From ab398713171b4fa6bbc12a13707d5ab413e939e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Soeren Peters <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021 11:26:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Switch to W3 warning level on windows for now.

 CMake/3rd/boost.cmake                         |   2 -
 CMake/compilerflags/MSVC.cmake                |   8 +-
 src/gpu/GridGenerator/CMakeLists.txt          |   5 +-
 .../GridGenerator/geometries/Sphere/ |   8 +-
 .../geometries/Triangle/           |   2 +-
 .../grid/GridBuilder/LevelGridBuilder.cpp     |   6 +-
 src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Calculation/Cp.cpp  | 134 +++++++++---------
 src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/   |   2 +-
 .../VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/   |   6 +-
 .../            |   4 +-
 .../CumulantK15/   |   2 +-
 .../Mod27/ADIncomp27/     |   2 +-
 12 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CMake/3rd/boost.cmake b/CMake/3rd/boost.cmake
index 74f6f165c..89d4bfd87 100644
--- a/CMake/3rd/boost.cmake
+++ b/CMake/3rd/boost.cmake
@@ -30,10 +30,8 @@ function(linkBoost)
         find_package( Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS ${ARG_COMPONENTS})
         target_link_libraries(${library_name} PRIVATE ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
-        message("here")
         find_package( Boost REQUIRED)
-        message("or here")
diff --git a/CMake/compilerflags/MSVC.cmake b/CMake/compilerflags/MSVC.cmake
index 2af38d98e..73c1d765b 100644
--- a/CMake/compilerflags/MSVC.cmake
+++ b/CMake/compilerflags/MSVC.cmake
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ list(APPEND CS_COMPILER_FLAGS_CXX "-MP")     # enable multi-threaded compiling
 # warnings
-list(APPEND CS_COMPILER_FLAGS_CXX "/W4") # highest warning level
+list(APPEND CS_COMPILER_FLAGS_CXX "/W3") # highest warning level
 # With W4 the following warnings appear many times. As long they are not eliminated they are suppressed:
 list(APPEND CS_COMPILER_FLAGS_CXX "/wd4458") # C4458: declaration of 'XXX' hides class member
@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ list(APPEND CS_COMPILER_FLAGS_CXX "/wd4701") # C4701: potentially uninitialized
 list(APPEND CS_COMPILER_FLAGS_CXX "/wd4251") # disable needs to have dll interface
 list(APPEND CS_COMPILER_FLAGS_CXX "/wd4005") # disable macro redefinition (triggered by metis.h)
+list(APPEND CS_COMPILER_FLAGS_CXX "/wd26812") # disable the enum type is unscoped
+list(APPEND CS_COMPILER_FLAGS_CXX "/wd4100") # unreferenced formal parameter
 # preprocessor definitions
diff --git a/src/gpu/GridGenerator/CMakeLists.txt b/src/gpu/GridGenerator/CMakeLists.txt
index 30d705e0e..516e56047 100644
--- a/src/gpu/GridGenerator/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/gpu/GridGenerator/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ endif()
 # suppress warning 2979: calling a __host__ function from __host__ __device__ is not allowed
-    set(cuda_warnings_suppressions "${cuda_warnings_suppressions} --diag_suppress=2979 --diag_suppress=2976 --diag_suppress=3005")
+    set(cuda_warnings_suppressions "${cuda_warnings_suppressions} --diag_suppress=2979 --diag_suppress=2976 --diag_suppress=3005 --diag_suppress=2978 --diag_suppress=3009")
-target_compile_options(${library_name} PRIVATE $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CUDA>:-Xcudafe ${cuda_warnings_suppressions} >)
+target_compile_options(${library_name} PUBLIC $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CUDA>:-Xcudafe ${cuda_warnings_suppressions} >)
diff --git a/src/gpu/GridGenerator/geometries/Sphere/ b/src/gpu/GridGenerator/geometries/Sphere/
index 85d353d39..fe403cd7e 100644
--- a/src/gpu/GridGenerator/geometries/Sphere/
+++ b/src/gpu/GridGenerator/geometries/Sphere/
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ CUDA_HOST int Sphere::getIntersection(const Vertex & point, const Vertex & direc
     real q = ( relativePoint.x * relativePoint.x
              + relativePoint.y * relativePoint.y
              + relativePoint.z * relativePoint.z
-             - this->radius    * this->radius )
+             - (real)this->radius * (real)this->radius )
            / directionSquare;
     real discriminant = 0.25 * p * p - q;
@@ -122,8 +122,10 @@ CUDA_HOST int Sphere::getIntersection(const Vertex & point, const Vertex & direc
     if( result1 < 0.0 && result2 < 0.0 ) return 1;
-    if( result1 < 0.0 ) result1 = 1e99;
-    if( result2 < 0.0 ) result2 = 1e99;
+    if (result1 < 0.0)
+        result1 = (real)FLT_MAX;
+    if (result2 < 0.0)
+        result2 = (real)FLT_MAX;
     real t = std::min( result1, result2 );
diff --git a/src/gpu/GridGenerator/geometries/Triangle/ b/src/gpu/GridGenerator/geometries/Triangle/
index 0b6aaa080..f38eff75a 100644
--- a/src/gpu/GridGenerator/geometries/Triangle/
+++ b/src/gpu/GridGenerator/geometries/Triangle/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ HOSTDEVICE Vertex Triangle::get(int index)
     if (index == 2)
         return v3;
-        return Vertex(-999999999999999, -99999999999999, -9999999999999);
+        return Vertex((real)-999999999999999, (real)-99999999999999, (real)-9999999999999);
 HOSTDEVICE void Triangle::calcNormal()
diff --git a/src/gpu/GridGenerator/grid/GridBuilder/LevelGridBuilder.cpp b/src/gpu/GridGenerator/grid/GridBuilder/LevelGridBuilder.cpp
index 2312b7198..f24547298 100644
--- a/src/gpu/GridGenerator/grid/GridBuilder/LevelGridBuilder.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/GridGenerator/grid/GridBuilder/LevelGridBuilder.cpp
@@ -315,9 +315,9 @@ void LevelGridBuilder::getVelocityValues(real* vx, real* vy, real* vz, int* indi
             indices[allIndicesCounter] = grids[level]->getSparseIndex(boundaryCondition->indices[i]) +1;  
-            vx[allIndicesCounter] = (uint)boundaryCondition->getVx(i);
-            vy[allIndicesCounter] = (uint)boundaryCondition->getVy(i);
-            vz[allIndicesCounter] = (uint)boundaryCondition->getVz(i);
+            vx[allIndicesCounter] = (uint)boundaryCondition->getVx((uint)i);
+            vy[allIndicesCounter] = (uint)boundaryCondition->getVy((uint)i);
+            vz[allIndicesCounter] = (uint)boundaryCondition->getVz((uint)i);
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Calculation/Cp.cpp b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Calculation/Cp.cpp
index 29887e025..112a29fcf 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Calculation/Cp.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Calculation/Cp.cpp
@@ -35,31 +35,31 @@ void calcCp(Parameter* para, CudaMemoryManager* cudaManager, int lev)
 	std::vector< double > cpBottom2Row;
 	//calc cp top
-	for (unsigned int it = 0; it < para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; it++)
+	for (unsigned int it = 0; it < para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; it++)
-		pressSI = (double)(para->getParH(lev)->cpPressTop[it] / (double)3.0 * (double)para->getDensityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio());
+		pressSI = (double)(para->getParH((int)lev)->cpPressTop[it] / (double)3.0 * (double)para->getDensityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio());
 		cp      = (double) (pressSI / (0.5 * rhoSI * veloSI * veloSI));
-	para->getParH(lev)->cpTop.push_back(cpTopRow);
+	para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTop.push_back(cpTopRow);
 	//calc cp bottom
-	for (uint it = 0; it < para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsCpBottom; it++)
+	for (uint it = 0; it < para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsCpBottom; it++)
-		pressSI = (double)(para->getParH(lev)->cpPressBottom[it] / (double)3.0 * (double)para->getDensityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio());
+		pressSI = (double)(para->getParH((int)lev)->cpPressBottom[it] / (double)3.0 * (double)para->getDensityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio());
 		cp      = (double) (pressSI / (0.5 * rhoSI * veloSI * veloSI));
-	para->getParH(lev)->cpBottom.push_back(cpBottomRow);
+	para->getParH((int)lev)->cpBottom.push_back(cpBottomRow);
 	//calc cp bottom 2
-	for (uint it = 0; it < para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsCpBottom2; it++)
+	for (uint it = 0; it < para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsCpBottom2; it++)
-		pressSI = (double)(para->getParH(lev)->cpPressBottom2[it] / (double)3.0 * (double)para->getDensityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio());
+		pressSI = (double)(para->getParH((int)lev)->cpPressBottom2[it] / (double)3.0 * (double)para->getDensityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio());
 		cp      = (double) (pressSI / (0.5 * rhoSI * veloSI * veloSI));
-	para->getParH(lev)->cpBottom2.push_back(cpBottom2Row);
+	para->getParH((int)lev)->cpBottom2.push_back(cpBottom2Row);
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ void printCpTopIntermediateStep(Parameter* para, unsigned int t, int lev);
 	//fill file with data
-	for (vector< vector<double> >::const_iterator i = para->getParH(lev)->cpTop.begin(); i != para->getParH(lev)->cpTop.end(); ++i)
+	for (vector< vector<double> >::const_iterator i = para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTop.begin(); i != para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTop.end(); ++i)
 		for (vector<double>::const_iterator j = i->begin(); j != i->end(); ++j)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ void printCpTopIntermediateStep(Parameter* para, unsigned int t, int lev)
 	//close file
-	para->getParH(lev)->cpTop.clear();
+	para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTop.clear();
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void printCpTop(Parameter* para, CudaMemoryManager* cudaManager, int lev);
 	//fill file with data
-	for (vector< vector<double> >::const_iterator i = para->getParH(lev)->cpTop.begin() ; i != para->getParH(lev)->cpTop.end(); ++i)
+	for (vector< vector<double> >::const_iterator i = para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTop.begin() ; i != para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTop.end(); ++i)
 		for (vector<double>::const_iterator j=i->begin(); j!=i->end(); ++j)
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ void printCpTop(Parameter* para, CudaMemoryManager* cudaManager, int lev)
 	//close file
-	para->getParH(lev)->cpTop.clear();
+	para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTop.clear();
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void printCpBottom(Parameter* para, CudaMemoryManager* cudaManager);
 	//fill file with data
-	for (vector< vector<double> >::const_iterator i = para->getParH(lev)->cpBottom.begin() ; i != para->getParH(lev)->cpBottom.end(); ++i)
+	for (vector< vector<double> >::const_iterator i = para->getParH((int)lev)->cpBottom.begin() ; i != para->getParH((int)lev)->cpBottom.end(); ++i)
 		for (vector<double>::const_iterator j=i->begin(); j!=i->end(); ++j)
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ void printCpBottom(Parameter* para, CudaMemoryManager* cudaManager)
 	//close file
-	para->getParH(lev)->cpBottom.clear();
+	para->getParH((int)lev)->cpBottom.clear();
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ void printCpBottom2(Parameter* para, CudaMemoryManager* cudaManager);
 	//fill file with data
-	for (vector< vector<double> >::const_iterator i = para->getParH(lev)->cpBottom2.begin() ; i != para->getParH(lev)->cpBottom2.end(); ++i)
+	for (vector< vector<double> >::const_iterator i = para->getParH((int)lev)->cpBottom2.begin() ; i != para->getParH((int)lev)->cpBottom2.end(); ++i)
 		for (vector<double>::const_iterator j=i->begin(); j!=i->end(); ++j)
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ void printCpBottom2(Parameter* para, CudaMemoryManager* cudaManager)
 	//close file
-	para->getParH(lev)->cpBottom2.clear();
+	para->getParH((int)lev)->cpBottom2.clear();
@@ -224,22 +224,22 @@ void printCpBottom2(Parameter* para, CudaMemoryManager* cudaManager)
 void excludeGridInterfaceNodesForMirror(Parameter* para, int lev)
 	bool tempBool = true;
-	para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow = 0;
+	para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow = 0;
 	para->getParH(lev + 1)->numberOfPointsPressWindow = 0;
 	//define bool vector for nodes outside the interface
 	for (unsigned int it = 0; it < para->getParH(lev + 1)->numberOfPointsCpTop; it++)
-		for (unsigned int ifit = 0; ifit < para->getParH(lev)->K_CF; ifit++)
+		for (unsigned int ifit = 0; ifit < para->getParH((int)lev)->K_CF; ifit++)
-			if ((para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]) ||
-				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborX_SP[para->getParH(lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]) ||
-				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborY_SP[para->getParH(lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]) ||
-				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborZ_SP[para->getParH(lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]) ||
-				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborY_SP[para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborX_SP[para->getParH(lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]]) ||
-				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborZ_SP[para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborX_SP[para->getParH(lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]]) ||
-				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborZ_SP[para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborY_SP[para->getParH(lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]]) ||
-				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborZ_SP[para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborY_SP[para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborX_SP[para->getParH(lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]]]))
+			if ((para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH((int)lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]) ||
+				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborX_SP[para->getParH((int)lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]) ||
+				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborY_SP[para->getParH((int)lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]) ||
+				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborZ_SP[para->getParH((int)lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]) ||
+				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborY_SP[para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborX_SP[para->getParH((int)lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]]) ||
+				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborZ_SP[para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborX_SP[para->getParH((int)lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]]) ||
+				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborZ_SP[para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborY_SP[para->getParH((int)lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]]) ||
+				(para->getParH(lev + 1)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborZ_SP[para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborY_SP[para->getParH(lev + 1)->neighborX_SP[para->getParH((int)lev)->intCF.ICellCFF[ifit]]]]))
 				para->getParH(lev + 1)->isOutsideInterface.push_back(false);
 				tempBool = false;
@@ -254,28 +254,28 @@ void excludeGridInterfaceNodesForMirror(Parameter* para, int lev)
 		tempBool = true;
-	for (unsigned int it = 0; it < para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; it++)
+	for (unsigned int it = 0; it < para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; it++)
-		for (unsigned int ifit = 0; ifit < para->getParH(lev)->K_FC; ifit++)
+		for (unsigned int ifit = 0; ifit < para->getParH((int)lev)->K_FC; ifit++)
-			if (para->getParH(lev)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH(lev)->intFC.ICellFCC[ifit])
+			if (para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTopIndex[it] == (int)para->getParH((int)lev)->intFC.ICellFCC[ifit])
-				para->getParH(lev)->isOutsideInterface.push_back(false);
+				para->getParH((int)lev)->isOutsideInterface.push_back(false);
 				tempBool = false;
 		if (tempBool == true)
-			para->getParH(lev)->isOutsideInterface.push_back(true);
-			para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow++;
+			para->getParH((int)lev)->isOutsideInterface.push_back(true);
+			para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow++;
 		tempBool = true;
-	std::cout << "number of nodes cp top level 7:" << para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop << endl;
-	std::cout << "number of nodes bool level 7:" << para->getParH(lev)->isOutsideInterface.size() << endl;
-	std::cout << "number of nodes press window level 7:" << para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow << endl;
+	std::cout << "number of nodes cp top level 7:" << para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop << endl;
+	std::cout << "number of nodes bool level 7:" << para->getParH((int)lev)->isOutsideInterface.size() << endl;
+	std::cout << "number of nodes press window level 7:" << para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow << endl;
 	std::cout << "number of nodes cp top level 8:" << para->getParH(lev + 1)->numberOfPointsCpTop << endl;
 	std::cout << "number of nodes bool level 8:" << para->getParH(lev + 1)->isOutsideInterface.size() << endl;
 	std::cout << "number of nodes press window level 8:" << para->getParH(lev + 1)->numberOfPointsPressWindow << endl;
@@ -293,16 +293,16 @@ void calcPressForMirror(Parameter* para, CudaMemoryManager* cudaManager, int lev
 	double pressSI;
 	//calc press
-	for (unsigned int it = 0; it < para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; it++)
+	for (unsigned int it = 0; it < para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; it++)
-		if (para->getParH(lev)->isOutsideInterface[it])
+		if (para->getParH((int)lev)->isOutsideInterface[it])
-			pressSI = (double)(para->getParH(lev)->cpPressTop[it] / (double)3.0 * (double)para->getDensityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio());
-			para->getParH(lev)->pressMirror.push_back(pressSI);
+			pressSI = (double)(para->getParH((int)lev)->cpPressTop[it] / (double)3.0 * (double)para->getDensityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio() * (double)para->getVelocityRatio());
+			para->getParH((int)lev)->pressMirror.push_back(pressSI);
-	//std::cout << "number of nodes press mirror:" << para->getParH(lev)->pressMirror.size() << ", at level: " << lev << endl;
+	//std::cout << "number of nodes press mirror:" << para->getParH((int)lev)->pressMirror.size() << ", at level: " << lev << endl;
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ extern "C" void printGeoFile(Parameter* para, bool fileFormat)
 	unsigned int non = 0;
 	for (size_t lev = startlevel; lev <= endlevel; lev++)
-		non += para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow;
+		non += para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow;
@@ -415,11 +415,11 @@ extern "C" void printGeoFile(Parameter* para, bool fileFormat)
         // X
         for (size_t lev = startlevel; lev <= endlevel; lev++)
-            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; i++)
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; i++)
-                if (para->getParH(lev)->isOutsideInterface[i])
+                if (para->getParH((int)lev)->isOutsideInterface[i])
-                    ostr << (para->getParH(lev)->coordX_SP[para->getParH(lev)->cpTopIndex[i]] * para->getScaleLBMtoSI().at(0) + para->getTranslateLBMtoSI().at(0)) << std::endl;
+                    ostr << (para->getParH((int)lev)->coordX_SP[para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTopIndex[i]] * para->getScaleLBMtoSI().at(0) + para->getTranslateLBMtoSI().at(0)) << std::endl;
@@ -427,11 +427,11 @@ extern "C" void printGeoFile(Parameter* para, bool fileFormat)
         // Y
         for (size_t lev = startlevel; lev <= endlevel; lev++)
-            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; i++)
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; i++)
-                if (para->getParH(lev)->isOutsideInterface[i])
+                if (para->getParH((int)lev)->isOutsideInterface[i])
-                    ostr << (para->getParH(lev)->coordY_SP[para->getParH(lev)->cpTopIndex[i]] * para->getScaleLBMtoSI().at(1) + para->getTranslateLBMtoSI().at(1)) << std::endl;
+                    ostr << (para->getParH((int)lev)->coordY_SP[para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTopIndex[i]] * para->getScaleLBMtoSI().at(1) + para->getTranslateLBMtoSI().at(1)) << std::endl;
@@ -439,11 +439,11 @@ extern "C" void printGeoFile(Parameter* para, bool fileFormat)
         // Z
         for (size_t lev = startlevel; lev <= endlevel; lev++)
-            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; i++)
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; i++)
-                if (para->getParH(lev)->isOutsideInterface[i])
+                if (para->getParH((int)lev)->isOutsideInterface[i])
-                    ostr << (para->getParH(lev)->coordZ_SP[para->getParH(lev)->cpTopIndex[i]] * para->getScaleLBMtoSI().at(2) + para->getTranslateLBMtoSI().at(2)) << std::endl;
+                    ostr << (para->getParH((int)lev)->coordZ_SP[para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTopIndex[i]] * para->getScaleLBMtoSI().at(2) + para->getTranslateLBMtoSI().at(2)) << std::endl;
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ extern "C" void printGeoFile(Parameter* para, bool fileFormat)
         unsigned int j = 0;
         for (size_t lev = startlevel; lev <= endlevel; lev++)
-            for (size_t i = 0; i < para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow; i++)
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow; i++)
                 ostr << j << "\n";
@@ -485,11 +485,11 @@ extern "C" void printGeoFile(Parameter* para, bool fileFormat)
         // X
         for (size_t lev = startlevel; lev <= endlevel; lev++)
-            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; i++)
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; i++)
-                if (para->getParH(lev)->isOutsideInterface[i])
+                if (para->getParH((int)lev)->isOutsideInterface[i])
-                    tempCoord = (para->getParH(lev)->coordX_SP[para->getParH(lev)->cpTopIndex[i]] * para->getScaleLBMtoSI().at(0) + para->getTranslateLBMtoSI().at(0));
+                    tempCoord = (para->getParH((int)lev)->coordX_SP[para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTopIndex[i]] * para->getScaleLBMtoSI().at(0) + para->getTranslateLBMtoSI().at(0));
                     writeFloatToFile(tempCoord, ostr);
@@ -500,11 +500,11 @@ extern "C" void printGeoFile(Parameter* para, bool fileFormat)
         // Y
         for (size_t lev = startlevel; lev <= endlevel; lev++)
-            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; i++)
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; i++)
-                if (para->getParH(lev)->isOutsideInterface[i])
+                if (para->getParH((int)lev)->isOutsideInterface[i])
-                    tempCoord = (para->getParH(lev)->coordY_SP[para->getParH(lev)->cpTopIndex[i]] * para->getScaleLBMtoSI().at(1) + para->getTranslateLBMtoSI().at(1));
+                    tempCoord = (para->getParH((int)lev)->coordY_SP[para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTopIndex[i]] * para->getScaleLBMtoSI().at(1) + para->getTranslateLBMtoSI().at(1));
                     writeFloatToFile(tempCoord, ostr);
@@ -513,11 +513,11 @@ extern "C" void printGeoFile(Parameter* para, bool fileFormat)
         // Z
         for (size_t lev = startlevel; lev <= endlevel; lev++)
-            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; i++)
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsCpTop; i++)
-                if (para->getParH(lev)->isOutsideInterface[i])
+                if (para->getParH((int)lev)->isOutsideInterface[i])
-                    tempCoord = (para->getParH(lev)->coordZ_SP[para->getParH(lev)->cpTopIndex[i]] * para->getScaleLBMtoSI().at(2) + para->getTranslateLBMtoSI().at(2));
+                    tempCoord = (para->getParH((int)lev)->coordZ_SP[para->getParH((int)lev)->cpTopIndex[i]] * para->getScaleLBMtoSI().at(2) + para->getTranslateLBMtoSI().at(2));
                     writeFloatToFile(tempCoord, ostr);
@@ -529,12 +529,12 @@ extern "C" void printGeoFile(Parameter* para, bool fileFormat)
         unsigned int j = 0;
         for (size_t lev = startlevel; lev <= endlevel; lev++)
-            for (size_t i = 0; i < para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow; i++)
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow; i++)
                 writeIntToFile(j, ostr);
-            //std::cout << "level: " << lev << ", numberOfPointsPressWindow:" << para->getParH(lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow << endl;
+            //std::cout << "level: " << lev << ", numberOfPointsPressWindow:" << para->getParH((int)lev)->numberOfPointsPressWindow << endl;
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ extern "C" void printScalars(Parameter* para, bool fileFormat)
         //fill file with data
         for (size_t lev = startlevel; lev <= endlevel; lev++)
-            for (vector<double>::const_iterator i = para->getParH(lev)->pressMirror.begin(); i != para->getParH(lev)->pressMirror.end(); ++i)
+            for (vector<double>::const_iterator i = para->getParH((int)lev)->pressMirror.begin(); i != para->getParH((int)lev)->pressMirror.end(); ++i)
                 ostr << *i << "\n";
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ extern "C" void printScalars(Parameter* para, bool fileFormat)
         for (size_t lev = startlevel; lev <= endlevel; lev++)
-            para->getParH(lev)->pressMirror.clear();
+            para->getParH((int)lev)->pressMirror.clear();
     else //Binary:
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ extern "C" void printScalars(Parameter* para, bool fileFormat)
         //fill file with data
         for (size_t lev = startlevel; lev <= endlevel; lev++)
-            for (vector<double>::const_iterator i = para->getParH(lev)->pressMirror.begin(); i != para->getParH(lev)->pressMirror.end(); ++i)
+            for (vector<double>::const_iterator i = para->getParH((int)lev)->pressMirror.begin(); i != para->getParH((int)lev)->pressMirror.end(); ++i)
                 writeFloatToFile(*i, ostr);
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ extern "C" void printScalars(Parameter* para, bool fileFormat)
         for (size_t lev = startlevel; lev <= endlevel; lev++)
-            para->getParH(lev)->pressMirror.clear();
+            para->getParH((int)lev)->pressMirror.clear();
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/
index d0ee5eb61..0da46c500 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/
@@ -4023,7 +4023,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void LB_Kernel_Kum_New_SP_27(     real omega,
 			real mxxMzz	   = mfcaa - mfaac;
-			real magicBulk=(CUMacc+CUMcac+CUMcca)*(c1o1/OxxPyyPzz-c1o2)*c3o2*8.;
+			//real magicBulk=(CUMacc+CUMcac+CUMcca)*(c1o1/OxxPyyPzz-c1o2)*c3o2*8.;
 			//limiter-Scheise Teil 1
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/
index 035384cdf..6b2323336 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/
@@ -472,9 +472,9 @@ extern "C" __global__ void LB_PostProcessor_F3_2018_Fehlberg(real omega,
-			real OxyyPxzz = c8o1*(-c2o1 + omega)*(c1o1 + c2o1*omega) / (-c8o1 - c14o1*omega + c7o1*omega*omega);//one;
-			real OxyyMxzz = c8o1*(-c2o1 + omega)*(-c7o1 + c4o1*omega) / (c56o1 - c50o1*omega + c9o1*omega*omega);//one;
-			real Oxyz = c24o1*(-c2o1 + omega)*(-c2o1 - c7o1*omega + c3o1*omega*omega) / (c48o1 + c152o1*omega - c130o1*omega*omega + c29o1*omega*omega*omega);//one;
+			//real OxyyPxzz = c8o1*(-c2o1 + omega)*(c1o1 + c2o1*omega) / (-c8o1 - c14o1*omega + c7o1*omega*omega);//one;
+			//real OxyyMxzz = c8o1*(-c2o1 + omega)*(-c7o1 + c4o1*omega) / (c56o1 - c50o1*omega + c9o1*omega*omega);//one;
+			//real Oxyz = c24o1*(-c2o1 + omega)*(-c2o1 - c7o1*omega + c3o1*omega*omega) / (c48o1 + c152o1*omega - c130o1*omega*omega + c29o1*omega*omega*omega);//one;
 			//central moments to cumulants
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/Advection/Compressible/CumulantAll4/ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/Advection/Compressible/CumulantAll4/
index 814e239b7..99f7a4c03 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/Advection/Compressible/CumulantAll4/
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/Advection/Compressible/CumulantAll4/
@@ -563,8 +563,8 @@ extern "C" __global__ void LB_Kernel_Cumulant_D3Q27All4(	real omega,
 			//limiter advect
-			real lambdaAdvect = 1000;//100000;
-			real limAdvect = lambdaAdvect * (c1o1 / omega - c1o2) * (c1o1 / omega - c1o2);
+			//real lambdaAdvect = 1000;//100000;
+			//real limAdvect = lambdaAdvect * (c1o1 / omega - c1o2) * (c1o1 / omega - c1o2);
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/Advection/Incompressible/CumulantK15/ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/Advection/Incompressible/CumulantK15/
index 4b316f864..1aece7875 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/Advection/Incompressible/CumulantK15/
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/Advection/Incompressible/CumulantK15/
@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void LB_Kernel_CumulantK15Incomp(real omega,
 			real mxxMzz = mfcaa - mfaac;
-			real magicBulk = (CUMacc + CUMcac + CUMcca)*(c1o1 / OxxPyyPzz - c1o2)*c3o2*8.;
+			//real magicBulk = (CUMacc + CUMcac + CUMcca)*(c1o1 / OxxPyyPzz - c1o2)*c3o2*8.;
 			//limiter-Scheise Teil 1
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/AdvectionDiffusion/Incompressible/Mod27/ADIncomp27/ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/AdvectionDiffusion/Incompressible/Mod27/ADIncomp27/
index 1da2b22d1..0daf75c0a 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/AdvectionDiffusion/Incompressible/Mod27/ADIncomp27/
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/AdvectionDiffusion/Incompressible/Mod27/ADIncomp27/
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void LB_Kernel_AD_Incomp_27(real diffusivity,
 			real drho = ((((mfccc + mfaaa) + (mfaca + mfcac)) + ((mfacc + mfcaa) + (mfaac + mfcca))) +
 				(((mfbac + mfbca) + (mfbaa + mfbcc)) + ((mfabc + mfcba) + (mfaba + mfcbc)) + ((mfacb + mfcab) + (mfaab + mfccb))) +
 				((mfabb + mfcbb) + (mfbab + mfbcb)) + (mfbba + mfbbc)) + mfbbb;
-			real rho = c1o1 + drho;
+			//real rho = c1o1 + drho;
 			real vvx = ((fTNE - fBSW) + (fBNE - fTSW) + (fTSE - fBNW) + (fBSE - fTNW) + (fNE - fSW) + (fSE - fNW) + (fTE - fBW) + (fBE - fTW) + (fE - fW));