From 646236dad6fcdedeac7fa5d6774aba877bcfb90a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anna Wellmann <>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2022 08:17:30 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add pole

 apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/ActuatorLine.cpp    |  22 ++-
 apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/Pole.stl            | 142 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../LBM/ActuatorLine/configActuatorLine.txt   |   4 +-
 3 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/Pole.stl

diff --git a/apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/ActuatorLine.cpp b/apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/ActuatorLine.cpp
index 8e3302db8..a36ac4aca 100644
--- a/apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/ActuatorLine.cpp
+++ b/apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/ActuatorLine.cpp
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
 #include "GridGenerator/grid/GridBuilder/MultipleGridBuilder.h"
 #include "GridGenerator/grid/BoundaryConditions/Side.h"
 #include "GridGenerator/grid/BoundaryConditions/BoundaryCondition.h"
+#include "GridGenerator/geometries/TriangularMesh/TriangularMesh.h"
 #include "GridGenerator/grid/GridFactory.h"
@@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ void multipleLevel(const std::string& configPath)
     const real viscosity = 1.56e-5;
-    const real mach = 0.1;
+    const real mach = 0.2;
     const float tStartOut   = config.getValue<real>("tStartOut");
@@ -166,6 +168,12 @@ void multipleLevel(const std::string& configPath)
+    std::string stlPath = "./apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/Pole.stl";
+    Object *sphere = TriangularMesh::make(stlPath);
+    gridBuilder->addGeometry(sphere);
     gridBuilder->setPeriodicBoundaryCondition(false, false, false);
     gridBuilder->buildGrids(lbmOrGks, false); // buildGrids() has to be called before setting the BCs!!!!
@@ -178,11 +186,16 @@ void multipleLevel(const std::string& configPath)
     const real viscosityLB = viscosity * dt / (dx * dx); // LB units
-    VF_LOG_INFO("Knoten pro Turbinendurchmesser     = {}", reference_diameter/dx);
-    VF_LOG_INFO("dx = {}", dx);
+    VF_LOG_INFO("dx (coarse grid) [m] = {}", dx);
+    VF_LOG_INFO("dt [s] = {}", dt);
+    VF_LOG_INFO("Lx [m] = {}", L_x);
+    VF_LOG_INFO("Ly [m] = {}", L_y);
+    VF_LOG_INFO("Lz [m] = {}", L_z);
     VF_LOG_INFO("velocity  [m/s] = {}", velocity);
     VF_LOG_INFO("velocity  [dx/dt] = {}", velocityLB);
     VF_LOG_INFO("viscosity [10^8 dx^2/dt] = {}", viscosityLB*1e8);
+    VF_LOG_INFO("nodes/turbine diameter = {}", reference_diameter/dx);
+    VF_LOG_INFO("1000 timesteps are {} s", 1000 * dt);
@@ -226,6 +239,9 @@ void multipleLevel(const std::string& configPath)
     gridBuilder->setVelocityBoundaryCondition(SideType::PZ,  velocityLB, 0.0, 0.0);
     gridBuilder->setPressureBoundaryCondition(SideType::PX, 0.0);
+    gridBuilder->setNoSlipBoundaryCondition(SideType::GEOMETRY);
+    bcFactory.setGeometryBoundaryCondition(BoundaryConditionFactory::NoSlipBC::NoSlipCompressible);
diff --git a/apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/Pole.stl b/apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/Pole.stl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b6453f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/Pole.stl
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+solid Visualization Toolkit generated SLA File
+ facet normal 0.866025 0 -0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 214 256 378
+   vertex 214 -4 378
+   vertex 209 256 369.34
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal -0.866025 0 0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 209 -4 369.34
+   vertex 209 256 369.34
+   vertex 214 -4 378
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal 0.866025 0 -0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 209 256 369.34
+   vertex 209 -4 369.34
+   vertex 199 256 369.34
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal -0.866025 0 0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 199 -4 369.34
+   vertex 199 256 369.34
+   vertex 209 -4 369.34
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal 0.866025 0 -0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 199 256 369.34
+   vertex 199 -4 369.34
+   vertex 194 256 378
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal -0.866025 0 0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 194 -4 378
+   vertex 194 256 378
+   vertex 199 -4 369.34
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal 0.866025 0 -0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 194 256 378
+   vertex 194 -4 378
+   vertex 199 256 386.66
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal -0.866025 0 0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 199 -4 386.66
+   vertex 199 256 386.66
+   vertex 194 -4 378
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal 0.866025 0 -0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 199 256 386.66
+   vertex 199 -4 386.66
+   vertex 209 256 386.66
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal -0.866025 0 0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 209 -4 386.66
+   vertex 209 256 386.66
+   vertex 199 -4 386.66
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal 0.866025 0 -0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 209 256 386.66
+   vertex 209 -4 386.66
+   vertex 214 256 378
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal -0.866025 0 0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 214 -4 378
+   vertex 214 256 378
+   vertex 209 -4 386.66
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal 0.5 0 -0.866026
+  outer loop
+   vertex 214 256 378
+   vertex 209 256 369.34
+   vertex 209 256 386.66
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal -0.5 0 0.866026
+  outer loop
+   vertex 209 256 386.66
+   vertex 209 256 369.34
+   vertex 199 256 386.66
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal 0 0.0332902 0.999446
+  outer loop
+   vertex 209 256 369.34
+   vertex 199 256 369.34
+   vertex 199 256 386.66
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal 0 0 -1
+  outer loop
+   vertex 194 256 378
+   vertex 199 256 386.66
+   vertex 199 256 369.34
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal -0.866025 0 0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 194 -4 378
+   vertex 199 -4 369.34
+   vertex 199 -4 386.66
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal 0.866025 0 -0.5
+  outer loop
+   vertex 199 -4 386.66
+   vertex 199 -4 369.34
+   vertex 209 -4 386.66
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal 0.499907 0.0192272 -0.865865
+  outer loop
+   vertex 199 -4 369.34
+   vertex 209 -4 369.34
+   vertex 209 -4 386.66
+  endloop
+ endfacet
+ facet normal -0.5 0 0.866026
+  outer loop
+   vertex 214 -4 378
+   vertex 209 -4 386.66
+   vertex 209 -4 369.34
+  endloop
+ endfacet
diff --git a/apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/configActuatorLine.txt b/apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/configActuatorLine.txt
index 668ee1c6e..11f0d471d 100644
--- a/apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/configActuatorLine.txt
+++ b/apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine/configActuatorLine.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
+NodesPerDiameter=32 #20=800mb # 32=3200mb
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ tEnd=100000
 TurbulenceModel = None
-#SGSconstant = 0.3333333
+# SGSconstant = 0.3333333
 #QuadricLimiterP = 100000.0
 #QuadricLimiterM = 100000.0