,CalculationManager::MPI));
-      CalculationManagerPtr calculation(new CalculationManager(grid, numOfThreads, endTime, visSch));
-      if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-start");
-      calculation->calculate();
-      if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-end");
-   }
-   catch (std::exception& e)
-   {
-      cerr << e.what() << endl << flush;
-   }
-   catch (std::string& s)
-   {
-      cerr << s << endl;
-   }
-   catch (...)
-   {
-      cerr << "unknown exception" << endl;
-   }
+            if (myid == 0)
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - end");
+        } else {
+            if (myid == 0) {
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Parameters:");
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "uLb = " << uLB);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "rho = " << rhoLB);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "nuLb = " << nuLB);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Re = " << Re);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "dx = " << dx);
+                //UBLOG(logINFO, "number of levels = " << refineLevel + 1);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "numOfThreads = " << numOfThreads);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "path = " << pathname);
+            }
+            rcp->restart((int)restartStep);
+            grid->setTimeStep(restartStep);
+            if (myid == 0)
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Restart - end");
+        }
+        //  TwoDistributionsSetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm);
+        //  grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
+        // ThreeDistributionsSetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm);
+        grid->accept(bcVisitor);
+        // ThreeDistributionsDoubleGhostLayerSetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm);
+        TwoDistributionsDoubleGhostLayerSetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm);
+        grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
+        SPtr<UbScheduler> visSch(new UbScheduler(outTime));
+        double t_ast, t;
+        t_ast = 7.19;
+        t = (int)(t_ast/(uLB/(deltaXfactor)));
+        visSch->addSchedule(t,t,t); //t=7.19
+        SPtr<WriteMultiphaseQuantitiesCoProcessor> pp(new WriteMultiphaseQuantitiesCoProcessor(
+            grid, visSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), conv, comm));
+        pp->process(0);
+        SPtr<UbScheduler> nupsSch(new UbScheduler(10, 30, 100));
+        SPtr<NUPSCounterCoProcessor> npr(new NUPSCounterCoProcessor(grid, nupsSch, numOfThreads, comm));
+        SPtr<UbScheduler> timeBCSch(new UbScheduler(1, startTime, startTime));
+        auto timeDepBC = make_shared<TimeDependentBCCoProcessor>(TimeDependentBCCoProcessor(grid, timeBCSch));
+        timeDepBC->addInteractor(inflowInt);
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+        omp_set_num_threads(numOfThreads);
+        SPtr<UbScheduler> stepGhostLayer(new UbScheduler(1));
+        SPtr<Calculator> calculator(new BasicCalculator(grid, stepGhostLayer, endTime));
+        calculator->addCoProcessor(npr);
+        calculator->addCoProcessor(pp);
+        calculator->addCoProcessor(timeDepBC);
+        calculator->addCoProcessor(rcp);
+        if (myid == 0)
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-start");
+        calculator->calculate();
+        if (myid == 0)
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-end");
+    } catch (std::exception &e) {
+        cerr << e.what() << endl << flush;
+    } catch (std::string &s) {
+        cerr << s << endl;
+    } catch (...) {
+        cerr << "unknown exception" << endl;
+    }
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-   //Sleep(30000);
-   if (argv != NULL)
-   {
-      if (argv[1] != NULL)
-      {
-         run(string(argv[1]));
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         cout << "Configuration file is missing!" << endl;
-      }
-   }
+    // Sleep(30000);
+    if (argv != NULL) {
+        if (argv[1] != NULL) {
+            run(string(argv[1]));
+        } else {
+            cout << "Configuration file is missing!" << endl;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/apps/cpu/RisingBubble2D/RisingBubble2D.cfg b/apps/cpu/RisingBubble2D/RisingBubble2D.cfg
index 659a3a2d2e137f8bdb773271eb1e26fc21924816..d0635ea272199311a6e09a68e77ae7ca59a239f0 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/RisingBubble2D/RisingBubble2D.cfg
+++ b/apps/cpu/RisingBubble2D/RisingBubble2D.cfg
@@ -5,8 +5,12 @@ availMem = 10e9
-boundingBox = 0 160 0 320 0 3
-blocknx = 16 16 3
+#boundingBox = 0 160 0 320 0 3
+#blocknx = 16 16 3
+#blocknx = 80 80 3
+boundingBox = 0 20 0 20 0 3
+blocknx = 20 20 3
 dx = 1
 refineLevel = 0
@@ -21,7 +25,7 @@ nuG = 1e-3
 densityRatio = 10
 sigma = 1.0850694444444444e-06 #1e-10 #1e-6  # 1e-5 #4.66e-3 #surface tension 1e-4 ./. 1e-5
 interfaceThickness = 4.096
-radius = 40
+radius = 5 #40
 contactAngle = 110.0
 phi_L = 0.0
 phi_H = 1.0
@@ -37,7 +41,7 @@ restartStep = 10
 cpStart = 10
 cpStep = 10
-outTime = 10000
-endTime = 20
+outTime = 100000
+endTime = 13
 rStep = 159990 #160000
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/cpu/RisingBubble2D/RisingBubble2D.cpp b/apps/cpu/RisingBubble2D/RisingBubble2D.cpp
index 6eb283ae25524714a8b4680b937038ecab01fffb..0182f569cec34dc2f993803e274dd853e194cfc2 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/RisingBubble2D/RisingBubble2D.cpp
+++ b/apps/cpu/RisingBubble2D/RisingBubble2D.cpp
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ void run(string configname)
         SPtr<BCAdapter> noSlipBCAdapter(new NoSlipBCAdapter());
         noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new MultiphaseNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
         SPtr<BCAdapter> slipBCAdapter(new SlipBCAdapter());
-        noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new MultiphaseSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+        slipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new MultiphaseSlipBCAlgorithm()));
         // BC visitor
         MultiphaseBoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor bcVisitor;
@@ -194,55 +194,58 @@ void run(string configname)
         // restart
         SPtr<UbScheduler> rSch(new UbScheduler(cpStep, cpStart));
-        //SPtr<MPIIORestartCoProcessor> rcp(new MPIIORestartCoProcessor(grid, rSch, pathname, comm));
-        SPtr<MPIIOMigrationCoProcessor> rcp(new MPIIOMigrationCoProcessor(grid, rSch, metisVisitor, pathname, comm));
-        //SPtr<MPIIOMigrationBECoProcessor> rcp(new MPIIOMigrationBECoProcessor(grid, rSch, pathname, comm));
-        // rcp->setNu(nuLB);
-        // rcp->setNuLG(nuL, nuG);
-        // rcp->setDensityRatio(densityRatio);
+        SPtr<MPIIORestartCoProcessor> rcp(new MPIIORestartCoProcessor(grid, rSch, pathname, comm));
+        //SPtr<MPIIOMigrationCoProcessor> rcp(new MPIIOMigrationCoProcessor(grid, rSch, metisVisitor, pathname, comm));
+        //SPtr<MPIIOMigrationBECoProcessor> rcp(new MPIIOMigrationBECoProcessor(grid, rSch, metisVisitor, pathname, comm));
+        //rcp->setNu(nuLB);
+        //rcp->setNuLG(nuL, nuG);
+        //rcp->setDensityRatio(densityRatio);
+        // bounding box
+        double g_minX1 = boundingBox[0];
+        double g_minX2 = boundingBox[2];
+        double g_minX3 = boundingBox[4];
+        double g_maxX1 = boundingBox[1];
+        double g_maxX2 = boundingBox[3];
+        double g_maxX3 = boundingBox[5];
+        double dx2 = 2.0 * dx;
+        GbCuboid3DPtr wallXmin(
+            new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx2, g_minX2 - dx2, g_minX3 - dx2, g_minX1, g_maxX2 + dx2, g_maxX3 + dx2));
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallXmin.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallXmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        GbCuboid3DPtr wallXmax(
+            new GbCuboid3D(g_maxX1, g_minX2 - dx2, g_minX3 - dx2, g_maxX1 + dx2, g_maxX2 + dx2, g_maxX3 + dx2));
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallXmax.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallXmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        GbCuboid3DPtr wallYmin(
+            new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx2, g_minX2 - dx2, g_minX3 - dx2, g_maxX1 + dx2, g_minX2, g_maxX3 + dx2));
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallYmin.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallYmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        GbCuboid3DPtr wallYmax(
+            new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx2, g_maxX2, g_minX3 - dx2, g_maxX1 + dx2, g_maxX2 + dx2, g_maxX3 + dx2));
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallYmax.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallYmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallXminInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallXmin, grid, slipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallXmaxInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallXmax, grid, slipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallYminInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallYmin, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallYmaxInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallYmax, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
         if (newStart) {
-            // bounding box
-            double g_minX1 = boundingBox[0];
-            double g_minX2 = boundingBox[2];
-            double g_minX3 = boundingBox[4];
-            double g_maxX1 = boundingBox[1];
-            double g_maxX2 = boundingBox[3];
-            double g_maxX3 = boundingBox[5];
             // geometry
             SPtr<GbObject3D> gridCube(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
             if (myid == 0)
                 GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), pathname + "/geo/gridCube",
-                    WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+                                           WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
             GenBlocksGridVisitor genBlocks(gridCube);
-            double dx2 = 2.0 * dx;
-            GbCuboid3DPtr wallXmin(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx2, g_minX2 - dx2, g_minX3 - dx2, g_minX1, g_maxX2 + dx2, g_maxX3 + dx2));
-            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallXmin.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallXmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-            GbCuboid3DPtr wallXmax(new GbCuboid3D(g_maxX1, g_minX2 - dx2, g_minX3 - dx2, g_maxX1 + dx2, g_maxX2 + dx2, g_maxX3 + dx2));
-            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallXmax.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallXmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-            GbCuboid3DPtr wallYmin(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx2, g_minX2 - dx2, g_minX3 - dx2, g_maxX1 + dx2, g_minX2, g_maxX3 + dx2));
-            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallYmin.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallYmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-            GbCuboid3DPtr wallYmax(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx2, g_maxX2, g_minX3 - dx2, g_maxX1 + dx2, g_maxX2 + dx2, g_maxX3 + dx2));
-            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallYmax.get(), pathname + "/geo/wallYmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallXminInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallXmin, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallXmaxInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallXmax, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallYminInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallYmin, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallYmaxInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallYmax, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
             SPtr<WriteBlocksCoProcessor> ppblocks(new WriteBlocksCoProcessor(
                 grid, SPtr<UbScheduler>(new UbScheduler(1)), pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
@@ -349,7 +352,28 @@ void run(string configname)
-            grid->setTimeStep(restartStep);
+            //grid->setTimeStep(restartStep);
+            //rcp->readBlocks((int)restartStep);
+            //rcp->readDataSet((int)restartStep);
+            //rcp->readBoundaryConds((int)restartStep);
+            //grid->setTimeStep((int)restartStep);
+            //SetBcBlocksBlockVisitor v2(wallXminInt);
+            //grid->accept(v2);
+            //wallXminInt->initInteractor();
+            //SetBcBlocksBlockVisitor v3(wallXmaxInt);
+            //grid->accept(v3);
+            //wallXmaxInt->initInteractor();
+            //SetBcBlocksBlockVisitor v4(wallYminInt);
+            //grid->accept(v4);
+            //wallYminInt->initInteractor();
+            //SetBcBlocksBlockVisitor v1(wallYmaxInt);
+            //grid->accept(v1);
+            //wallYmaxInt->initInteractor();
             if (myid == 0)
                 UBLOG(logINFO, "Restart - end");
@@ -392,8 +416,9 @@ void run(string configname)
         SPtr<WriteMultiphaseQuantitiesCoProcessor> pp(new WriteMultiphaseQuantitiesCoProcessor(
             grid, visSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), conv, comm));
-        if(grid->getTimeStep() == 0) 
-            pp->process(0);
+        //if(grid->getTimeStep() == 0) 
+            //pp->process(0);
+        pp->process(grid->getTimeStep());
         SPtr<UbScheduler> nupsSch(new UbScheduler(10, 30, 100));
         SPtr<NUPSCounterCoProcessor> npr(new NUPSCounterCoProcessor(grid, nupsSch, numOfThreads, comm));
diff --git a/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cfg b/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cfg
index c46760239722b590e6f08fc1dd6505168780c84c..3e84b68cf857a8fd43c41d0687717a24be6d7b90 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cfg
+++ b/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cfg
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-outputPath = d:/temp/viskomatXL_dx_0.5
-#geoPath = d:/Projects/TRR277/Project/WP1/Rheometer/Aileen
-geoPath = d:/Projects/TRR277/Project/WP1/Rheometer
-#geoFile = fishboneT.stl
-geoFile = cylinder.stl
+outputPath = d:/temp/viskomatXL_restart_test
+geoPath = d:/Projects/TRR277/Project/WP1/Rheometer/Aileen
+#geoPath = d:/Projects/TRR277/Project/WP1/Rheometer
+geoFile = fishboneT.stl
+#geoFile = cylinder.stl
 numOfThreads = 1
 availMem = 15e9
 logToFile = false
-#blocknx = 14 14 14
+blocknx = 14 14 14
 #blocknx = 14 15 15
 #blocknx = 35 83 83
-#boundingBox = 0 140 -82.5 82.5 -82.5 82.5
+boundingBox = 0 140 -82.5 82.5 -82.5 82.5
-blocknx = 32 12 12
-boundingBox = 0 32 -12 12 -12 12
+#blocknx = 32 12 12
+#boundingBox = 0 32 -12 12 -12 12
 #boundingBox = 0 64 -24 24 -24 24
 #boundingBox = 0 64 -24 24 -24 24
-deltax = 0.5
+deltax = 1
 refineLevel = 0
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ mu = 5 # Pa s
 N = 80 # rpm
 tau0 = 20e-7
-newStart = true
-restartStep = 1.3e6
+newStart = false
+restartStep = 10
-cpStart = 100000
-cpStep  = 100000
+cpStart = 10
+cpStep  = 10
-outTime = 1
-endTime = 200
\ No newline at end of file
+outTime = 10000
+endTime = 20
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cpp b/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cpp
index bef8fa53a92ef3aac3ac7a055ab1778b03c12ef4..45694a4e453245d96ca9a57970c591e2cec66283 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cpp
+++ b/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cpp
@@ -363,8 +363,12 @@ void bflow(string configname)
-         restartCoProcessor->restart((int)restartStep);
-         grid->setTimeStep(restartStep);
+         //restartCoProcessor->restart((int)restartStep);
+         restartCoProcessor->readBlocks((int)restartStep);
+         restartCoProcessor->readDataSet((int)restartStep);
+         //restartCoProcessor->readBoundaryConds((int)restartStep);
+         grid->setTimeStep((int)restartStep);
          SetBcBlocksBlockVisitor v2(wallXmaxInt);
@@ -381,6 +385,10 @@ void bflow(string configname)
          SetBcBlocksBlockVisitor v1(wallXminInt);
+         SPtr<CoProcessor> ppblocks(new WriteBlocksCoProcessor(grid, SPtr<UbScheduler>(new UbScheduler(1)), outputPath,
+                                                               WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
+         ppblocks->process(1);
@@ -405,7 +413,7 @@ void bflow(string configname)
       SPtr<WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor> writeMQCoProcessor(new WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor(grid, visSch, outputPath, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter()), comm));
-      SPtr<UbScheduler> forceSch(new UbScheduler(1000));
+      SPtr<UbScheduler> forceSch(new UbScheduler(100));
       SPtr<CalculateTorqueCoProcessor> fp = make_shared<CalculateTorqueCoProcessor>(grid, forceSch, outputPath + "/torque/TorqueRotor.csv", comm);
       SPtr<CalculateTorqueCoProcessor> fp2 = make_shared<CalculateTorqueCoProcessor>(grid, forceSch, outputPath + "/torque/TorqueStator.csv", comm);
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
index 51fc2d5abdfe7cfa5bafb7ae21571c684cd26b02..76128e0e72336ce6a056178e38708da5e888da92 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -85,8 +85,12 @@ void MultiphaseNoSlipBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
          //quadratic bounce back
          const int invDir = D3Q27System::INVDIR[fdir];
 		 LBMReal fReturn = f[invDir];
+         //if (UbMath::isNaN(fReturn))
+             //UBLOG(logINFO, "fReturn: " << fReturn);
          distributions->setDistributionForDirection(fReturn, x1+D3Q27System::DX1[invDir], x2+D3Q27System::DX2[invDir], x3+D3Q27System::DX3[invDir], fdir);
 		 LBMReal hReturn = h[invDir];
+         //if (UbMath::isNaN(hReturn))
+             //UBLOG(logINFO, "hReturn: " << hReturn);
 		 distributionsH->setDistributionForDirection(hReturn, x1+D3Q27System::DX1[invDir], x2+D3Q27System::DX2[invDir], x3+D3Q27System::DX3[invDir], fdir);
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
index beba9a256b869a37828efe44e886bb988bf9fa71..483cf3db8878a4b2b78e29327c2066bb8e79ec83 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ void MultiphaseSlipBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
          LBMReal fReturn = ((1.0-q)/(1.0+q))*((f[invDir]-feq[invDir])/(1.0-collFactor)+feq[invDir])+((q*(f[invDir]+f[fdir])-velocity*rho)/(1.0+q));
          distributions->setDistributionForDirection(fReturn, x1+D3Q27System::DX1[invDir], x2+D3Q27System::DX2[invDir], x3+D3Q27System::DX3[invDir], fdir);
-		 LBMReal hReturn = ((1.0-q)/(1.0+q))*((h[invDir]-heq[invDir])/(1.0-collFactorPh)+heq[invDir])+((q/(1.0+q))*(h[invDir]+h[fdir]));
-		 //LBMReal hReturn = h[invDir];
+		 //LBMReal hReturn = ((1.0-q)/(1.0+q))*((h[invDir]-heq[invDir])/(1.0-collFactorPh)+heq[invDir])+((q/(1.0+q))*(h[invDir]+h[fdir]));
+		 LBMReal hReturn = h[invDir];
 		 distributionsH->setDistributionForDirection(hReturn, x1+D3Q27System::DX1[invDir], x2+D3Q27System::DX2[invDir], x3+D3Q27System::DX3[invDir], fdir);
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp
index 58c359887fe8b4263d8140038dc03754aeab74bb..70b0cceffbf3b0567cb3080c5861957a6ea2d2cb 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ void MultiphaseVelocityBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
    else if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::S)) { nx2 += 1; }
    else if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::T)) { nx3 -= 1; }
    else if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::B)) { nx3 += 1; }
-   else UB_THROW(UbException(UB_EXARGS, "Danger...no orthogonal BC-Flag on velocity boundary..."));
+   //else UB_THROW(UbException(UB_EXARGS, "Danger...no orthogonal BC-Flag on velocity boundary..."));
    phiBC = bcPtr->getBoundaryPhaseField();
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/MPIIOCoProcessor.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/MPIIOCoProcessor.cpp
index 70bde9e97c2928f7c91a347653dbcfaff9c5e501..a16f32c7d9e0d83dff90a55bb139d4115285a196 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/MPIIOCoProcessor.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/MPIIOCoProcessor.cpp
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ MPIIOCoProcessor::MPIIOCoProcessor(SPtr<Grid3D> grid, SPtr<UbScheduler> s, const
     MPI_Datatype typesBC[3] = { MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_CHAR };
-    int blocksBC[3]         = { 5, 33, 1 };
+    int blocksBC[3]         = { 5, 34, 1 };
     MPI_Aint offsetsBC[3], lbBC, extentBC;
     offsetsBC[0] = 0;