diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 844a85d255966a79b9b4744ce17b89b63a1e6155..84feed6dc40bce2b59ad483fb17973703d9ce387 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ clang_10:
     - export CXX=clang++
   stage: build
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ msvc_16:
     - git --version
     - $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\"
     - cmake --version
-    - $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin"
+    - $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin"
     - MSBuild.exe -version
@@ -180,14 +180,14 @@ gcc_9_unit_tests:
     - ctest
   stage: test
     - win
     - gpu
-  needs: ["msvc_16"]
+  needs: ["msvc_17"]
     - $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\"
diff --git a/CMakePresets.json b/CMakePresets.json
index 5bb07d3cc99d377a877fc30915a88c397815f73c..6e2658d148bddf55950e5849adcf10709a8b8caf 100644
--- a/CMakePresets.json
+++ b/CMakePresets.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
             "name": "msvc",
             "hidden": true,
-            "generator": "Visual Studio 16 2019",
+            "generator": "Visual Studio 17 2022",
             "architecture": "x64",
             "condition": {
                 "type": "equals",
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/CalcMac27.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/CalcMac27.cu
index c1b178a4a1ea94b61afdcbe78476684d032f43c0..f7bb09f816f45973fd4e2319a1bfa35cf9172caa 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/CalcMac27.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/CalcMac27.cu
@@ -1,306 +1,310 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __        ______________   __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____   /  ___/ __  / /  / /
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/  / /___/ /_/ / /  / /
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )  / /_) / ____/ /__/ / 
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/   \____/_/    \_____/
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
-/* Device code */
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file CalcMac27.cu
+//! \ingroup GPU
+//! \author Martin Schoenherr, Soeren Peters
 #include "LBM/LB.h" 
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
 #include "lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h"
+#include "lbm/MacroscopicQuantities.h"
+#include "Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+using namespace vf::gpu;
+__global__ void LBCalcMac27(
+    real* vxD,
+    real* vyD,
+    real* vzD,
+    real* rhoD,
+    unsigned int* geoD,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real* distributions,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
+    const unsigned int tx = threadIdx.x;    // Thread index = lokaler i index
+    const unsigned int by = blockIdx.x;     // Block index x
+    const unsigned int bz = blockIdx.y;     // Block index y
+    const unsigned int x = tx + STARTOFFX;  // Globaler x-Index
+    const unsigned int y = by + STARTOFFY;  // Globaler y-Index
+    const unsigned int z = bz + STARTOFFZ;  // Globaler z-Index
+    const unsigned nx = blockDim.x + 2 * STARTOFFX;
+    const unsigned ny = gridDim.x + 2 * STARTOFFY;
+    const unsigned int k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x; // Zugriff auf arrays im device
+    if(k >= numberOfLBnodes)
+        return;
+    if(!isValidFluidNode(geoD[k]))
+       return;
+    rhoD[k] = c0o1;
+    vxD[k]  = c0o1;
+    vyD[k]  = c0o1;
+    vzD[k]  = c0o1;
+    DistributionWrapper distr_wrapper(distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep, k, neighborX, neighborY, neighborZ);
+    const auto& distribution = distr_wrapper.distribution;
+    rhoD[k] = vf::lbm::getDensity(distribution.f);
+    vxD[k] = vf::lbm::getIncompressibleVelocityX1(distribution.f);
+    vyD[k] = vf::lbm::getIncompressibleVelocityX2(distribution.f);
+    vzD[k] = vf::lbm::getIncompressibleVelocityX3(distribution.f);
-#include "lbm/MacroscopicQuantities.h"
-#include "../Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
-__global__ void LBCalcMac27( real* vxD,
-                                        real* vyD,
-                                        real* vzD,
-                                        real* rhoD,
-                                        unsigned int* geoD,
-                                        unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                        unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                        unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                        unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                        real* distributions,
-                                        bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void LBCalcMacSP27(
+    real* vxD,
+    real* vyD,
+    real* vzD,
+    real* rhoD,
+    real* pressD,
+    unsigned int* geoD,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real* distributions,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-   const unsigned int tx = threadIdx.x;    // Thread index = lokaler i index
-   const unsigned int by = blockIdx.x;     // Block index x
-   const unsigned int bz = blockIdx.y;     // Block index y
-   const unsigned int x = tx + STARTOFFX;  // Globaler x-Index 
-   const unsigned int y = by + STARTOFFY;  // Globaler y-Index 
-   const unsigned int z = bz + STARTOFFZ;  // Globaler z-Index 
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if(nodeIndex<numberOfLBnodes)
+    {
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on
+        //! timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref <a
+        //! href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017),
+        //! DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
+        //!
+        Distributions27 dist;
+        getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //index
+        unsigned int kzero= nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int ke   = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kw   = neighborX[nodeIndex];
+        unsigned int kn   = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int ks   = neighborY[nodeIndex];
+        unsigned int kt   = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kb   = neighborZ[nodeIndex];
+        unsigned int ksw  = neighborY[kw];
+        unsigned int kne  = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kse  = ks;
+        unsigned int knw  = kw;
+        unsigned int kbw  = neighborZ[kw];
+        unsigned int kte  = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kbe  = kb;
+        unsigned int ktw  = kw;
+        unsigned int kbs  = neighborZ[ks];
+        unsigned int ktn  = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kbn  = kb;
+        unsigned int kts  = ks;
+        unsigned int ktse = ks;
+        unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
+        unsigned int ktnw = kw;
+        unsigned int kbse = kbs;
+        unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
+        unsigned int kbne = kb;
+        unsigned int ktne = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        pressD[nodeIndex] = c0o1;
+        rhoD[nodeIndex]   = c0o1;
+        vxD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        vyD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        vzD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        if(geoD[nodeIndex] == GEO_FLUID)
+        {
+            rhoD[nodeIndex] = 
+                (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_000])[kzero]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
+            vxD[nodeIndex] =
+                (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]- (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]- (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]- (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]- (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
+            vyD[nodeIndex] =
+                (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]- (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]-
+                (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]- (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]- 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
+            vzD[nodeIndex] =
+                (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]- (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]-
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]-
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]- 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
+            pressD[nodeIndex] =
+                ((dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
+                2.f*(
+                (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ])+
+                3.f*(
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw])-
+                rhoD[nodeIndex]-(vxD[nodeIndex] * vxD[nodeIndex] + vyD[nodeIndex] * vyD[nodeIndex] + vzD[nodeIndex] * vzD[nodeIndex]) * (c1o1+c0o1*rhoD[nodeIndex])) * c1o2+rhoD[nodeIndex]; // times zero for incompressible case   
+            //achtung op hart gesetzt Annahme op = 1 ;                                                    ^^^^(1.0/op-0.5)=0.5
+       }
+    }
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x + 2 * STARTOFFX;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x + 2 * STARTOFFY;
-   const unsigned int k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x; // Zugriff auf arrays im device
-   if(k >= numberOfLBnodes)
-      return;
-   if(!vf::gpu::isValidFluidNode(geoD[k]))
-      return;
-   rhoD[k] = c0o1;
-   vxD[k]  = c0o1;
-   vyD[k]  = c0o1;
-   vzD[k]  = c0o1;
-   vf::gpu::DistributionWrapper distr_wrapper(distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep, k, neighborX, neighborY, neighborZ);
-   const auto& distribution = distr_wrapper.distribution;
-   rhoD[k] = vf::lbm::getDensity(distribution.f);
-   vxD[k] = vf::lbm::getIncompressibleVelocityX1(distribution.f);
-   vyD[k] = vf::lbm::getIncompressibleVelocityX2(distribution.f);
-   vzD[k] = vf::lbm::getIncompressibleVelocityX3(distribution.f);
-__global__ void LBCalcMacSP27( real* vxD,
-                                          real* vyD,
-                                          real* vzD,
-                                          real* rhoD,
-                                          real* pressD,
-                                          unsigned int* geoD,
-                                          unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                          unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                          unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                          unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                          real* DD,
-                                          bool isEvenTimestep)
-   Distributions27 D;
-   if (isEvenTimestep==true)
-   {
-      D.f[DIR_P00] = &DD[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M00] = &DD[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0P0] = &DD[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0M0] = &DD[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_00P] = &DD[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_00M] = &DD[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PP0] = &DD[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MM0] = &DD[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PM0] = &DD[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MP0] = &DD[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P0P] = &DD[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M0M] = &DD[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P0M] = &DD[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M0P] = &DD[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0PP] = &DD[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0MM] = &DD[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0PM] = &DD[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0MP] = &DD[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PPP] = &DD[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MMP] = &DD[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PMP] = &DD[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MPP] = &DD[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PPM] = &DD[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MMM] = &DD[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PMM] = &DD[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MPM] = &DD[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-   } 
-   else
-   {
-      D.f[DIR_M00] = &DD[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P00] = &DD[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0M0] = &DD[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0P0] = &DD[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_00M] = &DD[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_00P] = &DD[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MM0] = &DD[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PP0] = &DD[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MP0] = &DD[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PM0] = &DD[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M0M] = &DD[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P0P] = &DD[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M0P] = &DD[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P0M] = &DD[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0MM] = &DD[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0PP] = &DD[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0MP] = &DD[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0PM] = &DD[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PPP] = &DD[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MMP] = &DD[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PMP] = &DD[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MPP] = &DD[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PPM] = &DD[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MMM] = &DD[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PMM] = &DD[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MPM] = &DD[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-   }
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   if(k<numberOfLBnodes)
-   {
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      //index
-      unsigned int kzero= k;
-      unsigned int ke   = k;
-      unsigned int kw   = neighborX[k];
-      unsigned int kn   = k;
-      unsigned int ks   = neighborY[k];
-      unsigned int kt   = k;
-      unsigned int kb   = neighborZ[k];
-      unsigned int ksw  = neighborY[kw];
-      unsigned int kne  = k;
-      unsigned int kse  = ks;
-      unsigned int knw  = kw;
-      unsigned int kbw  = neighborZ[kw];
-      unsigned int kte  = k;
-      unsigned int kbe  = kb;
-      unsigned int ktw  = kw;
-      unsigned int kbs  = neighborZ[ks];
-      unsigned int ktn  = k;
-      unsigned int kbn  = kb;
-      unsigned int kts  = ks;
-      unsigned int ktse = ks;
-      unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
-      unsigned int ktnw = kw;
-      unsigned int kbse = kbs;
-      unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
-      unsigned int kbne = kb;
-      unsigned int ktne = k;
-      unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      pressD[k] = c0o1;
-	  rhoD[k]   = c0o1;
-	  vxD[k]    = c0o1;
-	  vyD[k]    = c0o1;
-	  vzD[k]    = c0o1;
-      if(geoD[k] == GEO_FLUID)
-      {
-         rhoD[k]    =   (D.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]+ (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]+ (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]+ (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]+ (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_000])[kzero]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
-         vxD[k]     =   (D.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]- (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]- (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]- (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]- (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
-         vyD[k]     =   (D.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]- (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]-
-                        (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]- (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]- 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
-         vzD[k]     =   (D.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]- (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]-
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]-
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]- 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
-         pressD[k]  =  ((D.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]+ (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]+ (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]+ (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
-                        2.f*(
-                        (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]+ (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ])+
-                        3.f*(
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw])-
-                        rhoD[k]-(vxD[k] * vxD[k] + vyD[k] * vyD[k] + vzD[k] * vzD[k]) * (c1o1+c0o1*rhoD[k])) * c1o2+rhoD[k]; // times zero for incompressible case   
-         //achtung op hart gesetzt Annahme op = 1 ;                                                    ^^^^(1.0/op-0.5)=0.5
-      }
-   }
 __global__ void LBCalcMacCompSP27(
-   real *vxD,
-   real *vyD,
-   real *vzD,
-   real *rhoD,
-   real *pressD,
-   unsigned int *geoD,
-   unsigned int *neighborX,
-   unsigned int *neighborY,
-   unsigned int *neighborZ,
-   unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-   real *distributions,
-   bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real *vxD,
+    real *vyD,
+    real *vzD,
+    real *rhoD,
+    real *pressD,
+    unsigned int *geoD,
+    unsigned int *neighborX,
+    unsigned int *neighborY,
+    unsigned int *neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real *distributions,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-    const unsigned k = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-    if(k >= numberOfLBnodes)
+    if(nodeIndex >= numberOfLBnodes)
-    pressD[k] = c0o1;
-    rhoD[k]   = c0o1;
-    vxD[k]    = c0o1;
-    vyD[k]    = c0o1;
-    vzD[k]    = c0o1;
+    pressD[nodeIndex] = c0o1;
+    rhoD[nodeIndex]   = c0o1;
+    vxD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+    vyD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+    vzD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
-    if (!vf::gpu::isValidFluidNode(geoD[k]))
+    if (!isValidFluidNode(geoD[nodeIndex]))
-    vf::gpu::DistributionWrapper distr_wrapper(distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep, k, neighborX, neighborY,
-                                               neighborZ);
+    DistributionWrapper distr_wrapper(distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep, nodeIndex, neighborX, neighborY, neighborZ);
     const auto &distribution = distr_wrapper.distribution;
-    rhoD[k]   = vf::lbm::getDensity(distribution.f);
-    vxD[k]    = vf::lbm::getCompressibleVelocityX1(distribution.f, rhoD[k]);
-    vyD[k]    = vf::lbm::getCompressibleVelocityX2(distribution.f, rhoD[k]);
-    vzD[k]    = vf::lbm::getCompressibleVelocityX3(distribution.f, rhoD[k]);
-    pressD[k] = vf::lbm::getPressure(distribution.f, rhoD[k], vxD[k], vyD[k], vzD[k]); 
+    rhoD[nodeIndex]   = vf::lbm::getDensity(distribution.f);
+    vxD[nodeIndex]    = vf::lbm::getCompressibleVelocityX1(distribution.f, rhoD[nodeIndex]);
+    vyD[nodeIndex]    = vf::lbm::getCompressibleVelocityX2(distribution.f, rhoD[nodeIndex]);
+    vzD[nodeIndex]    = vf::lbm::getCompressibleVelocityX3(distribution.f, rhoD[nodeIndex]);
+    pressD[nodeIndex] = vf::lbm::getPressure(distribution.f, rhoD[nodeIndex], vxD[nodeIndex], vyD[nodeIndex], vzD[nodeIndex]); 
@@ -339,206 +343,155 @@ __global__ void LBCalcMacCompSP27(
-__global__ void LBCalcMedSP27( real* vxD,
-                                          real* vyD,
-                                          real* vzD,
-                                          real* rhoD,
-                                          real* pressD,
-                                          unsigned int* geoD,
-                                          unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                          unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                          unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                          unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                          real* DD,
-                                          bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void LBCalcMedSP27(
+    real* vxD,
+    real* vyD,
+    real* vzD,
+    real* rhoD,
+    real* pressD,
+    unsigned int* geoD,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real* distributions,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-   Distributions27 D;
-   if (isEvenTimestep==true)
-   {
-      D.f[DIR_P00] = &DD[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M00] = &DD[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0P0] = &DD[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0M0] = &DD[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_00P] = &DD[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_00M] = &DD[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PP0] = &DD[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MM0] = &DD[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PM0] = &DD[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MP0] = &DD[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P0P] = &DD[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M0M] = &DD[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P0M] = &DD[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M0P] = &DD[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0PP] = &DD[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0MM] = &DD[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0PM] = &DD[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0MP] = &DD[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PPP] = &DD[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MMP] = &DD[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PMP] = &DD[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MPP] = &DD[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PPM] = &DD[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MMM] = &DD[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PMM] = &DD[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MPM] = &DD[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-   } 
-   else
-   {
-      D.f[DIR_M00] = &DD[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P00] = &DD[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0M0] = &DD[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0P0] = &DD[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_00M] = &DD[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_00P] = &DD[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MM0] = &DD[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PP0] = &DD[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MP0] = &DD[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PM0] = &DD[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M0M] = &DD[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P0P] = &DD[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M0P] = &DD[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P0M] = &DD[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0MM] = &DD[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0PP] = &DD[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0MP] = &DD[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0PM] = &DD[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PPP] = &DD[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MMP] = &DD[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PMP] = &DD[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MPP] = &DD[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PPM] = &DD[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MMM] = &DD[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PMM] = &DD[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MPM] = &DD[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-   }
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   if(k<numberOfLBnodes)
-   {
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      //index
-      unsigned int kzero= k;
-      unsigned int ke   = k;
-      unsigned int kw   = neighborX[k];
-      unsigned int kn   = k;
-      unsigned int ks   = neighborY[k];
-      unsigned int kt   = k;
-      unsigned int kb   = neighborZ[k];
-      unsigned int ksw  = neighborY[kw];
-      unsigned int kne  = k;
-      unsigned int kse  = ks;
-      unsigned int knw  = kw;
-      unsigned int kbw  = neighborZ[kw];
-      unsigned int kte  = k;
-      unsigned int kbe  = kb;
-      unsigned int ktw  = kw;
-      unsigned int kbs  = neighborZ[ks];
-      unsigned int ktn  = k;
-      unsigned int kbn  = kb;
-      unsigned int kts  = ks;
-      unsigned int ktse = ks;
-      unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
-      unsigned int ktnw = kw;
-      unsigned int kbse = kbs;
-      unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
-      unsigned int kbne = kb;
-      unsigned int ktne = k;
-      unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      real PRESS = pressD[k];
-      real RHO   = rhoD[k];
-      real VX    = vxD[k];
-      real VY    = vyD[k];
-      real VZ    = vzD[k];
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      pressD[k] = c0o1;
-	  rhoD[k]   = c0o1;
-	  vxD[k]    = c0o1;
-	  vyD[k]    = c0o1;
-	  vzD[k]    = c0o1;
-      if(geoD[k] == GEO_FLUID)
-      {
-         rhoD[k]    =   (D.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]+ (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]+ (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]+ (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]+ (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_000])[kzero]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]+
-                        RHO;
-         vxD[k]     =   (D.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]- (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]- (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]- (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]- (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]+
-                        VX;
-         vyD[k]     =   (D.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]- (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]-
-                        (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]- (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]- 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]+
-                        VY;
-         vzD[k]     =   (D.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]- (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]-
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]-
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]- 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]+
-                        VZ;
-         pressD[k]  =   ((D.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]+ (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]+ (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]+ (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
-                        c2o1*(
-                        (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]+ (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ])+
-                        c3o1*(
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw])-
-                        rhoD[k]-(vxD[k] * vxD[k] + vyD[k] * vyD[k] + vzD[k] * vzD[k]) * (c1o1+rhoD[k])) * c1o2+rhoD[k]+
-                        PRESS;    
-         //achtung op hart gesetzt Annahme op = 1 ;                                                    ^^^^(1.0/op-0.5)=0.5
-      }
-   }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if( nodeIndex < numberOfLBnodes )
+    {
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on
+        //! timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref <a
+        //! href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017),
+        //! DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
+        //!
+        Distributions27 dist;
+        getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //index
+        unsigned int kzero= nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int ke   = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kw   = neighborX[nodeIndex];
+        unsigned int kn   = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int ks   = neighborY[nodeIndex];
+        unsigned int kt   = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kb   = neighborZ[nodeIndex];
+        unsigned int ksw  = neighborY[kw];
+        unsigned int kne  = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kse  = ks;
+        unsigned int knw  = kw;
+        unsigned int kbw  = neighborZ[kw];
+        unsigned int kte  = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kbe  = kb;
+        unsigned int ktw  = kw;
+        unsigned int kbs  = neighborZ[ks];
+        unsigned int ktn  = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kbn  = kb;
+        unsigned int kts  = ks;
+        unsigned int ktse = ks;
+        unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
+        unsigned int ktnw = kw;
+        unsigned int kbse = kbs;
+        unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
+        unsigned int kbne = kb;
+        unsigned int ktne = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        real PRESS = pressD[nodeIndex];
+        real RHO   = rhoD[nodeIndex];
+        real VX    = vxD[nodeIndex];
+        real VY    = vyD[nodeIndex];
+        real VZ    = vzD[nodeIndex];
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        pressD[nodeIndex] = c0o1;
+        rhoD[nodeIndex]   = c0o1;
+        vxD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        vyD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        vzD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        if(geoD[nodeIndex] == GEO_FLUID)
+        {
+            rhoD[nodeIndex] =
+                (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_000])[kzero]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]+
+                RHO;
+            vxD[nodeIndex] =
+                (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]- (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]- (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]- (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]- (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]+
+                VX;
+            vyD[nodeIndex] =
+                (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]- (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]-
+                (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]- (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]- 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]+
+                VY;
+            vzD[nodeIndex] =
+                (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]- (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]-
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]-
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]- 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]+
+                VZ;
+            pressD[nodeIndex] =
+                ((dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
+                c2o1*(
+                (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ])+
+                c3o1*(
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw])-
+                rhoD[nodeIndex]-(vxD[nodeIndex] * vxD[nodeIndex] + vyD[nodeIndex] * vyD[nodeIndex] + vzD[nodeIndex] * vzD[nodeIndex]) * (c1o1+rhoD[nodeIndex])) * c1o2+rhoD[nodeIndex]+
+                PRESS;    
+            //achtung op hart gesetzt Annahme op = 1 ;                                                    ^^^^(1.0/op-0.5)=0.5
+        }
+    }
@@ -563,259 +516,152 @@ __global__ void LBCalcMedSP27( real* vxD,
-__global__ void LBCalcMedCompSP27( real* vxD,
-											  real* vyD,
-											  real* vzD,
-											  real* rhoD,
-											  real* pressD,
-											  unsigned int* geoD,
-											  unsigned int* neighborX,
-											  unsigned int* neighborY,
-											  unsigned int* neighborZ,
-											  unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-											  real* DD,
-											  bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void LBCalcMedCompSP27(
+    real* vxD,
+    real* vyD,
+    real* vzD,
+    real* rhoD,
+    real* pressD,
+    unsigned int* geoD,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real* distributions,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-   Distributions27 D;
-   if (isEvenTimestep==true)
-   {
-      D.f[DIR_P00] = &DD[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M00] = &DD[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0P0] = &DD[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0M0] = &DD[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_00P] = &DD[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_00M] = &DD[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PP0] = &DD[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MM0] = &DD[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PM0] = &DD[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MP0] = &DD[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P0P] = &DD[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M0M] = &DD[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P0M] = &DD[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M0P] = &DD[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0PP] = &DD[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0MM] = &DD[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0PM] = &DD[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0MP] = &DD[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PPP] = &DD[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MMP] = &DD[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PMP] = &DD[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MPP] = &DD[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PPM] = &DD[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MMM] = &DD[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PMM] = &DD[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MPM] = &DD[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-   } 
-   else
-   {
-      D.f[DIR_M00] = &DD[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P00] = &DD[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0M0] = &DD[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0P0] = &DD[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_00M] = &DD[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_00P] = &DD[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MM0] = &DD[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PP0] = &DD[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MP0] = &DD[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PM0] = &DD[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M0M] = &DD[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P0P] = &DD[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_M0P] = &DD[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_P0M] = &DD[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0MM] = &DD[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0PP] = &DD[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0MP] = &DD[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_0PM] = &DD[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PPP] = &DD[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MMP] = &DD[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PMP] = &DD[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MPP] = &DD[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PPM] = &DD[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MMM] = &DD[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_PMM] = &DD[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-      D.f[DIR_MPM] = &DD[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-   }
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   if(k<numberOfLBnodes)
-   {
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      //index
-      //unsigned int kzero= k;
-      unsigned int ke   = k;
-      unsigned int kw   = neighborX[k];
-      unsigned int kn   = k;
-      unsigned int ks   = neighborY[k];
-      unsigned int kt   = k;
-      unsigned int kb   = neighborZ[k];
-      unsigned int ksw  = neighborY[kw];
-      unsigned int kne  = k;
-      unsigned int kse  = ks;
-      unsigned int knw  = kw;
-      unsigned int kbw  = neighborZ[kw];
-      unsigned int kte  = k;
-      unsigned int kbe  = kb;
-      unsigned int ktw  = kw;
-      unsigned int kbs  = neighborZ[ks];
-      unsigned int ktn  = k;
-      unsigned int kbn  = kb;
-      unsigned int kts  = ks;
-      unsigned int ktse = ks;
-      unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
-      unsigned int ktnw = kw;
-      unsigned int kbse = kbs;
-      unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
-      unsigned int kbne = kb;
-      unsigned int ktne = k;
-      unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      real PRESS = pressD[k];
-      real RHO   = rhoD[k];
-      real VX    = vxD[k];
-      real VY    = vyD[k];
-      real VZ    = vzD[k];
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      pressD[k] = c0o1;
-	  rhoD[k]   = c0o1;
-	  vxD[k]    = c0o1;
-	  vyD[k]    = c0o1;
-	  vzD[k]    = c0o1;
-      if(geoD[k] == GEO_FLUID)
-      {
-		  real mfcbb = (D.f[DIR_P00])[k];//[ke   ];
-		  real mfabb = (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw];//[kw   ];  
-		  real mfbcb = (D.f[DIR_0P0])[k];//[kn   ];
-		  real mfbab = (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks];//[ks   ];  
-		  real mfbbc = (D.f[DIR_00P])[k];//[kt   ];
-		  real mfbba = (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb];//[kb   ];  
-		  real mfccb = (D.f[DIR_PP0])[k];//[kne  ];  
-		  real mfaab = (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw];//[ksw  ];
-		  real mfcab = (D.f[DIR_PM0])[ks];//[kse  ]; 
-		  real mfacb = (D.f[DIR_MP0])[kw];//[knw  ]; 
-		  real mfcbc = (D.f[DIR_P0P])[k];//[kte  ];  
-		  real mfaba = (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw];//[kbw  ];
-		  real mfcba = (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kb];//[kbe  ]; 
-		  real mfabc = (D.f[DIR_M0P])[kw];//[ktw  ]; 
-		  real mfbcc = (D.f[DIR_0PP])[k];//[ktn  ];  
-		  real mfbaa = (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs];//[kbs  ];
-		  real mfbca = (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kb];//[kbn  ]; 
-		  real mfbac = (D.f[DIR_0MP])[ks];//[kts  ]; 
-		  real mfbbb = (D.f[DIR_000])[k];//[kzero];
-		  real mfccc = (D.f[DIR_PPP])[k];//[ktne ]; 
-		  real mfaac = (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ksw];//[ktsw ]; 
-		  real mfcac = (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ks];//[ktse ];
-		  real mfacc = (D.f[DIR_MPP])[kw];//[ktnw ];
-		  real mfcca = (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kb];//[kbne ];
-		  real mfaaa = (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw];//[kbsw ];
-		  real mfcaa = (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbs];//[kbse ]; 
-		  real mfaca = (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbw];//[kbnw ]; 
-		  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		  real drho = 
-			  ((((mfccc + mfaaa) + (mfaca + mfcac)) + ((mfacc + mfcaa) + (mfaac + mfcca))) +
-			  (((mfbac + mfbca) + (mfbaa + mfbcc)) + ((mfabc + mfcba) + (mfaba + mfcbc)) + ((mfacb + mfcab) + (mfaab + mfccb))) +
-			  ((mfabb + mfcbb) + (mfbab + mfbcb) + (mfbba + mfbbc))) + mfbbb;
-		  real rho = c1o1 + drho;
-		  rhoD[k] = drho + RHO;
-		  vxD[k] = 
-			  (((((mfccc - mfaaa) + (mfcac - mfaca)) + ((mfcaa - mfacc) + (mfcca - mfaac))) +
-			  (((mfcba - mfabc) + (mfcbc - mfaba)) + ((mfcab - mfacb) + (mfccb - mfaab))) +
-			  (mfcbb - mfabb)) / rho) + VX;
-		  vyD[k] = 
-			  (((((mfccc - mfaaa) + (mfaca - mfcac)) + ((mfacc - mfcaa) + (mfcca - mfaac))) +
-			  (((mfbca - mfbac) + (mfbcc - mfbaa)) + ((mfacb - mfcab) + (mfccb - mfaab))) +
-			  (mfbcb - mfbab)) / rho) + VY;
-		  vzD[k] = 
-			  (((((mfccc - mfaaa) + (mfcac - mfaca)) + ((mfacc - mfcaa) + (mfaac - mfcca))) +
-			  (((mfbac - mfbca) + (mfbcc - mfbaa)) + ((mfabc - mfcba) + (mfcbc - mfaba))) +
-			  (mfbbc - mfbba)) / rho) + VZ;
-		  //rhoD[k] =
-			 // (D.f[DIR_P00])[ke] + (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw] +
-			 // (D.f[DIR_0P0])[kn] + (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks] +
-			 // (D.f[DIR_00P])[kt] + (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb] +
-			 // (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne] + (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw] +
-			 // (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse] + (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw] +
-			 // (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] + (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw] +
-			 // (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe] + (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw] +
-			 // (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn] + (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs] +
-			 // (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn] + (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts] +
-			 // (D.f[DIR_000])[kzero] +
-			 // (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne] + (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw] +
-			 // (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse] + (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw] +
-			 // (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne] + (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw] +
-			 // (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse] + (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];// +RHO;
-    //     vxD[k] =  
-			 //((D.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]- (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]- (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-    //         (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
-    //         (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]- (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]- (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]) / (one + rhoD[k])+
-    //         VX;
-    //     vyD[k] =  
-			 //((D.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]- (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]-
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-    //         (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
-    //         (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]- (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]- 
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]) / (one + rhoD[k])+
-    //         VY;
-    //     vzD[k] =  
-			 //((D.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]- (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
-    //         (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]-
-    //         (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-    //         (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]-
-    //         (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]- 
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
-    //         (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]) / (one + rhoD[k])+
-    //         VZ;
-         pressD[k]  =  ((D.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]+ (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]+ (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]+ (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
-                        c2o1*(
-                        (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]+ (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ])+
-                        c3o1*(
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw])-
-                        rhoD[k]-(vxD[k] * vxD[k] + vyD[k] * vyD[k] + vzD[k] * vzD[k]) * (c1o1+rhoD[k])) * c1o2+rhoD[k]+
-                        PRESS;    
-         //achtung op hart gesetzt Annahme op = 1 ;                                                    ^^^^(1.0/op-0.5)=0.5
-      }
-   }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if( nodeIndex < numberOfLBnodes )
+    {
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on
+        //! timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref <a
+        //! href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017),
+        //! DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
+        //!
+        Distributions27 dist;
+        getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //index
+        //unsigned int kzero= k;
+        unsigned int ke   = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kw   = neighborX[nodeIndex];
+        unsigned int kn   = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int ks   = neighborY[nodeIndex];
+        unsigned int kt   = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kb   = neighborZ[nodeIndex];
+        unsigned int ksw  = neighborY[kw];
+        unsigned int kne  = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kse  = ks;
+        unsigned int knw  = kw;
+        unsigned int kbw  = neighborZ[kw];
+        unsigned int kte  = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kbe  = kb;
+        unsigned int ktw  = kw;
+        unsigned int kbs  = neighborZ[ks];
+        unsigned int ktn  = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kbn  = kb;
+        unsigned int kts  = ks;
+        unsigned int ktse = ks;
+        unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
+        unsigned int ktnw = kw;
+        unsigned int kbse = kbs;
+        unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
+        unsigned int kbne = kb;
+        unsigned int ktne = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        real PRESS = pressD[nodeIndex];
+        real RHO   = rhoD[nodeIndex];
+        real VX    = vxD[nodeIndex];
+        real VY    = vyD[nodeIndex];
+        real VZ    = vzD[nodeIndex];
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        pressD[nodeIndex] = c0o1;
+        rhoD[nodeIndex]   = c0o1;
+        vxD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        vyD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        vzD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        if(geoD[nodeIndex] == GEO_FLUID)
+        {
+            real mfcbb = (dist.f[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex];//[ke   ];
+            real mfabb = (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw];//[kw   ];  
+            real mfbcb = (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex];//[kn   ];
+            real mfbab = (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks];//[ks   ];  
+            real mfbbc = (dist.f[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex];//[kt   ];
+            real mfbba = (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb];//[kb   ];  
+            real mfccb = (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex];//[kne  ];  
+            real mfaab = (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw];//[ksw  ];
+            real mfcab = (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[ks];//[kse  ]; 
+            real mfacb = (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[kw];//[knw  ]; 
+            real mfcbc = (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex];//[kte  ];  
+            real mfaba = (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw];//[kbw  ];
+            real mfcba = (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kb];//[kbe  ]; 
+            real mfabc = (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[kw];//[ktw  ]; 
+            real mfbcc = (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex];//[ktn  ];  
+            real mfbaa = (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs];//[kbs  ];
+            real mfbca = (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kb];//[kbn  ]; 
+            real mfbac = (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[ks];//[kts  ]; 
+            real mfbbb = (dist.f[DIR_000])[nodeIndex];//[kzero];
+            real mfccc = (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex];//[ktne ]; 
+            real mfaac = (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ksw];//[ktsw ]; 
+            real mfcac = (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ks];//[ktse ];
+            real mfacc = (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[kw];//[ktnw ];
+            real mfcca = (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kb];//[kbne ];
+            real mfaaa = (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw];//[kbsw ];
+            real mfcaa = (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbs];//[kbse ]; 
+            real mfaca = (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbw];//[kbnw ]; 
+            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            real drho = 
+                ((((mfccc + mfaaa) + (mfaca + mfcac)) + ((mfacc + mfcaa) + (mfaac + mfcca))) +
+                (((mfbac + mfbca) + (mfbaa + mfbcc)) + ((mfabc + mfcba) + (mfaba + mfcbc)) + ((mfacb + mfcab) + (mfaab + mfccb))) +
+                ((mfabb + mfcbb) + (mfbab + mfbcb) + (mfbba + mfbbc))) + mfbbb;
+            real rho = c1o1 + drho;
+            rhoD[nodeIndex] = drho + RHO;
+            vxD[nodeIndex] = 
+                (((((mfccc - mfaaa) + (mfcac - mfaca)) + ((mfcaa - mfacc) + (mfcca - mfaac))) +
+                (((mfcba - mfabc) + (mfcbc - mfaba)) + ((mfcab - mfacb) + (mfccb - mfaab))) +
+                (mfcbb - mfabb)) / rho) + VX;
+            vyD[nodeIndex] = 
+                (((((mfccc - mfaaa) + (mfaca - mfcac)) + ((mfacc - mfcaa) + (mfcca - mfaac))) +
+                (((mfbca - mfbac) + (mfbcc - mfbaa)) + ((mfacb - mfcab) + (mfccb - mfaab))) +
+                (mfbcb - mfbab)) / rho) + VY;
+            vzD[nodeIndex] = 
+                (((((mfccc - mfaaa) + (mfcac - mfaca)) + ((mfacc - mfcaa) + (mfaac - mfcca))) +
+                (((mfbac - mfbca) + (mfbcc - mfbaa)) + ((mfabc - mfcba) + (mfcbc - mfaba))) +
+                (mfbbc - mfbba)) / rho) + VZ;
+            pressD[nodeIndex]  =
+                ((dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
+                c2o1*(
+                (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
+                (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ])+
+                c3o1*(
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
+                (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw])-
+                rhoD[nodeIndex]-(vxD[nodeIndex] * vxD[nodeIndex] + vyD[nodeIndex] * vyD[nodeIndex] + vzD[nodeIndex] * vzD[nodeIndex]) * (c1o1+rhoD[nodeIndex])) * c1o2+rhoD[nodeIndex]+
+                PRESS;    
+            //achtung op hart gesetzt Annahme op = 1 ;                                                    ^^^^(1.0/op-0.5)=0.5
+        }
+    }
@@ -841,309 +687,191 @@ __global__ void LBCalcMedCompSP27( real* vxD,
 __global__ void LBCalcMedCompAD27(
-	real* vxD,
-	real* vyD,
-	real* vzD,
-	real* rhoD,
-	real* pressD,
-	real* concD,
-	unsigned int* geoD,
-	unsigned int* neighborX,
-	unsigned int* neighborY,
-	unsigned int* neighborZ,
-	unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-	real* DD,
-	real* DD_AD,
-	bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* vxD,
+    real* vyD,
+    real* vzD,
+    real* rhoD,
+    real* pressD,
+    real* concD,
+    unsigned int* geoD,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real* distributions,
+    real* distributionsAD,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-	Distributions27 D;
-	if (isEvenTimestep == true)
-	{
-		D.f[DIR_P00] = &DD[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_M00] = &DD[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0P0] = &DD[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0M0] = &DD[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_00P] = &DD[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_00M] = &DD[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PP0] = &DD[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MM0] = &DD[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PM0] = &DD[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MP0] = &DD[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_P0P] = &DD[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_M0M] = &DD[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_P0M] = &DD[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_M0P] = &DD[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0PP] = &DD[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0MM] = &DD[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0PM] = &DD[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0MP] = &DD[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PPP] = &DD[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MMP] = &DD[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PMP] = &DD[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MPP] = &DD[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PPM] = &DD[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MMM] = &DD[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PMM] = &DD[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MPM] = &DD[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		D.f[DIR_M00] = &DD[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_P00] = &DD[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0M0] = &DD[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0P0] = &DD[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_00M] = &DD[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_00P] = &DD[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MM0] = &DD[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PP0] = &DD[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MP0] = &DD[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PM0] = &DD[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_M0M] = &DD[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_P0P] = &DD[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_M0P] = &DD[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_P0M] = &DD[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0MM] = &DD[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0PP] = &DD[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0MP] = &DD[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0PM] = &DD[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PPP] = &DD[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MMP] = &DD[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PMP] = &DD[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MPP] = &DD[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PPM] = &DD[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MMM] = &DD[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PMM] = &DD[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MPM] = &DD[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	Distributions27 Dad;
-	if (isEvenTimestep == true)
-	{
-		Dad.f[DIR_P00]    = &DD_AD[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_M00]    = &DD_AD[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_0P0]    = &DD_AD[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_0M0]    = &DD_AD[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_00P]    = &DD_AD[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_00M]    = &DD_AD[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_PP0]   = &DD_AD[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_MM0]   = &DD_AD[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_PM0]   = &DD_AD[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_MP0]   = &DD_AD[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_P0P]   = &DD_AD[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_M0M]   = &DD_AD[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_P0M]   = &DD_AD[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_M0P]   = &DD_AD[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_0PP]   = &DD_AD[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_0MM]   = &DD_AD[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_0PM]   = &DD_AD[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_0MP]   = &DD_AD[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_000] = &DD_AD[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_PPP]  = &DD_AD[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_MMP]  = &DD_AD[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_PMP]  = &DD_AD[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_MPP]  = &DD_AD[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_PPM]  = &DD_AD[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_MMM]  = &DD_AD[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_PMM]  = &DD_AD[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_MPM]  = &DD_AD[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-	}						
-	else					
-	{						
-		Dad.f[DIR_M00]    = &DD_AD[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_P00]    = &DD_AD[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_0M0]    = &DD_AD[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_0P0]    = &DD_AD[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_00M]    = &DD_AD[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_00P]    = &DD_AD[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_MM0]   = &DD_AD[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_PP0]   = &DD_AD[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_MP0]   = &DD_AD[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_PM0]   = &DD_AD[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_M0M]   = &DD_AD[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_P0P]   = &DD_AD[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_M0P]   = &DD_AD[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_P0M]   = &DD_AD[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_0MM]   = &DD_AD[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_0PP]   = &DD_AD[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_0MP]   = &DD_AD[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_0PM]   = &DD_AD[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_000] = &DD_AD[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_PPP]  = &DD_AD[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_MMP]  = &DD_AD[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_PMP]  = &DD_AD[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_MPP]  = &DD_AD[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_PPM]  = &DD_AD[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_MMM]  = &DD_AD[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_PMM]  = &DD_AD[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		Dad.f[DIR_MPM]  = &DD_AD[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
-	const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index 
-	const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index 
-	const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-	const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-	const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	if (k < numberOfLBnodes)
-	{
-		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		//index
-		//unsigned int kzero = k;
-		unsigned int ke = k;
-		unsigned int kw = neighborX[k];
-		unsigned int kn = k;
-		unsigned int ks = neighborY[k];
-		unsigned int kt = k;
-		unsigned int kb = neighborZ[k];
-		unsigned int ksw = neighborY[kw];
-		unsigned int kne = k;
-		unsigned int kse = ks;
-		unsigned int knw = kw;
-		unsigned int kbw = neighborZ[kw];
-		unsigned int kte = k;
-		unsigned int kbe = kb;
-		unsigned int ktw = kw;
-		unsigned int kbs = neighborZ[ks];
-		unsigned int ktn = k;
-		unsigned int kbn = kb;
-		unsigned int kts = ks;
-		unsigned int ktse = ks;
-		unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
-		unsigned int ktnw = kw;
-		unsigned int kbse = kbs;
-		unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
-		unsigned int kbne = kb;
-		unsigned int ktne = k;
-		unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
-		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		real CONC  = concD[k];
-		real PRESS = pressD[k];
-		real RHO   = rhoD[k];
-		real VX    = vxD[k];
-		real VY    = vyD[k];
-		real VZ    = vzD[k];
-		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		concD[k] = c0o1;
-		pressD[k] = c0o1;
-		rhoD[k] = c0o1;
-		vxD[k] = c0o1;
-		vyD[k] = c0o1;
-		vzD[k] = c0o1;
-		if (geoD[k] == GEO_FLUID)
-		{
-			real mfcbb = (D.f[DIR_P00])[k];//[ke   ];
-			real mfabb = (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw];//[kw   ];  
-			real mfbcb = (D.f[DIR_0P0])[k];//[kn   ];
-			real mfbab = (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks];//[ks   ];  
-			real mfbbc = (D.f[DIR_00P])[k];//[kt   ];
-			real mfbba = (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb];//[kb   ];  
-			real mfccb = (D.f[DIR_PP0])[k];//[kne  ];  
-			real mfaab = (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw];//[ksw  ];
-			real mfcab = (D.f[DIR_PM0])[ks];//[kse  ]; 
-			real mfacb = (D.f[DIR_MP0])[kw];//[knw  ]; 
-			real mfcbc = (D.f[DIR_P0P])[k];//[kte  ];  
-			real mfaba = (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw];//[kbw  ];
-			real mfcba = (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kb];//[kbe  ]; 
-			real mfabc = (D.f[DIR_M0P])[kw];//[ktw  ]; 
-			real mfbcc = (D.f[DIR_0PP])[k];//[ktn  ];  
-			real mfbaa = (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs];//[kbs  ];
-			real mfbca = (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kb];//[kbn  ]; 
-			real mfbac = (D.f[DIR_0MP])[ks];//[kts  ]; 
-			real mfbbb = (D.f[DIR_000])[k];//[kzero];
-			real mfccc = (D.f[DIR_PPP])[k];//[ktne ]; 
-			real mfaac = (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ksw];//[ktsw ]; 
-			real mfcac = (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ks];//[ktse ];
-			real mfacc = (D.f[DIR_MPP])[kw];//[ktnw ];
-			real mfcca = (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kb];//[kbne ];
-			real mfaaa = (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw];//[kbsw ];
-			real mfcaa = (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbs];//[kbse ]; 
-			real mfaca = (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbw];//[kbnw ]; 
-			////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			real drho =
-				((((mfccc + mfaaa) + (mfaca + mfcac)) + ((mfacc + mfcaa) + (mfaac + mfcca))) +
-				 (((mfbac + mfbca) + (mfbaa + mfbcc)) + ((mfabc + mfcba) + (mfaba + mfcbc)) + ((mfacb + mfcab) + (mfaab + mfccb))) +
-				  ((mfabb + mfcbb) + (mfbab + mfbcb)  +  (mfbba + mfbbc))) + mfbbb;
-			real rho = c1o1 + drho;
-			////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			rhoD[k] = drho + RHO;
-			vxD[k] =
-				(((((mfccc - mfaaa) + (mfcac - mfaca)) + ((mfcaa - mfacc) + (mfcca - mfaac))) +
-				(((mfcba - mfabc) + (mfcbc - mfaba)) + ((mfcab - mfacb) + (mfccb - mfaab))) +
-					(mfcbb - mfabb)) / rho) + VX;
-			vyD[k] =
-				(((((mfccc - mfaaa) + (mfaca - mfcac)) + ((mfacc - mfcaa) + (mfcca - mfaac))) +
-				(((mfbca - mfbac) + (mfbcc - mfbaa)) + ((mfacb - mfcab) + (mfccb - mfaab))) +
-					(mfbcb - mfbab)) / rho) + VY;
-			vzD[k] =
-				(((((mfccc - mfaaa) + (mfcac - mfaca)) + ((mfacc - mfcaa) + (mfaac - mfcca))) +
-				(((mfbac - mfbca) + (mfbcc - mfbaa)) + ((mfabc - mfcba) + (mfcbc - mfaba))) +
-					(mfbbc - mfbba)) / rho) + VZ;
-			pressD[k] = 
-				((D.f[DIR_P00])[ke] + (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw] +
-				 (D.f[DIR_0P0])[kn] + (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks] +
-				 (D.f[DIR_00P])[kt] + (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb] +
-				 c2o1*(
-				 (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne] + (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw] +
-				 (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse] + (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw] +
-				 (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] + (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw] +
-				 (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe] + (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw] +
-				 (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn] + (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs] +
-				 (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn] + (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts]) +
-				 c3o1*(
-				 (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne] + (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw] +
-				 (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse] + (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw] +
-				 (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne] + (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw] +
-				 (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse] + (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]) -
-				 rhoD[k] - (vxD[k] * vxD[k] + vyD[k] * vyD[k] + vzD[k] * vzD[k]) * (c1o1 + rhoD[k])) * c1o2 + rhoD[k] +
-				 PRESS;
-				 //achtung op hart gesetzt Annahme op = 1 ;                                                    ^^^^(1.0/op-0.5)=0.5
-			//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			mfcbb = (Dad.f[DIR_P00])[k   ];
-			mfabb = (Dad.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ];
-			mfbcb = (Dad.f[DIR_0P0])[k   ];
-			mfbab = (Dad.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ];
-			mfbbc = (Dad.f[DIR_00P])[k   ];
-			mfbba = (Dad.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ];
-			mfccb = (Dad.f[DIR_PP0])[k   ];
-			mfaab = (Dad.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ];
-			mfcab = (Dad.f[DIR_PM0])[ks  ];
-			mfacb = (Dad.f[DIR_MP0])[kw  ];
-			mfcbc = (Dad.f[DIR_P0P])[k   ];
-			mfaba = (Dad.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ];
-			mfcba = (Dad.f[DIR_P0M])[kb  ];
-			mfabc = (Dad.f[DIR_M0P])[kw  ];
-			mfbcc = (Dad.f[DIR_0PP])[k   ];
-			mfbaa = (Dad.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ];
-			mfbca = (Dad.f[DIR_0PM])[kb  ];
-			mfbac = (Dad.f[DIR_0MP])[ks  ];
-			mfbbb = (Dad.f[DIR_000])[k   ];
-			mfccc = (Dad.f[DIR_PPP])[k   ];
-			mfaac = (Dad.f[DIR_MMP])[ksw ];
-			mfcac = (Dad.f[DIR_PMP])[ks  ];
-			mfacc = (Dad.f[DIR_MPP])[kw  ];
-			mfcca = (Dad.f[DIR_PPM])[kb  ];
-			mfaaa = (Dad.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw];
-			mfcaa = (Dad.f[DIR_PMM])[kbs ];
-			mfaca = (Dad.f[DIR_MPM])[kbw ];
-			//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			concD[k] = 
-				((((mfccc + mfaaa) + (mfaca + mfcac)) + ((mfacc + mfcaa)   + (mfaac + mfcca))) +
-				 (((mfbac + mfbca) + (mfbaa + mfbcc)) + ((mfabc + mfcba)   + (mfaba + mfcbc)) + ((mfacb + mfcab) + (mfaab + mfccb))) +
-				  ((mfabb + mfcbb) + (mfbab + mfbcb)  +  (mfbba + mfbbc))) +  mfbbb + CONC;
-		}
-	}
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if ( nodeIndex < numberOfLBnodes )
+    {
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on
+        //! timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref <a
+        //! href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017),
+        //! DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
+        //!
+        Distributions27 dist, distAD;
+        getPointersToDistributions(dist,   distributions,   numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);
+        getPointersToDistributions(distAD, distributionsAD, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //index
+        //unsigned int kzero = k;
+        unsigned int ke = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kw = neighborX[nodeIndex];
+        unsigned int kn = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int ks = neighborY[nodeIndex];
+        unsigned int kt = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kb = neighborZ[nodeIndex];
+        unsigned int ksw = neighborY[kw];
+        unsigned int kne = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kse = ks;
+        unsigned int knw = kw;
+        unsigned int kbw = neighborZ[kw];
+        unsigned int kte = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kbe = kb;
+        unsigned int ktw = kw;
+        unsigned int kbs = neighborZ[ks];
+        unsigned int ktn = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kbn = kb;
+        unsigned int kts = ks;
+        unsigned int ktse = ks;
+        unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
+        unsigned int ktnw = kw;
+        unsigned int kbse = kbs;
+        unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
+        unsigned int kbne = kb;
+        unsigned int ktne = nodeIndex;
+        unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        real CONC  = concD[nodeIndex];
+        real PRESS = pressD[nodeIndex];
+        real RHO   = rhoD[nodeIndex];
+        real VX    = vxD[nodeIndex];
+        real VY    = vyD[nodeIndex];
+        real VZ    = vzD[nodeIndex];
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        concD[nodeIndex]  = c0o1;
+        pressD[nodeIndex] = c0o1;
+        rhoD[nodeIndex]   = c0o1;
+        vxD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        vyD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        vzD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        if (geoD[nodeIndex] == GEO_FLUID)
+        {
+            real mfcbb = (dist.f[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex];//[ke   ];
+            real mfabb = (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw];//[kw   ];  
+            real mfbcb = (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex];//[kn   ];
+            real mfbab = (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks];//[ks   ];  
+            real mfbbc = (dist.f[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex];//[kt   ];
+            real mfbba = (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb];//[kb   ];  
+            real mfccb = (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex];//[kne  ];  
+            real mfaab = (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw];//[ksw  ];
+            real mfcab = (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[ks];//[kse  ]; 
+            real mfacb = (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[kw];//[knw  ]; 
+            real mfcbc = (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex];//[kte  ];  
+            real mfaba = (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw];//[kbw  ];
+            real mfcba = (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kb];//[kbe  ]; 
+            real mfabc = (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[kw];//[ktw  ]; 
+            real mfbcc = (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex];//[ktn  ];  
+            real mfbaa = (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs];//[kbs  ];
+            real mfbca = (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kb];//[kbn  ]; 
+            real mfbac = (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[ks];//[kts  ]; 
+            real mfbbb = (dist.f[DIR_000])[nodeIndex];//[kzero];
+            real mfccc = (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex];//[ktne ]; 
+            real mfaac = (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ksw];//[ktsw ]; 
+            real mfcac = (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ks];//[ktse ];
+            real mfacc = (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[kw];//[ktnw ];
+            real mfcca = (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kb];//[kbne ];
+            real mfaaa = (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw];//[kbsw ];
+            real mfcaa = (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbs];//[kbse ]; 
+            real mfaca = (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbw];//[kbnw ]; 
+            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            real drho =
+                ((((mfccc + mfaaa) + (mfaca + mfcac)) + ((mfacc + mfcaa) + (mfaac + mfcca))) +
+                 (((mfbac + mfbca) + (mfbaa + mfbcc)) + ((mfabc + mfcba) + (mfaba + mfcbc)) + ((mfacb + mfcab) + (mfaab + mfccb))) +
+                  ((mfabb + mfcbb) + (mfbab + mfbcb)  +  (mfbba + mfbbc))) + mfbbb;
+            real rho = c1o1 + drho;
+            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            rhoD[nodeIndex] = drho + RHO;
+            vxD[nodeIndex] =
+                (((((mfccc - mfaaa) + (mfcac - mfaca)) + ((mfcaa - mfacc) + (mfcca - mfaac))) +
+                (((mfcba - mfabc) + (mfcbc - mfaba)) + ((mfcab - mfacb) + (mfccb - mfaab))) +
+                    (mfcbb - mfabb)) / rho) + VX;
+            vyD[nodeIndex] =
+                (((((mfccc - mfaaa) + (mfaca - mfcac)) + ((mfacc - mfcaa) + (mfcca - mfaac))) +
+                (((mfbca - mfbac) + (mfbcc - mfbaa)) + ((mfacb - mfcab) + (mfccb - mfaab))) +
+                    (mfbcb - mfbab)) / rho) + VY;
+            vzD[nodeIndex] =
+                (((((mfccc - mfaaa) + (mfcac - mfaca)) + ((mfacc - mfcaa) + (mfaac - mfcca))) +
+                (((mfbac - mfbca) + (mfbcc - mfbaa)) + ((mfabc - mfcba) + (mfcbc - mfaba))) +
+                    (mfbbc - mfbba)) / rho) + VZ;
+            pressD[nodeIndex] = 
+                ((dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke] + (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw] +
+                 (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn] + (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks] +
+                 (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt] + (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb] +
+                 c2o1*(
+                 (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne] + (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw] +
+                 (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse] + (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw] +
+                 (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] + (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw] +
+                 (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe] + (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw] +
+                 (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn] + (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs] +
+                 (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn] + (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts]) +
+                 c3o1*(
+                 (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne] + (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw] +
+                 (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse] + (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw] +
+                 (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne] + (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw] +
+                 (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse] + (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]) -
+                 rhoD[nodeIndex] - (vxD[nodeIndex] * vxD[nodeIndex] + vyD[nodeIndex] * vyD[nodeIndex] + vzD[nodeIndex] * vzD[nodeIndex]) * (c1o1 + rhoD[nodeIndex])) * c1o2 + rhoD[nodeIndex] +
+                 PRESS;
+                 //achtung op hart gesetzt Annahme op = 1 ;                                                    ^^^^(1.0/op-0.5)=0.5
+            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            mfcbb = (distAD.f[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex   ];
+            mfabb = (distAD.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ];
+            mfbcb = (distAD.f[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex   ];
+            mfbab = (distAD.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ];
+            mfbbc = (distAD.f[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex   ];
+            mfbba = (distAD.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ];
+            mfccb = (distAD.f[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex   ];
+            mfaab = (distAD.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ];
+            mfcab = (distAD.f[DIR_PM0])[ks  ];
+            mfacb = (distAD.f[DIR_MP0])[kw  ];
+            mfcbc = (distAD.f[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex   ];
+            mfaba = (distAD.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ];
+            mfcba = (distAD.f[DIR_P0M])[kb  ];
+            mfabc = (distAD.f[DIR_M0P])[kw  ];
+            mfbcc = (distAD.f[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex   ];
+            mfbaa = (distAD.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ];
+            mfbca = (distAD.f[DIR_0PM])[kb  ];
+            mfbac = (distAD.f[DIR_0MP])[ks  ];
+            mfbbb = (distAD.f[DIR_000])[nodeIndex   ];
+            mfccc = (distAD.f[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex   ];
+            mfaac = (distAD.f[DIR_MMP])[ksw ];
+            mfcac = (distAD.f[DIR_PMP])[ks  ];
+            mfacc = (distAD.f[DIR_MPP])[kw  ];
+            mfcca = (distAD.f[DIR_PPM])[kb  ];
+            mfaaa = (distAD.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw];
+            mfcaa = (distAD.f[DIR_PMM])[kbs ];
+            mfaca = (distAD.f[DIR_MPM])[kbw ];
+            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            concD[nodeIndex] = 
+                ((((mfccc + mfaaa) + (mfaca + mfcac)) + ((mfacc + mfcaa)   + (mfaac + mfcca))) +
+                 (((mfbac + mfbca) + (mfbaa + mfbcc)) + ((mfabc + mfcba)   + (mfaba + mfcbc)) + ((mfacb + mfcab) + (mfaab + mfccb))) +
+                  ((mfabb + mfcbb) + (mfbab + mfbcb)  +  (mfbba + mfbbc))) +  mfbbb + CONC;
+        }
+    }
@@ -1168,54 +896,50 @@ __global__ void LBCalcMedCompAD27(
-__global__ void LBCalcMacMedSP27( real* vxD,
-                                             real* vyD,
-                                             real* vzD,
-                                             real* rhoD,
-                                             real* pressD,
-                                             unsigned int* geoD,
-                                             unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                             unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                             unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                             unsigned int tdiff,
-                                             unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                             bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void LBCalcMacMedSP27(
+    real* vxD,
+    real* vyD,
+    real* vzD,
+    real* rhoD,
+    real* pressD,
+    unsigned int* geoD,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned int tdiff,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   if(k<numberOfLBnodes)
-   {
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      real PRESS = pressD[k];
-      real RHO   = rhoD[k];
-      real VX    = vxD[k];
-      real VY    = vyD[k];
-      real VZ    = vzD[k];
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      pressD[k] = c0o1;
-      rhoD[k]   = c0o1;
-      vxD[k]    = c0o1;
-      vyD[k]    = c0o1;
-      vzD[k]    = c0o1;
-      if(geoD[k] == GEO_FLUID)
-      {
-         rhoD[k]    =   RHO   / tdiff;
-         vxD[k]     =   VX    / tdiff;
-         vyD[k]     =   VY    / tdiff;
-         vzD[k]     =   VZ    / tdiff;
-         pressD[k]  =   PRESS / tdiff;    
-      }
-   }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if(nodeIndex<numberOfLBnodes)
+    {
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        real PRESS = pressD[nodeIndex];
+        real RHO   = rhoD[nodeIndex];
+        real VX    = vxD[nodeIndex];
+        real VY    = vyD[nodeIndex];
+        real VZ    = vzD[nodeIndex];
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        pressD[nodeIndex] = c0o1;
+        rhoD[nodeIndex]   = c0o1;
+        vxD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        vyD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        vzD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        if(geoD[nodeIndex] == GEO_FLUID)
+        {
+            rhoD[nodeIndex]    =   RHO   / tdiff;
+            vxD[nodeIndex]     =   VX    / tdiff;
+            vyD[nodeIndex]     =   VY    / tdiff;
+            vzD[nodeIndex]     =   VZ    / tdiff;
+            pressD[nodeIndex]  =   PRESS / tdiff;    
+        }
+    }
@@ -1241,34 +965,29 @@ __global__ void LBCalcMacMedSP27( real* vxD,
 __global__ void LBResetMedianValuesSP27(
-	real* vxD,
-	real* vyD,
-	real* vzD,
-	real* rhoD,
-	real* pressD,
-	unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-	bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* vxD,
+    real* vyD,
+    real* vzD,
+    real* rhoD,
+    real* pressD,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
-	const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index 
-	const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index 
-	const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-	const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-	const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	if (k<numberOfLBnodes)
-	{
-		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		pressD[k] = c0o1;
-		rhoD[k] = c0o1;
-		vxD[k] = c0o1;
-		vyD[k] = c0o1;
-		vzD[k] = c0o1;
-	}
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if ( nodeIndex < numberOfLBnodes )
+    {
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        pressD[nodeIndex] = c0o1;
+        rhoD[nodeIndex] = c0o1;
+        vxD[nodeIndex] = c0o1;
+        vyD[nodeIndex] = c0o1;
+        vzD[nodeIndex] = c0o1;
+    }
@@ -1294,36 +1013,30 @@ __global__ void LBResetMedianValuesSP27(
 __global__ void LBResetMedianValuesAD27(
-	real* vxD,
-	real* vyD,
-	real* vzD,
-	real* rhoD,
-	real* pressD,
-	real* concD,
-	unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-	bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* vxD,
+    real* vyD,
+    real* vzD,
+    real* rhoD,
+    real* pressD,
+    real* concD,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
-	const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index 
-	const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index 
-	const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-	const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-	const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	if (k < numberOfLBnodes)
-	{
-		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		concD[k]  = c0o1;
-		pressD[k] = c0o1;
-		rhoD[k]   = c0o1;
-		vxD[k]    = c0o1;
-		vyD[k]    = c0o1;
-		vzD[k]    = c0o1;
-	}
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if (nodeIndex < numberOfLBnodes)
+    {
+        concD[nodeIndex]  = c0o1;
+        pressD[nodeIndex] = c0o1;
+        rhoD[nodeIndex]   = c0o1;
+        vxD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        vyD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+        vzD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+    }
@@ -1348,177 +1061,121 @@ __global__ void LBResetMedianValuesAD27(
-__global__ void LBCalcMeasurePoints( real* vxMP,
-												real* vyMP,
-												real* vzMP,
-												real* rhoMP,
-												unsigned int* kMP,
-												unsigned int numberOfPointskMP,
-												unsigned int MPClockCycle,
-												unsigned int t,
-												unsigned int* geoD,
-												unsigned int* neighborX,
-												unsigned int* neighborY,
-												unsigned int* neighborZ,
-												unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-												real* DD,
-												bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void LBCalcMeasurePoints(
+    real* vxMP,
+    real* vyMP,
+    real* vzMP,
+    real* rhoMP,
+    unsigned int* kMP,
+    unsigned int numberOfPointskMP,
+    unsigned int MPClockCycle,
+    unsigned int t,
+    unsigned int* geoD,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real* distributions,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-	Distributions27 D;
-	if (isEvenTimestep==true)
-	{
-		D.f[DIR_P00] = &DD[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_M00] = &DD[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0P0] = &DD[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0M0] = &DD[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_00P] = &DD[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_00M] = &DD[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PP0] = &DD[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MM0] = &DD[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PM0] = &DD[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MP0] = &DD[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_P0P] = &DD[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_M0M] = &DD[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_P0M] = &DD[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_M0P] = &DD[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0PP] = &DD[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0MM] = &DD[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0PM] = &DD[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0MP] = &DD[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PPP] = &DD[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MMP] = &DD[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PMP] = &DD[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MPP] = &DD[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PPM] = &DD[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MMM] = &DD[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PMM] = &DD[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MPM] = &DD[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-	} 
-	else
-	{
-		D.f[DIR_M00] = &DD[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_P00] = &DD[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0M0] = &DD[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0P0] = &DD[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_00M] = &DD[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_00P] = &DD[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MM0] = &DD[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PP0] = &DD[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MP0] = &DD[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PM0] = &DD[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_M0M] = &DD[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_P0P] = &DD[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_M0P] = &DD[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_P0M] = &DD[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0MM] = &DD[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0PP] = &DD[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0MP] = &DD[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_0PM] = &DD[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PPP] = &DD[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MMP] = &DD[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PMP] = &DD[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MPP] = &DD[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PPM] = &DD[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MMM] = &DD[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_PMM] = &DD[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-		D.f[DIR_MPM] = &DD[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
-	const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index 
-	const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index 
-	const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-	const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-	const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	if(k<numberOfPointskMP)
-	{
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      //index
-      unsigned int kzero= kMP[k];//k;
-      unsigned int ke   = kzero;
-      unsigned int kw   = neighborX[kzero];
-      unsigned int kn   = kzero;
-      unsigned int ks   = neighborY[kzero];
-      unsigned int kt   = kzero;
-      unsigned int kb   = neighborZ[kzero];
-      unsigned int ksw  = neighborY[kw];
-      unsigned int kne  = kzero;
-      unsigned int kse  = ks;
-      unsigned int knw  = kw;
-      unsigned int kbw  = neighborZ[kw];
-      unsigned int kte  = kzero;
-      unsigned int kbe  = kb;
-      unsigned int ktw  = kw;
-      unsigned int kbs  = neighborZ[ks];
-      unsigned int ktn  = kzero;
-      unsigned int kbn  = kb;
-      unsigned int kts  = ks;
-      unsigned int ktse = ks;
-      unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
-      unsigned int ktnw = kw;
-      unsigned int kbse = kbs;
-      unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
-      unsigned int kbne = kb;
-      unsigned int ktne = kzero;
-      unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	  unsigned int kMac = k*MPClockCycle + t;
-	  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      if(geoD[kzero] == GEO_FLUID)
-      {
-         rhoMP[kMac]=   (D.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]+ (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]+ (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]+ (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]+ (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_000])[kzero]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
-         vxMP[kMac] =   (D.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]- (D.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]- (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]- (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]- (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
-         vyMP[kMac] =   (D.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]- (D.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (D.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]-
-                        (D.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (D.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]- (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]- 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
-         vzMP[kMac] =   (D.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]- (D.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (D.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]-
-                        (D.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (D.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (D.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]-
-                        (D.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (D.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (D.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (D.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]- 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (D.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
-                        (D.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (D.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
-      }
-   }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if( nodeIndex < numberOfPointskMP )
+    {
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on
+        //! timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref <a
+        //! href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017),
+        //! DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
+        //!
+        Distributions27 dist;
+        getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //index
+        unsigned int kzero= kMP[nodeIndex];//k;
+        unsigned int ke   = kzero;
+        unsigned int kw   = neighborX[kzero];
+        unsigned int kn   = kzero;
+        unsigned int ks   = neighborY[kzero];
+        unsigned int kt   = kzero;
+        unsigned int kb   = neighborZ[kzero];
+        unsigned int ksw  = neighborY[kw];
+        unsigned int kne  = kzero;
+        unsigned int kse  = ks;
+        unsigned int knw  = kw;
+        unsigned int kbw  = neighborZ[kw];
+        unsigned int kte  = kzero;
+        unsigned int kbe  = kb;
+        unsigned int ktw  = kw;
+        unsigned int kbs  = neighborZ[ks];
+        unsigned int ktn  = kzero;
+        unsigned int kbn  = kb;
+        unsigned int kts  = ks;
+        unsigned int ktse = ks;
+        unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
+        unsigned int ktnw = kw;
+        unsigned int kbse = kbs;
+        unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
+        unsigned int kbne = kb;
+        unsigned int ktne = kzero;
+        unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	    unsigned int kMac = nodeIndex*MPClockCycle + t;
+	    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        if(geoD[kzero] == GEO_FLUID)
+        {
+            rhoMP[kMac]= (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]+ (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_000])[kzero]+ 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
+            vxMP[kMac] = (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]- (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]+ 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]- (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]- (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]- (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]+ 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
+            vyMP[kMac] = (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]- (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]- (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]-
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]+ (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]- (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]- 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]+ 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
+            vzMP[kMac] = (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]- (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]- (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]-
+                         (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]+ (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]- (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]-
+                         (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]+ (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]+
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]+ (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]+ 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]+ (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]- 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]- (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]- 
+                         (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]- (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw];
+        }
+    }
@@ -1559,40 +1216,36 @@ __global__ void LBCalcMeasurePoints( real* vxMP,
-__global__ void LBSetOutputWallVelocitySP27( real* vxD,
-														real* vyD,
-														real* vzD,
-														real* vxWall,
-														real* vyWall,
-														real* vzWall,
-														int numberOfWallNodes, 
-														int* kWallNodes, 
-														real* rhoD,
-														real* pressD,
-														unsigned int* geoD,
-														unsigned int* neighborX,
-														unsigned int* neighborY,
-														unsigned int* neighborZ,
-														unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-														real* DD,
-														bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void LBSetOutputWallVelocitySP27(
+    real* vxD,
+    real* vyD,
+    real* vzD,
+    real* vxWall,
+    real* vyWall,
+    real* vzWall,
+    int numberOfWallNodes, 
+    int* kWallNodes, 
+    real* rhoD,
+    real* pressD,
+    unsigned int* geoD,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real* DD,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index 
+   //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+   //!
+   const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-   if(k<numberOfWallNodes)
+   if(nodeIndex<numberOfWallNodes)
-      unsigned int KWN  = kWallNodes[k];
+      unsigned int KWN  = kWallNodes[nodeIndex];
       vxD[KWN] = 0.0;//vxWall[k];
       vyD[KWN] = 0.0;//vyWall[k];
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh
index 08dc872e00e501f799b03c22b6c14ec48178300b..3134db44346ee7f465a5c8f04505ee5749482fbf 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh
@@ -936,6 +936,17 @@ __global__ void QSlipNormDeviceComp27(real* DD,
                                                  unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
                                                  bool isEvenTimestep);
+__global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
+    real* distributions,
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices,
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep);
 // Stress BCs (wall model)
 __global__ void QStressDeviceComp27(real* DD,
                                                int* k_Q,
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/scaleCF_compressible.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/scaleCF_compressible.cu
index 16e22a195b3593c91881adf3f688897f53150da1..0724002cffa3a47820664851ffefd1c35dbe0235 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/scaleCF_compressible.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/scaleCF_compressible.cu
@@ -32,12 +32,13 @@
 #include "DataTypes.h"
-#include "Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
-#include "Kernel/Utilities/ChimeraTransformation.h"
-#include "Kernel/Utilities/ScalingHelperFunctions.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ChimeraTransformation.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ScalingUtilities.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+using namespace vf::gpu;
 //! \brief Calculate the interpolated distributions on the fine destination nodes
@@ -237,13 +238,13 @@ __global__ void scaleCF_compressible(
     OffCF offsetCF)
-    //! - Get the thread index coordinates from threadId_100, blockId_100, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //! - Get the node index coordinates from threadId_100, blockId_100, blockDim and gridDim.
-    const unsigned k_thread = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
     //! - Return for non-interface node
-    if (k_thread >= numberOfInterfaceNodes)
+    if (nodeIndex >= numberOfInterfaceNodes)
@@ -252,8 +253,9 @@ __global__ void scaleCF_compressible(
     //! href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017),
     //! DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
-    Distributions27 distFine   = vf::gpu::getDistributionReferences27(distributionsFine,   numberOfLBnodesFine,   true);
-    Distributions27 distCoarse = vf::gpu::getDistributionReferences27(distributionsCoarse, numberOfLBnodesCoarse, isEvenTimestep);
+    Distributions27 distFine, distCoarse;
+    getPointersToDistributions(distFine, distributionsFine, numberOfLBnodesFine, true);
+    getPointersToDistributions(distCoarse, distributionsCoarse, numberOfLBnodesCoarse, isEvenTimestep);
     //! - declare local variables for source nodes
@@ -289,7 +291,7 @@ __global__ void scaleCF_compressible(
     // source node BSW = MMM
     // index of the base node and its neighbors
-    unsigned int k_base_000 = indicesCoarseMMM[k_thread];
+    unsigned int k_base_000 = indicesCoarseMMM[nodeIndex];
     unsigned int k_base_M00 = neighborXcoarse [k_base_000];
     unsigned int k_base_0M0 = neighborYcoarse [k_base_000];
     unsigned int k_base_00M = neighborZcoarse [k_base_000];
@@ -739,9 +741,9 @@ __global__ void scaleCF_compressible(
     //! - Set the relative position of the offset cell {-1, 0, 1}
-    real xoff    = offsetCF.xOffCF[k_thread];
-    real yoff    = offsetCF.yOffCF[k_thread];
-    real zoff    = offsetCF.zOffCF[k_thread];
+    real xoff    = offsetCF.xOffCF[nodeIndex];
+    real yoff    = offsetCF.yOffCF[nodeIndex];
+    real zoff    = offsetCF.zOffCF[nodeIndex];
     real xoff_sq = xoff * xoff;
     real yoff_sq = yoff * yoff;
@@ -904,7 +906,7 @@ __global__ void scaleCF_compressible(
     // index of the base node and its neighbors
-    k_base_000 = indicesFineMMM[k_thread];
+    k_base_000 = indicesFineMMM[nodeIndex];
     k_base_M00 = neighborXfine [k_base_000];
     k_base_0M0 = neighborYfine [k_base_000];
     k_base_00M = neighborZfine [k_base_000];
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/scaleFC_compressible.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/scaleFC_compressible.cu
index 4a46dd5819069fb7ad936aa4cd8d249153bc6ca8..e7d999d108e59bca98bf87b813f9479f1c601266 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/scaleFC_compressible.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/scaleFC_compressible.cu
@@ -31,12 +31,13 @@
 //! \author Martin Schoenherr, Anna Wellmann
-#include "Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
-#include "Kernel/Utilities/ChimeraTransformation.h"
-#include "Kernel/Utilities/ScalingHelperFunctions.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ChimeraTransformation.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ScalingUtilities.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+using namespace vf::gpu;
 //! \brief Interpolate from fine to coarse
@@ -65,13 +66,13 @@ __global__ void scaleFC_compressible(
     OffFC offsetFC)
-    //! - Get the thread index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //! - Get the node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
-    const unsigned k_thread = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
     //! - Return for non-interface node
-    if (k_thread >= numberOfInterfaceNodes)
+    if (nodeIndex >= numberOfInterfaceNodes)
@@ -80,8 +81,9 @@ __global__ void scaleFC_compressible(
     //! href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017),
     //! DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
-    Distributions27 distFine   = vf::gpu::getDistributionReferences27(distributionsFine,   numberOfLBnodesFine,   true);
-    Distributions27 distCoarse = vf::gpu::getDistributionReferences27(distributionsCoarse, numberOfLBnodesCoarse, isEvenTimestep);
+    Distributions27 distFine, distCoarse;
+    getPointersToDistributions(distFine, distributionsFine, numberOfLBnodesFine, true);
+    getPointersToDistributions(distCoarse, distributionsCoarse, numberOfLBnodesCoarse, isEvenTimestep);
     //! - declare local variables for source nodes
@@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ __global__ void scaleFC_compressible(
     // source node BSW = MMM
     // index of the base node and its neighbors
-    unsigned int k_base_000 = indicesFineMMM[k_thread];
+    unsigned int k_base_000 = indicesFineMMM[nodeIndex];
     unsigned int k_base_M00 = neighborXfine [k_base_000];
     unsigned int k_base_0M0 = neighborYfine [k_base_000];
     unsigned int k_base_00M = neighborZfine [k_base_000];
@@ -278,19 +280,6 @@ __global__ void scaleFC_compressible(
     real c_000, c_100, c_010, c_001, c_200, c_020, c_002, c_110, c_101, c_011;
     real d_000, d_100, d_010, d_001, d_110, d_101, d_011;
-    //a_000 = (-kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPP + kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPM + kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPP -
-    //        kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMP + kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMM + kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMP -
-    //        kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPP + kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPM + kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPP -
-    //        kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMP + kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMM + kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMP -
-    //        c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_PPM - c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_PPP - c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_MPM - c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_MPP +
-    //        c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_PMM + c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_PMP + c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_MMM + c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_MMP +
-    //        c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_PPM - c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_PPP + c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_MPM - c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_MPP +
-    //        c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_PMM - c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_PMP + c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_MMM - c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_MMP +
-    //        c8o1 * vx1_PPM + c8o1 * vx1_PPP + c8o1 * vx1_MPM + c8o1 * vx1_MPP + c8o1 * vx1_PMM + c8o1 * vx1_PMP +
-    //        c8o1 * vx1_MMM + c8o1 * vx1_MMP + c2o1 * vx2_PPM + c2o1 * vx2_PPP - c2o1 * vx2_MPM - c2o1 * vx2_MPP -
-    //        c2o1 * vx2_PMM - c2o1 * vx2_PMP + c2o1 * vx2_MMM + c2o1 * vx2_MMP - c2o1 * vx3_PPM + c2o1 * vx3_PPP +
-    //        c2o1 * vx3_MPM - c2o1 * vx3_MPP - c2o1 * vx3_PMM + c2o1 * vx3_PMP + c2o1 * vx3_MMM - c2o1 * vx3_MMP) /
-    //        c64o1;
     a_000 = c1o64 * (
             c2o1 * (
             ((kxyFromfcNEQ_MMM - kxyFromfcNEQ_PPP) + (kxyFromfcNEQ_MMP - kxyFromfcNEQ_PPM)) + ((kxyFromfcNEQ_PMM - kxyFromfcNEQ_MPP) + (kxyFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxyFromfcNEQ_MPM)) + 
@@ -302,21 +291,6 @@ __global__ void scaleFC_compressible(
             ((kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPP - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMM) + (kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMP)) +
             ((kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPP) + (kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPM)) + 
             ((kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMM) + (kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMP)));
-    //b_000 = (c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPM + c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPP + c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPM +
-    //        c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPP - c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMM - c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMP -
-    //        c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMM - c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPP -
-    //        kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPP + kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMM + kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMP +
-    //        kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMM + kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMP - c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_PPM - c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_PPP +
-    //        c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_MPM + c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_MPP - c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_PMM - c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_PMP +
-    //        c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_MMM + c2o1 * kxyFromfcNEQ_MMP + c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_PPM - c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_PPP +
-    //        c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_MPM - c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_MPP + c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_PMM - c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_PMP +
-    //        c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_MMM - c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_MMP + c2o1 * vx1_PPM + c2o1 * vx1_PPP - c2o1 * vx1_MPM -
-    //        c2o1 * vx1_MPP - c2o1 * vx1_PMM - c2o1 * vx1_PMP + c2o1 * vx1_MMM + c2o1 * vx1_MMP + c8o1 * vx2_PPM +
-    //        c8o1 * vx2_PPP + c8o1 * vx2_MPM + c8o1 * vx2_MPP + c8o1 * vx2_PMM + c8o1 * vx2_PMP + c8o1 * vx2_MMM +
-    //        c8o1 * vx2_MMP - c2o1 * vx3_PPM + c2o1 * vx3_PPP - c2o1 * vx3_MPM + c2o1 * vx3_MPP + c2o1 * vx3_PMM -
-    //        c2o1 * vx3_PMP + c2o1 * vx3_MMM - c2o1 * vx3_MMP) /
-    //        c64o1;
     b_000 = c1o64 * (
             c2o1 * (
             ((kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMM) + (kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMP)) + 
@@ -330,21 +304,6 @@ __global__ void scaleFC_compressible(
             c8o1 * (((vx2_PPP + vx2_MMM) + (vx2_PPM + vx2_MMP)) + ((vx2_MPP + vx2_PMM) + (vx2_MPM + vx2_PMP))) + 
             ((kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPP) + (kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPM)) +
             ((kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPP) + (kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPM)));
-    //c_000 = (kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPP + kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPP +
-    //        kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMP + kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMP -
-    //        c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPM + c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPP - c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPM +
-    //        c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPP - c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMM + c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMP -
-    //        c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMM + c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMP - c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_PPM -
-    //        c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_PPP + c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_MPM + c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_MPP - c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_PMM -
-    //        c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_PMP + c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_MMM + c2o1 * kxzFromfcNEQ_MMP - c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_PPM -
-    //        c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_PPP - c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_MPM - c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_MPP + c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_PMM +
-    //        c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_PMP + c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_MMM + c2o1 * kyzFromfcNEQ_MMP - c2o1 * vx1_PPM +
-    //        c2o1 * vx1_PPP + c2o1 * vx1_MPM - c2o1 * vx1_MPP - c2o1 * vx1_PMM + c2o1 * vx1_PMP + c2o1 * vx1_MMM -
-    //        c2o1 * vx1_MMP - c2o1 * vx2_PPM + c2o1 * vx2_PPP - c2o1 * vx2_MPM + c2o1 * vx2_MPP + c2o1 * vx2_PMM -
-    //        c2o1 * vx2_PMP + c2o1 * vx2_MMM - c2o1 * vx2_MMP + c8o1 * vx3_PPM + c8o1 * vx3_PPP + c8o1 * vx3_MPM +
-    //        c8o1 * vx3_MPP + c8o1 * vx3_PMM + c8o1 * vx3_PMP + c8o1 * vx3_MMM + c8o1 * vx3_MMP) /
-    //        c64o1;
     c_000 = c1o64 * ( 
             c2o1 * (
             ((kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMM) + (kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPM)) + 
@@ -359,23 +318,10 @@ __global__ void scaleFC_compressible(
             ((kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPP) + (kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMP)) + 
             ((kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPP) + (kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMP)));
-    //a_100  = (vx1_PPM + vx1_PPP - vx1_MPM - vx1_MPP + vx1_PMM + vx1_PMP - vx1_MMM - vx1_MMP) / c4o1;
     a_100 = c1o4 * (((vx1_PPP - vx1_MMM) + (vx1_PPM - vx1_MMP)) + ((vx1_PMM - vx1_MPP) + (vx1_PMP - vx1_MPM)));
-    //b_100  = (vx2_PPM + vx2_PPP - vx2_MPM - vx2_MPP + vx2_PMM + vx2_PMP - vx2_MMM - vx2_MMP) / c4o1;
     b_100 = c1o4 * (((vx2_PPP - vx2_MMM) + (vx2_PPM - vx2_MMP)) + ((vx2_PMM - vx2_MPP) + (vx2_PMP - vx2_MPM)));
-    //c_100  = (vx3_PPM + vx3_PPP - vx3_MPM - vx3_MPP + vx3_PMM + vx3_PMP - vx3_MMM - vx3_MMP) / c4o1;
     c_100 = c1o4 * (((vx3_PPP - vx3_MMM) + (vx3_PPM - vx3_MMP)) + ((vx3_PMM - vx3_MPP) + (vx3_PMP - vx3_MPM)));
-    //a_200 = (kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPM + kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPP +
-    //        kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMM + kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMP +
-    //        kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPM + kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPP +
-    //        kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMM + kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMP + c2o1 * vx2_PPM +
-    //        c2o1 * vx2_PPP - c2o1 * vx2_MPM - c2o1 * vx2_MPP - c2o1 * vx2_PMM - c2o1 * vx2_PMP + c2o1 * vx2_MMM +
-    //        c2o1 * vx2_MMP - c2o1 * vx3_PPM + c2o1 * vx3_PPP + c2o1 * vx3_MPM - c2o1 * vx3_MPP - c2o1 * vx3_PMM +
-    //        c2o1 * vx3_PMP + c2o1 * vx3_MMM - c2o1 * vx3_MMP) /
-    //        c16o1;
     a_200 = c1o16 * ( 
             c2o1 * (
             ((vx2_PPP + vx2_MMM) + (vx2_PPM - vx2_MPP)) + ((vx2_MMP - vx2_PMM) - (vx2_MPM + vx2_PMP)) + 
@@ -384,54 +330,25 @@ __global__ void scaleFC_compressible(
             ((kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPP) + (kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPM)) + 
             ((kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMM) + (kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMP)) + 
             ((kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPP) + (kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPM)));
-    //b_200 = (kxyFromfcNEQ_PPM + kxyFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxyFromfcNEQ_MPM - kxyFromfcNEQ_MPP + kxyFromfcNEQ_PMM +
-    //        kxyFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxyFromfcNEQ_MMM - kxyFromfcNEQ_MMP - c2o1 * vx1_PPM - c2o1 * vx1_PPP +
-    //        c2o1 * vx1_MPM + c2o1 * vx1_MPP + c2o1 * vx1_PMM + c2o1 * vx1_PMP - c2o1 * vx1_MMM - c2o1 * vx1_MMP) /
-    //        c8o1;
     b_200 = c1o8 * (
             c2o1 * (
             -((vx1_PPP + vx1_MMM) + (vx1_PPM + vx1_MMP)) + ((vx1_MPP + vx1_PMM) + (vx1_MPM + vx1_PMP))) +
             ((kxyFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxyFromfcNEQ_MMM) + (kxyFromfcNEQ_PPM - kxyFromfcNEQ_MMP)) + 
             ((kxyFromfcNEQ_PMM - kxyFromfcNEQ_MPP) + (kxyFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxyFromfcNEQ_MPM)));
-    //c_200 = (kxzFromfcNEQ_PPM + kxzFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxzFromfcNEQ_MPM - kxzFromfcNEQ_MPP + kxzFromfcNEQ_PMM +
-    //         kxzFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxzFromfcNEQ_MMM - kxzFromfcNEQ_MMP + c2o1 * vx1_PPM - c2o1 * vx1_PPP - c2o1 * vx1_MPM +
-    //         c2o1 * vx1_MPP + c2o1 * vx1_PMM - c2o1 * vx1_PMP - c2o1 * vx1_MMM + c2o1 * vx1_MMP) /
-    //        c8o1;
     c_200 = c1o8 * (
             c2o1 * (
             ((vx1_PPM + vx1_MMP) - (vx1_PPP + vx1_MMM)) + ((vx1_MPP + vx1_PMM) - (vx1_MPM + vx1_PMP))) +
             ((kxzFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxzFromfcNEQ_MMM) + (kxzFromfcNEQ_PPM - kxzFromfcNEQ_MMP)) + 
             ((kxzFromfcNEQ_PMM - kxzFromfcNEQ_MPP) + (kxzFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxzFromfcNEQ_MPM)));
-    //a_010 = (vx1_PPM + vx1_PPP + vx1_MPM + vx1_MPP - vx1_PMM - vx1_PMP - vx1_MMM - vx1_MMP) / c4o1;
     a_010 = c1o4 * (((vx1_PPP - vx1_MMM) + (vx1_PPM - vx1_MMP)) + ((vx1_MPP - vx1_PMM) + (vx1_MPM - vx1_PMP)));
-    //b_010 = (vx2_PPM + vx2_PPP + vx2_MPM + vx2_MPP - vx2_PMM - vx2_PMP - vx2_MMM - vx2_MMP) / c4o1;
     b_010 = c1o4 * (((vx2_PPP - vx2_MMM) + (vx2_PPM - vx2_MMP)) + ((vx2_MPP - vx2_PMM) + (vx2_MPM - vx2_PMP)));
-    //c_010 = (vx3_PPM + vx3_PPP + vx3_MPM + vx3_MPP - vx3_PMM - vx3_PMP - vx3_MMM - vx3_MMP) / c4o1;
     c_010 = c1o4 * (((vx3_PPP - vx3_MMM) + (vx3_PPM - vx3_MMP)) + ((vx3_MPP - vx3_PMM) + (vx3_MPM - vx3_PMP)));
-    //a_020 = (kxyFromfcNEQ_PPM + kxyFromfcNEQ_PPP + kxyFromfcNEQ_MPM + kxyFromfcNEQ_MPP - kxyFromfcNEQ_PMM -
-    //        kxyFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxyFromfcNEQ_MMM - kxyFromfcNEQ_MMP - c2o1 * vx2_PPM - c2o1 * vx2_PPP +
-    //        c2o1 * vx2_MPM + c2o1 * vx2_MPP + c2o1 * vx2_PMM + c2o1 * vx2_PMP - c2o1 * vx2_MMM - c2o1 * vx2_MMP) /
-    //        c8o1;
     a_020 = c1o8 * (
             c2o1 * (-((vx2_PPP + vx2_MMM) + (vx2_MMP + vx2_PPM)) + ((vx2_MPP + vx2_PMM) + (vx2_MPM + vx2_PMP))) +
             ((kxyFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxyFromfcNEQ_MMM) + (kxyFromfcNEQ_PPM - kxyFromfcNEQ_MMP)) + 
             ((kxyFromfcNEQ_MPP - kxyFromfcNEQ_PMM) + (kxyFromfcNEQ_MPM - kxyFromfcNEQ_PMP)));
-    //b_020 = (-c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPM - c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPP - c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPM -
-    //        c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPP + c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMM + c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMP +
-    //        c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMM + c2o1 * kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMP + kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPM + kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPP +
-    //        kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPM + kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMP -
-    //        kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMP + c2o1 * vx1_PPM + c2o1 * vx1_PPP - c2o1 * vx1_MPM -
-    //        c2o1 * vx1_MPP - c2o1 * vx1_PMM - c2o1 * vx1_PMP + c2o1 * vx1_MMM + c2o1 * vx1_MMP - c2o1 * vx3_PPM +
-    //        c2o1 * vx3_PPP - c2o1 * vx3_MPM + c2o1 * vx3_MPP + c2o1 * vx3_PMM - c2o1 * vx3_PMP + c2o1 * vx3_MMM -
-    //        c2o1 * vx3_MMP) /
-    //        c16o1;
     b_020 = c1o16 * (
             c2o1 * (
             ((kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMM - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPP) + (kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMP - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPM)) +
@@ -440,52 +357,23 @@ __global__ void scaleFC_compressible(
             ((vx3_PPP + vx3_MMM) - (vx3_PPM + vx3_MMP)) + ((vx3_MPP + vx3_PMM) - (vx3_MPM + vx3_PMP))) +
             ((kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMM) + (kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMP)) + 
             ((kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPP - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMM) + (kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMP)));
-    //c_020 = (kyzFromfcNEQ_PPM + kyzFromfcNEQ_PPP + kyzFromfcNEQ_MPM + kyzFromfcNEQ_MPP - kyzFromfcNEQ_PMM -
-    //         kyzFromfcNEQ_PMP - kyzFromfcNEQ_MMM - kyzFromfcNEQ_MMP + c2o1 * vx2_PPM - c2o1 * vx2_PPP + c2o1 * vx2_MPM -
-    //         c2o1 * vx2_MPP - c2o1 * vx2_PMM + c2o1 * vx2_PMP - c2o1 * vx2_MMM + c2o1 * vx2_MMP) /
-    //        c8o1;
     c_020 = c1o8 * (
             c2o1 * (((vx2_MMP + vx2_PPM) - (vx2_PPP + vx2_MMM)) + ((vx2_PMP + vx2_MPM) - (vx2_MPP + vx2_PMM))) +
             ((kyzFromfcNEQ_PPP - kyzFromfcNEQ_MMM) + (kyzFromfcNEQ_PPM - kyzFromfcNEQ_MMP)) +
             ((kyzFromfcNEQ_MPP - kyzFromfcNEQ_PMM) + (kyzFromfcNEQ_MPM - kyzFromfcNEQ_PMP)));
-    //a_001  = (-vx1_PPM + vx1_PPP - vx1_MPM + vx1_MPP - vx1_PMM + vx1_PMP - vx1_MMM + vx1_MMP) / c4o1;
     a_001 = c1o4 * (((vx1_PPP - vx1_MMM) + (vx1_MMP - vx1_PPM)) + ((vx1_MPP - vx1_PMM) + (vx1_PMP - vx1_MPM)));
-    //b_001  = (-vx2_PPM + vx2_PPP - vx2_MPM + vx2_MPP - vx2_PMM + vx2_PMP - vx2_MMM + vx2_MMP) / c4o1;
     b_001 = c1o4 * (((vx2_PPP - vx2_MMM) + (vx2_MMP - vx2_PPM)) + ((vx2_MPP - vx2_PMM) + (vx2_PMP - vx2_MPM)));
-    //c_001  = (-vx3_PPM + vx3_PPP - vx3_MPM + vx3_MPP - vx3_PMM + vx3_PMP - vx3_MMM + vx3_MMP) / c4o1;
     c_001 = c1o4 * (((vx3_PPP - vx3_MMM) + (vx3_MMP - vx3_PPM)) + ((vx3_MPP - vx3_PMM) + (vx3_PMP - vx3_MPM)));
-    //a_002 = (-kxzFromfcNEQ_PPM + kxzFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxzFromfcNEQ_MPM + kxzFromfcNEQ_MPP - kxzFromfcNEQ_PMM +
-    //        kxzFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxzFromfcNEQ_MMM + kxzFromfcNEQ_MMP + c2o1 * vx3_PPM - c2o1 * vx3_PPP -
-    //        c2o1 * vx3_MPM + c2o1 * vx3_MPP + c2o1 * vx3_PMM - c2o1 * vx3_PMP - c2o1 * vx3_MMM + c2o1 * vx3_MMP) /
-    //        c8o1;
     a_002 = c1o8 * (
             c2o1 * (((vx3_PPM + vx3_MMP) - (vx3_PPP + vx3_MMM)) + ((vx3_MPP + vx3_PMM) - (vx3_PMP + vx3_MPM))) +
                     ((kxzFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxzFromfcNEQ_MMM) + (kxzFromfcNEQ_MMP - kxzFromfcNEQ_PPM)) +
                     ((kxzFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxzFromfcNEQ_MPM) + (kxzFromfcNEQ_MPP - kxzFromfcNEQ_PMM)));
-    //b_002 = (-kyzFromfcNEQ_PPM + kyzFromfcNEQ_PPP - kyzFromfcNEQ_MPM + kyzFromfcNEQ_MPP - kyzFromfcNEQ_PMM +
-    //         kyzFromfcNEQ_PMP - kyzFromfcNEQ_MMM + kyzFromfcNEQ_MMP + c2o1 * vx3_PPM - c2o1 * vx3_PPP + c2o1 * vx3_MPM -
-    //         c2o1 * vx3_MPP - c2o1 * vx3_PMM + c2o1 * vx3_PMP - c2o1 * vx3_MMM + c2o1 * vx3_MMP) /
-    //        c8o1;
     b_002 = c1o8 * (
             c2o1 * (((vx3_PPM + vx3_MMP) - (vx3_PPP + vx3_MMM)) + ((vx3_MPM + vx3_PMP) - (vx3_PMM + vx3_MPP))) + 
                     ((kyzFromfcNEQ_PPP - kyzFromfcNEQ_MMM) + (kyzFromfcNEQ_MMP - kyzFromfcNEQ_PPM)) + 
                     ((kyzFromfcNEQ_PMP - kyzFromfcNEQ_MPM) + (kyzFromfcNEQ_MPP - kyzFromfcNEQ_PMM)));
-    //c_002 = (-kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPM + kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPM + kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPP -
-    //        kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMM + kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMM + kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMP +
-    //        c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPM - c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPP + c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPM -
-    //        c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MPP + c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMM - c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PMP +
-    //        c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMM - c2o1 * kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMP - c2o1 * vx1_PPM + c2o1 * vx1_PPP +
-    //        c2o1 * vx1_MPM - c2o1 * vx1_MPP - c2o1 * vx1_PMM + c2o1 * vx1_PMP + c2o1 * vx1_MMM - c2o1 * vx1_MMP -
-    //        c2o1 * vx2_PPM + c2o1 * vx2_PPP - c2o1 * vx2_MPM + c2o1 * vx2_MPP + c2o1 * vx2_PMM - c2o1 * vx2_PMP +
-    //        c2o1 * vx2_MMM - c2o1 * vx2_MMP) /
-    //        c16o1;
     c_002 = c1o16 * (
             c2o1 * (
             ((kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPP) + (kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_PPM - kxxMzzFromfcNEQ_MMP)) + 
@@ -495,23 +383,14 @@ __global__ void scaleFC_compressible(
             ((kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPP - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMM) + (kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MMP - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PPM)) +
             ((kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMP - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPM) + (kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_MPP - kxxMyyFromfcNEQ_PMM)));
-    //a_110 = (vx1_PPM + vx1_PPP - vx1_MPM - vx1_MPP - vx1_PMM - vx1_PMP + vx1_MMM + vx1_MMP) / c2o1;
-    //b_110 = (vx2_PPM + vx2_PPP - vx2_MPM - vx2_MPP - vx2_PMM - vx2_PMP + vx2_MMM + vx2_MMP) / c2o1;
-    //c_110 = (vx3_PPM + vx3_PPP - vx3_MPM - vx3_MPP - vx3_PMM - vx3_PMP + vx3_MMM + vx3_MMP) / c2o1;
     a_110 = c1o2 * (((vx1_PPP + vx1_MMM) + (vx1_MMP + vx1_PPM)) - ((vx1_MPM + vx1_PMP) + (vx1_PMM + vx1_MPP)));
     b_110 = c1o2 * (((vx2_PPP + vx2_MMM) + (vx2_MMP + vx2_PPM)) - ((vx2_MPM + vx2_PMP) + (vx2_PMM + vx2_MPP)));
     c_110 = c1o2 * (((vx3_PPP + vx3_MMM) + (vx3_MMP + vx3_PPM)) - ((vx3_MPM + vx3_PMP) + (vx3_PMM + vx3_MPP)));
-    //a_101 = (-vx1_PPM + vx1_PPP + vx1_MPM - vx1_MPP - vx1_PMM + vx1_PMP + vx1_MMM - vx1_MMP) / c2o1;
-    //b_101 = (-vx2_PPM + vx2_PPP + vx2_MPM - vx2_MPP - vx2_PMM + vx2_PMP + vx2_MMM - vx2_MMP) / c2o1;
-    //c_101 = (-vx3_PPM + vx3_PPP + vx3_MPM - vx3_MPP - vx3_PMM + vx3_PMP + vx3_MMM - vx3_MMP) / c2o1;
     a_101 = c1o2 * (((vx1_PPP + vx1_MMM) - (vx1_MMP + vx1_PPM)) + ((vx1_MPM + vx1_PMP) - (vx1_PMM + vx1_MPP)));
     b_101 = c1o2 * (((vx2_PPP + vx2_MMM) - (vx2_MMP + vx2_PPM)) + ((vx2_MPM + vx2_PMP) - (vx2_PMM + vx2_MPP)));
     c_101 = c1o2 * (((vx3_PPP + vx3_MMM) - (vx3_MMP + vx3_PPM)) + ((vx3_MPM + vx3_PMP) - (vx3_PMM + vx3_MPP)));
-    //a_011 = (-vx1_PPM + vx1_PPP - vx1_MPM + vx1_MPP + vx1_PMM - vx1_PMP + vx1_MMM - vx1_MMP) / c2o1;
-    //b_011 = (-vx2_PPM + vx2_PPP - vx2_MPM + vx2_MPP + vx2_PMM - vx2_PMP + vx2_MMM - vx2_MMP) / c2o1;
-    //c_011 = (-vx3_PPM + vx3_PPP - vx3_MPM + vx3_MPP + vx3_PMM - vx3_PMP + vx3_MMM - vx3_MMP) / c2o1;
     a_011 = c1o2 * (((vx1_PPP + vx1_MMM) - (vx1_MMP + vx1_PPM)) + ((vx1_PMM + vx1_MPP) - (vx1_MPM + vx1_PMP)));
     b_011 = c1o2 * (((vx2_PPP + vx2_MMM) - (vx2_MMP + vx2_PPM)) + ((vx2_PMM + vx2_MPP) - (vx2_MPM + vx2_PMP)));
     c_011 = c1o2 * (((vx3_PPP + vx3_MMM) - (vx3_MMP + vx3_PPM)) + ((vx3_PMM + vx3_MPP) - (vx3_MPM + vx3_PMP)));
@@ -527,9 +406,9 @@ __global__ void scaleFC_compressible(
     //! - Set the relative position of the offset cell {-1, 0, 1}
-    real xoff    = offsetFC.xOffFC[k_thread];
-    real yoff    = offsetFC.yOffFC[k_thread];
-    real zoff    = offsetFC.zOffFC[k_thread];
+    real xoff    = offsetFC.xOffFC[nodeIndex];
+    real yoff    = offsetFC.yOffFC[nodeIndex];
+    real zoff    = offsetFC.zOffFC[nodeIndex];
     real xoff_sq = xoff * xoff;
     real yoff_sq = yoff * yoff;
@@ -540,27 +419,13 @@ __global__ void scaleFC_compressible(
     real LaplaceRho = 
         ((xoff != c0o1) || (yoff != c0o1) || (zoff != c0o1))
-        ? c0o1 : c0o1;
-//        : -c3o1 * (a_100 * a_100 + b_010 * b_010 + c_001 * c_001) - c6o1 * (b_100 * a_010 + c_100 * a_001 + c_010 * b_001);
-    // d_000 = ( drho_PPM + drho_PPP + drho_MPM + drho_MPP + drho_PMM + drho_PMP + drho_MMM + drho_MMP - c2o1 * LaplaceRho) * c1o8;
+        ? c0o1 : -c3o1 * (a_100 * a_100 + b_010 * b_010 + c_001 * c_001) - c6o1 * (b_100 * a_010 + c_100 * a_001 + c_010 * b_001);
     d_000 =  c1o8 * ((((drho_PPP + drho_MMM) + (drho_PPM + drho_MMP)) + ((drho_PMM + drho_MPP) + (drho_PMP + drho_MPM))) - c2o1 * LaplaceRho);
-    // d_100 = ( drho_PPM + drho_PPP - drho_MPM - drho_MPP + drho_PMM + drho_PMP - drho_MMM - drho_MMP) * c1o4;
     d_100 = c1o4 * (((drho_PPP - drho_MMM) + (drho_PPM - drho_MMP)) + ((drho_PMM - drho_MPP) + (drho_PMP - drho_MPM)));
-    // d_010 = ( drho_PPM + drho_PPP + drho_MPM + drho_MPP - drho_PMM - drho_PMP - drho_MMM - drho_MMP) * c1o4;
     d_010 = c1o4 * (((drho_PPP - drho_MMM) + (drho_PPM - drho_MMP)) + ((drho_MPP - drho_PMM) + (drho_MPM - drho_PMP)));
-    // d_001 = (-drho_PPM + drho_PPP - drho_MPM + drho_MPP - drho_PMM + drho_PMP - drho_MMM + drho_MMP) * c1o4;
     d_001 = c1o4 * (((drho_PPP - drho_MMM) + (drho_MMP - drho_PPM)) + ((drho_MPP - drho_PMM) + (drho_PMP - drho_MPM)));
-    // d_110 = ( drho_PPM + drho_PPP - drho_MPM - drho_MPP - drho_PMM - drho_PMP + drho_MMM + drho_MMP) * c1o2;
     d_110 = c1o2 * (((drho_PPP + drho_MMM) + (drho_PPM + drho_MMP)) - ((drho_PMM + drho_MPP) + (drho_PMP + drho_MPM)));
-    // d_101 = (-drho_PPM + drho_PPP + drho_MPM - drho_MPP - drho_PMM + drho_PMP + drho_MMM - drho_MMP) * c1o2;
     d_101 = c1o2 * (((drho_PPP + drho_MMM) - (drho_PPM + drho_MMP)) + ((drho_PMP + drho_MPM) - (drho_PMM + drho_MPP)));
-    // d_011 = (-drho_PPM + drho_PPP - drho_MPM + drho_MPP + drho_PMM - drho_PMP + drho_MMM - drho_MMP) * c1o2;
     d_011 = c1o2 * (((drho_PPP + drho_MMM) - (drho_PPM + drho_MMP)) + ((drho_PMM + drho_MPP) - (drho_PMP + drho_MPM)));
@@ -780,7 +645,7 @@ __global__ void scaleFC_compressible(
     // index of the destination node and its neighbors
-    k_000 = indicesCoarse000[k_thread];
+    k_000 = indicesCoarse000[nodeIndex];
     k_M00 = neighborXcoarse [k_000];
     k_0M0 = neighborYcoarse [k_000];
     k_00M = neighborZcoarse [k_000];
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu
index 75d5e2637fc03f6fa963dd8cc7c84a6523b5e75d..4faea21102b6a68dd9a0aa30e9cecc7eba6051b0 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu
@@ -2657,12 +2657,11 @@ void BBSlipDevComp27(LBMSimulationParameter* parameterDevice, QforBoundaryCondit
     dim3 grid = vf::cuda::getCudaGrid( parameterDevice->numberofthreads, boundaryCondition->numberOfBCnodes);
     dim3 threads(parameterDevice->numberofthreads, 1, 1 );
-    QSlipDeviceComp27<<< grid, threads >>> (
+    BBSlipDeviceComp27<<< grid, threads >>> (
-        parameterDevice->omega,
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/NoSlipBCs27.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/NoSlipBCs27.cu
index 66bf6dee234e584b734a9ef7a4d191e8ac7ff6a1..79dedee58afb7b11c4c3ede9911f54df65cf859f 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/NoSlipBCs27.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/NoSlipBCs27.cu
@@ -1,31 +1,56 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __        ______________   __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____   /  ___/ __  / /  / /
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/  / /___/ /_/ / /  / /
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )  / /_) / ____/ /__/ / 
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/   \____/_/    \_____/
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
-/* Device code */
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file NoSlipBCs27.cu
+//! \ingroup GPU
+//! \author Martin Schoenherr, Anna Wellmann
 #include "LBM/LB.h" 
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
 #include <lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h>
-#include "KernelUtilities.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+using namespace vf::gpu;
 __global__ void QDevice3rdMomentsComp27(
-													 real* distributions, 
-													 int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
-													 real* subgridDistances,
-													 unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
-													 real omega, 
-													 unsigned int* neighborX,
-													 unsigned int* neighborY,
-													 unsigned int* neighborZ,
-													 unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-													 bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* distributions, 
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
+    real omega, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -559,16 +584,17 @@ __global__ void QDevice3rdMomentsComp27(
-__global__ void QDeviceIncompHighNu27(real* DD, 
-												 int* k_Q, 
-												 real* QQ,
-												 unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
-												 real om1, 
-												 unsigned int* neighborX,
-												 unsigned int* neighborY,
-												 unsigned int* neighborZ,
-												 unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-												 bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QDeviceIncompHighNu27(
+    real* DD, 
+    int* k_Q, 
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -1055,16 +1081,16 @@ __global__ void QDeviceIncompHighNu27(real* DD,
 __global__ void QDeviceCompHighNu27(
-												 real* DD, 
-												 int* k_Q, 
-												 real* QQ,
-												 unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
-												 real om1, 
-												 unsigned int* neighborX,
-												 unsigned int* neighborY,
-												 unsigned int* neighborZ,
-												 unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-												 bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* DD, 
+    int* k_Q, 
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
+    real om1, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -1629,16 +1655,16 @@ __global__ void QDeviceCompHighNu27(
 __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
-										 real* distributions, 
-										 int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
-										 real* subgridDistances,
-										 unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
-										 real omega, 
-										 unsigned int* neighborX,
-										 unsigned int* neighborY,
-										 unsigned int* neighborZ,
-										 unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-										 bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* distributions, 
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
+    real omega, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    //! The no-slip boundary condition is executed in the following steps
@@ -1646,16 +1672,9 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // global x-index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // global y-index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // global z-index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
+   const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-   if(k < numberOfBCnodes)
+   if(nodeIndex < numberOfBCnodes)
       //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref
@@ -1673,7 +1692,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
       //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
-      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[k];
+      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex];
       unsigned int kzero= indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int ke   = indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int kw   = neighborX[indexOfBCnode];
@@ -1761,7 +1780,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
       //! - Update distributions with subgrid distance (q) between zero and one
       real feq, q, velocityLB;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1) // only update distribution for q between zero and one
          velocityLB = vx1;
@@ -1769,7 +1788,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_E, f_W, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1;
@@ -1777,7 +1796,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_W, f_E, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx2;
@@ -1785,7 +1804,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_N, f_S, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx2;
@@ -1793,7 +1812,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_S, f_N, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx3;
@@ -1801,7 +1820,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_T, f_B, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx3;
@@ -1809,7 +1828,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_B, f_T, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx2;
@@ -1817,7 +1836,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_NE, f_SW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2;
@@ -1825,7 +1844,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_SW, f_NE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx2;
@@ -1833,7 +1852,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_SE, f_NW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2;
@@ -1841,7 +1860,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_NW, f_SE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx3;
@@ -1849,7 +1868,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TE, f_BW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx3;
@@ -1857,7 +1876,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BW, f_TE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx3;
@@ -1865,7 +1884,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BE, f_TW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx3;
@@ -1873,7 +1892,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TW, f_BE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx2 + vx3;
@@ -1881,7 +1900,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TN, f_BS, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx2 - vx3;
@@ -1889,7 +1908,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BS, f_TN, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx2 - vx3;
@@ -1897,7 +1916,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BN, f_TS, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx2 + vx3;
@@ -1905,7 +1924,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TS, f_BN, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx2 + vx3;
@@ -1913,7 +1932,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TNE, f_BSW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2 - vx3;
@@ -1921,7 +1940,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BSW, f_TNE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx2 - vx3;
@@ -1929,7 +1948,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BNE, f_TSW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2 + vx3;
@@ -1937,7 +1956,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TSW, f_BNE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx2 + vx3;
@@ -1945,7 +1964,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TSE, f_BNW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2 - vx3;
@@ -1953,7 +1972,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BNW, f_TSE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx2 - vx3;
@@ -1961,7 +1980,7 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BSE, f_TNW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2 + vx3;
@@ -2011,16 +2030,17 @@ __global__ void QDeviceComp27(
-__global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions, 
-                                     int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
-                                     real* subgridDistances,
-                                     unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
-                                     real omega, 
-                                     unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                     unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-                                     bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QDevice27(
+    real* distributions, 
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
+    real omega, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    //! The no-slip boundary condition is executed in the following steps
@@ -2028,19 +2048,12 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // global x-index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // global y-index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // global z-index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
+   const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
    //! - Run for all indices in size of boundary condition (numberOfBCnodes)
-   if(k < numberOfBCnodes)
+   if(nodeIndex < numberOfBCnodes)
@@ -2059,7 +2072,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
       //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
-      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[k];
+      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex];
       unsigned int kzero= indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int ke   = indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int kw   = neighborX[indexOfBCnode];
@@ -2148,7 +2161,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
       //! - Update distributions with subgrid distance (q) between zero and one
       real feq, q, velocityLB;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1) // only update distribution for q between zero and one
          velocityLB = vx1;
@@ -2156,7 +2169,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_E, f_W, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1;
@@ -2164,7 +2177,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_W, f_E, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx2;
@@ -2172,7 +2185,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_N, f_S, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx2;
@@ -2180,7 +2193,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_S, f_N, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx3;
@@ -2188,7 +2201,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_T, f_B, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx3;
@@ -2196,7 +2209,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_B, f_T, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx2;
@@ -2204,7 +2217,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_NE, f_SW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2;
@@ -2212,7 +2225,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_SW, f_NE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx2;
@@ -2220,7 +2233,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_SE, f_NW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2;
@@ -2228,7 +2241,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_NW, f_SE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx3;
@@ -2236,7 +2249,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TE, f_BW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx3;
@@ -2244,7 +2257,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BW, f_TE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx3;
@@ -2252,7 +2265,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BE, f_TW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx3;
@@ -2260,7 +2273,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TW, f_BE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx2 + vx3;
@@ -2268,7 +2281,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TN, f_BS, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx2 - vx3;
@@ -2276,7 +2289,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BS, f_TN, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx2 - vx3;
@@ -2284,7 +2297,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BN, f_TS, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx2 + vx3;
@@ -2292,7 +2305,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TS, f_BN, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx2 + vx3;
@@ -2300,7 +2313,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TNE, f_BSW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2 - vx3;
@@ -2308,7 +2321,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BSW, f_TNE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx2 - vx3;
@@ -2316,7 +2329,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BNE, f_TSW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2 + vx3;
@@ -2324,7 +2337,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TSW, f_BNE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx2 + vx3;
@@ -2332,7 +2345,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_TSE, f_BNW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2 - vx3;
@@ -2340,7 +2353,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BNW, f_TSE, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx2 - vx3;
@@ -2348,7 +2361,7 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
          (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(q, f_BSE, f_TNW, feq, omega);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2 + vx3;
@@ -2398,15 +2411,16 @@ __global__ void QDevice27(real* distributions,
-__global__ void BBDevice27(real* distributions, 
-                                     int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
-                                     real* subgridDistances,
-                                     unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
-                                     unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                     unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-                                     bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void BBDevice27(
+    real* distributions, 
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    //! The no-slip boundary condition is executed in the following steps
@@ -2414,18 +2428,11 @@ __global__ void BBDevice27(real* distributions,
    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;   // global x-index
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;    // global y-index
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;    // global z-index
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
+   const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
    // run for all indices in size of boundary condition (numberOfBCnodes)
-   if(k < numberOfBCnodes)
+   if(nodeIndex < numberOfBCnodes)
       //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref
@@ -2443,7 +2450,7 @@ __global__ void BBDevice27(real* distributions,
       //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
-      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[k];
+      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex];
       unsigned int ke   = indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int kw   = neighborX[indexOfBCnode];
       unsigned int kn   = indexOfBCnode;
@@ -2509,32 +2516,32 @@ __global__ void BBDevice27(real* distributions,
       //! - rewrite distributions if there is a sub-grid distance (q) in same direction
       real q;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]=f_E  ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]=f_W  ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]=f_N  ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]=f_S  ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]=f_T  ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]=f_B  ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]=f_NE ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]=f_SW ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]=f_SE ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]=f_NW ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]=f_TE ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]=f_BW ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]=f_BE ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]=f_TW ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]=f_TN ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]=f_BS ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]=f_BN ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]=f_TS ;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]=f_TNE;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]=f_BSW;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]=f_BNE;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]=f_TSW;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]=f_TSE;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]=f_BNW;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]=f_BSE;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]=f_TNW;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]=f_E  ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]=f_W  ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]=f_N  ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]=f_S  ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]=f_T  ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]=f_B  ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]=f_NE ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]=f_SW ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]=f_SE ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]=f_NW ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]=f_TE ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]=f_BW ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]=f_BE ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]=f_TW ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]=f_TN ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]=f_BS ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]=f_BN ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]=f_TS ;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]=f_TNE;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]=f_BSW;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]=f_BNE;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]=f_TSW;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]=f_TSE;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]=f_BNW;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]=f_BSE;
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]=f_TNW;
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/PrecursorBCs27.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/PrecursorBCs27.cu
index b17ffefd13a8a3a6048dde69ffb1db6c5def23e1..177eb41587896dd7993b06f98a1506abfc4f3f5f 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/PrecursorBCs27.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/PrecursorBCs27.cu
@@ -1,53 +1,89 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file PrecursorBCs27.cu
+//! \ingroup GPU
+//! \author Henry Korb, Henrik Asmuth
 #include "LBM/LB.h"
 #include <lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h>
 #include <lbm/constants/D3Q27.h>
 #include <lbm/MacroscopicQuantities.h>
-#include "VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
-#include "VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/KernelUtilities.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
-__global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
-                                                int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                                int numberOfPrecursorNodes,
-                                                int sizeQ,
-                                                real omega,
-                                                real* distributions,
-                                                real* subgridDistances,
-                                                uint* neighborX,
-                                                uint* neighborY,
-                                                uint* neighborZ,
-                                                uint* neighbors0PP,
-                                                uint* neighbors0PM,
-                                                uint* neighbors0MP,
-                                                uint* neighbors0MM,
-                                                real* weights0PP,
-                                                real* weights0PM,
-                                                real* weights0MP,
-                                                real* weights0MM,
-                                                real* vLast,
-                                                real* vCurrent,
-                                                real velocityX,
-                                                real velocityY,
-                                                real velocityZ,
-                                                real timeRatio,
-                                                real velocityRatio,
-                                                unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                                bool isEvenTimestep)
+using namespace vf::gpu;
+__global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress(
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    int numberOfPrecursorNodes,
+    int sizeQ,
+    real omega,
+    real* distributions,
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    uint* neighborX,
+    uint* neighborY,
+    uint* neighborZ,
+    uint* neighbors0PP,
+    uint* neighbors0PM,
+    uint* neighbors0MP,
+    uint* neighbors0MM,
+    real* weights0PP,
+    real* weights0PM,
+    real* weights0MP,
+    real* weights0MM,
+    real* vLast,
+    real* vCurrent,
+    real velocityX,
+    real velocityY,
+    real velocityZ,
+    real timeRatio,
+    real velocityRatio,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-    const unsigned k = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-    if(k>=numberOfBCnodes) return;
+    if(nodeIndex>=numberOfBCnodes) return;
     // interpolation of velocity
     real vxLastInterpd, vyLastInterpd, vzLastInterpd;
     real vxNextInterpd, vyNextInterpd, vzNextInterpd;
-    uint kNeighbor0PP = neighbors0PP[k];
-    real d0PP = weights0PP[k];
+    uint kNeighbor0PP = neighbors0PP[nodeIndex];
+    real d0PP = weights0PP[nodeIndex];
     real* vxLast = vLast;
     real* vyLast = &vLast[numberOfPrecursorNodes];
@@ -59,13 +95,13 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
     if(d0PP < 1e6)
-        uint kNeighbor0PM = neighbors0PM[k];
-        uint kNeighbor0MP = neighbors0MP[k];
-        uint kNeighbor0MM = neighbors0MM[k];
+        uint kNeighbor0PM = neighbors0PM[nodeIndex];
+        uint kNeighbor0MP = neighbors0MP[nodeIndex];
+        uint kNeighbor0MM = neighbors0MM[nodeIndex];
-        real d0PM = weights0PM[k];
-        real d0MP = weights0MP[k];
-        real d0MM = weights0MM[k];
+        real d0PM = weights0PM[nodeIndex];
+        real d0MP = weights0MP[nodeIndex];
+        real d0MM = weights0MM[nodeIndex];
         real invWeightSum = 1.f/(d0PP+d0PM+d0MP+d0MM);
@@ -95,10 +131,15 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
     // From here on just a copy of QVelDeviceCompZeroPress
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep
+    //! is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref <a href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier
+    //! et al. (2017), DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
+    //!
     Distributions27 dist;
     getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);
-    unsigned int KQK  = subgridDistanceIndices[k];
+    unsigned int KQK  = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex];
     unsigned int k000= KQK;
     unsigned int kP00   = KQK;
     unsigned int kM00   = neighborX[KQK];
@@ -187,7 +228,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
     //! - Update distributions with subgrid distance (q) between zero and one
     real feq, q, velocityLB, velocityBC;
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1) // only update distribution for q between zero and one
         velocityLB = vx1;
@@ -196,7 +237,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kM00] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_P00, f_M00, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = -vx1;
@@ -205,7 +246,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_P00])[kP00] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_M00, f_P00, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = vx2;
@@ -214,7 +255,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[DIR_0M0] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_0P0, f_0M0, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = -vx2;
@@ -223,7 +264,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[k0P0] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_0M0, f_0P0, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = vx3;
@@ -232,7 +273,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_00M])[k00M] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_00P, f_00M, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = -vx3;
@@ -241,7 +282,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_00P])[k00P] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_00M, f_00P, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = vx1 + vx2;
@@ -250,7 +291,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[kMM0] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_PP0, f_MM0, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2;
@@ -259,7 +300,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kPP0] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_MM0, f_PP0, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = vx1 - vx2;
@@ -268,7 +309,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[kMP0] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_PM0, f_MP0, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2;
@@ -277,7 +318,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kPM0] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_MP0, f_PM0, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = vx1 + vx3;
@@ -286,7 +327,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kM0M] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_P0P, f_M0M, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = -vx1 - vx3;
@@ -295,7 +336,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kP0P] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_M0M, f_P0P, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = vx1 - vx3;
@@ -304,7 +345,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[kM0P] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_P0M, f_M0P, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = -vx1 + vx3;
@@ -313,7 +354,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kP0M] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_M0P, f_P0M, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = vx2 + vx3;
@@ -322,7 +363,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[k0MM] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_0PP, f_0MM, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = -vx2 - vx3;
@@ -331,7 +372,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[k0PP] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_0MM, f_0PP, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = vx2 - vx3;
@@ -340,7 +381,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[k0MP] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_0PM, f_0PP, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = -vx2 + vx3;
@@ -349,7 +390,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[k0PM] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_0PP, f_0PM, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = vx1 + vx2 + vx3;
@@ -358,7 +399,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kMMM] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_PPP, f_MMM, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2 - vx3;
@@ -367,7 +408,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[kPPP] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_MMM, f_PPP, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = vx1 + vx2 - vx3;
@@ -376,7 +417,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[kMMP] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_PPM, f_MMP, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2 + vx3;
@@ -385,7 +426,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kPPM] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_MMP, f_PPM, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = vx1 - vx2 + vx3;
@@ -394,7 +435,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kMPM] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_PMP, f_MPM, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2 - vx3;
@@ -403,7 +444,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[kPMP] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_MPM, f_PMP, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = vx1 - vx2 - vx3;
@@ -412,7 +453,7 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[kMPP] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_PMM, f_MPP, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[k];
+    q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[nodeIndex];
     if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2 + vx3;
@@ -424,43 +465,89 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceCompZeroPress( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
-__global__ void PrecursorDeviceEQ27( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
-                                        int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                        int numberOfPrecursorNodes,
-                                        real omega,
-                                        real* distributions,
-                                        uint* neighborX,
-                                        uint* neighborY,
-                                        uint* neighborZ,
-                                        uint* neighbors0PP,
-                                        uint* neighbors0PM,
-                                        uint* neighbors0MP,
-                                        uint* neighbors0MM,
-                                        real* weights0PP,
-                                        real* weights0PM,
-                                        real* weights0MP,
-                                        real* weights0MM,
-                                        real* vLast,
-                                        real* vCurrent,
-                                        real velocityX,
-                                        real velocityY,
-                                        real velocityZ,
-                                        real timeRatio,
-                                        real velocityRatio,
-                                        unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                        bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void PrecursorDeviceEQ27(
+    int *subgridDistanceIndices,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    int numberOfPrecursorNodes,
+    real omega,
+    real* distributions,
+    uint* neighborX,
+    uint* neighborY,
+    uint* neighborZ,
+    uint* neighbors0PP,
+    uint* neighbors0PM,
+    uint* neighbors0MP,
+    uint* neighbors0MM,
+    real* weights0PP,
+    real* weights0PM,
+    real* weights0MP,
+    real* weights0MM,
+    real* vLast,
+    real* vCurrent,
+    real velocityX,
+    real velocityY,
+    real velocityZ,
+    real timeRatio,
+    real velocityRatio,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-    const unsigned k = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-    if(k>=numberOfBCnodes) return;
+    if(nodeIndex>=numberOfBCnodes) return;
     // interpolation of velocity
     real vxLastInterpd, vyLastInterpd, vzLastInterpd;
     real vxNextInterpd, vyNextInterpd, vzNextInterpd;
-    uint kNeighbor0PP = neighbors0PP[k];
-    real d0PP = weights0PP[k];
+    uint kNeighbor0PP = neighbors0PP[nodeIndex];
+    real d0PP = weights0PP[nodeIndex];
     real* vxLast = vLast;
     real* vyLast = &vLast[numberOfPrecursorNodes];
@@ -472,13 +559,13 @@ __global__ void PrecursorDeviceEQ27( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
     if(d0PP < 1e6)
-        uint kNeighbor0PM = neighbors0PM[k];
-        uint kNeighbor0MP = neighbors0MP[k];
-        uint kNeighbor0MM = neighbors0MM[k];
+        uint kNeighbor0PM = neighbors0PM[nodeIndex];
+        uint kNeighbor0MP = neighbors0MP[nodeIndex];
+        uint kNeighbor0MM = neighbors0MM[nodeIndex];
-        real d0PM = weights0PM[k];
-        real d0MP = weights0MP[k];
-        real d0MM = weights0MM[k];
+        real d0PM = weights0PM[nodeIndex];
+        real d0MP = weights0MP[nodeIndex];
+        real d0MM = weights0MM[nodeIndex];
         real invWeightSum = 1.f/(d0PP+d0PM+d0MP+d0MM);
@@ -508,10 +595,15 @@ __global__ void PrecursorDeviceEQ27( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
     // From here on just a copy of QVelDeviceCompZeroPress
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep
+    //! is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref <a href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier
+    //! et al. (2017), DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
+    //!
     Distributions27 dist;
     getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, !isEvenTimestep);
-    unsigned int KQK  = subgridDistanceIndices[k]; //QK
+    unsigned int KQK  = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex]; //QK
     unsigned int k000 = KQK; //000
     unsigned int kP00 = KQK; //P00
     unsigned int kM00 = neighborX[KQK]; //M00
@@ -649,33 +741,73 @@ __global__ void PrecursorDeviceEQ27( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
-__global__ void PrecursorDeviceDistributions( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
-                                                int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                                int numberOfPrecursorNodes,
-                                                real* distributions,
-                                                uint* neighborX,
-                                                uint* neighborY,
-                                                uint* neighborZ,
-                                                uint* neighbors0PP,
-                                                uint* neighbors0PM,
-                                                uint* neighbors0MP,
-                                                uint* neighbors0MM,
-                                                real* weights0PP,
-                                                real* weights0PM,
-                                                real* weights0MP,
-                                                real* weights0MM,
-                                                real* fsLast,
-                                                real* fsNext,
-                                                real timeRatio,
-                                                unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                                bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void PrecursorDeviceDistributions(
+    int *subgridDistanceIndices,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    int numberOfPrecursorNodes,
+    real* distributions,
+    uint* neighborX,
+    uint* neighborY,
+    uint* neighborZ,
+    uint* neighbors0PP,
+    uint* neighbors0PM,
+    uint* neighbors0MP,
+    uint* neighbors0MM,
+    real* weights0PP,
+    real* weights0PM,
+    real* weights0MP,
+    real* weights0MM,
+    real* fsLast,
+    real* fsNext,
+    real timeRatio,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-    const unsigned k = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-    if(k>=numberOfBCnodes) return;
+    if(nodeIndex>=numberOfBCnodes) return;
-    uint kNeighbor0PP = neighbors0PP[k];
-    real d0PP = weights0PP[k];
+    uint kNeighbor0PP = neighbors0PP[nodeIndex];
+    real d0PP = weights0PP[nodeIndex];
     real f0LastInterp, f1LastInterp, f2LastInterp, f3LastInterp, f4LastInterp, f5LastInterp, f6LastInterp, f7LastInterp, f8LastInterp;
     real f0NextInterp, f1NextInterp, f2NextInterp, f3NextInterp, f4NextInterp, f5NextInterp, f6NextInterp, f7NextInterp, f8NextInterp;
@@ -703,13 +835,13 @@ __global__ void PrecursorDeviceDistributions( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
-        uint kNeighbor0PM = neighbors0PM[k];
-        uint kNeighbor0MP = neighbors0MP[k];
-        uint kNeighbor0MM = neighbors0MM[k];
+        uint kNeighbor0PM = neighbors0PM[nodeIndex];
+        uint kNeighbor0MP = neighbors0MP[nodeIndex];
+        uint kNeighbor0MM = neighbors0MM[nodeIndex];
-        real d0PM = weights0PM[k];
-        real d0MP = weights0MP[k];
-        real d0MM = weights0MM[k];
+        real d0PM = weights0PM[nodeIndex];
+        real d0MP = weights0MP[nodeIndex];
+        real d0MM = weights0MM[nodeIndex];
         real invWeightSum = 1.f/(d0PP+d0PM+d0MP+d0MM);
@@ -761,10 +893,15 @@ __global__ void PrecursorDeviceDistributions( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         f7NextInterp = f7Next[kNeighbor0PP];
         f8NextInterp = f8Next[kNeighbor0PP];
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep
+    //! is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref <a href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier
+    //! et al. (2017), DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
+    //!
     Distributions27 dist;
     getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, !isEvenTimestep);
-    unsigned int KQK  = subgridDistanceIndices[k];
+    unsigned int KQK  = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex];
     // unsigned int k000= KQK;
     unsigned int kP00   = KQK;
     // unsigned int kM00   = neighborX[KQK];
@@ -804,36 +941,84 @@ __global__ void PrecursorDeviceDistributions( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
-//NOTE: Has not been tested after bug fix!
-__global__ void QPrecursorDeviceDistributions( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
-                                                real* subgridDistances,
-                                                int sizeQ,
-                                                int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                                int numberOfPrecursorNodes,
-                                                real* distributions,
-                                                uint* neighborX,
-                                                uint* neighborY,
-                                                uint* neighborZ,
-                                                uint* neighbors0PP,
-                                                uint* neighbors0PM,
-                                                uint* neighbors0MP,
-                                                uint* neighbors0MM,
-                                                real* weights0PP,
-                                                real* weights0PM,
-                                                real* weights0MP,
-                                                real* weights0MM,
-                                                real* fsLast,
-                                                real* fsNext,
-                                                real timeRatio,
-                                                unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                                bool isEvenTimestep)
+// NOTE: Has not been tested after bug fix!
+__global__ void QPrecursorDeviceDistributions(
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices,
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    int sizeQ,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    int numberOfPrecursorNodes,
+    real* distributions,
+    uint* neighborX,
+    uint* neighborY,
+    uint* neighborZ,
+    uint* neighbors0PP,
+    uint* neighbors0PM,
+    uint* neighbors0MP,
+    uint* neighbors0MM,
+    real* weights0PP,
+    real* weights0PM,
+    real* weights0MP,
+    real* weights0MM,
+    real* fsLast,
+    real* fsNext,
+    real timeRatio,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-    const unsigned k = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-    if(k>=numberOfBCnodes) return;
+    if(nodeIndex>=numberOfBCnodes) return;
-    uint kNeighbor0PP = neighbors0PP[k];
-    real d0PP = weights0PP[k];
+    uint kNeighbor0PP = neighbors0PP[nodeIndex];
+    real d0PP = weights0PP[nodeIndex];
     real f0LastInterp, f1LastInterp, f2LastInterp, f3LastInterp, f4LastInterp, f5LastInterp, f6LastInterp, f7LastInterp, f8LastInterp;
     real f0NextInterp, f1NextInterp, f2NextInterp, f3NextInterp, f4NextInterp, f5NextInterp, f6NextInterp, f7NextInterp, f8NextInterp;
@@ -861,13 +1046,13 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceDistributions( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
-        uint kNeighbor0PM = neighbors0PM[k];
-        uint kNeighbor0MP = neighbors0MP[k];
-        uint kNeighbor0MM = neighbors0MM[k];
+        uint kNeighbor0PM = neighbors0PM[nodeIndex];
+        uint kNeighbor0MP = neighbors0MP[nodeIndex];
+        uint kNeighbor0MM = neighbors0MM[nodeIndex];
-        real d0PM = weights0PM[k];
-        real d0MP = weights0MP[k];
-        real d0MM = weights0MM[k];
+        real d0PM = weights0PM[nodeIndex];
+        real d0MP = weights0MP[nodeIndex];
+        real d0MM = weights0MM[nodeIndex];
         real invWeightSum = 1.f/(d0PP+d0PM+d0MP+d0MM);
@@ -919,10 +1104,15 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceDistributions( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
         f7NextInterp = f7Next[kNeighbor0PP];
         f8NextInterp = f8Next[kNeighbor0PP];
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep
+    //! is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref <a href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier
+    //! et al. (2017), DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
+    //!
     Distributions27 dist;
     getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, !isEvenTimestep);
-    unsigned int KQK  = subgridDistanceIndices[k];
+    unsigned int KQK  = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex];
     // unsigned int k000= KQK;
     unsigned int kP00   = KQK;
     // unsigned int kM00   = neighborX[KQK];
@@ -953,15 +1143,15 @@ __global__ void QPrecursorDeviceDistributions( 	int* subgridDistanceIndices,
     getPointersToSubgridDistances(qs, subgridDistances, sizeQ);
     real q;
-    q = qs.q[DIR_P00][k]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_P00][kP00] = f0LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f0NextInterp*timeRatio;
-    q = qs.q[DIR_PP0][k]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_PP0][kPP0] = f1LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f1NextInterp*timeRatio;
-    q = qs.q[DIR_PM0][k]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_PM0][kPM0] = f2LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f2NextInterp*timeRatio;
-    q = qs.q[DIR_P0P][k]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_P0P][kP0P] = f3LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f3NextInterp*timeRatio;
-    q = qs.q[DIR_P0M][k]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_P0M][kP0M] = f4LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f4NextInterp*timeRatio;
-    q = qs.q[DIR_PPP][k]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_PPP][kPPP] = f5LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f5NextInterp*timeRatio;
-    q = qs.q[DIR_PMP][k]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_PMP][kPMP] = f6LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f6NextInterp*timeRatio;
-    q = qs.q[DIR_PPM][k]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_PPM][kPPM] = f7LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f7NextInterp*timeRatio;
-    q = qs.q[DIR_PMM][k]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_PMM][kPMM] = f8LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f8NextInterp*timeRatio;
+    q = qs.q[DIR_P00][nodeIndex]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_P00][kP00] = f0LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f0NextInterp*timeRatio;
+    q = qs.q[DIR_PP0][nodeIndex]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_PP0][kPP0] = f1LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f1NextInterp*timeRatio;
+    q = qs.q[DIR_PM0][nodeIndex]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_PM0][kPM0] = f2LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f2NextInterp*timeRatio;
+    q = qs.q[DIR_P0P][nodeIndex]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_P0P][kP0P] = f3LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f3NextInterp*timeRatio;
+    q = qs.q[DIR_P0M][nodeIndex]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_P0M][kP0M] = f4LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f4NextInterp*timeRatio;
+    q = qs.q[DIR_PPP][nodeIndex]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_PPP][kPPP] = f5LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f5NextInterp*timeRatio;
+    q = qs.q[DIR_PMP][nodeIndex]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_PMP][kPMP] = f6LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f6NextInterp*timeRatio;
+    q = qs.q[DIR_PPM][nodeIndex]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_PPM][kPPM] = f7LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f7NextInterp*timeRatio;
+    q = qs.q[DIR_PMM][nodeIndex]; if(q>= c0o1 && q <= c1o1) dist.f[DIR_PMM][kPMM] = f8LastInterp*(1.f-timeRatio) + f8NextInterp*timeRatio;
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/PressBCs27.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/PressBCs27.cu
index 08be4b187eff21fa1a1b071337f14cbcc29ba805..02cfd2bce3723162b645cef568c87ca3b1dd2720 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/PressBCs27.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/PressBCs27.cu
@@ -1,27 +1,58 @@
-/* Device code */
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file PressBCs27.cu
+//! \ingroup GPU
+//! \author Martin Schoenherr, Anna Wellmann
 #include "LBM/LB.h"
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
 #include "lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h"
 #include "lbm/MacroscopicQuantities.h"
-#include "Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
-#include "KernelUtilities.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+using namespace vf::gpu;
-__global__ void QInflowScaleByPressDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
-                                           real* DD,
-                                           int* k_Q,
-                                           int* k_N,
-                                           int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                           real om1,
-                                           unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                           unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                           unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                           unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                           bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QInflowScaleByPressDevice27(
+    real* rhoBC,
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q,
+    int* k_N,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index
@@ -468,17 +499,18 @@ __global__ void QInflowScaleByPressDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
-__global__ void QPressDeviceIncompNEQ27( real* rhoBC,
-                                       real* DD,
-                                       int* k_Q,
-                                       int* k_N,
-                                       int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                       real om1,
-                                       unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                       unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                       unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                       unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                       bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QPressDeviceIncompNEQ27(
+    real* rhoBC,
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q,
+    int* k_N,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index
@@ -807,54 +839,49 @@ __global__ void QPressDeviceIncompNEQ27( real* rhoBC,
-__global__ void QPressDeviceNEQ27(real* rhoBC,
-                                             real* distribution,
-                                             int* bcNodeIndices,
-                                             int* bcNeighborIndices,
-                                             int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                             real omega1,
-                                             unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                             unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                             unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                             unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                             bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QPressDeviceNEQ27(
+    real* rhoBC,
+    real* distributions,
+    int* bcNodeIndices,
+    int* bcNeighborIndices,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real omega1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    //! The pressure boundary condition is executed in the following steps
    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
-   const unsigned x = threadIdx.x;    // global x-index
-   const unsigned y = blockIdx.x;     // global y-index
-   const unsigned z = blockIdx.y;     // global z-index
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
+   const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    //! - Run for all indices in size of boundary condition (numberOfBCnodes)
-   if(k < numberOfBCnodes)
+   if(nodeIndex < numberOfBCnodes)
       //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref
       //! <a href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017), DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
       Distributions27 dist;
-      getPointersToDistributions(dist, distribution, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);
+      getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);
       //! - Set local pressure
-      real rhoBClocal = rhoBC[k];
+      real rhoBClocal = rhoBC[nodeIndex];
       //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
-      unsigned int KQK  = bcNodeIndices[k];
+      unsigned int KQK  = bcNodeIndices[nodeIndex];
       unsigned int kzero= KQK;
       unsigned int ke   = KQK;
       unsigned int kw   = neighborX[KQK];
@@ -885,7 +912,7 @@ __global__ void QPressDeviceNEQ27(real* rhoBC,
       //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing) for neighboring node
-      unsigned int K1QK  = bcNeighborIndices[k];
+      unsigned int K1QK  = bcNeighborIndices[nodeIndex];
       unsigned int k1zero= K1QK;
       unsigned int k1e   = K1QK;
       unsigned int k1w   = neighborX[K1QK];
@@ -1110,16 +1137,17 @@ __global__ void QPressDeviceNEQ27(real* rhoBC,
-__global__ void LB_BC_Press_East27( int nx,
-                                               int ny,
-                                               int tz,
-                                               unsigned int* bcMatD,
-                                               unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                               unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                               unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                               real* DD,
-                                               unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                               bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void LB_BC_Press_East27(
+    int nx,
+    int ny,
+    int tz,
+    unsigned int* bcMatD,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    real* DD,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    int ty = blockIdx.x;
@@ -1419,17 +1447,18 @@ __global__ void LB_BC_Press_East27( int nx,
-__global__ void QPressDevice27(real* rhoBC,
-                                           real* DD,
-                                           int* k_Q,
-                                           real* QQ,
-                                           unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                           real om1,
-                                           unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                           unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                           unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                           unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                           bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QPressDevice27(
+    real* rhoBC,
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q,
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -1902,20 +1931,21 @@ __global__ void QPressDevice27(real* rhoBC,
-__global__ void QPressDeviceAntiBB27(   real* rhoBC,
-                                       real* vx,
-                                       real* vy,
-                                       real* vz,
-                                       real* DD,
-                                       int* k_Q,
-                                       real* QQ,
-                                       int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                       real om1,
-                                       unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                       unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                       unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                       unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                       bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QPressDeviceAntiBB27(
+    real* rhoBC,
+    real* vx,
+    real* vy,
+    real* vz,
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q,
+    real* QQ,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -2367,16 +2397,17 @@ __global__ void QPressDeviceAntiBB27(   real* rhoBC,
-__global__ void QPressDeviceFixBackflow27( real* rhoBC,
-                                                      real* DD,
-                                                      int* k_Q,
-                                                      int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                                      real om1,
-                                                      unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                                      unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                                      unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                                      unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                                      bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QPressDeviceFixBackflow27(
+    real* rhoBC,
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index
@@ -2558,16 +2589,17 @@ __global__ void QPressDeviceFixBackflow27( real* rhoBC,
-__global__ void QPressDeviceDirDepBot27(  real* rhoBC,
-                                                     real* DD,
-                                                     int* k_Q,
-                                                     int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                                     real om1,
-                                                     unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                                     unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                                     unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                                     unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                                     bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QPressDeviceDirDepBot27(
+    real* rhoBC,
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index
@@ -2802,30 +2834,32 @@ __host__ __device__ real computeOutflowDistribution(const real* const &f, const
-__global__ void QPressNoRhoDevice27( real* rhoBC,
-                                     real* distributions,
-                                     int* k_Q,
-                                     int* k_N,
-                                     int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                     real om1,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                     unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                     bool isEvenTimestep,
-                                     int direction)
+__global__ void QPressNoRhoDevice27(
+    real* rhoBC,
+    real* distributions,
+    int* k_Q,
+    int* k_N,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep,
+    int direction)
+   //! - Get the node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+   //!
+   const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-   const unsigned k = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
-   if(k>=numberOfBCnodes) return;
+   if(nodeIndex >= numberOfBCnodes) return;
-   unsigned int KQK  = k_Q[k];
+   unsigned int KQK  = k_Q[nodeIndex];
    // unsigned int kzero= KQK;
    unsigned int ke   = KQK;
    unsigned int kw   = neighborX[KQK];
@@ -2855,7 +2889,7 @@ __global__ void QPressNoRhoDevice27( real* rhoBC,
    unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
-   unsigned int K1QK  = k_N[k];
+   unsigned int K1QK  = k_N[nodeIndex];
    //unsigned int k1zero= K1QK;
    unsigned int k1e   = K1QK;
    unsigned int k1w   = neighborX[K1QK];
@@ -3027,38 +3061,76 @@ __global__ void QPressNoRhoDevice27( real* rhoBC,
 __host__ __device__ real computeOutflowDistribution(const real* const &f, const real* const &f1, const int dir, const real rhoCorrection, const real cs, const real weight)
    return f1[dir  ] * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f[dir  ] - weight *rhoCorrection;
-__global__ void QPressZeroRhoOutflowDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
-                                     real* distributions,
-                                     int* k_Q,
-                                     int* k_N,
-                                     int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                     real om1,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                     unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                     bool isEvenTimestep,
-                                     int direction,
-                                     real densityCorrectionFactor)
+__global__ void QPressZeroRhoOutflowDevice27(
+    real* rhoBC,
+    real* distributions,
+    int* k_Q,
+    int* k_N,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep,
+    int direction,
+    real densityCorrectionFactor)
-   const unsigned k = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+   //! - Get the node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+   //!
+   const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-   if(k>=numberOfBCnodes) return;
+   if( nodeIndex >= numberOfBCnodes ) return;
-   uint k_000 = k_Q[k];
+   uint k_000 = k_Q[nodeIndex];
    uint k_M00 = neighborX[k_000];
    uint k_0M0 = neighborY[k_000];
    uint k_00M = neighborZ[k_000];
@@ -3069,7 +3141,7 @@ __global__ void QPressZeroRhoOutflowDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
    //index of neighbor
-   uint kN_000 = k_N[k];
+   uint kN_000 = k_N[nodeIndex];
    uint kN_M00 = neighborX[k_000];
    uint kN_0M0 = neighborY[k_000];
    uint kN_00M = neighborZ[k_000];
@@ -3255,17 +3327,18 @@ __global__ void QPressZeroRhoOutflowDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
-__global__ void QPressDeviceOld27(real* rhoBC,
-                                             real* DD,
-                                             int* k_Q,
-                                             int* k_N,
-                                             int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                             real om1,
-                                             unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                             unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                             unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                             unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                             bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QPressDeviceOld27(
+    real* rhoBC,
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q,
+    int* k_N,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index
@@ -3514,18 +3587,19 @@ __global__ void QPressDeviceOld27(real* rhoBC,
-__global__ void QPressDeviceEQZ27(real* rhoBC,
-                                             real* DD,
-                                             int* k_Q,
-                                             int* k_N,
-                                  real* kTestRE,
-                                             int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                             real om1,
-                                             unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                             unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                             unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                             unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                             bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QPressDeviceEQZ27(
+    real* rhoBC,
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q,
+    int* k_N,
+    real* kTestRE,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index
@@ -4295,14 +4369,15 @@ __global__ void QPressDeviceEQZ27(real* rhoBC,
-__global__ void QPressDeviceZero27(	 real* DD,
-                                     int* k_Q,
-                                     unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                     unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                     bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QPressDeviceZero27(
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index
@@ -4482,17 +4557,18 @@ __global__ void QPressDeviceZero27(	 real* DD,
-__global__ void QPressDeviceFake27(	 real* rhoBC,
-                                     real* DD,
-                                     int* k_Q,
-                                     int* k_N,
-                                     int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                     real om1,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                     unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                     unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                     bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QPressDeviceFake27(
+    real* rhoBC,
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q,
+    int* k_N,
+    int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index
@@ -4756,17 +4832,18 @@ __global__ void QPressDeviceFake27(	 real* rhoBC,
-__global__ void QPressDevice27_IntBB(real* rho,
-                                    real* DD,
-                                    int* k_Q,
-                                    real* QQ,
-                                    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                    real om1,
-                                    unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                    unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                    unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                    bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QPressDevice27_IntBB(
+    real* rho,
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q,
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/SlipBCs27.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/SlipBCs27.cu
index d0f272b4aa7b8ce6477efbe71c6f3ba8f48c6aaf..cc8ca53d15ac02686b850a70ab181bb47285a7d1 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/SlipBCs27.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/SlipBCs27.cu
@@ -1,23 +1,56 @@
-/* Device code */
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file SlipBCs27.cu
+//! \ingroup GPU
+//! \author Martin Schoenherr, Anna Wellmann
 #include "LBM/LB.h" 
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
 #include "lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h"
-#include "KernelUtilities.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+using namespace vf::gpu;
-__global__ void QSlipDevice27(real* DD, 
-                                         int* k_Q, 
-                                         real* QQ,
-                                         unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                         real om1, 
-                                         unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                         unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                         unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                         unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-                                         bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QSlipDevice27(
+    real* DD, 
+    int* k_Q, 
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -659,32 +692,26 @@ __global__ void QSlipDevice27(real* DD,
 __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
-                                    real* distributions, 
-                                    int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
-                                    real* subgridDistances,
-                                    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                    real omega, 
-                                    unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                    unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                    unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-                                    bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* distributions, 
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real omega, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    //! The slip boundary condition is executed in the following steps
    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // global x-index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // global y-index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // global z-index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
+   const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-   if(k < numberOfBCnodes)
+   if(nodeIndex < numberOfBCnodes)
       //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref
@@ -702,7 +729,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
       //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
-      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[k];
+      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex];
       unsigned int kzero= indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int ke   = indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int kw   = neighborX[indexOfBCnode];
@@ -804,7 +831,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
       bool y = false;
       bool z = false;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)  // only update distribution for q between zero and one
          VeloX = c0o1;
@@ -816,7 +843,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_E, f_W, feq, omega, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = c0o1;
@@ -828,7 +855,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_W, f_E, feq, omega, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = c0o1;
@@ -840,7 +867,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_N, f_S, feq, omega, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = c0o1;
@@ -852,7 +879,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_S, f_N, feq, omega, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloZ = c0o1;
@@ -864,7 +891,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_T, f_B, feq, omega, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloZ = c0o1;
@@ -876,7 +903,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_B, f_T, feq, omega, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -890,7 +917,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_NE, f_SW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -904,7 +931,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_SW, f_NE, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -918,7 +945,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_SE, f_NW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -932,7 +959,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_NW, f_SE, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -946,7 +973,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TE, f_BW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -955,12 +982,12 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
         if (z == true) VeloZ = c0o1;
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx3;
-         feq = getEquilibriumForBC(drho, velocityLB, cu_sq, c1o54);
+        feq = getEquilibriumForBC(drho, velocityLB, cu_sq, c1o54);
          velocityBC = -VeloX - VeloZ;
          (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BW, f_TE, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -974,7 +1001,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BE, f_TW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -988,7 +1015,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TW, f_BE, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -1002,7 +1029,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TN, f_BS, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -1017,7 +1044,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -1031,7 +1058,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BN, f_TS, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -1045,7 +1072,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TS, f_BN, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1060,7 +1087,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TNE, f_BSW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1076,7 +1103,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1091,7 +1118,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BNE, f_TSW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1106,7 +1133,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TSW, f_BNE, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1121,7 +1148,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TSE, f_BNW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1136,7 +1163,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BNW, f_TSE, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1151,7 +1178,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BSE, f_TNW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1169,34 +1196,53 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27(
 __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
-                                    real* distributions, 
-                                    int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
-                                    real* subgridDistances,
-                                    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                    real omega, 
-                                    unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                    unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                    unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-                                    bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* distributions, 
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    //! The slip boundary condition is executed in the following steps
    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // global x-index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // global y-index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // global z-index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
+   const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-   if(k < numberOfBCnodes)
+   if(nodeIndex < numberOfBCnodes)
       //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref
@@ -1214,7 +1260,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
       //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
-      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[k];
+      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex];
       unsigned int kzero= indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int ke   = indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int kw   = neighborX[indexOfBCnode];
@@ -1316,7 +1362,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
       bool y = false;
       bool z = false;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)  // only update distribution for q between zero and one
          VeloX = c0o1;
@@ -1326,7 +1372,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_W, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = c0o1;
@@ -1336,7 +1382,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_E, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = c0o1;
@@ -1346,7 +1392,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_S, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = c0o1;
@@ -1356,7 +1402,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_N, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloZ = c0o1;
@@ -1366,7 +1412,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_B, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloZ = c0o1;
@@ -1376,7 +1422,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_T, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1388,7 +1434,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_SW, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1400,7 +1446,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_NE, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1412,7 +1458,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_NW, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1424,7 +1470,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_SE, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1436,7 +1482,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_BW, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1444,11 +1490,11 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
         if (x == true) VeloX = c0o1;
         if (z == true) VeloZ = c0o1;
-         velocityBC = -VeloX - VeloZ;
-         (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_TE, velocityBC, c1o54);
+        velocityBC = -VeloX - VeloZ;
+        (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_TE, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1460,7 +1506,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_TW, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1472,7 +1518,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_BE, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -1484,7 +1530,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_BS, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -1497,7 +1543,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -1509,7 +1555,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_TS, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -1521,7 +1567,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_BN, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1535,7 +1581,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_TNE, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1550,7 +1596,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1564,7 +1610,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_TSW, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1578,7 +1624,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_BNE, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1592,7 +1638,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_BNW, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1606,7 +1652,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_TSE, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1620,7 +1666,7 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw] = getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(f_TNW, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1638,35 +1684,55 @@ __global__ void BBSlipDeviceComp27(
 __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
-                                    real* distributions, 
-                                    int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
-                                    real* subgridDistances,
-                                    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                    real omega, 
-                                    unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                    unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                    unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                    real* turbViscosity,
-                                    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-                                    bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* distributions, 
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real omega, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    real* turbViscosity,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    //! The slip boundary condition is executed in the following steps
    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // global x-index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // global y-index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // global z-index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
+   const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
-   if(k < numberOfBCnodes)
+   if(nodeIndex < numberOfBCnodes)
       //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref
@@ -1684,7 +1750,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
       //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
-      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[k];
+      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex];
       unsigned int kzero= indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int ke   = indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int kw   = neighborX[indexOfBCnode];
@@ -1791,7 +1857,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
       bool y = false;
       bool z = false;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)  // only update distribution for q between zero and one
          VeloX = c0o1;
@@ -1803,7 +1869,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_E, f_W, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = c0o1;
@@ -1815,7 +1881,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_W, f_E, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = c0o1;
@@ -1827,7 +1893,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_N, f_S, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = c0o1;
@@ -1839,7 +1905,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_S, f_N, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloZ = c0o1;
@@ -1851,7 +1917,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_T, f_B, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloZ = c0o1;
@@ -1863,7 +1929,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_B, f_T, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1877,7 +1943,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_NE, f_SW, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1891,7 +1957,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_SW, f_NE, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1905,7 +1971,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_SE, f_NW, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1919,7 +1985,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_NW, f_SE, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1933,7 +1999,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TE, f_BW, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1941,13 +2007,13 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
         if (x == true) VeloX = c0o1;
         if (z == true) VeloZ = c0o1;
-         velocityLB = -vx1 - vx3;
-         feq = getEquilibriumForBC(drho, velocityLB, cu_sq, c1o54);
-         velocityBC = -VeloX - VeloZ;
-         (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BW, f_TE, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o54);
+        velocityLB = -vx1 - vx3;
+        feq = getEquilibriumForBC(drho, velocityLB, cu_sq, c1o54);
+        velocityBC = -VeloX - VeloZ;
+        (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BW, f_TE, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1961,7 +2027,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BE, f_TW, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -1975,7 +2041,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TW, f_BE, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -1989,7 +2055,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TN, f_BS, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -2004,7 +2070,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -2018,7 +2084,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BN, f_TS, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -2032,7 +2098,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TS, f_BN, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2047,7 +2113,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TNE, f_BSW, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2063,7 +2129,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2078,7 +2144,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BNE, f_TSW, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2093,7 +2159,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TSW, f_BNE, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2108,7 +2174,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TSE, f_BNW, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2123,7 +2189,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BNW, f_TSE, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2138,7 +2204,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BSE, f_TNW, feq, om_turb, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2154,37 +2220,59 @@ __global__ void QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
 __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
-                                    real* distributions, 
-                                    int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
-                                    real* subgridDistances,
-                                    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                    real omega, 
-                                    unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                    unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                    unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                    real* turbViscosity,
-                                    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-                                    bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* distributions, 
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real omega, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    real* turbViscosity,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    //! The slip boundary condition is executed in the following steps
    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // global x-index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // global y-index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // global z-index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
+   const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-   if(k < numberOfBCnodes)
+   if(nodeIndex < numberOfBCnodes)
       //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref
@@ -2202,7 +2290,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
       //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
-      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[k];
+      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex];
       unsigned int kzero= indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int ke   = indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int kw   = neighborX[indexOfBCnode];
@@ -2309,7 +2397,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
       bool y = false;
       bool z = false;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)  // only update distribution for q between zero and one
          VeloX = c0o1;
@@ -2321,7 +2409,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_E, f_W, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = c0o1;
@@ -2333,7 +2421,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_W, f_E, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = c0o1;
@@ -2345,7 +2433,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_N, f_S, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = c0o1;
@@ -2357,7 +2445,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_S, f_N, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloZ = c0o1;
@@ -2369,7 +2457,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_T, f_B, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloZ = c0o1;
@@ -2381,7 +2469,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_B, f_T, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2395,7 +2483,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_NE, f_SW, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2409,7 +2497,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_SW, f_NE, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2423,7 +2511,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_SE, f_NW, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2437,7 +2525,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_NW, f_SE, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2451,7 +2539,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TE, f_BW, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
         VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2459,13 +2547,13 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
         if (x == true) VeloX = c0o1;
         if (z == true) VeloZ = c0o1;
-         velocityLB = -vx1 - vx3;
-         feq = getEquilibriumForBC(drho, velocityLB, cu_sq, c1o54);
-         velocityBC = -VeloX - VeloZ;
-         (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BW, f_TE, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
+        velocityLB = -vx1 - vx3;
+        feq = getEquilibriumForBC(drho, velocityLB, cu_sq, c1o54);
+        velocityBC = -VeloX - VeloZ;
+        (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BW, f_TE, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2479,7 +2567,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BE, f_TW, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2493,7 +2581,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TW, f_BE, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -2507,7 +2595,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TN, f_BS, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -2522,7 +2610,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -2536,7 +2624,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BN, f_TS, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloY = slipLength*vx2;
@@ -2550,7 +2638,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TS, f_BN, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2565,7 +2653,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TNE, f_BSW, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2581,7 +2669,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2596,7 +2684,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BNE, f_TSW, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2611,7 +2699,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TSW, f_BNE, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2626,7 +2714,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TSE, f_BNW, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2641,7 +2729,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BNW, f_TSE, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -2656,7 +2744,7 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BSE, f_TNW, feq, om_turb, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          VeloX = slipLength*vx1;
@@ -3378,19 +3466,20 @@ __global__ void QSlipPressureDeviceComp27TurbViscosity(
-__global__ void QSlipGeomDeviceComp27(real* DD, 
-												 int* k_Q, 
-												 real* QQ,
-												 unsigned int  numberOfBCnodes,
-												 real om1, 
-												 real* NormalX,
-												 real* NormalY,
-												 real* NormalZ,
-												 unsigned int* neighborX,
-												 unsigned int* neighborY,
-												 unsigned int* neighborZ,
-												 unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-												 bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QSlipGeomDeviceComp27(
+    real* DD, 
+    int* k_Q, 
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int  numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1, 
+    real* NormalX,
+    real* NormalY,
+    real* NormalZ,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -4264,19 +4353,20 @@ __global__ void QSlipGeomDeviceComp27(real* DD,
-__global__ void QSlipNormDeviceComp27(real* DD, 
-												 int* k_Q, 
-												 real* QQ,
-												 unsigned int  numberOfBCnodes,
-												 real om1, 
-												 real* NormalX,
-												 real* NormalY,
-												 real* NormalZ,
-												 unsigned int* neighborX,
-												 unsigned int* neighborY,
-												 unsigned int* neighborZ,
-												 unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-												 bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QSlipNormDeviceComp27(
+    real* DD, 
+    int* k_Q, 
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int  numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1, 
+    real* NormalX,
+    real* NormalY,
+    real* NormalZ,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/StressBCs27.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/StressBCs27.cu
index 5563f93bf0e28afc48ddfe7d8d3c7c21fb0623ab..3208299e93940dabe52faa7d0b3c684c45596660 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/StressBCs27.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/StressBCs27.cu
@@ -43,28 +43,30 @@
 #include "LBM/LB.h"
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
 #include <lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h>
-#include "KernelUtilities.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+using namespace vf::gpu;
-__host__ __device__ __forceinline__ void iMEM(uint k, uint kN,
-                                                         real* _wallNormalX, real* _wallNormalY, real* _wallNormalZ,
-                                                         real* vx, real* vy, real* vz,
-                                                         real* vx_el,      real* vy_el,      real* vz_el,      //!>mean (temporally filtered) velocities at exchange location
-                                                         real* vx_w_mean,  real* vy_w_mean,  real* vz_w_mean,  //!>mean (temporally filtered) velocities at wall-adjactent node
-                                                         real  vx_w_inst,  real  vy_w_inst,  real  vz_w_inst,  //!>instantaneous velocities at wall-adjactent node
-                                                         real  rho,
-                                                         int* samplingOffset,
-                                                         real q,
-                                                         real forceFactor,                                     //!>e.g., 1.0 for simple-bounce back, or (1+q) for interpolated single-node bounce-back as in Geier et al (2015)
-                                                         real eps,                                             //!>filter constant in temporal averaging
-                                                         real* z0,                                             //!>aerodynamic roughness length
-                                                         bool  hasWallModelMonitor,
-                                                         real* u_star_monitor,
-                                                         real wallMomentumX, real wallMomentumY, real wallMomentumZ,
-                                                         real& wallVelocityX, real& wallVelocityY, real&wallVelocityZ)
+__host__ __device__ __forceinline__ void iMEM(
+    uint k, uint kN,
+    real* _wallNormalX, real* _wallNormalY, real* _wallNormalZ,
+    real* vx, real* vy, real* vz,
+    real* vx_el,      real* vy_el,      real* vz_el,      //!>mean (temporally filtered) velocities at exchange location
+    real* vx_w_mean,  real* vy_w_mean,  real* vz_w_mean,  //!>mean (temporally filtered) velocities at wall-adjactent node
+    real  vx_w_inst,  real  vy_w_inst,  real  vz_w_inst,  //!>instantaneous velocities at wall-adjactent node
+    real  rho,
+    int* samplingOffset,
+    real q,
+    real forceFactor,                                     //!>e.g., 1.0 for simple-bounce back, or (1+q) for interpolated single-node bounce-back as in Geier et al (2015)
+    real eps,                                             //!>filter constant in temporal averaging
+    real* z0,                                             //!>aerodynamic roughness length
+    bool  hasWallModelMonitor,
+    real* u_star_monitor,
+    real wallMomentumX, real wallMomentumY, real wallMomentumZ,
+    real& wallVelocityX, real& wallVelocityY, real&wallVelocityZ)
       real wallNormalX = _wallNormalX[k];
       real wallNormalY = _wallNormalY[k];
@@ -136,37 +138,38 @@ __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ void iMEM(uint k, uint kN,
-__global__ void QStressDeviceComp27(real* DD,
-											   int* k_Q,
-                                    int* k_N,
-											   real* QQ,
-                                    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
-                                    real om1,
-                                    real* turbViscosity,
-                                    real* vx,
-                                    real* vy,
-                                    real* vz,
-                                    real* normalX,
-                                    real* normalY,
-                                    real* normalZ,
-                                    real* vx_el,
-                                    real* vy_el,
-                                    real* vz_el,
-                                    real* vx_w_mean,
-                                    real* vy_w_mean,
-                                    real* vz_w_mean,
-                                    int* samplingOffset,
-                                    real* z0,
-                                    bool  hasWallModelMonitor,
-                                    real* u_star_monitor,
-                                    real* Fx_monitor,
-                                    real* Fy_monitor,
-                                    real* Fz_monitor,
-											   unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                    unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                    unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                    bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QStressDeviceComp27(
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q,
+    int* k_N,
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1,
+    real* turbViscosity,
+    real* vx,
+    real* vy,
+    real* vz,
+    real* normalX,
+    real* normalY,
+    real* normalZ,
+    real* vx_el,
+    real* vy_el,
+    real* vz_el,
+    real* vx_w_mean,
+    real* vy_w_mean,
+    real* vz_w_mean,
+    int* samplingOffset,
+    real* z0,
+    bool  hasWallModelMonitor,
+    real* u_star_monitor,
+    real* Fx_monitor,
+    real* Fy_monitor,
+    real* Fz_monitor,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/TurbulenceIntensity.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/TurbulenceIntensity.cu
index da209cd468db3b72ffc058fbe1ec4d76ca7960e5..3f440454ef272b13c24fe2a2882d67d32d32a841 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/TurbulenceIntensity.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/TurbulenceIntensity.cu
@@ -9,14 +9,16 @@
 /* Device code */
 #include "LBM/LB.h" 
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
-#include <lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h>
+#include "lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h"
 #include "lbm/MacroscopicQuantities.h"
 #include "../Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+using namespace vf::gpu;
 __global__ void CalcTurbulenceIntensity(
@@ -37,16 +39,18 @@ __global__ void CalcTurbulenceIntensity(
    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
    bool isEvenTimestep)
-   const unsigned k = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-   if (k >= numberOfLBnodes)
+   if (nodeIndex >= numberOfLBnodes)
-   if (!vf::gpu::isValidFluidNode(typeOfGridNode[k]))
+   if (!isValidFluidNode(typeOfGridNode[nodeIndex]))
-   vf::gpu::DistributionWrapper distr_wrapper(distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep, k, neighborX, neighborY,
-                                              neighborZ);
+   DistributionWrapper distr_wrapper(distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep, nodeIndex, neighborX, neighborY, neighborZ);
    const auto &distribution = distr_wrapper.distribution;
    // analogue to LBCalcMacCompSP27
@@ -58,16 +62,16 @@ __global__ void CalcTurbulenceIntensity(
    // compute subtotals:
    // fluctuations
-   vxx[k] = vxx[k] + vx * vx;
-   vyy[k] = vyy[k] + vy * vy;
-   vzz[k] = vzz[k] + vz * vz;
-   vxy[k] = vxy[k] + vx * vy;
-   vxz[k] = vxz[k] + vx * vz;
-   vyz[k] = vyz[k] + vy * vz;
+   vxx[nodeIndex] = vxx[nodeIndex] + vx * vx;
+   vyy[nodeIndex] = vyy[nodeIndex] + vy * vy;
+   vzz[nodeIndex] = vzz[nodeIndex] + vz * vz;
+   vxy[nodeIndex] = vxy[nodeIndex] + vx * vy;
+   vxz[nodeIndex] = vxz[nodeIndex] + vx * vz;
+   vyz[nodeIndex] = vyz[nodeIndex] + vy * vz;
    // velocity (for mean velocity)
-   vx_mean[k] = vx_mean[k] + vx;
-   vy_mean[k] = vy_mean[k] + vy;
-   vz_mean[k] = vz_mean[k] + vz; 
+   vx_mean[nodeIndex] = vx_mean[nodeIndex] + vx;
+   vy_mean[nodeIndex] = vy_mean[nodeIndex] + vy;
+   vz_mean[nodeIndex] = vz_mean[nodeIndex] + vz; 
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/TurbulentViscosityKernels.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/TurbulentViscosityKernels.cu
index 20f6e83350ba5bde0c84b4498281e4a04e4d957f..7147629c448b8b730e4ae8c4eff8a0a400863de9 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/TurbulentViscosityKernels.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/TurbulentViscosityKernels.cu
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
 #include <helper_cuda.h>
 #include "LBM/LB.h"
-#include "Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
@@ -53,26 +53,31 @@ __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ void calcDerivatives(const uint& k, uint& kM
     dvz = ((fluidP ? vz[kP] : vz[k])-(fluidM ? vz[kM] : vz[k]))*div;
-__global__ void calcAMD(real* vx,
-                        real* vy,
-                        real* vz,
-                        real* turbulentViscosity,
-                        uint* neighborX,
-                        uint* neighborY,
-                        uint* neighborZ,
-                        uint* neighborWSB,
-                        uint* typeOfGridNode,
-                        unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                        real SGSConstant)
+__global__ void calcAMD(
+    real* vx,
+    real* vy,
+    real* vz,
+    real* turbulentViscosity,
+    uint* neighborX,
+    uint* neighborY,
+    uint* neighborZ,
+    uint* neighborWSB,
+    uint* typeOfGridNode,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real SGSConstant)
-    const uint k = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
-    if(k >= numberOfLBnodes) return;
-    if(typeOfGridNode[k] != GEO_FLUID) return;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
-    uint kPx = neighborX[k];
-    uint kPy = neighborY[k];
-    uint kPz = neighborZ[k];
-    uint kMxyz = neighborWSB[k];
+    if(nodeIndex >= numberOfLBnodes) return;
+    if(typeOfGridNode[nodeIndex] != GEO_FLUID) return;
+    uint kPx = neighborX[nodeIndex];
+    uint kPy = neighborY[nodeIndex];
+    uint kPz = neighborZ[nodeIndex];
+    uint kMxyz = neighborWSB[nodeIndex];
     uint kMx = neighborZ[neighborY[kMxyz]];
     uint kMy = neighborZ[neighborX[kMxyz]];
     uint kMz = neighborY[neighborX[kMxyz]];
@@ -81,9 +86,9 @@ __global__ void calcAMD(real* vx,
          dvydx, dvydy, dvydz,
          dvzdx, dvzdy, dvzdz;
-    calcDerivatives(k, kMx, kPx, typeOfGridNode, vx, vy, vz, dvxdx, dvydx, dvzdx);
-    calcDerivatives(k, kMy, kPy, typeOfGridNode, vx, vy, vz, dvxdy, dvydy, dvzdy);
-    calcDerivatives(k, kMz, kPz, typeOfGridNode, vx, vy, vz, dvxdz, dvydz, dvzdz);
+    calcDerivatives(nodeIndex, kMx, kPx, typeOfGridNode, vx, vy, vz, dvxdx, dvydx, dvzdx);
+    calcDerivatives(nodeIndex, kMy, kPy, typeOfGridNode, vx, vy, vz, dvxdy, dvydy, dvzdy);
+    calcDerivatives(nodeIndex, kMz, kPz, typeOfGridNode, vx, vy, vz, dvxdz, dvydz, dvzdz);
     real denominator =  dvxdx*dvxdx + dvydx*dvydx + dvzdx*dvzdx + 
                         dvxdy*dvxdy + dvydy*dvydy + dvzdy*dvzdy +
@@ -95,7 +100,7 @@ __global__ void calcAMD(real* vx,
                         (dvxdx*dvzdx + dvxdy*dvzdy + dvxdz*dvzdz) * (dvxdz+dvzdx) + 
                         (dvydx*dvzdx + dvydy*dvzdy + dvydz*dvzdz) * (dvydz+dvzdy);
-    turbulentViscosity[k] = denominator != c0o1 ? max(c0o1,-SGSConstant*enumerator)/denominator : c0o1;
+    turbulentViscosity[nodeIndex] = denominator != c0o1 ? max(c0o1,-SGSConstant*enumerator)/denominator : c0o1;
 void calcTurbulentViscosityAMD(Parameter* para, int level)
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/VelocityBCs27.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/VelocityBCs27.cu
index 12ff3af8ea9a1f57c64d560b63404920f2d4a8ff..ccf9d1771ec0e1895e5cb79fae63675429b02c73 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/VelocityBCs27.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/VelocityBCs27.cu
@@ -1,35 +1,59 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __        ______________   __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____   /  ___/ __  / /  / /
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/  / /___/ /_/ / /  / /
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )  / /_) / ____/ /__/ / 
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/   \____/_/    \_____/
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
-/* Device code */
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file VelocityBCs27.cu
+//! \ingroup GPU
+//! \author Martin Schoenherr, Anna Wellmann
 #include "LBM/LB.h" 
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
 #include "lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h"
-#include "KernelUtilities.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+using namespace vf::gpu;
 __global__ void QVelDeviceCompPlusSlip27(
-													real* vx,
-													real* vy,
-													real* vz,
-													real* DD, 
-													int* k_Q, 
-													real* QQ,
-													unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
-													real om1, 
-													unsigned int* neighborX,
-													unsigned int* neighborY,
-													unsigned int* neighborZ,
-													unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-													bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* vx,
+    real* vy,
+    real* vz,
+    real* DD, 
+    int* k_Q, 
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
+    real om1, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -553,18 +577,19 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompPlusSlip27(
-__global__ void QVeloDeviceEQ27(real* VeloX,
-										   real* VeloY,
-										   real* VeloZ,
-                                           real* DD, 
-                                           int* k_Q, 
-                                           int numberOfBCnodes, 
-                                           real om1, 
-                                           unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                           unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                           unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                           unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-                                           bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QVeloDeviceEQ27(
+    real* VeloX,
+    real* VeloY,
+    real* VeloZ,
+    real* DD, 
+    int* k_Q, 
+    int numberOfBCnodes, 
+    real om1, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
@@ -834,18 +859,18 @@ __global__ void QVeloDeviceEQ27(real* VeloX,
 __global__ void QVeloStreetDeviceEQ27(
-	real* veloXfraction,
-	real* veloYfraction,
-	int*  naschVelo,
-	real* DD,
-	int*  naschIndex,
-	int   numberOfStreetNodes,
-	real  velocityRatio,
-	uint* neighborX,
-	uint* neighborY,
-	uint* neighborZ,
-	unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-	bool  isEvenTimestep)
+    real* veloXfraction,
+    real* veloYfraction,
+    int*  naschVelo,
+    real* DD,
+    int*  naschIndex,
+    int   numberOfStreetNodes,
+    real  velocityRatio,
+    uint* neighborX,
+    uint* neighborY,
+    uint* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool  isEvenTimestep)
 	const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
@@ -1120,19 +1145,19 @@ __global__ void QVeloStreetDeviceEQ27(
 __global__ void QVelDeviceIncompHighNu27(
-													real* vx,
-													real* vy,
-													real* vz,
-													real* DD, 
-													int* k_Q, 
-													real* QQ,
-													unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
-													real om1, 
-													unsigned int* neighborX,
-													unsigned int* neighborY,
-													unsigned int* neighborZ,
-													unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-													bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* vx,
+    real* vy,
+    real* vz,
+    real* DD, 
+    int* k_Q, 
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
+    real om1, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -1618,19 +1643,19 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceIncompHighNu27(
 __global__ void QVelDeviceCompHighNu27(
-													real* vx,
-													real* vy,
-													real* vz,
-													real* DD,
-													int* k_Q,
-													real* QQ,
-													unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
-													real om1,
-													unsigned int* neighborX,
-													unsigned int* neighborY,
-													unsigned int* neighborZ,
-													unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-													bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* vx,
+    real* vy,
+    real* vz,
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q,
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
+    real om1,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -2194,39 +2219,32 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompHighNu27(
 __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
-														real* velocityX,
-														real* velocityY,
-														real* velocityZ,
-														real* distribution, 
-														int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
-														real* subgridDistances,
-														unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
-														real omega, 
-														unsigned int* neighborX,
-														unsigned int* neighborY,
-														unsigned int* neighborZ,
-														unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-														bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* velocityX,
+    real* velocityY,
+    real* velocityZ,
+    real* distribution, 
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices, 
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
+    real omega, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
-	//! The velocity boundary condition is executed in the following steps
-	//!
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
-	//!
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // global x-index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // global y-index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // global z-index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
+   //! The velocity boundary condition is executed in the following steps
+   //!
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+   //!
+   const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
    //! - Run for all indices in size of boundary condition (numberOfBCnodes)
-   if(k < numberOfBCnodes)
+   if(nodeIndex < numberOfBCnodes)
@@ -2239,9 +2257,9 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
       //! - Set local velocities
-      real VeloX = velocityX[k];
-      real VeloY = velocityY[k];
-      real VeloZ = velocityZ[k];
+      real VeloX = velocityX[nodeIndex];
+      real VeloY = velocityY[nodeIndex];
+      real VeloZ = velocityZ[nodeIndex];
@@ -2253,7 +2271,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
       //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
-      unsigned int KQK  = subgridDistanceIndices[k];
+      unsigned int KQK  = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex];
       unsigned int kzero= KQK;
       unsigned int ke   = KQK;
       unsigned int kw   = neighborX[KQK];
@@ -2342,7 +2360,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
       //! - Update distributions with subgrid distance (q) between zero and one
       real feq, q, velocityLB, velocityBC;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1) // only update distribution for q between zero and one
          velocityLB = vx1;
@@ -2351,7 +2369,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_E, f_W, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1;
@@ -2360,7 +2378,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_W, f_E, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx2;
@@ -2369,7 +2387,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_N, f_S, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx2;
@@ -2378,7 +2396,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_S, f_N, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx3;
@@ -2387,7 +2405,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_T, f_B, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx3;
@@ -2396,7 +2414,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_B, f_T, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx2;
@@ -2405,7 +2423,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_NE, f_SW, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2;
@@ -2414,7 +2432,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_SW, f_NE, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx2;
@@ -2423,7 +2441,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_SE, f_NW, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2;
@@ -2432,7 +2450,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_NW, f_SE, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx3;
@@ -2441,7 +2459,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TE, f_BW, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx3;
@@ -2450,7 +2468,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BW, f_TE, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx3;
@@ -2459,7 +2477,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BE, f_TW, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx3;
@@ -2468,7 +2486,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TW, f_BE, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx2 + vx3;
@@ -2477,7 +2495,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TN, f_BS, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx2 - vx3;
@@ -2486,7 +2504,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BS, f_TN, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx2 - vx3;
@@ -2495,7 +2513,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BN, f_TS, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx2 + vx3;
@@ -2504,7 +2522,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TS, f_BN, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx2 + vx3;
@@ -2513,7 +2531,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TNE, f_BSW, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2 - vx3;
@@ -2522,7 +2540,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BSW, f_TNE, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx2 - vx3;
@@ -2531,7 +2549,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BNE, f_TSW, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2 + vx3;
@@ -2540,7 +2558,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TSW, f_BNE, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx2 + vx3;
@@ -2549,7 +2567,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_TSE, f_BNW, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2 - vx3;
@@ -2558,7 +2576,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BNW, f_TSE, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx2 - vx3;
@@ -2567,7 +2585,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(q, f_BSE, f_TNW, feq, omega, drho, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2 + vx3;
@@ -2619,26 +2637,27 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress27(
-__global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress1h27( int inx,
-														int iny,
-														real* vx,
-														real* vy,
-														real* vz,
-														real* DD, 
-														int* k_Q, 
-														real* QQ,
-														unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
-														real om1, 
-														real Phi,
-														real angularVelocity,
-														unsigned int* neighborX,
-														unsigned int* neighborY,
-														unsigned int* neighborZ,
-														real* coordX,
-														real* coordY,
-														real* coordZ,
-														unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-														bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress1h27(
+    int inx,
+    int iny,
+    real* vx,
+    real* vy,
+    real* vz,
+    real* DD, 
+    int* k_Q, 
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real om1, 
+    real Phi,
+    real angularVelocity,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    real* coordX,
+    real* coordY,
+    real* coordZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -3090,21 +3109,22 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceCompZeroPress1h27( int inx,
-__global__ void LB_BC_Vel_West_27( int nx, 
-                                              int ny, 
-                                              int nz, 
-                                              int itz, 
-                                              unsigned int* bcMatD, 
-                                              unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                              unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                              unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                              real* DD, 
-                                              unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-                                              bool isEvenTimestep, 
-                                              real u0x, 
-                                              unsigned int grid_nx, 
-                                              unsigned int grid_ny, 
-                                              real om) 
+__global__ void LB_BC_Vel_West_27(
+    int nx, 
+    int ny, 
+    int nz, 
+    int itz, 
+    unsigned int* bcMatD, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    real* DD, 
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep, 
+    real u0x, 
+    unsigned int grid_nx, 
+    unsigned int grid_ny, 
+    real om) 
    unsigned int ity = blockIdx.x;
@@ -3414,18 +3434,18 @@ __global__ void LB_BC_Vel_West_27( int nx,
 __global__ void QVelDevPlainBB27(
-   real* velocityX,
-   real* velocityY,
-   real* velocityZ,
-   real* distributions,
-   int* subgridDistanceIndices,
-   real* subgridDistances,
-   uint numberOfBCnodes,
-   uint* neighborX,
-   uint* neighborY,
-   uint* neighborZ,
-   unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-   bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* velocityX,
+    real* velocityY,
+    real* velocityZ,
+    real* distributions,
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices,
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    uint numberOfBCnodes,
+    uint* neighborX,
+    uint* neighborY,
+    uint* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    //! The velocity boundary condition is executed in the following steps
@@ -3433,18 +3453,11 @@ __global__ void QVelDevPlainBB27(
    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;   // global x-index
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;    // global y-index
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;    // global z-index
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
+   const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
    // run for all indices in size of boundary condition (numberOfBCnodes)
-   if(k < numberOfBCnodes)
+   if(nodeIndex < numberOfBCnodes)
        //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref
@@ -3456,9 +3469,9 @@ __global__ void QVelDevPlainBB27(
       //! - Set local velocities
-      real VeloX = velocityX[k];
-      real VeloY = velocityY[k];
-      real VeloZ = velocityZ[k];
+      real VeloX = velocityX[nodeIndex];
+      real VeloY = velocityY[nodeIndex];
+      real VeloZ = velocityZ[nodeIndex];
       //! - Set local subgrid distances (q's)
@@ -3469,7 +3482,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDevPlainBB27(
       //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
-      uint indexOfBCnode = subgridDistanceIndices[k];
+      uint indexOfBCnode = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex];
       uint ke   = indexOfBCnode;
       uint kw   = neighborX[indexOfBCnode];
       uint kn   = indexOfBCnode;
@@ -3535,32 +3548,32 @@ __global__ void QVelDevPlainBB27(
       //! - rewrite distributions if there is a sub-grid distance (q) in same direction
       real q;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]=f_E   + c4o9  * (-VeloX);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]=f_W   + c4o9  * ( VeloX);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]=f_N   + c4o9  * (-VeloY);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]=f_S   + c4o9  * ( VeloY);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]=f_T   + c4o9  * (-VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]=f_B   + c4o9  * ( VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]=f_NE  + c1o9  * (-VeloX - VeloY);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]=f_SW  + c1o9  * ( VeloX + VeloY);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]=f_SE  + c1o9  * (-VeloX + VeloY);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]=f_NW  + c1o9  * ( VeloX - VeloY);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]=f_TE  + c1o9  * (-VeloX - VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]=f_BW  + c1o9  * ( VeloX + VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]=f_BE  + c1o9  * (-VeloX + VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]=f_TW  + c1o9  * ( VeloX - VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]=f_TN  + c1o9  * (-VeloY - VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]=f_BS  + c1o9  * ( VeloY + VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]=f_BN  + c1o9  * (-VeloY + VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]=f_TS  + c1o9  * ( VeloY - VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]=f_TNE + c1o36 * (-VeloX - VeloY - VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]=f_BSW + c1o36 * ( VeloX + VeloY + VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]=f_BNE + c1o36 * (-VeloX - VeloY + VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]=f_TSW + c1o36 * ( VeloX + VeloY - VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]=f_TSE + c1o36 * (-VeloX + VeloY - VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]=f_BNW + c1o36 * ( VeloX - VeloY + VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]=f_BSE + c1o36 * (-VeloX + VeloY + VeloZ);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[k];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]=f_TNW + c1o36 * ( VeloX - VeloY - VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw  ]=f_E   + c4o9  * (-VeloX);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke  ]=f_W   + c4o9  * ( VeloX);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks  ]=f_N   + c4o9  * (-VeloY);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn  ]=f_S   + c4o9  * ( VeloY);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb  ]=f_T   + c4o9  * (-VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt  ]=f_B   + c4o9  * ( VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw ]=f_NE  + c1o9  * (-VeloX - VeloY);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne ]=f_SW  + c1o9  * ( VeloX + VeloY);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw ]=f_SE  + c1o9  * (-VeloX + VeloY);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse ]=f_NW  + c1o9  * ( VeloX - VeloY);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw ]=f_TE  + c1o9  * (-VeloX - VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte ]=f_BW  + c1o9  * ( VeloX + VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw ]=f_BE  + c1o9  * (-VeloX + VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe ]=f_TW  + c1o9  * ( VeloX - VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs ]=f_TN  + c1o9  * (-VeloY - VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn ]=f_BS  + c1o9  * ( VeloY + VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts ]=f_BN  + c1o9  * (-VeloY + VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn ]=f_TS  + c1o9  * ( VeloY - VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw]=f_TNE + c1o36 * (-VeloX - VeloY - VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne]=f_BSW + c1o36 * ( VeloX + VeloY + VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw]=f_BNE + c1o36 * (-VeloX - VeloY + VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne]=f_TSW + c1o36 * ( VeloX + VeloY - VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw]=f_TSE + c1o36 * (-VeloX + VeloY - VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse]=f_BNW + c1o36 * ( VeloX - VeloY + VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw]=f_BSE + c1o36 * (-VeloX + VeloY + VeloZ);
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[nodeIndex];   if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)    (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse]=f_TNW + c1o36 * ( VeloX - VeloY - VeloZ);
@@ -3604,19 +3617,20 @@ __global__ void QVelDevPlainBB27(
-__global__ void QVelDevCouette27(real* vx,
-											real* vy,
-	 										real* vz,
-											real* DD,
-											int* k_Q, 
-											real* QQ,
-											unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
-											real om1, 
-											unsigned int* neighborX,
-											unsigned int* neighborY,
-											unsigned int* neighborZ,
-											unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-											bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QVelDevCouette27(
+    real* vx,
+    real* vy,
+    real* vz,
+    real* DD,
+    int* k_Q, 
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
+    real om1, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -3964,26 +3978,27 @@ __global__ void QVelDevCouette27(real* vx,
-__global__ void QVelDev1h27( int inx,
-										int iny,
-										real* vx,
-										real* vy,
-										real* vz,
-										real* DD, 
-										int* k_Q, 
-										real* QQ,
-										unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
-										real om1,
-										real Phi,
-										real angularVelocity,
-										unsigned int* neighborX,
-										unsigned int* neighborY,
-										unsigned int* neighborZ,
-										real* coordX,
-										real* coordY,
-										real* coordZ,
-										unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-										bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QVelDev1h27(
+    int inx,
+    int iny,
+    real* vx,
+    real* vy,
+    real* vz,
+    real* DD, 
+    int* k_Q, 
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
+    real om1,
+    real Phi,
+    real angularVelocity,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    real* coordX,
+    real* coordY,
+    real* coordZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
 	Distributions27 D;
 	if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -4748,39 +4763,32 @@ __global__ void QVelDev1h27( int inx,
 __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
-											real* velocityX,
-											real* velocityY,
-											real* velocityZ,
-											real* distributions,
-											int* subgridDistanceIndices,
-											real* subgridDistances,
-											unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
-											real omega,
-											unsigned int* neighborX,
-											unsigned int* neighborY,
-											unsigned int* neighborZ,
-											unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-											bool isEvenTimestep)
+    real* velocityX,
+    real* velocityY,
+    real* velocityZ,
+    real* distributions,
+    int* subgridDistanceIndices,
+    real* subgridDistances,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes,
+    real omega,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    //! The velocity boundary condition is executed in the following steps
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
-   //!
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // global x-index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // global y-index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // global z-index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
    //! - Run for all indices in size of boundary condition (numberOfBCnodes)
-   if(k < numberOfBCnodes)
+   if(nodeIndex < numberOfBCnodes)
       //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on timestep is based on the esoteric twist algorithm \ref
@@ -4792,9 +4800,9 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
       //! - Set local velocities
-      real VeloX = velocityX[k];
-      real VeloY = velocityY[k];
-      real VeloZ = velocityZ[k];
+      real VeloX = velocityX[nodeIndex];
+      real VeloY = velocityY[nodeIndex];
+      real VeloZ = velocityZ[nodeIndex];
       //! - Set local subgrid distances (q's)
@@ -4805,7 +4813,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
       //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
-      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[k];
+      unsigned int indexOfBCnode  = subgridDistanceIndices[nodeIndex];
       unsigned int kzero= indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int ke   = indexOfBCnode;
       unsigned int kw   = neighborX[indexOfBCnode];
@@ -4894,7 +4902,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
       //! - Update distributions with subgrid distance (q) between zero and one
       real feq, q, velocityLB, velocityBC;
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1) // only update distribution for q between zero and one
          velocityLB = vx1;
@@ -4903,7 +4911,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_E, f_W, feq, omega, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M00])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1;
@@ -4912,7 +4920,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_W, f_E, feq, omega, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0P0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx2;
@@ -4921,7 +4929,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_N, f_S, feq, omega, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0M0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx2;
@@ -4930,7 +4938,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_S, f_N, feq, omega, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx3;
@@ -4939,7 +4947,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_T, f_B, feq, omega, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_00M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx3;
@@ -4948,7 +4956,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_B, f_T, feq, omega, velocityBC, c2o27);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx2;
@@ -4957,7 +4965,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_NE, f_SW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2;
@@ -4966,7 +4974,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_SW, f_NE, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PM0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx2;
@@ -4975,7 +4983,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_SE, f_NW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MP0])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2;
@@ -4984,7 +4992,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_NW, f_SE, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx3;
@@ -4993,7 +5001,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TE, f_BW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx3;
@@ -5002,7 +5010,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BW, f_TE, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_P0M])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx3;
@@ -5011,7 +5019,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BE, f_TW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_M0P])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx3;
@@ -5020,7 +5028,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TW, f_BE, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx2 + vx3;
@@ -5029,7 +5037,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TN, f_BS, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx2 - vx3;
@@ -5038,7 +5046,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BS, f_TN, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0PM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx2 - vx3;
@@ -5047,7 +5055,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BN, f_TS, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_0MP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx2 + vx3;
@@ -5056,7 +5064,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TS, f_BN, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o54);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx2 + vx3;
@@ -5065,7 +5073,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TNE, f_BSW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2 - vx3;
@@ -5074,7 +5082,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BSW, f_TNE, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 + vx2 - vx3;
@@ -5083,7 +5091,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BNE, f_TSW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 - vx2 + vx3;
@@ -5092,7 +5100,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TSW, f_BNE, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx2 + vx3;
@@ -5101,7 +5109,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_TSE, f_BNW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2 - vx3;
@@ -5110,7 +5118,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BNW, f_TSE, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_PMM])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = vx1 - vx2 - vx3;
@@ -5119,7 +5127,7 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
          (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw] = getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(q, f_BSE, f_TNW, feq, omega, velocityBC, c1o216);
-      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[k];
+      q = (subgridD.q[DIR_MPP])[nodeIndex];
       if (q>=c0o1 && q<=c1o1)
          velocityLB = -vx1 + vx2 + vx3;
@@ -5170,21 +5178,22 @@ __global__ void QVelDeviceComp27(
-__global__ void QVelDevice27(int inx,
-                                        int iny,
-                                        real* vx,
-                                        real* vy,
-                                        real* vz,
-                                        real* DD, 
-                                        int* k_Q, 
-                                        real* QQ,
-                                        unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
-                                        real om1, 
-                                        unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                        unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                        unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                        unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
-                                        bool isEvenTimestep)
+__global__ void QVelDevice27(
+    int inx,
+    int iny,
+    real* vx,
+    real* vy,
+    real* vz,
+    real* DD, 
+    int* k_Q, 
+    real* QQ,
+    unsigned int numberOfBCnodes, 
+    real om1, 
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, 
+    bool isEvenTimestep)
    Distributions27 D;
    if (isEvenTimestep==true)
@@ -5723,19 +5732,20 @@ __global__ void QVelDevice27(int inx,
-__global__ void PropellerBC(unsigned int* neighborX,
-                                       unsigned int* neighborY,
-                                       unsigned int* neighborZ,
-                                       real* rho,
-                                       real* ux,
-                                       real* uy,
-                                       real* uz,
-                                       int* k_Q, 
-									   unsigned int size_Prop,
-                                       unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
-                                       unsigned int* bcMatD,
-                                       real* DD,
-                                       bool EvenOrOdd)
+__global__ void PropellerBC(
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    real* rho,
+    real* ux,
+    real* uy,
+    real* uz,
+    int* k_Q, 
+    unsigned int size_Prop,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    unsigned int* bcMatD,
+    real* DD,
+    bool EvenOrOdd)
    const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/FluidFlow/Compressible/CumulantK17/CumulantK17_Device.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/FluidFlow/Compressible/CumulantK17/CumulantK17_Device.cu
index 5598f0fc229ac446c8d5393ca9e6ff70577bae1a..1ffec96c255b7923f3ee39c01f756abd8cad8862 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/FluidFlow/Compressible/CumulantK17/CumulantK17_Device.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/FluidFlow/Compressible/CumulantK17/CumulantK17_Device.cu
@@ -38,21 +38,20 @@
 //! required options are switched on ( \param writeMacroscopicVariables and/or \param applyBodyForce) in order to minimize memory accesses. The default
 //! refers to the plain cumlant kernel (CollisionTemplate::Default).
 //! Nodes are added to subsets (taggedFluidNodes) in Simulation::init using a corresponding tag with different values of CollisionTemplate. These subsets
-//! are provided by the utilized PostCollisionInteractiors depending on they specifc requirements (e.g. writeMacroscopicVariables for probes).
+//! are provided by the utilized PostCollisionInteractiors depending on they specific requirements (e.g. writeMacroscopicVariables for probes).
-/* Device code */
 #include "LBM/LB.h"
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
-#include <lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h>
-#include "Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
+#include "lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ChimeraTransformation.h"
 #include "GPU/TurbulentViscosityInlines.cuh"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
-#include "Kernel/Utilities/ChimeraTransformation.h"
+using namespace vf::gpu;
 template<TurbulenceModel turbulenceModel, bool writeMacroscopicVariables, bool applyBodyForce>
@@ -90,16 +89,16 @@ __global__ void LB_Kernel_CumulantK17(
     //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
-    const unsigned kThread = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
     // run for all indices in size_Mat and fluid nodes
-    if (kThread >= numberOfFluidNodes)
+    if (nodeIndex >= numberOfFluidNodes)
     //! - Get the node index from the array containing all indices of fluid nodes
-    const unsigned k_000 = fluidNodeIndices[kThread];
+    const unsigned k_000 = fluidNodeIndices[nodeIndex];
     //! - Read distributions: style of reading and writing the distributions from/to stored arrays dependent on
@@ -107,7 +106,8 @@ __global__ void LB_Kernel_CumulantK17(
     //! href="https://doi.org/10.3390/computation5020019"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017),
     //! DOI:10.3390/computation5020019 ]</b></a>
-    Distributions27 dist = vf::gpu::getDistributionReferences27(distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);
+    Distributions27 dist;
+    getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);
     //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/FluidFlow/Compressible/CumulantK17chim/CumulantK17CompChim_Device.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/FluidFlow/Compressible/CumulantK17chim/CumulantK17CompChim_Device.cu
index 3eea267e55fee45111fb11cf1258559e2c3c63f2..a0db78d27b00372feab8490111183481abbec8b9 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/FluidFlow/Compressible/CumulantK17chim/CumulantK17CompChim_Device.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/FluidFlow/Compressible/CumulantK17chim/CumulantK17CompChim_Device.cu
@@ -33,11 +33,12 @@
 /* Device code */
 #include "LBM/LB.h" 
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
-#include <lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h>
+#include "lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ChimeraTransformation.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
-#include "Kernel/Utilities/ChimeraTransformation.h"
+using namespace vf::gpu;
 __global__ void LB_Kernel_CumulantK17CompChim(
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/FluidFlow/Compressible/RunLBMKernel.cuh b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/FluidFlow/Compressible/RunLBMKernel.cuh
index 558b4f333e7c92b372a5097aa4917dd6d1230a34..3be594e3e39a57cd71741cd060e9dddda15d6035 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/FluidFlow/Compressible/RunLBMKernel.cuh
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Kernels/BasicKernels/FluidFlow/Compressible/RunLBMKernel.cuh
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #include <DataTypes.h>
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
-#include <lbm/KernelParameter.h>
+#include "lbm/KernelParameter.h"
 #include "Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ struct GPUKernelParameter
     unsigned int* neighborY;
     unsigned int* neighborZ;
     real* distributions;
-    int size_Mat;
+    int numberOfLBnodes;
     real* forces;
     bool isEvenTimestep;
@@ -31,19 +31,22 @@ struct GPUKernelParameter
 template<typename KernelFunctor>
 __global__ void runKernel(KernelFunctor kernel, GPUKernelParameter kernelParameter)
-    const uint k = getNodeIndex();
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
-    if(k >= kernelParameter.size_Mat)
+    if(nodeIndex >= kernelParameter.numberOfLBnodes)
-    if (!isValidFluidNode(kernelParameter.typeOfGridNode[k]))
+    if (!isValidFluidNode(kernelParameter.typeOfGridNode[nodeIndex]))
     DistributionWrapper distributionWrapper {
-        (unsigned int)kernelParameter.size_Mat,
+        (unsigned int)kernelParameter.numberOfLBnodes,
-        k,
+        nodeIndex,
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/ChimeraTransformation.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/ChimeraTransformation.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f7822d63fa0efd34b27773dffdeebddf521a8792..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/ChimeraTransformation.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-#include <lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h>
-using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
-//! \brief forward chimera transformation \ref forwardInverseChimeraWithK
-//! Transformation from distributions to central moments according to Eq. (6)-(14) in \ref
-//! <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017), DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040
-//! ]</b></a> Modified for lower round-off errors.
-inline __device__ void forwardInverseChimeraWithK(real &mfa, real &mfb, real &mfc, real vv, real v2, real Kinverse, real K)
-    real m2 = mfa + mfc;
-    real m1 = mfc - mfa;
-    real m0 = m2 + mfb;
-    mfa     = m0;
-    m0 *= Kinverse;
-    m0 += c1o1;
-    mfb = (m1 * Kinverse - m0 * vv) * K;
-    mfc = ((m2 - c2o1 * m1 * vv) * Kinverse + v2 * m0) * K;
-//! \brief backward chimera transformation \ref backwardInverseChimeraWithK
-//! Transformation from central moments to distributions according to Eq. (57)-(65) in \ref
-//! <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017), DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040
-//! ]</b></a> Modified for lower round-off errors.
-inline __device__ void backwardInverseChimeraWithK(real &mfa, real &mfb, real &mfc, real vv, real v2, real Kinverse, real K)
-    real m0 = (((mfc - mfb) * c1o2 + mfb * vv) * Kinverse + (mfa * Kinverse + c1o1) * (v2 - vv) * c1o2) * K;
-    real m1 = (((mfa - mfc) - c2o1 * mfb * vv) * Kinverse + (mfa * Kinverse + c1o1) * (-v2)) * K;
-    mfc     = (((mfc + mfb) * c1o2 + mfb * vv) * Kinverse + (mfa * Kinverse + c1o1) * (v2 + vv) * c1o2) * K;
-    mfa     = m0;
-    mfb     = m1;
-//! \brief forward chimera transformation \ref forwardChimera
-//! Transformation from distributions to central moments according to Eq. (6)-(14) in \ref
-//! <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017), DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040
-//! ]</b></a> for \f$ K_{abc}=0 \f$. This is to avoid unnessary floating point operations. Modified for lower round-off
-//! errors.
-inline __device__ void forwardChimera(real &mfa, real &mfb, real &mfc, real vv, real v2)
-    real m1 = (mfa + mfc) + mfb;
-    real m2 = mfc - mfa;
-    mfc     = (mfc + mfa) + (v2 * m1 - c2o1 * vv * m2);
-    mfb     = m2 - vv * m1;
-    mfa     = m1;
-//! \brief backward chimera transformation \ref backwardChimera
-//! Transformation from central moments to distributions according to Eq. (57)-(65) in \ref
-//! <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017), DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040
-//! ]</b></a> for \f$ K_{abc}=0 \f$. This is to avoid unnessary floating point operations. Modified for lower round-off
-//! errors.
-inline __device__ void backwardChimera(real &mfa, real &mfb, real &mfc, real vv, real v2)
-    real ma = (mfc + mfa * (v2 - vv)) * c1o2 + mfb * (vv - c1o2);
-    real mb = ((mfa - mfc) - mfa * v2) - c2o1 * mfb * vv;
-    mfc     = (mfc + mfa * (v2 + vv)) * c1o2 + mfb * (vv + c1o2);
-    mfb     = mb;
-    mfa     = ma;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cu
index 7c477c539dc3526389dc22563b50501e778a63f3..240a6ffbace64147aa67224fe72c946761fdc452 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cu
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
-#include <lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h>
+#include "lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h"
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
@@ -80,10 +79,4 @@ __device__ void DistributionWrapper::write()
     (distribution_references.f[DIR_000])[k]   = distribution.f[vf::lbm::dir::ZZZ];
-__device__ bool isValidFluidNode(uint nodeType)
-    return (nodeType == GEO_FLUID || nodeType == GEO_PM_0 || nodeType == GEO_PM_1 || nodeType == GEO_PM_2);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh
index fec2403ecad70d1ea550750a5a33780aa35e07bd..599f3f46668c07da49725770177d77239f8ef9df 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh
@@ -37,76 +37,13 @@
 #include "lbm/KernelParameter.h"
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
 namespace vf::gpu
-__inline__ __device__ __host__ void getPointersToDistributions(Distributions27 &dist, real *distributionArray, const unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, const bool isEvenTimestep)
-    if (isEvenTimestep)
-    {
-        dist.f[DIR_000] = &distributionArray[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_P00] = &distributionArray[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_M00] = &distributionArray[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_0P0] = &distributionArray[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_0M0] = &distributionArray[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_00P] = &distributionArray[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_00M] = &distributionArray[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_PP0] = &distributionArray[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_MM0] = &distributionArray[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_PM0] = &distributionArray[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_MP0] = &distributionArray[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_P0P] = &distributionArray[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_M0M] = &distributionArray[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_P0M] = &distributionArray[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_M0P] = &distributionArray[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_0PP] = &distributionArray[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_0MM] = &distributionArray[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_0PM] = &distributionArray[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_0MP] = &distributionArray[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_PPP] = &distributionArray[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_MMP] = &distributionArray[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_PMP] = &distributionArray[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_MPP] = &distributionArray[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_PPM] = &distributionArray[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_MMM] = &distributionArray[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_PMM] = &distributionArray[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_MPM] = &distributionArray[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-    }
-    else
-    {
-         dist.f[DIR_M00] = &distributionArray[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_P00] = &distributionArray[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_0M0] = &distributionArray[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_0P0] = &distributionArray[DIR_0M0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_00M] = &distributionArray[DIR_00P * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_00P] = &distributionArray[DIR_00M * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_MM0] = &distributionArray[DIR_PP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_PP0] = &distributionArray[DIR_MM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_MP0] = &distributionArray[DIR_PM0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_PM0] = &distributionArray[DIR_MP0 * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_M0M] = &distributionArray[DIR_P0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_P0P] = &distributionArray[DIR_M0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_M0P] = &distributionArray[DIR_P0M * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_P0M] = &distributionArray[DIR_M0P * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_0MM] = &distributionArray[DIR_0PP * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_0PP] = &distributionArray[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_0MP] = &distributionArray[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_0PM] = &distributionArray[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_000] = &distributionArray[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_PPP] = &distributionArray[DIR_MMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_MMP] = &distributionArray[DIR_PPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_PMP] = &distributionArray[DIR_MPM * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_MPP] = &distributionArray[DIR_PMM * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_PPM] = &distributionArray[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_MMM] = &distributionArray[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_PMM] = &distributionArray[DIR_MPP * numberOfLBnodes];
-         dist.f[DIR_MPM] = &distributionArray[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
-    }
 *  Getting references to the 27 directions.
 *  @params distributions 1D real* array containing all data (number of elements = 27 * matrix_size)
@@ -157,20 +94,6 @@ struct DistributionWrapper
     const uint kbsw;
-__inline__ __device__ unsigned int getNodeIndex()
-    const unsigned x = threadIdx.x;
-    const unsigned y = blockIdx.x;
-    const unsigned z = blockIdx.y;
-    const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-    const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-    return nx * (ny * z + y) + x;
-__device__ bool isValidFluidNode(uint nodeType);
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/ScalingHelperFunctions.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/ScalingHelperFunctions.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13ce5d88aaa7cb49225fa914c1f59c2de05802f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Utilities/ScalingHelperFunctions.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __         
-// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |        
-//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |        
-//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |        
-//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____    
-//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|   
-//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________    
-//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|   
-//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______    
-//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)   
-//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______    
-//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
-//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/   
-//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can 
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file scalingHelperFunctions.h
-//! \ingroup GPU/Kernel/Utilities
-//! \author Martin Schoenherr, Anna Wellmann
-#include "LBM/LB.h" 
-#include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
-#include "lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h"
-using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
-using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
-__device__ __inline__ void calculateMomentsOnSourceNodes(
-    Distributions27& dist,
-    real& omega,
-    unsigned int& k_000,
-    unsigned int& k_M00,
-    unsigned int& k_0M0,
-    unsigned int& k_00M,
-    unsigned int& k_MM0,
-    unsigned int& k_M0M,
-    unsigned int& k_0MM,
-    unsigned int& k_MMM,
-    real& drho,
-    real& velocityX,
-    real& velocityY,
-    real& velocityZ,
-    real& kxyFromfcNEQ,
-    real& kyzFromfcNEQ,
-    real& kxzFromfcNEQ,
-    real& kxxMyyFromfcNEQ,
-    real& kxxMzzFromfcNEQ
-    ){
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //! - Set local distributions (f's) on source nodes:
-        //!
-        real f_000 = (dist.f[DIR_000])[k_000]; 
-        real f_P00 = (dist.f[DIR_P00])[k_000];
-        real f_M00 = (dist.f[DIR_M00])[k_M00];
-        real f_0P0 = (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[k_000];
-        real f_0M0 = (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[k_0M0];
-        real f_00P = (dist.f[DIR_00P])[k_000];
-        real f_00M = (dist.f[DIR_00M])[k_00M];
-        real f_PP0 = (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[k_000];
-        real f_MM0 = (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[k_MM0];
-        real f_PM0 = (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[k_0M0];
-        real f_MP0 = (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[k_M00];
-        real f_P0P = (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[k_000];
-        real f_M0M = (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[k_M0M];
-        real f_P0M = (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[k_00M];
-        real f_M0P = (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[k_M00];
-        real f_0PP = (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[k_000];
-        real f_0MM = (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[k_0MM];
-        real f_0PM = (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[k_00M];
-        real f_0MP = (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[k_0M0];
-        real f_PPP = (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[k_000];
-        real f_MPP = (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[k_M00];
-        real f_PMP = (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[k_0M0];
-        real f_MMP = (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[k_MM0];
-        real f_PPM = (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[k_00M];
-        real f_MPM = (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[k_M0M];
-        real f_PMM = (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[k_0MM];
-        real f_MMM = (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[k_MMM];
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //! - Calculate density and velocity using pyramid summation for low round-off errors as in Eq. (J1)-(J3) \ref
-        //! <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.camwa.2015.05.001"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2015),
-        //! DOI:10.1016/j.camwa.2015.05.001 ]</b></a>
-        //!
-        drho = ((((f_PPP + f_MMM) + (f_MPM + f_PMP)) + ((f_MPP + f_PMM) + (f_MMP + f_PPM))) +
-                (((f_0MP + f_0PM) + (f_0MM + f_0PP)) + ((f_M0P + f_P0M) + (f_M0M + f_P0P)) +
-                 ((f_MP0 + f_PM0) + (f_MM0 + f_PP0))) +
-                 ((f_M00 + f_P00) + (f_0M0 + f_0P0) + (f_00M + f_00P))) +
-                   f_000;
-        real oneOverRho = c1o1 / (c1o1 + drho);
-        velocityX = ((((f_PPP - f_MMM) + (f_PMP - f_MPM)) + ((f_PMM - f_MPP) + (f_PPM - f_MMP))) +
-                     (((f_P0M - f_M0P) + (f_P0P - f_M0M)) + ((f_PM0 - f_MP0) + (f_PP0 - f_MM0))) + (f_P00 - f_M00)) *
-                    oneOverRho;
-        velocityY = ((((f_PPP - f_MMM) + (f_MPM - f_PMP)) + ((f_MPP - f_PMM) + (f_PPM - f_MMP))) +
-                     (((f_0PM - f_0MP) + (f_0PP - f_0MM)) + ((f_MP0 - f_PM0) + (f_PP0 - f_MM0))) + (f_0P0 - f_0M0)) *
-                    oneOverRho;
-        velocityZ = ((((f_PPP - f_MMM) + (f_PMP - f_MPM)) + ((f_MPP - f_PMM) + (f_MMP - f_PPM))) +
-                     (((f_0MP - f_0PM) + (f_0PP - f_0MM)) + ((f_M0P - f_P0M) + (f_P0P - f_M0M))) + (f_00P - f_00M)) *
-                    oneOverRho;
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //! - Calculate second order moments for interpolation
-        //!
-        // example: kxxMzz: moment, second derivative in x direction minus the second derivative in z direction
-        kxyFromfcNEQ =
-            -c3o1 * omega *
-            ((f_MM0 + f_MMM + f_MMP - f_MP0 - f_MPM - f_MPP - f_PM0 - f_PMM - f_PMP + f_PP0 + f_PPM + f_PPP) /
-                 (c1o1 + drho) -
-             ((velocityX * velocityY)));
-        kyzFromfcNEQ =
-            -c3o1 * omega *
-            ((f_0MM + f_PMM + f_MMM - f_0MP - f_PMP - f_MMP - f_0PM - f_PPM - f_MPM + f_0PP + f_PPP + f_MPP) /
-                 (c1o1 + drho) -
-             ((velocityY * velocityZ)));
-        kxzFromfcNEQ =
-            -c3o1 * omega *
-            ((f_M0M + f_MMM + f_MPM - f_M0P - f_MMP - f_MPP - f_P0M - f_PMM - f_PPM + f_P0P + f_PMP + f_PPP) /
-                 (c1o1 + drho) -
-             ((velocityX * velocityZ)));
-        kxxMyyFromfcNEQ =
-            -c3o2 * omega *
-            ((f_M0M + f_M00 + f_M0P - f_0MM - f_0M0 - f_0MP - f_0PM - f_0P0 - f_0PP + f_P0M + f_P00 + f_P0P) / (c1o1 + drho) -
-             ((velocityX * velocityX - velocityY * velocityY)));
-        kxxMzzFromfcNEQ =
-            -c3o2 * omega *
-            ((f_MM0 + f_M00 + f_MP0 - f_0MM - f_0MP - f_00M - f_00P - f_0PM - f_0PP + f_PM0 + f_P00 + f_PP0) / (c1o1 + drho) -
-             ((velocityX * velocityX - velocityZ * velocityZ)));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ChimeraTransformation.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ChimeraTransformation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..225f615ec3ad2d8ef11ec295f8d9e8a4166d99fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ChimeraTransformation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file ChimeraTransformation.h
+//! \ingroup LBM/GPUHelperFunctions
+//! \author Martin Schoenherr, Anna Wellmann, Soeren Peters
+#include "LBM/LB.h"
+#include <lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h>
+using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
+namespace vf::gpu
+//! \brief forward chimera transformation \ref forwardInverseChimeraWithK
+//! Transformation from distributions to central moments according to Eq. (6)-(14) in \ref
+//! <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017), DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040
+//! ]</b></a> Modified for lower round-off errors.
+__inline__ __device__ void forwardInverseChimeraWithK(real &mfa, real &mfb, real &mfc, real vv, real v2, real Kinverse, real K)
+    real m2 = mfa + mfc;
+    real m1 = mfc - mfa;
+    real m0 = m2 + mfb;
+    mfa = m0;
+    m0 *= Kinverse;
+    m0 += c1o1;
+    mfb = (m1 * Kinverse - m0 * vv) * K;
+    mfc = ((m2 - c2o1 * m1 * vv) * Kinverse + v2 * m0) * K;
+//! \brief backward chimera transformation \ref backwardInverseChimeraWithK
+//! Transformation from central moments to distributions according to Eq. (57)-(65) in \ref
+//! <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017), DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040
+//! ]</b></a> Modified for lower round-off errors.
+__inline__ __device__ void backwardInverseChimeraWithK(real &mfa, real &mfb, real &mfc, real vv, real v2, real Kinverse, real K)
+    real m0 = (((mfc - mfb) * c1o2 + mfb * vv) * Kinverse + (mfa * Kinverse + c1o1) * (v2 - vv) * c1o2) * K;
+    real m1 = (((mfa - mfc) - c2o1 * mfb * vv) * Kinverse + (mfa * Kinverse + c1o1) * (-v2)) * K;
+    mfc = (((mfc + mfb) * c1o2 + mfb * vv) * Kinverse + (mfa * Kinverse + c1o1) * (v2 + vv) * c1o2) * K;
+    mfa = m0;
+    mfb = m1;
+//! \brief forward chimera transformation \ref forwardChimera
+//! Transformation from distributions to central moments according to Eq. (6)-(14) in \ref
+//! <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017), DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040
+//! ]</b></a> for \f$ K_{abc}=0 \f$. This is to avoid unnessary floating point operations. Modified for lower round-off
+//! errors.
+__inline__ __device__ void forwardChimera(real &mfa, real &mfb, real &mfc, real vv, real v2)
+    real m1 = (mfa + mfc) + mfb;
+    real m2 = mfc - mfa;
+    mfc = (mfc + mfa) + (v2 * m1 - c2o1 * vv * m2);
+    mfb = m2 - vv * m1;
+    mfa = m1;
+//! \brief backward chimera transformation \ref backwardChimera
+//! Transformation from central moments to distributions according to Eq. (57)-(65) in \ref
+//! <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017), DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040
+//! ]</b></a> for \f$ K_{abc}=0 \f$. This is to avoid unnessary floating point operations. Modified for lower round-off
+//! errors.
+__inline__ __device__ void backwardChimera(real &mfa, real &mfb, real &mfc, real vv, real v2)
+    real ma = (mfc + mfa * (v2 - vv)) * c1o2 + mfb * (vv - c1o2);
+    real mb = ((mfa - mfc) - mfa * v2) - c2o1 * mfb * vv;
+    mfc = (mfc + mfa * (v2 + vv)) * c1o2 + mfb * (vv + c1o2);
+    mfb = mb;
+    mfa = ma;
+} // namespace vf::gpu
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/KernelUtilities.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h
similarity index 91%
rename from src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/KernelUtilities.h
rename to src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h
index 05f48ce46cf251ee573930e54209f87ed8b85b07..37208ee59586533fa7f8ffbc269246826ed27fb8 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/KernelUtilities.h
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
 //  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 //! \file KernelUtilities.h
-//! \ingroup GPU
-//! \author Martin Schoenherr, Anna Wellmann
+//! \ingroup LBM/GPUHelperFunctions
+//! \author Martin Schoenherr, Anna Wellmann, Soeren Peters
 #include "LBM/LB.h"
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
@@ -40,10 +40,14 @@
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
-__inline__ __device__ void getPointersToDistributions(Distributions27 &dist, real *distributionArray, const unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, const bool isEvenTimestep)
+namespace vf::gpu
+__inline__ __device__ __host__ void getPointersToDistributions(Distributions27 &dist, real *distributionArray, const unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes, const bool isEvenTimestep)
     if (isEvenTimestep)
+        dist.f[DIR_000] = &distributionArray[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
         dist.f[DIR_P00] = &distributionArray[DIR_P00 * numberOfLBnodes];
         dist.f[DIR_M00] = &distributionArray[DIR_M00 * numberOfLBnodes];
         dist.f[DIR_0P0] = &distributionArray[DIR_0P0 * numberOfLBnodes];
@@ -62,7 +66,6 @@ __inline__ __device__ void getPointersToDistributions(Distributions27 &dist, rea
         dist.f[DIR_0MM] = &distributionArray[DIR_0MM * numberOfLBnodes];
         dist.f[DIR_0PM] = &distributionArray[DIR_0PM * numberOfLBnodes];
         dist.f[DIR_0MP] = &distributionArray[DIR_0MP * numberOfLBnodes];
-        dist.f[DIR_000] = &distributionArray[DIR_000 * numberOfLBnodes];
         dist.f[DIR_PPP] = &distributionArray[DIR_PPP * numberOfLBnodes];
         dist.f[DIR_MMP] = &distributionArray[DIR_MMP * numberOfLBnodes];
         dist.f[DIR_PMP] = &distributionArray[DIR_PMP * numberOfLBnodes];
@@ -140,38 +143,56 @@ __inline__ __device__ real getEquilibriumForBC(const real& drho, const real& vel
     return weight * (drho + c9o2 * velocity * velocity * (c1o1 + drho) - cu_sq);
-__inline__ __device__ real getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(const real& q, const real& f, const real& fInverse, const real& feq, 
+__inline__ __device__ real getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloBC(const real& q, const real& f, const real& fInverse, const real& feq,
                                                                 const real& omega, const real& velocity, const real weight)
-    return (c1o1-q) / (c1o1+q) * (f - fInverse + (f + fInverse - c2o1 * feq * omega) / (c1o1 - omega)) * c1o2 
+    return (c1o1-q) / (c1o1+q) * (f - fInverse + (f + fInverse - c2o1 * feq * omega) / (c1o1 - omega)) * c1o2
            + (q * (f + fInverse) - c6o1 * weight * velocity) / (c1o1 + q);
-__inline__ __device__ real getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(  const real& f, 
+__inline__ __device__ real getBounceBackDistributionForVeloBC(  const real& f,
                                                                 const real& velocity, const real weight)
     return f - (c6o1 * weight * velocity);
-__inline__ __device__ real getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(const real& q, const real& f, const real& fInverse, const real& feq, 
+__inline__ __device__ real getInterpolatedDistributionForNoSlipBC(const real& q, const real& f, const real& fInverse, const real& feq,
                                                                   const real& omega)
-    return (c1o1-q) / (c1o1+q) * (f - fInverse + (f + fInverse - c2o1 * feq * omega) / (c1o1 - omega)) * c1o2 
+    return (c1o1-q) / (c1o1+q) * (f - fInverse + (f + fInverse - c2o1 * feq * omega) / (c1o1 - omega)) * c1o2
            + (q * (f + fInverse)) / (c1o1 + q);
-__inline__ __device__ real getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(const real& q, const real& f, const real& fInverse, const real& feq, 
+__inline__ __device__ real getInterpolatedDistributionForVeloWithPressureBC(const real& q, const real& f, const real& fInverse, const real& feq,
                                                                             const real& omega, const real& drho, const real& velocity, const real weight)
-    return (c1o1-q) / (c1o1+q) * (f - fInverse + (f + fInverse - c2o1 * feq * omega) / (c1o1 - omega)) * c1o2 
+    return (c1o1-q) / (c1o1+q) * (f - fInverse + (f + fInverse - c2o1 * feq * omega) / (c1o1 - omega)) * c1o2
            + (q * (f + fInverse) - c6o1 * weight * velocity) / (c1o1 + q) - weight * drho;
+__inline__ __device__ unsigned int getNodeIndex()
+    const unsigned x = threadIdx.x;
+    const unsigned y = blockIdx.x;
+    const unsigned z = blockIdx.y;
+    const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
+    const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
+    return nx * (ny * z + y) + x;
+__inline__ __device__ bool isValidFluidNode(uint nodeType)
+    return (nodeType == GEO_FLUID || nodeType == GEO_PM_0 || nodeType == GEO_PM_1 || nodeType == GEO_PM_2);
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ScalingUtilities.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ScalingUtilities.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..53990e452be06dc6840c801816e8231d26861e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ScalingUtilities.h
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __         
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |        
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |        
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |        
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____    
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|   
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________    
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|   
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______    
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)   
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______    
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/   
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can 
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file ScalingUtilities.h
+//! \ingroup LBM/GPUHelperFunctions
+//! \author Martin Schoenherr, Anna Wellmann
+#include "LBM/LB.h" 
+#include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
+#include "lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h"
+using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
+using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+namespace vf::gpu
+__device__ __inline__ void calculateMomentsOnSourceNodes(Distributions27 &dist, real &omega, unsigned int &k_000,
+                                                         unsigned int &k_M00, unsigned int &k_0M0, unsigned int &k_00M,
+                                                         unsigned int &k_MM0, unsigned int &k_M0M, unsigned int &k_0MM,
+                                                         unsigned int &k_MMM, real &drho, real &velocityX,
+                                                         real &velocityY, real &velocityZ, real &kxyFromfcNEQ,
+                                                         real &kyzFromfcNEQ, real &kxzFromfcNEQ, real &kxxMyyFromfcNEQ,
+                                                         real &kxxMzzFromfcNEQ)
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Set local distributions (f's) on source nodes:
+    //!
+    real f_000 = (dist.f[DIR_000])[k_000];
+    real f_P00 = (dist.f[DIR_P00])[k_000];
+    real f_M00 = (dist.f[DIR_M00])[k_M00];
+    real f_0P0 = (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[k_000];
+    real f_0M0 = (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[k_0M0];
+    real f_00P = (dist.f[DIR_00P])[k_000];
+    real f_00M = (dist.f[DIR_00M])[k_00M];
+    real f_PP0 = (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[k_000];
+    real f_MM0 = (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[k_MM0];
+    real f_PM0 = (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[k_0M0];
+    real f_MP0 = (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[k_M00];
+    real f_P0P = (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[k_000];
+    real f_M0M = (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[k_M0M];
+    real f_P0M = (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[k_00M];
+    real f_M0P = (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[k_M00];
+    real f_0PP = (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[k_000];
+    real f_0MM = (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[k_0MM];
+    real f_0PM = (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[k_00M];
+    real f_0MP = (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[k_0M0];
+    real f_PPP = (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[k_000];
+    real f_MPP = (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[k_M00];
+    real f_PMP = (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[k_0M0];
+    real f_MMP = (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[k_MM0];
+    real f_PPM = (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[k_00M];
+    real f_MPM = (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[k_M0M];
+    real f_PMM = (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[k_0MM];
+    real f_MMM = (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[k_MMM];
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Calculate density and velocity using pyramid summation for low round-off errors as in Eq. (J1)-(J3) \ref
+    //! <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.camwa.2015.05.001"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2015),
+    //! DOI:10.1016/j.camwa.2015.05.001 ]</b></a>
+    //!
+    drho = ((((f_PPP + f_MMM) + (f_MPM + f_PMP)) + ((f_MPP + f_PMM) + (f_MMP + f_PPM))) +
+            (((f_0MP + f_0PM) + (f_0MM + f_0PP)) + ((f_M0P + f_P0M) + (f_M0M + f_P0P)) +
+             ((f_MP0 + f_PM0) + (f_MM0 + f_PP0))) +
+            ((f_M00 + f_P00) + (f_0M0 + f_0P0) + (f_00M + f_00P))) +
+           f_000;
+    real oneOverRho = c1o1 / (c1o1 + drho);
+    velocityX = ((((f_PPP - f_MMM) + (f_PMP - f_MPM)) + ((f_PMM - f_MPP) + (f_PPM - f_MMP))) +
+                 (((f_P0M - f_M0P) + (f_P0P - f_M0M)) + ((f_PM0 - f_MP0) + (f_PP0 - f_MM0))) + (f_P00 - f_M00)) *
+                oneOverRho;
+    velocityY = ((((f_PPP - f_MMM) + (f_MPM - f_PMP)) + ((f_MPP - f_PMM) + (f_PPM - f_MMP))) +
+                 (((f_0PM - f_0MP) + (f_0PP - f_0MM)) + ((f_MP0 - f_PM0) + (f_PP0 - f_MM0))) + (f_0P0 - f_0M0)) *
+                oneOverRho;
+    velocityZ = ((((f_PPP - f_MMM) + (f_PMP - f_MPM)) + ((f_MPP - f_PMM) + (f_MMP - f_PPM))) +
+                 (((f_0MP - f_0PM) + (f_0PP - f_0MM)) + ((f_M0P - f_P0M) + (f_P0P - f_M0M))) + (f_00P - f_00M)) *
+                oneOverRho;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Calculate second order moments for interpolation
+    //!
+    // example: kxxMzz: moment, second derivative in x direction minus the second derivative in z direction
+    kxyFromfcNEQ = -c3o1 * omega *
+                   ((f_MM0 + f_MMM + f_MMP - f_MP0 - f_MPM - f_MPP - f_PM0 - f_PMM - f_PMP + f_PP0 + f_PPM + f_PPP) /
+                    (c1o1 + drho) -
+                    ((velocityX * velocityY)));
+    kyzFromfcNEQ = -c3o1 * omega *
+                   ((f_0MM + f_PMM + f_MMM - f_0MP - f_PMP - f_MMP - f_0PM - f_PPM - f_MPM + f_0PP + f_PPP + f_MPP) /
+                    (c1o1 + drho) -
+                    ((velocityY * velocityZ)));
+    kxzFromfcNEQ = -c3o1 * omega *
+                   ((f_M0M + f_MMM + f_MPM - f_M0P - f_MMP - f_MPP - f_P0M - f_PMM - f_PPM + f_P0P + f_PMP + f_PPP) /
+                    (c1o1 + drho) -
+                    ((velocityX * velocityZ)));
+    kxxMyyFromfcNEQ = -c3o2 * omega *
+                      ((f_M0M + f_M00 + f_M0P - f_0MM - f_0M0 - f_0MP - f_0PM - f_0P0 - f_0PP + f_P0M + f_P00 + f_P0P) /
+                       (c1o1 + drho) -
+                       ((velocityX * velocityX - velocityY * velocityY)));
+    kxxMzzFromfcNEQ = -c3o2 * omega *
+                      ((f_MM0 + f_M00 + f_MP0 - f_0MM - f_0MP - f_00M - f_00P - f_0PM - f_0PP + f_PM0 + f_P00 + f_PP0) /
+                       (c1o1 + drho) -
+                       ((velocityX * velocityX - velocityZ * velocityZ)));
+} // namespace vf::gpu
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Output/DistributionDebugInspector.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Output/DistributionDebugInspector.cu
index ee3fe322da2ab7a7ea218b27287f2dd5d5d0fd24..f7bb2e680c0fb3ea597239ee0cbc1772f2efe81b 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Output/DistributionDebugInspector.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Output/DistributionDebugInspector.cu
@@ -1,11 +1,41 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file DistributionDebugInspector.cu
+//! \ingroup Output
+//! \author Henrik Asmuth, Henry Korb
 #include "DistributionDebugInspector.h"
 #include "Parameter/Parameter.h"
-#include "LBM/LB.h" 
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
-#include <lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h>
-#include "Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
+#include "lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
 #include <cuda/CudaGrid.h>
 #include <cuda.h>
@@ -14,108 +44,114 @@
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+using namespace vf::gpu;
+__global__ void printFs(
+    real* distributions,
+    bool isEvenTimestep,
+    unsigned long long numberOfFluidNodes,
+    uint* neighborX,
+    uint* neighborY,
+    uint* neighborZ,
+    uint* typeOfGridNode,
+    real* coordX,
+    real* coordY,
+    real* coordZ,
+    real minX,
+    real maxX,
+    real minY,
+    real maxY,
+    real minZ,
+    real maxZ)
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned k_000 = getNodeIndex();
+    if (k_000 >= numberOfFluidNodes || typeOfGridNode[k_000]!=GEO_FLUID ) 
+        return;
-__global__ void printFs(  real* distributions,
-                        bool isEvenTimestep,
-                        unsigned long long numberOfFluidNodes,
-                        uint* neighborX,
-                        uint* neighborY,
-                        uint* neighborZ,
-                        uint* typeOfGridNode,
-                        real* coordX,
-                        real* coordY,
-                        real* coordZ,
-                        real minX,
-                        real maxX,
-                        real minY,
-                        real maxY,
-                        real minZ,
-                        real maxZ)
-                        {
-                            const unsigned k_000 = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
-                            if (k_000 >= numberOfFluidNodes || typeOfGridNode[k_000]!=GEO_FLUID ) 
-                                return;
-                            real coordNodeX = coordX[k_000];
-                            real coordNodeY = coordY[k_000];
-                            real coordNodeZ = coordZ[k_000];
-                            if( coordNodeX>=minX && coordNodeX<=maxX &&
-                                coordNodeY>=minY && coordNodeY<=maxY &&
-                                coordNodeZ>=minZ && coordNodeZ<=maxZ    )
-                                {
-                                    Distributions27 dist = vf::gpu::getDistributionReferences27(distributions, numberOfFluidNodes, isEvenTimestep);
-                                    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-                                    //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
-                                    uint k_M00 = neighborX[k_000];
-                                    uint k_0M0 = neighborY[k_000];
-                                    uint k_00M = neighborZ[k_000];
-                                    uint k_MM0 = neighborY[k_M00];
-                                    uint k_M0M = neighborZ[k_M00];
-                                    uint k_0MM = neighborZ[k_0M0];
-                                    uint k_MMM = neighborZ[k_MM0];
-                                    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-                                    //! - Set local distributions
-                                    //!
-                                    real f_000 = (dist.f[DIR_000])[k_000];
-                                    real f_P00 = (dist.f[DIR_P00])[k_000];
-                                    real f_M00 = (dist.f[DIR_M00])[k_M00];
-                                    real f_0P0 = (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[k_000];
-                                    real f_0M0 = (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[k_0M0];
-                                    real f_00P = (dist.f[DIR_00P])[k_000];
-                                    real f_00M = (dist.f[DIR_00M])[k_00M];
-                                    real f_PP0 = (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[k_000];
-                                    real f_MM0 = (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[k_MM0];
-                                    real f_PM0 = (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[k_0M0];
-                                    real f_MP0 = (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[k_M00];
-                                    real f_P0P = (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[k_000];
-                                    real f_M0M = (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[k_M0M];
-                                    real f_P0M = (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[k_00M];
-                                    real f_M0P = (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[k_M00];
-                                    real f_0PP = (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[k_000];
-                                    real f_0MM = (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[k_0MM];
-                                    real f_0PM = (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[k_00M];
-                                    real f_0MP = (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[k_0M0];
-                                    real f_PPP = (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[k_000];
-                                    real f_MPP = (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[k_M00];
-                                    real f_PMP = (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[k_0M0];
-                                    real f_MMP = (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[k_MM0];
-                                    real f_PPM = (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[k_00M];
-                                    real f_MPM = (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[k_M0M];
-                                    real f_PMM = (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[k_0MM];
-                                    real f_MMM = (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[k_MMM];
-                                    real drho = ((((f_PPP + f_MMM) + (f_MPM + f_PMP)) + ((f_MPP + f_PMM) + (f_MMP + f_PPM))) +
-                                                (((f_0MP + f_0PM) + (f_0MM + f_0PP)) + ((f_M0P + f_P0M) + (f_M0M + f_P0P)) +
-                                                ((f_MP0 + f_PM0) + (f_MM0 + f_PP0))) +
-                                                ((f_M00 + f_P00) + (f_0M0 + f_0P0) + (f_00M + f_00P))) +
-                                                    f_000;
-                                    real oneOverRho = c1o1 / (c1o1 + drho);
-                                    real vvx = ((((f_PPP - f_MMM) + (f_PMP - f_MPM)) + ((f_PMM - f_MPP) + (f_PPM - f_MMP))) +
-                                                (((f_P0M - f_M0P) + (f_P0P - f_M0M)) + ((f_PM0 - f_MP0) + (f_PP0 - f_MM0))) + (f_P00 - f_M00)) *
-                                            oneOverRho;
-                                    real vvy = ((((f_PPP - f_MMM) + (f_MPM - f_PMP)) + ((f_MPP - f_PMM) + (f_PPM - f_MMP))) +
-                                                (((f_0PM - f_0MP) + (f_0PP - f_0MM)) + ((f_MP0 - f_PM0) + (f_PP0 - f_MM0))) + (f_0P0 - f_0M0)) *
-                                            oneOverRho;
-                                    real vvz = ((((f_PPP - f_MMM) + (f_PMP - f_MPM)) + ((f_MPP - f_PMM) + (f_MMP - f_PPM))) +
-                                                (((f_0MP - f_0PM) + (f_0PP - f_0MM)) + ((f_M0P - f_P0M) + (f_P0P - f_M0M))) + (f_00P - f_00M)) *
-                                            oneOverRho;
-                                    printf("Node %u \t (%f\t%f\t%f)\n rho: %f\t velo: %f\t %f \t %f\n\n" , k_000, coordNodeX, coordNodeY, coordNodeZ, drho, vvx, vvy, vvz);
-                                    printf("Node %u \t (%f\t%f\t%f)\n f_M00\t%f\t f_000\t%f\t f_P00\t%f\n f_MP0\t%f\t f_0P0\t%f\t f_PP0\t%f\n f_MM0\t%f\t f_0M0\t%f\t f_PM0\t%f\n f_M0P\t%f\t f_00P\t%f\t f_P0P\t%f\n f_M0M\t%f\t f_00M\t%f\t f_P0M\t%f\n f_MPP\t%f\t f_0PP\t%f\t f_PPP\t%f\n f_MPM\t%f\t f_0PM\t%f\t f_PPM\t%f\n f_MMP\t%f\t f_0MP\t%f\t f_PMP\t%f\n f_MMM\t%f\t f_0MM\t%f\t f_PMM\t%f\n\n\n" , k_000, coordNodeX, coordNodeY, coordNodeZ, f_M00, f_000, f_P00,f_MP0, f_0P0, f_PP0, f_MM0, f_0M0, f_PM0, f_M0P, f_00P, f_P0P, f_M0M, f_00M, f_P0M, f_MPP, f_0PP, f_PPP, f_MPM, f_0PM, f_PPM, f_MMP, f_0MP, f_PMP, f_MMM, f_0MM, f_PMM);
-                                }
-                        }
-void DistributionDebugInspector::inspect(std::shared_ptr<Parameter> para, uint level, uint t){
+    real coordNodeX = coordX[k_000];
+    real coordNodeY = coordY[k_000];
+    real coordNodeZ = coordZ[k_000];
+    if( coordNodeX>=minX && coordNodeX<=maxX &&
+        coordNodeY>=minY && coordNodeY<=maxY &&
+        coordNodeZ>=minZ && coordNodeZ<=maxZ    )
+        {
+            Distributions27 dist;
+            getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfFluidNodes, isEvenTimestep);
+            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            //! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
+            uint k_M00 = neighborX[k_000];
+            uint k_0M0 = neighborY[k_000];
+            uint k_00M = neighborZ[k_000];
+            uint k_MM0 = neighborY[k_M00];
+            uint k_M0M = neighborZ[k_M00];
+            uint k_0MM = neighborZ[k_0M0];
+            uint k_MMM = neighborZ[k_MM0];
+            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            //! - Set local distributions
+            //!
+            real f_000 = (dist.f[DIR_000])[k_000];
+            real f_P00 = (dist.f[DIR_P00])[k_000];
+            real f_M00 = (dist.f[DIR_M00])[k_M00];
+            real f_0P0 = (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[k_000];
+            real f_0M0 = (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[k_0M0];
+            real f_00P = (dist.f[DIR_00P])[k_000];
+            real f_00M = (dist.f[DIR_00M])[k_00M];
+            real f_PP0 = (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[k_000];
+            real f_MM0 = (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[k_MM0];
+            real f_PM0 = (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[k_0M0];
+            real f_MP0 = (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[k_M00];
+            real f_P0P = (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[k_000];
+            real f_M0M = (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[k_M0M];
+            real f_P0M = (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[k_00M];
+            real f_M0P = (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[k_M00];
+            real f_0PP = (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[k_000];
+            real f_0MM = (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[k_0MM];
+            real f_0PM = (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[k_00M];
+            real f_0MP = (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[k_0M0];
+            real f_PPP = (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[k_000];
+            real f_MPP = (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[k_M00];
+            real f_PMP = (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[k_0M0];
+            real f_MMP = (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[k_MM0];
+            real f_PPM = (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[k_00M];
+            real f_MPM = (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[k_M0M];
+            real f_PMM = (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[k_0MM];
+            real f_MMM = (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[k_MMM];
+            real drho = ((((f_PPP + f_MMM) + (f_MPM + f_PMP)) + ((f_MPP + f_PMM) + (f_MMP + f_PPM))) +
+                        (((f_0MP + f_0PM) + (f_0MM + f_0PP)) + ((f_M0P + f_P0M) + (f_M0M + f_P0P)) +
+                        ((f_MP0 + f_PM0) + (f_MM0 + f_PP0))) +
+                        ((f_M00 + f_P00) + (f_0M0 + f_0P0) + (f_00M + f_00P))) +
+                            f_000;
+            real oneOverRho = c1o1 / (c1o1 + drho);
+            real vvx = ((((f_PPP - f_MMM) + (f_PMP - f_MPM)) + ((f_PMM - f_MPP) + (f_PPM - f_MMP))) +
+                        (((f_P0M - f_M0P) + (f_P0P - f_M0M)) + ((f_PM0 - f_MP0) + (f_PP0 - f_MM0))) + (f_P00 - f_M00)) *
+                    oneOverRho;
+            real vvy = ((((f_PPP - f_MMM) + (f_MPM - f_PMP)) + ((f_MPP - f_PMM) + (f_PPM - f_MMP))) +
+                        (((f_0PM - f_0MP) + (f_0PP - f_0MM)) + ((f_MP0 - f_PM0) + (f_PP0 - f_MM0))) + (f_0P0 - f_0M0)) *
+                    oneOverRho;
+            real vvz = ((((f_PPP - f_MMM) + (f_PMP - f_MPM)) + ((f_MPP - f_PMM) + (f_MMP - f_PPM))) +
+                        (((f_0MP - f_0PM) + (f_0PP - f_0MM)) + ((f_M0P - f_P0M) + (f_P0P - f_M0M))) + (f_00P - f_00M)) *
+                    oneOverRho;
+            printf("Node %u \t (%f\t%f\t%f)\n rho: %f\t velo: %f\t %f \t %f\n\n" , k_000, coordNodeX, coordNodeY, coordNodeZ, drho, vvx, vvy, vvz);
+            printf("Node %u \t (%f\t%f\t%f)\n f_M00\t%f\t f_000\t%f\t f_P00\t%f\n f_MP0\t%f\t f_0P0\t%f\t f_PP0\t%f\n f_MM0\t%f\t f_0M0\t%f\t f_PM0\t%f\n f_M0P\t%f\t f_00P\t%f\t f_P0P\t%f\n f_M0M\t%f\t f_00M\t%f\t f_P0M\t%f\n f_MPP\t%f\t f_0PP\t%f\t f_PPP\t%f\n f_MPM\t%f\t f_0PM\t%f\t f_PPM\t%f\n f_MMP\t%f\t f_0MP\t%f\t f_PMP\t%f\n f_MMM\t%f\t f_0MM\t%f\t f_PMM\t%f\n\n\n" , k_000, coordNodeX, coordNodeY, coordNodeZ, f_M00, f_000, f_P00,f_MP0, f_0P0, f_PP0, f_MM0, f_0M0, f_PM0, f_M0P, f_00P, f_P0P, f_M0M, f_00M, f_P0M, f_MPP, f_0PP, f_PPP, f_MPM, f_0PM, f_PPM, f_MMP, f_0MP, f_PMP, f_MMM, f_0MM, f_PMM);
+        }
+void DistributionDebugInspector::inspect(std::shared_ptr<Parameter> para, uint level, uint t)
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/PreCollisionInteractor/PrecursorWriter.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/PreCollisionInteractor/PrecursorWriter.cu
index c6d17be97ec9a3c178b9aeb6a3db44ebeb9cf0a8..1a8260ef936e2707fb38fbbba71cdbfac692f350 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/PreCollisionInteractor/PrecursorWriter.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/PreCollisionInteractor/PrecursorWriter.cu
@@ -1,21 +1,52 @@
+// ____          ____    __    ______     __________   __      __       __        __
+// \    \       |    |  |  |  |   _   \  |___    ___| |  |    |  |     /  \      |  |
+//  \    \      |    |  |  |  |  |_)   |     |  |     |  |    |  |    /    \     |  |
+//   \    \     |    |  |  |  |   _   /      |  |     |  |    |  |   /  /\  \    |  |
+//    \    \    |    |  |  |  |  | \  \      |  |     |   \__/   |  /  ____  \   |  |____
+//     \    \   |    |  |__|  |__|  \__\     |__|      \________/  /__/    \__\  |_______|
+//      \    \  |    |   ________________________________________________________________
+//       \    \ |    |  |  ______________________________________________________________|
+//        \    \|    |  |  |         __          __     __     __     ______      _______
+//         \         |  |  |_____   |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |   _  \    /  _____)
+//          \        |  |   _____|  |  |        |  |   |  |   |  |   |  | \  \   \_______
+//           \       |  |  |        |  |_____   |   \_/   |   |  |   |  |_/  /    _____  |
+//            \ _____|  |__|        |________|   \_______/    |__|   |______/    (_______/
+//  This file is part of VirtualFluids. VirtualFluids is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  VirtualFluids is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with VirtualFluids (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file PrecursorWriter.cu
+//! \ingroup PreCollisionInteractor
+//! \author Henrik Asmuth, Henry Korb
 #include "PrecursorWriter.h"
 #include "basics/writer/WbWriterVtkXmlImageBinary.h"
 #include <cuda.h>
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
 #include <helper_cuda.h>
-#include <cuda/CudaGrid.h>
-#include "Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
+#include "cuda/CudaGrid.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/KernelUtilities.h"
-#include <Core/StringUtilities/StringUtil.h>
+#include "Core/StringUtilities/StringUtil.h"
 #include "Parameter/Parameter.h"
 #include "DataStructureInitializer/GridProvider.h"
 #include "GPU/CudaMemoryManager.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::dir;
+using namespace vf::gpu;
 //TODO check everything for multiple level
@@ -52,13 +83,16 @@ __global__ void fillArrayVelocities(const uint numberOfPrecursorNodes,
-    const uint node = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
-    if(node>=numberOfPrecursorNodes) return;
+    if(nodeIndex>=numberOfPrecursorNodes) return;
-    precursorData[linearIdx(0u, node, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = vx[indices[node]]*velocityRatio;
-    precursorData[linearIdx(1u, node, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = vy[indices[node]]*velocityRatio;
-    precursorData[linearIdx(2u, node, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = vz[indices[node]]*velocityRatio;
+    precursorData[linearIdx(0u, nodeIndex, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = vx[indices[nodeIndex]]*velocityRatio;
+    precursorData[linearIdx(1u, nodeIndex, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = vy[indices[nodeIndex]]*velocityRatio;
+    precursorData[linearIdx(2u, nodeIndex, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = vz[indices[nodeIndex]]*velocityRatio;
@@ -71,15 +105,19 @@ __global__ void fillArrayDistributions( uint numberOfPrecursorNodes,
                                         bool isEvenTimestep,
                                         unsigned long numberOfLBnodes)
-    const uint node = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
-    if(node>=numberOfPrecursorNodes) return;
+    if(nodeIndex>=numberOfPrecursorNodes) return;
-    Distributions27 dist = vf::gpu::getDistributionReferences27(distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);
+    Distributions27 dist;
+    getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);
     // ! - Set neighbor indices (necessary for indirect addressing)
-    uint k_000 = indices[node];
+    uint k_000 = indices[nodeIndex];
     // uint k_M00 = neighborX[k_000];
     uint k_0M0 = neighborY[k_000];
     uint k_00M = neighborZ[k_000];
@@ -91,15 +129,15 @@ __global__ void fillArrayDistributions( uint numberOfPrecursorNodes,
     //! - Get local distributions in PX directions
-    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecP00, node, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_P00])[k_000];
-    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecPP0, node, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[k_000];
-    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecPM0, node, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[k_0M0];
-    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecP0P, node, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[k_000];
-    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecP0M, node, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[k_00M];
-    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecPPP, node, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[k_000];
-    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecPMP, node, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[k_0M0];
-    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecPPM, node, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[k_00M];
-    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecPMM, node, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[k_0MM];
+    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecP00, nodeIndex, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_P00])[k_000];
+    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecPP0, nodeIndex, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[k_000];
+    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecPM0, nodeIndex, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[k_0M0];
+    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecP0P, nodeIndex, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[k_000];
+    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecP0M, nodeIndex, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[k_00M];
+    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecPPP, nodeIndex, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[k_000];
+    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecPMP, nodeIndex, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[k_0M0];
+    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecPPM, nodeIndex, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[k_00M];
+    precursorData[linearIdx(PrecPMM, nodeIndex, numberOfPrecursorNodes)] = (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[k_0MM];
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/PreCollisionInteractor/PrecursorWriter.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/PreCollisionInteractor/PrecursorWriter.h
index 3bae63a339255f3f72196e20096f6019cdd7748d..264023b58ba6db46b50f6a85b334c530864a0b8f 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/PreCollisionInteractor/PrecursorWriter.h
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/PreCollisionInteractor/PrecursorWriter.h
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 //! \date 05/12/2022
 //! \brief Probe writing planes of data to be used as inflow data in successor simulation using PrecursorBC
-//! The probe writes out yz-planes at a specifc x position ( \param xPos ) of either velocity or distributions 
+//! The probe writes out yz-planes at a specific x position ( \param xPos ) of either velocity or distributions 
 //! that can be read by PrecursorBC as inflow data.