diff --git a/readme_gpu.md b/readme_gpu.md
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--- a/readme_gpu.md
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-Software Requirements:
-CMake [cmake.org](https://cmake.org/):
-* minimum version 3.13
-CUDA [developer.nvidia.com/cuda-zone](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-zone):
-* Minimum CUDA Version 9.0
-* Minimum Compute Capability 3.0, because of maximal number of Blocks in x direction
-* Recommended Compute Capability 6.0, because of atomics for double precision floating point data (GKS only)
-Paraview [www.paraview.org](https://www.paraview.org/):
-* any version, for example the most recent
-C++ Compiler:
-* with C++11 support, for example gcc6.3 or Visual C++ 14.0
-How to get VirtualFluidsGPU:
-Option 1: use git
-1. checkout out https://git.irmb.bau.tu-bs.de/VirtualFluids/VirtualFluidsGPU.git with your credentials
-Option 2: without git
-1. go to git.irmb.tu-bs.de
-2. Log in with your credentials
-3. click on VirtualFluids/VirtualFluidsGPU
-4. click on the download symbol on the top right and download zip/tar.gz file
-How to build VirtualFluidsGPU:
-1. CMake the project
-2. set the output path in targets/apps/LidDrivenCavity/LidDrivenCavity.cpp
-3. build the project ("compile")
-4. run the generated executable (usually in <build directory>/bin/)
-Known Issues:
-If CMake does not find CUDA_CUT_INCLUDE_DIR use and set the correct CUDA Pathes in CMakeLists.txt in the base directory in lines 35, 36.
-VirtualFluidsGPU results files:
-VirtualFluidsGPU generates a the time series of output files directly in the output path. In Paraview these time series can be read directly.
-VirtualFluidsGPU change between Double and Single Precision:
-Option 1:
-1. go to CMakeLists.txt in the base directory
-2. go to line 83 to switch ON/OFF VF_DOUBLE_ACCURACY
-Option 2:
-Check/uncheck the item VF_DOUBLE_ACCURACY in CMake.
-The doxygen generated documentation can be found [here](https://git.irmb.bau.tu-bs.de/doku/GPU).
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