diff --git a/apps/cpu/GyroidsRow/GyroidsRow.cpp b/apps/cpu/GyroidsRow/GyroidsRow.cpp
index c6a622d9761ca6716fc9d0b50f8d5c247f1a9897..d9d16743cc15598134b4296490c26e27b7460aa6 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/GyroidsRow/GyroidsRow.cpp
+++ b/apps/cpu/GyroidsRow/GyroidsRow.cpp
@@ -42,318 +42,311 @@ using namespace std;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
 using namespace vf::basics::constant;
-void run(string configname)
+void run(const vf::basics::ConfigurationFile& config)
-    try {
-        vf::basics::ConfigurationFile config;
-        config.load(configname);
-        string pathname             = config.getValue<string>("pathname");
-        int numOfThreads            = config.getValue<int>("numOfThreads");
-        vector<int> blocknx         = config.getVector<int>("blocknx");
-        double endTime              = config.getValue<double>("endTime");
-        double outTime              = config.getValue<double>("outTime");
-        double availMem             = config.getValue<double>("availMem");
-        double nu                   = config.getValue<double>("nu");
-        double dx                   = config.getValue<double>("dx");
-        double UnitEdgeLength       = config.getValue<double>("UnitEdgeLength");
-        double Re                   = config.getValue<double>("Re");
-        double vx                   = config.getValue<double>("vx");
-        vector<double> length       = config.getVector<double>("length"); 
-        //double          timeAvStart       = config.getValue<double>("timeAvStart");
-        //double          timeAvStop        = config.getValue<double>("timeAvStop");
-        vector<double> TPMSL        = config.getVector<double>("TPMSL");
-        vector<double> TPMSOrigin   = config.getVector<double>("TPMSOrigin");
-        vector<double> gridCubeOrigin = config.getVector<double>("gridCubeOrigin");
-        int refineLevel             = config.getValue<int>("refineLevel");
-        bool logToFile              = config.getValue<bool>("logToFile");
-        double restartStep          = config.getValue<double>("restartStep");
-        double cpStart              = config.getValue<double>("cpStart");
-        double cpStep               = config.getValue<double>("cpStep");
-        bool newStart               = config.getValue<bool>("newStart");
-        SPtr<vf::parallel::Communicator> comm = vf::parallel::MPICommunicator::getInstance();
-        int myid                = comm->getProcessID();
-        if (logToFile) {
+    string pathname             = config.getValue<string>("pathname");
+    int numOfThreads            = config.getValue<int>("numOfThreads");
+    vector<int> blocknx         = config.getVector<int>("blocknx");
+    double endTime              = config.getValue<double>("endTime");
+    double outTime              = config.getValue<double>("outTime");
+    double availMem             = config.getValue<double>("availMem");
+    double nu                   = config.getValue<double>("nu");
+    double dx                   = config.getValue<double>("dx");
+    double UnitEdgeLength       = config.getValue<double>("UnitEdgeLength");
+    double Re                   = config.getValue<double>("Re");
+    double vx                   = config.getValue<double>("vx");
+    vector<double> length       = config.getVector<double>("length"); 
+    //double          timeAvStart       = config.getValue<double>("timeAvStart");
+    //double          timeAvStop        = config.getValue<double>("timeAvStop");
+    vector<double> TPMSL        = config.getVector<double>("TPMSL");
+    vector<double> TPMSOrigin   = config.getVector<double>("TPMSOrigin");
+    vector<double> gridCubeOrigin = config.getVector<double>("gridCubeOrigin");
+    int refineLevel             = config.getValue<int>("refineLevel");
+    bool logToFile              = config.getValue<bool>("logToFile");
+    double restartStep          = config.getValue<double>("restartStep");
+    double cpStart              = config.getValue<double>("cpStart");
+    double cpStep               = config.getValue<double>("cpStep");
+    bool newStart               = config.getValue<bool>("newStart");
+    SPtr<vf::parallel::Communicator> comm = vf::parallel::MPICommunicator::getInstance();
+    int myid                = comm->getProcessID();
+    if (logToFile) {
 #if defined(__unix__)
-            if (myid == 0) {
-                const char *str = pathname.c_str();
-                mkdir(str, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
-            }
+        if (myid == 0) {
+            const char *str = pathname.c_str();
+            mkdir(str, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
+        }
-            if (myid == 0) {
-                stringstream logFilename;
-                logFilename << pathname + "/logfile" + UbSystem::toString(UbSystem::getTimeStamp()) + ".txt";
-                UbLog::output_policy::setStream(logFilename.str());
-            }
+        if (myid == 0) {
+            stringstream logFilename;
+            logFilename << pathname + "/logfile" + UbSystem::toString(UbSystem::getTimeStamp()) + ".txt";
+            UbLog::output_policy::setStream(logFilename.str());
+    }
-        SPtr<LBMUnitConverter> conv = SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter());
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // BC Adapter
-        SPtr<BC> tpmsNoslipAdapter(new NoSlipBC());
-        SPtr<BC> xMinApr(new VelocityBC(vx, 0., BCFunction::INFCONST, 0., 0., BCFunction::INFCONST, 0.,0., BCFunction::INFCONST));
-        SPtr<BC> xMaxApr(new PressureBC(0.));
-        SPtr<BC> zMinApr(new NoSlipBC());
-        SPtr<BC> zMaxApr(new NoSlipBC());
-        tpmsNoslipAdapter->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new NoSlipInterpolated()));
-        xMinApr->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new VelocityNonReflecting(c1o2))); 
-        xMaxApr->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new OutflowNonReflectingWithPressure(c1o100)));
-        zMinApr->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new NoSlipInterpolated()));
-        zMaxApr->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new NoSlipInterpolated()));
+    SPtr<LBMUnitConverter> conv = SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter());
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // BC Adapter
+    SPtr<BC> tpmsNoslipAdapter(new NoSlipBC());
+    SPtr<BC> xMinApr(new VelocityBC(vx, 0., BCFunction::INFCONST, 0., 0., BCFunction::INFCONST, 0.,0., BCFunction::INFCONST));
+    SPtr<BC> xMaxApr(new PressureBC(0.));
+    SPtr<BC> zMinApr(new NoSlipBC());
+    SPtr<BC> zMaxApr(new NoSlipBC());
+    tpmsNoslipAdapter->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new NoSlipInterpolated()));
+    xMinApr->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new VelocityNonReflecting(c1o2))); 
+    xMaxApr->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new OutflowNonReflectingWithPressure(c1o100)));
+    zMinApr->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new NoSlipInterpolated()));
+    zMaxApr->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new NoSlipInterpolated()));
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////234
+    // BC visitor
+    BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor bcVisitor;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // grid, kernel and BCProcessor
+    SPtr<Grid3D> grid(new Grid3D(comm));
+    SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel;
+        kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new K15CompressibleNavierStokes());;
+        SPtr<BCSet> bcProc(new BCSet());
+        kernel->setBCSet(bcProc);
+    SPtr<Grid3DVisitor> metisVisitor(new MetisPartitioningGridVisitor(comm, MetisPartitioningGridVisitor::LevelIntersected, d00M, MetisPartitioner::RECURSIVE));
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // restart
+    SPtr<UbScheduler> mSch(new UbScheduler(cpStep, cpStart));
+    SPtr<MPIIOMigrationSimulationObserver> migSimulationObserver(
+        new MPIIOMigrationSimulationObserver(grid, mSch,metisVisitor, pathname + "/mig", comm));
+    migSimulationObserver->setLBMKernel(kernel);
+    migSimulationObserver->setBCSet(bcProc);
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if (newStart) {
+        //GbGyroidThirdOrderPtr tpms;            
+        // tpms = GbGyroidThirdOrderPtr(new GbGyroidThirdOrder(TPMSOrigin[0], TPMSOrigin[1], TPMSOrigin[2],
+        //                                                   TPMSOrigin[0] + TPMSL[0],
+        //                                                   TPMSOrigin[1] + TPMSL[1],
+        //                                                   TPMSOrigin[2] + TPMSL[2],
+        //                                                   UnitEdgeLength, dx, 2.5e-4));
+        GbGyroidThirdOrderLongPtr tpms;
+        tpms = GbGyroidThirdOrderLongPtr(new GbGyroidThirdOrderLong(TPMSOrigin[0], TPMSOrigin[1], TPMSOrigin[2],
+                                                            TPMSOrigin[0] + TPMSL[0],
+                                                            TPMSOrigin[1] + TPMSL[1],
+                                                            TPMSOrigin[2] + TPMSL[2],
+                                                            UnitEdgeLength, dx, 2.5e-4));
+        double g_minX1 = gridCubeOrigin[0];
+        double g_minX2 = gridCubeOrigin[1];
+        double g_minX3 = gridCubeOrigin[2];
+        double g_maxX1 = gridCubeOrigin[0] + length[0];
+        double g_maxX2 = gridCubeOrigin[1] + length[1];
+        double g_maxX3 = gridCubeOrigin[2] + length[2];
+        SPtr<GbObject3D> gridCube(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), pathname + "/geo/gridCube",
+                                        WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////234
-        // BC visitor
-        BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor bcVisitor;
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // grid, kernel and BCProcessor
-        SPtr<Grid3D> grid(new Grid3D(comm));
-        SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel;
-         kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new K15CompressibleNavierStokes());;
-         SPtr<BCSet> bcProc(new BCSet());
-         kernel->setBCSet(bcProc);
-        SPtr<Grid3DVisitor> metisVisitor(new MetisPartitioningGridVisitor(comm, MetisPartitioningGridVisitor::LevelIntersected, d00M, MetisPartitioner::RECURSIVE));
+        SPtr<GbCuboid3D> spongecube(new GbCuboid3D(TPMSOrigin[0] + TPMSL[0], g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx,
+                                                    g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3 + dx));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(spongecube.get(), pathname + "/geo/spongecube",
+                                        WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+        if (myid == 0) {
+            // UBLOG(logINFO,"rho = " << rhoLB );
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "nu = " << nu);
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Re = " << Re);
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "vx = " << vx);
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "dx = " << dx);
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - start");
+        }
-        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // restart
-        SPtr<UbScheduler> mSch(new UbScheduler(cpStep, cpStart));
-        SPtr<MPIIOMigrationSimulationObserver> migSimulationObserver(
-            new MPIIOMigrationSimulationObserver(grid, mSch,metisVisitor, pathname + "/mig", comm));
-        migSimulationObserver->setLBMKernel(kernel);
-        migSimulationObserver->setBCSet(bcProc);
-        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        grid->setDeltaX(dx);
+        grid->setBlockNX(blocknx[0], blocknx[1], blocknx[2]);
+        grid->setPeriodicX1(false);
+        grid->setPeriodicX2(true);
+        grid->setPeriodicX3(false);
-        if (newStart) {
-            //GbGyroidThirdOrderPtr tpms;            
-            // tpms = GbGyroidThirdOrderPtr(new GbGyroidThirdOrder(TPMSOrigin[0], TPMSOrigin[1], TPMSOrigin[2],
-            //                                                   TPMSOrigin[0] + TPMSL[0],
-            //                                                   TPMSOrigin[1] + TPMSL[1],
-            //                                                   TPMSOrigin[2] + TPMSL[2],
-            //                                                   UnitEdgeLength, dx, 2.5e-4));
-            GbGyroidThirdOrderLongPtr tpms;
-            tpms = GbGyroidThirdOrderLongPtr(new GbGyroidThirdOrderLong(TPMSOrigin[0], TPMSOrigin[1], TPMSOrigin[2],
-                                                              TPMSOrigin[0] + TPMSL[0],
-                                                              TPMSOrigin[1] + TPMSL[1],
-                                                              TPMSOrigin[2] + TPMSL[2],
-                                                              UnitEdgeLength, dx, 2.5e-4));
-            double g_minX1 = gridCubeOrigin[0];
-            double g_minX2 = gridCubeOrigin[1];
-            double g_minX3 = gridCubeOrigin[2];
-            double g_maxX1 = gridCubeOrigin[0] + length[0];
-            double g_maxX2 = gridCubeOrigin[1] + length[1];
-            double g_maxX3 = gridCubeOrigin[2] + length[2];
-            SPtr<GbObject3D> gridCube(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
-            if (myid == 0)
-                GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), pathname + "/geo/gridCube",
-                                           WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-            SPtr<GbCuboid3D> spongecube(new GbCuboid3D(TPMSOrigin[0] + TPMSL[0], g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx,
-                                                       g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3 + dx));
-            if (myid == 0)
-                GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(spongecube.get(), pathname + "/geo/spongecube",
-                                           WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-            if (myid == 0) {
-                // UBLOG(logINFO,"rho = " << rhoLB );
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "nu = " << nu);
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "Re = " << Re);
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "vx = " << vx);
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "dx = " << dx);
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - start");
-            }
+        GenBlocksGridVisitor genBlocks(gridCube);
+        grid->accept(genBlocks);
-            grid->setDeltaX(dx);
-            grid->setBlockNX(blocknx[0], blocknx[1], blocknx[2]);
-            grid->setPeriodicX1(false);
-            grid->setPeriodicX2(true);
-            grid->setPeriodicX3(false);
+        SPtr<SimulationObserver> ppblocks(new WriteBlocksSimulationObserver(grid, SPtr<UbScheduler>(new UbScheduler(1)), pathname,
+                                                                WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
-            GenBlocksGridVisitor genBlocks(gridCube);
-            grid->accept(genBlocks);
+        ppblocks->update(0);
-            SPtr<SimulationObserver> ppblocks(new WriteBlocksSimulationObserver(grid, SPtr<UbScheduler>(new UbScheduler(1)), pathname,
-                                                                  WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
-            ppblocks->update(0);
+        GbCuboid3DPtr xMin( new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_minX1, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3 + dx));
+        GbCuboid3DPtr xMax(new GbCuboid3D(g_maxX1 , g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3 + dx));
+        GbCuboid3DPtr zMin(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_minX3));
+        GbCuboid3DPtr zMax(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_maxX3, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3 + dx));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(xMin.get(), pathname + "/geo/xMin", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(xMax.get(), pathname + "/geo/xMax", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(zMin.get(), pathname + "/geo/zMin", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(zMax.get(), pathname + "/geo/zMax", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-            GbCuboid3DPtr xMin( new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_minX1, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3 + dx));
-            GbCuboid3DPtr xMax(new GbCuboid3D(g_maxX1 , g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3 + dx));
-            GbCuboid3DPtr zMin(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_minX3));
-            GbCuboid3DPtr zMax(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_maxX3, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3 + dx));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> tpmsInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(tpms, grid, tpmsNoslipAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID, Interactor3D::POINTS));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> xMinInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(xMin, grid, xMinApr, Interactor3D::SOLID, Interactor3D::POINTS));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> xMaxInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(xMax, grid, xMaxApr, Interactor3D::SOLID, Interactor3D::POINTS));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> zMinInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(zMin, grid, zMinApr, Interactor3D::SOLID, Interactor3D::POINTS));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> zMaxInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(zMax, grid, zMaxApr, Interactor3D::SOLID, Interactor3D::POINTS));
-            if (myid == 0)
-                GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(xMin.get(), pathname + "/geo/xMin", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-            if (myid == 0)
-                GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(xMax.get(), pathname + "/geo/xMax", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-            if (myid == 0)
-                GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(zMin.get(), pathname + "/geo/zMin", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-            if (myid == 0)
-                GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(zMax.get(), pathname + "/geo/zMax", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+        InteractorsHelper intHelper(grid, metisVisitor,false);
-            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> tpmsInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(tpms, grid, tpmsNoslipAdapter, Interactor3D::SOLID, Interactor3D::POINTS));
-            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> xMinInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(xMin, grid, xMinApr, Interactor3D::SOLID, Interactor3D::POINTS));
-            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> xMaxInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(xMax, grid, xMaxApr, Interactor3D::SOLID, Interactor3D::POINTS));
-            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> zMinInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(zMin, grid, zMinApr, Interactor3D::SOLID, Interactor3D::POINTS));
-            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> zMaxInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(zMax, grid, zMaxApr, Interactor3D::SOLID, Interactor3D::POINTS));
+        intHelper.addInteractor(tpmsInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(zMinInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(zMaxInt);
-            InteractorsHelper intHelper(grid, metisVisitor,false);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(xMinInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(xMaxInt);
-            intHelper.addInteractor(tpmsInt);
-            intHelper.addInteractor(zMinInt);
-            intHelper.addInteractor(zMaxInt);
-            intHelper.addInteractor(xMinInt);
-            intHelper.addInteractor(xMaxInt);
+        intHelper.selectBlocks();
+        // domain decomposition for threads
+        //PQueuePartitioningGridVisitor pqPartVisitor(numOfThreads);
+        //grid->accept(pqPartVisitor);
+        ppblocks->update(0);
+        ppblocks.reset();
-            intHelper.selectBlocks();
-            // domain decomposition for threads
-            //PQueuePartitioningGridVisitor pqPartVisitor(numOfThreads);
-            //grid->accept(pqPartVisitor);
-            ppblocks->update(0);
-            ppblocks.reset();
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            unsigned long long numberOfBlocks = (unsigned long long)grid->getNumberOfBlocks();
-            int ghostLayer                    = 3;
-            unsigned long long numberOfNodesPerBlock =
-                (unsigned long long)(blocknx[0]) * (unsigned long long)(blocknx[1]) * (unsigned long long)(blocknx[2]);
-            unsigned long long numberOfNodes = numberOfBlocks * numberOfNodesPerBlock;
-            unsigned long long numberOfNodesPerBlockWithGhostLayer =
-                numberOfBlocks * (blocknx[0] + ghostLayer) * (blocknx[1] + ghostLayer) * (blocknx[2] + ghostLayer);
-            double needMemAll =
-                double(numberOfNodesPerBlockWithGhostLayer * (27 * sizeof(double) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(float) * 4));
-            double needMem = needMemAll / double(comm->getNumberOfProcesses());
-            if (myid == 0) {
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of blocks = " << numberOfBlocks);
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of nodes  = " << numberOfNodes);
-                int minInitLevel = grid->getCoarsestInitializedLevel();
-                int maxInitLevel = grid->getFinestInitializedLevel();
-                for (int level = minInitLevel; level <= maxInitLevel; level++) {
-                    int nobl = grid->getNumberOfBlocks(level);
-                    UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of blocks for level " << level << " = " << nobl);
-                    UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of nodes for level " << level << " = " << nobl * numberOfNodesPerBlock);
-                }
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "Necessary memory  = " << needMemAll << " bytes");
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "Necessary memory per process = " << needMem << " bytes");
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "Available memory per process = " << availMem << " bytes");
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        unsigned long long numberOfBlocks = (unsigned long long)grid->getNumberOfBlocks();
+        int ghostLayer                    = 3;
+        unsigned long long numberOfNodesPerBlock =
+            (unsigned long long)(blocknx[0]) * (unsigned long long)(blocknx[1]) * (unsigned long long)(blocknx[2]);
+        unsigned long long numberOfNodes = numberOfBlocks * numberOfNodesPerBlock;
+        unsigned long long numberOfNodesPerBlockWithGhostLayer =
+            numberOfBlocks * (blocknx[0] + ghostLayer) * (blocknx[1] + ghostLayer) * (blocknx[2] + ghostLayer);
+        double needMemAll =
+            double(numberOfNodesPerBlockWithGhostLayer * (27 * sizeof(double) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(float) * 4));
+        double needMem = needMemAll / double(comm->getNumberOfProcesses());
+        if (myid == 0) {
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of blocks = " << numberOfBlocks);
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of nodes  = " << numberOfNodes);
+            int minInitLevel = grid->getCoarsestInitializedLevel();
+            int maxInitLevel = grid->getFinestInitializedLevel();
+            for (int level = minInitLevel; level <= maxInitLevel; level++) {
+                int nobl = grid->getNumberOfBlocks(level);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of blocks for level " << level << " = " << nobl);
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Number of nodes for level " << level << " = " << nobl * numberOfNodesPerBlock);
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Necessary memory  = " << needMemAll << " bytes");
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Necessary memory per process = " << needMem << " bytes");
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Available memory per process = " << availMem << " bytes");
+        }
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            SetKernelBlockVisitor kernelVisitor(kernel, nu);
-            grid->accept(kernelVisitor);
+        SetKernelBlockVisitor kernelVisitor(kernel, nu);
+        grid->accept(kernelVisitor);
-            intHelper.setBC();
+        intHelper.setBC();
-            SpongeLayerBlockVisitor spongeLayerVisitor(spongecube, kernel, nu, dP00);
-            grid->accept(spongeLayerVisitor);
+        SpongeLayerBlockVisitor spongeLayerVisitor(spongecube, kernel, nu, dP00);
+        grid->accept(spongeLayerVisitor);
-            grid->accept(bcVisitor);
+        grid->accept(bcVisitor);
-            // initialization of distributions
-            InitDistributionsBlockVisitor initVisitor;
-            grid->accept(initVisitor);
+        // initialization of distributions
+        InitDistributionsBlockVisitor initVisitor;
+        grid->accept(initVisitor);
-            // boundary conditions grid
-            {
-                SPtr<UbScheduler> geoSch(new UbScheduler(1));
-                SPtr<SimulationObserver> ppgeo(new WriteBoundaryConditionsSimulationObserver(grid, geoSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
-                ppgeo->update(0);
-                ppgeo.reset();
-            }
-            if (myid == 0)
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - end");
-        } 
-        else 
+        // boundary conditions grid
-            if (myid == 0) {
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "Parameters:");
-                //UBLOG(logINFO, "uLb = " << uLB);
-                //UBLOG(logINFO, "rho = " << rhoLB);
-                //UBLOG(logINFO, "nuLb = " << nuLB);
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "Re = " << Re);
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "dx = " << dx);
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "number of levels = " << refineLevel + 1);
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "numOfThreads = " << numOfThreads);
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "path = " << pathname);
-            }
-            migSimulationObserver->restart((int)restartStep);
-            grid->setTimeStep(restartStep);
-            if (myid == 0)
-                UBLOG(logINFO, "Restart - end");
+            SPtr<UbScheduler> geoSch(new UbScheduler(1));
+            SPtr<SimulationObserver> ppgeo(new WriteBoundaryConditionsSimulationObserver(grid, geoSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
+            ppgeo->update(0);
+            ppgeo.reset();
+        }
+        if (myid == 0)
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - end");
+    } 
+    else 
+    {
+        if (myid == 0) {
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Parameters:");
+            //UBLOG(logINFO, "uLb = " << uLB);
+            //UBLOG(logINFO, "rho = " << rhoLB);
+            //UBLOG(logINFO, "nuLb = " << nuLB);
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Re = " << Re);
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "dx = " << dx);
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "number of levels = " << refineLevel + 1);
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "numOfThreads = " << numOfThreads);
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "path = " << pathname);
-        // set connectors
-        SPtr<Interpolator> iProcessor(new CompressibleOffsetMomentsInterpolator());
-        OneDistributionSetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm);
-        grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
-        SPtr<UbScheduler> visSch(new UbScheduler(outTime/*,beginTime,endTime*/));
-        SPtr<SimulationObserver> pp(new WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesSimulationObserver(grid, visSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), conv, comm));
-        //SPtr<UbScheduler> tavSch(new UbScheduler(100, timeAvStart, timeAvStop));
-        //SPtr<TimeAveragedValuesSimulationObserver> tav(new TimeAveragedValuesSimulationObserver(grid, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), tavSch, comm,
-        //TimeAveragedValuesSimulationObserver::Density | TimeAveragedValuesSimulationObserver::Velocity | TimeAveragedValuesSimulationObserver::Fluctuations));
-        //tav->setWithGhostLayer(true);        
-        SPtr<UbScheduler> nupsSch(new UbScheduler(500, 1000, 3000));
-        //OpenMP threads control
+        migSimulationObserver->restart((int)restartStep);
+        grid->setTimeStep(restartStep);
+        if (myid == 0)
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Restart - end");
+    }
+    // set connectors
+    SPtr<Interpolator> iProcessor(new CompressibleOffsetMomentsInterpolator());
+    OneDistributionSetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm);
+    grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
+    SPtr<UbScheduler> visSch(new UbScheduler(outTime/*,beginTime,endTime*/));
+    SPtr<SimulationObserver> pp(new WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesSimulationObserver(grid, visSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), conv, comm));
+    //SPtr<UbScheduler> tavSch(new UbScheduler(100, timeAvStart, timeAvStop));
+    //SPtr<TimeAveragedValuesSimulationObserver> tav(new TimeAveragedValuesSimulationObserver(grid, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), tavSch, comm,
+    //TimeAveragedValuesSimulationObserver::Density | TimeAveragedValuesSimulationObserver::Velocity | TimeAveragedValuesSimulationObserver::Fluctuations));
+    //tav->setWithGhostLayer(true);        
+    SPtr<UbScheduler> nupsSch(new UbScheduler(500, 1000, 3000));
+    //OpenMP threads control
 #ifdef _OPENMP
-      omp_set_num_threads(numOfThreads);
+    omp_set_num_threads(numOfThreads);
-        SPtr<SimulationObserver> npr(new NUPSCounterSimulationObserver(grid, nupsSch, numOfThreads, comm));
+    SPtr<SimulationObserver> npr(new NUPSCounterSimulationObserver(grid, nupsSch, numOfThreads, comm));
-        SPtr<UbScheduler> stepGhostLayer(visSch);
-        SPtr<Simulation> calculator(new Simulation(grid, stepGhostLayer, int(endTime)));
+    SPtr<UbScheduler> stepGhostLayer(visSch);
+    SPtr<Simulation> calculator(new Simulation(grid, stepGhostLayer, int(endTime)));
-        //calculator->addSimulationObserver(nupr);
-        calculator->addSimulationObserver(npr);
-        calculator->addSimulationObserver(pp);
-        calculator->addSimulationObserver(migSimulationObserver);
-        //calculator->addSimulationObserver(tav);
+    //calculator->addSimulationObserver(nupr);
+    calculator->addSimulationObserver(npr);
+    calculator->addSimulationObserver(pp);
+    calculator->addSimulationObserver(migSimulationObserver);
+    //calculator->addSimulationObserver(tav);
-        if (myid == 0)
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-start");
-        calculator->run();
-        if (myid == 0)
-            UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-end");
-    } catch (std::exception &e) {
-        cerr << e.what() << endl << flush;
-    } catch (std::string &s) {
-        cerr << s << endl;
-    } catch (...) {
-        cerr << "unknown exception" << endl;
-    }
+    if (myid == 0)
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-start");
+    calculator->run();
+    if (myid == 0)
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-end");
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-    if (argv != NULL) {
-        if (argv[1] != NULL) {
-            run(string(argv[1]));
-        } else {
-            cout << "Configuration file is missing!" << endl;
-        }
+    try {
+        vf::logging::Logger::initializeLogger();
+        vf::basics::ConfigurationFile config = vf::basics::loadConfig(argc, argv);
+        run(config);
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        VF_LOG_WARNING("{}", e.what());
+        return 1;
+    return 0;
 //! \}
diff --git a/apps/cpu/LaminarPipeFlow/LaminarPipeFlow.cpp b/apps/cpu/LaminarPipeFlow/LaminarPipeFlow.cpp
index 5bf8a37916160ec59f0db48203d82918b5a0bdc5..8277b6df195cd92fcde10189b945c27d21686bfd 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/LaminarPipeFlow/LaminarPipeFlow.cpp
+++ b/apps/cpu/LaminarPipeFlow/LaminarPipeFlow.cpp
@@ -39,272 +39,263 @@
 using namespace std;
-void run(string configname)
+void run(const vf::basics::ConfigurationFile& config)
     using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
-   try
-   {
-      vf::basics::ConfigurationFile   config;
-      config.load(configname);
-      string        pathname = config.getValue<string>("pathname");
-      int           numOfThreads = config.getValue<int>("numOfThreads");
-      vector<int>   blocknx = config.getVector<int>("blocknx");
-      real          endTime = config.getValue<real>("endTime");
-      real          outTime = config.getValue<real>("outTime");
-      int           refineLevel = config.getValue<int>("refineLevel");
-      real          dx = config.getValue<real>("dx");
-      vector<real>  length = config.getVector<real>("length");
-      real          restartStep = config.getValue<real>("restartStep");
-      real          cpStart = config.getValue<real>("cpStart");
-      real          cpStep = config.getValue<real>("cpStep");
-      bool          newStart = config.getValue<bool>("newStart");
-      SPtr<vf::parallel::Communicator> comm = vf::parallel::MPICommunicator::getInstance();
-      int myid = comm->getProcessID();
-      real dLB = length[1] / dx;
-      real rhoLB1 = 0.00001;
-      real rhoLB2 = 0.0;
-      real nuLB = 0.0064;
-      SPtr<LBMUnitConverter> conv = SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter());
-      //boundary conditions
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      SPtr<BC> noSlipBC(new NoSlipBC());
-      noSlipBC->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new NoSlipInterpolated()));
-      SPtr<BC> pressureBC1(new PressureBC(rhoLB1));
-      pressureBC1->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new PressureNonEquilibrium()));
-      SPtr<BC> pressureBC2(new PressureBC(rhoLB2));
-      pressureBC2->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new PressureNonEquilibrium()));
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      //BC visitor
-      BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor bcVisitor;
-      SPtr<Grid3D> grid(new Grid3D(comm));
-      SPtr<BCSet> bcProc;
-      bcProc = SPtr<BCSet>(new BCSet());
-      SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new K17CompressibleNavierStokes());
-      kernel->setBCSet(bcProc);
-      SPtr<Grid3DVisitor> metisVisitor(new MetisPartitioningGridVisitor(comm, MetisPartitioningGridVisitor::LevelBased, d00M));
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      //restart
-      SPtr<UbScheduler> mSch(new UbScheduler(cpStep, cpStart));
-      SPtr<MPIIOMigrationSimulationObserver> restart(new MPIIOMigrationSimulationObserver(grid, mSch, metisVisitor, pathname, comm));
-      restart->setLBMKernel(kernel);
-      restart->setBCSet(bcProc);
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      real R = length[1] / 2.0;
-      real dp = (rhoLB1 / 3. - rhoLB2 / 3.);
-      real L = length[0];
-      real u_max = R* R / (4. * nuLB) * (dp / L);
-      real Re = u_max * 2 * R / nuLB;
-      if (myid == 0) 
-      {
-          VF_LOG_INFO("Parameters:");
-          VF_LOG_INFO("p1 = {}", rhoLB1 / 3.);
-          VF_LOG_INFO("p1 = {}", rhoLB2 / 3.);
-          VF_LOG_INFO("nuLb = {}", nuLB);
-          VF_LOG_INFO("u_max = {}", u_max );
-          VF_LOG_INFO("Re = {}", Re);
-          VF_LOG_INFO("dx = {}", dx);
-          VF_LOG_INFO("number of levels = {}", refineLevel + 1);
-          VF_LOG_INFO("numOfThreads = {}", numOfThreads);
-          VF_LOG_INFO("path = {}", pathname);
-          VF_LOG_INFO("Preprocess - start");
-      }
-      if (newStart)
-      {
-         //bounding box
-         real g_minX1 = 0.0;
-         real g_minX2 = -length[1] / 2.0;
-         real g_minX3 = -length[2] / 2.0;
-         real g_maxX1 = length[0];
-         real g_maxX2 = length[1] / 2.0;
-         real g_maxX3 = length[2] / 2.0;
-         SPtr<GbObject3D> cylinder(new GbCylinder3D(g_minX1 - 2.0*dx, 0.0, 0.0, g_maxX1 + 2.0*dx, 0.0, 0.0, dLB / 2.0));
-         GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(cylinder.get(), pathname + "/geo/cylinder", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-         SPtr<GbObject3D> gridCube(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
-         if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), pathname + "/geo/gridCube", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-         real blockLength = 3. * dx;
-         grid->setDeltaX(dx);
-         grid->setBlockNX(blocknx[0], blocknx[1], blocknx[2]);
-         grid->setPeriodicX1(false);
-         grid->setPeriodicX2(false);
-         grid->setPeriodicX3(false);
-         if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), pathname + "/geo/gridCube", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-         GenBlocksGridVisitor genBlocks(gridCube);
-         grid->accept(genBlocks);
-         SPtr<GbObject3D> refineCube1_1(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_minX2 + blockLength, g_maxX3));
-         if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(refineCube1_1.get(), pathname + "/geo/refineCube1_1", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+    string pathname = config.getValue<string>("pathname");
+    int numOfThreads = config.getValue<int>("numOfThreads");
+    vector<int> blocknx = config.getVector<int>("blocknx");
+    real endTime = config.getValue<real>("endTime");
+    real outTime = config.getValue<real>("outTime");
+    int refineLevel = config.getValue<int>("refineLevel");
+    real dx = config.getValue<real>("dx");
+    vector<real> length = config.getVector<real>("length");
+    real restartStep = config.getValue<real>("restartStep");
+    real cpStart = config.getValue<real>("cpStart");
+    real cpStep = config.getValue<real>("cpStep");
+    bool newStart = config.getValue<bool>("newStart");
+    SPtr<vf::parallel::Communicator> comm = vf::parallel::MPICommunicator::getInstance();
+    int myid = comm->getProcessID();
+    real dLB = length[1] / dx;
+    real rhoLB1 = 0.00001;
+    real rhoLB2 = 0.0;
+    real nuLB = 0.0064;
+    SPtr<LBMUnitConverter> conv = SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter());
+    // boundary conditions
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    SPtr<BC> noSlipBC(new NoSlipBC());
+    noSlipBC->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new NoSlipInterpolated()));
+    SPtr<BC> pressureBC1(new PressureBC(rhoLB1));
+    pressureBC1->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new PressureNonEquilibrium()));
+    SPtr<BC> pressureBC2(new PressureBC(rhoLB2));
+    pressureBC2->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new PressureNonEquilibrium()));
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // BC visitor
+    BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor bcVisitor;
+    SPtr<Grid3D> grid(new Grid3D(comm));
+    SPtr<BCSet> bcProc;
+    bcProc = SPtr<BCSet>(new BCSet());
+    SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new K17CompressibleNavierStokes());
+    kernel->setBCSet(bcProc);
+    SPtr<Grid3DVisitor> metisVisitor(new MetisPartitioningGridVisitor(comm, MetisPartitioningGridVisitor::LevelBased, d00M));
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // restart
+    SPtr<UbScheduler> mSch(new UbScheduler(cpStep, cpStart));
+    SPtr<MPIIOMigrationSimulationObserver> restart(
+        new MPIIOMigrationSimulationObserver(grid, mSch, metisVisitor, pathname, comm));
+    restart->setLBMKernel(kernel);
+    restart->setBCSet(bcProc);
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    real R = length[1] / 2.0;
+    real dp = (rhoLB1 / 3. - rhoLB2 / 3.);
+    real L = length[0];
+    real u_max = R * R / (4. * nuLB) * (dp / L);
+    real Re = u_max * 2 * R / nuLB;
+    if (myid == 0) {
+        VF_LOG_INFO("Parameters:");
+        VF_LOG_INFO("p1 = {}", rhoLB1 / 3.);
+        VF_LOG_INFO("p1 = {}", rhoLB2 / 3.);
+        VF_LOG_INFO("nuLb = {}", nuLB);
+        VF_LOG_INFO("u_max = {}", u_max);
+        VF_LOG_INFO("Re = {}", Re);
+        VF_LOG_INFO("dx = {}", dx);
+        VF_LOG_INFO("number of levels = {}", refineLevel + 1);
+        VF_LOG_INFO("numOfThreads = {}", numOfThreads);
+        VF_LOG_INFO("path = {}", pathname);
+        VF_LOG_INFO("Preprocess - start");
+    }
+    if (newStart) {
+        // bounding box
+        real g_minX1 = 0.0;
+        real g_minX2 = -length[1] / 2.0;
+        real g_minX3 = -length[2] / 2.0;
+        real g_maxX1 = length[0];
+        real g_maxX2 = length[1] / 2.0;
+        real g_maxX3 = length[2] / 2.0;
+        SPtr<GbObject3D> cylinder(new GbCylinder3D(g_minX1 - 2.0 * dx, 0.0, 0.0, g_maxX1 + 2.0 * dx, 0.0, 0.0, dLB / 2.0));
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(cylinder.get(), pathname + "/geo/cylinder", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+        SPtr<GbObject3D> gridCube(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), pathname + "/geo/gridCube", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+        real blockLength = 3. * dx;
+        grid->setDeltaX(dx);
+        grid->setBlockNX(blocknx[0], blocknx[1], blocknx[2]);
+        grid->setPeriodicX1(false);
+        grid->setPeriodicX2(false);
+        grid->setPeriodicX3(false);
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), pathname + "/geo/gridCube", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+        GenBlocksGridVisitor genBlocks(gridCube);
+        grid->accept(genBlocks);
-         SPtr<GbObject3D> refineCube1_2(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_maxX2 - blockLength, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
-         if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(refineCube1_2.get(), pathname + "/geo/refineCube1_2", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+        SPtr<GbObject3D> refineCube1_1(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_minX2 + blockLength, g_maxX3));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(refineCube1_1.get(), pathname + "/geo/refineCube1_1",
+                                       WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-         SPtr<GbObject3D> refineCube1_3(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_minX3 + blockLength));
-         if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(refineCube1_3.get(), pathname + "/geo/refineCube1_3", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+        SPtr<GbObject3D> refineCube1_2(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_maxX2 - blockLength, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(refineCube1_2.get(), pathname + "/geo/refineCube1_2",
+                                       WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-         SPtr<GbObject3D> refineCube1_4(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_maxX3 - blockLength, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
-         if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(refineCube1_4.get(), pathname + "/geo/refineCube1_4", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+        SPtr<GbObject3D> refineCube1_3(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_minX3 + blockLength));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(refineCube1_3.get(), pathname + "/geo/refineCube1_3",
+                                       WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-         if (refineLevel > 0)
-         {
-            if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Refinement - start");
+        SPtr<GbObject3D> refineCube1_4(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_maxX3 - blockLength, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(refineCube1_4.get(), pathname + "/geo/refineCube1_4",
+                                       WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+        if (refineLevel > 0) {
+            if (myid == 0)
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Refinement - start");
             RefineCrossAndInsideGbObjectHelper refineHelper(grid, refineLevel, comm);
             refineHelper.addGbObject(refineCube1_1, 1);
             refineHelper.addGbObject(refineCube1_2, 1);
             refineHelper.addGbObject(refineCube1_3, 1);
             refineHelper.addGbObject(refineCube1_4, 1);
-            if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Refinement - end");
-         }
+            if (myid == 0)
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Refinement - end");
+        }
+        // inflow
+        GbCuboid3DPtr geoInflow(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - blockLength, g_minX2 - blockLength, g_minX3 - blockLength, g_minX1,
+                                               g_maxX2 + blockLength, g_maxX3 + blockLength));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoInflow.get(), pathname + "/geo/geoInflow", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        // outflow
+        GbCuboid3DPtr geoOutflow(new GbCuboid3D(g_maxX1, g_minX2 - blockLength, g_minX3 - blockLength, g_maxX1 + blockLength,
+                                                g_maxX2 + blockLength, g_maxX3 + blockLength));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoOutflow.get(), pathname + "/geo/geoOutflow", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-         //inflow
-         GbCuboid3DPtr geoInflow(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1-blockLength, g_minX2-blockLength, g_minX3-blockLength, g_minX1, g_maxX2+blockLength, g_maxX3+blockLength));
-         if (myid==0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoInflow.get(), pathname+"/geo/geoInflow", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> cylinderInt(new D3Q27Interactor(cylinder, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::INVERSESOLID));
-         //outflow
-         GbCuboid3DPtr geoOutflow(new GbCuboid3D(g_maxX1, g_minX2-blockLength, g_minX3-blockLength, g_maxX1+blockLength, g_maxX2+blockLength, g_maxX3+blockLength));
-         if (myid==0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoOutflow.get(), pathname+"/geo/geoOutflow", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> inflowInt =
+            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(geoInflow, grid, pressureBC1, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-         SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> cylinderInt(new D3Q27Interactor(cylinder, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::INVERSESOLID));
-         SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> inflowInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(geoInflow, grid, pressureBC1, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> outflowInt =
+            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(geoOutflow, grid, pressureBC2, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-         SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> outflowInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(geoOutflow, grid, pressureBC2, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        InteractorsHelper intHelper(grid, metisVisitor);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(cylinderInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(inflowInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(outflowInt);
+        intHelper.selectBlocks();
-         InteractorsHelper intHelper(grid, metisVisitor);
-         intHelper.addInteractor(cylinderInt);
-         intHelper.addInteractor(inflowInt);
-         intHelper.addInteractor(outflowInt);
-         intHelper.selectBlocks();
+        SPtr<SimulationObserver> ppblocks(new WriteBlocksSimulationObserver(
+            grid, SPtr<UbScheduler>(new UbScheduler(1)), pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
+        ppblocks->update(0);
+        ppblocks.reset();
-         SPtr<SimulationObserver> ppblocks(new WriteBlocksSimulationObserver(grid, SPtr<UbScheduler>(new UbScheduler(1)), pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
-         ppblocks->update(0);
-         ppblocks.reset();
+        if (myid == 0)
+            VF_LOG_INFO("{}", Utilities::toString(grid, comm->getNumberOfProcesses()));
-         if (myid == 0) VF_LOG_INFO("{}",Utilities::toString(grid, comm->getNumberOfProcesses()));
-         SetKernelBlockVisitor kernelVisitor(kernel, nuLB);
-         grid->accept(kernelVisitor);
+        SetKernelBlockVisitor kernelVisitor(kernel, nuLB);
+        grid->accept(kernelVisitor);
-         if (refineLevel > 0)
-         {
+        if (refineLevel > 0) {
             SetUndefinedNodesBlockVisitor undefNodesVisitor;
-         }
+        }
-         intHelper.setBC();
+        intHelper.setBC();
-         //initialization of distributions
-         InitDistributionsBlockVisitor initVisitor;
-         grid->accept(initVisitor);
+        // initialization of distributions
+        InitDistributionsBlockVisitor initVisitor;
+        grid->accept(initVisitor);
-         //boundary conditions grid
-         {
+        // boundary conditions grid
+        {
             SPtr<UbScheduler> geoSch(new UbScheduler(1));
-            SPtr<SimulationObserver> ppgeo(new WriteBoundaryConditionsSimulationObserver(grid, geoSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
+            SPtr<SimulationObserver> ppgeo(new WriteBoundaryConditionsSimulationObserver(
+                grid, geoSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
-         }
+        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         restart->restart((int)restartStep);
-         grid->setTimeStep(restartStep);
+    } else {
+        restart->restart((int)restartStep);
+        grid->setTimeStep(restartStep);
-         if (myid == 0) VF_LOG_INFO("Restart - end");
-      }
+        if (myid == 0)
+            VF_LOG_INFO("Restart - end");
+    }
-      grid->accept(bcVisitor);
+    grid->accept(bcVisitor);
-      OneDistributionSetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm);
-      grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
+    OneDistributionSetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm);
+    grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
-      SPtr<Interpolator> iProcessor(new CompressibleOffsetMomentsInterpolator());
-      SetInterpolationConnectorsBlockVisitor setInterConnsVisitor(comm, nuLB, iProcessor);
-      grid->accept(setInterConnsVisitor);
+    SPtr<Interpolator> iProcessor(new CompressibleOffsetMomentsInterpolator());
+    SetInterpolationConnectorsBlockVisitor setInterConnsVisitor(comm, nuLB, iProcessor);
+    grid->accept(setInterConnsVisitor);
-      SPtr<UbScheduler> visSch(new UbScheduler(outTime));
-      SPtr<SimulationObserver> pp(new WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesSimulationObserver(grid, visSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), conv, comm));
+    SPtr<UbScheduler> visSch(new UbScheduler(outTime));
+    SPtr<SimulationObserver> pp(new WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesSimulationObserver(
+        grid, visSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), conv, comm));
-      SPtr<UbScheduler> nupsSch(new UbScheduler(10, 10, 100));
-      SPtr<SimulationObserver> npr(new NUPSCounterSimulationObserver(grid, nupsSch, numOfThreads, comm));
+    SPtr<UbScheduler> nupsSch(new UbScheduler(10, 10, 100));
+    SPtr<SimulationObserver> npr(new NUPSCounterSimulationObserver(grid, nupsSch, numOfThreads, comm));
 #ifdef _OPENMP
-      omp_set_num_threads(numOfThreads);
+    omp_set_num_threads(numOfThreads);
-      if (myid == 0)
-         VF_LOG_INFO("Preprocess - end");
-      SPtr<UbScheduler> stepGhostLayer(visSch);
-      SPtr<Simulation> simulation(new Simulation(grid, stepGhostLayer, int(endTime)));
-      simulation->addSimulationObserver(npr);
-      simulation->addSimulationObserver(pp);
-      simulation->addSimulationObserver(restart);
-      if (myid == 0) VF_LOG_INFO("Simulation-start");
-      simulation->run();
-      if (myid == 0) VF_LOG_INFO("Simulation-end");
-   }
-   catch (std::exception& e)
-   {
-      cerr << e.what() << endl << flush;
-   }
-   catch (std::string& s)
-   {
-      cerr << s << endl;
-   }
-   catch (...)
-   {
-      cerr << "unknown exception" << endl;
-   }
+    if (myid == 0)
+        VF_LOG_INFO("Preprocess - end");
+    SPtr<UbScheduler> stepGhostLayer(visSch);
+    SPtr<Simulation> simulation(new Simulation(grid, stepGhostLayer, int(endTime)));
+    simulation->addSimulationObserver(npr);
+    simulation->addSimulationObserver(pp);
+    simulation->addSimulationObserver(restart);
+    if (myid == 0)
+        VF_LOG_INFO("Simulation-start");
+    simulation->run();
+    if (myid == 0)
+        VF_LOG_INFO("Simulation-end");
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
     try {
-        VF_LOG_INFO("Starting VirtualFluids...");
-        if (argc > 1)
-            run(std::string(argv[1]));
-        else
-            VF_LOG_CRITICAL("Configuration file is missing!");
-        VF_LOG_INFO("VirtualFluids is finished.");
-    } catch (const spdlog::spdlog_ex &ex) {
-        std::cout << "Log initialization failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
+        auto config = vf::basics::loadConfig(argc, argv);
+        run(config);
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        VF_LOG_WARNING("{}", e.what());
+        return 1;
+    return 0;
 //! \}
diff --git a/apps/cpu/LaminarPlaneFlow/LaminarPlaneFlow.cpp b/apps/cpu/LaminarPlaneFlow/LaminarPlaneFlow.cpp
index e55145e083046e03adf5975e4e3c2c6b448263c7..7805a797ad465def68d4c5a7884914e110fb3119 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/LaminarPlaneFlow/LaminarPlaneFlow.cpp
+++ b/apps/cpu/LaminarPlaneFlow/LaminarPlaneFlow.cpp
@@ -39,110 +39,109 @@
 using namespace std;
-void pflowdp(string configname)
+void run(const vf::basics::ConfigurationFile& config)
-     using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
-   try
-   {
-      vf::basics::ConfigurationFile   config;
-      config.load(configname);
-      string        pathname = config.getValue<string>("pathname");
-      int           numOfThreads = config.getValue<int>("numOfThreads");
-      vector<int>   blocknx = config.getVector<int>("blocknx");
-      vector<real>  boundingBox = config.getVector<real>("boundingBox");
-      real          endTime = config.getValue<real>("endTime");
-      real          outTime = config.getValue<real>("outTime");
-      int           refineLevel = config.getValue<int>("refineLevel");
-      real          restartStep = config.getValue<real>("restartStep");
-      real          deltax = config.getValue<real>("deltax");
-      real          cpStep = config.getValue<real>("cpStep");
-      real          cpStart = config.getValue<real>("cpStart");
-      bool          newStart = config.getValue<bool>("newStart");
-      SPtr<vf::parallel::Communicator> comm = vf::parallel::MPICommunicator::getInstance();
-      int myid = comm->getProcessID();
-      real rhoLB1 = 0.00001;
-      real rhoLB2 = 0.0;
-      real nu = 0.0064;
-      real h = boundingBox[1] / 2.0;
-      real dp = (rhoLB1 / 3. - rhoLB2 / 3.);
-      real L = boundingBox[0];
-      real u_max = h * h / (2. * nu) * (dp / L);
-      real Re = u_max * 2 * h / nu;
-      SPtr<LBMUnitConverter> conv = SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter());
-      //bounding box
-      real g_minX1 = 0;
-      real g_minX2 = 0;
-      real g_minX3 = 0;
-      real g_maxX1 = boundingBox[0];
-      real g_maxX2 = boundingBox[1];
-      real g_maxX3 = boundingBox[2];
-      real blockLength = 3.0 * deltax;
-      //bc
-      SPtr<BC> noSlipBC(new NoSlipBC());
-      noSlipBC->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new NoSlipInterpolated()));
-      SPtr<BC> pressureBC1(new PressureBC(rhoLB1));
-      pressureBC1->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new PressureNonEquilibrium()));
-      SPtr<BC> pressureBC2(new PressureBC(rhoLB2));
-      pressureBC2->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new PressureNonEquilibrium()));
-      //BS visitor
-      BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor bcVisitor;
-      SPtr<Grid3D> grid(new Grid3D(comm));
-      grid->setPeriodicX1(false);
-      grid->setPeriodicX2(false);
-      grid->setPeriodicX3(true);
-      grid->setDeltaX(deltax);
-      grid->setBlockNX(blocknx[0], blocknx[1], blocknx[2]);
-      SPtr<GbObject3D> gridCube(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
-      if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), pathname + "/geo/gridCube", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-      real k1 = 4;
-      SPtr<GbObject3D> refineCube1_1(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2 / k1 - 1.0, g_maxX3));
-      if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(refineCube1_1.get(), pathname + "/geo/refineCube1_1", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-      SPtr<GbObject3D> refineCube1_2(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_maxX2 - g_maxX2 / k1 + 1.0, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
-      if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(refineCube1_2.get(), pathname + "/geo/refineCube1_2", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-      SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel;
-      kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new K17CompressibleNavierStokes());
-      SPtr<BCSet> bcProc;
-      bcProc = std::make_shared<BCSet>();
-      kernel->setBCSet(bcProc);
-      SPtr<Grid3DVisitor> metisVisitor(new MetisPartitioningGridVisitor(comm, MetisPartitioningGridVisitor::LevelBased, d00M));
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      // restart
-      SPtr<UbScheduler> mSch(new UbScheduler(cpStep, cpStart));
-      SPtr<MPIIOMigrationSimulationObserver> restart(new MPIIOMigrationSimulationObserver(grid, mSch, metisVisitor, pathname, comm));
-      restart->setLBMKernel(kernel);
-      restart->setBCSet(bcProc);
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      if (newStart)
-      {
-         GenBlocksGridVisitor genBlocks(gridCube);
-         grid->accept(genBlocks);
-         if (myid == 0)
-         {
+    using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+    string pathname = config.getValue<string>("pathname");
+    int numOfThreads = config.getValue<int>("numOfThreads");
+    vector<int> blocknx = config.getVector<int>("blocknx");
+    vector<real> boundingBox = config.getVector<real>("boundingBox");
+    real endTime = config.getValue<real>("endTime");
+    real outTime = config.getValue<real>("outTime");
+    int refineLevel = config.getValue<int>("refineLevel");
+    real restartStep = config.getValue<real>("restartStep");
+    real deltax = config.getValue<real>("deltax");
+    real cpStep = config.getValue<real>("cpStep");
+    real cpStart = config.getValue<real>("cpStart");
+    bool newStart = config.getValue<bool>("newStart");
+    SPtr<vf::parallel::Communicator> comm = vf::parallel::MPICommunicator::getInstance();
+    int myid = comm->getProcessID();
+    real rhoLB1 = 0.00001;
+    real rhoLB2 = 0.0;
+    real nu = 0.0064;
+    real h = boundingBox[1] / 2.0;
+    real dp = (rhoLB1 / 3. - rhoLB2 / 3.);
+    real L = boundingBox[0];
+    real u_max = h * h / (2. * nu) * (dp / L);
+    real Re = u_max * 2 * h / nu;
+    SPtr<LBMUnitConverter> conv = SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter());
+    // bounding box
+    real g_minX1 = 0;
+    real g_minX2 = 0;
+    real g_minX3 = 0;
+    real g_maxX1 = boundingBox[0];
+    real g_maxX2 = boundingBox[1];
+    real g_maxX3 = boundingBox[2];
+    real blockLength = 3.0 * deltax;
+    // bc
+    SPtr<BC> noSlipBC(new NoSlipBC());
+    noSlipBC->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new NoSlipInterpolated()));
+    SPtr<BC> pressureBC1(new PressureBC(rhoLB1));
+    pressureBC1->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new PressureNonEquilibrium()));
+    SPtr<BC> pressureBC2(new PressureBC(rhoLB2));
+    pressureBC2->setBCStrategy(SPtr<BCStrategy>(new PressureNonEquilibrium()));
+    // BS visitor
+    BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor bcVisitor;
+    SPtr<Grid3D> grid(new Grid3D(comm));
+    grid->setPeriodicX1(false);
+    grid->setPeriodicX2(false);
+    grid->setPeriodicX3(true);
+    grid->setDeltaX(deltax);
+    grid->setBlockNX(blocknx[0], blocknx[1], blocknx[2]);
+    SPtr<GbObject3D> gridCube(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
+    if (myid == 0)
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), pathname + "/geo/gridCube", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+    real k1 = 4;
+    SPtr<GbObject3D> refineCube1_1(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2 / k1 - 1.0, g_maxX3));
+    if (myid == 0)
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(refineCube1_1.get(), pathname + "/geo/refineCube1_1",
+                                   WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+    SPtr<GbObject3D> refineCube1_2(
+        new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_maxX2 - g_maxX2 / k1 + 1.0, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
+    if (myid == 0)
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(refineCube1_2.get(), pathname + "/geo/refineCube1_2",
+                                   WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+    SPtr<LBMKernel> kernel;
+    kernel = SPtr<LBMKernel>(new K17CompressibleNavierStokes());
+    SPtr<BCSet> bcProc;
+    bcProc = std::make_shared<BCSet>();
+    kernel->setBCSet(bcProc);
+    SPtr<Grid3DVisitor> metisVisitor(new MetisPartitioningGridVisitor(comm, MetisPartitioningGridVisitor::LevelBased, d00M));
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // restart
+    SPtr<UbScheduler> mSch(new UbScheduler(cpStep, cpStart));
+    SPtr<MPIIOMigrationSimulationObserver> restart(
+        new MPIIOMigrationSimulationObserver(grid, mSch, metisVisitor, pathname, comm));
+    restart->setLBMKernel(kernel);
+    restart->setBCSet(bcProc);
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if (newStart) {
+        GenBlocksGridVisitor genBlocks(gridCube);
+        grid->accept(genBlocks);
+        if (myid == 0) {
             UBLOG(logINFO, "Parameters:");
             UBLOG(logINFO, "h = " << h);
             UBLOG(logINFO, "nue = " << nu);
@@ -154,176 +153,168 @@ void pflowdp(string configname)
             UBLOG(logINFO, "numOfThreads = " << numOfThreads);
             UBLOG(logINFO, "path = " << pathname);
             UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprozess - start");
-         }
-         //walls
-         GbCuboid3DPtr addWallYmin(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - blockLength, g_minX2 - blockLength, g_minX3 - blockLength, g_maxX1 + blockLength, g_minX2, g_maxX3 + blockLength));
-         if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(addWallYmin.get(), pathname + "/geo/addWallYmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-         GbCuboid3DPtr addWallYmax(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - blockLength, g_maxX2, g_minX3 - blockLength, g_maxX1 + blockLength, g_maxX2 + blockLength, g_maxX3 + blockLength));
-         if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(addWallYmax.get(), pathname + "/geo/addWallYmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-         //inflow
-         GbCuboid3DPtr geoInflow(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - blockLength, g_minX2 - blockLength, g_minX3 - blockLength, g_minX1, g_maxX2 + blockLength, g_maxX3 + blockLength));
-         if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoInflow.get(), pathname + "/geo/geoInflow", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-         //outflow
-         GbCuboid3DPtr geoOutflow(new GbCuboid3D(g_maxX1, g_minX2 - blockLength, g_minX3 - blockLength, g_maxX1 + blockLength, g_maxX2 + blockLength, g_maxX3 + blockLength));
-         if (myid == 0) GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoOutflow.get(), pathname + "/geo/geoOutflow", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-         SPtr<SimulationObserver> ppblocks(new WriteBlocksSimulationObserver(grid, SPtr<UbScheduler>(new UbScheduler(1)), pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
-         if (refineLevel > 0)
-         {
-            if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Refinement - start");
+        }
+        // walls
+        GbCuboid3DPtr addWallYmin(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - blockLength, g_minX2 - blockLength, g_minX3 - blockLength,
+                                                 g_maxX1 + blockLength, g_minX2, g_maxX3 + blockLength));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(addWallYmin.get(), pathname + "/geo/addWallYmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        GbCuboid3DPtr addWallYmax(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - blockLength, g_maxX2, g_minX3 - blockLength,
+                                                 g_maxX1 + blockLength, g_maxX2 + blockLength, g_maxX3 + blockLength));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(addWallYmax.get(), pathname + "/geo/addWallYmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        // inflow
+        GbCuboid3DPtr geoInflow(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - blockLength, g_minX2 - blockLength, g_minX3 - blockLength, g_minX1,
+                                               g_maxX2 + blockLength, g_maxX3 + blockLength));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoInflow.get(), pathname + "/geo/geoInflow", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        // outflow
+        GbCuboid3DPtr geoOutflow(new GbCuboid3D(g_maxX1, g_minX2 - blockLength, g_minX3 - blockLength, g_maxX1 + blockLength,
+                                                g_maxX2 + blockLength, g_maxX3 + blockLength));
+        if (myid == 0)
+            GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(geoOutflow.get(), pathname + "/geo/geoOutflow", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        SPtr<SimulationObserver> ppblocks(new WriteBlocksSimulationObserver(
+            grid, SPtr<UbScheduler>(new UbScheduler(1)), pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
+        if (refineLevel > 0) {
+            if (myid == 0)
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Refinement - start");
             RefineCrossAndInsideGbObjectHelper refineHelper(grid, refineLevel, comm);
             refineHelper.addGbObject(refineCube1_1, 1);
             refineHelper.addGbObject(refineCube1_2, 1);
-            if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Refinement - end");
-         }
-         //walls
-         SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> addWallYminInt(new D3Q27Interactor(addWallYmin, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-         SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> addWallYmaxInt(new D3Q27Interactor(addWallYmax, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+            if (myid == 0)
+                UBLOG(logINFO, "Refinement - end");
+        }
-         //inflow
-         SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> inflowInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(geoInflow, grid, pressureBC1, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        // walls
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> addWallYminInt(new D3Q27Interactor(addWallYmin, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> addWallYmaxInt(new D3Q27Interactor(addWallYmax, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-         //outflow
-         SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> outflowInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(geoOutflow, grid, pressureBC2, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-         //SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> outflowSolidInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(geoOutflow, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        // inflow
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> inflowInt =
+            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(geoInflow, grid, pressureBC1, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-         ////////////////////////////////////////////
-         //METIS
-         SPtr<Grid3DVisitor> metisVisitor(new MetisPartitioningGridVisitor(comm, MetisPartitioningGridVisitor::LevelBased, d00M));
-         ////////////////////////////////////////////
-         /////delete solid blocks
-         if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "deleteSolidBlocks - start");
-         InteractorsHelper intHelper(grid, metisVisitor);
+        // outflow
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> outflowInt =
+            SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(geoOutflow, grid, pressureBC2, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        // SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> outflowSolidInt = SPtr<D3Q27Interactor>(new D3Q27Interactor(geoOutflow, grid, noSlipBC,
+        // Interactor3D::SOLID));
-         intHelper.addInteractor(addWallYminInt);
-         intHelper.addInteractor(addWallYmaxInt);
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // METIS
+        SPtr<Grid3DVisitor> metisVisitor(
+            new MetisPartitioningGridVisitor(comm, MetisPartitioningGridVisitor::LevelBased, d00M));
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////
+        /////delete solid blocks
+        if (myid == 0)
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "deleteSolidBlocks - start");
+        InteractorsHelper intHelper(grid, metisVisitor);
-         intHelper.addInteractor(inflowInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(addWallYminInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(addWallYmaxInt);
-         intHelper.addInteractor(outflowInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(inflowInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(outflowInt);
+        intHelper.selectBlocks();
+        if (myid == 0)
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "deleteSolidBlocks - end");
+        //////////////////////////////////////
-         intHelper.selectBlocks();
-         if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "deleteSolidBlocks - end");
-         //////////////////////////////////////
+        ppblocks->update(0);
+        ppblocks.reset();
+        if (myid == 0)
+            VF_LOG_INFO("{}", Utilities::toString(grid, comm->getNumberOfProcesses()));
+        SetKernelBlockVisitor kernelVisitor(kernel, nu);
+        grid->accept(kernelVisitor);
-         ppblocks->update(0);
-         ppblocks.reset();
-         if (myid == 0) VF_LOG_INFO("{}",Utilities::toString(grid, comm->getNumberOfProcesses()));
-         SetKernelBlockVisitor kernelVisitor(kernel, nu);
-         grid->accept(kernelVisitor);
-         if (refineLevel > 0)
-         {
+        if (refineLevel > 0) {
             SetUndefinedNodesBlockVisitor undefNodesVisitor;
-         }
-         //walls
-         intHelper.setBC();
+        }
-         grid->accept(bcVisitor);
+        // walls
+        intHelper.setBC();
+        grid->accept(bcVisitor);
-         InitDistributionsBlockVisitor initVisitor;
-         grid->accept(initVisitor);
+        InitDistributionsBlockVisitor initVisitor;
+        grid->accept(initVisitor);
-         //Postprocess
-         SPtr<UbScheduler> geoSch(new UbScheduler(1));
-         SPtr<SimulationObserver> ppgeo(
-            new WriteBoundaryConditionsSimulationObserver(grid, geoSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
-         ppgeo->update(0);
-         ppgeo.reset();
+        // Postprocess
+        SPtr<UbScheduler> geoSch(new UbScheduler(1));
+        SPtr<SimulationObserver> ppgeo(new WriteBoundaryConditionsSimulationObserver(
+            grid, geoSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm));
+        ppgeo->update(0);
+        ppgeo.reset();
-         if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - end");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         restart->restart((int)restartStep);
-         grid->setTimeStep(restartStep);
+        if (myid == 0)
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - end");
+    } else {
+        restart->restart((int)restartStep);
+        grid->setTimeStep(restartStep);
-         if (myid == 0) UBLOG(logINFO, "Restart - end");
-      }
+        if (myid == 0)
+            UBLOG(logINFO, "Restart - end");
+    }
-      grid->accept(bcVisitor);
+    grid->accept(bcVisitor);
-      // set connectors
-      OneDistributionSetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm);
-      grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
+    // set connectors
+    OneDistributionSetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm);
+    grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
-      SPtr<Interpolator> iProcessor(new CompressibleOffsetMomentsInterpolator());
-      SetInterpolationConnectorsBlockVisitor setInterConnsVisitor(comm, nu, iProcessor);
-      grid->accept(setInterConnsVisitor);
+    SPtr<Interpolator> iProcessor(new CompressibleOffsetMomentsInterpolator());
+    SetInterpolationConnectorsBlockVisitor setInterConnsVisitor(comm, nu, iProcessor);
+    grid->accept(setInterConnsVisitor);
-      SPtr<UbScheduler> nupsSch(new UbScheduler(10, 30, 100));
-      SPtr<SimulationObserver> npr(new NUPSCounterSimulationObserver (grid, nupsSch, numOfThreads, comm));
+    SPtr<UbScheduler> nupsSch(new UbScheduler(10, 30, 100));
+    SPtr<SimulationObserver> npr(new NUPSCounterSimulationObserver(grid, nupsSch, numOfThreads, comm));
-      //write data for visualization of macroscopic quantities
-      SPtr<UbScheduler> visSch(new UbScheduler(outTime));
-      SPtr<WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesSimulationObserver> writeMQSimulationObserver(new WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesSimulationObserver(grid, visSch, pathname, 
-      WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance(), SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter()), comm));
+    // write data for visualization of macroscopic quantities
+    SPtr<UbScheduler> visSch(new UbScheduler(outTime));
+    SPtr<WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesSimulationObserver> writeMQSimulationObserver(
+        new WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesSimulationObserver(grid, visSch, pathname, WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance(),
+                                                         SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter()), comm));
-      // OpenMP threads control
+    // OpenMP threads control
 #ifdef _OPENMP
-      omp_set_num_threads(numOfThreads);
+    omp_set_num_threads(numOfThreads);
-      // Create simulation
-      SPtr<Simulation> simulation(new Simulation(grid, visSch, endTime));
-      simulation->addSimulationObserver(npr);
-      simulation->addSimulationObserver(writeMQSimulationObserver);
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      // Run simulation
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-start");
-      simulation->run();
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-end");
-   }
-   catch (std::exception & e)
-   {
-      cerr << e.what() << endl << flush;
-   }
-   catch (std::string & s)
-   {
-      cerr << s << endl;
-   }
-   catch (...)
-   {
-      cerr << "unknown exception" << endl;
-   }
+    // Create simulation
+    SPtr<Simulation> simulation(new Simulation(grid, visSch, endTime));
+    simulation->addSimulationObserver(npr);
+    simulation->addSimulationObserver(writeMQSimulationObserver);
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Run simulation
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-start");
+    simulation->run();
+    UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-end");
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-   if (argv != NULL)
-   {
-      if (argv[1] != NULL)
-      {
-         pflowdp(string(argv[1]));
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         cout << "Configuration file is missing!" << endl;
-      }
-   }
-   return 0;
+    try {
+        vf::logging::Logger::initializeLogger();
+        auto config = vf::basics::loadConfig(argc, argv);
+        run(config);
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        VF_LOG_WARNING("{}", e.what());
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
 //! \}
diff --git a/apps/cpu/LidDrivenCavity/LidDrivenCavity.cpp b/apps/cpu/LidDrivenCavity/LidDrivenCavity.cpp
index 98be72b2084549cd6d81e105273444ac9050f100..37c29df6de2d0c4b9d418cf114e2f94fbc26b6bf 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/LidDrivenCavity/LidDrivenCavity.cpp
+++ b/apps/cpu/LidDrivenCavity/LidDrivenCavity.cpp
@@ -38,228 +38,209 @@
 using namespace std;
-int main(int  argc, char*  argv[])
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-   using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
-   string configname;
-   if (argv != NULL)
-   {
-      if (argv[1] != NULL)
-      {
-         configname = string(argv[1]);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         cout << "Configuration file is missing!" << endl;
-         return 0;
-      }
-   }
-   try
-   {
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      // Simulation parameters
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      vf::basics::ConfigurationFile   config;
-      config.load(configname);
-      // set your output path here
-      string path = config.getValue<string>("path");   
-      const real L = config.getValue<real>("L");
-      const real Re = config.getValue<real>("Re");
-      const real velocity = config.getValue<real>("velocity");
-      const real dt = config.getValue<real>("dt");
-      const unsigned int nx = config.getValue<unsigned int>("nx");
-      const real timeStepOut = config.getValue<real>("timeStepOut");
-      const real timeStepEnd = config.getValue<real>("timeStepEnd");
-      // Number of OpenMP threads
-      int numOfThreads = config.getValue<int>("numOfThreads");      
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      real dx = L / real(nx);
-      const real velocityLB = velocity * dt / dx; // LB units
-      const real u = velocityLB / sqrt(2.0); // LB units
-      const real viscosityLB = nx * velocityLB / Re; // LB unit
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      // create grid
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      // bounding box
-      real g_minX1 = -0.5;
-      real g_minX2 = -0.5;
-      real g_minX3 = -0.5;
-      real g_maxX1 = 0.5;
-      real g_maxX2 = 0.5;
-      real g_maxX3 = 0.5;
-      SPtr<vf::parallel::Communicator> comm = vf::parallel::MPICommunicator::getInstance();
-      int myid = comm->getProcessID();
-      // new grid object
-      SPtr<Grid3D> grid(new Grid3D(comm));
-      // set grid spacing
-      grid->setDeltaX(dx);
-      // set block size for three dimensions
-      int blockSize = nx / 2;
-      grid->setBlockNX(blockSize,blockSize,blockSize);
-      // Create simulation bounding box
-      SPtr<GbObject3D> gridCube(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
-      GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), path + "/geo/gridCube", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "Lid Driven Cavity:");
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "Domain size = " << nx << " x "<< nx << " x "<< nx);
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "Block size = " << blockSize << " x "<< blockSize << " x "<< blockSize);
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "velocity    = " << velocity << " m/s");
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "velocityLB  = " << velocityLB);
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "viscosityLB = " << viscosityLB);
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "u  = " << u);
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "Re = " << Re);
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "dx = " << dx);
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "dt = " << dt);
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - start");
-      // Generate block grid
-      GenBlocksGridVisitor genBlocks(gridCube);
-      grid->accept(genBlocks);
-      // Write block grid to VTK-file
-      auto ppblocks = std::make_shared<WriteBlocksSimulationObserver>(grid, SPtr<UbScheduler>(new UbScheduler(1)), path, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm);
-      ppblocks->update(0);
-      ppblocks.reset();
-      // Create LBM kernel
-      auto kernel = std::make_shared<K17CompressibleNavierStokes>();
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      // Create boundary conditions (BC)
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     
-      // Create no-slip BC
-      auto noSlipBC = std::make_shared<NoSlipBC>();
-      noSlipBC->setBCStrategy(std::make_shared<NoSlipInterpolated>());
-      // Velocity BC
-      mu::Parser fct;
-      fct.SetExpr("u");
-      fct.DefineConst("u", u);
-      // Set the same velocity in x and y-direction
-      auto velBC = std::make_shared<VelocityBC>(true, true, false, fct, 0, BCFunction::INFCONST);
-      velBC->setBCStrategy(std::make_shared<VelocityInterpolated>());
-      // Add velocity boundary condition to visitor. No-slip boundary   
-      BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor bcVisitor;
-      // Create boundary conditions
-      SPtr<BCSet> bcProc;
-      bcProc = std::make_shared<BCSet>();
-      kernel->setBCSet(bcProc);
-      // Create boundary conditions geometry
-      GbCuboid3DPtr wallXmin(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_minX1, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3));
-      GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallXmin.get(), path + "/geo/wallXmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-      GbCuboid3DPtr wallXmax(new GbCuboid3D(g_maxX1, g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3));
-      GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallXmax.get(), path + "/geo/wallXmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-      GbCuboid3DPtr wallYmin(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_maxX1 + dx, g_minX2, g_maxX3));
-      GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallYmin.get(), path + "/geo/wallYmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-      GbCuboid3DPtr wallYmax(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_maxX2, g_minX3 - dx, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3));
-      GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallYmax.get(), path + "/geo/wallYmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-      GbCuboid3DPtr wallZmin(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_minX3));
-      GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallZmin.get(), path + "/geo/wallZmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-      GbCuboid3DPtr wallZmax(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_maxX3, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3 + dx));
-      GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallZmax.get(), path + "/geo/wallZmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
-      // Add boundary conditions to grid generator
-      SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallXminInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallXmin, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-      SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallXmaxInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallXmax, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-      SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallYminInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallYmin, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-      SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallYmaxInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallYmax, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-      SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallZminInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallZmin, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-      SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallZmaxInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallZmax, grid, velBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
-      SPtr<Grid3DVisitor> metisVisitor(new MetisPartitioningGridVisitor(comm, MetisPartitioningGridVisitor::LevelBased, d00M));
-      InteractorsHelper intHelper(grid, metisVisitor);
-      intHelper.addInteractor(wallZmaxInt);
-      intHelper.addInteractor(wallXminInt);
-      intHelper.addInteractor(wallXmaxInt);
-      intHelper.addInteractor(wallZminInt);
-      intHelper.addInteractor(wallYminInt);
-      intHelper.addInteractor(wallYmaxInt);
-      intHelper.selectBlocks();
-      if (myid == 0) VF_LOG_INFO("{}",Utilities::toString(grid, comm->getNumberOfProcesses()));
-      // Generate grid
-      SetKernelBlockVisitor kernelVisitor(kernel, viscosityLB);
-      grid->accept(kernelVisitor);
-      intHelper.setBC();
-      // Initialization of distributions
-      InitDistributionsBlockVisitor initVisitor;
-      grid->accept(initVisitor);
-      // Set connectivity between blocks
-      OneDistributionSetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm);
-      grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
-      // Create lists of boundary nodes
-      grid->accept(bcVisitor);
-      // Write grid with boundary conditions information to VTK-file
-      SPtr<UbScheduler> geoSch(new UbScheduler(1));
-      WriteBoundaryConditionsSimulationObserver ppgeo(grid, geoSch, path, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm);
-      ppgeo.update(0);
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - end");
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "Total Physical Memory (RAM): " << Utilities::getTotalPhysMem()/1e9 << " GB");
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "Physical Memory currently used: " << Utilities::getPhysMemUsed()/1e9 << " GB");
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "Physical Memory currently used by current process: " << Utilities::getPhysMemUsedByMe()/1e9 << " GB");
-      // Create coprocessor object for writing macroscopic quantities to VTK-file
-      SPtr<UbScheduler> visSch(new UbScheduler(timeStepOut));
-      SPtr<SimulationObserver> mqSimulationObserver(new WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesSimulationObserver(grid, visSch, path, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter(L, velocity, 1.0, nx, velocityLB)), comm));
-      mqSimulationObserver->update(0);
-      // Create coprocessor object for writing NUPS
-      SPtr<UbScheduler> nupsSch(new UbScheduler(100, 100));
-      SPtr<SimulationObserver> nupsSimulationObserver(new NUPSCounterSimulationObserver(grid, nupsSch, numOfThreads, comm));
-      // OpenMP threads control
+    using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+    try {
+        vf::logging::Logger::initializeLogger();
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // Simulation parameters
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        vf::basics::ConfigurationFile config = vf::basics::loadConfig(argc, argv);
+        // set your output path here
+        string path = config.getValue<string>("path");
+        const real L = config.getValue<real>("L");
+        const real Re = config.getValue<real>("Re");
+        const real velocity = config.getValue<real>("velocity");
+        const real dt = config.getValue<real>("dt");
+        const unsigned int nx = config.getValue<unsigned int>("nx");
+        const real timeStepOut = config.getValue<real>("timeStepOut");
+        const real timeStepEnd = config.getValue<real>("timeStepEnd");
+        // Number of OpenMP threads
+        int numOfThreads = config.getValue<int>("numOfThreads");
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        real dx = L / real(nx);
+        const real velocityLB = velocity * dt / dx;    // LB units
+        const real u = velocityLB / sqrt(2.0);         // LB units
+        const real viscosityLB = nx * velocityLB / Re; // LB unit
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // create grid
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // bounding box
+        real g_minX1 = -0.5;
+        real g_minX2 = -0.5;
+        real g_minX3 = -0.5;
+        real g_maxX1 = 0.5;
+        real g_maxX2 = 0.5;
+        real g_maxX3 = 0.5;
+        SPtr<vf::parallel::Communicator> comm = vf::parallel::MPICommunicator::getInstance();
+        int myid = comm->getProcessID();
+        // new grid object
+        SPtr<Grid3D> grid(new Grid3D(comm));
+        // set grid spacing
+        grid->setDeltaX(dx);
+        // set block size for three dimensions
+        int blockSize = nx / 2;
+        grid->setBlockNX(blockSize, blockSize, blockSize);
+        // Create simulation bounding box
+        SPtr<GbObject3D> gridCube(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1, g_minX2, g_minX3, g_maxX1, g_maxX2, g_maxX3));
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(gridCube.get(), path + "/geo/gridCube", WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "Lid Driven Cavity:");
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "Domain size = " << nx << " x " << nx << " x " << nx);
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "Block size = " << blockSize << " x " << blockSize << " x " << blockSize);
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "velocity    = " << velocity << " m/s");
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "velocityLB  = " << velocityLB);
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "viscosityLB = " << viscosityLB);
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "u  = " << u);
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "Re = " << Re);
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "dx = " << dx);
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "dt = " << dt);
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - start");
+        // Generate block grid
+        GenBlocksGridVisitor genBlocks(gridCube);
+        grid->accept(genBlocks);
+        // Write block grid to VTK-file
+        auto ppblocks = std::make_shared<WriteBlocksSimulationObserver>(grid, SPtr<UbScheduler>(new UbScheduler(1)), path,
+                                                                        WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm);
+        ppblocks->update(0);
+        ppblocks.reset();
+        // Create LBM kernel
+        auto kernel = std::make_shared<K17CompressibleNavierStokes>();
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // Create boundary conditions (BC)
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // Create no-slip BC
+        auto noSlipBC = std::make_shared<NoSlipBC>();
+        noSlipBC->setBCStrategy(std::make_shared<NoSlipInterpolated>());
+        // Velocity BC
+        mu::Parser fct;
+        fct.SetExpr("u");
+        fct.DefineConst("u", u);
+        // Set the same velocity in x and y-direction
+        auto velBC = std::make_shared<VelocityBC>(true, true, false, fct, 0, BCFunction::INFCONST);
+        velBC->setBCStrategy(std::make_shared<VelocityInterpolated>());
+        // Add velocity boundary condition to visitor. No-slip boundary
+        BoundaryConditionsBlockVisitor bcVisitor;
+        // Create boundary conditions
+        SPtr<BCSet> bcProc;
+        bcProc = std::make_shared<BCSet>();
+        kernel->setBCSet(bcProc);
+        // Create boundary conditions geometry
+        GbCuboid3DPtr wallXmin(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_minX1, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3));
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallXmin.get(), path + "/geo/wallXmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        GbCuboid3DPtr wallXmax(new GbCuboid3D(g_maxX1, g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3));
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallXmax.get(), path + "/geo/wallXmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        GbCuboid3DPtr wallYmin(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_maxX1 + dx, g_minX2, g_maxX3));
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallYmin.get(), path + "/geo/wallYmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        GbCuboid3DPtr wallYmax(new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_maxX2, g_minX3 - dx, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3));
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallYmax.get(), path + "/geo/wallYmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        GbCuboid3DPtr wallZmin(
+            new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_minX3 - dx, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_minX3));
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallZmin.get(), path + "/geo/wallZmin", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        GbCuboid3DPtr wallZmax(
+            new GbCuboid3D(g_minX1 - dx, g_minX2 - dx, g_maxX3, g_maxX1 + dx, g_maxX2 + dx, g_maxX3 + dx));
+        GbSystem3D::writeGeoObject(wallZmax.get(), path + "/geo/wallZmax", WbWriterVtkXmlASCII::getInstance());
+        // Add boundary conditions to grid generator
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallXminInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallXmin, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallXmaxInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallXmax, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallYminInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallYmin, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallYmaxInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallYmax, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallZminInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallZmin, grid, noSlipBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        SPtr<D3Q27Interactor> wallZmaxInt(new D3Q27Interactor(wallZmax, grid, velBC, Interactor3D::SOLID));
+        SPtr<Grid3DVisitor> metisVisitor(
+            new MetisPartitioningGridVisitor(comm, MetisPartitioningGridVisitor::LevelBased, d00M));
+        InteractorsHelper intHelper(grid, metisVisitor);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(wallZmaxInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(wallXminInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(wallXmaxInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(wallZminInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(wallYminInt);
+        intHelper.addInteractor(wallYmaxInt);
+        intHelper.selectBlocks();
+        if (myid == 0)
+            VF_LOG_INFO("{}", Utilities::toString(grid, comm->getNumberOfProcesses()));
+        // Generate grid
+        SetKernelBlockVisitor kernelVisitor(kernel, viscosityLB);
+        grid->accept(kernelVisitor);
+        intHelper.setBC();
+        // Initialization of distributions
+        InitDistributionsBlockVisitor initVisitor;
+        grid->accept(initVisitor);
+        // Set connectivity between blocks
+        OneDistributionSetConnectorsBlockVisitor setConnsVisitor(comm);
+        grid->accept(setConnsVisitor);
+        // Create lists of boundary nodes
+        grid->accept(bcVisitor);
+        // Write grid with boundary conditions information to VTK-file
+        SPtr<UbScheduler> geoSch(new UbScheduler(1));
+        WriteBoundaryConditionsSimulationObserver ppgeo(grid, geoSch, path, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(), comm);
+        ppgeo.update(0);
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "Preprocess - end");
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "Total Physical Memory (RAM): " << Utilities::getTotalPhysMem() / 1e9 << " GB");
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "Physical Memory currently used: " << Utilities::getPhysMemUsed() / 1e9 << " GB");
+        UBLOG(logINFO,
+              "Physical Memory currently used by current process: " << Utilities::getPhysMemUsedByMe() / 1e9 << " GB");
+        // Create coprocessor object for writing macroscopic quantities to VTK-file
+        SPtr<UbScheduler> visSch(new UbScheduler(timeStepOut));
+        SPtr<SimulationObserver> mqSimulationObserver(new WriteMacroscopicQuantitiesSimulationObserver(
+            grid, visSch, path, WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(),
+            SPtr<LBMUnitConverter>(new LBMUnitConverter(L, velocity, 1.0, nx, velocityLB)), comm));
+        mqSimulationObserver->update(0);
+        // Create coprocessor object for writing NUPS
+        SPtr<UbScheduler> nupsSch(new UbScheduler(100, 100));
+        SPtr<SimulationObserver> nupsSimulationObserver(
+            new NUPSCounterSimulationObserver(grid, nupsSch, numOfThreads, comm));
+        // OpenMP threads control
 #ifdef _OPENMP
-      omp_set_num_threads(numOfThreads);
+        omp_set_num_threads(numOfThreads);
-      // Create simulation
-      SPtr<Simulation> simulation(new Simulation(grid, visSch, timeStepEnd));
-      simulation->addSimulationObserver(nupsSimulationObserver);
-      simulation->addSimulationObserver(mqSimulationObserver);
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      // Run simulation
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-start");
-      simulation->run();
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-end");
-   }
-   catch (std::exception& e)
-   {
-      cerr << e.what() << endl << flush;
-   }
-   catch (std::string& s)
-   {
-      cerr << s << endl;
-   }
-   catch (...)
-   {
-      cerr << "unknown exception" << endl;
-   }
+        // Create simulation
+        SPtr<Simulation> simulation(new Simulation(grid, visSch, timeStepEnd));
+        simulation->addSimulationObserver(nupsSimulationObserver);
+        simulation->addSimulationObserver(mqSimulationObserver);
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // Run simulation
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-start");
+        simulation->run();
+        UBLOG(logINFO, "Simulation-end");
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        VF_LOG_WARNING("{}", e.what());
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
 //! \}
diff --git a/apps/gpu/ActuatorLine/ActuatorLine.cpp b/apps/gpu/ActuatorLine/ActuatorLine.cpp
index 2aebd6d632fcecfae32d89d51b25b201c8d45413..f54f34175573bf2f4c772883d6feace6780079e6 100644
--- a/apps/gpu/ActuatorLine/ActuatorLine.cpp
+++ b/apps/gpu/ActuatorLine/ActuatorLine.cpp
@@ -73,10 +73,8 @@
-void run(vf::basics::ConfigurationFile& config)
+void run(const vf::basics::ConfigurationFile& config)
-    vf::logging::Logger::initializeLogger();
     // Simulation parameters
@@ -306,20 +304,13 @@ void run(vf::basics::ConfigurationFile& config)
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-    if (argv == NULL)
-        return 0;
     try {
+        vf::logging::Logger::initializeLogger();
         auto config = vf::basics::loadConfig(argc, argv, "./actuatorline.cfg");
-    } catch (const spdlog::spdlog_ex& ex) {
-        std::cout << "Log initialization failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
-    } catch (const std::bad_alloc& e) {
-        VF_LOG_CRITICAL("Bad Alloc: {}", e.what());
     } catch (const std::exception& e) {
-        VF_LOG_CRITICAL("exception: {}", e.what());
-    } catch (...) {
-        VF_LOG_CRITICAL("Unknown exception!");
+        VF_LOG_WARNING("{}", e.what());
+        return 1;
     return 0;
diff --git a/apps/gpu/DrivenCavity/DrivenCavity.cpp b/apps/gpu/DrivenCavity/DrivenCavity.cpp
index cf5e194c231c1354b875b2babcbb091656a851fa..1fe5b287175663a0417abbbdafe7629741f42ef7 100644
--- a/apps/gpu/DrivenCavity/DrivenCavity.cpp
+++ b/apps/gpu/DrivenCavity/DrivenCavity.cpp
@@ -204,16 +204,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
         Simulation sim(para, cudaMemoryManager, communicator, *gridGenerator, &bcFactory, &scalingFactory);
-    } catch (const spdlog::spdlog_ex& ex) {
-        std::cout << "Log initialization failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
-    } catch (const std::bad_alloc& e) {
-        VF_LOG_CRITICAL("Bad Alloc: {}", e.what());
     } catch (const std::exception& e) {
-        VF_LOG_CRITICAL("exception: {}", e.what());
-    } catch (...) {
-        VF_LOG_CRITICAL("Unknown exception!");
+        VF_LOG_WARNING("{}", e.what());
+        return 1;
     return 0;
diff --git a/apps/gpu/DrivenCavityMultiGPU/DrivenCavityMultiGPU.cpp b/apps/gpu/DrivenCavityMultiGPU/DrivenCavityMultiGPU.cpp
index 1e425425857ca420e7a8a61cf121851b4bec8b9d..2b91fe4aefc0ca007c3e0ce4740a29b2cc63c298 100755
--- a/apps/gpu/DrivenCavityMultiGPU/DrivenCavityMultiGPU.cpp
+++ b/apps/gpu/DrivenCavityMultiGPU/DrivenCavityMultiGPU.cpp
@@ -201,36 +201,22 @@ void runVirtualFluids(const vf::basics::ConfigurationFile &config)
     auto cudaMemoryManager = std::make_shared<CudaMemoryManager>(para);
     SPtr<GridProvider> gridGenerator = GridProvider::makeGridGenerator(gridBuilderFacade->getGridBuilder(), para, cudaMemoryManager, communicator);
     Simulation sim(para, cudaMemoryManager, communicator, *gridGenerator, &bcFactory, &scalingFactory);
-    // run simulation
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
-    std::string str, str2, configFile;
-    if (argv != NULL) {
-        try {
-            VF_LOG_TRACE("For the default config path to work, execute the app from the project root.");
-            vf::basics::ConfigurationFile config = vf::basics::loadConfig(argc, argv, "./apps/gpu/DrivenCavityMultiGPU/drivencavity_1gpu.cfg");
-            runVirtualFluids(config);
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        } catch (const spdlog::spdlog_ex &ex) {
-            std::cout << "Log initialization failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
-        } catch (const std::bad_alloc &e) {
-            VF_LOG_CRITICAL("Bad Alloc: {}", e.what());
-        } catch (const std::exception &e) {
-            VF_LOG_CRITICAL("exception: {}", e.what());
-        } catch (...) {
-            VF_LOG_CRITICAL("Unknown exception!");
-        }
+    try {
+        vf::logging::Logger::initializeLogger();
+        vf::basics::ConfigurationFile config =
+            vf::basics::loadConfig(argc, argv, "./apps/gpu/DrivenCavityMultiGPU/drivencavity_1gpu.cfg");
+        runVirtualFluids(config);
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        VF_LOG_WARNING("{}", e.what());
+        return 1;
-    MPI_Finalize();
     return 0;
diff --git a/apps/gpu/SphereInChannel/SphereInChannel.cpp b/apps/gpu/SphereInChannel/SphereInChannel.cpp
index bb63493de46e4df3e94e00036961a22072f14925..4bf4457c78dc6c608b5a224722e2e4032f8825ce 100644
--- a/apps/gpu/SphereInChannel/SphereInChannel.cpp
+++ b/apps/gpu/SphereInChannel/SphereInChannel.cpp
@@ -259,14 +259,9 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
         Simulation sim(para, cudaMemoryManager, communicator, *gridGenerator, &bcFactory, &scalingFactory);
-    } catch (const spdlog::spdlog_ex& ex) {
-        std::cout << "Log initialization failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
-    } catch (const std::bad_alloc& e) {
-        VF_LOG_CRITICAL("Bad Alloc: {}", e.what());
     } catch (const std::exception& e) {
-        VF_LOG_CRITICAL("exception: {}", e.what());
-    } catch (...) {
-        VF_LOG_CRITICAL("Unknown exception!");
+        VF_LOG_WARNING("{}", e.what());
+        return 1;
     return 0;
diff --git a/apps/gpu/SphereMultiGPU/SphereMultiGPU.cpp b/apps/gpu/SphereMultiGPU/SphereMultiGPU.cpp
index f5a96c0373c87410f47c8c0dfeaaf3c03980772b..18df79ad745165a07755e65013bfa47b49f4b884 100755
--- a/apps/gpu/SphereMultiGPU/SphereMultiGPU.cpp
+++ b/apps/gpu/SphereMultiGPU/SphereMultiGPU.cpp
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 #include "gpu/core/Parameter/Parameter.h"
 #include "gpu/core/PreProcessor/PreProcessorFactory/PreProcessorFactoryImp.h"
-void runVirtualFluids(const vf::basics::ConfigurationFile& config)
+void run(const vf::basics::ConfigurationFile& config)
     vf::parallel::Communicator& communicator = *vf::parallel::MPICommunicator::getInstance();
     const auto numberOfProcesses = communicator.getNumberOfProcesses();
@@ -200,36 +200,21 @@ void runVirtualFluids(const vf::basics::ConfigurationFile& config)
     auto cudaMemoryManager = std::make_shared<CudaMemoryManager>(para);
     SPtr<GridProvider> gridGenerator = GridProvider::makeGridGenerator(gridBuilderFacade->getGridBuilder(), para, cudaMemoryManager, communicator);
     Simulation sim(para, cudaMemoryManager, communicator, *gridGenerator, &bcFactory, &scalingFactory);
-    // run simulation
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
-    std::string str, str2, configFile;
-    if (argv != NULL) {
-        try {
-            VF_LOG_TRACE("For the default config path to work, execute the app from the project root.");
-            vf::basics::ConfigurationFile config = vf::basics::loadConfig(argc, argv, "./apps/gpu/SphereMultiGPU/sphere_1gpu.cfg");
-            runVirtualFluids(config);
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        } catch (const spdlog::spdlog_ex &ex) {
-            std::cout << "Log initialization failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
-        } catch (const std::bad_alloc &e) {
-            VF_LOG_CRITICAL("Bad Alloc: {}", e.what());
-        } catch (const std::exception &e) {
-            VF_LOG_CRITICAL("exception: {}", e.what());
-        } catch (...) {
-            VF_LOG_CRITICAL("Unknown exception!");
-        }
+    try {
+        vf::logging::Logger::initializeLogger();
+        vf::basics::ConfigurationFile config =
+            vf::basics::loadConfig(argc, argv, "./apps/gpu/SphereMultiGPU/sphere_1gpu.cfg");
+        run(config);
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        VF_LOG_WARNING("{}", e.what());
+        return 1;
-    MPI_Finalize();
     return 0;
diff --git a/apps/gpu/TGV_3D/TGV_3D.cpp b/apps/gpu/TGV_3D/TGV_3D.cpp
index 622add3afbc9225a18a029265f21ea3004d02dbb..84571931b720687b036d886b12de16660296cec9 100644
--- a/apps/gpu/TGV_3D/TGV_3D.cpp
+++ b/apps/gpu/TGV_3D/TGV_3D.cpp
@@ -272,72 +272,53 @@ void multipleLevel(const std::string& configPath)
 int main( int argc, char* argv[])
-    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
     std::string str, str2;
-    if ( argv != NULL )
-    {
-        //str = static_cast<std::string>(argv[0]);
-        try
-        {
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            std::string targetPath( __FILE__ );
+    try {
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        std::string targetPath(__FILE__);
 #ifdef _WIN32
-            targetPath = targetPath.substr(0, targetPath.find_last_of('\\') + 1);
+        targetPath = targetPath.substr(0, targetPath.find_last_of('\\') + 1);
-            targetPath = targetPath.substr(0, targetPath.find_last_of('/') + 1);
+        targetPath = targetPath.substr(0, targetPath.find_last_of('/') + 1);
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            if( cmdOptionExists( argv, argv+argc, "--Re" ) )
-                reynoldsNumber = atof( getCmdOption( argv, argv+argc, "--Re" ) );
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            if( cmdOptionExists( argv, argv+argc, "--nx" ) )
-                numberOfNodesX = atoi( getCmdOption( argv, argv+argc, "--nx" ) );
+        if (cmdOptionExists(argv, argv + argc, "--Re"))
+            reynoldsNumber = atof(getCmdOption(argv, argv + argc, "--Re"));
-            if( cmdOptionExists( argv, argv+argc, "--dtPerL" ) )
-                dtPerL = atoi( getCmdOption( argv, argv+argc, "--dtPerL" ) );
+        if (cmdOptionExists(argv, argv + argc, "--nx"))
+            numberOfNodesX = atoi(getCmdOption(argv, argv + argc, "--nx"));
-            if( cmdOptionExists( argv, argv+argc, "--kernel" ) )
-                kernel = getCmdOption( argv, argv+argc, "--kernel" );
+        if (cmdOptionExists(argv, argv + argc, "--dtPerL"))
+            dtPerL = atoi(getCmdOption(argv, argv + argc, "--dtPerL"));
-            if( cmdOptionExists( argv, argv+argc, "--gpu" ) )
-                gpuIndex = atoi( getCmdOption( argv, argv+argc, "--gpu" ) );
+        if (cmdOptionExists(argv, argv + argc, "--kernel"))
+            kernel = getCmdOption(argv, argv + argc, "--kernel");
-            if( cmdOptionExists( argv, argv+argc, "--useLimiter" ) )
-                useLimiter = true;
+        if (cmdOptionExists(argv, argv + argc, "--gpu"))
+            gpuIndex = atoi(getCmdOption(argv, argv + argc, "--gpu"));
-            multipleLevel(targetPath + "tgv3d.cfg");
+        if (cmdOptionExists(argv, argv + argc, "--useLimiter"))
+            useLimiter = true;
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        }
-        catch (const std::bad_alloc& e)
-        {
-            std::cout << e.what() << std::flush;
-            //MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
-        }
-        catch (const std::exception& e)
-        {
-            std::cout << e.what() << std::flush;
-            //MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
-        }
-        catch (...)
-        {
-            std::cout << "unknown exeption" << std::endl;
-        }
+        multipleLevel(targetPath + "tgv3d.cfg");
-        //std::cout << "\nConfiguration file must be set!: lbmgm <config file>" << std::endl << std::flush;
-        //MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        VF_LOG_WARNING("{}", e.what());
+        return 1;
+    // std::cout << "\nConfiguration file must be set!: lbmgm <config file>" << std::endl << std::flush;
+    // MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
-   /*
-   MPE_Init_log() & MPE_Finish_log() are NOT needed when
-   liblmpe.a is linked with this program.  In that case,
-   MPI_Init() would have called MPE_Init_log() already.
-   */
+    /*
+    MPE_Init_log() & MPE_Finish_log() are NOT needed when
+    liblmpe.a is linked with this program.  In that case,
+    MPI_Init() would have called MPE_Init_log() already.
+    */
 #if defined( MPI_LOGGING )
@@ -351,7 +332,6 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[])
       MPE_Finish_log( "TestLog" );
-   MPI_Finalize();
    return 0;
diff --git a/docs/pages/Build-and-Run.md b/docs/pages/Build-and-Run.md
index e4c623acda14a0fe6257d2bdc7f2523185e70759..2196db39dd8a7e3083cb561f66f97d926494065c 100644
--- a/docs/pages/Build-and-Run.md
+++ b/docs/pages/Build-and-Run.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # Build and Run
-This guide describes how to start using and developing VirtualFluids in the terminal. Alternativly you can use Visual Studio to build an run it.
+This guide describes how to start using and developing VirtualFluids in the terminal. Alternatively you can use Visual Studio to build an run it.
 ## Build
@@ -58,9 +58,11 @@ For instance a simulation on the GPU containing a flow around a sphere can be st
+### Result files
 The result files of this simulation are usually stored in: `./output/`
-The result files of VirtualFluids are mostly in [VTK](https://kitware.github.io/vtk-examples/site/VTKFileFormats/) format. These files can be visualised with the free software [Paraview](https://www.paraview.org/).
+The result files of VirtualFluids are mostly in [VTK](https://kitware.github.io/vtk-examples/site/VTKFileFormats/) format. These files can be visualized with the free software [Paraview](https://www.paraview.org/).
-The CPU part generates a set of multiple output directories in the prescribed output path. The flow fields can be found in the _mq_ directory. To view the flow fields, it is most conveniant to open the _mq_collection.pvd_ file in Paraview. The _bc_ directory contains the boundary condition information, the _geo_ directory contains information on the geometry of the flow domain and the _blocks_ directory contains the block grid.
+The CPU part generates a set of multiple output directories in the prescribed output path. The flow fields can be found in the _mq_ directory. To view the flow fields, it is most convenient to open the _mq_collection.pvd_ file in Paraview. The _bc_ directory contains the boundary condition information, the _geo_ directory contains information on the geometry of the flow domain and the _blocks_ directory contains the block grid.
 A GPU computation generates a the time series of output files directly in the output path. In Paraview these time series can be read directly.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/basics/config/ConfigurationFile.cpp b/src/basics/config/ConfigurationFile.cpp
index afd3ef3080467efc3b4ea4fc715fd362f76cbb75..81c657e7217edaa261461b08aaf2200d7dfc21a8 100644
--- a/src/basics/config/ConfigurationFile.cpp
+++ b/src/basics/config/ConfigurationFile.cpp
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 #include <fstream>
 #include <map>
 #include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
@@ -56,13 +57,17 @@ void ConfigurationFile::clear()
-bool ConfigurationFile::load(const std::string& file)
+void ConfigurationFile::load(const std::string& file)
     std::ifstream inFile(file.c_str());
     if (!inFile.good()) {
-        UB_THROW(UbException(UB_EXARGS, "Cannot read configuration file " + file + "! Your current directory is " +
-                                            std::filesystem::current_path().string() + "."));
+        const std::string error = "Cannot read configuration file " + file + "! Your current directory is " +
+                            std::filesystem::current_path().string() + "\n" +
+                            "For further information on how to run VirtualFluids please visit: "
+                            "https://irmb.gitlab-pages.rz.tu-bs.de/VirtualFluids/build-and-run.html#run-the-examples";
+        throw std::invalid_argument(error);
     while (inFile.good() && !inFile.eof()) {
@@ -92,8 +97,6 @@ bool ConfigurationFile::load(const std::string& file)
-    return true;
diff --git a/src/basics/config/ConfigurationFile.h b/src/basics/config/ConfigurationFile.h
index bf7293005053fe9cfb86f4acd8abfefe8a87cd2a..567a3fbe1710fd705836c6a6ff46441ca25b2029 100644
--- a/src/basics/config/ConfigurationFile.h
+++ b/src/basics/config/ConfigurationFile.h
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public:
     void clear();
     //! load a configuration file
-    bool load(const std::string& File);
+    void load(const std::string& File);
     //! check if value associated with given key exists
     bool contains(const std::string& key) const;