diff --git a/gpu.cmake b/gpu.cmake
index cc585bdb58f1fec771e5069dcdb55ecf55257156..5b175ca2a5fe7d289bd948e905ada612413333d2 100644
--- a/gpu.cmake
+++ b/gpu.cmake
@@ -25,23 +25,8 @@ add_subdirectory(src/gpu/GridGenerator)
-    #add_subdirectory(targets/apps/LBM/lbmTest)
-    #add_subdirectory(targets/apps/LBM/metisTest)
-    #add_subdirectory(targets/apps/LBM/Basel)
-    #add_subdirectory(targets/apps/LBM/BaselNU)
-    #add_subdirectory(targets/apps/LBM/BaselMultiGPU)
-    # add_subdirectory(apps/gpu/LBM/DrivenCavity)
-    # add_subdirectory(apps/gpu/LBM/SphereGPU)
-    #add_subdirectory(apps/gpu/LBM/WTG_RUB)
-    #add_subdirectory(apps/gpu/LBM/gridGeneratorTest)
-    #add_subdirectory(apps/gpu/LBM/TGV_3D)
-    #add_subdirectory(apps/gpu/LBM/TGV_3D_MultiGPU)
-    #add_subdirectory(apps/gpu/LBM/SphereScaling)
-    #add_subdirectory(apps/gpu/LBM/DrivenCavityMultiGPU)
-    #add_subdirectory(apps/gpu/LBM/MusselOyster)
-    #add_subdirectory(apps/gpu/LBM/Poiseuille)
-    #add_subdirectory(apps/gpu/LBM/ActuatorLine)
+    add_subdirectory(apps/gpu/LBM/DrivenCavity)
+    add_subdirectory(apps/gpu/LBM/SphereGPU)
     MESSAGE( STATUS "exclude Virtual Fluids GPU." )
diff --git a/src/gpu/GridGenerator/grid/BoundaryConditions/Side.cpp b/src/gpu/GridGenerator/grid/BoundaryConditions/Side.cpp
index 6c7bf8ca1853826d83fb6a713ffe03716bd2cf9a..f99cdcda06f36152c0a3c5861ee35a98ba67ff78 100644
--- a/src/gpu/GridGenerator/grid/BoundaryConditions/Side.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/GridGenerator/grid/BoundaryConditions/Side.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,18 @@
 using namespace gg;
+std::vector<real> Side::getNormal()
+    std::vector<real> normal;
+    if(this->getCoordinate()==X_INDEX)
+        normal = {(real)this->getDirection(), 0.0, 0.0};
+    if(this->getCoordinate()==Y_INDEX)
+        normal = {0.0, (real)this->getDirection(), 0.0};
+    if(this->getCoordinate()==Z_INDEX)
+        normal = {0.0, 0.0, (real)this->getDirection()};
+    return normal;
 void Side::addIndices(SPtr<Grid> grid, SPtr<BoundaryCondition> boundaryCondition, std::string coord, real constant,
                       real startInner, real endInner, real startOuter, real endOuter)
@@ -49,11 +61,19 @@ void Side::addIndices(SPtr<Grid> grid, SPtr<BoundaryCondition> boundaryCondition
             const uint index = getIndex(grid, coord, constant, v1, v2);
-            if ((index != INVALID_INDEX) && (  grid->getFieldEntry(index) == vf::gpu::FLUID
-                                            || grid->getFieldEntry(index) == vf::gpu::FLUID_CFC
-                                            || grid->getFieldEntry(index) == vf::gpu::FLUID_CFF
-                                            || grid->getFieldEntry(index) == vf::gpu::FLUID_FCC
-                                            || grid->getFieldEntry(index) == vf::gpu::FLUID_FCF ))
+            if ((index != INVALID_INDEX) && (   grid->getFieldEntry(index) == vf::gpu::FLUID
+                                            ||  grid->getFieldEntry(index) == vf::gpu::FLUID_CFC
+                                            ||  grid->getFieldEntry(index) == vf::gpu::FLUID_CFF
+                                            ||  grid->getFieldEntry(index) == vf::gpu::FLUID_FCC
+                                            ||  grid->getFieldEntry(index) == vf::gpu::FLUID_FCF 
+                                            ||  grid->getFieldEntry(index) == vf::gpu::FLUID_FCF
+                                            //! Enforce overlap of BCs on edge nodes
+                                            ||  grid->getFieldEntry(index)  == vf::gpu::BC_PRESSURE
+                                            ||  grid->getFieldEntry(index)  == vf::gpu::BC_VELOCITY 
+                                            ||  grid->getFieldEntry(index)  == vf::gpu::BC_NOSLIP   
+                                            ||  grid->getFieldEntry(index)  == vf::gpu::BC_SLIP     
+                                            ||  grid->getFieldEntry(index)  == vf::gpu::BC_STRESS ))
                 grid->setFieldEntry(index, boundaryCondition->getType());
@@ -152,16 +172,21 @@ void Side::setQs(SPtr<Grid> grid, SPtr<BoundaryCondition> boundaryCondition, uin
             else                neighborZ = grid->getLastFluidNode ( coords, 2, grid->getEndZ() );
+        //! Only seting q's that partially point in the Side-normal direction
+        bool alignedWithNormal = (this->getNormal()[0]*grid->getDirection()[dir * DIMENSION + 0]+
+                                  this->getNormal()[1]*grid->getDirection()[dir * DIMENSION + 1]+
+                                  this->getNormal()[2]*grid->getDirection()[dir * DIMENSION + 2] ) > 0;
         uint neighborIndex = grid->transCoordToIndex( neighborX, neighborY, neighborZ );
-        if( grid->getFieldEntry(neighborIndex) == vf::gpu::STOPPER_OUT_OF_GRID_BOUNDARY ||
-            grid->getFieldEntry(neighborIndex) == vf::gpu::STOPPER_OUT_OF_GRID ||
-            grid->getFieldEntry(neighborIndex) == vf::gpu::STOPPER_SOLID )
+        if((grid->getFieldEntry(neighborIndex) == vf::gpu::STOPPER_OUT_OF_GRID_BOUNDARY ||
+            grid->getFieldEntry(neighborIndex) == vf::gpu::STOPPER_OUT_OF_GRID          ||
+            grid->getFieldEntry(neighborIndex) == vf::gpu::STOPPER_SOLID)               &&
+            alignedWithNormal )
             qNode[dir] = 0.5;
             qNode[dir] = -1.0;
@@ -260,7 +285,7 @@ void MY::addIndices(std::vector<SPtr<Grid> > grid, uint level, SPtr<BoundaryCond
     real coordinateNormal = grid[level]->getStartY() + grid[level]->getDelta();
     if( coordinateNormal > grid[0]->getStartY() + grid[0]->getDelta() ) return;
     Side::addIndices(grid[level], boundaryCondition, "y", coordinateNormal, startInner, endInner, startOuter, endOuter);
diff --git a/src/gpu/GridGenerator/grid/BoundaryConditions/Side.h b/src/gpu/GridGenerator/grid/BoundaryConditions/Side.h
index 6df6bfccc9a39b80de3ac43d057a03945d035b34..53a763bc562ee978042b28d24856fbcca256c5f9 100644
--- a/src/gpu/GridGenerator/grid/BoundaryConditions/Side.h
+++ b/src/gpu/GridGenerator/grid/BoundaryConditions/Side.h
@@ -72,15 +72,17 @@ public:
     virtual SideType whoAmI() const = 0;
+    std::vector<real> getNormal();
-    static void addIndices(SPtr<Grid> grid, SPtr<gg::BoundaryCondition> boundaryCondition, std::string coord, real constant,
+    void addIndices(SPtr<Grid> grid, SPtr<gg::BoundaryCondition> boundaryCondition, std::string coord, real constant,
                            real startInner, real endInner, real startOuter, real endOuter);
     static void setPressureNeighborIndices(SPtr<gg::BoundaryCondition> boundaryCondition, SPtr<Grid> grid, const uint index);
     static void setStressSamplingIndices(SPtr<gg::BoundaryCondition> boundaryCondition, SPtr<Grid> grid, const uint index);
-    static void setQs(SPtr<Grid> grid, SPtr<gg::BoundaryCondition> boundaryCondition, uint index);
+    void setQs(SPtr<Grid> grid, SPtr<gg::BoundaryCondition> boundaryCondition, uint index);
     static uint getIndex(SPtr<Grid> grid, std::string coord, real constant, real v1, real v2);
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/BoundaryConditions/BoundaryConditionFactory.cpp b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/BoundaryConditions/BoundaryConditionFactory.cpp
index bff054eb174a0f5fa34119deedde6f1c9733d83c..01541f8a4a5faab8d70e9e26b815fa5f79fcaf4d 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/BoundaryConditions/BoundaryConditionFactory.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/BoundaryConditions/BoundaryConditionFactory.cpp
@@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ boundaryCondition BoundaryConditionFactory::getPressureBoundaryConditionPre() co
         case PressureBC::OutflowNonReflective:
             return QPressNoRhoDev27;
+        case PressureBC::OutflowNonReflectivePressureCorrection:
+            return QPressZeroRhoOutflowDev27;
             return nullptr;
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/BoundaryConditions/BoundaryConditionFactory.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/BoundaryConditions/BoundaryConditionFactory.h
index 52df58744641344c97e1b6f8ff964b75c22fec48..7babebecf183744bc6ace6e687f35fad1c7e2e92 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/BoundaryConditions/BoundaryConditionFactory.h
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/BoundaryConditions/BoundaryConditionFactory.h
@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ public:
         //! - OutflowNonReflective = outflow boundary condition, should be combined with VelocityAndPressureCompressible
+        //! - OutflowNonreflectivePressureCorrection = like OutflowNonReflective, but also reduces pressure overshoot
+        OutflowNonReflectivePressureCorrection,
         //! - NotSpecified =  the user did not set a boundary condition
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/DataStructureInitializer/GridReaderGenerator/GridGenerator.cpp b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/DataStructureInitializer/GridReaderGenerator/GridGenerator.cpp
index 2335eb41f3a46ec04385220bf67930d7295162ad..ba7204f208184f9e53f00c232e254840ea26f7eb 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/DataStructureInitializer/GridReaderGenerator/GridGenerator.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/DataStructureInitializer/GridReaderGenerator/GridGenerator.cpp
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ void GridGenerator::allocArrays_BoundaryValues()
         para->getParH(level)->pressureBC.numberOfBCnodes = 0;
+        para->getParD(level)->outflowPressureCorrectionFactor = para->getOutflowPressureCorrectionFactor();
         if (numberOfPressureValues > 1)
             blocks = (numberOfPressureValues / para->getParH(level)->numberofthreads) + 1;
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Interface.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Interface.h
index f611075bf5d04e7c47837718cba562cdc4335515..cdd1ac934df3de18f29a15625923d07ba97a843c 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Interface.h
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Interface.h
@@ -901,6 +901,8 @@ void QPressDevDirDepBot27(unsigned int numberOfThreads,
 void QPressNoRhoDev27(LBMSimulationParameter* parameterDevice, QforBoundaryConditions* boundaryCondition);
+void QPressZeroRhoOutflowDev27(LBMSimulationParameter* parameterDevice, QforBoundaryConditions* boundaryCondition);
 void QInflowScaleByPressDev27(LBMSimulationParameter* parameterDevice, QforBoundaryConditions* boundaryCondition);
 void QPressDevOld27(unsigned int numberOfThreads,
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh
index 1a5c79fb9554d2fc64aea9b6594e79619d703be4..63453b6830fb1aed47251551ab6b3cde4810151c 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh
@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ __global__ void QPressDeviceDirDepBot27(  real* rhoBC,
                                                      bool isEvenTimestep);
 __global__ void QPressNoRhoDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
-												 real* DD,
+												 real* distributions,
 												 int* k_Q,
 												 int* k_N,
 												 int numberOfBCnodes,
@@ -1100,8 +1100,23 @@ __global__ void QPressNoRhoDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
 												 unsigned int* neighborX,
 												 unsigned int* neighborY,
 												 unsigned int* neighborZ,
-												 unsigned int size_Mat,
-												 bool isEvenTimestep);
+												 unsigned int numberOfLBnodes,
+												 bool isEvenTimestep,
+												 int direction);
+__global__ void QPressZeroRhoOutflowDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
+											real* distributions, 
+											int* k_Q, 
+											int* k_N, 
+											int numberOfBCnodes, 
+											real om1, 
+											unsigned int* neighborX,
+											unsigned int* neighborY,
+											unsigned int* neighborZ,
+											unsigned int numberOfLBnodes, 
+											bool isEvenTimestep,
+											int direction,
+											real densityCorrectionFactor);
 __global__ void QInflowScaleByPressDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
 														 real* DD,
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu
index ff70727d52286d287039e88f7b1956c10a6900f9..825785c18eaa7a23271f4da646cf4c037672732c 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu
@@ -3355,7 +3355,7 @@ void QSlipDevCompTurbulentViscosity27(LBMSimulationParameter* parameterDevice, Q
    dim3 grid = vf::cuda::getCudaGrid( parameterDevice->numberofthreads, boundaryCondition->numberOfBCnodes);
    dim3 threads(parameterDevice->numberofthreads, 1, 1 );
    QSlipDeviceComp27TurbViscosity<<< grid, threads >>> (
@@ -3395,7 +3395,7 @@ void QSlipDevComp27(LBMSimulationParameter* parameterDevice, QforBoundaryConditi
    dim3 grid = vf::cuda::getCudaGrid( parameterDevice->numberofthreads, boundaryCondition->numberOfBCnodes);
    dim3 threads(parameterDevice->numberofthreads, 1, 1 );
    QSlipDeviceComp27<<< grid, threads >>> (
@@ -3804,10 +3804,33 @@ void QPressNoRhoDev27(LBMSimulationParameter* parameterDevice, QforBoundaryCondi
-         parameterDevice->isEvenTimestep);
+         parameterDevice->isEvenTimestep,
+         vf::lbm::dir::DIR_P00);
    getLastCudaError("QPressNoRhoDevice27 execution failed");
+void QPressZeroRhoOutflowDev27(LBMSimulationParameter* parameterDevice, QforBoundaryConditions* boundaryCondition)
+   dim3 grid = vf::cuda::getCudaGrid( parameterDevice->numberofthreads,  boundaryCondition->numberOfBCnodes);
+   dim3 threads(parameterDevice->numberofthreads, 1, 1 );
+   QPressZeroRhoOutflowDevice27<<< grid, threads >>> (
+         boundaryCondition->RhoBC,
+         parameterDevice->distributions.f[0],
+         boundaryCondition->k,
+         boundaryCondition->kN,
+         boundaryCondition->numberOfBCnodes,
+         parameterDevice->omega,
+         parameterDevice->neighborX,
+         parameterDevice->neighborY,
+         parameterDevice->neighborZ,
+         parameterDevice->numberOfNodes,
+         parameterDevice->isEvenTimestep,
+         vf::lbm::dir::DIR_P00,
+         parameterDevice->outflowPressureCorrectionFactor);
+   getLastCudaError("QPressZeroRhoOutflowDev27 execution failed");
 void QInflowScaleByPressDev27(LBMSimulationParameter* parameterDevice, QforBoundaryConditions* boundaryCondition)
    dim3 grid = vf::cuda::getCudaGrid( parameterDevice->numberofthreads,  boundaryCondition->numberOfBCnodes);
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/PressBCs27.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/PressBCs27.cu
index ccb2ce79c63515e59e4f9ae75016f44ced71a170..29e82196bdc2a22f03306b97a1ffd1bb6d5bc8a4 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/PressBCs27.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/PressBCs27.cu
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 #include "LBM/LB.h" 
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
 #include "lbm/constants/NumericConstants.h"
+#include "lbm/MacroscopicQuantities.h"
+#include "Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
 #include "KernelUtilities.h"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
@@ -2793,12 +2796,14 @@ __global__ void QPressDeviceDirDepBot27(  real* rhoBC,
+__host__ __device__ real computeOutflowDistribution(const real* const &f, const real* const &f1, const int dir, const real cs)
+   return f1[dir] * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f[dir];
-__global__ void QPressNoRhoDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
-												 real* DD, 
+__global__ void QPressNoRhoDevice27( real* rhoBC,
+												 real* distributions, 
 												 int* k_Q, 
 												 int* k_N, 
 												 int numberOfBCnodes, 
@@ -2806,238 +2811,176 @@ __global__ void QPressNoRhoDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
 												 unsigned int* neighborX,
 												 unsigned int* neighborY,
 												 unsigned int* neighborZ,
-												 unsigned int size_Mat, 
-												 bool isEvenTimestep)
+												 unsigned int numberOfLBnodes, 
+												 bool isEvenTimestep,
+                                     int direction)
-   const unsigned  x = threadIdx.x;  // Globaler x-Index 
-   const unsigned  y = blockIdx.x;   // Globaler y-Index 
-   const unsigned  z = blockIdx.y;   // Globaler z-Index 
-   const unsigned nx = blockDim.x;
-   const unsigned ny = gridDim.x;
-   const unsigned k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
+   const unsigned k = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
-   if(k<numberOfBCnodes)
-   {
-      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      //index
-      unsigned int KQK  = k_Q[k];
-      //unsigned int kzero= KQK;
-      unsigned int ke   = KQK;
-      unsigned int kw   = neighborX[KQK];
-      unsigned int kn   = KQK;
-      unsigned int ks   = neighborY[KQK];
-      unsigned int kt   = KQK;
-      unsigned int kb   = neighborZ[KQK];
-      unsigned int ksw  = neighborY[kw];
-      unsigned int kne  = KQK;
-      unsigned int kse  = ks;
-      unsigned int knw  = kw;
-      unsigned int kbw  = neighborZ[kw];
-      unsigned int kte  = KQK;
-      unsigned int kbe  = kb;
-      unsigned int ktw  = kw;
-      unsigned int kbs  = neighborZ[ks];
-      unsigned int ktn  = KQK;
-      unsigned int kbn  = kb;
-      unsigned int kts  = ks;
-      unsigned int ktse = ks;
-      unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
-      unsigned int ktnw = kw;
-      unsigned int kbse = kbs;
-      unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
-      unsigned int kbne = kb;
-      unsigned int ktne = KQK;
-      unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
-      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      //index1
-      unsigned int K1QK  = k_N[k];
-      //unsigned int k1zero= K1QK;
-      unsigned int k1e   = K1QK;
-      unsigned int k1w   = neighborX[K1QK];
-      unsigned int k1n   = K1QK;
-      unsigned int k1s   = neighborY[K1QK];
-      unsigned int k1t   = K1QK;
-      unsigned int k1b   = neighborZ[K1QK];
-      unsigned int k1sw  = neighborY[k1w];
-      unsigned int k1ne  = K1QK;
-      unsigned int k1se  = k1s;
-      unsigned int k1nw  = k1w;
-      unsigned int k1bw  = neighborZ[k1w];
-      unsigned int k1te  = K1QK;
-      unsigned int k1be  = k1b;
-      unsigned int k1tw  = k1w;
-      unsigned int k1bs  = neighborZ[k1s];
-      unsigned int k1tn  = K1QK;
-      unsigned int k1bn  = k1b;
-      unsigned int k1ts  = k1s;
-      unsigned int k1tse = k1s;
-      unsigned int k1bnw = k1bw;
-      unsigned int k1tnw = k1w;
-      unsigned int k1bse = k1bs;
-      unsigned int k1tsw = k1sw;
-      unsigned int k1bne = k1b;
-      unsigned int k1tne = K1QK;
-      unsigned int k1bsw = neighborZ[k1sw];
-      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      Distributions27 D;
-      if (isEvenTimestep==true)
-      {
-         D.f[DIR_P00   ] = &DD[DIR_P00   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_M00   ] = &DD[DIR_M00   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0P0   ] = &DD[DIR_0P0   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0M0   ] = &DD[DIR_0M0   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_00P   ] = &DD[DIR_00P   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_00M   ] = &DD[DIR_00M   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PP0  ] = &DD[DIR_PP0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MM0  ] = &DD[DIR_MM0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PM0  ] = &DD[DIR_PM0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MP0  ] = &DD[DIR_MP0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_P0P  ] = &DD[DIR_P0P  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_M0M  ] = &DD[DIR_M0M  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_P0M  ] = &DD[DIR_P0M  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_M0P  ] = &DD[DIR_M0P  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0PP  ] = &DD[DIR_0PP  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0MM  ] = &DD[DIR_0MM  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0PM  ] = &DD[DIR_0PM  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0MP  ] = &DD[DIR_0MP  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000*size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PPP ] = &DD[DIR_PPP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MMP ] = &DD[DIR_MMP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PMP ] = &DD[DIR_PMP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MPP ] = &DD[DIR_MPP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PPM ] = &DD[DIR_PPM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MMM ] = &DD[DIR_MMM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PMM ] = &DD[DIR_PMM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MPM ] = &DD[DIR_MPM *size_Mat];
-      } 
-      else
-      {
-         D.f[DIR_M00   ] = &DD[DIR_P00   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_P00   ] = &DD[DIR_M00   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0M0   ] = &DD[DIR_0P0   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0P0   ] = &DD[DIR_0M0   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_00M   ] = &DD[DIR_00P   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_00P   ] = &DD[DIR_00M   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MM0  ] = &DD[DIR_PP0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PP0  ] = &DD[DIR_MM0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MP0  ] = &DD[DIR_PM0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PM0  ] = &DD[DIR_MP0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_M0M  ] = &DD[DIR_P0P  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_P0P  ] = &DD[DIR_M0M  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_M0P  ] = &DD[DIR_P0M  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_P0M  ] = &DD[DIR_M0P  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0MM  ] = &DD[DIR_0PP  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0PP  ] = &DD[DIR_0MM  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0MP  ] = &DD[DIR_0PM  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0PM  ] = &DD[DIR_0MP  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000*size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PPP ] = &DD[DIR_MMM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MMP ] = &DD[DIR_PPM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PMP ] = &DD[DIR_MPM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MPP ] = &DD[DIR_PMM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PPM ] = &DD[DIR_MMP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MMM ] = &DD[DIR_PPP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PMM ] = &DD[DIR_MPP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MPM ] = &DD[DIR_PMP *size_Mat];
-      }
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      real f1_E    = (D.f[DIR_P00   ])[k1e   ];
-      real f1_W    = (D.f[DIR_M00   ])[k1w   ];
-      real f1_N    = (D.f[DIR_0P0   ])[k1n   ];
-      real f1_S    = (D.f[DIR_0M0   ])[k1s   ];
-      real f1_T    = (D.f[DIR_00P   ])[k1t   ];
-      real f1_B    = (D.f[DIR_00M   ])[k1b   ];
-      real f1_NE   = (D.f[DIR_PP0  ])[k1ne  ];
-      real f1_SW   = (D.f[DIR_MM0  ])[k1sw  ];
-      real f1_SE   = (D.f[DIR_PM0  ])[k1se  ];
-      real f1_NW   = (D.f[DIR_MP0  ])[k1nw  ];
-      real f1_TE   = (D.f[DIR_P0P  ])[k1te  ];
-      real f1_BW   = (D.f[DIR_M0M  ])[k1bw  ];
-      real f1_BE   = (D.f[DIR_P0M  ])[k1be  ];
-      real f1_TW   = (D.f[DIR_M0P  ])[k1tw  ];
-      real f1_TN   = (D.f[DIR_0PP  ])[k1tn  ];
-      real f1_BS   = (D.f[DIR_0MM  ])[k1bs  ];
-      real f1_BN   = (D.f[DIR_0PM  ])[k1bn  ];
-      real f1_TS   = (D.f[DIR_0MP  ])[k1ts  ];
-      //real f1_ZERO = (D.f[DIR_000])[k1zero];
-      real f1_TNE  = (D.f[DIR_PPP ])[k1tne ];
-      real f1_TSW  = (D.f[DIR_MMP ])[k1tsw ];
-      real f1_TSE  = (D.f[DIR_PMP ])[k1tse ];
-      real f1_TNW  = (D.f[DIR_MPP ])[k1tnw ];
-      real f1_BNE  = (D.f[DIR_PPM ])[k1bne ];
-      real f1_BSW  = (D.f[DIR_MMM ])[k1bsw ];
-      real f1_BSE  = (D.f[DIR_PMM ])[k1bse ];
-      real f1_BNW  = (D.f[DIR_MPM ])[k1bnw ];
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      real f_E    = (D.f[DIR_P00   ])[ke   ];
-      real f_W    = (D.f[DIR_M00   ])[kw   ];
-      real f_N    = (D.f[DIR_0P0   ])[kn   ];
-      real f_S    = (D.f[DIR_0M0   ])[ks   ];
-      real f_T    = (D.f[DIR_00P   ])[kt   ];
-      real f_B    = (D.f[DIR_00M   ])[kb   ];
-      real f_NE   = (D.f[DIR_PP0  ])[kne  ];
-      real f_SW   = (D.f[DIR_MM0  ])[ksw  ];
-      real f_SE   = (D.f[DIR_PM0  ])[kse  ];
-      real f_NW   = (D.f[DIR_MP0  ])[knw  ];
-      real f_TE   = (D.f[DIR_P0P  ])[kte  ];
-      real f_BW   = (D.f[DIR_M0M  ])[kbw  ];
-      real f_BE   = (D.f[DIR_P0M  ])[kbe  ];
-      real f_TW   = (D.f[DIR_M0P  ])[ktw  ];
-      real f_TN   = (D.f[DIR_0PP  ])[ktn  ];
-      real f_BS   = (D.f[DIR_0MM  ])[kbs  ];
-      real f_BN   = (D.f[DIR_0PM  ])[kbn  ];
-      real f_TS   = (D.f[DIR_0MP  ])[kts  ];
-      //real f_ZERO = (D.f[DIR_000])[kzero];
-      real f_TNE  = (D.f[DIR_PPP ])[ktne ];
-      real f_TSW  = (D.f[DIR_MMP ])[ktsw ];
-      real f_TSE  = (D.f[DIR_PMP ])[ktse ];
-      real f_TNW  = (D.f[DIR_MPP ])[ktnw ];
-      real f_BNE  = (D.f[DIR_PPM ])[kbne ];
-      real f_BSW  = (D.f[DIR_MMM ])[kbsw ];
-      real f_BSE  = (D.f[DIR_PMM ])[kbse ];
-      real f_BNW  = (D.f[DIR_MPM ])[kbnw ];
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   if(k>=numberOfBCnodes) return;
-      //real vx1, vx2, vx3, drho;
-      //real vx1, vx2, vx3, drho, drho1;
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	  //Dichte
-    //   drho1  =  f1_TSE + f1_TNW + f1_TNE + f1_TSW + f1_BSE + f1_BNW + f1_BNE + f1_BSW +
-    //             f1_BN + f1_TS + f1_TN + f1_BS + f1_BE + f1_TW + f1_TE + f1_BW + f1_SE + f1_NW + f1_NE + f1_SW + 
-    //             f1_T + f1_B + f1_N + f1_S + f1_E + f1_W + ((D.f[DIR_000])[k1zero]); 
-    //   drho   =  f_TSE + f_TNW + f_TNE + f_TSW + f_BSE + f_BNW + f_BNE + f_BSW +
-    //             f_BN + f_TS + f_TN + f_BS + f_BE + f_TW + f_TE + f_BW + f_SE + f_NW + f_NE + f_SW + 
-    //             f_T + f_B + f_N + f_S + f_E + f_W + ((D.f[DIR_000])[kzero]); 
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	  //Ux
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   //index
+   unsigned int KQK  = k_Q[k];
+   // unsigned int kzero= KQK;
+   unsigned int ke   = KQK;
+   unsigned int kw   = neighborX[KQK];
+   unsigned int kn   = KQK;
+   unsigned int ks   = neighborY[KQK];
+   unsigned int kt   = KQK;
+   unsigned int kb   = neighborZ[KQK];
+   unsigned int ksw  = neighborY[kw];
+   unsigned int kne  = KQK;
+   unsigned int kse  = ks;
+   unsigned int knw  = kw;
+   unsigned int kbw  = neighborZ[kw];
+   unsigned int kte  = KQK;
+   unsigned int kbe  = kb;
+   unsigned int ktw  = kw;
+   unsigned int kbs  = neighborZ[ks];
+   unsigned int ktn  = KQK;
+   unsigned int kbn  = kb;
+   unsigned int kts  = ks;
+   unsigned int ktse = ks;
+   unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
+   unsigned int ktnw = kw;
+   unsigned int kbse = kbs;
+   unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
+   unsigned int kbne = kb;
+   unsigned int ktne = KQK;
+   unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   //index1
+   unsigned int K1QK  = k_N[k];
+   //unsigned int k1zero= K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1e   = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1w   = neighborX[K1QK];
+   unsigned int k1n   = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1s   = neighborY[K1QK];
+   unsigned int k1t   = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1b   = neighborZ[K1QK];
+   unsigned int k1sw  = neighborY[k1w];
+   unsigned int k1ne  = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1se  = k1s;
+   unsigned int k1nw  = k1w;
+   unsigned int k1bw  = neighborZ[k1w];
+   unsigned int k1te  = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1be  = k1b;
+   unsigned int k1tw  = k1w;
+   unsigned int k1bs  = neighborZ[k1s];
+   unsigned int k1tn  = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1bn  = k1b;
+   unsigned int k1ts  = k1s;
+   unsigned int k1tse = k1s;
+   unsigned int k1bnw = k1bw;
+   unsigned int k1tnw = k1w;
+   unsigned int k1bse = k1bs;
+   unsigned int k1tsw = k1sw;
+   unsigned int k1bne = k1b;
+   unsigned int k1tne = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1bsw = neighborZ[k1sw];
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   Distributions27 dist;
+   getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);      
+   real f[27], f1[27]; 
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   f1[DIR_P00] = (dist.f[DIR_P00])[k1e   ];
+   f1[DIR_M00] = (dist.f[DIR_M00])[k1w   ];
+   f1[DIR_0P0] = (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[k1n   ];
+   f1[DIR_0M0] = (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[k1s   ];
+   f1[DIR_00P] = (dist.f[DIR_00P])[k1t   ];
+   f1[DIR_00M] = (dist.f[DIR_00M])[k1b   ];
+   f1[DIR_PP0] = (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[k1ne  ];
+   f1[DIR_MM0] = (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[k1sw  ];
+   f1[DIR_PM0] = (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[k1se  ];
+   f1[DIR_MP0] = (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[k1nw  ];
+   f1[DIR_P0P] = (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[k1te  ];
+   f1[DIR_M0M] = (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[k1bw  ];
+   f1[DIR_P0M] = (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[k1be  ];
+   f1[DIR_M0P] = (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[k1tw  ];
+   f1[DIR_0PP] = (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[k1tn  ];
+   f1[DIR_0MM] = (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[k1bs  ];
+   f1[DIR_0PM] = (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[k1bn  ];
+   f1[DIR_0MP] = (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[k1ts  ];
+   // f1[DIR_000] = (dist.f[DIR_000])[k1zero];
+   f1[DIR_PPP] = (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[k1tne ];
+   f1[DIR_MMP] = (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[k1tsw ];
+   f1[DIR_PMP] = (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[k1tse ];
+   f1[DIR_MPP] = (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[k1tnw ];
+   f1[DIR_PPM] = (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[k1bne ];
+   f1[DIR_MMM] = (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[k1bsw ];
+   f1[DIR_PMM] = (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[k1bse ];
+   f1[DIR_MPM] = (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[k1bnw ];
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   f[DIR_P00] = (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke   ];
+   f[DIR_M00] = (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw   ];
+   f[DIR_0P0] = (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn   ];
+   f[DIR_0M0] = (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks   ];
+   f[DIR_00P] = (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt   ];
+   f[DIR_00M] = (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb   ];
+   f[DIR_PP0] = (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne  ];
+   f[DIR_MM0] = (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw  ];
+   f[DIR_PM0] = (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse  ];
+   f[DIR_MP0] = (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw  ];
+   f[DIR_P0P] = (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte  ];
+   f[DIR_M0M] = (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw  ];
+   f[DIR_P0M] = (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe  ];
+   f[DIR_M0P] = (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw  ];
+   f[DIR_0PP] = (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn  ];
+   f[DIR_0MM] = (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs  ];
+   f[DIR_0PM] = (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn  ];
+   f[DIR_0MP] = (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts  ];
+   // f[DIR_000] = (dist.f[DIR_000])[kzero];
+   f[DIR_PPP] = (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne ];
+   f[DIR_MMP] = (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw ];
+   f[DIR_PMP] = (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse ];
+   f[DIR_MPP] = (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw ];
+   f[DIR_PPM] = (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne ];
+   f[DIR_MMM] = (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw ];
+   f[DIR_PMM] = (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse ];
+   f[DIR_MPM] = (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw ];
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	  //vx1    =  (((f_TSE - f_BNW) - (f_TNW - f_BSE)) + ((f_TNE - f_BSW) - (f_TSW - f_BNE)) +
+   //real vx1, vx2, vx3, drho;
+   //real vx1, vx2, vx3, drho, drho1;
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   ////Dichte
+   //   drho1  =  f1_TSE + f1_TNW + f1_TNE + f1_TSW + f1_BSE + f1_BNW + f1_BNE + f1_BSW +
+   //             f1_BN + f1_TS + f1_TN + f1_BS + f1_BE + f1_TW + f1_TE + f1_BW + f1_SE + f1_NW + f1_NE + f1_SW + 
+   //             f1_T + f1_B + f1_N + f1_S + f1_E + f1_W + ((D.f[DIR_000])[k1zero]); 
+   //   drho   =  f_TSE + f_TNW + f_TNE + f_TSW + f_BSE + f_BNW + f_BNE + f_BSW +
+   //             f_BN + f_TS + f_TN + f_BS + f_BE + f_TW + f_TE + f_BW + f_SE + f_NW + f_NE + f_SW + 
+   //             f_T + f_B + f_N + f_S + f_E + f_W + ((D.f[DIR_000])[kzero]); 
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   ////Ux
+   //vx1    =  (((f_TSE - f_BNW) - (f_TNW - f_BSE)) + ((f_TNE - f_BSW) - (f_TSW - f_BNE)) +
    //               ((f_BE - f_TW)   + (f_TE - f_BW))   + ((f_SE - f_NW)   + (f_NE - f_SW)) +
    //               (f_E - f_W)) /(one + drho); 
-   //   vx2    =   ((-(f_TSE - f_BNW) + (f_TNW - f_BSE)) + ((f_TNE - f_BSW) - (f_TSW - f_BNE)) +
+   //vx2    =   ((-(f_TSE - f_BNW) + (f_TNW - f_BSE)) + ((f_TNE - f_BSW) - (f_TSW - f_BNE)) +
    //               ((f_BN - f_TS)   + (f_TN - f_BS))    + (-(f_SE - f_NW)  + (f_NE - f_SW)) +
    //               (f_N - f_S)) /(one + drho); 
-   //   vx3    =   (((f_TSE - f_BNW) + (f_TNW - f_BSE)) + ((f_TNE - f_BSW) + (f_TSW - f_BNE)) +
+   //vx3    =   (((f_TSE - f_BNW) + (f_TNW - f_BSE)) + ((f_TNE - f_BSW) + (f_TSW - f_BNE)) +
    //               (-(f_BN - f_TS)  + (f_TN - f_BS))   + ((f_TE - f_BW)   - (f_BE - f_TW)) +
    //               (f_T - f_B)) /(one + drho); 
-      //real cu_sq=c3o2*(vx1*vx1+vx2*vx2+vx3*vx3);
+   //real cu_sq=c3o2*(vx1*vx1+vx2*vx2+vx3*vx3);
-   //   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	  ////real omega = om1;
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	////real omega = om1;
    //   real cusq  = c3o2*(vx1*vx1+vx2*vx2+vx3*vx3);
    //   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	  ////T�st MK
-	  ////if(vx1 < zero) vx1 = zero;
+   ////T�st MK
+   ////if(vx1 < zero) vx1 = zero;
    //   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    //   real fZERO = c8over27*  (drho1-(one + drho1)*(cusq))                                                           ;
    //   real fE    = c2over27*  (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*( vx1        )+c9over2*( vx1        )*( vx1        )-cusq));
@@ -3050,10 +2993,75 @@ __global__ void QPressNoRhoDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
    //   real fSW   = c1over54*  (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*(-vx1-vx2    )+c9over2*(-vx1-vx2    )*(-vx1-vx2    )-cusq));
    //   real fSE   = c1over54*  (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*( vx1-vx2    )+c9over2*( vx1-vx2    )*( vx1-vx2    )-cusq));
    //   real fNW   = c1over54*  (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*(-vx1+vx2    )+c9over2*(-vx1+vx2    )*(-vx1+vx2    )-cusq));
-   //   real fTE   = c1over54*  (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*( vx1    +vx3)+c9over2*( vx1    +vx3)*( vx1    +vx3)-cusq));
-   //   real fBW   = c1over54*  (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*(-vx1    -vx3)+c9over2*(-vx1    -vx3)*(-vx1    -vx3)-cusq));
-   //   real fBE   = c1over54*  (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*( vx1    -vx3)+c9over2*( vx1    -vx3)*( vx1    -vx3)-cusq));
-   //   real fTW   = c1over54*  (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*(-vx1    +vx3)+c9over2*(-vx1    +vx3)*(-vx1    +vx3)-cusq));
+   //   real fTE	  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   //with velocity
+   //if(true){//vx1 >= zero){
+      // real csMvx = one / sqrtf(three) - vx1;
+      // //real csMvy = one / sqrtf(three) - vx2;
+      // ///////////////////////////////////////////
+      // // X
+      // f_W   = f1_W   * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_W   ;//- c2over27  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
+      // f_NW  = f1_NW  * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_NW  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
+      // f_SW  = f1_SW  * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_SW  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
+      // f_TW  = f1_TW  * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_TW  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
+      // f_BW  = f1_BW  * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_BW  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
+      // f_TNW = f1_TNW * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_TNW ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
+      // f_TSW = f1_TSW * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_TSW ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
+      // f_BNW = f1_BNW * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_BNW ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
+      // f_BSW = f1_BSW * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_BSW ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
+      // ///////////////////////////////////////////
+      // // Y
+      // //f_S   = f1_S   * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_S   ;//- c2over27  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
+      // //f_SE  = f1_SE  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_SE  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
+      // //f_SW  = f1_SW  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_SW  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
+      // //f_TS  = f1_TS  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_TS  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
+      // //f_BS  = f1_BS  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_BS  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
+      // //f_TSE = f1_TSE * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_TSE ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
+      // //f_TSW = f1_TSW * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_TSW ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
+      // //f_BSE = f1_BSE * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_BSE ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
+      // //f_BSW = f1_BSW * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_BSW ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
+      // //f_S   = f1_S   * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_S;
+      // //f_SE  = f1_SE  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_SE;
+      // //f_SW  = f1_SW  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_SW;
+      // //f_TS  = f1_TS  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_TS;
+      // //f_BS  = f1_BS  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_BS;
+      // //f_TSE = f1_TSE * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_TSE;
+      // //f_TSW = f1_TSW * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_TSW;
+      // //f_BSE = f1_BSE * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_BSE;
+      // //f_BSW = f1_BSW * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_BSW;
+      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   //}
+   //else
+   //{
+      // ///////////////////////////////////////////
+      // // X
+      // vx1   = vx1 * 0.9;
+      // f_W   = f_E   - six * c2over27  * ( vx1        );
+      // f_NW  = f_SE  - six * c1over54  * ( vx1-vx2    );
+      // f_SW  = f_NE  - six * c1over54  * ( vx1+vx2    );
+      // f_TW  = f_BE  - six * c1over54  * ( vx1    -vx3);
+      // f_BW  = f_TE  - six * c1over54  * ( vx1    +vx3);
+      // f_TNW = f_BSE - six * c1over216 * ( vx1-vx2-vx3);
+      // f_TSW = f_BNE - six * c1over216 * ( vx1+vx2-vx3);
+      // f_BNW = f_TSE - six * c1over216 * ( vx1-vx2+vx3);
+      // f_BSW = f_TNE - six * c1over216 * ( vx1+vx2+vx3);
+      // ///////////////////////////////////////////
+      // // Y
+      // //vx2   = vx2 * 0.9;
+      // //f_S   = f_N   - six * c2over27  * (     vx2    );
+      // //f_SE  = f_NW  - six * c1over54  * (-vx1+vx2    );
+      // //f_SW  = f_NE  - six * c1over54  * ( vx1+vx2    );
+      // //f_TS  = f_BN  - six * c1over54  * (     vx2-vx3);
+      // //f_BS  = f_TN  - six * c1over54  * (     vx2+vx3);
+      // //f_TSE = f_BNW - six * c1over216 * (-vx1+vx2-vx3);
+      // //f_TSW = f_BNE - six * c1over216 * ( vx1+vx2-vx3);
+      // //f_BSE = f_TNW - six * c1over216 * (-vx1+vx2+vx3);
+      // //f_BSW = f_TNE - six * c1over216 * ( vx1+vx2+vx3);
+      // ///////////////////////////////////////////
+   //}
+   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   //   = c1over54*  (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*(-vx1    +vx3)+c9over2*(-vx1    +vx3)*(-vx1    +vx3)-cusq));
    //   real fTN   = c1over54*  (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*(     vx2+vx3)+c9over2*(     vx2+vx3)*(     vx2+vx3)-cusq));
    //   real fBS   = c1over54*  (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*(    -vx2-vx3)+c9over2*(    -vx2-vx3)*(    -vx2-vx3)-cusq));
    //   real fBN   = c1over54*  (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*(     vx2-vx3)+c9over2*(     vx2-vx3)*(     vx2-vx3)-cusq));
@@ -3067,222 +3075,322 @@ __global__ void QPressNoRhoDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
    //   real fBSE  = c1over216* (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*( vx1-vx2-vx3)+c9over2*( vx1-vx2-vx3)*( vx1-vx2-vx3)-cusq));
    //   real fTNW  = c1over216* (drho1+(one + drho1)*(three*(-vx1+vx2+vx3)+c9over2*(-vx1+vx2+vx3)*(-vx1+vx2+vx3)-cusq));
-	  real cs = c1o1 / sqrtf(c3o1);
-	  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	  //no velocity
-	  //////////////////////////////////////////
-      f_E    = f1_E   * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_E   ;
-      f_W    = f1_W   * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_W   ;
-      f_N    = f1_N   * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_N   ;
-      f_S    = f1_S   * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_S   ;
-      f_T    = f1_T   * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_T   ;
-      f_B    = f1_B   * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_B   ;
-      f_NE   = f1_NE  * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_NE  ;
-      f_SW   = f1_SW  * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_SW  ;
-      f_SE   = f1_SE  * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_SE  ;
-      f_NW   = f1_NW  * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_NW  ;
-      f_TE   = f1_TE  * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_TE  ;
-      f_BW   = f1_BW  * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_BW  ;
-      f_BE   = f1_BE  * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_BE  ;
-      f_TW   = f1_TW  * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_TW  ;
-      f_TN   = f1_TN  * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_TN  ;
-      f_BS   = f1_BS  * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_BS  ;
-      f_BN   = f1_BN  * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_BN  ;
-      f_TS   = f1_TS  * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_TS  ;
-      f_TNE  = f1_TNE * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_TNE ;
-      f_TSW  = f1_TSW * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_TSW ;
-      f_TSE  = f1_TSE * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_TSE ;
-      f_TNW  = f1_TNW * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_TNW ;
-      f_BNE  = f1_BNE * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_BNE ;
-      f_BSW  = f1_BSW * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_BSW ;
-      f_BSE  = f1_BSE * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_BSE ;
-      f_BNW  = f1_BNW * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f_BNW ;
-	  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	  //with velocity
-	  //if(true){//vx1 >= zero){
-		 // real csMvx = one / sqrtf(three) - vx1;
-		 // //real csMvy = one / sqrtf(three) - vx2;
-		 // ///////////////////////////////////////////
-		 // // X
-		 // f_W   = f1_W   * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_W   ;//- c2over27  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
-		 // f_NW  = f1_NW  * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_NW  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
-		 // f_SW  = f1_SW  * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_SW  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
-		 // f_TW  = f1_TW  * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_TW  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
-		 // f_BW  = f1_BW  * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_BW  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
-		 // f_TNW = f1_TNW * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_TNW ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
-		 // f_TSW = f1_TSW * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_TSW ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
-		 // f_BNW = f1_BNW * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_BNW ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
-		 // f_BSW = f1_BSW * csMvx + (one - csMvx) * f_BSW ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx1);
-		 // ///////////////////////////////////////////
-		 // // Y
-		 // //f_S   = f1_S   * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_S   ;//- c2over27  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
-		 // //f_SE  = f1_SE  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_SE  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
-		 // //f_SW  = f1_SW  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_SW  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
-		 // //f_TS  = f1_TS  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_TS  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
-		 // //f_BS  = f1_BS  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_BS  ;//- c1over54  * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
-		 // //f_TSE = f1_TSE * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_TSE ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
-		 // //f_TSW = f1_TSW * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_TSW ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
-		 // //f_BSE = f1_BSE * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_BSE ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
-		 // //f_BSW = f1_BSW * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_BSW ;//- c1over216 * ((drho + drho1)*c1o2-((drho + drho1)*c1o2 )*three*vx2);
-		 // //f_S   = f1_S   * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_S;
-		 // //f_SE  = f1_SE  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_SE;
-		 // //f_SW  = f1_SW  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_SW;
-		 // //f_TS  = f1_TS  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_TS;
-		 // //f_BS  = f1_BS  * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_BS;
-		 // //f_TSE = f1_TSE * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_TSE;
-		 // //f_TSW = f1_TSW * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_TSW;
-		 // //f_BSE = f1_BSE * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_BSE;
-		 // //f_BSW = f1_BSW * csMvy + (one - csMvy) * f_BSW;
-		 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	  //}
-	  //else
-	  //{
-		 // ///////////////////////////////////////////
-		 // // X
-		 // vx1   = vx1 * 0.9;
-		 // f_W   = f_E   - six * c2over27  * ( vx1        );
-		 // f_NW  = f_SE  - six * c1over54  * ( vx1-vx2    );
-		 // f_SW  = f_NE  - six * c1over54  * ( vx1+vx2    );
-		 // f_TW  = f_BE  - six * c1over54  * ( vx1    -vx3);
-		 // f_BW  = f_TE  - six * c1over54  * ( vx1    +vx3);
-		 // f_TNW = f_BSE - six * c1over216 * ( vx1-vx2-vx3);
-		 // f_TSW = f_BNE - six * c1over216 * ( vx1+vx2-vx3);
-		 // f_BNW = f_TSE - six * c1over216 * ( vx1-vx2+vx3);
-		 // f_BSW = f_TNE - six * c1over216 * ( vx1+vx2+vx3);
-		 // ///////////////////////////////////////////
-		 // // Y
-		 // //vx2   = vx2 * 0.9;
-		 // //f_S   = f_N   - six * c2over27  * (     vx2    );
-		 // //f_SE  = f_NW  - six * c1over54  * (-vx1+vx2    );
-		 // //f_SW  = f_NE  - six * c1over54  * ( vx1+vx2    );
-		 // //f_TS  = f_BN  - six * c1over54  * (     vx2-vx3);
-		 // //f_BS  = f_TN  - six * c1over54  * (     vx2+vx3);
-		 // //f_TSE = f_BNW - six * c1over216 * (-vx1+vx2-vx3);
-		 // //f_TSW = f_BNE - six * c1over216 * ( vx1+vx2-vx3);
-		 // //f_BSE = f_TNW - six * c1over216 * (-vx1+vx2+vx3);
-		 // //f_BSW = f_TNE - six * c1over216 * ( vx1+vx2+vx3);
-		 // ///////////////////////////////////////////
-	  //}
-	  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   real cs = c1o1 / sqrtf(c3o1);
-	  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      if (isEvenTimestep==false)
-      {
-         D.f[DIR_P00   ] = &DD[DIR_P00   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_M00   ] = &DD[DIR_M00   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0P0   ] = &DD[DIR_0P0   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0M0   ] = &DD[DIR_0M0   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_00P   ] = &DD[DIR_00P   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_00M   ] = &DD[DIR_00M   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PP0  ] = &DD[DIR_PP0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MM0  ] = &DD[DIR_MM0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PM0  ] = &DD[DIR_PM0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MP0  ] = &DD[DIR_MP0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_P0P  ] = &DD[DIR_P0P  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_M0M  ] = &DD[DIR_M0M  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_P0M  ] = &DD[DIR_P0M  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_M0P  ] = &DD[DIR_M0P  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0PP  ] = &DD[DIR_0PP  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0MM  ] = &DD[DIR_0MM  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0PM  ] = &DD[DIR_0PM  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0MP  ] = &DD[DIR_0MP  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000*size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PPP ] = &DD[DIR_PPP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MMP ] = &DD[DIR_MMP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PMP ] = &DD[DIR_PMP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MPP ] = &DD[DIR_MPP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PPM ] = &DD[DIR_PPM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MMM ] = &DD[DIR_MMM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PMM ] = &DD[DIR_PMM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MPM ] = &DD[DIR_MPM *size_Mat];
-      } 
-      else
-      {
-         D.f[DIR_M00   ] = &DD[DIR_P00   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_P00   ] = &DD[DIR_M00   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0M0   ] = &DD[DIR_0P0   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0P0   ] = &DD[DIR_0M0   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_00M   ] = &DD[DIR_00P   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_00P   ] = &DD[DIR_00M   *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MM0  ] = &DD[DIR_PP0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PP0  ] = &DD[DIR_MM0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MP0  ] = &DD[DIR_PM0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PM0  ] = &DD[DIR_MP0  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_M0M  ] = &DD[DIR_P0P  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_P0P  ] = &DD[DIR_M0M  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_M0P  ] = &DD[DIR_P0M  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_P0M  ] = &DD[DIR_M0P  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0MM  ] = &DD[DIR_0PP  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0PP  ] = &DD[DIR_0MM  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0MP  ] = &DD[DIR_0PM  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_0PM  ] = &DD[DIR_0MP  *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_000] = &DD[DIR_000*size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PPP ] = &DD[DIR_MMM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MMP ] = &DD[DIR_PPM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PMP ] = &DD[DIR_MPM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MPP ] = &DD[DIR_PMM *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PPM ] = &DD[DIR_MMP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MMM ] = &DD[DIR_PPP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_PMM ] = &DD[DIR_MPP *size_Mat];
-         D.f[DIR_MPM ] = &DD[DIR_PMP *size_Mat];
-      }
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      //__syncthreads();
-	  // -X
-	  //(D.f[DIR_P00   ])[ke   ] = f_E   ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_PM0  ])[kse  ] = f_SE  ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_PP0  ])[kne  ] = f_NE  ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_P0M  ])[kbe  ] = f_BE  ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_P0P  ])[kte  ] = f_TE  ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_PMP ])[ktse ] = f_TSE ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_PPP ])[ktne ] = f_TNE ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_PMM ])[kbse ] = f_BSE ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_PPM ])[kbne ] = f_BNE ;     
-	  // X
-	  (D.f[DIR_M00   ])[kw   ] = f_W   ;
-	  (D.f[DIR_MM0  ])[ksw  ] = f_SW  ;
-	  (D.f[DIR_MP0  ])[knw  ] = f_NW  ;
-	  (D.f[DIR_M0M  ])[kbw  ] = f_BW  ;
-	  (D.f[DIR_M0P  ])[ktw  ] = f_TW  ;
-	  (D.f[DIR_MMP ])[ktsw ] = f_TSW ;
-	  (D.f[DIR_MPP ])[ktnw ] = f_TNW ;
-	  (D.f[DIR_MMM ])[kbsw ] = f_BSW ;
-	  (D.f[DIR_MPM ])[kbnw ] = f_BNW ;     
-	  // Y
-	  //(D.f[DIR_0M0   ])[ks   ] = f_S   ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_PM0  ])[kse  ] = f_SE  ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_MM0  ])[ksw  ] = f_SW  ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_0MP  ])[kts  ] = f_TS  ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_0MM  ])[kbs  ] = f_BS  ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_PMP ])[ktse ] = f_TSE ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_MMP ])[ktsw ] = f_TSW ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_PMM ])[kbse ] = f_BSE ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_MMM ])[kbsw ] = f_BSW ;     
-	  // Z
-	  //(D.f[DIR_00M   ])[kb   ] = f_B   ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_P0M  ])[kbe  ] = f_BE  ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_M0M  ])[kbw  ] = f_BW  ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_0PM  ])[kbn  ] = f_BN  ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_0MM  ])[kbs  ] = f_BS  ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_PPM ])[kbne ] = f_BNE ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_MPM ])[kbnw ] = f_BNW ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_PMM ])[kbse ] = f_BSE ;
-	  //(D.f[DIR_MMM ])[kbsw ] = f_BSW ;     
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, !isEvenTimestep);
+   switch(direction)
+   {
+      case MZZ:
+         (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke   ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_P00, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PM0, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PP0, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_P0M, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_P0P, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PMP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PPP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PMM, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PPM, cs);
+         break;
+      case PZZ:
+         (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw   ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_M00, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MM0, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MP0, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_M0M, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_M0P, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MMP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MPP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MMM, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MPM, cs);
+         break;
+      case ZMZ:
+         (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn   ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0P0, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PP0, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MP0, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0PP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0PM, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PPP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MPP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PPM, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MPM, cs);
+         break;  
+      case ZPZ:   
+         (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks   ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0M0, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PM0, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MM0, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0MP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0MM, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PMP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MMP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PMM, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MMM, cs);
+         break;
+      case ZZM:
+         (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt   ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_00P, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_P0P, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_M0P, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0PP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0MP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PPP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MPP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PMP, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MMP, cs); 
+         break;
+      case ZZP:
+         (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb   ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_00M, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_P0M, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_M0M, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0PM, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0MM, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PPM, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MPM, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PMM, cs);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MMM, cs);     
+         break;
+      default:
+         break;
+__host__ __device__ real computeOutflowDistribution(const real* const &f, const real* const &f1, const int dir, const real rhoCorrection, const real cs, const real weight)
+   return f1[dir  ] * cs + (c1o1 - cs) * f[dir  ] - weight *rhoCorrection;
+__global__ void QPressZeroRhoOutflowDevice27(  real* rhoBC,
+												 real* distributions, 
+												 int* k_Q, 
+												 int* k_N, 
+												 int numberOfBCnodes, 
+												 real om1, 
+												 unsigned int* neighborX,
+												 unsigned int* neighborY,
+												 unsigned int* neighborZ,
+												 unsigned int numberOfLBnodes, 
+												 bool isEvenTimestep,
+                                     int direction,
+                                     real densityCorrectionFactor)
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   const unsigned k = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   if(k>=numberOfBCnodes) return;
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   //index
+   unsigned int KQK  = k_Q[k];
+   unsigned int kzero= KQK;
+   unsigned int ke   = KQK;
+   unsigned int kw   = neighborX[KQK];
+   unsigned int kn   = KQK;
+   unsigned int ks   = neighborY[KQK];
+   unsigned int kt   = KQK;
+   unsigned int kb   = neighborZ[KQK];
+   unsigned int ksw  = neighborY[kw];
+   unsigned int kne  = KQK;
+   unsigned int kse  = ks;
+   unsigned int knw  = kw;
+   unsigned int kbw  = neighborZ[kw];
+   unsigned int kte  = KQK;
+   unsigned int kbe  = kb;
+   unsigned int ktw  = kw;
+   unsigned int kbs  = neighborZ[ks];
+   unsigned int ktn  = KQK;
+   unsigned int kbn  = kb;
+   unsigned int kts  = ks;
+   unsigned int ktse = ks;
+   unsigned int kbnw = kbw;
+   unsigned int ktnw = kw;
+   unsigned int kbse = kbs;
+   unsigned int ktsw = ksw;
+   unsigned int kbne = kb;
+   unsigned int ktne = KQK;
+   unsigned int kbsw = neighborZ[ksw];
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   //index1
+   unsigned int K1QK  = k_N[k];
+   // unsigned int k1zero= K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1e   = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1w   = neighborX[K1QK];
+   unsigned int k1n   = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1s   = neighborY[K1QK];
+   unsigned int k1t   = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1b   = neighborZ[K1QK];
+   unsigned int k1sw  = neighborY[k1w];
+   unsigned int k1ne  = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1se  = k1s;
+   unsigned int k1nw  = k1w;
+   unsigned int k1bw  = neighborZ[k1w];
+   unsigned int k1te  = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1be  = k1b;
+   unsigned int k1tw  = k1w;
+   unsigned int k1bs  = neighborZ[k1s];
+   unsigned int k1tn  = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1bn  = k1b;
+   unsigned int k1ts  = k1s;
+   unsigned int k1tse = k1s;
+   unsigned int k1bnw = k1bw;
+   unsigned int k1tnw = k1w;
+   unsigned int k1bse = k1bs;
+   unsigned int k1tsw = k1sw;
+   unsigned int k1bne = k1b;
+   unsigned int k1tne = K1QK;
+   unsigned int k1bsw = neighborZ[k1sw];
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   Distributions27 dist;
+   getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep);   
+   real f1[27], f[27];   
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   f1[DIR_P00] = (dist.f[DIR_P00])[k1e   ];
+   f1[DIR_M00] = (dist.f[DIR_M00])[k1w   ];
+   f1[DIR_0P0] = (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[k1n   ];
+   f1[DIR_0M0] = (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[k1s   ];
+   f1[DIR_00P] = (dist.f[DIR_00P])[k1t   ];
+   f1[DIR_00M] = (dist.f[DIR_00M])[k1b   ];
+   f1[DIR_PP0] = (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[k1ne  ];
+   f1[DIR_MM0] = (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[k1sw  ];
+   f1[DIR_PM0] = (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[k1se  ];
+   f1[DIR_MP0] = (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[k1nw  ];
+   f1[DIR_P0P] = (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[k1te  ];
+   f1[DIR_M0M] = (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[k1bw  ];
+   f1[DIR_P0M] = (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[k1be  ];
+   f1[DIR_M0P] = (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[k1tw  ];
+   f1[DIR_0PP] = (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[k1tn  ];
+   f1[DIR_0MM] = (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[k1bs  ];
+   f1[DIR_0PM] = (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[k1bn  ];
+   f1[DIR_0MP] = (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[k1ts  ];
+   // f1[DIR_000] = (dist.f[DIR_000])[k1zero];
+   f1[DIR_PPP] = (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[k1tne ];
+   f1[DIR_MMP] = (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[k1tsw ];
+   f1[DIR_PMP] = (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[k1tse ];
+   f1[DIR_MPP] = (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[k1tnw ];
+   f1[DIR_PPM] = (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[k1bne ];
+   f1[DIR_MMM] = (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[k1bsw ];
+   f1[DIR_PMM] = (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[k1bse ];
+   f1[DIR_MPM] = (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[k1bnw ];
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   f[DIR_P00] = (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke   ];
+   f[DIR_M00] = (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw   ];
+   f[DIR_0P0] = (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn   ];
+   f[DIR_0M0] = (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks   ];
+   f[DIR_00P] = (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt   ];
+   f[DIR_00M] = (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb   ];
+   f[DIR_PP0] = (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne  ];
+   f[DIR_MM0] = (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw  ];
+   f[DIR_PM0] = (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse  ];
+   f[DIR_MP0] = (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw  ];
+   f[DIR_P0P] = (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte  ];
+   f[DIR_M0M] = (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw  ];
+   f[DIR_P0M] = (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe  ];
+   f[DIR_M0P] = (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw  ];
+   f[DIR_0PP] = (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn  ];
+   f[DIR_0MM] = (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs  ];
+   f[DIR_0PM] = (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn  ];
+   f[DIR_0MP] = (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts  ];
+   f[DIR_000] = (dist.f[DIR_000])[kzero];
+   f[DIR_PPP] = (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne ];
+   f[DIR_MMP] = (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw ];
+   f[DIR_PMP] = (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse ];
+   f[DIR_MPP] = (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw ];
+   f[DIR_PPM] = (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne ];
+   f[DIR_MMM] = (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw ];
+   f[DIR_PMM] = (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse ];
+   f[DIR_MPM] = (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw ];
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   real drho = vf::lbm::getDensity(f);
+   real rhoCorrection = densityCorrectionFactor*drho;
+   real cs = c1o1 / sqrtf(c3o1);
+   getPointersToDistributions(dist, distributions, numberOfLBnodes, !isEvenTimestep);
+   switch(direction)
+   {
+      case MZZ:
+         (dist.f[DIR_P00])[ke   ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_P00  , rhoCorrection, cs, c2o27);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PM0, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PP0, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_P0M, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_P0P, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PMP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PPP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PMM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PPM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         break;
+      case PZZ:
+         (dist.f[DIR_M00])[kw   ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_M00, rhoCorrection, cs, c2o27);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MM0, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MP0, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_M0M, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_M0P, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MMP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MPP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MMM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MPM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         break;
+      case ZMZ:
+         (dist.f[DIR_0P0])[kn   ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0P0, rhoCorrection, cs, c2o27);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PP0])[kne  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PP0, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MP0])[knw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MP0, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0PP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0PM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PPP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MPP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PPM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MPM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         break;  
+      case ZPZ:   
+         (dist.f[DIR_0M0])[ks   ] =computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0M0, rhoCorrection, cs, c2o27);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PM0])[kse  ] =computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PM0, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MM0])[ksw  ] =computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MM0, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts  ] =computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0MP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs  ] =computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0MM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse ] =computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PMP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw ] =computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MMP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse ] =computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PMM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw ] =computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MMM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         break;
+      case ZZM:
+         (dist.f[DIR_00P])[kt   ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_00P, rhoCorrection, cs, c2o27);
+         (dist.f[DIR_P0P])[kte  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_P0P, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_M0P])[ktw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_M0P, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0PP])[ktn  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0PP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0MP])[kts  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0MP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PPP])[ktne ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PPP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MPP])[ktnw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MPP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PMP])[ktse ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PMP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MMP])[ktsw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MMP, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216); 
+         break;
+      case ZZP:
+         (dist.f[DIR_00M])[kb   ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_00M, rhoCorrection, cs, c2o27);
+         (dist.f[DIR_P0M])[kbe  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_P0M, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_M0M])[kbw  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_M0M, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0PM])[kbn  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0PM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_0MM])[kbs  ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_0MM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o54);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PPM])[kbne ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PPM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MPM])[kbnw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MPM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_PMM])[kbse ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_PMM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);
+         (dist.f[DIR_MMM])[kbsw ] = computeOutflowDistribution(f, f1, DIR_MMM, rhoCorrection, cs, c1o216);     
+         break;
+      default:
+         break;
+   }
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/TurbulentViscosityKernels.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/TurbulentViscosityKernels.cu
index df1dc571cf9627d84e940b2e0f53d55216ca6532..f4167af01eb30b458442057ada098f34998d1a98 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/TurbulentViscosityKernels.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/TurbulentViscosityKernels.cu
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
 #include <helper_cuda.h>
 #include "LBM/LB.h"
+#include "Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
 using namespace vf::lbm::constant;
@@ -64,15 +65,7 @@ __global__ void calcAMD(real* vx,
                         uint size_Mat,
                         real SGSConstant)
-    const uint x = threadIdx.x; 
-    const uint y = blockIdx.x; 
-    const uint z = blockIdx.y; 
-    const uint nx = blockDim.x;
-    const uint ny = gridDim.x;
-    const uint k = nx*(ny*z + y) + x;
+    const uint k = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
     if(k >= size_Mat) return;
     if(typeOfGridNode[k] != GEO_FLUID) return;
@@ -102,7 +95,7 @@ __global__ void calcAMD(real* vx,
                         (dvxdx*dvzdx + dvxdy*dvzdy + dvxdz*dvzdz) * (dvxdz+dvzdx) + 
                         (dvydx*dvzdx + dvydy*dvzdy + dvydz*dvzdz) * (dvydz+dvzdy);
-    turbulentViscosity[k] = max(c0o1,-SGSConstant*enumerator)/denominator;
+    turbulentViscosity[k] = denominator != c0o1 ? max(c0o1,-SGSConstant*enumerator)/denominator : c0o1;
 void calcTurbulentViscosityAMD(Parameter* para, int level)
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/LB.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/LB.h
index eea4adfda3c1ef0862f39ef58fc6e065af7bab1b..813b4ccb0d5ca9b0c5e24898dc8feb15691c7386 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/LB.h
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/LB.h
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ struct InitCondition
    bool hasWallModelMonitor {false};
    bool simulatePorousMedia {false};
    bool streetVelocityFile {false};
+   real outflowPressureCorrectionFactor {0.0};
 //Interface Cells
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.cpp b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.cpp
index dc7d5cb07e573003bfebfa7ef327dddb1f9d4aa4..4123f39f351c4bf41d536bff0d1deea3fbe6e2aa 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.cpp
@@ -883,6 +883,10 @@ void Parameter::setPressOutZ(unsigned int PressOutZ)
     ic.PressOutZ = PressOutZ;
+void Parameter::setOutflowPressureCorrectionFactor(real pressBCrhoCorrectionFactor)
+    ic.outflowPressureCorrectionFactor = pressBCrhoCorrectionFactor;
 void Parameter::setMaxDev(int maxdev)
     ic.maxdev = maxdev;
@@ -1906,6 +1910,10 @@ unsigned int Parameter::getPressOutZ()
     return ic.PressOutZ;
+real Parameter::getOutflowPressureCorrectionFactor()
+    return ic.outflowPressureCorrectionFactor;
 int Parameter::getMaxDev()
     return ic.maxdev;
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.h
index 813e6007737bbf402c9d54d5247597275637d096..f2e3966cfc0babfdfdf1fb94a5515b7a0c1f40e1 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.h
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/Parameter.h
@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ struct LBMSimulationParameter {
     unsigned int kInletQread, kOutletQread;  // DEPRECATED
     WallModelParameters wallModel;
+    real outflowPressureCorrectionFactor;
     // testRoundoffError
     Distributions27 kDistTestRE;
@@ -467,6 +468,7 @@ public:
     void setpressBcPos(std::string pressBcPos);
     void setpressBcQs(std::string pressBcQs);
     void setpressBcValue(std::string pressBcValue);
+    void setOutflowPressureCorrectionFactor(real correctionFactor);
     void setpressBcValues(std::string pressBcValues);
     void setvelBcQs(std::string velBcQs);
     void setvelBcValues(std::string velBcValues);
@@ -849,6 +851,7 @@ public:
     std::string getOutflowBoundaryNormalX();
     std::string getOutflowBoundaryNormalY();
     std::string getOutflowBoundaryNormalZ();
+    real getOutflowPressureCorrectionFactor();
     // CUDA random number
     curandState *getRandomState();
     // Kernel