diff --git a/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor.cpp b/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor.cpp
index ed7f1552bbf43982881a1b168e38e2f82f9e3bd4..e7a3788850684f533960a7eebfb57ad1a6208efa 100644
--- a/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor.cpp
+++ b/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor.cpp
@@ -149,16 +149,15 @@ void WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor::clearData()
 void WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor::addDataMQ(SPtr<Block3D> block)
-   double level = (double)block->getLevel();
    double blockID = (double)block->getGlobalID();
    //This data is written:
-   datanames.push_back("Rho");
+   datanames.push_back("DRho");
+   datanames.push_back("Press");
-   datanames.push_back("Level");
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ void WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor::addDataMQ(SPtr<Block3D> block)
    SPtr<BCArray3D> bcArray = kernel->getBCProcessor()->getBCArray();          
    SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions = kernel->getDataSet()->getFdistributions();     
    LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF+1];
-   LBMReal vx1,vx2,vx3,rho;
+   LBMReal vx1,vx2,vx3,drho,press;
    //node numbering always starts at 0!
@@ -212,10 +211,14 @@ void WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor::addDataMQ(SPtr<Block3D> block)
                                               float(worldCoordinates[2]) ));
                distributions->getDistribution(f, ix1, ix2, ix3);
-               calcMacros(f,rho,vx1,vx2,vx3);
+               calcMacros(f,drho,vx1,vx2,vx3);
+               press = D3Q27System::calcPress(f,drho,vx1,vx2,vx3);
-               if (UbMath::isNaN(rho) || UbMath::isInfinity(rho)) 
-                  UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"rho is not a number (nan or -1.#IND) or infinity number -1.#INF in block="+block->toString()+
+               if (UbMath::isNaN(drho) || UbMath::isInfinity(drho)) 
+                  UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"drho is not a number (nan or -1.#IND) or infinity number -1.#INF in block="+block->toString()+
+                   ", node="+UbSystem::toString(ix1)+","+UbSystem::toString(ix2)+","+UbSystem::toString(ix3)));
+               if (UbMath::isNaN(press) || UbMath::isInfinity(press)) 
+                  UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"press is not a number (nan or -1.#IND) or infinity number -1.#INF in block="+block->toString()+
                    ", node="+UbSystem::toString(ix1)+","+UbSystem::toString(ix2)+","+UbSystem::toString(ix3)));
                if (UbMath::isNaN(vx1) || UbMath::isInfinity(vx1)) 
                   UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"vx1 is not a number (nan or -1.#IND) or infinity number -1.#INF in block="+block->toString()+
@@ -227,11 +230,11 @@ void WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor::addDataMQ(SPtr<Block3D> block)
                   UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"vx3 is not a number (nan or -1.#IND) or infinity number -1.#INF in block="+block->toString()+
                   ", node="+UbSystem::toString(ix1)+","+UbSystem::toString(ix2)+","+UbSystem::toString(ix3)));
-               data[index++].push_back(rho * conv->getFactorDensityLbToW() );
+               data[index++].push_back(drho * conv->getFactorDensityLbToW());
+               data[index++].push_back(press * conv->getFactorPressureLbToW());
                data[index++].push_back(vx1 * conv->getFactorVelocityLbToW());
                data[index++].push_back(vx2 * conv->getFactorVelocityLbToW());
                data[index++].push_back(vx3 * conv->getFactorVelocityLbToW());
-               data[index++].push_back(level);
diff --git a/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/CumulantK17LBMKernel.cpp b/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/CumulantK17LBMKernel.cpp
index a51e0db1483c32689a8c1f9577ff69a2d6b9caf1..79f0a586ad946cdf1624b8d915318006a0a7d24c 100644
--- a/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/CumulantK17LBMKernel.cpp
+++ b/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/CumulantK17LBMKernel.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __         
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |        
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |        
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |        
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____    
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|   
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________    
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|   
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______    
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)   
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______    
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  \   
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/   
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can 
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file CumulantK17LBMKernel.cpp
+//! \ingroup LBM
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher, Martin Geier
 #include "CumulantK17LBMKernel.h"
 #include "D3Q27System.h"
 #include "D3Q27EsoTwist3DSplittedVector.h"
diff --git a/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/D3Q27System.h b/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/D3Q27System.h
index d58cc46349ed8be9833315adf9866f062062aba5..9e1426a06eb14bd59f8b4d9fe86e4df63ecb16a4 100644
--- a/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/D3Q27System.h
+++ b/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/D3Q27System.h
@@ -582,10 +582,9 @@ namespace D3Q27System
    static inline LBMReal calcPress(const LBMReal* const f, LBMReal rho, LBMReal vx1, LBMReal vx2, LBMReal vx3)
       using namespace UbMath;
-      LBMReal op=1.0;
-      return ((f[E]+f[W]+f[N]+f[S]+f[T]+f[B]+2.*(f[NE]+f[SW]+f[SE]+f[NW]+f[TE]+f[BW]+f[BE]+f[TW]+f[TN]+f[BS]+f[BN]+f[TS])+
-         3.*(f[TNE]+f[TSW]+f[TSE]+f[TNW]+f[BNE]+f[BSW]+f[BSE]+f[BNW])-(vx1*vx1+vx2*vx2+vx3*vx3))*(1-0.5*op)+op*0.5*(rho))*c1o3;
+      LBMReal OxxPyyPzz = c1;
+      return ((f[E]+f[W]+f[N]+f[S]+f[T]+f[B]+c2*(f[NE]+f[SW]+f[SE]+f[NW]+f[TE]+f[BW]+f[BE]+f[TW]+f[TN]+f[BS]+f[BN]+f[TS])+
+         c3*(f[TNE]+f[TSW]+f[TSE]+f[TNW]+f[BNE]+f[BSW]+f[BSE]+f[BNW])-(vx1*vx1+vx2*vx2+vx3*vx3))*(c1-c1o2*OxxPyyPzz)+OxxPyyPzz*c1o2*(rho))*c1o3;