diff --git a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible_Device.cu b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible_Device.cu
index 8030c0de604b09bc9811fddba99e506b036aa25e..9d348a7358a347083fb44677b69831858656aeae 100644
--- a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible_Device.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible_Device.cu
@@ -33,198 +33,175 @@
 #include <basics/constants/NumericConstants.h>
 using namespace vf::basics::constant;
+using namespace vf::lbm;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
-__global__ void InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible_Device(unsigned int* neighborX,
-    unsigned int* neighborY,
-    unsigned int* neighborZ,
-    unsigned int* geoD,
-    real* Conc,
-    real* ux,
-    real* uy,
-    real* uz,
-    unsigned int size_Mat,
-    real* DD27,
-    bool EvenOrOdd)
+__global__ void InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible_Device(
+    uint* neighborX,
+    uint* neighborY,
+    uint* neighborZ,
+    uint* typeOfGridNode,
+    real* concentration,
+    real* velocityX,
+    real* velocityY,
+    real* velocityZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real* distributionsAD,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! The initialization is executed in the following steps
+    //!
-    const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
-    const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index 
-    const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index 
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index
+    const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index
+    const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index
     const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
     const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
     const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    if (k<size_Mat)
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // run for all indices in size_Mat and fluid nodes
+    if ((k < numberOfLBnodes) && (typeOfGridNode[k] == GEO_FLUID))
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        unsigned int BC;
-        BC = geoD[k];
-        if (BC != GEO_SOLID && BC != GEO_VOID)
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref
+        //! <a href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017), DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
+        //!
+        Distributions27 distAD;
+        if (isEvenTimestep)
-            Distributions27 D27;
-            if (EvenOrOdd == true)
-            {
-                D27.f[dP00] = &DD27[dP00   *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dM00] = &DD27[dM00   *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d0P0] = &DD27[d0P0   *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d0M0] = &DD27[d0M0   *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d00P] = &DD27[d00P   *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d00M] = &DD27[d00M   *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dPP0] = &DD27[dPP0  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dMM0] = &DD27[dMM0  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dPM0] = &DD27[dPM0  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dMP0] = &DD27[dMP0  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dP0P] = &DD27[dP0P  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dM0M] = &DD27[dM0M  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dP0M] = &DD27[dP0M  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dM0P] = &DD27[dM0P  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d0PP] = &DD27[d0PP  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d0MM] = &DD27[d0MM  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d0PM] = &DD27[d0PM  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d0MP] = &DD27[d0MP  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d000] = &DD27[d000*size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dPPP] = &DD27[dPPP *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dMMP] = &DD27[dMMP *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dPMP] = &DD27[dPMP *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dMPP] = &DD27[dMPP *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dPPM] = &DD27[dPPM *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dMMM] = &DD27[dMMM *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dPMM]= &DD27[dPMM *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dMPM]= &DD27[dMPM *size_Mat];
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                D27.f[dM00] = &DD27[dP00   *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dP00] = &DD27[dM00   *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d0M0] = &DD27[d0P0   *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d0P0] = &DD27[d0M0   *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d00M] = &DD27[d00P   *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d00P] = &DD27[d00M   *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dMM0] = &DD27[dPP0  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dPP0] = &DD27[dMM0  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dMP0] = &DD27[dPM0  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dPM0] = &DD27[dMP0  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dM0M] = &DD27[dP0P  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dP0P] = &DD27[dM0M  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dM0P] = &DD27[dP0M  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dP0M] = &DD27[dM0P  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d0MM] = &DD27[d0PP  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d0PP] = &DD27[d0MM  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d0MP] = &DD27[d0PM  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d0PM] = &DD27[d0MP  *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[d000] = &DD27[d000*size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dMMM] = &DD27[dPPP *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dPPM] = &DD27[dMMP *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dMPM]= &DD27[dPMP *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dPMM]= &DD27[dMPP *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dMMP] = &DD27[dPPM *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dPPP] = &DD27[dMMM *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dMPP] = &DD27[dPMM *size_Mat];
-                D27.f[dPMP] = &DD27[dMPM *size_Mat];
-            }
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            real ConcD = Conc[k];
-            real   vx1 = ux[k];
-            real   vx2 = uy[k];
-            real   vx3 = uz[k];
-            //real lambdaD     = -three + sqrt(three);
-            //real Diffusivity = c1o20;
-            //real Lam         = -(c1o2+one/lambdaD);
-            //real nue_d       = Lam/three;
-            //real ae          = Diffusivity/nue_d - one;
-            //real ux_sq       = vx1 * vx1;
-            //real uy_sq       = vx2 * vx2;
-            //real uz_sq       = vx3 * vx3;
-            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            //D3Q7
-            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            //index
-            //unsigned int kzero= k;
-            //unsigned int ke   = k;
-            //unsigned int kw   = neighborX[k];
-            //unsigned int kn   = k;
-            //unsigned int ks   = neighborY[k];
-            //unsigned int kt   = k;
-            //unsigned int kb   = neighborZ[k];
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            //(D7.f[0])[kzero] = ConcD*(c1o3*(ae*(-three))-(ux_sq+uy_sq+uz_sq));
-            //(D7.f[1])[ke   ] = ConcD*(c1o6*(ae+one)+c1o2*(ux_sq)+vx1*c1o2);
-            //(D7.f[2])[kw   ] = ConcD*(c1o6*(ae+one)+c1o2*(ux_sq)-vx1*c1o2);
-            //(D7.f[3])[kn   ] = ConcD*(c1o6*(ae+one)+c1o2*(uy_sq)+vx2*c1o2);
-            //(D7.f[4])[ks   ] = ConcD*(c1o6*(ae+one)+c1o2*(uy_sq)-vx2*c1o2);
-            //(D7.f[5])[kt   ] = ConcD*(c1o6*(ae+one)+c1o2*(uz_sq)+vx3*c1o2);
-            //(D7.f[6])[kb   ] = ConcD*(c1o6*(ae+one)+c1o2*(uz_sq)-vx3*c1o2);
-            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            //D3Q27
-            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            //index
-            unsigned int kzero = k;
-            unsigned int ke = k;
-            unsigned int kw = neighborX[k];
-            unsigned int kn = k;
-            unsigned int ks = neighborY[k];
-            unsigned int kt = k;
-            unsigned int kb = neighborZ[k];
-            unsigned int ksw = neighborY[kw];
-            unsigned int kne = k;
-            unsigned int kse = ks;
-            unsigned int knw = kw;
-            unsigned int kbw = neighborZ[kw];
-            unsigned int kte = k;
-            unsigned int kbe = kb;
-            unsigned int ktw = kw;
-            unsigned int kbs = neighborZ[ks];
-            unsigned int ktn = k;
-            unsigned int kbn = kb;
-            unsigned int kts = ks;
-            unsigned int ktse = ks;
-            unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
-            unsigned int ktnw = kw;
-            unsigned int kbse = kbs;
-            unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
-            unsigned int kbne = kb;
-            unsigned int ktne = k;
-            unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
-            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            real cu_sq = c3o2*(vx1*vx1 + vx2*vx2 + vx3*vx3);
-            (D27.f[d000])[kzero] = c8o27* ConcD*(c1o1 - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dP00])[ke] = c2o27* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(vx1)+c9o2*(vx1)*(vx1)-cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dM00])[kw] = c2o27* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(-vx1) + c9o2*(-vx1)*(-vx1) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[d0P0])[kn] = c2o27* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(vx2)+c9o2*(vx2)*(vx2)-cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[d0M0])[ks] = c2o27* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(-vx2) + c9o2*(-vx2)*(-vx2) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[d00P])[kt] = c2o27* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(vx3)+c9o2*(vx3)*(vx3)-cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[d00M])[kb] = c2o27* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(-vx3) + c9o2*(-vx3)*(-vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dPP0])[kne] = c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(vx1 + vx2) + c9o2*(vx1 + vx2)*(vx1 + vx2) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dMM0])[ksw] = c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(-vx1 - vx2) + c9o2*(-vx1 - vx2)*(-vx1 - vx2) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dPM0])[kse] = c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(vx1 - vx2) + c9o2*(vx1 - vx2)*(vx1 - vx2) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dMP0])[knw] = c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(-vx1 + vx2) + c9o2*(-vx1 + vx2)*(-vx1 + vx2) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dP0P])[kte] = c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(vx1 + vx3) + c9o2*(vx1 + vx3)*(vx1 + vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dM0M])[kbw] = c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(-vx1 - vx3) + c9o2*(-vx1 - vx3)*(-vx1 - vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dP0M])[kbe] = c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(vx1 - vx3) + c9o2*(vx1 - vx3)*(vx1 - vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dM0P])[ktw] = c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(-vx1 + vx3) + c9o2*(-vx1 + vx3)*(-vx1 + vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[d0PP])[ktn] = c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(vx2 + vx3) + c9o2*(vx2 + vx3)*(vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[d0MM])[kbs] = c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(-vx2 - vx3) + c9o2*(-vx2 - vx3)*(-vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[d0PM])[kbn] = c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(vx2 - vx3) + c9o2*(vx2 - vx3)*(vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[d0MP])[kts] = c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(-vx2 + vx3) + c9o2*(-vx2 + vx3)*(-vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dPPP])[ktne] = c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(vx1 + vx2 + vx3) + c9o2*(vx1 + vx2 + vx3)*(vx1 + vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dMMM])[kbsw] = c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(-vx1 - vx2 - vx3) + c9o2*(-vx1 - vx2 - vx3)*(-vx1 - vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dPPM])[kbne] = c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(vx1 + vx2 - vx3) + c9o2*(vx1 + vx2 - vx3)*(vx1 + vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dMMP])[ktsw] = c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(-vx1 - vx2 + vx3) + c9o2*(-vx1 - vx2 + vx3)*(-vx1 - vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dPMP])[ktse] = c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(vx1 - vx2 + vx3) + c9o2*(vx1 - vx2 + vx3)*(vx1 - vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dMPM])[kbnw] = c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(-vx1 + vx2 - vx3) + c9o2*(-vx1 + vx2 - vx3)*(-vx1 + vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dPMM])[kbse] = c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(vx1 - vx2 - vx3) + c9o2*(vx1 - vx2 - vx3)*(vx1 - vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
-            (D27.f[dMPP])[ktnw] = c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1 + c3o1*(-vx1 + vx2 + vx3) + c9o2*(-vx1 + vx2 + vx3)*(-vx1 + vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
-            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            distAD.f[dP00] = &distributionsAD[dP00 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dM00] = &distributionsAD[dM00 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0P0] = &distributionsAD[d0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0M0] = &distributionsAD[d0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d00P] = &distributionsAD[d00P * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d00M] = &distributionsAD[d00M * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPP0] = &distributionsAD[dPP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMM0] = &distributionsAD[dMM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPM0] = &distributionsAD[dPM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMP0] = &distributionsAD[dMP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dP0P] = &distributionsAD[dP0P * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dM0M] = &distributionsAD[dM0M * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dP0M] = &distributionsAD[dP0M * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dM0P] = &distributionsAD[dM0P * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0PP] = &distributionsAD[d0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0MM] = &distributionsAD[d0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0PM] = &distributionsAD[d0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0MP] = &distributionsAD[d0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d000] = &distributionsAD[d000 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPPP] = &distributionsAD[dPPP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMMP] = &distributionsAD[dMMP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPMP] = &distributionsAD[dPMP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMPP] = &distributionsAD[dMPP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPPM] = &distributionsAD[dPPM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMMM] = &distributionsAD[dMMM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPMM] = &distributionsAD[dPMM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMPM] = &distributionsAD[dMPM * numberOfLBnodes];
+        else
+        {
+            distAD.f[dM00] = &distributionsAD[dP00 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dP00] = &distributionsAD[dM00 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0M0] = &distributionsAD[d0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0P0] = &distributionsAD[d0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d00M] = &distributionsAD[d00P * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d00P] = &distributionsAD[d00M * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMM0] = &distributionsAD[dPP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPP0] = &distributionsAD[dMM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMP0] = &distributionsAD[dPM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPM0] = &distributionsAD[dMP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dM0M] = &distributionsAD[dP0P * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dP0P] = &distributionsAD[dM0M * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dM0P] = &distributionsAD[dP0M * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dP0M] = &distributionsAD[dM0P * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0MM] = &distributionsAD[d0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0PP] = &distributionsAD[d0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0MP] = &distributionsAD[d0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0PM] = &distributionsAD[d0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d000] = &distributionsAD[d000 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMMM] = &distributionsAD[dPPP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPPM] = &distributionsAD[dMMP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMPM] = &distributionsAD[dPMP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPMM] = &distributionsAD[dMPP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMMP] = &distributionsAD[dPPM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPPP] = &distributionsAD[dMMM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMPP] = &distributionsAD[dPMM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPMP] = &distributionsAD[dMPM * numberOfLBnodes];
+        }
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //! - Set local velocities and concetration
+        //!
+        real conc = concentration[k];
+        real  vx1 = velocityX[k];
+        real  vx2 = velocityY[k];
+        real  vx3 = velocityZ[k];
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
+        //!
+        uint kzero = k;
+        uint ke    = k;
+        uint kw    = neighborX[k];
+        uint kn    = k;
+        uint ks    = neighborY[k];
+        uint kt    = k;
+        uint kb    = neighborZ[k];
+        uint ksw   = neighborY[kw];
+        uint kne   = k;
+        uint kse   = ks;
+        uint knw   = kw;
+        uint kbw   = neighborZ[kw];
+        uint kte   = k;
+        uint kbe   = kb;
+        uint ktw   = kw;
+        uint kbs   = neighborZ[ks];
+        uint ktn   = k;
+        uint kbn   = kb;
+        uint kts   = ks;
+        uint ktse  = ks;
+        uint kbnw  = kbw;
+        uint ktnw  = kw;
+        uint kbse  = kbs;
+        uint ktsw  = ksw;
+        uint kbne  = kb;
+        uint ktne  = k;
+        uint kbsw  = neighborZ[ksw];
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //! - Calculate the equilibrium and set the distributions
+        //!
+        real cu_sq = c3o2*(vx1*vx1 + vx2*vx2 + vx3*vx3);
+        (distAD.f[d000])[kzero] = c8o27  * conc * (c1o1 - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dP00])[ke   ] = c2o27  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1            ) + c9o2 * ( vx1            ) * ( vx1            ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dM00])[kw   ] = c2o27  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1            ) + c9o2 * (-vx1            ) * (-vx1            ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d0P0])[kn   ] = c2o27  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (       vx2      ) + c9o2 * (       vx2      ) * (       vx2      ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d0M0])[ks   ] = c2o27  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (     - vx2      ) + c9o2 * (     - vx2      ) * (     - vx2      ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d00P])[kt   ] = c2o27  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (             vx3) + c9o2 * (             vx3) * (             vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d00M])[kb   ] = c2o27  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (           - vx3) + c9o2 * (           - vx3) * (           - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dPP0])[kne  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1 + vx2      ) + c9o2 * ( vx1 + vx2      ) * ( vx1 + vx2      ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dMM0])[ksw  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1 - vx2      ) + c9o2 * (-vx1 - vx2      ) * (-vx1 - vx2      ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dPM0])[kse  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1 - vx2      ) + c9o2 * ( vx1 - vx2      ) * ( vx1 - vx2      ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dMP0])[knw  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1 + vx2      ) + c9o2 * (-vx1 + vx2      ) * (-vx1 + vx2      ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dP0P])[kte  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1       + vx3) + c9o2 * ( vx1       + vx3) * ( vx1       + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dM0M])[kbw  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1       - vx3) + c9o2 * (-vx1       - vx3) * (-vx1       - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dP0M])[kbe  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1       - vx3) + c9o2 * ( vx1       - vx3) * ( vx1       - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dM0P])[ktw  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1       + vx3) + c9o2 * (-vx1       + vx3) * (-vx1       + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d0PP])[ktn  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (       vx2 + vx3) + c9o2 * (       vx2 + vx3) * (       vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d0MM])[kbs  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (     - vx2 - vx3) + c9o2 * (     - vx2 - vx3) * (     - vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d0PM])[kbn  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (       vx2 - vx3) + c9o2 * (       vx2 - vx3) * (       vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d0MP])[kts  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (     - vx2 + vx3) + c9o2 * (     - vx2 + vx3) * (     - vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dPPP])[ktne ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1 + vx2 + vx3) + c9o2 * ( vx1 + vx2 + vx3) * ( vx1 + vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dMMM])[kbsw ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1 - vx2 - vx3) + c9o2 * (-vx1 - vx2 - vx3) * (-vx1 - vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dPPM])[kbne ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1 + vx2 - vx3) + c9o2 * ( vx1 + vx2 - vx3) * ( vx1 + vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dMMP])[ktsw ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1 - vx2 + vx3) + c9o2 * (-vx1 - vx2 + vx3) * (-vx1 - vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dPMP])[ktse ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1 - vx2 + vx3) + c9o2 * ( vx1 - vx2 + vx3) * ( vx1 - vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dMPM])[kbnw ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1 + vx2 - vx3) + c9o2 * (-vx1 + vx2 - vx3) * (-vx1 + vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dPMM])[kbse ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1 - vx2 - vx3) + c9o2 * ( vx1 - vx2 - vx3) * ( vx1 - vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dMPP])[ktnw ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1 + vx2 + vx3) + c9o2 * (-vx1 + vx2 + vx3) * (-vx1 + vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
diff --git a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible_Device.cuh b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible_Device.cuh
index a14605fa0a4e8768cda90b3f10d97fe4005973d8..eab37f6ffd49a8333e503190ad1899e6fb882987 100644
--- a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible_Device.cuh
+++ b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible_Device.cuh
@@ -35,16 +35,16 @@
 #include <curand.h>
 __global__ void InitAdvectionDiffusionCompressible_Device(
-    unsigned int* neighborX,
-    unsigned int* neighborY,
-    unsigned int* neighborZ,
-    unsigned int* geoD,
-    real* Conc,
-    real* ux,
-    real* uy,
-    real* uz,
-    unsigned int size_Mat,
-    real* DD27,
-    bool EvenOrOdd);
+    uint* neighborX,
+    uint* neighborY,
+    uint* neighborZ,
+    uint* typeOfGridNode,
+    real* concentration,
+    real* velocityX,
+    real* velocityY,
+    real* velocityZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real* distributionsAD,
+    bool isEvenTimestep);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible.cu b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible.cu
index fa79630f0f832cdf658f83b43124b3870c32ad1e..2120c1b4191075f654cee5d85adf43d92137e541 100644
--- a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible.cu
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 #include "InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible.h"
-#include "InitIncompAD27_Device.cuh"
+#include "InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible_Device.cuh"
 #include "Parameter/Parameter.h"
 #include <cuda_helper/CudaGrid.h>
diff --git a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible_Device.cu b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible_Device.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..52586d9b6ce34e6c90d196529174d2190f0b1caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible_Device.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \author Martin Schoenherr
+#include "LBM/LB.h" 
+#include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
+#include <basics/constants/NumericConstants.h>
+using namespace vf::basics::constant;
+using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+#include "math.h"
+__global__ void InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible_Device(
+    uint* neighborX,
+    uint* neighborY,
+    uint* neighborZ,
+    uint* typeOfGridNode,
+    real* concentration,
+    real* velocityX,
+    real* velocityY,
+    real* velocityZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real* distributionsAD,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! The initialization is executed in the following steps
+    //!
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index
+    const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index
+    const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index
+    const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
+    const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
+    const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // run for all indices in size_Mat and fluid nodes
+    if ((k < numberOfLBnodes) && (typeOfGridNode[k] == GEO_FLUID))
+    {
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref
+        //! <a href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017), DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
+        //!
+        Distributions27 distAD;
+        if (isEvenTimestep)
+        {
+            distAD.f[dP00] = &distributionsAD[dP00 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dM00] = &distributionsAD[dM00 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0P0] = &distributionsAD[d0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0M0] = &distributionsAD[d0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d00P] = &distributionsAD[d00P * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d00M] = &distributionsAD[d00M * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPP0] = &distributionsAD[dPP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMM0] = &distributionsAD[dMM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPM0] = &distributionsAD[dPM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMP0] = &distributionsAD[dMP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dP0P] = &distributionsAD[dP0P * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dM0M] = &distributionsAD[dM0M * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dP0M] = &distributionsAD[dP0M * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dM0P] = &distributionsAD[dM0P * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0PP] = &distributionsAD[d0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0MM] = &distributionsAD[d0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0PM] = &distributionsAD[d0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0MP] = &distributionsAD[d0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d000] = &distributionsAD[d000 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPPP] = &distributionsAD[dPPP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMMP] = &distributionsAD[dMMP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPMP] = &distributionsAD[dPMP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMPP] = &distributionsAD[dMPP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPPM] = &distributionsAD[dPPM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMMM] = &distributionsAD[dMMM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPMM] = &distributionsAD[dPMM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMPM] = &distributionsAD[dMPM * numberOfLBnodes];
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            distAD.f[dM00] = &distributionsAD[dP00 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dP00] = &distributionsAD[dM00 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0M0] = &distributionsAD[d0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0P0] = &distributionsAD[d0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d00M] = &distributionsAD[d00P * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d00P] = &distributionsAD[d00M * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMM0] = &distributionsAD[dPP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPP0] = &distributionsAD[dMM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMP0] = &distributionsAD[dPM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPM0] = &distributionsAD[dMP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dM0M] = &distributionsAD[dP0P * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dP0P] = &distributionsAD[dM0M * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dM0P] = &distributionsAD[dP0M * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dP0M] = &distributionsAD[dM0P * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0MM] = &distributionsAD[d0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0PP] = &distributionsAD[d0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0MP] = &distributionsAD[d0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d0PM] = &distributionsAD[d0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[d000] = &distributionsAD[d000 * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMMM] = &distributionsAD[dPPP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPPM] = &distributionsAD[dMMP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMPM] = &distributionsAD[dPMP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPMM] = &distributionsAD[dMPP * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMMP] = &distributionsAD[dPPM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPPP] = &distributionsAD[dMMM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dMPP] = &distributionsAD[dPMM * numberOfLBnodes];
+            distAD.f[dPMP] = &distributionsAD[dMPM * numberOfLBnodes];
+        }
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //! - Set local velocities and concetration
+        //!
+        real conc = concentration[k];
+        real  vx1 = velocityX[k];
+        real  vx2 = velocityY[k];
+        real  vx3 = velocityZ[k];
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
+        //!
+        uint kzero = k;
+        uint ke    = k;
+        uint kw    = neighborX[k];
+        uint kn    = k;
+        uint ks    = neighborY[k];
+        uint kt    = k;
+        uint kb    = neighborZ[k];
+        uint ksw   = neighborY[kw];
+        uint kne   = k;
+        uint kse   = ks;
+        uint knw   = kw;
+        uint kbw   = neighborZ[kw];
+        uint kte   = k;
+        uint kbe   = kb;
+        uint ktw   = kw;
+        uint kbs   = neighborZ[ks];
+        uint ktn   = k;
+        uint kbn   = kb;
+        uint kts   = ks;
+        uint ktse  = ks;
+        uint kbnw  = kbw;
+        uint ktnw  = kw;
+        uint kbse  = kbs;
+        uint ktsw  = ksw;
+        uint kbne  = kb;
+        uint ktne  = k;
+        uint kbsw  = neighborZ[ksw];
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //! - Calculate the equilibrium and set the distributions
+        //!
+        real cu_sq = c3o2*(vx1*vx1 + vx2*vx2 + vx3*vx3);
+        (distAD.f[d000])[kzero] = c8o27  * conc * (c1o1 - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dP00])[ke   ] = c2o27  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1            ) + c9o2 * ( vx1            ) * ( vx1            ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dM00])[kw   ] = c2o27  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1            ) + c9o2 * (-vx1            ) * (-vx1            ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d0P0])[kn   ] = c2o27  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (       vx2      ) + c9o2 * (       vx2      ) * (       vx2      ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d0M0])[ks   ] = c2o27  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (     - vx2      ) + c9o2 * (     - vx2      ) * (     - vx2      ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d00P])[kt   ] = c2o27  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (             vx3) + c9o2 * (             vx3) * (             vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d00M])[kb   ] = c2o27  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (           - vx3) + c9o2 * (           - vx3) * (           - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dPP0])[kne  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1 + vx2      ) + c9o2 * ( vx1 + vx2      ) * ( vx1 + vx2      ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dMM0])[ksw  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1 - vx2      ) + c9o2 * (-vx1 - vx2      ) * (-vx1 - vx2      ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dPM0])[kse  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1 - vx2      ) + c9o2 * ( vx1 - vx2      ) * ( vx1 - vx2      ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dMP0])[knw  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1 + vx2      ) + c9o2 * (-vx1 + vx2      ) * (-vx1 + vx2      ) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dP0P])[kte  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1       + vx3) + c9o2 * ( vx1       + vx3) * ( vx1       + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dM0M])[kbw  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1       - vx3) + c9o2 * (-vx1       - vx3) * (-vx1       - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dP0M])[kbe  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1       - vx3) + c9o2 * ( vx1       - vx3) * ( vx1       - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dM0P])[ktw  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1       + vx3) + c9o2 * (-vx1       + vx3) * (-vx1       + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d0PP])[ktn  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (       vx2 + vx3) + c9o2 * (       vx2 + vx3) * (       vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d0MM])[kbs  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (     - vx2 - vx3) + c9o2 * (     - vx2 - vx3) * (     - vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d0PM])[kbn  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (       vx2 - vx3) + c9o2 * (       vx2 - vx3) * (       vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[d0MP])[kts  ] = c1o54  * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (     - vx2 + vx3) + c9o2 * (     - vx2 + vx3) * (     - vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dPPP])[ktne ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1 + vx2 + vx3) + c9o2 * ( vx1 + vx2 + vx3) * ( vx1 + vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dMMM])[kbsw ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1 - vx2 - vx3) + c9o2 * (-vx1 - vx2 - vx3) * (-vx1 - vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dPPM])[kbne ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1 + vx2 - vx3) + c9o2 * ( vx1 + vx2 - vx3) * ( vx1 + vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dMMP])[ktsw ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1 - vx2 + vx3) + c9o2 * (-vx1 - vx2 + vx3) * (-vx1 - vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dPMP])[ktse ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1 - vx2 + vx3) + c9o2 * ( vx1 - vx2 + vx3) * ( vx1 - vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dMPM])[kbnw ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1 + vx2 - vx3) + c9o2 * (-vx1 + vx2 - vx3) * (-vx1 + vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dPMM])[kbse ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * ( vx1 - vx2 - vx3) + c9o2 * ( vx1 - vx2 - vx3) * ( vx1 - vx2 - vx3) - cu_sq);
+        (distAD.f[dMPP])[ktnw ] = c1o216 * conc * (c1o1 + c3o1 * (-vx1 + vx2 + vx3) + c9o2 * (-vx1 + vx2 + vx3) * (-vx1 + vx2 + vx3) - cu_sq);
+    }
diff --git a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitIncompAD27_Device.cuh b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible_Device.cuh
similarity index 89%
rename from src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitIncompAD27_Device.cuh
rename to src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible_Device.cuh
index ec01ab24dd5e833f2a809018f9fb0607fadb397f..9623ca788fecb15509d79eb643d9debd11eb9229 100644
--- a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitIncompAD27_Device.cuh
+++ b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible_Device.cuh
@@ -35,16 +35,16 @@
 #include <curand.h>
 __global__ void InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible_Device(
-    unsigned int* neighborX,
-    unsigned int* neighborY,
-    unsigned int* neighborZ,
-    unsigned int* geoD,
-    real* Conc,
-    real* ux,
-    real* uy,
-    real* uz,
-    unsigned int size_Mat,
-    real* DD27,
-    bool EvenOrOdd);
+    uint* neighborX,
+    uint* neighborY,
+    uint* neighborZ,
+    uint* typeOfGridNode,
+    real* concentration,
+    real* velocityX,
+    real* velocityY,
+    real* velocityZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real* distributionsAD,
+    bool isEvenTimestep);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitIncompAD27_Device.cu b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitIncompAD27_Device.cu
deleted file mode 100644
index 55c3a954099bd353302cc8604a8600dff0fbfbfa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible/InitIncompAD27_Device.cu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
-// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
-//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
-//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
-//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
-//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
-//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
-//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
-//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
-//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
-//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
-//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
-//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
-//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \author Martin Schoenherr
-#include "LBM/LB.h" 
-#include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
-#include <basics/constants/NumericConstants.h>
-using namespace vf::basics::constant;
-using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
-#include "math.h"
-__global__ void InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressible_Device(
-    unsigned int* neighborX,
-    unsigned int* neighborY,
-    unsigned int* neighborZ,
-    unsigned int* geoD,
-    real* Conc,
-    real* ux,
-    real* uy,
-    real* uz,
-    unsigned int size_Mat,
-    real* DD27,
-    bool EvenOrOdd)
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   if(k<size_Mat)
-   {
-      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      unsigned int BC;
-      BC        =   geoD[k];
-      if( BC != GEO_SOLID && BC != GEO_VOID)
-      {
-         Distributions27 D27;
-         if (EvenOrOdd==true)
-         {
-            D27.f[dP00   ] = &DD27[dP00   *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dM00   ] = &DD27[dM00   *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d0P0   ] = &DD27[d0P0   *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d0M0   ] = &DD27[d0M0   *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d00P   ] = &DD27[d00P   *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d00M   ] = &DD27[d00M   *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dPP0  ] = &DD27[dPP0  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dMM0  ] = &DD27[dMM0  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dPM0  ] = &DD27[dPM0  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dMP0  ] = &DD27[dMP0  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dP0P  ] = &DD27[dP0P  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dM0M  ] = &DD27[dM0M  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dP0M  ] = &DD27[dP0M  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dM0P  ] = &DD27[dM0P  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d0PP  ] = &DD27[d0PP  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d0MM  ] = &DD27[d0MM  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d0PM  ] = &DD27[d0PM  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d0MP  ] = &DD27[d0MP  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d000] = &DD27[d000*size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dPPP ] = &DD27[dPPP *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dMMP ] = &DD27[dMMP *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dPMP ] = &DD27[dPMP *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dMPP ] = &DD27[dMPP *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dPPM ] = &DD27[dPPM *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dMMM ] = &DD27[dMMM *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dPMM ] = &DD27[dPMM *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dMPM ] = &DD27[dMPM *size_Mat];
-         }
-         else
-         {
-            D27.f[dM00   ] = &DD27[dP00   *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dP00   ] = &DD27[dM00   *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d0M0   ] = &DD27[d0P0   *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d0P0   ] = &DD27[d0M0   *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d00M   ] = &DD27[d00P   *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d00P   ] = &DD27[d00M   *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dMM0  ] = &DD27[dPP0  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dPP0  ] = &DD27[dMM0  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dMP0  ] = &DD27[dPM0  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dPM0  ] = &DD27[dMP0  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dM0M  ] = &DD27[dP0P  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dP0P  ] = &DD27[dM0M  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dM0P  ] = &DD27[dP0M  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dP0M  ] = &DD27[dM0P  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d0MM  ] = &DD27[d0PP  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d0PP  ] = &DD27[d0MM  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d0MP  ] = &DD27[d0PM  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d0PM  ] = &DD27[d0MP  *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[d000] = &DD27[d000*size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dMMM ] = &DD27[dPPP *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dPPM ] = &DD27[dMMP *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dMPM ] = &DD27[dPMP *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dPMM ] = &DD27[dMPP *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dMMP ] = &DD27[dPPM *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dPPP ] = &DD27[dMMM *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dMPP ] = &DD27[dPMM *size_Mat];
-            D27.f[dPMP ] = &DD27[dMPM *size_Mat];
-         }
-         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-         real ConcD = Conc[k];
-         real   vx1 = ux[k];
-         real   vx2 = uy[k];
-         real   vx3 = uz[k];
-         ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-         ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-         //D3Q27
-         ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-         //index
-         unsigned int kzero= k;
-         unsigned int ke   = k;
-         unsigned int kw   = neighborX[k];
-         unsigned int kn   = k;
-         unsigned int ks   = neighborY[k];
-         unsigned int kt   = k;
-         unsigned int kb   = neighborZ[k];
-         unsigned int ksw  = neighborY[kw];
-         unsigned int kne  = k;
-         unsigned int kse  = ks;
-         unsigned int knw  = kw;
-         unsigned int kbw  = neighborZ[kw];
-         unsigned int kte  = k;
-         unsigned int kbe  = kb;
-         unsigned int ktw  = kw;
-         unsigned int kbs  = neighborZ[ks];
-         unsigned int ktn  = k;
-         unsigned int kbn  = kb;
-         unsigned int kts  = ks;
-         unsigned int ktse = ks;
-         unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
-         unsigned int ktnw = kw;
-         unsigned int kbse = kbs;
-         unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
-         unsigned int kbne = kb;
-         unsigned int ktne = k;
-         unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
-         ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-         real cu_sq=c3o2*(vx1*vx1+vx2*vx2+vx3*vx3);
-         (D27.f[d000])[kzero] =   c8o27* ConcD*(c1o1-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dP00   ])[ke   ] =   c2o27* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*( vx1        )+c9o2*( vx1        )*( vx1        )-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dM00   ])[kw   ] =   c2o27* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(-vx1        )+c9o2*(-vx1        )*(-vx1        )-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[d0P0   ])[kn   ] =   c2o27* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(    vx2     )+c9o2*(     vx2    )*(     vx2    )-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[d0M0   ])[ks   ] =   c2o27* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(   -vx2     )+c9o2*(    -vx2    )*(    -vx2    )-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[d00P   ])[kt   ] =   c2o27* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(         vx3)+c9o2*(         vx3)*(         vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[d00M   ])[kb   ] =   c2o27* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(        -vx3)+c9o2*(        -vx3)*(        -vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dPP0  ])[kne  ] =   c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*( vx1+vx2    )+c9o2*( vx1+vx2    )*( vx1+vx2    )-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dMM0  ])[ksw  ] =   c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(-vx1-vx2    )+c9o2*(-vx1-vx2    )*(-vx1-vx2    )-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dPM0  ])[kse  ] =   c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*( vx1-vx2    )+c9o2*( vx1-vx2    )*( vx1-vx2    )-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dMP0  ])[knw  ] =   c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(-vx1+vx2    )+c9o2*(-vx1+vx2    )*(-vx1+vx2    )-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dP0P  ])[kte  ] =   c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*( vx1    +vx3)+c9o2*( vx1    +vx3)*( vx1    +vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dM0M  ])[kbw  ] =   c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(-vx1    -vx3)+c9o2*(-vx1    -vx3)*(-vx1    -vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dP0M  ])[kbe  ] =   c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*( vx1    -vx3)+c9o2*( vx1    -vx3)*( vx1    -vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dM0P  ])[ktw  ] =   c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(-vx1    +vx3)+c9o2*(-vx1    +vx3)*(-vx1    +vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[d0PP  ])[ktn  ] =   c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(     vx2+vx3)+c9o2*(     vx2+vx3)*(     vx2+vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[d0MM  ])[kbs  ] =   c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(    -vx2-vx3)+c9o2*(    -vx2-vx3)*(    -vx2-vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[d0PM  ])[kbn  ] =   c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(     vx2-vx3)+c9o2*(     vx2-vx3)*(     vx2-vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[d0MP  ])[kts  ] =   c1o54* ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(    -vx2+vx3)+c9o2*(    -vx2+vx3)*(    -vx2+vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dPPP ])[ktne ] =   c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*( vx1+vx2+vx3)+c9o2*( vx1+vx2+vx3)*( vx1+vx2+vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dMMM ])[kbsw ] =   c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(-vx1-vx2-vx3)+c9o2*(-vx1-vx2-vx3)*(-vx1-vx2-vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dPPM ])[kbne ] =   c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*( vx1+vx2-vx3)+c9o2*( vx1+vx2-vx3)*( vx1+vx2-vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dMMP ])[ktsw ] =   c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(-vx1-vx2+vx3)+c9o2*(-vx1-vx2+vx3)*(-vx1-vx2+vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dPMP ])[ktse ] =   c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*( vx1-vx2+vx3)+c9o2*( vx1-vx2+vx3)*( vx1-vx2+vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dMPM ])[kbnw ] =   c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(-vx1+vx2-vx3)+c9o2*(-vx1+vx2-vx3)*(-vx1+vx2-vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dPMM ])[kbse ] =   c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*( vx1-vx2-vx3)+c9o2*( vx1-vx2-vx3)*( vx1-vx2-vx3)-cu_sq);
-         (D27.f[dMPP ])[ktnw ] =   c1o216*ConcD*(c1o1+c3o1*(-vx1+vx2+vx3)+c9o2*(-vx1+vx2+vx3)*(-vx1+vx2+vx3)-cu_sq);
-         ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      }
-   }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7.cu b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7.cu
index 8aaf2f712aaaa8a55fa7e9231b8e5e0d7afb3905..94d7da3bcdc6296bfaaa03c5ce81508c5c3c53e2 100644
--- a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7.cu
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 #include "InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7.h"
-#include "InitIncompAD7_Device.cuh"
+#include "InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7_Device.cuh"
 #include "Parameter/Parameter.h"
 #include <cuda_helper/CudaGrid.h>
diff --git a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7/InitIncompAD7_Device.cu b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7_Device.cu
similarity index 100%
rename from src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7/InitIncompAD7_Device.cu
rename to src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7_Device.cu
diff --git a/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7/InitIncompAD7_Device.cuh b/src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7_Device.cuh
similarity index 100%
rename from src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7/InitIncompAD7_Device.cuh
rename to src/gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorStrategy/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7/InitAdvectionDiffusionIncompressibleD3Q7_Device.cuh