diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.cpp b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.cpp
index 14ed3fdbb63e0061b835d5f9235a442366dccc8f..b8598910a62198afe13251d34b19950dca53fe04 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.cpp
@@ -43,41 +43,41 @@ SPtr<Parameter> Parameter::make()
-	this->setOutputPath("C:/Output/");
+    this->setOutputPath("C:/Output/");
-	this->setOutputPrefix("MyFile");
+    this->setOutputPrefix("MyFile");
-	this->setPrintFiles(false);
+    this->setPrintFiles(false);
-	this->setD3Qxx((int)27);
+    this->setD3Qxx((int)27);
-	this->setTimestepEnd((uint)10);
+    this->setTimestepEnd((uint)10);
-	this->setTimestepOut((uint)1);
+    this->setTimestepOut((uint)1);
-	this->setTimestepStartOut((uint)0);
+    this->setTimestepStartOut((uint)0);
-	this->setViscosityLB((real)0.001);
+    this->setViscosityLB((real)0.001);
-	this->setVelocityLB((real)0.01);
+    this->setVelocityLB((real)0.01);
-	this->setViscosityRatio((real)1.0);
+    this->setViscosityRatio((real)1.0);
-	this->setVelocityRatio((real)1.0);
+    this->setVelocityRatio((real)1.0);
-	this->setDensityRatio((real)1.0);
+    this->setDensityRatio((real)1.0);
-	this->setPressureRatio((real)1.0);
+    this->setPressureRatio((real)1.0);
-	this->setPathAndFilename(this->getOutputPath() + "/" + this->getOutputPrefix());
+    this->setPathAndFilename(this->getOutputPath() + "/" + this->getOutputPrefix());
-	this->setlimitOfNodesForVTK((uint)30000000);
+    this->setlimitOfNodesForVTK((uint)30000000);
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // Advection Diffusion
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ Parameter::~Parameter()
 Parameter* Parameter::instance = 0;
 Parameter* Parameter::getInstanz()
-	if( instance == 0 )
-		instance = new Parameter();
-	return instance;
+    if( instance == 0 )
+        instance = new Parameter();
+    return instance;
@@ -97,19 +97,19 @@ Parameter* Parameter::getInstanz()
 void Parameter::initParameter()
-	//host
-	parametersOnHost                          = new ParameterStruct;
-	parametersOnHost->numberofthreads         = 64;
-	parametersOnHost->omega                   = (real)1.0/((real)3.0*this->viscosityLB+(real)0.5);
-	parametersOnHost->isEvenTimestep          = true;
+    //host
+    parametersOnHost                          = new ParameterStruct;
+    parametersOnHost->numberofthreads         = 64;
+    parametersOnHost->omega                   = (real)1.0/((real)3.0*this->viscosityLB+(real)0.5);
+    parametersOnHost->isEvenTimestep          = true;
     // set diffusivity
     parametersOnHost->diffusivity = (real)0.01;
-	//device
-	parametersOnDevice                        = new ParameterStruct;
-	parametersOnDevice->numberofthreads       = parametersOnHost->numberofthreads;
-	parametersOnDevice->omega                 = parametersOnHost->omega;
-	parametersOnDevice->isEvenTimestep        = parametersOnHost->isEvenTimestep;
+    //device
+    parametersOnDevice                        = new ParameterStruct;
+    parametersOnDevice->numberofthreads       = parametersOnHost->numberofthreads;
+    parametersOnDevice->omega                 = parametersOnHost->omega;
+    parametersOnDevice->isEvenTimestep        = parametersOnHost->isEvenTimestep;
     // set diffusivity
     parametersOnDevice->diffusivity = parametersOnHost->diffusivity;
@@ -120,39 +120,39 @@ void Parameter::initParameter()
 void Parameter::setlimitOfNodesForVTK(uint limitOfNodesForVTK)
-	this->limitOfNodesForVTK = limitOfNodesForVTK;
+    this->limitOfNodesForVTK = limitOfNodesForVTK;
 void Parameter::setD3Qxx(int d3qxx)
-	this->D3Qxx = d3qxx;
+    this->D3Qxx = d3qxx;
 void Parameter::setTimestepEnd(uint timestepEnd)
-	this->timestepEnd = timestepEnd;
+    this->timestepEnd = timestepEnd;
 void Parameter::setTimestepOut(uint timestepOut)
-	this->timestepOut = timestepOut;
+    this->timestepOut = timestepOut;
 void Parameter::setTimestepStartOut(uint timestepStartOut)
-	this->timestepStartOut = timestepStartOut;
+    this->timestepStartOut = timestepStartOut;
 void Parameter::setOutputPath(std::string outputPath)
-	this->outputPath = outputPath;
+    this->outputPath = outputPath;
 void Parameter::setOutputPrefix(std::string outputPrefix)
-	this->outputPrefix = outputPrefix;
+    this->outputPrefix = outputPrefix;
 void Parameter::setPathAndFilename(std::string pathAndFilename)
-	this->pathAndFilename = pathAndFilename;
+    this->pathAndFilename = pathAndFilename;
 void Parameter::setIsADcalculationOn(bool calcAD)
-	this->calcAD = calcAD;
+    this->calcAD = calcAD;
 void Parameter::setIsBodyForceOn(bool calcBF)
@@ -160,35 +160,35 @@ void Parameter::setIsBodyForceOn(bool calcBF)
 void Parameter::setPrintFiles(bool printfiles)
-	this->printFiles = printfiles;
+    this->printFiles = printfiles;
 void Parameter::setViscosityLB(real viscosity)
-	this->viscosityLB = viscosity;
+    this->viscosityLB = viscosity;
 void Parameter::setVelocityLB(real velocity)
-	this->velocityLB = velocity;
+    this->velocityLB = velocity;
 void Parameter::setViscosityRatio(real viscosityRatio)
-	this->viscosityRatio = viscosityRatio;
+    this->viscosityRatio = viscosityRatio;
 void Parameter::setVelocityRatio(real velocityRatio)
-	this->velocityRatio = velocityRatio;
+    this->velocityRatio = velocityRatio;
 void Parameter::setDensityRatio(real densityRatio)
-	this->densityRatio = densityRatio;
+    this->densityRatio = densityRatio;
 void Parameter::setPressureRatio(real pressureRatio)
-	this->pressRatio = pressureRatio;
+    this->pressRatio = pressureRatio;
 void Parameter::setRe(real Re)
-	this->Re = Re;
+    this->Re = Re;
 void Parameter::setSc(real Sc)
@@ -204,14 +204,14 @@ void Parameter::setG_r(real g_r)
 void Parameter::setMemsizeGPU(double addMemory, bool reset)
-	if (reset == true)
-	{
-		this->memsizeGPU = 0.;
-	} 
-	else
-	{
-		this->memsizeGPU += addMemory;
-	}
+    if (reset == true)
+    {
+        this->memsizeGPU = 0.;
+    } 
+    else
+    {
+        this->memsizeGPU += addMemory;
+    }
@@ -222,23 +222,23 @@ void Parameter::setMemsizeGPU(double addMemory, bool reset)
 uint Parameter::getlimitOfNodesForVTK()
-	return this->limitOfNodesForVTK;
+    return this->limitOfNodesForVTK;
 ParameterStruct* Parameter::getParD()
-	return this->parametersOnDevice;
+    return this->parametersOnDevice;
 ParameterStruct* Parameter::getParH()
-	return this->parametersOnHost;
+    return this->parametersOnHost;
 bool Parameter::getIsTimestepEven()
-	return this->parametersOnHost->isEvenTimestep;
+    return this->parametersOnHost->isEvenTimestep;
 bool Parameter::getIsADcalculationOn()
-	return this->calcAD;
+    return this->calcAD;
 bool Parameter::getIsBodyForceOn()
@@ -246,67 +246,67 @@ bool Parameter::getIsBodyForceOn()
 int Parameter::getD3Qxx()
-	return this->D3Qxx;
+    return this->D3Qxx;
 uint Parameter::getTimestepStart()
-	return 1;
+    return 1;
 uint Parameter::getTimestepEnd()
-	return this->timestepEnd;
+    return this->timestepEnd;
 uint Parameter::getTimestepOut()
-	return this->timestepOut;
+    return this->timestepOut;
 uint Parameter::getTimestepStartOut()
-	return this->timestepStartOut;
+    return this->timestepStartOut;
 std::string Parameter::getOutputPath()
-	return this->outputPath;
+    return this->outputPath;
 std::string Parameter::getOutputPrefix()
-	return this->outputPrefix;
+    return this->outputPrefix;
 std::string Parameter::getPathAndFilename()
-	return this->pathAndFilename;
+    return this->pathAndFilename;
 bool Parameter::getPrintFiles()
-	return this->printFiles;
+    return this->printFiles;
 real Parameter::getViscosityLB()
-	return this->viscosityLB;
+    return this->viscosityLB;
 real Parameter::getVelocityLB()
-	return this->velocityLB;
+    return this->velocityLB;
 real Parameter::getViscosityRatio()
-	return this->viscosityRatio;
+    return this->viscosityRatio;
 real Parameter::getVelocityRatio()
-	return this->velocityRatio;
+    return this->velocityRatio;
 real Parameter::getDensityRatio()
-	return this->densityRatio;
+    return this->densityRatio;
 real Parameter::getPressureRatio()
-	return this->pressRatio;
+    return this->pressRatio;
 real Parameter::getRe()
-	return this->Re;
+    return this->Re;
 real Parameter::getSc()
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ real Parameter::getG_r()
 double Parameter::getMemsizeGPU()
-	return this->memsizeGPU;
+    return this->memsizeGPU;
@@ -332,23 +332,23 @@ double Parameter::getMemsizeGPU()
 // initial condition fluid
 void Parameter::setInitialCondition(std::function<void(real, real, real, real&, real&, real&, real&)> initialCondition)
-	this->initialCondition = initialCondition;
+    this->initialCondition = initialCondition;
 std::function<void(real, real, real, real&, real&, real&, real&)>& Parameter::getInitialCondition()
-	return this->initialCondition;
+    return this->initialCondition;
 // initial condition concentration
 void Parameter::setInitialConditionAD(std::function<void(real, real, real, real&)> initialConditionAD)
-	this->initialConditionAD = initialConditionAD;
+    this->initialConditionAD = initialConditionAD;
 std::function<void(real, real, real, real&)>& Parameter::getInitialConditionAD()
-	return this->initialConditionAD;
+    return this->initialConditionAD;
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.h
index 533ab72b0d1d312e6ce096a6f507820443737fbd..3e212482de466c4c4451d9d02d2ce6433a02edce 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.h
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.h
@@ -42,55 +42,55 @@
 //! \brief struct holds and manages the LB-parameter of the simulation that correspond to a certain level
 //! \brief For this purpose it holds structures and pointer for host and device data, respectively.
 struct ParameterStruct{
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief decides if the simulation timestep is even or odd
-	//! \brief this information is important for the esoteric twist
-	bool isEvenTimestep;
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief stores the number of threads per GPU block
-	uint numberofthreads;
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief store all distribution functions for the D3Q27
-	Distributions27 distributions;
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief stores the type for every lattice node (f.e. fluid node)
-	uint *typeOfGridNode;
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief store the neighbors in +X, +Y, +Z, and in diagonal negative direction
-	//! \brief this information is important because we use an indirect addressing scheme
-	uint *neighborX, *neighborY, *neighborZ, *neighborInverse;
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief store the coordinates for every lattice node 
-	real *coordinateX, *coordinateY, *coordinateZ;
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief store the macroscopic values (velocity, density, pressure)
-	//! \brief for every lattice node
-	real *velocityX, *velocityY, *velocityZ, *rho, *pressure;
-	//! \brief stores the value for omega
-	real omega;
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief stores the number of nodes (based on indirect addressing scheme)
-	uint numberOfNodes;
-	//! \brief stores the size of the memory consumption for real/int values of the above arrays
-	uint mem_size_real, mem_size_int;
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief decides if the simulation timestep is even or odd
+    //! \brief this information is important for the esoteric twist
+    bool isEvenTimestep;
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief stores the number of threads per GPU block
+    uint numberofthreads;
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief store all distribution functions for the D3Q27
+    Distributions27 distributions;
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief stores the type for every lattice node (f.e. fluid node)
+    uint *typeOfGridNode;
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief store the neighbors in +X, +Y, +Z, and in diagonal negative direction
+    //! \brief this information is important because we use an indirect addressing scheme
+    uint *neighborX, *neighborY, *neighborZ, *neighborInverse;
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief store the coordinates for every lattice node 
+    real *coordinateX, *coordinateY, *coordinateZ;
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief store the macroscopic values (velocity, density, pressure)
+    //! \brief for every lattice node
+    real *velocityX, *velocityY, *velocityZ, *rho, *pressure;
+    //! \brief stores the value for omega
+    real omega;
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief stores the number of nodes (based on indirect addressing scheme)
+    uint numberOfNodes;
+    //! \brief stores the size of the memory consumption for real/int values of the above arrays
+    uint mem_size_real, mem_size_int;
     //! \brief stores the slip boundary condition data
     QforBoundaryConditions slipBC;
     //! \brief number of lattice nodes for the slip boundary condition
     uint numberOfSlipBCnodes;
-	//! \brief stores the velocity boundary condition data
-	QforBoundaryConditions veloBC;
-	//! \brief number of lattice nodes for the velocity boundary condition
-	uint numberOfVeloBCnodes;
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief stores the geometry boundary condition data
-	QforBoundaryConditions geometryBC;
-	//! \brief number of lattice nodes for the velocity boundary condition
-	uint numberOfgeometryBCnodes;
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief sets the forcing uniform on every fluid node in all three space dimensions 
-	real *forcing;
+    //! \brief stores the velocity boundary condition data
+    QforBoundaryConditions veloBC;
+    //! \brief number of lattice nodes for the velocity boundary condition
+    uint numberOfVeloBCnodes;
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief stores the geometry boundary condition data
+    QforBoundaryConditions geometryBC;
+    //! \brief number of lattice nodes for the velocity boundary condition
+    uint numberOfgeometryBCnodes;
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief sets the forcing uniform on every fluid node in all three space dimensions 
+    real *forcing;
     // Advection Diffusion
@@ -110,47 +110,47 @@ struct ParameterStruct{
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief generate a new instance of parameter object
-	static SPtr<Parameter> make();
-	//! \brief returns the instance generate a new instance of parameter object
-	static Parameter* getInstanz();
-	//! \brief Pointer to instance of ParameterStruct - stored on Host System
-	ParameterStruct* getParH();
-	//! \brief Pointer to instance of ParameterStruct - stored on Device (GPU)
-	ParameterStruct* getParD();
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief generate a new instance of parameter object
+    static SPtr<Parameter> make();
+    //! \brief returns the instance generate a new instance of parameter object
+    static Parameter* getInstanz();
+    //! \brief Pointer to instance of ParameterStruct - stored on Host System
+    ParameterStruct* getParH();
+    //! \brief Pointer to instance of ParameterStruct - stored on Device (GPU)
+    ParameterStruct* getParD();
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief initialization of necessary parameters at startup
-	void initParameter();
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief initialization of necessary parameters at startup
+    void initParameter();
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//set methods
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief sets the limit of nodes, that can be written to a binary unstructured grid VTK file  
-	//! \param limitOfNodesForVTK holds the maximum number of nodes
-	void setlimitOfNodesForVTK(uint limitOfNodesForVTK);
-	//! \brief sets the LBM stencil
-	//! \param d3qxx holds the number of neighbors (f.e. 27)
-	void setD3Qxx(int d3qxx);
-	//! \brief sets timestep to stop the simulation
-	//! \param timestepEnd holds the last timestep of the simulation
-	void setTimestepEnd(uint timestepEnd);
-	//! \brief sets time interval to write output files
-	//! \param timestepOut holds the value for the output interval
-	void setTimestepOut(uint timestepOut);
-	//! \brief sets first timestep to write output files
-	//! \param timestepStartOut holds the value for the first output timestep
-	void setTimestepStartOut(uint timestepStartOut);
-	//! \brief sets the path, where the vtk-files are stored 
-	//! \param string "oPath" represents the output path
-	void setOutputPath(std::string outputPath);
-	//! \brief sets the prefix of the vtk-files name 
-	//! \param string "oPrefix" represents the file-name-prefix
-	void setOutputPrefix(std::string outputPrefix);
-	//! \brief sets the complete string for the vtk-files with results 
-	//! \param string "fname" represents the combination of path and prefix
-	void setPathAndFilename(std::string pathAndFilename);
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //set methods
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief sets the limit of nodes, that can be written to a binary unstructured grid VTK file  
+    //! \param limitOfNodesForVTK holds the maximum number of nodes
+    void setlimitOfNodesForVTK(uint limitOfNodesForVTK);
+    //! \brief sets the LBM stencil
+    //! \param d3qxx holds the number of neighbors (f.e. 27)
+    void setD3Qxx(int d3qxx);
+    //! \brief sets timestep to stop the simulation
+    //! \param timestepEnd holds the last timestep of the simulation
+    void setTimestepEnd(uint timestepEnd);
+    //! \brief sets time interval to write output files
+    //! \param timestepOut holds the value for the output interval
+    void setTimestepOut(uint timestepOut);
+    //! \brief sets first timestep to write output files
+    //! \param timestepStartOut holds the value for the first output timestep
+    void setTimestepStartOut(uint timestepStartOut);
+    //! \brief sets the path, where the vtk-files are stored 
+    //! \param string "oPath" represents the output path
+    void setOutputPath(std::string outputPath);
+    //! \brief sets the prefix of the vtk-files name 
+    //! \param string "oPrefix" represents the file-name-prefix
+    void setOutputPrefix(std::string outputPrefix);
+    //! \brief sets the complete string for the vtk-files with results 
+    //! \param string "fname" represents the combination of path and prefix
+    void setPathAndFilename(std::string pathAndFilename);
     //! \brief sets the status, if Advection Diffusion should be calculated
     //! \param if calcAD is true, the Advection Diffusion will be calculated
     void setIsADcalculationOn(bool calcAD);
@@ -158,29 +158,29 @@ public:
     //! \param if calcBF is true, the body force will be calculated
     void setIsBodyForceOn(bool calcBF);
     //! \brief sets the status, if the vtk files should be printed
-	//! \param if printfiles is true, the vtk files will be printed 
-	void setPrintFiles(bool printfiles);
-	//! \brief sets the viscosity in LB units
-	//! \param viscosity in LB units 
-	void setViscosityLB(real viscosity);
-	//! \brief sets the velocity in LB units
-	//! \param velocity in LB units 
-	void setVelocityLB(real velocity);
-	//! \brief sets the viscosity ratio between SI and LB units
-	//! \param viscosityRatio SI/LB units 
-	void setViscosityRatio(real viscosityRatio);
-	//! \brief sets the velocity ratio between SI and LB units
-	//! \param velocityRatio SI/LB units 
-	void setVelocityRatio(real velocityRatio);
-	//! \brief sets the density ratio between SI and LB units
-	//! \param densityRatio SI/LB units 
-	void setDensityRatio(real densityRatio);
-	//! \brief sets the pressure ratio between SI and LB units
-	//! \param pressureRatio SI/LB units 
-	void setPressureRatio(real pressureRatio);
-	//! \brief sets the Reynolds number (Re) for the simulation
-	//! \param Reynolds number (Re) 
-	void setRe(real Re);
+    //! \param if printfiles is true, the vtk files will be printed 
+    void setPrintFiles(bool printfiles);
+    //! \brief sets the viscosity in LB units
+    //! \param viscosity in LB units 
+    void setViscosityLB(real viscosity);
+    //! \brief sets the velocity in LB units
+    //! \param velocity in LB units 
+    void setVelocityLB(real velocity);
+    //! \brief sets the viscosity ratio between SI and LB units
+    //! \param viscosityRatio SI/LB units 
+    void setViscosityRatio(real viscosityRatio);
+    //! \brief sets the velocity ratio between SI and LB units
+    //! \param velocityRatio SI/LB units 
+    void setVelocityRatio(real velocityRatio);
+    //! \brief sets the density ratio between SI and LB units
+    //! \param densityRatio SI/LB units 
+    void setDensityRatio(real densityRatio);
+    //! \brief sets the pressure ratio between SI and LB units
+    //! \param pressureRatio SI/LB units 
+    void setPressureRatio(real pressureRatio);
+    //! \brief sets the Reynolds number (Re) for the simulation
+    //! \param Reynolds number (Re) 
+    void setRe(real Re);
     //! \brief sets the Schmidt number (Sc) for the simulation
     //! \param  sets the Schmidt number (Sc)
     void setSc(real Sc);
@@ -191,53 +191,53 @@ public:
     //! \param reduced acceleration due to gravity in buoyancy driven flow (LBM units)
     void setG_r(real g_r);
     //! \brief sets the necessary memory on the device(s)/GPU(s)
-	//! \param addMemory is the amount of additional memory 
-	//! \param reset decides if the value for overall GPU memory should be set to zero 
-	void setMemsizeGPU(double addMemory, bool reset);
+    //! \param addMemory is the amount of additional memory 
+    //! \param reset decides if the value for overall GPU memory should be set to zero 
+    void setMemsizeGPU(double addMemory, bool reset);
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//get methods
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//! \brief return the limit of nodes, that can be written to a binary unstructured grid VTK file  
-	uint getlimitOfNodesForVTK();
-	//! \brief return if the timestep is even or odd
-	bool getIsTimestepEven();
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //get methods
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! \brief return the limit of nodes, that can be written to a binary unstructured grid VTK file  
+    uint getlimitOfNodesForVTK();
+    //! \brief return if the timestep is even or odd
+    bool getIsTimestepEven();
     //! \brief return true if Advection Diffusion calculation is switched on
     bool getIsADcalculationOn();
     //! \brief return true if body force calculation is switched on
     bool getIsBodyForceOn();
     //! \brief return if the simulation should write VTK files
-	bool getPrintFiles();
-	//! \brief return the number of neighbors of a lattice node (stencil)
-	int getD3Qxx();
-	//! \brief return the output path
-	std::string getOutputPath();
-	//! \brief return the prefix of the output files
-	std::string getOutputPrefix();
-	//! \brief return the combination of output path and prefix
-	std::string getPathAndFilename();
-	//! \brief return the timestep to start the simulation (in this code version = 1)
-	uint getTimestepStart();
-	//! \brief return the timestep to end the simulation
-	uint getTimestepEnd();
-	//! \brief return the time interval to write output files
-	uint getTimestepOut();
-	//! \brief return the timestep to start writing output files
-	uint getTimestepStartOut();
-	//! \brief return the viscosity in LB units
-	real getViscosityLB();
-	//! \brief return the velocity in LB units
-	real getVelocityLB();
-	//! \brief return the viscosity ratio in SI/LB units
-	real getViscosityRatio();
-	//! \brief return the velocity ratio in SI/LB units
-	real getVelocityRatio();
-	//! \brief return the density ratio in SI/LB units
-	real getDensityRatio();
-	//! \brief return the pressure ratio in SI/LB units
-	real getPressureRatio();
-	//! \brief return the Reynolds number
-	real getRe();
+    bool getPrintFiles();
+    //! \brief return the number of neighbors of a lattice node (stencil)
+    int getD3Qxx();
+    //! \brief return the output path
+    std::string getOutputPath();
+    //! \brief return the prefix of the output files
+    std::string getOutputPrefix();
+    //! \brief return the combination of output path and prefix
+    std::string getPathAndFilename();
+    //! \brief return the timestep to start the simulation (in this code version = 1)
+    uint getTimestepStart();
+    //! \brief return the timestep to end the simulation
+    uint getTimestepEnd();
+    //! \brief return the time interval to write output files
+    uint getTimestepOut();
+    //! \brief return the timestep to start writing output files
+    uint getTimestepStartOut();
+    //! \brief return the viscosity in LB units
+    real getViscosityLB();
+    //! \brief return the velocity in LB units
+    real getVelocityLB();
+    //! \brief return the viscosity ratio in SI/LB units
+    real getViscosityRatio();
+    //! \brief return the velocity ratio in SI/LB units
+    real getVelocityRatio();
+    //! \brief return the density ratio in SI/LB units
+    real getDensityRatio();
+    //! \brief return the pressure ratio in SI/LB units
+    real getPressureRatio();
+    //! \brief return the Reynolds number
+    real getRe();
     //! \brief return the Schmidt number
     real getSc();
     //! \brief return number of nodes used to discretize characteristic length scale L
@@ -245,9 +245,9 @@ public:
     //! \brief return reduced acceleration due to gravity in buoyancy driven flow (LBM units)
     real getG_r();
     //! \brief return the used device memory
-	double getMemsizeGPU();
+    double getMemsizeGPU();
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // initial condition fluid
     void setInitialCondition(std::function<void(real, real, real, real &, real &, real &, real &)> initialCondition);
     std::function<void(real, real, real, real &, real &, real &, real &)> &getInitialCondition();
@@ -256,24 +256,24 @@ public:
     std::function<void(real, real, real, real &)> &getInitialConditionAD();
-	//! Class destructor
-	~Parameter();
+    //! Class destructor
+    ~Parameter();
-	//! \brief instance of parameter object 
-	static Parameter* instance;
-	//! \brief stencil for the LB simulation, number of node neighbors
-	int D3Qxx;
-	//! \brief limit of nodes, that can be written to a binary unstructured grid VTK file  
-	uint limitOfNodesForVTK;
-	//! \brief last timestep of the simulation
-	uint timestepEnd;
-	//! \brief time interval to write output files
-	uint timestepOut;
-	//! \brief timestep - start writing output files
-	uint timestepStartOut;
-	//! \brief Reynolds number
-	real Re;
+    //! \brief instance of parameter object 
+    static Parameter* instance;
+    //! \brief stencil for the LB simulation, number of node neighbors
+    int D3Qxx;
+    //! \brief limit of nodes, that can be written to a binary unstructured grid VTK file  
+    uint limitOfNodesForVTK;
+    //! \brief last timestep of the simulation
+    uint timestepEnd;
+    //! \brief time interval to write output files
+    uint timestepOut;
+    //! \brief timestep - start writing output files
+    uint timestepStartOut;
+    //! \brief Reynolds number
+    real Re;
     //! \brief Schmidt number
     real Sc;
     //! \brief number of nodes used to discretize characteristic length scale L
@@ -281,35 +281,35 @@ private:
     //! \brief reduced acceleration due to gravity in buoyancy driven flow (LBM units)
     real g_r;
     //! \brief viscosity and velocity in LB units
-	real viscosityLB, velocityLB;
-	//! \brief ratio SI units / LB units for viscosity, velocity, density and pressure
-	real viscosityRatio, velocityRatio;
-	real densityRatio, pressRatio;
-	//! \brief used device memory
-	double memsizeGPU;
+    real viscosityLB, velocityLB;
+    //! \brief ratio SI units / LB units for viscosity, velocity, density and pressure
+    real viscosityRatio, velocityRatio;
+    real densityRatio, pressRatio;
+    //! \brief used device memory
+    double memsizeGPU;
     //! \brief Advection Diffusion calculation on/off
     bool calcAD;
     //! \brief Include body forces on/off
     bool calcBF;
     //! \brief write output files on/off
-	bool printFiles;
-	//! \brief strings to store output path, prefix and combination of both
-	std::string pathAndFilename, outputPath, outputPrefix;
+    bool printFiles;
+    //! \brief strings to store output path, prefix and combination of both
+    std::string pathAndFilename, outputPath, outputPrefix;
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     //! \brief initial condition fluid
     std::function<void(real, real, real, real &, real &, real &, real &)> initialCondition;
     //! \brief initial condition concentration
     std::function<void(real, real, real, real &)> initialConditionAD;
     //! \brief pointer to LB-parameter struct on host system
-	ParameterStruct* parametersOnHost;
-	//! \brief pointer to LB-parameter struct on device/GPU
-	ParameterStruct* parametersOnDevice;
+    ParameterStruct* parametersOnHost;
+    //! \brief pointer to LB-parameter struct on device/GPU
+    ParameterStruct* parametersOnDevice;
-	//! Class default constructor
-	Parameter();
-	//Parameter(const Parameter&);
+    //! Class default constructor
+    Parameter();
+    //Parameter(const Parameter&);