index 4bf538b84b0211ada593913a556f10be0d6ed608..a0693d564438ece97e0e9bebc7262bf189a337d4 100644
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 # Contributing
 If you want to contribute to VirtualFluids, your help is very welcome.
-To contribute use a pull request as follows:
+To contribute use a merge request as follows:
-### How to make a clean pull request
+### How to make a clean merge request
 - Create a personal fork of VirtualFluids.
-- Clone the fork on your local machine. Your remote repo on gitea is called `origin`.
+- Clone the fork on your local machine. Your remote repo on gitlab is called `origin`.
 - Add the original repository as a remote called `upstream`.
 - If you created your fork a while ago be sure to pull upstream changes into your local repository.
 - Create a new branch to work on! Branch from `develop` or `open_source`.
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ To contribute use a pull request as follows:
 - Write or adapt tests as needed.
 - Add or change the documentation as needed.
 - Push your branch to your fork on gitea, the remote `origin`.
-- From your fork open a pull request in the correct branch. Target the project's `develop` or `open_source` branch
+- From your fork open a merge request in the correct branch. Target the project's `develop` or `open_source` branch
 - …
-- If we requests further changes just push them to your branch. The PR will be updated automatically.
-- Once the pull request is approved and merged you can pull the changes from `upstream` to your local repo and delete
+- If we requests further changes just push them to your branch. The MR will be updated automatically.
+- Once the merge request is approved and merged you can pull the changes from `upstream` to your local repo and delete
 your extra branch(es).
 And last but not least: Always write your commit messages in the present tense. Your commit message should describe what the commit, when applied, does to the code – not what you did to the code.
diff --git a/apps/cpu/Applications.cmake b/apps/cpu/Applications.cmake
index 2fc89f7036ba707fdd4412c702b8be626956bb86..d8dff8b8c5f776d1d27e9217d7b050ab4022d8a4 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/Applications.cmake
+++ b/apps/cpu/Applications.cmake
@@ -69,4 +69,5 @@ add_subdirectory(${APPS_ROOT_CPU}/HerschelBulkleyModel)
diff --git a/apps/cpu/CouetteFlow/cflow.cpp b/apps/cpu/CouetteFlow/cflow.cpp
index 874b8e17aad431799acc0b13412fa025e6254077..2ac32915a9348021acb2ff6e5ee70b24a8dedeb6 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/CouetteFlow/cflow.cpp
+++ b/apps/cpu/CouetteFlow/cflow.cpp
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ void bflow(string configname)
       double c = 10; // 1.0 / 6.0;
       double mu0 = 1e-4;
-      SPtr<Thixotropy> thix = Thixotropy::getInstance();
+      SPtr<Rheology> thix = Rheology::getInstance();
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ void bflow(string configname)
       SPtr<BCAdapter> noSlipBCAdapter(new NoSlipBCAdapter());
-      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
-      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
-      noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
       //BS visitor
       BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor bcVisitor;
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ void bflow(string configname)
       //SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new PowellEyringModelLBMKernel());
       //SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new HerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel());
       //SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new RheologyK17LBMKernel());
-      SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new BinghamModelLBMKernel());
+      SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel());
diff --git a/apps/cpu/HerschelBulkleyModel/hbflow.cpp b/apps/cpu/HerschelBulkleyModel/hbflow.cpp
index 7371c782edcacae5d4db566a37248c40c0eb2853..6de995e2af0510fcc19f985a1eb43214b1748090 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/HerschelBulkleyModel/hbflow.cpp
+++ b/apps/cpu/HerschelBulkleyModel/hbflow.cpp
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ void bflow(string configname)
       double c = 10; // 1.0 / 6.0;
       double mu0 = 1e-4;
-      SPtr<Thixotropy> thix = Thixotropy::getInstance();
+      SPtr<Rheology> thix = Rheology::getInstance();
@@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ void bflow(string configname)
       SPtr<BCAdapter> noSlipBCAdapter(new NoSlipBCAdapter());
-      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
-      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
-      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
       //BS visitor
       BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor bcVisitor;
diff --git a/apps/cpu/HerschelBulkleySphere/hbsphere.cpp b/apps/cpu/HerschelBulkleySphere/hbsphere.cpp
index 3b6ddb814140f1b0e756deef1443577fa79aaf68..f4b50325da703381b9c09b36c18741f7f1c04cc5 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/HerschelBulkleySphere/hbsphere.cpp
+++ b/apps/cpu/HerschelBulkleySphere/hbsphere.cpp
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void bflow(string configname)
       double omegaMin = 1.0e-8;
-      SPtr<Thixotropy> thix = Thixotropy::getInstance();
+      SPtr<Rheology> thix = Rheology::getInstance();
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ void bflow(string configname)
       SPtr<BCAdapter> noSlipBCAdapter(new NoSlipBCAdapter());
       //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new NoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
-      noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
-      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
       SPtr<BCAdapter> slipBCAdapter(new SlipBCAdapter());
       slipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new SimpleSlipBCAlgorithm()));
diff --git a/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/CMakeLists.txt b/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b72b8765177c13a3f747b5f03e80f0ef5823ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+## C++ PROJECT                                       ###
+vf_add_library(BUILDTYPE binary PRIVATE_LINK VirtualFluidsCore basics ${MPI_CXX_LIBRARIES} FILES viskomat.cpp )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viscosity.cfg b/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viscosity.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf2822c7b1d6dd42fdcbc513a4e6b39264ab4180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viscosity.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+nuLB = 1.5e-3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cfg b/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f5d9fef26c61f9756875823c4b8a809d8bbb94e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+outputPath = d:/temp/rheometer/rheometerBinghamqQBB/rheometerBingham_tau_20e-7_nu_1.5e-3_new_lim
+viscosityPath = d:/Projects/VirtualFluidsCombined/apps/cpu/rheometer
+numOfThreads = 4
+availMem = 8e9
+logToFile = false
+blocknx = 8 8 1
+#boundingBox = 32 32 1
+deltax = 1
+#boundingBox = 0.02 0.02 0.00125
+#deltax = 0.000625
+refineLevel = 0
+OmegaLB = 4e-5
+tau0 = 20e-7
+resolution = 32
+scaleFactor = 1
+newStart = true
+restartStep = 100000
+cpStart = 10000
+cpStep = 10000
+outTime = 10000
+endTime = 100000
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cpp b/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c0c10e71039d58f3f17dfd522aa14583ea6c591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cpu/ViskomatXL/viskomat.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <VirtualFluids.h>
+using namespace std;
+void bflow(string configname)
+   try
+   {
+      ConfigurationFile   config;
+      config.load(configname);
+      string          outputPath = config.getValue<string>("outputPath");
+      string          viscosityPath = config.getValue<string>("viscosityPath");
+      int             numOfThreads = config.getValue<int>("numOfThreads");
+      vector<int>     blocknx = config.getVector<int>("blocknx");
+      vector<double>  boundingBox = config.getVector<double>("boundingBox");
+      //double          nuLB = 1.5e-3;//config.getValue<double>("nuLB");
+      double          endTime = config.getValue<double>("endTime");
+      double          outTime = config.getValue<double>("outTime");
+      double          availMem = config.getValue<double>("availMem");
+      int             refineLevel = config.getValue<int>("refineLevel");
+      bool            logToFile = config.getValue<bool>("logToFile");
+      double          restartStep = config.getValue<double>("restartStep");
+      double          deltax = config.getValue<double>("deltax");
+      double          cpStep = config.getValue<double>("cpStep");
+      double          cpStart = config.getValue<double>("cpStart");
+      bool            newStart = config.getValue<bool>("newStart");
+      double          OmegaLB = config.getValue<double>("OmegaLB");
+      double          tau0 = config.getValue<double>("tau0");
+      double          scaleFactor = config.getValue<double>("scaleFactor");
+      double          resolution = config.getValue<double>("resolution");
+      ConfigurationFile   viscosity;
+      viscosity.load(viscosityPath + "/viscosity.cfg");
+      double nuLB = viscosity.getValue<double>("nuLB");
+      outputPath = outputPath + "/rheometerBingham_" + config.getValue<string>("resolution") + "_" + config.getValue<string>("OmegaLB");
+      SPtr<Communicator> comm = MPICommunicator::getInstance();
+      int myid = comm->getProcessID();
+      if (logToFile)
+      {
+#if defined(__unix__)
+         if (myid == 0)
+         {
+            const char* str = outputPath.c_str();
+            mkdir(str, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
+         }
+         if (myid == 0)
+         {
+            stringstream logFilename;
+            logFilename << outputPath + "/logfile" + UbSystem::toString(UbSystem::getTimeStamp()) + ".txt";
+            UbLog::output_policy::setStream(logFilename.str());
+         }
+      }
+      LBMReal rhoLB = 0.0;
+      //akoustic
+       OmegaLB /= scaleFactor;
+       nuLB *=scaleFactor;
+       endTime *= scaleFactor;
+       //outTime = endTime;
+       cpStart = endTime;
+       cpStep  = endTime;
+      //OmegaLB /= scaleFactor * scaleFactor;
+      //tau0 /= scaleFactor * scaleFactor;
+      //endTime *= scaleFactor * scaleFactor;
+      //outTime = endTime;
+      //cpStart = endTime;
+      //cpStep = endTime;
+      SPtr<LBMUnitConverter> conv = SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter());
+      // double uWorld = (N * PI) / 30.0; //0.0037699111843
+      // double rhoWorld = 2350.0; //kg/m^3
+      //double R0 = boundingBox[0] * 0.5;
+      //SPtr<LBMUnitConverter> conv = SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter(deltax, uWorld*R0, rhoWorld, 1.0, uLB));
+      //if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, conv->toString());
+      //bounding box
+      double g_minX1 = 0;
+      double g_minX2 = 0;
+      double g_minX3 = 0;
+      double g_maxX1 = boundingBox[0];
+      double g_maxX2 = boundingBox[1];
+      double g_maxX3 = boundingBox[2];
+      //double g_minX1 = -boundingBox[0]/2.0;
+      //double g_minX2 = -boundingBox[1] / 2.0;
+      //double g_minX3 = -boundingBox[2]/2.0;
+      //double g_maxX1 = boundingBox[0]/2.0;
+      //double g_maxX2 = boundingBox[1]/2.0;
+      //double g_maxX3 = boundingBox[2]/2.0;
+//      double blockLength = 3.0 * deltax;
+      // double d = 2.0 * radius;
+      // double U = uLB;
+      // double Gamma = U / d;
+      // double muWorld = 20; //Pa*s
+      // double k = 0.0015; // muWorld / rhoWorld * conv->getFactorViscosityWToLb(); //(U * d) / (Re);
+      // //double k = (U * d) / (Re * std::pow(Gamma, n - 1));
+      // double yielStressWorld = 20; //Pa
+      // double tau0 = 1e-6;// 3e-6;//yielStressWorld * conv->getFactorPressureWToLb(); //Bn * k * std::pow(Gamma, n);
+      //double k = 0.05; // (U * d) / (Re * std::pow(Gamma, n - 1));
+      //double tau0 = 3e-6; //Bn * k * std::pow(Gamma, n);
+      //double forcing = 8e-7;
+      //double omegaMin = 1.0e-8;
+      SPtr<Rheology> thix = Rheology::getInstance();
+      //thix->setPowerIndex(n);
+      //thix->setViscosityParameter(k);
+      thix->setYieldStress(tau0);
+      //thix->setOmegaMin(omegaMin);
+      SPtr<BCAdapter> noSlipBCAdapter(new NoSlipBCAdapter());
+      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new NoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      //SPtr<BCAdapter> slipBCAdapter(new SlipBCAdapter());
+      //slipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new SimpleSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      mu::Parser fctVx;
+      //fctVx.SetExpr("omega*(r-x2)");
+      fctVx.SetExpr("-Omega*(x2-r)");
+      fctVx.DefineConst("Omega", OmegaLB);
+      //fctVx.DefineConst("r", R0);
+      fctVx.DefineConst("r", g_maxX1*0.5);
+      mu::Parser fctVy;
+      fctVy.SetExpr("Omega*(x1-r)");
+      fctVy.DefineConst("Omega", OmegaLB);
+      //fctVy.DefineConst("r", R0);
+      fctVy.DefineConst("r", g_maxX2 * 0.5);
+      mu::Parser fctVz;
+      fctVz.SetExpr("0.0");
+      SPtr<BCAdapter> velocityBCAdapter(new VelocityBCAdapter(true, true, true, fctVx, fctVy, fctVz, 0, BCFunction::INFCONST));
+      //velocityBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new VelocityBCAlgorithm()));
+      //velocityBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new SimpleVelocityBCAlgorithm()));
+      //velocityBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm()));
+      velocityBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyBinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm()));
+      //SPtr<BCAdapter> densityBCAdapter(new DensityBCAdapter());
+      //densityBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm()));
+      ////densityBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm()));
+      //BS visitor
+      BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor bcVisitor;
+      bcVisitor.addBC(noSlipBCAdapter);
+      //bcVisitor.addBC(slipBCAdapter);
+      bcVisitor.addBC(velocityBCAdapter);
+      //bcVisitor.addBC(densityBCAdapter);
+      SPtr<BCProcessor> bcProc;
+      bcProc = SPtr<BCProcessor>(new BCProcessor());
+      //SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new CumulantLBMKernel());
+      //SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new CompressibleCumulant4thOrderViscosityLBMKernel());
+      SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new RheologyK17LBMKernel());
+      //SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new HerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel());
+      //SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new BinghamModelLBMKernel());
+      kernel->setBCProcessor(bcProc);
+      //kernel->setForcingX1(forcing);
+      //kernel->setWithForcing(true);
+      SPtr<Grid3D> grid(new Grid3D(comm));
+      grid->setPeriodicX1(false);
+      grid->setPeriodicX2(false);
+      grid->setPeriodicX3(true);
+      grid->setDeltaX(deltax);
+      grid->setBlockNX(blocknx[0], blocknx[1], blocknx[2]);
+      SPtr<GbObject3D> gridCube(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
+      if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), outputPath + "/geo/gridCube", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //restart
+      SPtr<UbScheduler> mSch(new UbScheduler(cpStep, cpStart));
+      SPtr<MPIIOMigrationCoProcessor> restartCoProcessor(new MPIIOMigrationCoProcessor(grid, mSch, outputPath, comm));
+      restartCoProcessor->setLBMKernel(kernel);
+      restartCoProcessor->setBCProcessor(bcProc);
+      //restartCoProcessor->setNu(k);
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      ////stator
+      SPtr<GbObject3D> stator(new GbCylinder3D(0.5 * g_maxX1, 0.5 * g_maxX2, g_minX3-2.0*deltax, 0.5 * g_maxX1, 0.5 * g_maxX2, g_maxX3+ 2.0 * deltax, 0.5 * g_maxX1));
+      GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(stator.get(), outputPath + "/geo/stator", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+      SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> statorInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(stator, grid, velocityBCAdapter, Interactor3D::INVERSESOLID));
+      ////rotor (cylinder)
+      SPtr<GbObject3D> rotor(new GbCylinder3D(0.5 * g_maxX1, 0.5 * g_maxX2, g_minX3- 2.0 * deltax, 0.5 * g_maxX1, 0.5 * g_maxX2, g_maxX3+ 2.0 * deltax, 0.25 * g_maxX1));
+      GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(rotor.get(), outputPath + "/geo/rotor", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+      SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> rotorInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(rotor, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+      if (myid == 0)
+      {
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "Parameters:");
+         //UBLOG(logINFO, "forcing = " << forcing);
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "rho = " << rhoLB);
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "uLB = " << OmegaLB);
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "nuLB = " << nuLB);
+         // UBLOG(logINFO, "Re = " << (U * d) / (k * std::pow(Gamma, n - 1)));
+         // UBLOG(logINFO, "Bn = " << tau0 /(k * std::pow(Gamma, n)));
+         // UBLOG(logINFO, "k = " << k);
+         // UBLOG(logINFO, "n = " << n);
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "tau0 = " << tau0);
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "scaleFactor = " << scaleFactor);
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "deltax = " << deltax);
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "number of levels = " << refineLevel + 1);
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "number of threads = " << numOfThreads);
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "number of processes = " << comm->getNumberOfProcesses());
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "blocknx = " << blocknx[0] << " " << blocknx[1] << " " << blocknx[2]);
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "resolution = " << resolution);
+         // UBLOG(logINFO, "boundingBox = " << boundingBox[0] << " " << boundingBox[1] << " " << boundingBox[2]);
+         // UBLOG(logINFO, "sphereCenter = " << sphereCenter[0] << " " << sphereCenter[1] << " " << sphereCenter[2]);
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "output path = " << outputPath);
+         UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprozess - start");
+      }
+      if (newStart)
+      {
+         GenBlocksGridVisitor genBlocks(gridCube);
+         grid->accept(genBlocks);
+         if (refineLevel > 0)
+         {
+            GbCuboid3DPtr refCube(new GbCuboid3D(-10, -10, -10, 0, 0, 0));
+            if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(refCube.get(), outputPath + "/geo/refCube", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+            if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Refinement - start");
+            RefineCrossAndInsideGbObjectHelper refineHelper(grid, refineLevel, comm);
+            //refineHelper.addGbObject(sphere, refineLevel);
+            refineHelper.addGbObject(refCube, refineLevel);
+            refineHelper.refine();
+            if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Refinement - end");
+         }
+         //walls
+         //GbCuboid3DPtr wallZmin(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - blockLength, g_minX2 - blockLength, g_minX3 - blockLength, g_maxX1 + blockLength, g_maxX2 + blockLength, g_minX3));
+         //if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallZmin.get(), outputPath + "/geo/wallZmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+         //GbCuboid3DPtr wallZmax(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - blockLength, g_minX2 - blockLength, g_maxX3, g_maxX1 + blockLength, g_maxX2 + blockLength, g_maxX3 + blockLength));
+         //if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallZmax.get(), outputPath + "/geo/wallZmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+         ////wall interactors
+         //SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallZminInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallZmin, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+         //SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallZmaxInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallZmax, grid, noSlipBCAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+         ////////////////////////////////////////////
+         //METIS
+         SPtr<Grid3DVisitor> metisVisitor(new MetisPartitioningGridVisitor(comm, MetisPartitioningGridVisitor::LevelBased, D3Q27System::BSW, MetisPartitioner::KWAY));
+         ////////////////////////////////////////////
+         /////delete solid blocks
+         if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "deleteSolidBlocks - start");
+         InteractorsHelper intHelper(grid, metisVisitor);
+         //intHelper.addInteractor(wallZminInt);
+         //intHelper.addInteractor(wallZmaxInt);
+         intHelper.addInteractor(statorInt);
+         intHelper.addInteractor(rotorInt);
+         intHelper.selectBlocks();
+         if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "deleteSolidBlocks - end");
+         //////////////////////////////////////
+         SPtr<CoProcessor> ppblocks(new WriteBlocksCoProcessor(grid, SPtr<UbScheduler>(new UbScheduler(1)), outputPath, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
+         ppblocks->process(0);
+         unsigned long nob = grid->getNumberOfBlocks();
+         int gl = 3;
+         unsigned long nodb = (blocknx[0]) * (blocknx[1]) * (blocknx[2]);
+         unsigned long nod = nob * (blocknx[0]) * (blocknx[1]) * (blocknx[2]);
+         unsigned long nodg = nob * (blocknx[0] + gl) * (blocknx[1] + gl) * (blocknx[1] + gl);
+         double needMemAll = double(nodg * (27 * sizeof(double) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(float) * 4));
+         double needMem = needMemAll / double(comm->getNumberOfProcesses());
+         if (myid == 0)
+         {
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of blocks = " << nob);
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of nodes  = " << nod);
+            int minInitLevel = grid->getCoarsestInitializedLevel();
+            int maxInitLevel = grid->getFinestInitializedLevel();
+            for (int level = minInitLevel; level <= maxInitLevel; level++)
+            {
+               int nobl = grid->getNumberOfBlocks(level);
+               UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of blocks for level " << level << " = " << nobl);
+               UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of nodes for level " << level << " = " << nobl * nodb);
+            }
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Necessary memory  = " << needMemAll << " bytes");
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Necessary memory per process = " << needMem << " bytes");
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Available memory per process = " << availMem << " bytes");
+         }
+         SetKernelBlockVisitor kernelVisitor(kernel, nuLB, availMem, needMem);
+         grid->accept(kernelVisitor);
+         if (refineLevel > 0)
+         {
+            SetUndefinedNodesBlockVisitor undefNodesVisitor;
+            grid->accept(undefNodesVisitor);
+         }
+         //BC
+         intHelper.setBC();
+         //initialization of distributions
+         InitDistributionsBlockVisitor initVisitor;
+         grid->accept(initVisitor);
+         if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprozess - end");
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         restartCoProcessor->restart((int)restartStep);
+         grid->setTimeStep(restartStep);
+         SetBcBlocksBlockVisitor v1(rotorInt);
+         grid->accept(v1);
+         rotorInt->initInteractor();
+         SetBcBlocksBlockVisitor v2(statorInt);
+         grid->accept(v2);
+         statorInt->initInteractor();
+      }
+      omp_set_num_threads(numOfThreads);
+      //set connectors
+      //InterpolationProcessorPtr iProcessor(new ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor());
+      //static_pointer_cast<ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor>(iProcessor)->setOmegaMin(thix->getOmegaMin());
+      //SetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm, true, D3Q27System::ENDDIR, nuLB, iProcessor);
+      //grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
+      OneDistributionSetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm);
+      grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
+      grid->accept(bcVisitor);
+      SPtr<UbScheduler> geoSch(new UbScheduler(1));
+      WriteBoundaryConditionsCoProcessor ppgeo = WriteBoundaryConditionsCoProcessor(grid, geoSch, outputPath, WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance(), comm);
+      ppgeo.process(0);
+      SPtr<UbScheduler> nupsSch(new UbScheduler(10, 30, 100));
+      SPtr<CoProcessor> npr(new NUPSCounterCoProcessor(grid, nupsSch, numOfThreads, comm));
+      //write data for visualization of macroscopic quantities
+      SPtr<UbScheduler> visSch(new UbScheduler(outTime));
+      //SPtr<UbScheduler> visSch(new UbScheduler(10,1));
+      SPtr<WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor> writeMQCoProcessor(new WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor(grid, visSch, outputPath, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter()), comm));
+      //writeMQCoProcessor->process(0);
+      SPtr<UbScheduler> forceSch(new UbScheduler(100));
+      SPtr<CalculateTorqueCoProcessor> fp = make_shared<CalculateTorqueCoProcessor>(grid, forceSch, outputPath + "/torque/TorqueRotor.txt", comm);
+      fp->addInteractor(rotorInt);
+      SPtr<CalculateTorqueCoProcessor> fp2 = make_shared<CalculateTorqueCoProcessor>(grid, forceSch, outputPath + "/torque/TorqueStator.txt", comm);
+      fp2->addInteractor(statorInt);
+      SPtr<WriteThixotropyQuantitiesCoProcessor> writeThixotropicMQCoProcessor(new WriteThixotropyQuantitiesCoProcessor(grid, visSch, outputPath, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter()), comm));
+      SPtr<UbScheduler> stepGhostLayer(new UbScheduler(1));
+      SPtr<Calculator> calculator(new BasicCalculator(grid, stepGhostLayer, endTime));
+      calculator->addCoProcessor(npr);
+      calculator->addCoProcessor(fp);
+      calculator->addCoProcessor(fp2);
+      calculator->addCoProcessor(writeMQCoProcessor);
+      calculator->addCoProcessor(writeThixotropicMQCoProcessor);
+      calculator->addCoProcessor(restartCoProcessor);
+      if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-start");
+      calculator->calculate();
+      if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-end");
+   }
+   catch (std::exception& e)
+   {
+      cerr << e.what() << endl << flush;
+   }
+   catch (std::string& s)
+   {
+      cerr << s << endl;
+   }
+   catch (...)
+   {
+      cerr << "unknown exception" << endl;
+   }
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+   if (argv != NULL)
+   {
+      if (argv[1] != NULL)
+      {
+         //pflowForcing(string(argv[1]));
+         bflow(string(argv[1]));
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         cout << "Configuration file is missing!" << endl;
+      }
+   }
+   return 0;
diff --git a/apps/cpu/rheometer/rheometer.cpp b/apps/cpu/rheometer/rheometer.cpp
index 7ab66c19addd54f8d77b9f90e6f420df4382b4a6..950e6e517562462d1616040d6f8f1b06d2577f54 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/rheometer/rheometer.cpp
+++ b/apps/cpu/rheometer/rheometer.cpp
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ void bflow(string configname)
       //double omegaMin = 1.0e-8;
-      SPtr<Thixotropy> thix = Thixotropy::getInstance();
+      SPtr<Rheology> thix = Rheology::getInstance();
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ void bflow(string configname)
       SPtr<BCAdapter> noSlipBCAdapter(new NoSlipBCAdapter());
       //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new NoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
-      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
-      noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      //noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
+      noSlipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()));
       //SPtr<BCAdapter> slipBCAdapter(new SlipBCAdapter());
       //slipBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new SimpleSlipBCAlgorithm()));
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ void bflow(string configname)
       //velocityBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new VelocityBCAlgorithm()));
       //velocityBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new SimpleVelocityBCAlgorithm()));
       //velocityBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm()));
-      velocityBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm()));
+      velocityBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new RheologyBinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm()));
       //SPtr<BCAdapter> densityBCAdapter(new DensityBCAdapter());
       //densityBCAdapter->setBcAlgorithm(SPtr<BCAlgorithm>(new NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm()));
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluids.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluids.h
index fd9eefa1bf2ecb2fe025047e08eb8d8f56e791a8..d60189b0747541e5e02fb38752df4581ee754b33 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluids.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluids.h
@@ -121,34 +121,34 @@
 #include <BoundaryConditions/VelocityBCAdapter.h>
 #include <BoundaryConditions/VelocityBCAlgorithm.h>
 #include <BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h>
-#include <BoundaryConditions/DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h>
-#include <BoundaryConditions/NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h>
-#include <BoundaryConditions/VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h>
-#include <BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h>
-#include <BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h>
-#include <BoundaryConditions/SimpleVelocityBCAlgorithm.h>
+#include <BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm.h>
 #include <BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h>
-#include <BoundaryConditions/BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h>
-#include <BoundaryConditions/HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h>
+#include <BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm.h>
+#include <BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h>
+#include <BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h>
+#include <BoundaryConditions/SimpleVelocityBCAlgorithm.h>
+#include <BoundaryConditions/RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h>
+#include <BoundaryConditions/RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h>
+#include <BoundaryConditions/RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h>
 #include <BoundaryConditions/SimpleSlipBCAlgorithm.h>
-#include <BoundaryConditions/PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h>
-#include <BoundaryConditions/BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm.h>
+#include <BoundaryConditions/RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h>
+#include <BoundaryConditions/RheologyBinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm.h>
 #include <BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h> 
 #include <BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h> 
 #include <BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseVelocityBCAdapter.h>
 #include <BoundaryConditions/MultiphaseVelocityBCAlgorithm.h>
 #include <Connectors/Block3DConnector.h>
-#include <Connectors/Block3DConnectorFactory.h>
-#include <Connectors/CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector.h>
-#include <Connectors/CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h>
-#include <Connectors/ConnectorFactory.h>
+//#include <Connectors/Block3DConnectorFactory.h>
+//#include <Connectors/CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector.h>
+//#include <Connectors/CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h>
+//#include <Connectors/ConnectorFactory.h>
 #include <Connectors/D3Q27ETCFOffVectorConnector.h>
 #include <Connectors/D3Q27ETFCOffVectorConnector.h>
 #include <Connectors/D3Q27ETFullDirectConnector.h>
 #include <Connectors/D3Q27ETFullVectorConnector.h>
-#include <Connectors/FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector.h>
-#include <Connectors/FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h>
+//#include <Connectors/FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector.h>
+//#include <Connectors/FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h>
 #include <Connectors/LocalBlock3DConnector.h>
 #include <Connectors/RemoteBlock3DConnector.h>
 #include <Connectors/TwoDistributionsFullDirectConnector.h>
@@ -230,13 +230,14 @@
 #include <LBM/ThixotropyLBMKernel.h>
 #include <LBM/ThixotropyExpLBMKernel.h>
 #include <LBM/CumulantLBMKernel.h>
-#include <LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel.h>
-#include <LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2.h>
-#include <LBM/BinghamModelLBMKernel.h>
-#include <LBM/HerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel.h>
-#include <LBM/ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor.h>
+//#include <LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel.h>
+//#include <LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel2.h>
+#include <LBM/RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel.h>
+#include <LBM/RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel.h>
+#include <LBM/RheologyInterpolationProcessor.h>
+#include <LBM/Rheology.h>
 #include <LBM/RheologyK17LBMKernel.h>
-#include <LBM/PowellEyringModelLBMKernel.h>
+#include <LBM/RheologyPowellEyringModelLBMKernel.h>
 #include <LBM/MultiphaseCumulantLBMKernel.h>
@@ -298,7 +299,7 @@
 #include <Visitors/BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor.h>
 #include <Visitors/ChangeBoundaryDensityBlockVisitor.h>
 #include <Visitors/CoarsenCrossAndInsideGbObjectBlockVisitor.h>
-#include <Visitors/ConnectorBlockVisitor.h>
+//#include <Visitors/ConnectorBlockVisitor.h>
 #include <Visitors/CreateTransmittersHelper.h>
 #include <Visitors/GenBlocksGridVisitor.h>
 #include <Visitors/Grid3DVisitor.h>
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BCAlgorithm.h
index 3bbc01cd9c488970df865f420b84a76d21c6ac9a..3547b880af539bc9b12a62a6f245ab38caaac64d 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BCAlgorithm.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BCAlgorithm.h
@@ -56,17 +56,17 @@ public:
     static const char ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm                    = 6;
     static const char VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm               = 7;
     static const char NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm              = 8;
-    static const char VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm             = 9;
-    static const char DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm              = 10;
-    static const char NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm               = 11;
-    static const char NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm = 12;
-    static const char VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm  = 13;
-    static const char BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm                = 14;
-    static const char HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm        = 15;
+    static const char ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm             = 9;
+    static const char ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm              = 10;
+    static const char ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm               = 11;
+    static const char ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm = 12;
+    static const char ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm  = 13;
+    static const char RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm                = 14;
+    static const char RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm        = 15;
     static const char SimpleVelocityBCAlgorithm                    = 16;
     static const char SimpleSlipBCAlgorithm                        = 17;
-    static const char PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm           = 18;
-    static const char BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm              = 19;
+    static const char RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm           = 18;
+    static const char RheologyBinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm              = 19;
     static const char MultiphaseNoSlipBCAlgorithm                  = 20;
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/EqDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/EqDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
index 0f809955da3565f74a79a2e9dc8d09d520defc32..8551c4371fed0f2c5d710fcf30ecad2da80abef3 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/EqDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/EqDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file EqDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #include "EqDensityBCAlgorithm.h"
 #include "BoundaryConditions.h"
 #include "DistributionArray3D.h"
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/EqDensityBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/EqDensityBCAlgorithm.h
index 4d6cab77e4b04d9fdf2eaeece14e453c545e90d7..173b6b12f46fa46d021c17345b203a97862c7949 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/EqDensityBCAlgorithm.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/EqDensityBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file EqDensityBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #ifndef EqDensityBCAlgorithm_h__
 #define EqDensityBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 46bfbd19310d8d4d710581fdde212461c922b5f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
-#define HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
-#include "ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h"
-#include "Thixotropy.h"
-class HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm : public ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm
-   HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm() 
-   {
-      BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm;
-      BCAlgorithm::preCollision = true;
-   }
-   ~HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm() {}
-   SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone() override
-   {
-      SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm());
-      return bc;
-   }
-   LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override
-   {
-      return Thixotropy::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
-   }
-#endif // HerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/HighViscosityNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/HighViscosityNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
index 2568a6467acd84d627f61fa7e37243f061fd1bc7..9d14940929d45bf70268ed415f4d02457a7c09fc 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/HighViscosityNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/HighViscosityNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file HighViscosityNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #include "HighViscosityNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h"
 #include "BoundaryConditions.h"
 #include "DistributionArray3D.h"
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/HighViscosityNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/HighViscosityNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
index 02cf215f76b0d974c12156125dd5e06958559b89..bb033d409cd84a2b419aa46599a61ca1e8d29aad 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/HighViscosityNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/HighViscosityNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file HighViscosityNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #ifndef HighViscosityNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
 #define HighViscosityNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cfed98d784cb70c647c9dcf45270174e29f99139..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#include "NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h"
-#include "DistributionArray3D.h"
-#include "BoundaryConditions.h"
-	BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm;
-	BCAlgorithm::preCollision = false;
-	BCAlgorithm::thixotropy = true;
-SPtr<BCAlgorithm> NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::clone()
-	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm());
-	return bc;
-void NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
-	this->distributions = distributions;
-//void NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsF(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
-//	this->distributionsf = distributions;
-void NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
-	this->distributionsH = distributions;
-void NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
-	LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
-	LBMReal feq[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
-	LBMReal h[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
-	LBMReal heq[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
-	distributions->getDistributionInv(f, x1, x2, x3);
-	distributionsH->getDistributionInv(h, x1, x2, x3);
-	LBMReal rho, vx1, vx2, vx3;//, concentration, fl1, fl2, fl3, m100;
-	calcMacrosFct(f, rho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
-	calcFeqFct(feq, rho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
-	//calcDiffusionMacrosFctPost(h, concentration, fl1, fl2, fl3, m100, collFactor);
-	LBMReal lambda = D3Q27System::getDensity(h);
-	D3Q27System::calcCompFeq(heq, lambda, 0., 0., 0.);
-	for (int fdir = D3Q27System::FSTARTDIR; fdir <= D3Q27System::FENDDIR; fdir++)
-	{
-		if (bcPtr->hasNoSlipBoundaryFlag(fdir))
-		{
-			//quadratic bounce back
-			const int invDir = D3Q27System::INVDIR[fdir];
-			LBMReal q = bcPtr->getQ(invDir);
-			LBMReal fReturnf = ((1.0 - q) / (1.0 + q))*((f[invDir] - feq[invDir]) / (1.0 - collFactor) + feq[invDir]) + ((q / (1.0 + q))*(f[invDir] + f[fdir]));
-			LBMReal fReturnh = ((1.0 - q) / (1.0 + q))*((h[invDir] - heq[invDir]) / (1.0 - collFactor) + heq[invDir]) + ((q / (1.0 + q))*(h[invDir] + h[fdir]));
-			distributions->setDistributionForDirection(fReturnf, x1 + D3Q27System::DX1[invDir], x2 + D3Q27System::DX2[invDir], x3 + D3Q27System::DX3[invDir], fdir);
-			distributionsH->setDistributionForDirection(fReturnh, x1 + D3Q27System::DX1[invDir], x2 + D3Q27System::DX2[invDir], x3 + D3Q27System::DX3[invDir], fdir);
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a7225e39392efaf5ef7ebb2831ebaa515fa3dcee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
-#define NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
-#include "BCAlgorithm.h"
-class NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm : public BCAlgorithm
-	NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm();
-	virtual ~NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm();
-	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone();
-	void addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
-	//void addDistributionsF(DistributionArray3DPtr distributions);
-	void addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
-	void applyBC();
-	SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributionsH;
-#endif // NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
index 24d2ed4ef8e1a05eddf8459eb26a836bd519c3d7..9c4e47354f0d90a310030d848aa0cc5415567761 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #include "NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm.h"
 #include "BoundaryConditions.h"
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm.h
index ecdc70338232f2b6b42e49f9b20ec2b359c302c5..ca7d5b0432b74cf371659fee2c6da49f1ee8a9eb 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #ifndef NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm_h__
 #define NonEqDensityBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c096a5e522a2cf2a47d9944b16154c186dea9ca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
-#define NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
-#include "BCAlgorithm.h"
-class NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm : public BCAlgorithm
-	NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm();
-	virtual ~NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm();
-	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone();
-	void addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
-	//void addDistributionsF(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
-	void addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
-	void applyBC();
-	//void setLambdaBC(LBMReal lambda) { this->lambdaBC = lambda; }
-	//LBMReal getLambdaBC() { return this->lambdaBC; }
-	SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributionsH;
-	//LBMReal lambdaBC;
-#endif // NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.cpp
index 0a4280c75832c4eb6c71a62682f346aed4fba64f..bb00c7bf2686628d4000c8b43ebfb8c5fd6c18ca 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #include "NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h"
 #include "BoundaryConditions.h"
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h
index e968d69b32963e064c09cbe11c75187f4876476d..d664b67fbf5f2d99258f0567f90b0dbd1e728fb5 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #ifndef NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm_h__
 #define NonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f94266be4d87b33fc5858e1f48263d3cdbc082c5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
-#define PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
-#include "ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h"
-#include "Thixotropy.h"
-class PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm : public ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm
-   PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm() 
-   {
-      BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm;
-      BCAlgorithm::preCollision = true;
-   }
-   ~PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm() {}
-   SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone() override
-   {
-      SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm());
-      return bc;
-   }
-   LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override
-   {
-      return Thixotropy::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
-   }
-#endif // PowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ea802eb4f798526b822fc69c3b9111207973cc8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#include "RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm.h"
-#include "DistributionArray3D.h"
-#include "BoundaryConditions.h"
-   //BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm;
-   //BCAlgorithm::preCollision = false;
-void RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm::addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
-   this->distributions = distributions;
-void RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
-   LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF+1];
-   LBMReal feq[D3Q27System::ENDF+1];
-   distributions->getDistributionInv(f, x1, x2, x3);
-   LBMReal rho, vx1, vx2, vx3, drho;
-   calcMacrosFct(f, drho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
-   calcFeqFct(feq, drho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
-    LBMReal shearRate = D3Q27System::getShearRate(f, collFactor);
-    LBMReal collFactorF = getThyxotropyCollFactor(collFactor, shearRate, drho);
-    rho = 1.0+drho*compressibleFactor;
-   for (int fdir = D3Q27System::FSTARTDIR; fdir<=D3Q27System::FENDDIR; fdir++)
-   {
-      if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(fdir))
-      {
-         const int invDir = D3Q27System::INVDIR[fdir];
-         LBMReal q = bcPtr->getQ(invDir);// m+m q=0 stabiler
-         LBMReal velocity = bcPtr->getBoundaryVelocity(invDir);
-         LBMReal fReturn = ((1.0-q)/(1.0+q))*((f[invDir]-feq[invDir])/(1.0-collFactorF)+feq[invDir])+((q*(f[invDir]+f[fdir])-velocity*rho)/(1.0+q));
-         distributions->setDistributionForDirection(fReturn, x1+D3Q27System::DX1[invDir], x2+D3Q27System::DX2[invDir], x3+D3Q27System::DX3[invDir], fdir);
-      }
-   }
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 179bf57c3450f0cdaf77a9985fd31c7f1f28f9a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm_h__
-#define RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm_h__
-#include "BCAlgorithm.h"
-#include <PointerDefinitions.h>
-class DistributionArray3D;
-class RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm : public BCAlgorithm
-   RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm();
-   ~RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm();
-   virtual SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone() override { UB_THROW(UbException("LBMReal clone() - belongs in the derived class")); }
-   void addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions) override;
-   void applyBC() override;
-   virtual LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const = 0; // { UB_THROW(UbException("LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor() - belongs in the derived class")); }
-#endif // VelocityBoundaryCondition_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
similarity index 76%
rename from src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
rename to src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
index baeac4b00ad2fd94d9cd9debfa9cf9fcba34a228..d4a99846b6da226bf8d1d09e66763db61a90d2b0 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -26,35 +26,35 @@
 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 //  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \file RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
 //! \ingroup BoundarConditions
 //! \author Konstantin Kutscher
-#ifndef BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
-#define BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
+#ifndef RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
+#define RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
-#include "ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h"
-#include "Thixotropy.h"
+#include "RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h"
+#include "Rheology.h"
-class BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm : public ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm
+class RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm : public RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm
-   BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()
+   RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm()
-      BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm;
+      BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm;
       BCAlgorithm::preCollision = true;
-   ~BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm() {}
+   ~RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm() {}
    SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone() override
-      SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm());
+      SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new RheologyBinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm());
       return bc;
-   LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override 
+   LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override 
-      return Thixotropy::getBinghamCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
+      return Rheology::getBinghamCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
 #endif // BinghamModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyBinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
similarity index 79%
rename from src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
rename to src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyBinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
index 9dfaef4bcfb452cebb13d22c074d0cae09be99af..263119401c1d2c437e8ae3962edd33bfcd3b554c 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyBinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 //  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \file RheologyBinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
 //! \ingroup BoundarConditions
 //! \author Konstantin Kutscher
@@ -34,27 +34,27 @@
 #ifndef BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm_h__
 #define BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm_h__
-#include "RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm.h"
-#include "Thixotropy.h"
+#include "RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm.h"
+#include "Rheology.h"
-class BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm : public RheologicalVelocityBCAlgorithm
+class RheologyBinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm : public RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm
-   BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm()
+   RheologyBinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm()
-      BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm;
+      BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::RheologyBinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm;
       BCAlgorithm::preCollision = false;
-   ~BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm() {}
+   ~RheologyBinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm() {}
    SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone() override
-      SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm());
+      SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new RheologyBinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm());
       return bc;
-   LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override 
+   LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override 
-      return Thixotropy::getBinghamCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
+      return Rheology::getBinghamCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
 #endif // BinghamModelVelocityBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19220dbd57f9100e71dbf611cccad7fadf8fae1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#ifndef RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
+#define RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
+#include "RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h"
+#include "Rheology.h"
+class RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm : public RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm
+   RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm() 
+   {
+      BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm;
+      BCAlgorithm::preCollision = true;
+   }
+   ~RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm() {}
+   SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone() override
+   {
+      SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm());
+      return bc;
+   }
+   LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override
+   {
+      return Rheology::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
+   }
+#endif // RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d2ec04aac4280a141e6f3b2044c56c8eed842db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#include "RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h"
+#include "DistributionArray3D.h"
+#include "BoundaryConditions.h"
+void RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm::addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
+   this->distributions = distributions;
+void RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
+   LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
+   LBMReal feq[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
+   distributions->getDistribution(f, x1, x2, x3);
+   LBMReal rho, vx1, vx2, vx3;
+   calcMacrosFct(f, rho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
+   calcFeqFct(feq, rho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
+   LBMReal shearRate = D3Q27System::getShearRate(f, collFactor);
+   LBMReal collFactorF = getRheologyCollFactor(collFactor, shearRate, rho);
+   for (int fDir = D3Q27System::FSTARTDIR; fDir <= D3Q27System::FENDDIR; fDir++)
+   {
+      if (bcPtr->hasNoSlipBoundaryFlag(fDir))
+      {
+         //quadratic bounce back
+         const int invDir = D3Q27System::INVDIR[fDir];
+         LBMReal q = bcPtr->getQ(invDir);
+         LBMReal fReturn =(f[invDir] + q * f[fDir] + q * collFactorF * (feq[invDir] - f[invDir] + feq[fDir] - f[fDir])) / (1.0 + q);
+         distributions->setDistributionInvForDirection(fReturn, x1 + D3Q27System::DX1[invDir], x2 + D3Q27System::DX2[invDir], x3 + D3Q27System::DX3[invDir], invDir);
+      }
+   }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71be7caf0787edb38877d6c3bb0f891c095ead05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#ifndef RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
+#define RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
+#include "BCAlgorithm.h"
+#include <PointerDefinitions.h>
+class DistributionArray3D;
+class RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm : public BCAlgorithm
+   RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm() = default;
+   ~RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm() = default;
+   virtual SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone() override { UB_THROW(UbException("LBMReal clone() - belongs in the derived class")); }
+   void addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions) override;
+   void applyBC() override;
+   virtual LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const = 0; // { UB_THROW(UbException("LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor() - belongs in the derived class")); }
+#endif // RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49a7df6be41f37dd4dc2ac7a67f8d8645aa70c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#ifndef RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
+#define RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
+#include "RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h"
+#include "Rheology.h"
+class RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm : public RheologyNoSlipBCAlgorithm
+   RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm() 
+   {
+      BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm;
+      BCAlgorithm::preCollision = true;
+   }
+   ~RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm() {}
+   SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone() override
+   {
+      SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm());
+      return bc;
+   }
+   LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override
+   {
+      return Rheology::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
+   }
+#endif // RheologyPowellEyringModelNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2979d462d5ec1d166cac48c67c903cf280b5ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#include "RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm.h"
+#include "DistributionArray3D.h"
+#include "BoundaryConditions.h"
+   //BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm;
+   //BCAlgorithm::preCollision = false;
+void RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm::addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
+   this->distributions = distributions;
+void RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
+   LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF+1];
+   LBMReal feq[D3Q27System::ENDF+1];
+   distributions->getDistributionInv(f, x1, x2, x3);
+   LBMReal rho, vx1, vx2, vx3, drho;
+   calcMacrosFct(f, drho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
+   calcFeqFct(feq, drho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
+    LBMReal shearRate = D3Q27System::getShearRate(f, collFactor);
+    LBMReal collFactorF = getRheologyCollFactor(collFactor, shearRate, drho);
+    rho = 1.0+drho*compressibleFactor;
+   for (int fdir = D3Q27System::FSTARTDIR; fdir<=D3Q27System::FENDDIR; fdir++)
+   {
+      if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(fdir))
+      {
+         const int invDir = D3Q27System::INVDIR[fdir];
+         LBMReal q = bcPtr->getQ(invDir);// m+m q=0 stabiler
+         LBMReal velocity = bcPtr->getBoundaryVelocity(invDir);
+         LBMReal fReturn = ((1.0-q)/(1.0+q))*((f[invDir]-feq[invDir])/(1.0-collFactorF)+feq[invDir])+((q*(f[invDir]+f[fdir])-velocity*rho)/(1.0+q));
+         distributions->setDistributionForDirection(fReturn, x1+D3Q27System::DX1[invDir], x2+D3Q27System::DX2[invDir], x3+D3Q27System::DX3[invDir], fdir);
+      }
+   }
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc523c4619b8f9c804b2366b671db7475495e151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#ifndef RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm_h__
+#define RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm_h__
+#include "BCAlgorithm.h"
+#include <PointerDefinitions.h>
+class DistributionArray3D;
+class RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm : public BCAlgorithm
+   RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm();
+   ~RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm();
+   virtual SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone() override { UB_THROW(UbException("LBMReal clone() - belongs in the derived class")); }
+   void addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions) override;
+   void applyBC() override;
+   virtual LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const = 0; // { UB_THROW(UbException("LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor() - belongs in the derived class")); }
+#endif // RheologyVelocityBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SimpleSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SimpleSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
index 213b58877abc5c2e7e8492783a3cbdfce38518fb..8d9317f9dee979ff9b81616c9f7554e129af4b47 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SimpleSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SimpleSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file SimpleSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #include "SimpleSlipBCAlgorithm.h"
 #include "DistributionArray3D.h"
 #include "BoundaryConditions.h"
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SlipBCAdapter.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SlipBCAdapter.cpp
index 1954a433822e576de11f4ff3a8eb1fcb7dcf4e0a..8bdc284d606fa621233fe1449801f4751cfef22a 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SlipBCAdapter.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SlipBCAdapter.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file SlipBCAdapter.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Sören Freudiger
 #include "SlipBCAdapter.h"
 #include "D3Q27Interactor.h"
 #include "D3Q27System.h"
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SlipBCAdapter.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SlipBCAdapter.h
index f9b45299034e2cbb80a46d8e4f99ac5b597c50e9..b0f6d87bf938480b6568dcb648d5e8541a94ef4e 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SlipBCAdapter.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SlipBCAdapter.h
@@ -1,16 +1,38 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file SlipBCAdapter.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Sören Freudiger
 #ifndef SlipBCAdapter_H
 #define SlipBCAdapter_H
-#ifdef CAB_RCF
-#include <3rdParty/rcf/RcfSerializationIncludes.h>
 #include "BCAdapter.h"
@@ -35,23 +57,6 @@
 //   D3Q27SlipBCAdapterCreator() : ObObjectCreator() {}
-//#ifndef SWIG
-// D3Q27BCAdapterFactory::getInstance()->addObObjectCreator(D3Q27SlipBCAdapterCreator::getInstance()),
-// CAB_D3Q27SlipBCAdapterCreator); #endif
-/*  D3Q27SlipBCAdapter                                                     */
-/*                                                                         */
-@author <A HREF="mailto:muffmolch@gmx.de">S. Freudiger</A>
-@version 1.0 - 06.09.06
-usage: ...
 class SlipBCAdapter : public BCAdapter
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallBCProcessor.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallBCProcessor.cpp
index 1be8fea8b394f9a3e14bb53fcb680ef4d6961a1b..7d4aa93295aabe45f4dea9d13a9c5b22dfac3b2a 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallBCProcessor.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallBCProcessor.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file ThinWallBCProcessor.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #include "ThinWallBCProcessor.h"
 #include "ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h"
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallBCProcessor.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallBCProcessor.h
index 6bed45c21e495e0dc9c728996e570ca961da6221..cb81e6c168748d9d4baf3cce1688f114e7d5faf8 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallBCProcessor.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallBCProcessor.h
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file ThinWallBCProcessor.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #ifndef ThinWallBCProcessor_H
 #define ThinWallBCProcessor_H
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
index c1ad04256a7967891f3cd8f5165779527e07d7ae..10c10f14f6b2bd6f4f85d7fbe0c7d9d4650cbe73 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #include "ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h"
 #include "BoundaryConditions.h"
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
index 1ba18185e27bafa2c115639469cd7544661acbb5..e21c9b4fbb417242b0cc858afb26ddd16fffce18 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #ifndef ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
 #define ThinWallNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
similarity index 84%
rename from src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp
rename to src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
index 905a8e3384afaca755b4f92ef21ff21395b2422b..ecfb98e67aa4c20603fd4b07e969ccb396c5e757 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -26,51 +26,51 @@
 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 //  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \file ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
 //! \ingroup BoundarConditions
 //! \author Konstantin Kutscher
-#include "DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h"
+#include "ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm.h"
 #include "DistributionArray3D.h"
 #include "BoundaryConditions.h"
-	BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm;
+	BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm;
 	BCAlgorithm::preCollision = false;
 	BCAlgorithm::thixotropy = true;
 	lambdaBC = 0.0;
-SPtr<BCAlgorithm> DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::clone()
+SPtr<BCAlgorithm> ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm::clone()
-	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm());
-	dynamicPointerCast<DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm>(bc)->setLambdaBC(lambdaBC);
+	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm());
+	dynamicPointerCast<ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm>(bc)->setLambdaBC(lambdaBC);
 	return bc;
-void DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
+void ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm::addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
 	this->distributions = distributions;
-//void DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsF(DistributionArray3DPtr distributions)
+//void ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsF(DistributionArray3DPtr distributions)
 //	this->distributionsf = distributions;
-void DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
+void ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
 	this->distributionsH = distributions;
-void DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
+void ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
    using namespace D3Q27System;
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm.h
similarity index 89%
rename from src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h
rename to src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm.h
index 79cb1c633272137476f32815ba5223dbc30d6ee3..0ed191335ac05eb0e246271f577b024cc11b8de9 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -26,22 +26,22 @@
 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 //  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \file ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm.h
 //! \ingroup BoundarConditions
 //! \author Konstantin Kutscher
-#ifndef DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
-#define DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
+#ifndef ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm_h__
+#define ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm_h__
 #include "BCAlgorithm.h"
-class DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm : public BCAlgorithm
+class ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm : public BCAlgorithm
-	DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm();
-	virtual ~DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm();
+	ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm();
+	virtual ~ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm();
 	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone();
 	void addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
 	//void addDistributionsF(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
@@ -54,5 +54,5 @@ protected:
 	LBMReal lambdaBC;
-#endif // DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
+#endif // ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
index 9fae576b70615b56e54bd673c9c26b3def83ad26..48b15fde31369a1857055263f9fc070ce9415a1b 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -1,34 +1,102 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #include "ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h"
 #include "DistributionArray3D.h"
 #include "BoundaryConditions.h"
+	BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm;
+	BCAlgorithm::preCollision = false;
+	BCAlgorithm::thixotropy = true;
+SPtr<BCAlgorithm> ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm::clone()
+	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm());
+	return bc;
 void ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm::addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
-   this->distributions = distributions;
+	this->distributions = distributions;
+//void ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsF(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
+//	this->distributionsf = distributions;
+void ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
+	this->distributionsH = distributions;
 void ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
-   LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
-   LBMReal feq[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
-   distributions->getDistribution(f, x1, x2, x3);
-   LBMReal rho, vx1, vx2, vx3;
-   calcMacrosFct(f, rho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
-   calcFeqFct(feq, rho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
+	LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
+	LBMReal feq[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
+	LBMReal h[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
+	LBMReal heq[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
+	distributions->getDistributionInv(f, x1, x2, x3);
+	distributionsH->getDistributionInv(h, x1, x2, x3);
+	LBMReal rho, vx1, vx2, vx3;//, concentration, fl1, fl2, fl3, m100;
+	calcMacrosFct(f, rho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
+	calcFeqFct(feq, rho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
+	//calcDiffusionMacrosFctPost(h, concentration, fl1, fl2, fl3, m100, collFactor);
+	LBMReal lambda = D3Q27System::getDensity(h);
+	D3Q27System::calcCompFeq(heq, lambda, 0., 0., 0.);
-   LBMReal shearRate = D3Q27System::getShearRate(f, collFactor);
-   LBMReal collFactorF = getThyxotropyCollFactor(collFactor, shearRate, rho);
+	for (int fdir = D3Q27System::FSTARTDIR; fdir <= D3Q27System::FENDDIR; fdir++)
+	{
+		if (bcPtr->hasNoSlipBoundaryFlag(fdir))
+		{
+			//quadratic bounce back
+			const int invDir = D3Q27System::INVDIR[fdir];
+			LBMReal q = bcPtr->getQ(invDir);
+			LBMReal fReturnf = ((1.0 - q) / (1.0 + q))*((f[invDir] - feq[invDir]) / (1.0 - collFactor) + feq[invDir]) + ((q / (1.0 + q))*(f[invDir] + f[fdir]));
+			LBMReal fReturnh = ((1.0 - q) / (1.0 + q))*((h[invDir] - heq[invDir]) / (1.0 - collFactor) + heq[invDir]) + ((q / (1.0 + q))*(h[invDir] + h[fdir]));
-   for (int fDir = D3Q27System::FSTARTDIR; fDir <= D3Q27System::FENDDIR; fDir++)
-   {
-      if (bcPtr->hasNoSlipBoundaryFlag(fDir))
-      {
-         //quadratic bounce back
-         const int invDir = D3Q27System::INVDIR[fDir];
-         LBMReal q = bcPtr->getQ(invDir);
-         LBMReal fReturn =(f[invDir] + q * f[fDir] + q * collFactorF * (feq[invDir] - f[invDir] + feq[fDir] - f[fDir])) / (1.0 + q);
-         distributions->setDistributionInvForDirection(fReturn, x1 + D3Q27System::DX1[invDir], x2 + D3Q27System::DX2[invDir], x3 + D3Q27System::DX3[invDir], invDir);
-      }
-   }
\ No newline at end of file
+			distributions->setDistributionForDirection(fReturnf, x1 + D3Q27System::DX1[invDir], x2 + D3Q27System::DX2[invDir], x3 + D3Q27System::DX3[invDir], fdir);
+			distributionsH->setDistributionForDirection(fReturnh, x1 + D3Q27System::DX1[invDir], x2 + D3Q27System::DX2[invDir], x3 + D3Q27System::DX3[invDir], fdir);
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
index 51448a836607080fd34d97fae00546d67ae0ff6e..e3e0ebc348909bd7152cdcbb9d1ede2253c80497 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -1,20 +1,54 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #ifndef ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
 #define ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
 #include "BCAlgorithm.h"
-#include <PointerDefinitions.h>
-class DistributionArray3D;
 class ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm : public BCAlgorithm
-   ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm() = default;
-   ~ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm() = default;
-   virtual SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone() override { UB_THROW(UbException("LBMReal clone() - belongs in the derived class")); }
-   void addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions) override;
-   void applyBC() override;
+	ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm();
+	virtual ~ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm();
+	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone();
+	void addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
+	//void addDistributionsF(DistributionArray3DPtr distributions);
+	void addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
+	void applyBC();
-   virtual LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const = 0; // { UB_THROW(UbException("LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor() - belongs in the derived class")); }
+	SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributionsH;
 #endif // ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.cpp
similarity index 89%
rename from src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp
rename to src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.cpp
index 3c96343077f1030f7e6477bb352635c870ece4ce..2750e606acff2fb7a9f906f67c0b48975a11261c 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -1,41 +1,73 @@
-#include "NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h"
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#include "ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h"
 #include "DistributionArray3D.h"
 #include "BoundaryConditions.h"
-	BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm;
+	BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm;
 	BCAlgorithm::preCollision = true;
 	BCAlgorithm::thixotropy = true;
-SPtr<BCAlgorithm> NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::clone()
+SPtr<BCAlgorithm> ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm::clone()
-	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm());
+	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm());
 	return bc;
-void NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
+void ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm::addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
 	this->distributions = distributions;
-//void NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsF(DistributionArray3DPtr distributions)
+//void ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsF(DistributionArray3DPtr distributions)
 //	this->distributionsf = distributions;
-void NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
+void ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
 	this->distributionsH = distributions;
-void NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
+void ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
    using namespace D3Q27System;
    LBMReal f[ENDF + 1];
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cabc67bd67111b873c9c62db748d1f04eb006c56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#ifndef ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm_h__
+#define ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm_h__
+#include "BCAlgorithm.h"
+class ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm : public BCAlgorithm
+	ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm();
+	virtual ~ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm();
+	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone();
+	void addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
+	//void addDistributionsF(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
+	void addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
+	void applyBC();
+	//void setLambdaBC(LBMReal lambda) { this->lambdaBC = lambda; }
+	//LBMReal getLambdaBC() { return this->lambdaBC; }
+	SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributionsH;
+	//LBMReal lambdaBC;
+#endif // ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp
similarity index 54%
rename from src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp
rename to src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp
index e6a50917f2f710ee4e8f240d54021f3e67a02d57..6db2e6230560e313abcccbb08299f1928d5c0672 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -1,43 +1,75 @@
-#include "VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h"
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#include "ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm.h"
 #include "DistributionArray3D.h"
 #include "BoundaryConditions.h"
-	BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm;
+	BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm;
 	BCAlgorithm::preCollision = false;
 	BCAlgorithm::thixotropy = true;
 	lambdaBC = 0.0;
-SPtr<BCAlgorithm> VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::clone()
+SPtr<BCAlgorithm> ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm::clone()
-	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm());
-	dynamicPointerCast<VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm>(bc)->setLambdaBC(lambdaBC);
+	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm());
+	dynamicPointerCast<ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm>(bc)->setLambdaBC(lambdaBC);
 	return bc;
-void VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
+void ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm::addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
 	this->distributions = distributions;
-//void VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsF(DistributionArray3DPtr distributions)
+//void ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsF(DistributionArray3DPtr distributions)
 //	this->distributionsf = distributions;
-void VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
+void ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
 	this->distributionsH = distributions;
-void VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
+void ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
 	LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
 	LBMReal feq[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..86147cb21a232d8558737f28cb023ff2394a6f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#ifndef ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm_h__
+#define ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm_h__
+#include "BCAlgorithm.h"
+class ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm : public BCAlgorithm
+	ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm();
+	virtual ~ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm();
+	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone();
+	void addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
+	void addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
+	void applyBC();
+	void setLambdaBC(LBMReal lambda) { this->lambdaBC = lambda; }
+	LBMReal getLambdaBC() { return this->lambdaBC; }
+	SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributionsH;
+	LBMReal lambdaBC;
+#endif // ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..532570386462c4dd0d6d7db118a19429bc7beff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#include "ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h"
+#include "DistributionArray3D.h"
+#include "BCArray3D.h"
+   BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm;
+   BCAlgorithm::preCollision = false;
+SPtr<BCAlgorithm> ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm::clone()
+   SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm());
+   dynamicPointerCast<ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm>(bc)->setLambdaBC(lambdaBC);
+   return bc;
+void ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm::addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
+   this->distributions = distributions;
+void ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
+   this->distributionsH = distributions;
+void ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
+   //velocity bc for non reflecting pressure bc
+   LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF+1];
+   distributions->getDistributionInv(f, x1, x2, x3);
+   LBMReal h[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
+   distributionsH->getDistributionInv(h, x1, x2, x3);
+   LBMReal rho, vx1, vx2, vx3, drho;
+   calcMacrosFct(f, drho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
+   rho = 1.0+drho*compressibleFactor;
+   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   // Rheology
+   LBMReal lambda = D3Q27System::getDensity(h);
+   int nx1 = x1;
+   int nx2 = x2;
+   int nx3 = x3;
+   //flag points in direction of fluid
+   if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::E)) { nx1 -= 1; }
+   else if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::W)) { nx1 += 1; }
+   else if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::N)) { nx2 -= 1; }
+   else if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::S)) { nx2 += 1; }
+   else if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::T)) { nx3 -= 1; }
+   else if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::B)) { nx3 += 1; }
+   else	 UB_THROW(UbException(UB_EXARGS, "Danger...no orthogonal BC-Flag on velocity boundary..."));
+   for (int fdir = D3Q27System::FSTARTDIR; fdir <= D3Q27System::FENDDIR; fdir++)
+   {
+      int nX1 = x1 + D3Q27System::DX1[fdir];
+      int nX2 = x2 + D3Q27System::DX2[fdir];
+      int nX3 = x3 + D3Q27System::DX3[fdir];
+      int minX1 = 0;
+      int minX2 = 0;
+      int minX3 = 0;
+      int maxX1 = (int)bcArray->getNX1();
+      int maxX2 = (int)bcArray->getNX2();
+      int maxX3 = (int)bcArray->getNX3();
+      if (minX1 <= nX1 && maxX1 > nX1 && minX2 <= nX2 && maxX2 > nX2 && minX3 <= nX3 && maxX3 > nX3)
+      {
+         if (bcArray->isSolid(nX1,nX2,nX3))
+         {
+            const int invDir = D3Q27System::INVDIR[fdir];
+            LBMReal velocity = bcPtr->getBoundaryVelocity(fdir);
+            LBMReal fReturn = (f[fdir] + f[invDir] - velocity*rho) / 2.0 - drho*D3Q27System::WEIGTH[invDir];
+            distributions->setDistributionForDirection(fReturn, nX1, nX2, nX3, invDir);
+         }
+      }
+      if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(fdir))
+      {
+         LBMReal htemp = D3Q27System::getCompFeqForDirection(fdir, lambda, vx1, vx2, vx3);
+         htemp = D3Q27System::getCompFeqForDirection(fdir, lambdaBC, vx1, vx2, vx3) + h[fdir] - htemp;
+         distributionsH->setDistributionForDirection(htemp, nx1, nx2, nx3, fdir);
+      }
+   }
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Visitors/ConnectorBlockVisitor.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h
similarity index 55%
rename from src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Visitors/ConnectorBlockVisitor.h
rename to src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h
index 800b80604d7e7d67ab09441ad61c97ec28ca2ac8..c24b6c28e2f494ced4a85fe4d8b9d2f33125424a 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Visitors/ConnectorBlockVisitor.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -26,49 +26,35 @@
 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 //  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file SetConnectorsBlockVisitor.h
-//! \ingroup Visitors
+//! \file ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
 //! \author Konstantin Kutscher
-#ifndef ConnectorBlockVisitor_H
-#define ConnectorBlockVisitor_H
+#ifndef ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm_h__
+#define ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm_h__
+#include "BCAlgorithm.h"
 #include <PointerDefinitions.h>
-#include "Block3DVisitor.h"
-#include "CreateTransmittersHelper.h"
-#include "D3Q27System.h"
+class DistributionArray3D;
-class Grid3D;
-class Block3D;
-class InterpolationProcessor;
-class ConnectorFactory;
+//!  \brief Class implements Dirichlet boundary condition for velocity. Set density in system. It is used together with non reflecting outflow.  
-class ConnectorBlockVisitor : public Block3DVisitor
+class ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm : public BCAlgorithm
-    ConnectorBlockVisitor(SPtr<Communicator> comm, LBMReal nu, SPtr<InterpolationProcessor> iProcessor,
-                          SPtr<ConnectorFactory> cFactory);
-    ~ConnectorBlockVisitor() override;
-    void visit(SPtr<Grid3D> grid, SPtr<Block3D> block) override;
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm();
+   ~ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm();
+   SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone();
+   void addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
+   void addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
+   void applyBC();
+   void setLambdaBC(LBMReal lambda) { this->lambdaBC = lambda; }
+   LBMReal getLambdaBC() { return this->lambdaBC; }
-    void setSameLevelConnectors(SPtr<Grid3D> grid, SPtr<Block3D> block);
-    void setRemoteConnectors(SPtr<Block3D> sblock, SPtr<Block3D> tblock, int dir);
-    void setInterpolationConnectors(SPtr<Grid3D> grid, SPtr<Block3D> block);
-    void setInterpolationConnectors(SPtr<Block3D> fBlockSW, SPtr<Block3D> fBlockSE, SPtr<Block3D> fBlockNW,
-                                    SPtr<Block3D> fBlockNE, SPtr<Block3D> cBlock, int dir);
-    void createTransmitters(SPtr<Block3D> cBlock, SPtr<Block3D> fBlock, int dir, CreateTransmittersHelper::IBlock ib,
-                            CreateTransmittersHelper::TransmitterPtr &senderCF,
-                            CreateTransmittersHelper::TransmitterPtr &receiverCF,
-                            CreateTransmittersHelper::TransmitterPtr &senderFC,
-                            CreateTransmittersHelper::TransmitterPtr &receiverFC);
-    SPtr<Communicator> comm;
-    int gridRank;
-    LBMReal nu;
-    SPtr<InterpolationProcessor> iProcessor;
-    SPtr<ConnectorFactory> cFactory;
+   SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributionsH;
+   LBMReal lambdaBC;
-#endif // ConnectorBlockVisitor_H
+#endif // ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ab2e83c9a6bfbe525c32bcb8de243d7fcfa735b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
-#define VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
-#include "BCAlgorithm.h"
-class VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm : public BCAlgorithm
-	VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm();
-	virtual ~VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm();
-	SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone();
-	void addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
-	void addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
-	void applyBC();
-	void setLambdaBC(LBMReal lambda) { this->lambdaBC = lambda; }
-	LBMReal getLambdaBC() { return this->lambdaBC; }
-	SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributionsH;
-	LBMReal lambdaBC;
-#endif // VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f72f9bc7fd0dc184539181e719528152c14d4dea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-#include "VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h"
-#include "DistributionArray3D.h"
-#include "BCArray3D.h"
-   BCAlgorithm::type = BCAlgorithm::VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm;
-   BCAlgorithm::preCollision = false;
-SPtr<BCAlgorithm> VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::clone()
-   SPtr<BCAlgorithm> bc(new VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm());
-   dynamicPointerCast<VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm>(bc)->setLambdaBC(lambdaBC);
-   return bc;
-void VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
-   this->distributions = distributions;
-void VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions)
-   this->distributionsH = distributions;
-void VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm::applyBC()
-   //velocity bc for non reflecting pressure bc
-   LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF+1];
-   distributions->getDistributionInv(f, x1, x2, x3);
-   LBMReal h[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
-   distributionsH->getDistributionInv(h, x1, x2, x3);
-   LBMReal rho, vx1, vx2, vx3, drho;
-   calcMacrosFct(f, drho, vx1, vx2, vx3);
-   rho = 1.0+drho*compressibleFactor;
-   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   // Thixotropy
-   LBMReal lambda = D3Q27System::getDensity(h);
-   int nx1 = x1;
-   int nx2 = x2;
-   int nx3 = x3;
-   //flag points in direction of fluid
-   if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::E)) { nx1 -= 1; }
-   else if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::W)) { nx1 += 1; }
-   else if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::N)) { nx2 -= 1; }
-   else if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::S)) { nx2 += 1; }
-   else if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::T)) { nx3 -= 1; }
-   else if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(D3Q27System::B)) { nx3 += 1; }
-   else	 UB_THROW(UbException(UB_EXARGS, "Danger...no orthogonal BC-Flag on velocity boundary..."));
-   for (int fdir = D3Q27System::FSTARTDIR; fdir <= D3Q27System::FENDDIR; fdir++)
-   {
-      int nX1 = x1 + D3Q27System::DX1[fdir];
-      int nX2 = x2 + D3Q27System::DX2[fdir];
-      int nX3 = x3 + D3Q27System::DX3[fdir];
-      int minX1 = 0;
-      int minX2 = 0;
-      int minX3 = 0;
-      int maxX1 = (int)bcArray->getNX1();
-      int maxX2 = (int)bcArray->getNX2();
-      int maxX3 = (int)bcArray->getNX3();
-      if (minX1 <= nX1 && maxX1 > nX1 && minX2 <= nX2 && maxX2 > nX2 && minX3 <= nX3 && maxX3 > nX3)
-      {
-         if (bcArray->isSolid(nX1,nX2,nX3))
-         {
-            const int invDir = D3Q27System::INVDIR[fdir];
-            LBMReal velocity = bcPtr->getBoundaryVelocity(fdir);
-            LBMReal fReturn = (f[fdir] + f[invDir] - velocity*rho) / 2.0 - drho*D3Q27System::WEIGTH[invDir];
-            distributions->setDistributionForDirection(fReturn, nX1, nX2, nX3, invDir);
-         }
-      }
-      if (bcPtr->hasVelocityBoundaryFlag(fdir))
-      {
-         LBMReal htemp = D3Q27System::getCompFeqForDirection(fdir, lambda, vx1, vx2, vx3);
-         htemp = D3Q27System::getCompFeqForDirection(fdir, lambdaBC, vx1, vx2, vx3) + h[fdir] - htemp;
-         distributionsH->setDistributionForDirection(htemp, nx1, nx2, nx3, fdir);
-      }
-   }
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b8cd101435a4da2f38b99a5c440f0675b6538179..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-//!  \file VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h
-//!  \brief Class implements velocity bc for non reflecting pressure bc.
-//!  \author Konstantin Kutscher
-#ifndef VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
-#define VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
-#include "BCAlgorithm.h"
-#include <PointerDefinitions.h>
-class DistributionArray3D;
-//!  \brief Class implements Dirichlet boundary condition for velocity. Set density in system. It is used together with non reflecting outflow.  
-class VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm : public BCAlgorithm
-   VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm();
-   ~VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm();
-   SPtr<BCAlgorithm> clone();
-   void addDistributions(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
-   void addDistributionsH(SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributions);
-   void applyBC();
-   void setLambdaBC(LBMReal lambda) { this->lambdaBC = lambda; }
-   LBMReal getLambdaBC() { return this->lambdaBC; }
-   SPtr<DistributionArray3D> distributionsH;
-   LBMReal lambdaBC;
-#endif // VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
index 45615466c3ba40881dcf03dff27bbcb3f11adc80..c63b1559492a1258d7322e4b3b1b17f9ba9b4d13 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.cpp
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #include "VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h"
 #include "BCArray3D.h"
 #include "DistributionArray3D.h"
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h
index a8c0a47063e932616e987135a3dfa9fff3400d70..7ab57d2b892af9db0e0e42327b970b381710edf3 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h
@@ -1,6 +1,35 @@
-//!  \file VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h
-//!  \brief Class implements velocity bc for non reflecting pressure bc.
-//!  \author Konstantin Kutscher
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h
+//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #ifndef VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm_h__
 #define VelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor.cpp
index f12023be05f6fdabf694f7508e0c46aca96d8e15..3519c83a529314e1135f3d76e21c3b2c3c3f8cba 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor.cpp
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ void WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesCoProcessor::addDataMQ(SPtr<Block3D> block)
                     // shearRate = D3Q27System::getShearRate(f, collFactor);
-                    // LBMReal collFactorF = BinghamModelLBMKernel::getBinghamCollFactor(collFactor, yieldStress,
+                    // LBMReal collFactorF = RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel::getBinghamCollFactor(collFactor, yieldStress,
                     // shearRate, rho);
                     // data[index++].push_back(shearRate);
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteThixotropyQuantitiesCoProcessor.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteThixotropyQuantitiesCoProcessor.cpp
index 436f6738b01c5f3fa04fc6e2779642c7fff4ad1d..8c4462066705154bad61846f5e9c147c303a3ba3 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteThixotropyQuantitiesCoProcessor.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/CoProcessors/WriteThixotropyQuantitiesCoProcessor.cpp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #include <numeric>
 #include "basics/writer/WbWriterVtkXmlASCII.h"
 #include "ThixotropyExpLBMKernel.h"
-#include "Thixotropy.h"
+#include "Rheology.h"
 using namespace std;
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ void WriteThixotropyQuantitiesCoProcessor::addDataMQ(SPtr<Block3D> block)
 					//LBMReal collFactorF = collFactor - 1e-6 / (gammaDot + one * 1e-9);
 					//collFactorF = (collFactorF < 0.5) ? 0.5 : collFactorF;
-					//LBMReal collFactorF = Thixotropy::getBinghamCollFactor(collFactor, gammaDot, rho);
+					//LBMReal collFactorF = Rheology::getBinghamCollFactor(collFactor, gammaDot, rho);
@@ -213,9 +213,9 @@ void WriteThixotropyQuantitiesCoProcessor::addDataMQ(SPtr<Block3D> block)
 					distributionsF->getDistribution(f, ix1, ix2, ix3);
 					LBMReal rho = D3Q27System::getDensity(f);
 					LBMReal shearRate = D3Q27System::getShearRate(f, collFactor);
-					//LBMReal omega = Thixotropy::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(collFactor, shearRate, rho);
-					//LBMReal omega = Thixotropy::getPowellEyringCollFactor(collFactor, shearRate, rho);
-					LBMReal omega = Thixotropy::getBinghamCollFactor(collFactor, shearRate, rho);
+					//LBMReal omega = Rheology::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(collFactor, shearRate, rho);
+					//LBMReal omega = Rheology::getPowellEyringCollFactor(collFactor, shearRate, rho);
+					LBMReal omega = Rheology::getBinghamCollFactor(collFactor, shearRate, rho);
 					LBMReal viscosity = (omega == 0) ? 0 : UbMath::c1o3 * (UbMath::c1/omega-UbMath::c1o2);
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/Block3DConnectorFactory.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/Block3DConnectorFactory.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e30da27cd88b759b2f0df44774c388504d303355..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/Block3DConnectorFactory.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#include "Block3DConnectorFactory.h"
-#include "CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h"
-#include "D3Q27ETFullDirectConnector.h"
-#include "D3Q27ETFullVectorConnector.h"
-#include "FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h"
-Block3DConnectorFactory::Block3DConnectorFactory() = default;
-Block3DConnectorFactory::~Block3DConnectorFactory() = default;
-SPtr<Block3DConnector> Block3DConnectorFactory::createSameLevelDirectConnector(SPtr<Block3D> from, SPtr<Block3D> to,
-                                                                               int sendDir)
-    return SPtr<Block3DConnector>(new D3Q27ETFullDirectConnector(from, to, sendDir));
-SPtr<Block3DConnector> Block3DConnectorFactory::createSameLevelVectorConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block,
-                                                                               VectorTransmitterPtr sender,
-                                                                               VectorTransmitterPtr receiver,
-                                                                               int sendDir)
-    return SPtr<Block3DConnector>(new D3Q27ETFullVectorConnector(block, sender, receiver, sendDir));
-SPtr<Block3DConnector> Block3DConnectorFactory::createCoarseToFineConnector(
-    SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender00, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver00, VectorTransmitterPtr sender01,
-    VectorTransmitterPtr receiver01, VectorTransmitterPtr sender10, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver10,
-    VectorTransmitterPtr sender11, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver11, int sendDir, InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor)
-    return SPtr<Block3DConnector>(new CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector(block, sender00, receiver00, sender01,
-                                                                          receiver01, sender10, receiver10, sender11,
-                                                                          receiver11, sendDir, iprocessor));
-SPtr<Block3DConnector> Block3DConnectorFactory::createFineToCoarseConnector(
-    SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver, int sendDir,
-    InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor, FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::CFconnectorType connType)
-    return SPtr<Block3DConnector>(
-        new FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector(block, sender, receiver, sendDir, iprocessor, connType));
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/Block3DConnectorFactory.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/Block3DConnectorFactory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 687f787cd3efb2c7ba64bb2e722cede59ce77f48..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/Block3DConnectorFactory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef Block3DConnectorFactory_h__
-#define Block3DConnectorFactory_h__
-#include "ConnectorFactory.h"
-#include <PointerDefinitions.h>
-class Block3DConnectorFactory : public ConnectorFactory
-    Block3DConnectorFactory();
-    ~Block3DConnectorFactory() override;
-    SPtr<Block3DConnector> createSameLevelDirectConnector(SPtr<Block3D> from, SPtr<Block3D> to, int sendDir) override;
-    SPtr<Block3DConnector> createSameLevelVectorConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender,
-                                                          VectorTransmitterPtr receiver, int sendDir) override;
-    SPtr<Block3DConnector> createCoarseToFineConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender00,
-                                                       VectorTransmitterPtr receiver00, VectorTransmitterPtr sender01,
-                                                       VectorTransmitterPtr receiver01, VectorTransmitterPtr sender10,
-                                                       VectorTransmitterPtr receiver10, VectorTransmitterPtr sender11,
-                                                       VectorTransmitterPtr receiver11, int sendDir,
-                                                       InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor) override;
-    SPtr<Block3DConnector> createFineToCoarseConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender,
-                                                       VectorTransmitterPtr receiver, int sendDir,
-                                                       InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor,
-                                                       FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::CFconnectorType connType) override;
-#endif // Block3DConnectorFactory_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d9c493e5d4cf88a66e4bc26090cd6d98aa68b4a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-#include "CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector.h"
-    SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender00, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver00, VectorTransmitterPtr sender01,
-    VectorTransmitterPtr receiver01, VectorTransmitterPtr sender10, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver10,
-    VectorTransmitterPtr sender11, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver11, int sendDir, InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor)
-    : Block3DConnector(sendDir), block(block), sender00(sender00), sender01(sender01), sender10(sender10),
-      sender11(sender11), receiver00(receiver00), receiver01(receiver01), receiver10(receiver10),
-      receiver11(receiver11), iprocessor(iprocessor)
-    if (!(sendDir == D3Q27System::E || sendDir == D3Q27System::W || sendDir == D3Q27System::N ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::S || sendDir == D3Q27System::T || sendDir == D3Q27System::B ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::NE || sendDir == D3Q27System::SW || sendDir == D3Q27System::SE ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::NW || sendDir == D3Q27System::TE || sendDir == D3Q27System::BW ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::BE || sendDir == D3Q27System::TW || sendDir == D3Q27System::TN ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::BS || sendDir == D3Q27System::BN || sendDir == D3Q27System::TS ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::TNE || sendDir == D3Q27System::TNW || sendDir == D3Q27System::TSE ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::TSW || sendDir == D3Q27System::BNE || sendDir == D3Q27System::BNW ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::BSE || sendDir == D3Q27System::BSW)) {
-        throw UbException(UB_EXARGS, "invalid constructor for this direction");
-    }
-bool CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector::isLocalConnector() { return !this->isRemoteConnector(); }
-bool CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector::isRemoteConnector()
-    return ((sender11 && sender11->isRemoteTransmitter()) || (receiver11 && receiver11->isRemoteTransmitter()) ||
-            (sender00 && sender00->isRemoteTransmitter()) || (receiver00 && receiver00->isRemoteTransmitter()) ||
-            (sender01 && sender01->isRemoteTransmitter()) || (receiver01 && receiver01->isRemoteTransmitter()) ||
-            (sender10 && sender10->isRemoteTransmitter()) || (receiver10 && receiver10->isRemoteTransmitter()));
-void CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector::sendTransmitterDataSize()
-    if (sender00) {
-        UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector<VectorTransmitter>::sendTransmitterDataSize()-sender00 "
-                             << block.lock()->toString() << " sendDir=" << sendDir);
-        sender00->sendDataSize();
-    }
-    if (sender01) {
-        UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector<VectorTransmitter>::sendTransmitterDataSize()-sender01 "
-                             << block.lock()->toString() << "sendDir=" << sendDir);
-        sender01->sendDataSize();
-    }
-    if (sender10) {
-        UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector<VectorTransmitter>::sendTransmitterDataSize()-sender10 "
-                             << block.lock()->toString() + "sendDir=" << sendDir);
-        sender10->sendDataSize();
-    }
-    if (sender11) {
-        UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector<VectorTransmitter>::sendTransmitterDataSize()-sender11 "
-                             << block.lock()->toString() << "sendDir=" << sendDir);
-        sender11->sendDataSize();
-    }
-void CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector::receiveTransmitterDataSize()
-    if (receiver00) {
-        UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector<VectorTransmitter>::receiveTransmitterDataSize()-receiver00 "
-                             << block.lock()->toString() << "sendDir=" << sendDir);
-        receiver00->receiveDataSize();
-    }
-    if (receiver01) {
-        UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector<VectorTransmitter>::receiveTransmitterDataSize()-receiver01 "
-                             << block.lock()->toString() << "sendDir=" << sendDir);
-        receiver01->receiveDataSize();
-    }
-    if (receiver10) {
-        UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector<VectorTransmitter>::receiveTransmitterDataSize()-receiver10 "
-                             << block.lock()->toString() << "sendDir=" << sendDir);
-        receiver10->receiveDataSize();
-    }
-    if (receiver11) {
-        UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector<VectorTransmitter>::receiveTransmitterDataSize()-receiver11 "
-                             << block.lock()->toString() << "sendDir=" << sendDir);
-        receiver11->receiveDataSize();
-    }
-void CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector::prepareForSend()
-    if (sender00)
-        sender00->prepareForSend();
-    if (sender01)
-        sender01->prepareForSend();
-    if (sender10)
-        sender10->prepareForSend();
-    if (sender11)
-        sender11->prepareForSend();
-void CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector::sendVectors()
-    if (sender00)
-        sender00->sendData();
-    if (sender01)
-        sender01->sendData();
-    if (sender10)
-        sender10->sendData();
-    if (sender11)
-        sender11->sendData();
-void CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector::prepareForReceive()
-    if (receiver00)
-        receiver00->prepareForReceive();
-    if (receiver01)
-        receiver01->prepareForReceive();
-    if (receiver10)
-        receiver10->prepareForReceive();
-    if (receiver11)
-        receiver11->prepareForReceive();
-void CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector::receiveVectors()
-    if (receiver00)
-        receiver00->receiveData();
-    if (receiver01)
-        receiver01->receiveData();
-    if (receiver10)
-        receiver10->receiveData();
-    if (receiver11)
-        receiver11->receiveData();
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca7c40bfaf22ebfed0c13b23e7973926a805427..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-//! \file CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector.h
-//! \brief Base class for connectors that interpolates and sends data from coarse level to fine.
-//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
-//! \date 18.05.2015
-#ifndef CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector_H
-#define CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector_H
-#include "Block3D.h"
-#include "Block3DConnector.h"
-#include "D3Q27System.h"
-#include "InterpolationProcessor.h"
-#include "TransmitterType.h"
-#include <PointerDefinitions.h>
-class Block3D;
-//! \class CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector
-//! \brief Base class for connectors that interpolates and sends data from coarse level to fine.
-//! \details The data is copied in a vector (this is located in the transmitter).
-//! The vector is transmitted via transmitter.
-//! The transmitter can be a local, MPI, RCG, CTL or whatever
-//! which a transmitter that is derived from transmitter base class.
-//! four fine blocks inside a coarse block:
-//! |    |    |
-//! |:--:|:---|
-//! | 01 | 11 |
-//! | 00 | 10 |
-//! send direction:
-//! |E<->W   |  N<->S  |  T<->B |
-//! |--------|---------|--------|
-//! |  x3    |   x3    |    x2  |
-//! |  ^     |   ^     |    ^   |
-//! |  +->x2 |  +->x1  |   +->x1|
-class CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector : public Block3DConnector
-    CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender00, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver00,
-                                 VectorTransmitterPtr sender01, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver01,
-                                 VectorTransmitterPtr sender10, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver10,
-                                 VectorTransmitterPtr sender11, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver11, int sendDir,
-                                 InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor);
-    ~CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector() override = default;
-    bool isLocalConnector() override;
-    bool isRemoteConnector() override;
-    void init() override = 0;
-    void sendTransmitterDataSize() override;
-    void receiveTransmitterDataSize() override;
-    void prepareForSend() override;
-    void sendVectors() override;
-    void prepareForReceive() override;
-    void receiveVectors() override;
-    void fillSendVectors() override          = 0;
-    void distributeReceiveVectors() override = 0;
-    bool isInterpolationConnectorCF() override { return true; }
-    bool isInterpolationConnectorFC() override { return false; }
-    void prepareForSendX1() override {}
-    void prepareForSendX2() override {}
-    void prepareForSendX3() override {}
-    void sendVectorsX1() override {}
-    void sendVectorsX2() override {}
-    void sendVectorsX3() override {}
-    void prepareForReceiveX1() override {}
-    void prepareForReceiveX2() override {}
-    void prepareForReceiveX3() override {}
-    void receiveVectorsX1() override {}
-    void receiveVectorsX2() override {}
-    void receiveVectorsX3() override {}
-    WPtr<Block3D> block; // dieser nvd sendet daten und die empfangenen werden diesem nvd zugeordnet
-    VectorTransmitterPtr sender00, receiver00, sender01, receiver01, sender10, receiver10, sender11, receiver11;
-    InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor;
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 36553307d937c07c19f792a7a6e40166d5d04723..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1293 +0,0 @@
-#include "CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h"
-#include "DataSet3D.h"
-    SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender00, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver00, VectorTransmitterPtr sender01,
-    VectorTransmitterPtr receiver01, VectorTransmitterPtr sender10, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver10,
-    VectorTransmitterPtr sender11, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver11, int sendDir, InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor)
-    : CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector(block, sender00, receiver00, sender01, receiver01, sender10, receiver10, sender11,
-                                   receiver11, sendDir, iprocessor)
-void CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector::init()
-    bMaxX1 = (int)block.lock()->getKernel()->getDataSet()->getFdistributions()->getNX1();
-    bMaxX2 = (int)block.lock()->getKernel()->getDataSet()->getFdistributions()->getNX2();
-    bMaxX3 = (int)block.lock()->getKernel()->getDataSet()->getFdistributions()->getNX3();
-    minX1 = 0;
-    minX2 = 0;
-    minX3 = 0;
-    maxX1 = bMaxX1 - 1;
-    maxX2 = bMaxX2 - 1;
-    maxX3 = bMaxX3 - 1;
-    minHalfX1 = 0;
-    minHalfX2 = 0;
-    minHalfX3 = 0;
-    maxHalfX1 = 0;
-    maxHalfX2 = 0;
-    maxHalfX3 = 0;
-    if (Utilities::isEven(bMaxX1)) {
-        minHalfX1 = bMaxX1 / 2 - 1;
-        maxHalfX1 = bMaxX1 / 2 - 1;
-    } else if (Utilities::isOdd(bMaxX1)) {
-        minHalfX1 = bMaxX1 / 2;
-        maxHalfX1 = bMaxX1 / 2 - 1;
-    }
-    if (Utilities::isEven(bMaxX2)) {
-        minHalfX2 = bMaxX2 / 2 - 1;
-        maxHalfX2 = bMaxX2 / 2 - 1;
-    } else if (Utilities::isOdd(bMaxX2)) {
-        minHalfX2 = bMaxX2 / 2;
-        maxHalfX2 = bMaxX2 / 2 - 1;
-    }
-    if (Utilities::isEven(bMaxX3)) {
-        minHalfX3 = bMaxX3 / 2 - 1;
-        maxHalfX3 = bMaxX3 / 2 - 1;
-    } else if (Utilities::isOdd(bMaxX3)) {
-        minHalfX3 = bMaxX3 / 2;
-        maxHalfX3 = bMaxX3 / 2 - 1;
-    }
-    // int       sendSize = 0;
-    LBMReal initValue = -999.0;
-    int sendDataPerNode = 27 /*f*/;
-    int iCellSize       = 8; // size of interpolation cell
-    findCFCells();
-    findFCCells();
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    // Debug
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //   if (block.lock()->getGlobalID() == 2234)
-    //   {
-    //      int test = 0;
-    //   }
-    if (sender00)
-        sender00->getData().resize(iNodeSetSender00.size() * iCellSize * sendDataPerNode, initValue);
-    else
-        sender00 = VectorTransmitterPtr(new TbLocalTransmitter<CbVector<LBMReal>>());
-    if (sender01)
-        sender01->getData().resize(iNodeSetSender01.size() * iCellSize * sendDataPerNode, initValue);
-    else
-        sender01 = VectorTransmitterPtr(new TbLocalTransmitter<CbVector<LBMReal>>());
-    if (sender10)
-        sender10->getData().resize(iNodeSetSender10.size() * iCellSize * sendDataPerNode, initValue);
-    else
-        sender10 = VectorTransmitterPtr(new TbLocalTransmitter<CbVector<LBMReal>>());
-    if (sender11)
-        sender11->getData().resize(iNodeSetSender11.size() * iCellSize * sendDataPerNode, initValue);
-    else
-        sender11 = VectorTransmitterPtr(new TbLocalTransmitter<CbVector<LBMReal>>());
-    if (!receiver00)
-        receiver00 = VectorTransmitterPtr(new TbLocalTransmitter<CbVector<LBMReal>>());
-    if (!receiver01)
-        receiver01 = VectorTransmitterPtr(new TbLocalTransmitter<CbVector<LBMReal>>());
-    if (!receiver10)
-        receiver10 = VectorTransmitterPtr(new TbLocalTransmitter<CbVector<LBMReal>>());
-    if (!receiver11)
-        receiver11 = VectorTransmitterPtr(new TbLocalTransmitter<CbVector<LBMReal>>());
-void CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector::findCFCells(int lMinX1, int lMinX2, int lMinX3, int lMaxX1, int lMaxX2,
-                                                      int lMaxX3, INodeSet &inodes)
-    int ix1, ix2, ix3;
-    LBMReal x1off, x2off, x3off;
-    SPtr<DistributionArray3D> fFrom = block.lock()->getKernel()->getDataSet()->getFdistributions();
-    SPtr<BCArray3D> bcArray         = block.lock()->getKernel()->getBCProcessor()->getBCArray();
-    for (ix3 = lMinX3; ix3 <= lMaxX3; ix3++) {
-        for (ix2 = lMinX2; ix2 <= lMaxX2; ix2++) {
-            for (ix1 = lMinX1; ix1 <= lMaxX1; ix1++) {
-                D3Q27ICell icellC;
-                int howManySolids = iprocessor->iCellHowManySolids(bcArray, ix1, ix2, ix3);
-                if (howManySolids == 0 || howManySolids == 8) {
-                    x1off = 0.0;
-                    x2off = 0.0;
-                    x3off = 0.0;
-                } else {
-                    if (!iprocessor->findNeighborICell(bcArray, fFrom, icellC, bMaxX1, bMaxX2, bMaxX3, ix1, ix2, ix3,
-                                                       x1off, x2off, x3off)) {
-                        std::string err = "For " + block.lock()->toString() + " x1=" + UbSystem::toString(ix1) +
-                                          ", x2=" + UbSystem::toString(ix2) + ", x3=" + UbSystem::toString(ix3) +
-                                          " interpolation is not implemented for other direction" +
-                                          " by using in: " + (std::string) typeid(*this).name() +
-                                          " or maybe you have a solid on the block boundary";
-                        UB_THROW(UbException(UB_EXARGS, err));
-                    }
-                }
-                INodeVector inv;
-                inv.push_back(ix1 + (int)x1off);
-                inv.push_back(ix2 + (int)x2off);
-                inv.push_back(ix3 + (int)x3off);
-                inv.push_back((int)x1off);
-                inv.push_back((int)x2off);
-                inv.push_back((int)x3off);
-                // inodes.insert(inv);
-                inodes.push_back(inv);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// template< typename VectorTransmitter >
-void CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector::findCFCells()
-    using namespace D3Q27System;
-    int lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3;
-    switch (sendDir) {
-            // faces
-        case E:
-        case W:
-            if (sendDir == E) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1;
-            } else if (sendDir == W) {
-                lMinX1 = 1;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1;
-            }
-            if (sender00) {
-                lMinX2 = minX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxHalfX2;
-                lMinX3 = minX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxHalfX3;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender00);
-            }
-            if (sender10) {
-                lMinX2 = minHalfX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = minX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxHalfX3;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender10);
-            }
-            if (sender01) {
-                lMinX2 = minX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxHalfX2;
-                lMinX3 = minHalfX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender01);
-            }
-            if (sender11) {
-                lMinX2 = minHalfX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = minHalfX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender11);
-            }
-            break;
-        case N:
-        case S:
-            if (sendDir == N) {
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2;
-            } else if (sendDir == S) {
-                lMinX2 = 1;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2;
-            }
-            if (sender00) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxHalfX1;
-                lMinX3 = minX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxHalfX3;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender00);
-            }
-            if (sender10) {
-                lMinX1 = minHalfX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = minX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxHalfX3;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender10);
-            }
-            if (sender01) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxHalfX1;
-                lMinX3 = minHalfX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender01);
-            }
-            if (sender11) {
-                lMinX1 = minHalfX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = minHalfX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender11);
-            }
-            break;
-        case T:
-        case B:
-            if (sendDir == T) {
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3;
-            } else if (sendDir == B) {
-                lMinX3 = 1;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3;
-            }
-            if (sender00) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxHalfX1;
-                lMinX2 = minX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxHalfX2;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender00);
-            }
-            if (sender10) {
-                lMinX1 = minHalfX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = minX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxHalfX2;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender10);
-            }
-            if (sender01) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxHalfX1;
-                lMinX2 = minHalfX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender01);
-            }
-            if (sender11) {
-                lMinX1 = minHalfX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = minHalfX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender11);
-            }
-            break;
-            // edges
-            // N-S-E-W
-        case NE:
-        case SW:
-        case SE:
-        case NW:
-            if (sendDir == NE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 1;
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == SW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 1;
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == SE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 1;
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == NW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 1;
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 1;
-            }
-            if (sender00) {
-                lMinX3 = minX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxHalfX3;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender00);
-            }
-            if (sender10) {
-                lMinX3 = minHalfX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender10);
-            }
-            break;
-            // T-B-E-W
-        case TE:
-        case BW:
-        case BE:
-        case TW:
-            if (sendDir == TE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 1;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == BW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 2;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == BE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 1;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == TW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 1;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 1;
-            }
-            if (sender00) {
-                lMinX2 = minX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxHalfX2;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender00);
-            }
-            if (sender10) {
-                lMinX2 = minHalfX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender10);
-            }
-            break;
-            // T-B-N-S
-        case TN:
-        case BS:
-        case BN:
-        case TS:
-            if (sendDir == TN) {
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 1;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == BS) {
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 1;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == BN) {
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 1;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == TS) {
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 1;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 1;
-            }
-            if (sender00) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxHalfX1;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender00);
-            }
-            if (sender10) {
-                lMinX1 = minHalfX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender10);
-            }
-            break;
-            // corners
-        case TNE:
-        case TNW:
-        case TSE:
-        case TSW:
-        case BNE:
-        case BNW:
-        case BSE:
-        case BSW:
-            if (sendDir == TNE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == TNW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = 1;
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == TSE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = 1;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == TSW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = 1;
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = 1;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == BNE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == BNW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = 1;
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == BSE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = 1;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == BSW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = 1;
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = 1;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = 1;
-            }
-            if (sender00) {
-                findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetSender00);
-            }
-            break;
-    }
-// template< typename VectorTransmitter >
-void CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector::fillSendVectors()
-    using namespace D3Q27System;
-    SPtr<DistributionArray3D> fFrom = block.lock()->getKernel()->getDataSet()->getFdistributions();
-    int index00 = 0;
-    int index01 = 0;
-    int index10 = 0;
-    int index11 = 0;
-    vector_type &data00 = this->sender00->getData();
-    vector_type &data01 = this->sender01->getData();
-    vector_type &data10 = this->sender10->getData();
-    vector_type &data11 = this->sender11->getData();
-    for (INodeVector inode : iNodeSetSender00) {
-        D3Q27ICell icellC;
-        D3Q27ICell icellF;
-        iprocessor->readICell(fFrom, icellC, inode[0], inode[1], inode[2]);
-        iprocessor->interpolateCoarseToFine(icellC, icellF, inode[3], inode[4], inode[5]);
-        writeICellFtoData(data00, index00, icellF);
-    }
-    for (INodeVector inode : iNodeSetSender01) {
-        D3Q27ICell icellC;
-        D3Q27ICell icellF;
-        iprocessor->readICell(fFrom, icellC, inode[0], inode[1], inode[2]);
-        iprocessor->interpolateCoarseToFine(icellC, icellF, inode[3], inode[4], inode[5]);
-        writeICellFtoData(data01, index01, icellF);
-    }
-    for (INodeVector inode : iNodeSetSender10) {
-        D3Q27ICell icellC;
-        D3Q27ICell icellF;
-        iprocessor->readICell(fFrom, icellC, inode[0], inode[1], inode[2]);
-        iprocessor->interpolateCoarseToFine(icellC, icellF, inode[3], inode[4], inode[5]);
-        writeICellFtoData(data10, index10, icellF);
-    }
-    for (INodeVector inode : iNodeSetSender11) {
-        D3Q27ICell icellC;
-        D3Q27ICell icellF;
-        iprocessor->readICell(fFrom, icellC, inode[0], inode[1], inode[2]);
-        iprocessor->interpolateCoarseToFine(icellC, icellF, inode[3], inode[4], inode[5]);
-        writeICellFtoData(data11, index11, icellF);
-    }
-void CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector::writeICellFtoData(vector_type &data, int &index, D3Q27ICell &icellF)
-    writeNodeToVector(data, index, icellF.BSW);
-    writeNodeToVector(data, index, icellF.BSE);
-    writeNodeToVector(data, index, icellF.BNW);
-    writeNodeToVector(data, index, icellF.BNE);
-    writeNodeToVector(data, index, icellF.TSW);
-    writeNodeToVector(data, index, icellF.TSE);
-    writeNodeToVector(data, index, icellF.TNW);
-    writeNodeToVector(data, index, icellF.TNE);
-void CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector::writeNodeToVector(vector_type &data, int &index, LBMReal *inode)
-    for (int i = D3Q27System::STARTF; i < D3Q27System::ENDF + 1; i++) {
-        data[index++] = inode[i];
-    }
-void CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector::findFCCells(int lMinX1, int lMinX2, int lMinX3, int lMaxX1, int lMaxX2,
-                                                      int lMaxX3, INodeSet &inodes)
-    int ix1, ix2, ix3;
-    for (ix3 = lMinX3; ix3 <= lMaxX3; ix3++) {
-        for (ix2 = lMinX2; ix2 <= lMaxX2; ix2++) {
-            for (ix1 = lMinX1; ix1 <= lMaxX1; ix1++) {
-                INodeVector inv;
-                inv.push_back(ix1);
-                inv.push_back(ix2);
-                inv.push_back(ix3);
-                // inodes.insert(inv);
-                inodes.push_back(inv);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// template< typename VectorTransmitter >
-void CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector::findFCCells()
-    using namespace D3Q27System;
-    int lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3;
-    int lMin2X1, lMin2X2, lMin2X3, lMax2X1, lMax2X2, lMax2X3;
-    int lMin3X1, lMin3X2, lMin3X3, lMax3X1, lMax3X2, lMax3X3;
-    int dummy;
-    switch (sendDir) {
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            // Debug
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            // if (block.lock()->getGlobalID() == 2234)
-            // {
-            //    int test = 0;
-            // }
-            // faces
-        case E:
-        case W:
-            if (sendDir == E) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1;
-            } else if (sendDir == W) {
-                lMin1X1 = 3;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1;
-            }
-            // int TminX1 = lMinX1; int TminX2 = lMinX2; int TminX3 = lMinX3; int TmaxX1 = lMaxX1; int TmaxX2 = lMaxX2;
-            // int TmaxX3 = lMaxX3;
-            // if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(E))
-            //{
-            //   if (maxX1==TmaxX1) maxX1 -= 2;
-            //}
-            // if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(W))
-            //{
-            //   if (minX1==TminX1) minX1 += 2;
-            //}
-            // if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(N))
-            //{
-            //   if (maxX2==TmaxX2)  maxX2 -= 2;
-            //}
-            // if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(S))
-            //{
-            //   if (minX2==TminX2)  minX2 += 2;
-            //}
-            // if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(T))
-            //{
-            //   if (maxX3==TmaxX3)  maxX3 -= 2;
-            //}
-            // if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(B))
-            //{
-            //   if (minX3==TminX3)  minX3 += 2;
-            //}
-            if (receiver00) {
-                lMin1X2 = minX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxHalfX2;
-                lMin1X3 = minX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxHalfX3;
-                getLocalMinMax(dummy, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, dummy, dummy, dummy);
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver00);
-            }
-            if (receiver10) {
-                lMin1X2 = minHalfX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = minX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxHalfX3;
-                getLocalMinMax(dummy, dummy, lMin1X3, dummy, lMax1X2, dummy);
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver10);
-            }
-            if (receiver01) {
-                lMin1X2 = minX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxHalfX2;
-                lMin1X3 = minHalfX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                getLocalMinMax(dummy, lMin1X2, dummy, dummy, dummy, lMax1X3);
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver01);
-            }
-            if (receiver11) {
-                lMin1X2 = minHalfX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = minHalfX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                getLocalMinMax(dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, lMax1X2, lMax1X3);
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver11);
-            }
-            break;
-        case N:
-        case S:
-            if (sendDir == N) {
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2;
-            } else if (sendDir == S) {
-                lMin1X2 = 3;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2;
-            }
-            if (receiver00) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxHalfX1;
-                lMin1X3 = minX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxHalfX3;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver00);
-            }
-            if (receiver10) {
-                lMin1X1 = minHalfX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = minX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxHalfX3;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver10);
-            }
-            if (receiver01) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxHalfX1;
-                lMin1X3 = minHalfX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver01);
-            }
-            if (receiver11) {
-                lMin1X1 = minHalfX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = minHalfX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver11);
-            }
-            break;
-        case T:
-        case B:
-            if (sendDir == T) {
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-            } else if (sendDir == B) {
-                lMin1X3 = 3;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-            }
-            if (receiver00) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxHalfX1;
-                lMin1X2 = minX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxHalfX2;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver00);
-            }
-            if (receiver10) {
-                lMin1X1 = minHalfX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin1X2 = minX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxHalfX2;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver10);
-            }
-            if (receiver01) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxHalfX1;
-                lMin1X2 = minHalfX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver01);
-            }
-            if (receiver11) {
-                lMin1X1 = minHalfX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin1X2 = minHalfX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver11);
-            }
-            break;
-            // edges
-            // N-S-E-W
-        case NE:
-        case SW:
-        case SE:
-        case NW:
-            if (sendDir == NE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 2;
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == SW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 1;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 2;
-                lMin1X2 = 3;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2;
-                lMin2X1 = 3;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X2 = 1;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == SE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 2;
-                lMin1X2 = 3;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X2 = 1;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == NW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 1;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 2;
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2;
-                lMin2X1 = 3;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2 + 2;
-            }
-            if (receiver00) {
-                lMin1X3 = minX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxHalfX3;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver00);
-            }
-            if (receiver10) {
-                lMin1X3 = minHalfX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver10);
-            }
-            if (receiver00) {
-                lMin2X3 = minX3;
-                lMax2X3 = maxHalfX3;
-                findFCCells(lMin2X1, lMin2X2, lMin2X3, lMax2X1, lMax2X2, lMax2X3, iNodeSetReceiver00);
-            }
-            if (receiver10) {
-                lMin2X3 = minHalfX3;
-                lMax2X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                findFCCells(lMin2X1, lMin2X2, lMin2X3, lMax2X1, lMax2X2, lMax2X3, iNodeSetReceiver10);
-            }
-            break;
-            // T-B-E-W
-        case TE:
-        case BW:
-        case BE:
-        case TW:
-            if (sendDir == TE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 2;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == BW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 1;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 2;
-                lMin1X3 = 3;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X1 = 3;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == BE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 2;
-                lMin1X3 = 3;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == TW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 1;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 2;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X1 = 3;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 2;
-            }
-            if (receiver00) {
-                lMin1X2 = minX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxHalfX2;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver00);
-            }
-            if (receiver10) {
-                lMin1X2 = minHalfX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver10);
-            }
-            if (receiver00) {
-                lMin2X2 = minX2;
-                lMax2X2 = maxHalfX2;
-                findFCCells(lMin2X1, lMin2X2, lMin2X3, lMax2X1, lMax2X2, lMax2X3, iNodeSetReceiver00);
-            }
-            if (receiver10) {
-                lMin2X2 = minHalfX2;
-                lMax2X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                findFCCells(lMin2X1, lMin2X2, lMin2X3, lMax2X1, lMax2X2, lMax2X3, iNodeSetReceiver10);
-            }
-            break;
-            // T-B-N-S
-        case TN:
-        case BS:
-        case BN:
-        case TS:
-            if (sendDir == TN) {
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2 + 2;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == BS) {
-                lMin1X2 = 1;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2 + 2;
-                lMin1X3 = 3;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X2 = 3;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == BN) {
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2 + 2;
-                lMin1X3 = 3;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == TS) {
-                lMin1X2 = 1;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2 + 2;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X2 = 3;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 2;
-            }
-            if (receiver00) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxHalfX1;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver00);
-            }
-            if (receiver10) {
-                lMin1X1 = minHalfX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver10);
-            }
-            if (receiver00) {
-                lMin2X1 = minX1;
-                lMax2X1 = maxHalfX1;
-                findFCCells(lMin2X1, lMin2X2, lMin2X3, lMax2X1, lMax2X2, lMax2X3, iNodeSetReceiver00);
-            }
-            if (receiver10) {
-                lMin2X1 = minHalfX1;
-                lMax2X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                findFCCells(lMin2X1, lMin2X2, lMin2X3, lMax2X1, lMax2X2, lMax2X3, iNodeSetReceiver10);
-            }
-            break;
-            // corners
-        case TNE:
-        case TNW:
-        case TSE:
-        case TSW:
-        case BNE:
-        case BNW:
-        case BSE:
-        case BSW:
-            if (sendDir == TNE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax2X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax2X2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax2X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                lMin3X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax3X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin3X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax3X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMin3X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax3X3 = maxX3 - 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == TNW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 3;
-                lMax1X1 = 3;
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                lMin2X1 = 1;
-                lMax2X1 = 3;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax2X2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax2X3 = maxX3;
-                lMin3X1 = 1;
-                lMax3X1 = 3;
-                lMin3X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax3X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMin3X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax3X3 = maxX3 - 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == TSE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMin1X2 = 1;
-                lMax1X2 = 3;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax2X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin2X2 = 3;
-                lMax2X2 = 3;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax2X3 = maxX3;
-                lMin3X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax3X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin3X2 = 1;
-                lMax3X2 = 3;
-                lMin3X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax3X3 = maxX3 - 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == TSW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 3;
-                lMax1X1 = 3;
-                lMin1X2 = 1;
-                lMax1X2 = 3;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                lMin2X1 = 1;
-                lMax2X1 = 3;
-                lMin2X2 = 3;
-                lMax2X2 = 3;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax2X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                lMin3X1 = 1;
-                lMax3X1 = 3;
-                lMin3X2 = 1;
-                lMax3X2 = 3;
-                lMin3X3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMax3X3 = maxX3 - 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == BNE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = 1;
-                lMax1X3 = 3;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax2X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax2X2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = 3;
-                lMin3X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax3X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin3X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax3X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMin3X3 = 3;
-                lMax3X3 = 3;
-            } else if (sendDir == BNW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 3;
-                lMax1X1 = 3;
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = 1;
-                lMax1X3 = 3;
-                lMin2X1 = 1;
-                lMax2X1 = 3;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax2X2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = 3;
-                lMin3X1 = 1;
-                lMax3X1 = 3;
-                lMin3X2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMax3X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMin3X3 = 3;
-                lMax3X3 = 3;
-            } else if (sendDir == BSE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMin1X2 = 1;
-                lMax1X2 = 3;
-                lMin1X3 = 1;
-                lMax1X3 = 3;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax2X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin2X2 = 3;
-                lMax2X2 = 3;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = 3;
-                lMin3X1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMax3X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin3X2 = 1;
-                lMax3X2 = 3;
-                lMin3X3 = 3;
-                lMax3X3 = 3;
-            } else if (sendDir == BSW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 3;
-                lMax1X1 = 3;
-                lMin1X2 = 1;
-                lMax1X2 = 3;
-                lMin1X3 = 1;
-                lMax1X3 = 3;
-                lMin2X1 = 1;
-                lMax2X1 = 3;
-                lMin2X2 = 3;
-                lMax2X2 = 3;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = 3;
-                lMin3X1 = 1;
-                lMax3X1 = 3;
-                lMin3X2 = 1;
-                lMax3X2 = 3;
-                lMin3X3 = 3;
-                lMax3X3 = 3;
-            }
-            if (receiver00) {
-                findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetReceiver00);
-            }
-            if (receiver00) {
-                findFCCells(lMin2X1, lMin2X2, lMin2X3, lMax2X1, lMax2X2, lMax2X3, iNodeSetReceiver00);
-            }
-            if (receiver00) {
-                findFCCells(lMin3X1, lMin3X2, lMin3X3, lMax3X1, lMax3X2, lMax3X3, iNodeSetReceiver00);
-            }
-            break;
-    }
-// template< typename VectorTransmitter >
-void CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector::distributeReceiveVectors()
-    using namespace D3Q27System;
-    SPtr<DistributionArray3D> fTo = block.lock()->getKernel()->getDataSet()->getFdistributions();
-    int index00 = 0;
-    int index01 = 0;
-    int index10 = 0;
-    int index11 = 0;
-    vector_type &data00 = this->receiver00->getData();
-    vector_type &data01 = this->receiver01->getData();
-    vector_type &data10 = this->receiver10->getData();
-    vector_type &data11 = this->receiver11->getData();
-    for (INodeVector inode : iNodeSetReceiver00) {
-        LBMReal icellC[27];
-        this->readICellCfromData(data00, index00, icellC);
-        iprocessor->writeINodeInv(fTo, icellC, inode[0], inode[1], inode[2]);
-    }
-    for (INodeVector inode : iNodeSetReceiver01) {
-        LBMReal icellC[27];
-        this->readICellCfromData(data01, index01, icellC);
-        iprocessor->writeINodeInv(fTo, icellC, inode[0], inode[1], inode[2]);
-    }
-    for (INodeVector inode : iNodeSetReceiver10) {
-        LBMReal icellC[27];
-        this->readICellCfromData(data10, index10, icellC);
-        iprocessor->writeINodeInv(fTo, icellC, inode[0], inode[1], inode[2]);
-    }
-    for (INodeVector inode : iNodeSetReceiver11) {
-        LBMReal icellC[27];
-        this->readICellCfromData(data11, index11, icellC);
-        iprocessor->writeINodeInv(fTo, icellC, inode[0], inode[1], inode[2]);
-    }
-void CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector::readICellCfromData(vector_type &data, int &index, LBMReal *icellC)
-    for (int i = D3Q27System::STARTF; i < D3Q27System::ENDF + 1; i++) {
-        icellC[i] = data[index++];
-    }
-void CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector::getLocalMinMax(int &minX1, int &minX2, int &minX3, int &maxX1, int &maxX2,
-                                                         int &maxX3)
-    using namespace D3Q27System;
-    int TminX1 = minX1;
-    int TminX2 = minX2;
-    int TminX3 = minX3;
-    int TmaxX1 = maxX1;
-    int TmaxX2 = maxX2;
-    int TmaxX3 = maxX3;
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(E)) {
-        if (maxX1 == TmaxX1)
-            maxX1 -= 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(W)) {
-        if (minX1 == TminX1)
-            minX1 += 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(N)) {
-        if (maxX2 == TmaxX2)
-            maxX2 -= 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(S)) {
-        if (minX2 == TminX2)
-            minX2 += 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(T)) {
-        if (maxX3 == TmaxX3)
-            maxX3 -= 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(B)) {
-        if (minX3 == TminX3)
-            minX3 += 2;
-    }
-    // E-W-N-S
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(NE) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(N) &&
-        !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(E)) {
-        if (maxX1 == TmaxX1)
-            maxX1 -= 2;
-        if (maxX2 == TmaxX2)
-            maxX2 -= 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(SW) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(W) &&
-        !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(S)) {
-        if (minX1 == TminX1)
-            minX1 += 2;
-        if (minX2 == TminX2)
-            minX2 += 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(SE) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(E) &&
-        !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(S)) {
-        if (maxX1 == TmaxX1)
-            maxX1 -= 2;
-        if (minX2 == TminX2)
-            minX2 += 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(NW) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(N) &&
-        !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(W)) {
-        if (minX1 == TminX1)
-            minX1 += 2;
-        if (maxX2 == TmaxX2)
-            maxX2 -= 2;
-    }
-    //	////T-B-E-W
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(TE) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(E) &&
-        !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(T)) {
-        if (maxX1 == TmaxX1)
-            maxX1 -= 2;
-        if (maxX3 == TmaxX3)
-            maxX3 -= 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(BW) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(W) &&
-        !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(B)) {
-        if (minX1 == TminX1)
-            minX1 += 2;
-        if (minX3 == TminX3)
-            minX3 += 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(BE) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(E) &&
-        !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(B)) {
-        if (maxX1 == TmaxX1)
-            maxX1 -= 2;
-        if (minX3 == TminX3)
-            minX3 += 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(TW) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(W) &&
-        !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(T)) {
-        if (minX1 == TminX1)
-            minX1 += 2;
-        if (maxX3 == TmaxX3)
-            maxX3 -= 2;
-    }
-    ////T-B-N-S
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(TN) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(N) &&
-        !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(T)) {
-        if (maxX2 == TmaxX2)
-            maxX2 -= 2;
-        if (maxX3 == TmaxX3)
-            maxX3 -= 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(BS) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(S) &&
-        !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(B)) {
-        if (minX2 == TminX2)
-            minX2 += 2;
-        if (minX3 == TminX3)
-            minX3 += 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(BN) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(N) &&
-        !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(B)) {
-        if (maxX2 == TmaxX2)
-            maxX2 -= 2;
-        if (minX3 == TminX3)
-            minX3 += 2;
-    }
-    if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(TS) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(S) &&
-        !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagCF(T)) {
-        if (minX2 == TminX2)
-            minX2 += 2;
-        if (maxX3 == TmaxX3)
-            maxX3 -= 2;
-    }
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e71916d4a489a7d834c360c21caafa5bb42526d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-//! \file CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h
-//! \class CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector
-//! \brief Connector interpolates and sends data from coarse level to fine.
-//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
-//! \date 18.05.2015
-#ifndef CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector_H
-#define CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector_H
-#include <set>
-#include <vector>
-//#include "basics/transmitter/TbTransmitter.h"
-//#include "basics/transmitter/TbTransmitterLocal.h"
-//#include "basics/container/CbVector.h"
-#include "BCProcessor.h"
-#include "Block3D.h"
-#include "CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector.h"
-#include "D3Q27System.h"
-#include "Grid3D.h"
-#include "InterpolationProcessor.h"
-#include "LBMKernel.h"
-#include "MathUtil.hpp"
-#include <PointerDefinitions.h>
-class Block3D;
-// daten werden in einen vector (dieser befindet sich im transmitter) kopiert
-// der vector wird via transmitter uebertragen
-// transmitter kann ein lokal, MPI, RCG, CTL oder was auch immer fuer ein
-// transmitter sein, der von Transmitter abgeleitet ist ;-)
-// send direction:    E<->W     N<->S    T<->B
-//  ---------          x3       x3        x2
-// | 01 | 11 |         ^        ^         ^
-// |----+----|         +-> x2   +->x1     +->x1
-// | 00 | 10 |
-//  ---------
-class CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector : public CoarseToFineBlock3DConnector
-    CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender00,
-                                        VectorTransmitterPtr receiver00, VectorTransmitterPtr sender01,
-                                        VectorTransmitterPtr receiver01, VectorTransmitterPtr sender10,
-                                        VectorTransmitterPtr receiver10, VectorTransmitterPtr sender11,
-                                        VectorTransmitterPtr receiver11, int sendDir,
-                                        InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor);
-    void init() override;
-    void fillSendVectors() override;
-    void distributeReceiveVectors() override;
-    typedef std::vector<int> INodeVector;
-    using INodeSet = std::vector<INodeVector>;
-    INodeSet iNodeSetSender00;
-    INodeSet iNodeSetSender01;
-    INodeSet iNodeSetSender10;
-    INodeSet iNodeSetSender11;
-    INodeSet iNodeSetReceiver00;
-    INodeSet iNodeSetReceiver01;
-    INodeSet iNodeSetReceiver10;
-    INodeSet iNodeSetReceiver11;
-    void writeICellFtoData(vector_type &data, int &index, D3Q27ICell &icellF);
-    void writeNodeToVector(vector_type &data, int &index, LBMReal *inode);
-    void readICellCfromData(vector_type &data, int &index, LBMReal *icellC);
-    void findCFCells();
-    void findCFCells(int lMinX1, int lMinX2, int lMinX3, int lMaxX1, int lMaxX2, int lMaxX3, INodeSet &inodes);
-    void findFCCells();
-    void findFCCells(int lMinX1, int lMinX2, int lMinX3, int lMaxX1, int lMaxX2, int lMaxX3, INodeSet &inodes);
-    void getLocalMinMax(int &minX1, int &minX2, int &minX3, int &maxX1, int &maxX2, int &maxX3);
-    int bMaxX1, bMaxX2, bMaxX3;
-    int minX1;
-    int minX2;
-    int minX3;
-    int maxX1;
-    int maxX2;
-    int maxX3;
-    int minHalfX1;
-    int minHalfX2;
-    int minHalfX3;
-    int maxHalfX1;
-    int maxHalfX2;
-    int maxHalfX3;
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/ConnectorFactory.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/ConnectorFactory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e8828639bebfabbacf62793de954afd17b86026..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/ConnectorFactory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ConnectorFactory_h__
-#define ConnectorFactory_h__
-#include "Block3DConnector.h"
-#include "FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector.h"
-#include "InterpolationProcessor.h"
-#include "TransmitterType.h"
-#include <PointerDefinitions.h>
-class ConnectorFactory
-    ConnectorFactory() = default;
-    virtual ~ConnectorFactory() = default;
-    virtual SPtr<Block3DConnector> createSameLevelDirectConnector(SPtr<Block3D> from, SPtr<Block3D> to,
-                                                                  int sendDir)                                = 0;
-    virtual SPtr<Block3DConnector> createSameLevelVectorConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender,
-                                                                  VectorTransmitterPtr receiver, int sendDir) = 0;
-    virtual SPtr<Block3DConnector>
-    createCoarseToFineConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender00, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver00,
-                                VectorTransmitterPtr sender01, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver01,
-                                VectorTransmitterPtr sender10, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver10,
-                                VectorTransmitterPtr sender11, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver11, int sendDir,
-                                InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor) = 0;
-    virtual SPtr<Block3DConnector>
-    createFineToCoarseConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver,
-                                int sendDir, InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor,
-                                FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::CFconnectorType connType) = 0;
-#endif // ConnectorFactory_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fdeb0e5569c49e82b4f7c7bbafb07a41ab07aecd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-//#include "D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory.h"
-//#include "TransmitterType.h"
-//#include "D3Q27ETCFOffVectorConnector.h"
-//#include "D3Q27ETFCOffVectorConnector.h"
-//#include "D3Q27ETFCVectorConnector.h"
-//#include "FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector.h"
-// D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory::D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory()
-// D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory::~D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory()
-// SPtr<Block3DConnector> D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory::createCoarseToFineConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block,
-//   VectorTransmitterPtr sender00, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver00,
-//   VectorTransmitterPtr sender01, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver01,
-//   VectorTransmitterPtr sender10, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver10,
-//   VectorTransmitterPtr sender11, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver11,
-//   int sendDir, D3Q27InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor)
-//   return SPtr<Block3DConnector>(new D3Q27ETCFOffVectorConnector<VectorTransmitter>(block,
-//      sender00, receiver00, sender01, receiver01,
-//      sender10, receiver10, sender11, receiver11,
-//      sendDir, iprocessor));
-// SPtr<Block3DConnector> D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory::createFineToCoarseConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block,
-//   VectorTransmitterPtr sender,
-//   VectorTransmitterPtr receiver,
-//   int sendDir,
-//   D3Q27InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor,
-//   FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::CFconnectorType connType)
-//   return  SPtr<Block3DConnector>(new D3Q27ETFCOffVectorConnector<VectorTransmitter>(block,
-//      sender, receiver, sendDir, iprocessor, connType));
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ed08c80aa56ff71db5c6fff2b9bfeaeca962646..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-//#ifndef D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory_h__
-//#define D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory_h__
-//#include "Block3DConnectorFactory.h"
-//#include <PointerDefinitions.h>
-// class D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory;
-// typedef SPtr<D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory> D3Q27ETOffSPtr<ConnectorFactory>;
-// class D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory : public Block3DConnectorFactory
-// public:
-//   D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory();
-//   virtual ~D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory();
-//   virtual SPtr<Block3DConnector> createCoarseToFineConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block,
-//      VectorTransmitterPtr sender00, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver00,
-//      VectorTransmitterPtr sender01, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver01,
-//      VectorTransmitterPtr sender10, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver10,
-//      VectorTransmitterPtr sender11, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver11,
-//      int sendDir, D3Q27InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor);
-//   virtual SPtr<Block3DConnector> createFineToCoarseConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block,
-//      VectorTransmitterPtr sender,
-//      VectorTransmitterPtr receiver,
-//      int sendDir,
-//      D3Q27InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor,
-//      FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::CFconnectorType connType);
-// private:
-//#endif // D3Q27ETOffConnectorFactory_h__
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ca6d017a59e4c322ab70f42deaa4575cba97a2db..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#include "FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector.h"
-FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender,
-                                                           VectorTransmitterPtr receiver, int sendDir,
-                                                           InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor,
-                                                           CFconnectorType connType)
-    : Block3DConnector(sendDir), block(block), sender(sender), receiver(receiver), iprocessor(iprocessor),
-      connType(connType)
-    if (!(sendDir == D3Q27System::E || sendDir == D3Q27System::W || sendDir == D3Q27System::N ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::S || sendDir == D3Q27System::T || sendDir == D3Q27System::B ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::NE || sendDir == D3Q27System::SW || sendDir == D3Q27System::SE ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::NW || sendDir == D3Q27System::TE || sendDir == D3Q27System::BW ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::BE || sendDir == D3Q27System::TW || sendDir == D3Q27System::TN ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::BS || sendDir == D3Q27System::BN || sendDir == D3Q27System::TS
-          || sendDir == D3Q27System::TNE || sendDir == D3Q27System::TNW || sendDir == D3Q27System::TSE ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::TSW || sendDir == D3Q27System::BNE || sendDir == D3Q27System::BNW ||
-          sendDir == D3Q27System::BSE || sendDir == D3Q27System::BSW
-          )) {
-        throw UbException(UB_EXARGS, "invalid constructor for this direction");
-    }
-bool FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::isLocalConnector() { return !this->isRemoteConnector(); }
-bool FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::isRemoteConnector()
-    return sender->isRemoteTransmitter() || receiver->isRemoteTransmitter();
-void FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::sendTransmitterDataSize()
-    if (sender) {
-        UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector<VectorTransmitter>::sendTransmitterDataSize()"
-                             << block.lock()->toString() + "sendDir=" << sendDir);
-        sender->sendDataSize();
-    }
-void FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::receiveTransmitterDataSize()
-    if (receiver) {
-        UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector<VectorTransmitter>::receiveTransmitterDataSize()"
-                             << block.lock()->toString() << "sendDir=" << sendDir);
-        receiver->receiveDataSize();
-    }
-void FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::prepareForSend()
-    if (sender)
-        sender->prepareForSend();
-void FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::sendVectors()
-    if (sender)
-        sender->sendData();
-void FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::prepareForReceive()
-    if (receiver)
-        receiver->prepareForReceive();
-void FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::receiveVectors()
-    if (receiver)
-        receiver->receiveData();
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e988887c427f34ddbae70f1c8fd16b1de75367c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-//! \file FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector.h
-//! \brief Base class for connectors that interpolates and sends data from fine level to coarse.
-//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
-//! \date 21.05.2015
-#ifndef FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector_H
-#define FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector_H
-#include "Block3D.h"
-#include "Block3DConnector.h"
-#include "D3Q27System.h"
-#include "InterpolationProcessor.h"
-#include "LBMKernel.h"
-#include "TransmitterType.h"
-#include <PointerDefinitions.h>
-class Block3D;
-//! \class FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector
-//! \brief Base class for connectors that interpolates and sends data from fine level to coarse.
-//! \details The data is copied in a vector (this is located in the transmitter).
-//! The vector is transmitted via transmitter.
-//! The transmitter can be a local, MPI, RCG, CTL or whatever
-//! which a transmitter that is derived from transmitter base class.
-//! four fine blocks inside a coarse block:
-//! |    |    |
-//! |:--:|:---|
-//! | 01 | 11 |
-//! | 00 | 10 |
-//! send direction:
-//! |E<->W   |  N<->S  |  T<->B |
-//! |--------|---------|--------|
-//! |  x3    |   x3    |    x2  |
-//! |  ^     |   ^     |    ^   |
-//! |  +->x2 |  +->x1  |   +->x1|
-class FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector : public Block3DConnector
-    enum CFconnectorType { Type00, Type10, Type01, Type11 };
-    FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver,
-                                 int sendDir, InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor, CFconnectorType connType);
-    bool isLocalConnector() override;
-    bool isRemoteConnector() override;
-    void sendTransmitterDataSize() override;
-    void receiveTransmitterDataSize() override;
-    void prepareForSend() override;
-    void sendVectors() override;
-    void prepareForReceive() override;
-    void receiveVectors() override;
-    void init() override                     = 0;
-    void fillSendVectors() override          = 0;
-    void distributeReceiveVectors() override = 0;
-    bool isInterpolationConnectorCF() override { return false; }
-    bool isInterpolationConnectorFC() override { return true; }
-    void prepareForSendX1() override {}
-    void prepareForSendX2() override {}
-    void prepareForSendX3() override {}
-    void sendVectorsX1() override {}
-    void sendVectorsX2() override {}
-    void sendVectorsX3() override {}
-    void prepareForReceiveX1() override {}
-    void prepareForReceiveX2() override {}
-    void prepareForReceiveX3() override {}
-    void receiveVectorsX1() override {}
-    void receiveVectorsX2() override {}
-    void receiveVectorsX3() override {}
-    WPtr<Block3D> block;
-    VectorTransmitterPtr sender, receiver;
-    InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor;
-    CFconnectorType connType;
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d40c5276c7c2e1ac6ede9233cf46c27f4331a24f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1121 +0,0 @@
-#include "FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h"
-#include "BCProcessor.h"
-#include "DataSet3D.h"
-FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector::FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block,
-                                                                         VectorTransmitterPtr sender,
-                                                                         VectorTransmitterPtr receiver, int sendDir,
-                                                                         InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor,
-                                                                         CFconnectorType connType)
-    : FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector(block, sender, receiver, sendDir, iprocessor, connType)
-void FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector::init()
-    bMaxX1 = (int)FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::block.lock()->getKernel()->getDataSet()->getFdistributions()->getNX1();
-    bMaxX2 = (int)FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::block.lock()->getKernel()->getDataSet()->getFdistributions()->getNX2();
-    bMaxX3 = (int)FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::block.lock()->getKernel()->getDataSet()->getFdistributions()->getNX3();
-    minX1 = 0;
-    minX2 = 0;
-    minX3 = 0;
-    maxX1 = bMaxX1 - 1;
-    maxX2 = bMaxX2 - 1;
-    maxX3 = bMaxX3 - 1;
-    minOffX1 = 0;
-    minOffX2 = 0;
-    minOffX3 = 0;
-    maxOffX1 = 0;
-    maxOffX2 = 0;
-    maxOffX3 = 0;
-    if (Utilities::isEven(bMaxX1)) {
-        minOffX1 = 0;
-        maxOffX1 = 0;
-    } else if (Utilities::isOdd(bMaxX1)) {
-        minOffX1 = 1;
-        maxOffX1 = -1;
-    }
-    if (Utilities::isEven(bMaxX2)) {
-        minOffX2 = 0;
-        maxOffX2 = 0;
-    } else if (Utilities::isOdd(bMaxX2)) {
-        minOffX2 = 1;
-        maxOffX2 = -1;
-    }
-    if (Utilities::isEven(bMaxX3)) {
-        minOffX3 = 0;
-        maxOffX3 = 0;
-    } else if (Utilities::isOdd(bMaxX3)) {
-        minOffX3 = 1;
-        maxOffX3 = -1;
-    }
-    // int       sendSize = 0;
-    LBMReal initValue = -999.0;
-    int sendDataPerNode = 27 /*f*/;
-    int iCellSize       = 1; // size of interpolation cell
-    findFCCells();
-    findCFCells();
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    // Debug
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //   if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::block.lock()->getGlobalID() == 2183)
-    //   {
-    //      int test = 0;
-    //   }
-    if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::sender)
-        FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::sender->getData().resize(iNodeSetSender.size() * iCellSize * sendDataPerNode,
-                                                               initValue);
-    else
-        FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::sender = VectorTransmitterPtr(new TbLocalTransmitter<CbVector<LBMReal>>());
-    if (!FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::receiver)
-        FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::receiver = VectorTransmitterPtr(new TbLocalTransmitter<CbVector<LBMReal>>());
-void FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector::findFCCells(int lMinX1, int lMinX2, int lMinX3, int lMaxX1, int lMaxX2,
-                                                      int lMaxX3, INodeSet &inodes)
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    // Debug
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //   if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::block.lock()->getGlobalID() == 2183)
-    //   {
-    //      int test = 0;
-    //   }
-    int ix1, ix2, ix3;
-    LBMReal x1off, x2off, x3off;
-    SPtr<DistributionArray3D> fFrom =
-        FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::block.lock()->getKernel()->getDataSet()->getFdistributions();
-    SPtr<BCArray3D> bcArray = FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::block.lock()->getKernel()->getBCProcessor()->getBCArray();
-    for (ix3 = lMinX3; ix3 <= lMaxX3; ix3 += 2) {
-        for (ix2 = lMinX2; ix2 <= lMaxX2; ix2 += 2) {
-            for (ix1 = lMinX1; ix1 <= lMaxX1; ix1 += 2) {
-                D3Q27ICell icellC;
-                int howManySolids =
-                    FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::iprocessor->iCellHowManySolids(bcArray, ix1, ix2, ix3);
-                if (howManySolids == 0 || howManySolids == 8) {
-                    x1off = 0.0;
-                    x2off = 0.0;
-                    x3off = 0.0;
-                } else {
-                    if (!iprocessor->findNeighborICell(bcArray, fFrom, icellC, bMaxX1, bMaxX2, bMaxX3, ix1, ix2, ix3,
-                                                       x1off, x2off, x3off)) {
-                        std::string err = "For " + FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::block.lock()->toString() +
-                                          " x1=" + UbSystem::toString(ix1) + ", x2=" + UbSystem::toString(ix2) +
-                                          ", x3=" + UbSystem::toString(ix3) +
-                                          " interpolation is not implemented for other direction" +
-                                          " by using in: " + (std::string) typeid(*this).name() +
-                                          " or maybe you have a solid on the block boundary";
-                        UB_THROW(UbException(UB_EXARGS, err));
-                    }
-                }
-                INodeVector inv;
-                inv.push_back(ix1 + (int)x1off);
-                inv.push_back(ix2 + (int)x2off);
-                inv.push_back(ix3 + (int)x3off);
-                inv.push_back((int)x1off);
-                inv.push_back((int)x2off);
-                inv.push_back((int)x3off);
-                // inodes.insert(inv);
-                inodes.push_back(inv);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector::findFCCells()
-    using namespace D3Q27System;
-    int lMin1X1 = 0, lMin1X2 = 0, lMin1X3 = 0, lMax1X1 = 0, lMax1X2 = 0, lMax1X3 = 0;
-    int lMin2X1 = 0, lMin2X2 = 0, lMin2X3 = 0, lMax2X1 = 0, lMax2X2 = 0, lMax2X3 = 0;
-    int lMin3X1 = 0, lMin3X2 = 0, lMin3X3 = 0, lMax3X1 = 0, lMax3X2 = 0, lMax3X3 = 0;
-    // lMin1X1 = minX1+1; lMin1X2 = minX2+1; lMin1X3 = minX3+1;
-    // lMax1X1 = maxX1-1; lMax1X2 = maxX2-1; lMax1X3 = maxX3-1;
-    // getLocalMinMax(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3);
-    // lMin2X1 = minX1+1; lMin2X2 = minX2+1; lMin2X3 = minX3+1;
-    // lMax2X1 = maxX1-1; lMax2X2 = maxX2-1; lMax2X3 = maxX3-1;
-    // getLocalMinMax(lMin2X1, lMin2X2, lMin2X3, lMax2X1, lMax2X2, lMax2X3);
-    // lMin3X1 = minX1+1; lMin3X2 = minX2+1; lMin3X3 = minX3+1;
-    // lMax3X1 = maxX1-1; lMax3X2 = maxX2-1; lMax3X3 = maxX3-1;
-    // getLocalMinMax(lMin3X1, lMin3X2, lMin3X3, lMax3X1, lMax3X2, lMax3X3);
-    switch (sendDir) {
-            // faces
-        case E:
-        case W:
-            if (sendDir == E) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1;
-            } else if (sendDir == W) {
-                lMin1X1 = 5;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1;
-            }
-            if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type00) {
-                lMin1X2 = minX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 + maxOffX2 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = minX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 + maxOffX3 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type10) {
-                lMin1X2 = minX2 + minOffX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = minX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 + maxOffX3 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type01) {
-                lMin1X2 = minX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 + maxOffX2 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = minX3 + minOffX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type11) {
-                lMin1X2 = minX2 + minOffX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = minX3 + minOffX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            }
-            findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetSender);
-            break;
-        case N:
-        case S:
-            if (sendDir == N) {
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2;
-            } else if (sendDir == S) {
-                lMin1X2 = 5;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2;
-            }
-            if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type00) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 + maxOffX1 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = minX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 + maxOffX3 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type10) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1 + minOffX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = minX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 + maxOffX3 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type01) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 + maxOffX1 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = minX3 + minOffX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type11) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1 + minOffX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin1X3 = minX3 + minOffX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            }
-            findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetSender);
-            break;
-        case T:
-        case B:
-            if (sendDir == T) {
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-            } else if (sendDir == B) {
-                lMin1X3 = 5;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-            }
-            if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type00) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 + maxOffX1 - 1;
-                lMin1X2 = minX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 + maxOffX2 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type10) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1 + minOffX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin1X2 = minX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 + maxOffX2 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type01) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 + maxOffX1 - 1;
-                lMin1X2 = minX2 + minOffX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type11) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1 + minOffX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMin1X2 = minX2 + minOffX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-            }
-            findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetSender);
-            break;
-            // edges
-            // N-S-E-W
-        case NE:
-        case SW:
-        case SE:
-        case NW:
-            if (sendDir == NE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 4;
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2 + 4;
-            } else if (sendDir == SW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 1;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 4;
-                lMin1X2 = 5;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2;
-                lMin2X1 = 5;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X2 = 1;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2 + 4;
-            } else if (sendDir == SE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 4;
-                lMin1X2 = 5;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X2 = 1;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2 + 4;
-            } else if (sendDir == NW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 1;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 4;
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2;
-                lMin2X1 = 5;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2 + 4;
-            }
-            if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type00) {
-                lMin1X3 = minX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 + maxOffX3 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type10) {
-                lMin1X3 = minX3 + minOffX3;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            }
-            findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetSender);
-            findFCCells(lMin2X1, lMin2X2, lMin1X3, lMax2X1, lMax2X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetSender);
-            break;
-            // T-B-E-W
-        case TE:
-        case BW:
-        case BE:
-        case TW:
-            if (sendDir == TE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 4;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 4;
-            } else if (sendDir == BW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 1;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 4;
-                lMin1X3 = 5;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X1 = 5;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 4;
-            } else if (sendDir == BE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 4;
-                lMin1X3 = 5;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 4;
-            } else if (sendDir == TW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 1;
-                lMax1X1 = lMin1X1 + 5;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X1 = 5;
-                lMax2X1 = lMin2X1;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 4;
-            }
-            if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type00) {
-                lMin1X2 = minX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 + maxOffX2 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type10) {
-                lMin1X2 = minX2 + minOffX2;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 1;
-            }
-            findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetSender);
-            findFCCells(lMin2X1, lMin1X2, lMin2X3, lMax2X1, lMax1X2, lMax2X3, iNodeSetSender);
-            break;
-            // T-B-N-S
-        case TN:
-        case BS:
-        case BN:
-        case TS:
-            if (sendDir == TN) {
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2 + 4;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 4;
-            } else if (sendDir == BS) {
-                lMin1X2 = 1;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2 + 4;
-                lMin1X3 = 5;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X2 = 5;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 4;
-            } else if (sendDir == BN) {
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2 + 4;
-                lMin1X3 = 5;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 4;
-            } else if (sendDir == TS) {
-                lMin1X2 = 1;
-                lMax1X2 = lMin1X2 + 4;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax1X3 = lMin1X3;
-                lMin2X2 = 5;
-                lMax2X2 = lMin2X2;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax2X3 = lMin2X3 + 4;
-            }
-            if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type00) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 + maxOffX1 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type10) {
-                lMin1X1 = minX1 + minOffX1;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 1;
-            }
-            findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetSender);
-            findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin2X2, lMin2X3, lMax1X1, lMax2X2, lMax2X3, iNodeSetSender);
-            break;
-            // corners
-        case TNE:
-        case TNW:
-        case TSE:
-        case TSW:
-        case BNE:
-        case BNW:
-        case BSE:
-        case BSW:
-            if (sendDir == TNE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax2X1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax2X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax2X3 = maxX3 - 1;
-                lMin3X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax3X1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMin3X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax3X2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMin3X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax3X3 = maxX3 - 5;
-            } else if (sendDir == TNW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 5;
-                lMax1X1 = 5;
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMin2X1 = 1;
-                lMax2X1 = 5;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax2X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax2X3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMin3X1 = 1;
-                lMax3X1 = 5;
-                lMin3X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax3X2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMin3X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax3X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-            } else if (sendDir == TSE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMin1X2 = 1;
-                lMax1X2 = 5;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax2X1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMin2X2 = 5;
-                lMax2X2 = 5;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax2X3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMin3X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax3X1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMin3X2 = 1;
-                lMax3X2 = 5;
-                lMin3X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax3X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-            } else if (sendDir == TSW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 5;
-                lMax1X1 = 5;
-                lMin1X2 = 1;
-                lMax1X2 = 5;
-                lMin1X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax1X3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMin2X1 = 1;
-                lMax2X1 = 5;
-                lMin2X2 = 5;
-                lMax2X2 = 5;
-                lMin2X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax2X3 = maxX3 - 2;
-                lMin3X1 = 1;
-                lMax3X1 = 5;
-                lMin3X2 = 1;
-                lMax3X2 = 5;
-                lMin3X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-                lMax3X3 = maxX3 - 6;
-            } else if (sendDir == BNE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMin1X3 = 1;
-                lMax1X3 = 5;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax2X1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax2X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = 5;
-                lMin3X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax3X1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMin3X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax3X2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMin3X3 = 5;
-                lMax3X3 = 5;
-            } else if (sendDir == BNW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 5;
-                lMax1X1 = 5;
-                lMin1X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax1X2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMin1X3 = 1;
-                lMax1X3 = 5;
-                lMin2X1 = 1;
-                lMax2X1 = 5;
-                lMin2X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax2X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = 5;
-                lMin3X1 = 1;
-                lMax3X1 = 5;
-                lMin3X2 = maxX2 - 6;
-                lMax3X2 = maxX2 - 2;
-                lMin3X3 = 5;
-                lMax3X3 = 5;
-            } else if (sendDir == BSE) {
-                lMin1X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax1X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMin1X2 = 1;
-                lMax1X2 = 5;
-                lMin1X3 = 1;
-                lMax1X3 = 5;
-                lMin2X1 = maxX1 - 6;
-                lMax2X1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMin2X2 = 5;
-                lMax2X2 = 5;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = 5;
-                lMin3X1 = maxX1 - 5;
-                lMax3X1 = maxX1 - 2;
-                lMin3X2 = 1;
-                lMax3X2 = 5;
-                lMin3X3 = 5;
-                lMax3X3 = 5;
-            } else if (sendDir == BSW) {
-                lMin1X1 = 5;
-                lMax1X1 = 5;
-                lMin1X2 = 1;
-                lMax1X2 = 5;
-                lMin1X3 = 1;
-                lMax1X3 = 5;
-                lMin2X1 = 1;
-                lMax2X1 = 5;
-                lMin2X2 = 5;
-                lMax2X2 = 5;
-                lMin2X3 = 1;
-                lMax2X3 = 5;
-                lMin3X1 = 1;
-                lMax3X1 = 5;
-                lMin3X2 = 1;
-                lMax3X2 = 5;
-                lMin3X3 = 5;
-                lMax3X3 = 5;
-            }
-            findFCCells(lMin1X1, lMin1X2, lMin1X3, lMax1X1, lMax1X2, lMax1X3, iNodeSetSender);
-            findFCCells(lMin2X1, lMin2X2, lMin2X3, lMax2X1, lMax2X2, lMax2X3, iNodeSetSender);
-            findFCCells(lMin3X1, lMin3X2, lMin3X3, lMax3X1, lMax3X2, lMax3X3, iNodeSetSender);
-            break;
-    }
-void FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector::fillSendVectors()
-    using namespace D3Q27System;
-    SPtr<DistributionArray3D> fFrom = block.lock()->getKernel()->getDataSet()->getFdistributions();
-    int index = 0;
-    vector_type &data = this->sender->getData();
-    for (INodeVector inode : iNodeSetSender) {
-        LBMReal icellC[27];
-        D3Q27ICell icellF;
-        iprocessor->readICell(fFrom, icellF, inode[0], inode[1], inode[2]);
-        iprocessor->interpolateFineToCoarse(icellF, icellC, inode[3], inode[4], inode[5]);
-        writeICellCtoData(data, index, icellC);
-    }
-void FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector::readICellFfromData(vector_type &data, int &index, D3Q27ICell &icellF)
-    readNodeFromVector(data, index, icellF.BSW);
-    readNodeFromVector(data, index, icellF.BSE);
-    readNodeFromVector(data, index, icellF.BNW);
-    readNodeFromVector(data, index, icellF.BNE);
-    readNodeFromVector(data, index, icellF.TSW);
-    readNodeFromVector(data, index, icellF.TSE);
-    readNodeFromVector(data, index, icellF.TNW);
-    readNodeFromVector(data, index, icellF.TNE);
-void FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector::readNodeFromVector(vector_type &data, int &index, LBMReal *inode)
-    for (int i = D3Q27System::STARTF; i < D3Q27System::ENDF + 1; i++) {
-        inode[i] = data[index++];
-    }
-void FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector::writeICellCtoData(vector_type &data, int &index, LBMReal *icellC)
-    for (int i = D3Q27System::STARTF; i < D3Q27System::ENDF + 1; i++) {
-        data[index++] = icellC[i];
-    }
-void FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector::findCFCells(int lMinX1, int lMinX2, int lMinX3, int lMaxX1, int lMaxX2,
-                                                      int lMaxX3, INodeSet &inodes)
-    int ix1, ix2, ix3;
-    for (ix3 = lMinX3; ix3 <= lMaxX3; ix3 += 2) {
-        for (ix2 = lMinX2; ix2 <= lMaxX2; ix2 += 2) {
-            for (ix1 = lMinX1; ix1 <= lMaxX1; ix1 += 2) {
-                INodeVector inv;
-                inv.push_back(ix1);
-                inv.push_back(ix2);
-                inv.push_back(ix3);
-                // inodes.insert(inv);
-                inodes.push_back(inv);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector::findCFCells()
-    using namespace D3Q27System;
-    int lMinX1 = 0, lMinX2 = 0, lMinX3 = 0, lMaxX1 = 0, lMaxX2 = 0, lMaxX3 = 0;
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    // Debug
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //   if (block.lock()->getGlobalID() == 2183)
-    //   {
-    //      int test = 0;
-    //   }
-    switch (sendDir) {
-            // faces
-        case E:
-        case W:
-            if (sendDir == E) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1;
-            } else if (sendDir == W) {
-                lMinX1 = 2;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1;
-            }
-            if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type00) {
-                lMinX2 = minX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 + maxOffX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = minX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 + maxOffX3 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type10) {
-                lMinX2 = minX2 + minOffX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = minX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 + maxOffX3 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type01) {
-                lMinX2 = minX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 + maxOffX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = minX3 + minOffX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type11) {
-                lMinX2 = minX2 + minOffX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = minX3 + minOffX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            }
-            findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetReceiver);
-            break;
-        case N:
-        case S:
-            if (sendDir == N) {
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2;
-            } else if (sendDir == S) {
-                lMinX2 = 2;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2;
-            }
-            if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type00) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 + maxOffX1 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = minX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 + maxOffX3 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type10) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1 + minOffX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1;
-                lMinX3 = minX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 + maxOffX3 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type01) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 + maxOffX1 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = minX3 + minOffX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type11) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1 + minOffX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = minX3 + minOffX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            }
-            findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetReceiver);
-            break;
-        case T:
-        case B:
-            if (sendDir == T) {
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3;
-            } else if (sendDir == B) {
-                lMinX3 = 2;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3;
-            }
-            if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type00) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 + maxOffX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = minX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 + maxOffX2 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type10) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1 + minOffX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = minX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 + maxOffX2 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type01) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 + maxOffX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = minX2 + minOffX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type11) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1 + minOffX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = minX2 + minOffX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-            }
-            findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetReceiver);
-            break;
-            // edges
-            // N-S-E-W
-        case NE:
-        case SW:
-        case SE:
-        case NW:
-            if (sendDir == NE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 2;
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == SW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 3;
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 3;
-            } else if (sendDir == SE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 2;
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == NW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 2;
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 2;
-            }
-            if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type00) {
-                lMinX3 = minX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 + maxOffX3 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type10) {
-                lMinX3 = minX3 + minOffX3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            }
-            findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetReceiver);
-            break;
-            // T-B-E-W
-        case TE:
-        case BW:
-        case BE:
-        case TW:
-            if (sendDir == TE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 2;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == BW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 2;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == BE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 2;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == TW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = lMinX1 + 2;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 2;
-            }
-            if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type00) {
-                lMinX2 = minX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 + maxOffX2 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type10) {
-                lMinX2 = minX2 + minOffX2;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-            }
-            findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetReceiver);
-            break;
-            // T-B-N-S
-        case TN:
-        case BS:
-        case BN:
-        case TS:
-            if (sendDir == TN) {
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 2;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == BS) {
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 2;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == BN) {
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 2;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == TS) {
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = lMinX2 + 2;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMaxX3 = lMinX3 + 2;
-            }
-            if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type00) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 + maxOffX1 - 1;
-            } else if (FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::connType == FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type10) {
-                lMinX1 = minX1 + minOffX1;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-            }
-            findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetReceiver);
-            break;
-            // corners
-        case TNE:
-        case TNW:
-        case TSE:
-        case TSW:
-        case BNE:
-        case BNW:
-        case BSE:
-        case BSW:
-            if (sendDir == TNE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == TNW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = 2;
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == TSE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = 2;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == TSW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = 2;
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = 2;
-                lMinX3 = maxX3 - 3;
-                lMaxX3 = maxX3 - 1;
-            } else if (sendDir == BNE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == BNW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = 2;
-                lMinX2 = maxX2 - 3;
-                lMaxX2 = maxX2 - 1;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == BSE) {
-                lMinX1 = maxX1 - 3;
-                lMaxX1 = maxX1 - 1;
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = 2;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = 2;
-            } else if (sendDir == BSW) {
-                lMinX1 = 0;
-                lMaxX1 = 2;
-                lMinX2 = 0;
-                lMaxX2 = 2;
-                lMinX3 = 0;
-                lMaxX3 = 2;
-            }
-            findCFCells(lMinX1, lMinX2, lMinX3, lMaxX1, lMaxX2, lMaxX3, iNodeSetReceiver);
-            break;
-    }
-void FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector::distributeReceiveVectors()
-    using namespace D3Q27System;
-    SPtr<DistributionArray3D> fTo =
-        FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::block.lock()->getKernel()->getDataSet()->getFdistributions();
-    int index = 0;
-    vector_type &data = this->receiver->getData();
-    for (INodeVector inode : iNodeSetReceiver) {
-        D3Q27ICell icellF;
-        this->readICellFfromData(data, index, icellF);
-        iprocessor->writeICellInv(fTo, icellF, inode[0], inode[1], inode[2]);
-    }
-// void FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector::getLocalMinMax(int& minX1, int& minX2, int& minX3, int& maxX1, int& maxX2,
-// int& maxX3)
-//   using namespace D3Q27System;
-//   int TminX1 = minX1; int TminX2 = minX2; int TminX3 = minX3; int TmaxX1 = maxX1; int TmaxX2 = maxX2; int TmaxX3 =
-//   maxX3;
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(E))
-//   {
-//      if (maxX1==TmaxX1) maxX1 -= 2;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(W))
-//   {
-//      if (minX1==TminX1) minX1 += 4;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(N))
-//   {
-//      if (maxX2==TmaxX2) maxX2 -= 2;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(S))
-//   {
-//      if (minX2==TminX2) minX2 += 4;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(T))
-//   {
-//      if (maxX3==TmaxX3) maxX3 -= 2;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(B))
-//   {
-//      if (minX3==TminX3) minX3 += 4;
-//   }
-//   ////////////
-//   /////E-W-N-S
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(NE)&& !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(N) &&
-//   !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(E))
-//   {
-//      if (maxX1==TmaxX1) maxX1 -= 2;
-//      if (maxX2==TmaxX2) maxX2 -= 2;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(SW)&& !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(W) &&
-//   !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(S))
-//   {
-//      if (minX1==TminX1) minX1 += 4;
-//      if (minX2==TminX2) minX2 += 4;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(SE)&& !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(E) &&
-//   !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(S))
-//   {
-//      if (maxX1==TmaxX1) maxX1 -= 2;
-//      if (minX2==TminX2) minX2 += 4;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(NW)&& !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(N) &&
-//   !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(W))
-//   {
-//      if (minX1==TminX1) minX1 += 4;
-//      if (maxX2==TmaxX2) maxX2 -= 2;
-//   }
-//   //////T-B-E-W
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(TE) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(E) &&
-//   !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(T))
-//   {
-//      if (maxX1==TmaxX1) maxX1 -= 2;
-//      if (maxX3==TmaxX3) maxX3 -= 2;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(BW)&& !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(W) &&
-//   !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(B))
-//   {
-//      if (minX1==TminX1) minX1 += 4;
-//      if (minX3==TminX3) minX3 += 4;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(BE)&& !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(E) &&
-//   !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(B))
-//   {
-//      if (maxX1==TmaxX1) maxX1 -= 2;
-//      if (minX3==TminX3) minX3 += 4;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(TW)&& !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(W) &&
-//   !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(T))
-//   {
-//      if (minX1==TminX1) minX1 += 4;
-//      if (maxX3==TmaxX3) maxX3 -= 2;
-//   }
-//   ////T-B-N-S
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(TN)&& !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(N) &&
-//   !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(T))
-//   {
-//      if (maxX2==TmaxX2) maxX2 -= 2;
-//      if (maxX3==TmaxX3) maxX3 -= 2;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(BS)&& !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(S) &&
-//   !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(B))
-//   {
-//      if (minX2==TminX2) minX2 += 4;
-//      if (minX3==TminX3) minX3 += 4;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(BN)&& !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(N) &&
-//   !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(B))
-//   {
-//      if (maxX2==TmaxX2) maxX2 -= 2;
-//      if (minX3==TminX3) minX3 += 4;
-//   }
-//   if (block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(TS) && !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(S) &&
-//   !block.lock()->hasInterpolationFlagFC(T))
-//   {
-//      if (minX2==TminX2) minX2 += 4;
-//      if (maxX3==TmaxX3) maxX3 -= 2;
-//   }
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf29041e06c85611fd478704c09491c0c0a67da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Connectors/FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-/// \file CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector.h
-/// \class CoarseToFineNodeSetBlock3DConnector
-/// \brief Connector interpolates and sends data from coarse level to fine.
-/// \author Konstantin Kutscher
-/// \date 21.05.2015
-#ifndef FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector_H
-#define FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector_H
-#include "Block3D.h"
-#include "D3Q27System.h"
-#include "FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector.h"
-#include "Grid3D.h"
-#include "InterpolationProcessor.h"
-#include "LBMKernel.h"
-#include "MathUtil.hpp"
-#include <PointerDefinitions.h>
-#include <vector>
-class Block3D;
-// daten werden in einen vector (dieser befindet sich im transmitter) kopiert
-// der vector wird via transmitter uebertragen
-// transmitter kann ein lokal, MPI, RCG, CTL oder was auch immer fuer ein
-// transmitter sein, der von Transmitter abgeleitet ist ;-)
-class FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector : public FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector
-    FineToCoarseNodeSetBlock3DConnector(SPtr<Block3D> block, VectorTransmitterPtr sender, VectorTransmitterPtr receiver,
-                                        int sendDir, InterpolationProcessorPtr iprocessor, CFconnectorType connType);
-    void init() override;
-    void fillSendVectors() override;
-    void distributeReceiveVectors() override;
-    using INodeVector = std::vector<int>;
-    using INodeSet    = std::vector<INodeVector>;
-    INodeSet iNodeSetSender;
-    INodeSet iNodeSetReceiver;
-    void readICellFfromData(vector_type &data, int &index, D3Q27ICell &icellF);
-    void readNodeFromVector(vector_type &data, int &index, LBMReal *inode);
-    void writeICellCtoData(vector_type &data, int &index, LBMReal *icellC);
-    void findFCCells();
-    void findFCCells(int lMinX1, int lMinX2, int lMinX3, int lMaxX1, int lMaxX2, int lMaxX3, INodeSet &inodes);
-    void findCFCells();
-    void findCFCells(int lMinX1, int lMinX2, int lMinX3, int lMaxX1, int lMaxX2, int lMaxX3, INodeSet &inodes);
-    // void getLocalMinMax(int& minX1, int& minX2, int& minX3, int& maxX1, int& maxX2, int& maxX3);
-    int bMaxX1, bMaxX2, bMaxX3;
-    int minX1;
-    int minX2;
-    int minX3;
-    int maxX1;
-    int maxX2;
-    int maxX3;
-    int minOffX1;
-    int minOffX2;
-    int minOffX3;
-    int maxOffX1;
-    int maxOffX2;
-    int maxOffX3;
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/BinghamModelLBMKernel.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/BinghamModelLBMKernel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a3f1e58fd8209c96bbc82f71cfbf3316fa2cf6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/BinghamModelLBMKernel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef BinghamModelLBMKernel_H
-#define BinghamModelLBMKernel_H
-#include "ThixotropyModelLBMKernel.h"
-#include "Thixotropy.h"
-//! \brief    Cumulant LBM kernel + Bingham plastic model 
-//! \author K. Kutscher, M. Geier
-class BinghamModelLBMKernel : public ThixotropyModelLBMKernel
-	BinghamModelLBMKernel() {};
-	~BinghamModelLBMKernel() {};
-	SPtr<LBMKernel> clone() override
-	{
-		SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel(new BinghamModelLBMKernel());
-		kernel->setNX(nx);
-		kernel->setCollisionFactor(collFactor);
-		dynamicPointerCast<BinghamModelLBMKernel>(kernel)->initDataSet();
-		kernel->setBCProcessor(bcProcessor->clone(kernel));
-		kernel->setWithForcing(withForcing);
-		kernel->setForcingX1(muForcingX1);
-		kernel->setForcingX2(muForcingX2);
-		kernel->setForcingX3(muForcingX3);
-		kernel->setIndex(ix1, ix2, ix3);
-		kernel->setDeltaT(deltaT);
-		return kernel;
-	}
-	LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override
-	{
-		return Thixotropy::getBinghamCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
-	}
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/HerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/HerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c5cff32aab78c8a207143fb81b58f1ca0cba856b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/HerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef HerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel_H
-#define HerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel_H
-#include "ThixotropyModelLBMKernel.h"
-#include "Thixotropy.h"
-//! \brief    Cumulant LBM kernel + Herschel-Bulkley plastic model 
-//! \author K. Kutscher, M. Geier
-class HerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel : public ThixotropyModelLBMKernel
-	HerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel() {};
-	~HerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel() {};
-	SPtr<LBMKernel> clone() override
-	{
-		SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel(new HerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel());
-		kernel->setNX(nx);
-		kernel->setCollisionFactor(collFactor);
-		dynamicPointerCast<HerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel>(kernel)->initDataSet();
-		kernel->setBCProcessor(bcProcessor->clone(kernel));
-		kernel->setWithForcing(withForcing);
-		kernel->setForcingX1(muForcingX1);
-		kernel->setForcingX2(muForcingX2);
-		kernel->setForcingX3(muForcingX3);
-		kernel->setIndex(ix1, ix2, ix3);
-		kernel->setDeltaT(deltaT);
-		return kernel;
-	}
-	LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override
-	{
-		return Thixotropy::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/PowellEyringModelLBMKernel.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/PowellEyringModelLBMKernel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 02932d808e2cbc242617405979435c78fd6386d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/PowellEyringModelLBMKernel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PowellEyringModelLBMKernel_H
-#define PowellEyringModelLBMKernel_H
-#include "ThixotropyModelLBMKernel.h"
-#include "Thixotropy.h"
-//! \brief    Cumulant LBM kernel + Herschel-Bulkley plastic model 
-//! \author K. Kutscher, M. Geier
-class PowellEyringModelLBMKernel : public ThixotropyModelLBMKernel
-	PowellEyringModelLBMKernel() {};
-	~PowellEyringModelLBMKernel() {};
-	SPtr<LBMKernel> clone() override
-	{
-		SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel(new PowellEyringModelLBMKernel());
-		kernel->setNX(nx);
-		kernel->setCollisionFactor(collFactor);
-		dynamicPointerCast<PowellEyringModelLBMKernel>(kernel)->initDataSet();
-		kernel->setBCProcessor(bcProcessor->clone(kernel));
-		kernel->setWithForcing(withForcing);
-		kernel->setForcingX1(muForcingX1);
-		kernel->setForcingX2(muForcingX2);
-		kernel->setForcingX3(muForcingX3);
-		kernel->setIndex(ix1, ix2, ix3);
-		kernel->setDeltaT(deltaT);
-		return kernel;
-	}
-	LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override
-	{
-		return Thixotropy::getPowellEyringCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/Rheology.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/Rheology.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55f8bba509d53392c804b44e43e54970f3cf1157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/Rheology.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file Rheology.cpp
+//! \ingroup LBM
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher, Martin Geier
+#include "Rheology.h"
+SPtr<Rheology> Rheology::instance = SPtr<Rheology>();
+LBMReal Rheology::tau0 = 0;
+LBMReal Rheology::k = 0;
+LBMReal Rheology::n = 1;
+LBMReal Rheology::omegaMin = 0;
+LBMReal Rheology::beta = 0;
+LBMReal Rheology::c = 0;
+LBMReal Rheology::mu0 = 0;
+SPtr<Rheology> Rheology::getInstance()
+   if (!instance)
+      instance = SPtr<Rheology>(new Rheology());
+   return instance;
+void Rheology::setYieldStress(LBMReal yieldStress)
+	tau0 = yieldStress;
+LBMReal Rheology::getYieldStress() const
+	return tau0;
+void Rheology::setViscosityParameter(LBMReal kParameter)
+	k = kParameter;
+LBMReal Rheology::getViscosityParameter() const
+	return k;
+void Rheology::setPowerIndex(LBMReal index)
+	n = index;
+LBMReal Rheology::getPowerIndex() const
+	return n;
+void Rheology::setOmegaMin(LBMReal omega)
+	omegaMin = omega;
+LBMReal Rheology::getOmegaMin() const
+	return omegaMin;
+void Rheology::setBeta(LBMReal PowellEyringBeta)
+	beta = PowellEyringBeta;
+LBMReal Rheology::getBeta() const
+	return beta;
+void Rheology::setC(LBMReal PowellEyringC)
+	c = PowellEyringC;
+LBMReal Rheology::getC() const
+	return c;
+void Rheology::setMu0(LBMReal mu)
+	mu0 = mu;
+LBMReal Rheology::getMu0() const
+	return mu0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/Thixotropy.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/Rheology.h
similarity index 58%
rename from src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/Thixotropy.h
rename to src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/Rheology.h
index d54e2ac5b598eb2b01e27beb9c9e9410592cf266..b1aa22478a69a77be2aa0275ddb7a44b6e626305 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/Thixotropy.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/Rheology.h
@@ -1,17 +1,50 @@
-#ifndef Thixotropy_H
-#define Thixotropy_H
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file Rheology.h
+//! \ingroup LBM
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher, Martin Geier
+#ifndef Rheology_H
+#define Rheology_H
 #include <PointerDefinitions.h>
 #include <LBMSystem.h>
 #include <UbMath.h>
 #include <math.h> 
-class Thixotropy
+class Rheology
-	Thixotropy(Thixotropy const&) = delete;
-	Thixotropy& operator=(Thixotropy const&) = delete;
-	static SPtr<Thixotropy> getInstance();
+	Rheology(Rheology const&) = delete;
+	Rheology& operator=(Rheology const&) = delete;
+	static SPtr<Rheology> getInstance();
 	void setYieldStress(LBMReal tau0);
 	LBMReal getYieldStress() const;
@@ -39,9 +72,9 @@ public:
 	static LBMReal getHerschelBulkleyCollFactorBackward(LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho);
 	static LBMReal getPowellEyringCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho);
-	Thixotropy();
+	Rheology();
-	static SPtr<Thixotropy> instance;
+	static SPtr<Rheology> instance;
 	static LBMReal tau0;
 	static LBMReal k;
@@ -53,11 +86,12 @@ private:
-inline LBMReal Thixotropy::getBinghamCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho)
+inline LBMReal Rheology::getBinghamCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho)
 	LBMReal cs2 = UbMath::one_over_sqrt3 * UbMath::one_over_sqrt3;
 	LBMReal rho = UbMath::one + drho;
-	//LBMReal omega = omegaInf * (UbMath::one - (omegaInf * tau0) / (shearRate * cs2 * rho + UbMath::Epsilon<LBMReal>::val()));
+	//analytical solution
+	LBMReal omega = omegaInf * (UbMath::one - (omegaInf * tau0) / (shearRate * cs2 * rho + UbMath::Epsilon<LBMReal>::val()));
 	//LBMReal omega = cs2 * cs2 * shearRate * shearRate * omegaInf * rho * rho / (cs2 * cs2 * shearRate * shearRate * rho * rho + cs2 * shearRate * omegaInf * rho * tau0+omegaInf*omegaInf*tau0*tau0);
@@ -66,24 +100,24 @@ inline LBMReal Thixotropy::getBinghamCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearR
 	//LBMReal omega = omegaInf / (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a))))))))));
 	//20 iterations
-	//LBMReal omega = omegaInf / (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a))))))))))))))))))));
-	LBMReal omega = omegaInf*cs2 * shearRate * rho / (cs2 * shearRate * rho + omegaInf * tau0);
-	LBMReal shearRateNew = shearRate * (omega / omegaInf);
-	for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
-	{
-		omega = omegaInf * cs2 * shearRateNew * rho / (cs2 * shearRateNew * rho + omegaInf * tau0);
-		shearRateNew = shearRate * (omega / omegaInf);
-	}
-	omega = omegaInf * cs2 * shearRateNew * rho / (cs2 * shearRateNew * rho + omegaInf * tau0);
-	//if (omega < 0.2)
-	//	omega = 0.2;
+	////LBMReal omega = omegaInf / (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a))))))))))))))))))));
+	//
+	//LBMReal omega = omegaInf*cs2 * shearRate * rho / (cs2 * shearRate * rho + omegaInf * tau0);
+	//LBMReal shearRateNew = shearRate * (omega / omegaInf);
+	//for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
+	//{
+	//	omega = omegaInf * cs2 * shearRateNew * rho / (cs2 * shearRateNew * rho + omegaInf * tau0);
+	//	shearRateNew = shearRate * (omega / omegaInf);
+	//}
+	//omega = omegaInf * cs2 * shearRateNew * rho / (cs2 * shearRateNew * rho + omegaInf * tau0);
+	//
+	////if (omega < 0.2)
+	////	omega = 0.2;
 	return omega;
-inline LBMReal Thixotropy::getBinghamCollFactorOld(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho)
+inline LBMReal Rheology::getBinghamCollFactorOld(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho)
 	const LBMReal cs2 = UbMath::c1o3; // UbMath::one_over_sqrt3* UbMath::one_over_sqrt3;
 	LBMReal rho = UbMath::one + drho;
@@ -94,7 +128,7 @@ inline LBMReal Thixotropy::getBinghamCollFactorOld(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal she
 		return omegaInf;
-inline LBMReal Thixotropy::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho)
+inline LBMReal Rheology::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho)
 	LBMReal cs2 = UbMath::one_over_sqrt3 * UbMath::one_over_sqrt3;
 	LBMReal rho = UbMath::one + drho;
@@ -125,7 +159,7 @@ inline LBMReal Thixotropy::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMRea
 	return omega;
-inline LBMReal Thixotropy::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactorBackward(LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho)
+inline LBMReal Rheology::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactorBackward(LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho)
 	LBMReal rho = UbMath::one + drho;
 	LBMReal gamma = shearRate + UbMath::Epsilon<LBMReal>::val();
@@ -134,7 +168,7 @@ inline LBMReal Thixotropy::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactorBackward(LBMReal shearRat
 	return 1.0 / ((tau0 + k * std::pow(gamma, n)) / (cs2 * rho * gamma) + UbMath::c1o2);
-inline LBMReal Thixotropy::getPowellEyringCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho)
+inline LBMReal Rheology::getPowellEyringCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho)
 	using namespace UbMath;
 	LBMReal cs2 = c1o3; // UbMath::one_over_sqrt3* UbMath::one_over_sqrt3;
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5bd2601dad811be6433eaea1d6acafc0a3e54f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel.h
+//! \ingroup LBM
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#ifndef RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel_H
+#define RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel_H
+#include "RheologyK17LBMKernel.h"
+#include "Rheology.h"
+//! \brief    Cumulant LBM kernel + Bingham plastic model 
+class RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel : public RheologyK17LBMKernel
+	RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel() {};
+	~RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel() {};
+	SPtr<LBMKernel> clone() override
+	{
+		SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel(new RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel());
+		kernel->setNX(nx);
+		kernel->setCollisionFactor(collFactor);
+		dynamicPointerCast<RheologyBinghamModelLBMKernel>(kernel)->initDataSet();
+		kernel->setBCProcessor(bcProcessor->clone(kernel));
+		kernel->setWithForcing(withForcing);
+		kernel->setForcingX1(muForcingX1);
+		kernel->setForcingX2(muForcingX2);
+		kernel->setForcingX3(muForcingX3);
+		kernel->setIndex(ix1, ix2, ix3);
+		kernel->setDeltaT(deltaT);
+		return kernel;
+	}
+	LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override
+	{
+		return Rheology::getBinghamCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
+	}
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57478041e04e6a07579be53d58b688866e964e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel.h
+//! \ingroup LBM
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#ifndef RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel_H
+#define RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel_H
+#include "RheologyK17LBMKernel.h"
+#include "Rheology.h"
+//! \brief    Cumulant LBM kernel + Herschel-Bulkley plastic model 
+class RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel : public RheologyK17LBMKernel
+	RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel() {};
+	~RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel() {};
+	SPtr<LBMKernel> clone() override
+	{
+		SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel(new RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel());
+		kernel->setNX(nx);
+		kernel->setCollisionFactor(collFactor);
+		dynamicPointerCast<RheologyHerschelBulkleyModelLBMKernel>(kernel)->initDataSet();
+		kernel->setBCProcessor(bcProcessor->clone(kernel));
+		kernel->setWithForcing(withForcing);
+		kernel->setForcingX1(muForcingX1);
+		kernel->setForcingX2(muForcingX2);
+		kernel->setForcingX3(muForcingX3);
+		kernel->setIndex(ix1, ix2, ix3);
+		kernel->setDeltaT(deltaT);
+		return kernel;
+	}
+	LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override
+	{
+		return Rheology::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyInterpolationProcessor.cpp
similarity index 93%
rename from src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor.cpp
rename to src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyInterpolationProcessor.cpp
index 26355a6f8a5d83b48365f1c287597a65e5876ef3..7ee35063f0cfeb9379313a38b9eeb6f0e6388d49 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyInterpolationProcessor.cpp
@@ -26,51 +26,51 @@
 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 //  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor.cpp
-//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \file RheologyInterpolationProcessor.cpp
+//! \ingroup LBM
 //! \author Konstantin Kutscher
-#include "ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor.h"
+#include "RheologyInterpolationProcessor.h"
 #include "D3Q27System.h"
-#include "Thixotropy.h"
+#include "Rheology.h"
    : omegaC(0.0), omegaF(0.0), omegaMin(0.0)
-ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor(LBMReal omegaC, LBMReal omegaF, LBMReal omegaMin)
+RheologyInterpolationProcessor::RheologyInterpolationProcessor(LBMReal omegaC, LBMReal omegaF, LBMReal omegaMin)
    : omegaC(omegaC), omegaF(omegaF), omegaMin(omegaMin)
-InterpolationProcessorPtr ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::clone()
+InterpolationProcessorPtr RheologyInterpolationProcessor::clone()
-   InterpolationProcessorPtr iproc = InterpolationProcessorPtr (new ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor(this->omegaC, this->omegaF, this->omegaMin));
+   InterpolationProcessorPtr iproc = InterpolationProcessorPtr (new RheologyInterpolationProcessor(this->omegaC, this->omegaF, this->omegaMin));
    return iproc;
-void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::setOmegas( LBMReal omegaC, LBMReal omegaF )
+void RheologyInterpolationProcessor::setOmegas( LBMReal omegaC, LBMReal omegaF )
    this->omegaC = omegaC;
    this->omegaF = omegaF;
-void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::setOmegaMin( LBMReal omegaMin )
+void RheologyInterpolationProcessor::setOmegaMin( LBMReal omegaMin )
    this->omegaMin = omegaMin;
-void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::setOffsets(LBMReal xoff, LBMReal yoff, LBMReal zoff)
+void RheologyInterpolationProcessor::setOffsets(LBMReal xoff, LBMReal yoff, LBMReal zoff)
    this->xoff = xoff;
    this->yoff = yoff;
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::setOffsets(LBMReal xoff, LBMReal yoff, LB
    this->zoff_sq = zoff * zoff;
-void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::interpolateCoarseToFine(D3Q27ICell& icellC, D3Q27ICell& icellF, LBMReal xoff, LBMReal yoff, LBMReal zoff)
+void RheologyInterpolationProcessor::interpolateCoarseToFine(D3Q27ICell& icellC, D3Q27ICell& icellF, LBMReal xoff, LBMReal yoff, LBMReal zoff)
     setOffsets(xoff, yoff, zoff);
     calcInterpolatedCoefficiets_intern(icellC, omegaC, 0.5, 0.25, -0.25, -0.25, -1, -1, -1);
@@ -101,14 +101,14 @@ void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::interpolateCoarseToFine(D3Q27ICell& icell
     calcInterpolatedNode(icellF.TNE, /*omegaF,*/  0.25,  0.25,  0.25, calcPressTNE(),  1,  1,  1);
-void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::interpolateFineToCoarse(D3Q27ICell& icellF, LBMReal* icellC, LBMReal xoff, LBMReal yoff, LBMReal zoff)
+void RheologyInterpolationProcessor::interpolateFineToCoarse(D3Q27ICell& icellF, LBMReal* icellC, LBMReal xoff, LBMReal yoff, LBMReal zoff)
    setOffsets(xoff, yoff, zoff);
     calcInterpolatedCoefficiets_intern(icellF, omegaF, 2.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    calcInterpolatedNodeFC(icellC, omegaC);
-void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcMoments(const LBMReal* const f, LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal& press, LBMReal& vx1, LBMReal& vx2, LBMReal& vx3, LBMReal& kxy, LBMReal& kyz, LBMReal& kxz, LBMReal& kxxMyy, LBMReal& kxxMzz)
+void RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcMoments(const LBMReal* const f, LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal& press, LBMReal& vx1, LBMReal& vx2, LBMReal& vx3, LBMReal& kxy, LBMReal& kyz, LBMReal& kxz, LBMReal& kxxMyy, LBMReal& kxxMzz)
    using namespace D3Q27System;
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcMoments(const LBMReal* const f, LBMRe
    shearRate = D3Q27System::getShearRate(f, omegaInf);
-   LBMReal omega = Thixotropy::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, rho);
+   LBMReal omega = Rheology::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, rho);
    press = rho; //interpolate rho!
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcMoments(const LBMReal* const f, LBMRe
    kxxMzz = -3./2.*omega*((((f[NW]+f[SE])-(f[BS]+f[TN]))+((f[SW]+f[NE])-(f[TS]+f[BN])))+((f[W]+f[E])-(f[B]+f[T]))-(vx1*vx1-vx3*vx3));
-void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedCoefficiets_intern(const D3Q27ICell& icell,
+void RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedCoefficiets_intern(const D3Q27ICell& icell,
                                                                           LBMReal omega,
                                                                           LBMReal eps_new,
                                                                           LBMReal x,
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedCoefficiets_intern(const
    shearRate = sqrt(dxux * dxux + dyuy * dyuy + dzuz * dzuz + Dxy * Dxy + Dxz * Dxz + Dyz * Dyz);
-   LBMReal o = Thixotropy::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactorBackward(shearRate, rho); //omega;
+   LBMReal o = Rheology::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactorBackward(shearRate, rho); //omega;
    if (o < omegaMin)
       o = omegaMin;
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedCoefficiets_intern(const
    yz_TNW =   0.0625*eps_new *((                bxyz +     cxyz)/(72.*o));
-void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedNode(LBMReal* f, /*LBMReal omega,*/ LBMReal x, LBMReal y, LBMReal z, LBMReal press, LBMReal xs, LBMReal ys, LBMReal zs)
+void RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedNode(LBMReal* f, /*LBMReal omega,*/ LBMReal x, LBMReal y, LBMReal z, LBMReal press, LBMReal xs, LBMReal ys, LBMReal zs)
    using namespace D3Q27System;
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedNode(LBMReal* f, /*LBMRea
 //Position SWB -0.25, -0.25, -0.25
-LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressBSW()
+LBMReal RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressBSW()
    return   press_SWT * (0.140625 + 0.1875 * xoff + 0.1875 * yoff - 0.5625 * zoff) +
       press_NWT * (0.046875 + 0.0625 * xoff - 0.1875 * yoff - 0.1875 * zoff) +
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressBSW()
 //Position SWT -0.25, -0.25, 0.25
-LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressTSW()
+LBMReal RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressTSW()
    return   press_SWT * (0.421875 + 0.5625 * xoff + 0.5625 * yoff - 0.5625 * zoff) +
       press_NWT * (0.140625 + 0.1875 * xoff - 0.5625 * yoff - 0.1875 * zoff) +
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressTSW()
 //Position SET 0.25, -0.25, 0.25
-LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressTSE()
+LBMReal RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressTSE()
    return   press_SET * (0.421875 - 0.5625 * xoff + 0.5625 * yoff - 0.5625 * zoff) +
       press_NET * (0.140625 - 0.1875 * xoff - 0.5625 * yoff - 0.1875 * zoff) +
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressTSE()
 //Position SEB 0.25, -0.25, -0.25
-LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressBSE()
+LBMReal RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressBSE()
    return   press_SET * (0.140625 - 0.1875 * xoff + 0.1875 * yoff - 0.5625 * zoff) +
       press_NET * (0.046875 - 0.0625 * xoff - 0.1875 * yoff - 0.1875 * zoff) +
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressBSE()
 //Position NWB -0.25, 0.25, -0.25
-LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressBNW()
+LBMReal RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressBNW()
    return   press_NWT * (0.140625 + 0.1875 * xoff - 0.1875 * yoff - 0.5625 * zoff) +
       press_NET * (0.046875 - 0.1875 * xoff - 0.0625 * yoff - 0.1875 * zoff) +
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressBNW()
 //Position NWT -0.25, 0.25, 0.25
-LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressTNW()
+LBMReal RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressTNW()
    return   press_NWT * (0.421875 + 0.5625 * xoff - 0.5625 * yoff - 0.5625 * zoff) +
       press_NET * (0.140625 - 0.5625 * xoff - 0.1875 * yoff - 0.1875 * zoff) +
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressTNW()
 //Position NET 0.25, 0.25, 0.25
-LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressTNE()
+LBMReal RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressTNE()
    return   press_NET * (0.421875 - 0.5625 * xoff - 0.5625 * yoff - 0.5625 * zoff) +
       press_NWT * (0.140625 + 0.5625 * xoff - 0.1875 * yoff - 0.1875 * zoff) +
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressTNE()
 //Position NEB 0.25, 0.25, -0.25
-LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressBNE()
+LBMReal RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressBNE()
    return   press_NET * (0.140625 - 0.1875 * xoff - 0.1875 * yoff - 0.5625 * zoff) +
       press_NWT * (0.046875 + 0.1875 * xoff - 0.0625 * yoff - 0.1875 * zoff) +
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ LBMReal ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcPressBNE()
 //Position C 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
-void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedNodeFC(LBMReal* f, LBMReal omega)
+void RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedNodeFC(LBMReal* f, LBMReal omega)
    using namespace D3Q27System;
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedNodeFC(LBMReal* f, LBMRea
    shearRate = sqrt(dxux * dxux + dyuy * dyuy + dzuz * dzuz + Dxy * Dxy + Dxz * Dxz + Dyz * Dyz);
-   LBMReal o = Thixotropy::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactorBackward(shearRate, rho); //omega;
+   LBMReal o = Rheology::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactorBackward(shearRate, rho); //omega;
    if (o < omegaMin)
       o = omegaMin;
@@ -661,14 +661,14 @@ void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedNodeFC(LBMReal* f, LBMRea
    f[REST] = f_ZERO + feq[REST];
-void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedVelocity(LBMReal x, LBMReal y, LBMReal z, LBMReal& vx1, LBMReal& vx2, LBMReal& vx3)
+void RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedVelocity(LBMReal x, LBMReal y, LBMReal z, LBMReal& vx1, LBMReal& vx2, LBMReal& vx3)
 	vx1  = a0 + ax*x + ay*y + az*z + axx*x*x + ayy*y*y + azz*z*z + axy*x*y + axz*x*z + ayz*y*z+axyz*x*y*z;
 	vx2  = b0 + bx*x + by*y + bz*z + bxx*x*x + byy*y*y + bzz*z*z + bxy*x*y + bxz*x*z + byz*y*z+bxyz*x*y*z;
 	vx3  = c0 + cx*x + cy*y + cz*z + cxx*x*x + cyy*y*y + czz*z*z + cxy*x*y + cxz*x*z + cyz*y*z+cxyz*x*y*z;
-void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedShearStress(LBMReal x, LBMReal y, LBMReal z,LBMReal& tauxx, LBMReal& tauyy, LBMReal& tauzz,LBMReal& tauxy, LBMReal& tauxz, LBMReal& tauyz)
+void RheologyInterpolationProcessor::calcInterpolatedShearStress(LBMReal x, LBMReal y, LBMReal z,LBMReal& tauxx, LBMReal& tauyy, LBMReal& tauzz,LBMReal& tauxy, LBMReal& tauxz, LBMReal& tauyz)
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyInterpolationProcessor.h
similarity index 89%
rename from src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor.h
rename to src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyInterpolationProcessor.h
index daaa6449ea8a37d16aa9d359cf72ab58d6d872f0..bce0c3d89e137738d9169fab5dbe15cd3c91f8ad 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyInterpolationProcessor.h
@@ -26,24 +26,24 @@
 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 //  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor.h
-//! \ingroup BoundarConditions
+//! \file RheologyInterpolationProcessor.h
+//! \ingroup LBM
 //! \author Konstantin Kutscher
-#ifndef ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor_H_
-#define ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor_H_
+#ifndef RheologyInterpolationProcessor_H_
+#define RheologyInterpolationProcessor_H_
 #include "InterpolationProcessor.h"
 #include "D3Q27System.h"
 //! \brief A class implements an interpolation function of grid refinement for thixotropic fluid.
-class ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor : public InterpolationProcessor
+class RheologyInterpolationProcessor : public InterpolationProcessor
-   ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor();
-   ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor(LBMReal omegaC, LBMReal omegaF, LBMReal omegaMin);
-   virtual ~ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor();
+   RheologyInterpolationProcessor();
+   RheologyInterpolationProcessor(LBMReal omegaC, LBMReal omegaF, LBMReal omegaMin);
+   virtual ~RheologyInterpolationProcessor();
    InterpolationProcessorPtr clone();
    void setOmegas(LBMReal omegaC, LBMReal omegaF);
    void setOmegaMin(LBMReal omegaMin);
@@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ private:
-inline void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::interpolateCoarseToFine(D3Q27ICell& icellC, D3Q27ICell& icellF)
+inline void RheologyInterpolationProcessor::interpolateCoarseToFine(D3Q27ICell& icellC, D3Q27ICell& icellF)
    this->interpolateCoarseToFine(icellC, icellF, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-inline void ThixotropyInterpolationProcessor::interpolateFineToCoarse(D3Q27ICell& icellF, LBMReal* icellC)
+inline void RheologyInterpolationProcessor::interpolateFineToCoarse(D3Q27ICell& icellF, LBMReal* icellC)
    this->interpolateFineToCoarse(icellF, icellC, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyK17LBMKernel.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyK17LBMKernel.cpp
index c1fc395c77d84e601e1eb89a081c4978362821ba..94fbad358b16d923ddc5425e6476ff3892bbbf3c 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyK17LBMKernel.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyK17LBMKernel.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file RheologyK17LBMKernel.cpp
+//! \ingroup LBM
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #include "RheologyK17LBMKernel.h"
 #include "D3Q27System.h"
 #include "InterpolationProcessor.h"
@@ -6,7 +39,7 @@
 #include "DataSet3D.h"
 #include "LBMKernel.h"
 #include "Block3D.h"
-#include "Thixotropy.h"
+#include "Rheology.h"
@@ -615,9 +648,9 @@ void RheologyK17LBMKernel::calculate(int step)
                //non Newtonian fluid collision factor
                LBMReal shearRate = sqrt(c2 * (dxux * dxux + dyuy * dyuy + dzuz * dzuz) + Dxy * Dxy + Dxz * Dxz + Dyz * Dyz) / (drho + c1);
-               //omega = getThyxotropyCollFactor(omega, shearRate, rho);
-               //omega = Thixotropy::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(omega, shearRate, drho);
-               omega = Thixotropy::getBinghamCollFactor(omega, shearRate, drho);
+               omega = getRheologyCollFactor(omega, shearRate, rho);
+               //omega = Rheology::getHerschelBulkleyCollFactor(omega, shearRate, drho);
+               //omega = Rheology::getBinghamCollFactor(omega, shearRate, drho);
                dxux = c1o2 * (-omega) * (mxxMyy + mxxMzz);// +c1o2 * OxxPyyPzz * (mfaaa - mxxPyyPzz);
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyK17LBMKernel.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyK17LBMKernel.h
index f9838ba2e73e8d49a5d637b50a871faf751b4e7c..77bb5ce84557c87210932f8fd76b6ae846414545 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyK17LBMKernel.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyK17LBMKernel.h
@@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file RheologyK17LBMKernel.h
+//! \ingroup LBM
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
 #ifndef RheologyK17LBMKernel_h__
 #define RheologyK17LBMKernel_h__
@@ -26,6 +59,12 @@ public:
    void setBulkViscosity(LBMReal value);
    virtual void initDataSet();
+   virtual LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const
+   {
+       UB_THROW(UbException("LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor() - belongs in the derived class"));
+   }
    LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF+1];
    UbTimer timer;
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel.cpp
similarity index 93%
rename from src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel.cpp
rename to src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel.cpp
index 1685eb6e1393055f0e04f7f4289fd295e805c33f..f399a00065d3cfd2be13f4184057f8223de38573 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,37 @@
-#include "ThixotropyModelLBMKernel.h"
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file RheologyModelLBMKernel.cpp
+//! \ingroup LBM
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#include "RheologyModelLBMKernel.h"
 #include "D3Q27System.h"
 #include "BCArray3D.h"
 #include "D3Q27EsoTwist3DSplittedVector.h"
@@ -10,17 +43,17 @@
 using namespace UbMath;
-ThixotropyModelLBMKernel::ThixotropyModelLBMKernel() : forcingX1(0), forcingX2(0), forcingX3(0)
+RheologyModelLBMKernel::RheologyModelLBMKernel() : forcingX1(0), forcingX2(0), forcingX3(0)
    compressible = false;
 	OxyyMxzz = 1.0;
-void ThixotropyModelLBMKernel::calculate(int step)
+void RheologyModelLBMKernel::calculate(int step)
 	using namespace D3Q27System;
@@ -483,7 +516,7 @@ void ThixotropyModelLBMKernel::calculate(int step)
 						//non Newtonian fluid collision factor
 						LBMReal shearRate = sqrt(c2 * (dxux * dxux + dyuy * dyuy + dzuz * dzuz) + Dxy * Dxy + Dxz * Dxz + Dyz * Dyz) / (rho + one);
-						collFactorF = getThyxotropyCollFactor(collFactorF, shearRate, rho);
+						collFactorF = getRheologyCollFactor(collFactorF, shearRate, rho);
@@ -862,13 +895,13 @@ void ThixotropyModelLBMKernel::calculate(int step)
-//SPtr<LBMKernel> ThixotropyModelLBMKernel::clone()
+//SPtr<LBMKernel> RheologyModelLBMKernel::clone()
-//	SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel(new ThixotropyModelLBMKernel());
+//	SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel(new RheologyModelLBMKernel());
 //	kernel->setNX(nx);
 //	kernel->setCollisionFactor(collFactor);
 //	collFactorF = collFactor;
-//	dynamicPointerCast<ThixotropyModelLBMKernel>(kernel)->initDataSet();
+//	dynamicPointerCast<RheologyModelLBMKernel>(kernel)->initDataSet();
 //	kernel->setBCProcessor(bcProcessor->clone(kernel));
 //	kernel->setWithForcing(withForcing);
 //	kernel->setForcingX1(muForcingX1);
@@ -880,17 +913,17 @@ void ThixotropyModelLBMKernel::calculate(int step)
 //	return kernel;
-double ThixotropyModelLBMKernel::getCalculationTime()
+double RheologyModelLBMKernel::getCalculationTime()
    return timer.getTotalTime();
-void ThixotropyModelLBMKernel::swapDistributions()
+void RheologyModelLBMKernel::swapDistributions()
-void ThixotropyModelLBMKernel::initDataSet()
+void RheologyModelLBMKernel::initDataSet()
    SPtr<DistributionArray3D> df(new D3Q27EsoTwist3DSplittedVector(nx[0] + 2, nx[1] + 2, nx[2] + 2, -999.0));
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0aba5a273536feab9ce892b09ae1837df4fd6a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file RheologyModelLBMKernel.h
+//! \ingroup LBM
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#ifndef RheologyModelLBMKernel_H
+#define RheologyModelLBMKernel_H
+#include "LBMKernel.h"
+#include "BCProcessor.h"
+#include "D3Q27System.h"
+#include "basics/utilities/UbTiming.h"
+#include "basics/container/CbArray4D.h"
+#include "basics/container/CbArray3D.h"
+class RheologyModelLBMKernel;
+//! \brief Base class for model of thixotropy based on K16. Use Template Method design pattern for Implementation of different models. 
+//! \author K. Kutscher, M. Geier
+class RheologyModelLBMKernel : public LBMKernel
+	RheologyModelLBMKernel();
+	virtual ~RheologyModelLBMKernel();
+	void calculate(int step);
+	virtual SPtr<LBMKernel> clone() { UB_THROW(UbException("SPtr<LBMKernel> clone() - belongs in the derived class")); };
+	double getCalculationTime();
+	void swapDistributions();
+	void initDataSet();
+	virtual LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const { UB_THROW(UbException("LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor() - belongs in the derived class")); }
+	LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
+	UbTimer timer;
+	LBMReal OxyyMxzz;
+	CbArray4D<LBMReal, IndexerX4X3X2X1>::CbArray4DPtr localDistributionsF;
+	CbArray4D<LBMReal, IndexerX4X3X2X1>::CbArray4DPtr nonLocalDistributionsF;
+	CbArray3D<LBMReal, IndexerX3X2X1>::CbArray3DPtr   zeroDistributionsF;
+	mu::value_type muX1, muX2, muX3;
+	mu::value_type muDeltaT;
+	mu::value_type muNu;
+	LBMReal forcingX1;
+	LBMReal forcingX2;
+	LBMReal forcingX3;
+	bool test;
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel2.cpp
similarity index 97%
rename from src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2.cpp
rename to src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel2.cpp
index 44decadb7a4fb720ce0785373f9acd00106cbe10..2ab87c0b648b48fe56cff8380afdafb7deed08d4 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel2.cpp
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-#include "ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2.h"
+#include "RheologyModelLBMKernel2.h"
 #include "D3Q27System.h"
 #include "BCArray3D.h"
 #include "D3Q27EsoTwist3DSplittedVector.h"
 #include <math.h>
 #include "DataSet3D.h"
 #include "LBMKernel.h"
-#include "Thixotropy.h"
+#include "Rheology.h"
 using namespace UbMath;
-ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2::ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2() : forcingX1(0), forcingX2(0), forcingX3(0)
+RheologyModelLBMKernel2::RheologyModelLBMKernel2() : forcingX1(0), forcingX2(0), forcingX3(0)
    compressible = false;
 	OxyyMxzz = 1.0;
-void ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2::calculate(int step)
+void RheologyModelLBMKernel2::calculate(int step)
 	using namespace D3Q27System;
@@ -488,23 +488,23 @@ void ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2::calculate(int step)
 						LBMReal shearFactor = sqrt(c1o2 * ((mfcaa - mfaaa * c1o3) * (mfcaa - mfaaa * c1o3) + (mfaca - mfaaa * c1o3) * (mfaca - mfaaa * c1o3) + (mfaac - mfaaa * c1o3) * (mfaac - mfaaa * c1o3)) + mfbba * mfbba + mfbab * mfbab + mfabb * mfabb) + UbMath::Epsilon<LBMReal>::val();
-						//collFactorF = getThyxotropyCollFactor(collFactorF, shearRate, rho);
+						//collFactorF = getRheologyCollFactor(collFactorF, shearRate, rho);
 						//mxxPyyPzz += OxxPyyPzz * (mfaaa - mxxPyyPzz) - 3. * (1. - c1o2 * OxxPyyPzz) * (vx2 * dxux + vy2 * dyuy + vz2 * dzuz);
-						//LBMReal collFactorFyy = getThyxotropyCollFactor(collFactorF, std::sqrt(dxux*dxux + dyuy*dyuy) / (rho + one), rho);
+						//LBMReal collFactorFyy = getRheologyCollFactor(collFactorF, std::sqrt(dxux*dxux + dyuy*dyuy) / (rho + one), rho);
 						//mxxMyy += collFactorFyy * (-mxxMyy) - 3. * (1. - c1o2 * collFactorFyy) * (vx2 * dxux - vy2 * dyuy);
-						//LBMReal collFactorFzz = getThyxotropyCollFactor(collFactorF, std::sqrt(dxux*dxux + dzuz*dzuz) / (rho + one), rho);
+						//LBMReal collFactorFzz = getRheologyCollFactor(collFactorF, std::sqrt(dxux*dxux + dzuz*dzuz) / (rho + one), rho);
 						//mxxMzz += collFactorFzz * (-mxxMzz) - 3. * (1. - c1o2 * collFactorFzz) * (vx2 * dxux - vz2 * dzuz);
-						//mfabb += getThyxotropyCollFactor(collFactorF, std::abs(Dyz) / (rho + one), rho) * (-mfabb);
-						//mfbab += getThyxotropyCollFactor(collFactorF, std::abs(Dxz) / (rho + one), rho) * (-mfbab);
-						//mfbba += getThyxotropyCollFactor(collFactorF, std::abs(Dxy) / (rho + one), rho) * (-mfbba);
+						//mfabb += getRheologyCollFactor(collFactorF, std::abs(Dyz) / (rho + one), rho) * (-mfabb);
+						//mfbab += getRheologyCollFactor(collFactorF, std::abs(Dxz) / (rho + one), rho) * (-mfbab);
+						//mfbba += getRheologyCollFactor(collFactorF, std::abs(Dxy) / (rho + one), rho) * (-mfbba);
-						SPtr<Thixotropy> thix = Thixotropy::getInstance();
+						SPtr<Rheology> thix = Rheology::getInstance();
 						LBMReal tau0 = thix->getYieldStress();
 						mxxPyyPzz += OxxPyyPzz * (mfaaa - mxxPyyPzz /*+ ((mxxPyyPzz-mfaaa)/shearFactor*tau0)*/) - 3. * (1. - c1o2 * OxxPyyPzz) * (vx2 * dxux + vy2 * dyuy + vz2 * dzuz);
@@ -893,13 +893,13 @@ void ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2::calculate(int step)
-//SPtr<LBMKernel> ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2::clone()
+//SPtr<LBMKernel> RheologyModelLBMKernel2::clone()
-//	SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel(new ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2());
+//	SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel(new RheologyModelLBMKernel2());
 //	kernel->setNX(nx);
 //	kernel->setCollisionFactor(collFactor);
 //	collFactorF = collFactor;
-//	dynamicPointerCast<ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2>(kernel)->initDataSet();
+//	dynamicPointerCast<RheologyModelLBMKernel2>(kernel)->initDataSet();
 //	kernel->setBCProcessor(bcProcessor->clone(kernel));
 //	kernel->setWithForcing(withForcing);
 //	kernel->setForcingX1(muForcingX1);
@@ -911,17 +911,17 @@ void ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2::calculate(int step)
 //	return kernel;
-double ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2::getCalculationTime()
+double RheologyModelLBMKernel2::getCalculationTime()
    return timer.getTotalTime();
-void ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2::swapDistributions()
+void RheologyModelLBMKernel2::swapDistributions()
-void ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2::initDataSet()
+void RheologyModelLBMKernel2::initDataSet()
    SPtr<DistributionArray3D> df(new D3Q27EsoTwist3DSplittedVector(nx[0] + 2, nx[1] + 2, nx[2] + 2, -999.0));
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel2.h
similarity index 72%
rename from src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel.h
rename to src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel2.h
index b0f492a170a886d23ab1f56d897ac9adf698d8d9..c3a20a11038f74586266c8338027a6187ef2fea5 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyModelLBMKernel2.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#ifndef ThixotropyModelLBMKernel_H
-#define ThixotropyModelLBMKernel_H
+#ifndef RheologyModelLBMKernel2_H
+#define RheologyModelLBMKernel2_H
 #include "LBMKernel.h"
 #include "BCProcessor.h"
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
 #include "basics/container/CbArray4D.h"
 #include "basics/container/CbArray3D.h"
-class ThixotropyModelLBMKernel;
+class RheologyModelLBMKernel2;
 //! \brief Base class for model of thixotropy based on K16. Use Template Method design pattern for Implementation of different models. 
 //! \author K. Kutscher, M. Geier
-class ThixotropyModelLBMKernel : public LBMKernel
+class RheologyModelLBMKernel2 : public LBMKernel
-	ThixotropyModelLBMKernel();
-	virtual ~ThixotropyModelLBMKernel();
+	RheologyModelLBMKernel2();
+	virtual ~RheologyModelLBMKernel2();
 	void calculate(int step);
 	virtual SPtr<LBMKernel> clone() { UB_THROW(UbException("SPtr<LBMKernel> clone() - belongs in the derived class")); };
 	double getCalculationTime();
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public:
 	void initDataSet();
-	virtual LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const { UB_THROW(UbException("LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor() - belongs in the derived class")); }
+	virtual LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const { UB_THROW(UbException("LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor() - belongs in the derived class")); }
 	LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyPowellEyringModelLBMKernel.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyPowellEyringModelLBMKernel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a68eca9cd627be7b56bcfebfd429d80c3f924aa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/RheologyPowellEyringModelLBMKernel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file RheologyPowellEyringModelLBMKernel.h
+//! \ingroup LBM
+//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
+#ifndef RheologyPowellEyringModelLBMKernel_H
+#define RheologyPowellEyringModelLBMKernel_H
+#include "RheologyK17LBMKernel.h"
+#include "Rheology.h"
+//! \brief    Cumulant LBM kernel + Herschel-Bulkley plastic model 
+//! \author K. Kutscher, M. Geier
+class RheologyPowellEyringModelLBMKernel : public RheologyK17LBMKernel
+	RheologyPowellEyringModelLBMKernel() {};
+	~RheologyPowellEyringModelLBMKernel() {};
+	SPtr<LBMKernel> clone() override
+	{
+		SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel(new RheologyPowellEyringModelLBMKernel());
+		kernel->setNX(nx);
+		kernel->setCollisionFactor(collFactor);
+		dynamicPointerCast<RheologyPowellEyringModelLBMKernel>(kernel)->initDataSet();
+		kernel->setBCProcessor(bcProcessor->clone(kernel));
+		kernel->setWithForcing(withForcing);
+		kernel->setForcingX1(muForcingX1);
+		kernel->setForcingX2(muForcingX2);
+		kernel->setForcingX3(muForcingX3);
+		kernel->setIndex(ix1, ix2, ix3);
+		kernel->setDeltaT(deltaT);
+		return kernel;
+	}
+	LBMReal getRheologyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const override
+	{
+		return Rheology::getPowellEyringCollFactor(omegaInf, shearRate, drho);
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/Thixotropy.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/Thixotropy.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f28c34f0ddc8be17807a32118074a0c07f36bcfa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/Thixotropy.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#include "Thixotropy.h"
-SPtr<Thixotropy> Thixotropy::instance = SPtr<Thixotropy>();
-LBMReal Thixotropy::tau0 = 0;
-LBMReal Thixotropy::k = 0;
-LBMReal Thixotropy::n = 1;
-LBMReal Thixotropy::omegaMin = 0;
-LBMReal Thixotropy::beta = 0;
-LBMReal Thixotropy::c = 0;
-LBMReal Thixotropy::mu0 = 0;
-SPtr<Thixotropy> Thixotropy::getInstance()
-   if (!instance)
-      instance = SPtr<Thixotropy>(new Thixotropy());
-   return instance;
-void Thixotropy::setYieldStress(LBMReal yieldStress)
-	tau0 = yieldStress;
-LBMReal Thixotropy::getYieldStress() const
-	return tau0;
-void Thixotropy::setViscosityParameter(LBMReal kParameter)
-	k = kParameter;
-LBMReal Thixotropy::getViscosityParameter() const
-	return k;
-void Thixotropy::setPowerIndex(LBMReal index)
-	n = index;
-LBMReal Thixotropy::getPowerIndex() const
-	return n;
-void Thixotropy::setOmegaMin(LBMReal omega)
-	omegaMin = omega;
-LBMReal Thixotropy::getOmegaMin() const
-	return omegaMin;
-void Thixotropy::setBeta(LBMReal PowellEyringBeta)
-	beta = PowellEyringBeta;
-LBMReal Thixotropy::getBeta() const
-	return beta;
-void Thixotropy::setC(LBMReal PowellEyringC)
-	c = PowellEyringC;
-LBMReal Thixotropy::getC() const
-	return c;
-void Thixotropy::setMu0(LBMReal mu)
-	mu0 = mu;
-LBMReal Thixotropy::getMu0() const
-	return mu0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 17fa477977bdfa997c0be0ef2254b139bb1cc1fe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/LBM/ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2_H
-#define ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2_H
-#include "LBMKernel.h"
-#include "BCProcessor.h"
-#include "D3Q27System.h"
-#include "basics/utilities/UbTiming.h"
-#include "basics/container/CbArray4D.h"
-#include "basics/container/CbArray3D.h"
-class ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2;
-//! \brief Base class for model of thixotropy based on K16. Use Template Method design pattern for Implementation of different models. 
-//! \author K. Kutscher, M. Geier
-class ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2 : public LBMKernel
-	ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2();
-	virtual ~ThixotropyModelLBMKernel2();
-	void calculate(int step);
-	virtual SPtr<LBMKernel> clone() { UB_THROW(UbException("SPtr<LBMKernel> clone() - belongs in the derived class")); };
-	double getCalculationTime();
-	void swapDistributions();
-	void initDataSet();
-	virtual LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor(LBMReal omegaInf, LBMReal shearRate, LBMReal drho) const { UB_THROW(UbException("LBMReal getThyxotropyCollFactor() - belongs in the derived class")); }
-	LBMReal f[D3Q27System::ENDF + 1];
-	UbTimer timer;
-	LBMReal OxyyMxzz;
-	CbArray4D<LBMReal, IndexerX4X3X2X1>::CbArray4DPtr localDistributionsF;
-	CbArray4D<LBMReal, IndexerX4X3X2X1>::CbArray4DPtr nonLocalDistributionsF;
-	CbArray3D<LBMReal, IndexerX3X2X1>::CbArray3DPtr   zeroDistributionsF;
-	mu::value_type muX1, muX2, muX3;
-	mu::value_type muDeltaT;
-	mu::value_type muNu;
-	LBMReal forcingX1;
-	LBMReal forcingX2;
-	LBMReal forcingX3;
-	bool test;
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Visitors/BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Visitors/BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor.cpp
index 60e0b41cb666583e198bb692a189b734f4f11ab1..b4eafda902448564800bb1479f7ac60f74c4b77d 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Visitors/BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Visitors/BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor.cpp
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
 #include "BCArray3D.h"
 #include "ILBMKernel.h"
-#include "DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h"
-#include "VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h"
-#include "NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h"
-#include "NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h"
-#include "VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm.h"
+#include "ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm.h"
+#include "ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm.h"
+#include "ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm.h"
+#include "ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm.h"
+#include "ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm.h"
 BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor::BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor() : Block3DVisitor(0, Grid3DSystem::MAXLEVEL) {}
@@ -102,20 +102,20 @@ void BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor::visit(SPtr<Grid3D> grid, SPtr<Block3D> bloc
-                                if (alg == BCAlgorithm::VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm)
-                                    std::static_pointer_cast<VelocityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm>(bca)->addDistributionsH(
+                                if (alg == BCAlgorithm::ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm)
+                                    std::static_pointer_cast<ThixotropyVelocityBCAlgorithm>(bca)->addDistributionsH(
-                                if (alg == BCAlgorithm::DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm)
-                                    std::static_pointer_cast<DensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm>(bca)->addDistributionsH(
+                                if (alg == BCAlgorithm::ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm)
+                                    std::static_pointer_cast<ThixotropyDensityBCAlgorithm>(bca)->addDistributionsH(
-                                if (alg == BCAlgorithm::NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm)
-                                    std::static_pointer_cast<NoSlipAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm>(bca)->addDistributionsH(
+                                if (alg == BCAlgorithm::ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm)
+                                    std::static_pointer_cast<ThixotropyNoSlipBCAlgorithm>(bca)->addDistributionsH(
-                                if (alg == BCAlgorithm::NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm)
-                                    std::static_pointer_cast<NonReflectingOutflowAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm>(bca)
+                                if (alg == BCAlgorithm::ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm)
+                                    std::static_pointer_cast<ThixotropyNonReflectingOutflowBCAlgorithm>(bca)
-                                if (alg == BCAlgorithm::VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm)
-                                    std::static_pointer_cast<VelocityWithDensityAndThixotropyBCAlgorithm>(bca)
+                                if (alg == BCAlgorithm::ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm)
+                                    std::static_pointer_cast<ThixotropyVelocityWithDensityBCAlgorithm>(bca)
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Visitors/ConnectorBlockVisitor.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Visitors/ConnectorBlockVisitor.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index af78f95185f3f24bd669bd75aad656fe205fbc5c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Visitors/ConnectorBlockVisitor.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
-// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
-// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
-//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
-//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
-//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
-//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
-//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
-//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
-//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
-//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
-//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
-//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
-//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
-//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file SetConnectorsBlockVisitor.cpp
-//! \ingroup Visitors
-//! \author Konstantin Kutscher
-#include "ConnectorBlockVisitor.h"
-#include "Communicator.h"
-#include "ConnectorFactory.h"
-#include "Grid3D.h"
-#include "Grid3DSystem.h"
-#include "InterpolationProcessor.h"
-ConnectorBlockVisitor::ConnectorBlockVisitor(SPtr<Communicator> comm, LBMReal nu, InterpolationProcessorPtr iProcessor,
-                                             SPtr<ConnectorFactory> cFactory)
-    : Block3DVisitor(0, Grid3DSystem::MAXLEVEL), comm(comm), nu(nu), iProcessor(iProcessor), cFactory(cFactory)
-ConnectorBlockVisitor::~ConnectorBlockVisitor(void) = default;
-void ConnectorBlockVisitor::visit(SPtr<Grid3D> grid, SPtr<Block3D> block)
-    if (!block)
-        return;
-    UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "ConnectorBlockVisitor::visit() - start");
-    UBLOG(logDEBUG5, block->toString());
-    gridRank = comm->getProcessID();
-    grid->setRank(gridRank);
-    setSameLevelConnectors(grid, block);
-    if (grid->getFinestInitializedLevel() > grid->getCoarsestInitializedLevel())
-        setInterpolationConnectors(grid, block);
-    UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "ConnectorBlockVisitor::visit() - end");
-void ConnectorBlockVisitor::setSameLevelConnectors(SPtr<Grid3D> grid, SPtr<Block3D> block)
-    UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "ConnectorBlockVisitor::setSameLevelConnectors() - start");
-    int blockRank = block->getRank();
-    if (gridRank == blockRank && block->isActive()) {
-        block->clearWeight();
-        std::vector<SPtr<Block3D>> neighbors;
-        int ix1   = block->getX1();
-        int ix2   = block->getX2();
-        int ix3   = block->getX3();
-        int level = block->getLevel();
-        for (int dir = 0; dir < D3Q27System::ENDDIR; dir++) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> neighBlock = grid->getNeighborBlock(dir, ix1, ix2, ix3, level);
-            if (neighBlock) {
-                int neighBlockRank = neighBlock->getRank();
-                if (blockRank == neighBlockRank && neighBlock->isActive()) {
-                    SPtr<Block3DConnector> connector;
-                    connector = cFactory->createSameLevelDirectConnector(block, neighBlock, dir);
-                    block->setConnector(connector);
-                } else if (blockRank != neighBlockRank && neighBlock->isActive()) {
-                    setRemoteConnectors(block, neighBlock, dir);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "ConnectorBlockVisitor::setSameLevelConnectors() - end");
-void ConnectorBlockVisitor::setRemoteConnectors(SPtr<Block3D> sblock, SPtr<Block3D> tblock, int dir)
-    UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "ConnectorBlockVisitor::setRemoteConnectors() - start");
-    CreateTransmittersHelper helper;
-    CreateTransmittersHelper::TransmitterPtr sender, receiver;
-    helper.createTransmitters(sblock, tblock, dir, CreateTransmittersHelper::NONE, sender, receiver, comm,
-                              CreateTransmittersHelper::MPI);
-    SPtr<Block3DConnector> connector;
-    connector = cFactory->createSameLevelVectorConnector(sblock, sender, receiver, dir);
-    sblock->setConnector(connector);
-    UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "ConnectorBlockVisitor::setRemoteConnectors() - end");
-void ConnectorBlockVisitor::setInterpolationConnectors(SPtr<Grid3D> grid, SPtr<Block3D> block)
-    UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "ConnectorBlockVisitor::setInterpolationConnectors() - start");
-    //   int blockRank = block->getRank();
-    // search for all blocks with different ranks
-    if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF() && block->isActive()) {
-        int fbx1  = block->getX1() << 1;
-        int fbx2  = block->getX2() << 1;
-        int fbx3  = block->getX3() << 1;
-        int level = block->getLevel() + 1;
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::E)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::E);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::W)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::W);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::N)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::N);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::S)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::S);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::T)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::T);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::B)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::B);
-        }
-        //////NE-NW-SE-SW
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::NE) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::N) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::E)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 0, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01;
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11;
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::NE);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::SW) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::W) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::S)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01;
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11;
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::SW);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::SE) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::E) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::S)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2, fbx3 + 0, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01;
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11;
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::SE);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::NW) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::N) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::W)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01;
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11;
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::NW);
-        }
-        /////////TE-BW-BE-TW 1-0
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TE) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::E) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::T)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 0, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01;
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11;
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::TE);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BW) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::W) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::B)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 0, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01;
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11;
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::BW);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BE) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::E) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::B)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 0, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01;
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11;
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::BE);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TW) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::W) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::T)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 0, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01;
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11;
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::TW);
-        }
-        //////TN-BS-BN-TS
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TN) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::N) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::T)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 0, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01;
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11;
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::TN);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BS) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::S) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::B)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 0, fbx2, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01;
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11;
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::BS);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BN) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::N) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::B)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 0, fbx2 + 1, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01;
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11;
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::BN);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TS) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::S) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::T)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 0, fbx2, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01;
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11;
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::TS);
-        }
-        //////corners
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TNE) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TE) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TN) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::NE) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::T) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::N) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::E)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1+1, fbx2+1, fbx3+0, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1+1, fbx2+1, fbx3+1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1+1, fbx2+1, fbx3+1, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::TNE);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TSW) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TW) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TS) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::SW) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::T) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::W) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::S)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3+1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3+1, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::TSW);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TSE) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TE) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TS) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::SE) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::T) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::E) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::S)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1+1, fbx2, fbx3+0, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1+1, fbx2, fbx3+1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1+1, fbx2, fbx3+1, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::TSE);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TNW) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TW) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::TN) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::NW) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::T) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::N) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::W)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2+1, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2+1, fbx3+1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2+1, fbx3+1, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::TNW);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BNE) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BE) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BN) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::NE) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::B) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::N) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::E)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 0, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1+1, fbx2+1, fbx3+0, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1+1, fbx2+1, fbx3+1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1+1, fbx2+1, fbx3+1, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::BNE);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BSW) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BS) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BW) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::SW) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::B) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::W) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::S)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3 + 0, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3+1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2, fbx3+1, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::BSW);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BSE) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BS) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BE) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::SE) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::B) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::E) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::S)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1 + 1, fbx2, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1+1, fbx2, fbx3+0, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1+1, fbx2, fbx3+1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1+1, fbx2, fbx3+1, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::BSE);
-        }
-        if (block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BNW) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BN) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::BW) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::NW) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::B) && !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::N) &&
-            !block->hasInterpolationFlagCF(D3Q27System::W)) {
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock00 = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2 + 1, fbx3 + 0, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock10; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2+1, fbx3, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock01; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2+1, fbx3+1, level);
-            SPtr<Block3D> fblock11; // = grid->getBlock(fbx1, fbx2+1, fbx3+1, level);
-            setInterpolationConnectors(fblock00, fblock10, fblock01, fblock11, block, D3Q27System::BNW);
-        }
-    }
-    UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "ConnectorBlockVisitor::setInterpolationConnectors() - end");
-void ConnectorBlockVisitor::setInterpolationConnectors(SPtr<Block3D> fblock00, SPtr<Block3D> fblock10,
-                                                       SPtr<Block3D> fblock01, SPtr<Block3D> fblock11,
-                                                       SPtr<Block3D> cBlock, int dir)
-    UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "ConnectorBlockVisitor::setInterpolationConnectors(...) - start");
-    int fblock00Rank = -999, fblock10Rank = -999, fblock01Rank = -999, fblock11Rank = -999;
-    if (fblock00)
-        fblock00Rank = fblock00->getRank();
-    if (fblock01)
-        fblock01Rank = fblock01->getRank();
-    if (fblock10)
-        fblock10Rank = fblock10->getRank();
-    if (fblock11)
-        fblock11Rank = fblock11->getRank();
-    int cBlockRank = cBlock->getRank();
-    LBMReal omegaF;
-    if (fblock00)
-        omegaF = LBMSystem::calcCollisionFactor(nu, fblock00->getLevel());
-    if (fblock01)
-        omegaF = LBMSystem::calcCollisionFactor(nu, fblock01->getLevel());
-    if (fblock10)
-        omegaF = LBMSystem::calcCollisionFactor(nu, fblock10->getLevel());
-    if (fblock11)
-        omegaF = LBMSystem::calcCollisionFactor(nu, fblock11->getLevel());
-    LBMReal omegaC = LBMSystem::calcCollisionFactor(nu, cBlock->getLevel());
-    iProcessor->setOmegas(omegaC, omegaF);
-    InterpolationProcessorPtr cIProcessor(iProcessor->clone());
-    InterpolationProcessorPtr fIProcessor00(iProcessor->clone());
-    InterpolationProcessorPtr fIProcessor10(iProcessor->clone());
-    InterpolationProcessorPtr fIProcessor01(iProcessor->clone());
-    InterpolationProcessorPtr fIProcessor11(iProcessor->clone());
-    CreateTransmittersHelper::TransmitterPtr senderCF00, receiverCF00, senderCF01, receiverCF01, senderCF10,
-        receiverCF10, senderCF11, receiverCF11, senderFC00, receiverFC00, senderFC01, receiverFC01, senderFC10,
-        receiverFC10, senderFC11, receiverFC11;
-    if (fblock00)
-        createTransmitters(cBlock, fblock00, dir, CreateTransmittersHelper::SW, senderCF00, receiverCF00, senderFC00,
-                           receiverFC00);
-    if (fblock01)
-        createTransmitters(cBlock, fblock01, dir, CreateTransmittersHelper::NW, senderCF01, receiverCF01, senderFC01,
-                           receiverFC01);
-    if (fblock10)
-        createTransmitters(cBlock, fblock10, dir, CreateTransmittersHelper::SE, senderCF10, receiverCF10, senderFC10,
-                           receiverFC10);
-    if (fblock11)
-        createTransmitters(cBlock, fblock11, dir, CreateTransmittersHelper::NE, senderCF11, receiverCF11, senderFC11,
-                           receiverFC11);
-    if (cBlockRank == gridRank) {
-        SPtr<Block3DConnector> connector =
-            cFactory->createCoarseToFineConnector(cBlock, senderCF00, receiverCF00, senderCF01, receiverCF01,
-                                                  senderCF10, receiverCF10, senderCF11, receiverCF11, dir, cIProcessor);
-        cBlock->setConnector(connector);
-    }
-    if (fblock00 && fblock00Rank == gridRank) {
-        SPtr<Block3DConnector> connector = cFactory->createFineToCoarseConnector(
-            fblock00, senderFC00, receiverFC00, dir, fIProcessor00, FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type00);
-        fblock00->setConnector(connector);
-    }
-    if (fblock01 && fblock01Rank == gridRank) {
-        SPtr<Block3DConnector> connector = cFactory->createFineToCoarseConnector(
-            fblock01, senderFC01, receiverFC01, dir, fIProcessor01, FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type01);
-        fblock01->setConnector(connector);
-    }
-    if (fblock10 && fblock10Rank == gridRank) {
-        SPtr<Block3DConnector> connector = cFactory->createFineToCoarseConnector(
-            fblock10, senderFC10, receiverFC10, dir, fIProcessor10, FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type10);
-        fblock10->setConnector(connector);
-    }
-    if (fblock11 && fblock11Rank == gridRank) {
-        SPtr<Block3DConnector> connector = cFactory->createFineToCoarseConnector(
-            fblock11, senderFC11, receiverFC11, dir, fIProcessor11, FineToCoarseBlock3DConnector::Type11);
-        fblock11->setConnector(connector);
-    }
-    UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "ConnectorBlockVisitor::setInterpolationConnectors(...) - end");
-void ConnectorBlockVisitor::createTransmitters(SPtr<Block3D> cBlock, SPtr<Block3D> fBlock, int dir,
-                                               CreateTransmittersHelper::IBlock ib,
-                                               CreateTransmittersHelper::TransmitterPtr &senderCF,
-                                               CreateTransmittersHelper::TransmitterPtr &receiverCF,
-                                               CreateTransmittersHelper::TransmitterPtr &senderFC,
-                                               CreateTransmittersHelper::TransmitterPtr &receiverFC)
-    UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "ConnectorBlockVisitor::createTransmitters(...) - start");
-    CreateTransmittersHelper helper;
-    //   bool MPIpool = true;
-    //   bool orthogonal = false;
-    int fBlockRank = fBlock->getRank();
-    int cBlockRank = cBlock->getRank();
-    if (fBlockRank == cBlockRank && fBlockRank == gridRank) {
-        senderCF = receiverFC = CreateTransmittersHelper::TransmitterPtr(new TbLocalTransmitter<CbVector<LBMReal>>());
-        senderFC = receiverCF = CreateTransmittersHelper::TransmitterPtr(new TbLocalTransmitter<CbVector<LBMReal>>());
-    } else if (cBlockRank == gridRank) {
-        helper.createTransmitters(cBlock, fBlock, dir, ib, senderCF, receiverCF, comm, CreateTransmittersHelper::MPI);
-    } else if (fBlockRank == gridRank) {
-        helper.createTransmitters(fBlock, cBlock, dir, ib, senderFC, receiverFC, comm, CreateTransmittersHelper::MPI);
-    }
-    UBLOG(logDEBUG5, "ConnectorBlockVisitor::createTransmitters(...) - end");