diff --git a/apps/gpu/RotatingGrid/RotatingGrid.cpp b/apps/gpu/RotatingGrid/RotatingGrid.cpp
index 99c58f2e4c85bf1300f358a0181cfa15a1cc3dcc..ad3e6111fbcb9956edfb18824c7c61afeea6047e 100644
--- a/apps/gpu/RotatingGrid/RotatingGrid.cpp
+++ b/apps/gpu/RotatingGrid/RotatingGrid.cpp
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ int main()
         const real velocityLB = 0.05; // LB units
         const uint nx = 64;
-        const uint timeStepOut = 1000;
-        const uint timeStepEnd = 10000;
+        const uint timeStepOut = 1;
+        const uint timeStepEnd = 10;
         const uint timeStepStartOutput = 0;
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ int main()
         gridBuilder->addCoarseGrid(-0.5 * L, -0.5 * L, -0.5 * L, 2.0 * L, 0.5 * L, 0.5 * L, dx);
-        if (rotOrInt == Rot) gridBuilder->addGridRotatingGrid(std::make_shared<Cylinder>(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.25 * L, 1. * L, Axis::x));
-        if (rotOrInt == Int) gridBuilder->addGrid(std::make_shared<Cylinder>(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.25 * L, 0.8 * L, Axis::x), 1);
+        if (rotOrInt == Rot) gridBuilder->addGridRotatingGrid(std::make_shared<Cylinder>(0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.25 * L, 1. * L, Axis::x));
+        if (rotOrInt == Int) gridBuilder->addGrid(std::make_shared<Cylinder>(0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.25 * L, 0.8 * L, Axis::x), 1);
         GridScalingFactory scalingFactory = GridScalingFactory();
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ int main()
-        // gridBuilder->setVelocityBoundaryCondition(SideType::MX, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-        gridBuilder->setVelocityBoundaryCondition(SideType::MX, velocityLB, 0.0, 0.0);
+        gridBuilder->setVelocityBoundaryCondition(SideType::MX, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+        // gridBuilder->setVelocityBoundaryCondition(SideType::MX, velocityLB, 0.0, 0.0);
         gridBuilder->setPressureBoundaryCondition(SideType::PX, 0.0);
         BoundaryConditionFactory bcFactory;
@@ -173,14 +173,26 @@ int main()
         // set initial condition
-        // para->setInitialCondition([&](real coordX, real coordY, real coordZ, real &rho, real &vx, real &vy, real &vz) {
-        //     rho = (real)0.0;
-        //     // if (coordX > -0.52 && coordY > 0.27 && coordZ > -0.1 && coordX < -0.49 && coordY < 0.3 && coordZ < 0.11) rho = 1e-5;
-        //     // if (coordX > -0.34 && coordY > 0.27 && coordZ > -0.1 && coordX < -0.32 && coordY < 0.3 && coordZ < 0.11) rho = 1e-5;
-        //     vx = 0.0;
-        //     vy = 0.0;
-        //     vz = 0.0;
-        // });
+        auto setPressPoint = [](std::array<real, 3> coordPressPoint, real rhoPressPoint, real dx,
+                                std::array<real, 3> coordinates) -> real {
+            auto isCoordinateInPressPoint = [&](uint dimension) -> bool {
+                return coordinates[dimension] > coordPressPoint[dimension] - dx &&
+                       coordinates[dimension] < coordPressPoint[dimension] + dx;
+            };
+            if (isCoordinateInPressPoint(0) && isCoordinateInPressPoint(1) && isCoordinateInPressPoint(2))
+                return rhoPressPoint;
+            else
+                return (real)0.0;
+        };
+        para->setInitialCondition([&](real coordX, real coordY, real coordZ, real &rho, real &vx, real &vy, real &vz) {
+            // rho = (real) 0.0;
+            // if (coordX > -0.52 && coordY > 0.27 && coordZ > -0.1 && coordX < -0.49 && coordY < 0.3 && coordZ < 0.11) rho = 1e-5;
+            rho =  setPressPoint({-0.2, 0.24, 0.0}, 1e-5, dx, {coordX, coordY, coordZ});
+            vx = 0.0;
+            vy = 0.0;
+            vz = 0.0;
+        });
         // set copy mesh to simulation
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Calculation/UpdateGrid27.cpp b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Calculation/UpdateGrid27.cpp
index 0ac72a9c0d873bd24e91252b8812a72f402b92c8..e6e94816908eac320581c74a073897ca7231b89d 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Calculation/UpdateGrid27.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Calculation/UpdateGrid27.cpp
@@ -424,4 +424,50 @@ UpdateGrid27::UpdateGrid27(SPtr<Parameter> para, vf::parallel::Communicator &com
     this->bcKernelManager = std::make_shared<BCKernelManager>(para, bcFactory);
     this->adKernelManager = std::make_shared<ADKernelManager>(para);
     this->gridScalingKernelManager = std::make_shared<GridScalingKernelManager>(para, scalingFactory);
+    SPtr<ParameterRotatingGrid> paraRot = para->getRotatingGridParameter();
+    uint level = 0;
+    real finalRotation =  (real)0.78539816339744830961566084581988;
+    real steps = 400;
+    paraRot->parameterRotHost->angularVelocity[0] = finalRotation / steps;
+    paraRot->parameterRotDevice->angularVelocity[0] = paraRot->parameterRotHost->angularVelocity[0];
+    VF_LOG_WARNING("angular velocity: {}",paraRot->parameterRotHost->angularVelocity[0] );
+    for (int i =0; i < steps; i++){
+        paraRot->parameterRotHost->gridAngle[0] += paraRot->parameterRotHost->angularVelocity[0];
+        paraRot->parameterRotHost->gridAngle[1] += paraRot->parameterRotHost->angularVelocity[1];
+        paraRot->parameterRotHost->gridAngle[2] += paraRot->parameterRotHost->angularVelocity[2];
+        paraRot->parameterRotDevice->gridAngle[0] += paraRot->parameterRotDevice->angularVelocity[0];
+        paraRot->parameterRotDevice->gridAngle[1] += paraRot->parameterRotDevice->angularVelocity[1];
+        paraRot->parameterRotDevice->gridAngle[2] += paraRot->parameterRotDevice->angularVelocity[2];
+        // base to nested
+        TraverseStaticToRotating(
+            para->getParD(level).get(),
+            para->getParD(level+1).get(),
+            para->getRotatingGridParameter()->parameterRotDevice.get(),
+            &para->getParD(level)->coarseToFine,
+            para->getParD(level)->neighborCoarseToFine);
+        // nested to base
+        TraverseRotatingToStatic(
+            para->getParD(level).get(),
+            para->getParD(level+1).get(),
+            para->getRotatingGridParameter()->parameterRotDevice.get(),
+            &para->getParD(level)->fineToCoarse,
+            para->getParD(level)->neighborFineToCoarse);
+    }
+    paraRot->parameterRotHost->angularVelocity[0] = 0.0;
+    paraRot->parameterRotHost->angularVelocity[1] = 0.0;
+    paraRot->parameterRotHost->angularVelocity[2] = 0.0;
+    paraRot->parameterRotDevice->angularVelocity[0] = 0.0;
+    paraRot->parameterRotDevice->angularVelocity[1] = 0.0;
+    paraRot->parameterRotDevice->angularVelocity[2] = 0.0;
+    VF_LOG_INFO("Angle x {}", paraRot->parameterRotHost->gridAngle[0]);
+    VF_LOG_INFO("Angle y {}", paraRot->parameterRotHost->gridAngle[1]);
+    VF_LOG_INFO("Angle z {}", paraRot->parameterRotHost->gridAngle[2]);
+    VF_LOG_INFO("Angular velocity x {}", paraRot->parameterRotHost->angularVelocity[0]);
+    VF_LOG_INFO("Angular velocity y {}", paraRot->parameterRotHost->angularVelocity[1]);
+    VF_LOG_INFO("Angular velocity z {}", paraRot->parameterRotHost->angularVelocity[2]);
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/CalcMac27.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/CalcMac27.cu
index 8907e846757c8923c3aed46f9c90d6c67f465eee..63de3311802e6c7fc4859aefe7d655c14f333202 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/CalcMac27.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/CalcMac27.cu
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 #include "lbm/constants/D3Q27.h"
 #include "basics/constants/NumericConstants.h"
 #include "lbm/MacroscopicQuantities.h"
+#include "LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/CoordinateTransformation.h"
 #include "Kernel/Utilities/DistributionHelper.cuh"
@@ -309,7 +311,56 @@ __global__ void LBCalcMacCompSP27(
+__global__ void LBCalcMacCompSP27RotatingToStatic(
+    real *vxD,
+    real *vyD,
+    real *vzD,
+    real *rhoD,
+    real *pressD,
+    unsigned int *geoD,
+    unsigned int *neighborX,
+    unsigned int *neighborY,
+    unsigned int *neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real *distributions,
+    bool isEvenTimestep,
+    real angleX,
+    real angleY,
+    real angleZ
+    )
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Get node index coordinates from threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim and gridDim.
+    //!
+    const unsigned nodeIndex = getNodeIndex();
+    if(nodeIndex >= numberOfLBnodes)
+        return;
+    pressD[nodeIndex] = c0o1;
+    rhoD[nodeIndex]   = c0o1;
+    vxD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+    vyD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+    vzD[nodeIndex]    = c0o1;
+    if (!isValidFluidNode(geoD[nodeIndex]))
+        return;
+    DistributionWrapper distr_wrapper(distributions, numberOfLBnodes, isEvenTimestep, nodeIndex, neighborX, neighborY, neighborZ);
+    const auto &distribution = distr_wrapper.distribution;
+    rhoD[nodeIndex]   = vf::lbm::getDensity(distribution.f);
+    real velocityRotatingX    = vf::lbm::getCompressibleVelocityX1(distribution.f, rhoD[nodeIndex]);
+    real velocityRotatingY    = vf::lbm::getCompressibleVelocityX2(distribution.f, rhoD[nodeIndex]);
+    real velocityRotatingZ    = vf::lbm::getCompressibleVelocityX3(distribution.f, rhoD[nodeIndex]);
+    pressD[nodeIndex] = vf::lbm::getPressure(distribution.f, rhoD[nodeIndex], vxD[nodeIndex], vyD[nodeIndex], vzD[nodeIndex]); 
+    rotateVelocityFromGlobalToRotating(velocityRotatingX, velocityRotatingY, velocityRotatingZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ);
+    vxD[nodeIndex] = velocityRotatingX;
+    vyD[nodeIndex] = velocityRotatingY;
+    vzD[nodeIndex] = velocityRotatingZ;
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Interface.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Interface.h
index e36a5c6e5e29b164e0a0c4e19cd1123c566af8d2..e1608160cd85228ef9f3755c5941cf3d5995b593 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Interface.h
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Interface.h
@@ -389,6 +389,22 @@ void CalcMacCompSP27(real* vxD,
 								real* DD,
 								bool isEvenTimestep);
+void CalcMacCompSP27RotatingToStatic(
+    real* vxD,
+    real* vyD,
+    real* vzD,
+    real* rhoD,
+    real* pressD,
+    unsigned int* geoD,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    unsigned int numberOfThreads,
+    real* DD,
+    bool isEvenTimestep,
+    ParameterRotatingGridSimulation* parameterRotDevice);
 void CalcMacThS7(  real* Conc,
                               unsigned int* geoD,
                               unsigned int* neighborX,
@@ -1630,6 +1646,13 @@ void InterpolateStaticToRotating(
     ICells *baseToNested,
     ICellNeigh &neighborBaseToNested);
+void TraverseStaticToRotating(
+    LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceS,
+    LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceR,
+    ParameterRotatingGridSimulation *paraRotDevice,
+    ICells *baseToNested,
+    ICellNeigh &neighborBaseToNested);
 void InterpolateRotatingToStatic(
     LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceS,
     LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceR,
@@ -1637,6 +1660,13 @@ void InterpolateRotatingToStatic(
     ICells *nestedToBase,
     ICellNeigh &neighborNestedToBase);
+void TraverseRotatingToStatic(
+    LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceS,
+    LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceR,
+    ParameterRotatingGridSimulation *paraRotDevice,
+    ICells *nestedToBase,
+    ICellNeigh &neighborNestedToBase);
 void UpdateGlobalCoordinates(
     LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceR,
     ParameterRotatingGridSimulation *paraRotDevice
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh
index d9535d7af63aeb77e54c151b4d2160f8929bf69c..941f8325297cd62480f36a6bb348e219bb07dd27 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh
@@ -351,6 +351,24 @@ __global__ void LBCalcMacCompSP27( real* vxD,
                                               real* DD,
                                               bool isEvenTimestep);
+__global__ void LBCalcMacCompSP27RotatingToStatic(
+    real *vxD,
+    real *vyD,
+    real *vzD,
+    real *rhoD,
+    real *pressD,
+    unsigned int *geoD,
+    unsigned int *neighborX,
+    unsigned int *neighborY,
+    unsigned int *neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    real *distributions,
+    bool isEvenTimestep,
+    real angleX,
+    real angleY,
+    real angleZ
+    );
 __global__ void CalcConc7( real* Conc,
                                           unsigned int* geoD,
                                           unsigned int* neighborX,
@@ -1902,6 +1920,28 @@ __global__ void interpolateStaticToRotating(
     bool isEvenTimestep,
     real dx);
+__global__ void traverseStaticToRotating(
+    unsigned int numberOfInterfaceNodes,
+    unsigned int *indicesStaticCell,
+    const unsigned int *indicesRotating,
+    const real *coordDestinationX,
+    const real *coordDestinationY,
+    const real *coordDestinationZ,
+    const real *coordSourceX,
+    const real *coordSourceY,
+    const real *coordSourceZ,
+    const uint *neighborXstatic,
+    const uint *neighborYstatic,
+    const uint *neighborZstatic,
+    const uint *neighborMMMstatic,
+    real centerCoordX,
+    real centerCoordY,
+    real centerCoordZ,
+    real angleX,
+    real angleY,
+    real angleZ,
+    real dx);
 __global__ void interpolateRotatingToStatic(
     real *distributionsStatic,
     real *distributionsRotating,
@@ -1936,6 +1976,28 @@ __global__ void interpolateRotatingToStatic(
     bool isEvenTimestep,
     real dx);
+__global__ void traverseRotatingToStatic(
+    unsigned int numberOfInterfaceNodes,
+    const unsigned int *indicesStatic,
+    unsigned int *indicesRotatingCell,
+    const real *coordDestinationX,
+    const real *coordDestinationY,
+    const real *coordDestinationZ,
+    const real *coordSourceX,
+    const real *coordSourceY,
+    const real *coordSourceZ,
+    const uint *neighborXrotating,
+    const uint *neighborYrotating,
+    const uint *neighborZrotating,
+    const uint *neighborMMMrotating,
+    real centerCoordX,
+    real centerCoordY,
+    real centerCoordZ,
+    real angleX,
+    real angleY,
+    real angleZ,
+    real dx);
 __global__ void updateGlobalCoordinates(
     unsigned int numberOfNodes,
     real *globalX,
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/interpolateRotatingToStatic.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/interpolateRotatingToStatic.cu
index bd870c83752168a492c77ddad4af3229fd48b1f5..54eae438958982e9b572e468f3510f3f3d0ccb12 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/interpolateRotatingToStatic.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/interpolateRotatingToStatic.cu
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 #include <lbm/refinement/Coefficients.h>
 #include <lbm/refinement/InterpolationCF.h>
 using namespace vf::lbm;
 __device__ __inline__ void calculateRotationalForces(real &forceX, real &forceY, real &forceZ, real angularVelocityX,
@@ -361,25 +362,11 @@ __global__ void interpolateRotatingToStatic(
     vvx = coefficients.a000;
     vvy = coefficients.b000;
     vvz = coefficients.c000;
-    vvxTemp = vvx;
-    vvyTemp = vvy;
-    vvzTemp = vvz;
-    if (angleX != c0o1) {
-        vvyTemp = vvy * cos(angleX) + vvz * sin(angleX);
-        vvzTemp = -vvy * sin(angleX) + vvz * cos(angleX);
-    } else if (angleY != c0o1) {
-        // rotate in y
-        vvxTemp = vvx * cos(angleY) - vvz * sin(angleY);
-        vvzTemp = vvx * sin(angleY) + vvz * cos(angleY);
-    } else if (angleZ != c0o1) {
-        // rotate in z
-        vvxTemp = vvx * cos(angleZ) + vvy * sin(angleZ);
-        vvyTemp = -vvx * sin(angleZ) + vvy * cos(angleZ);
-    }
-    vvx = vvxTemp;
-    vvy = vvyTemp;
-    vvz = vvzTemp;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - rotate the velocities
+    //!
+    rotateVelocityFromGlobalToRotating(vvx, vvy, vvz, angleX, angleY, angleZ);
     // calculate the squares of the velocities
@@ -584,3 +571,49 @@ __global__ void updateGlobalCoordinates(
     globalY[nodeIndex] = globalYtemp;
     globalZ[nodeIndex] = globalZtemp;
+__global__ void traverseRotatingToStatic(
+    unsigned int numberOfInterfaceNodes,
+    const unsigned int *indicesStatic,
+    unsigned int *indicesRotatingCell,
+    const real *coordDestinationX,
+    const real *coordDestinationY,
+    const real *coordDestinationZ,
+    const real *coordSourceX,
+    const real *coordSourceY,
+    const real *coordSourceZ,
+    const uint *neighborXrotating,
+    const uint *neighborYrotating,
+    const uint *neighborZrotating,
+    const uint *neighborMMMrotating,
+    real centerCoordX,
+    real centerCoordY,
+    real centerCoordZ,
+    real angleX,
+    real angleY,
+    real angleZ,
+    real dx)
+    const unsigned listIndex = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+    if (listIndex >= numberOfInterfaceNodes) return;
+    const uint destinationIndex = indicesStatic[listIndex];
+    const uint previousSourceIndex = indicesRotatingCell[listIndex];
+    const uint indexNeighborMMMsource = neighborMMMrotating[previousSourceIndex];
+    real rotatedCoordDestinationX;
+    real rotatedCoordDestinationY;
+    real rotatedCoordDestinationZ;
+    transformGlobalToRotating(rotatedCoordDestinationX, rotatedCoordDestinationY, rotatedCoordDestinationZ,
+                              coordDestinationX[destinationIndex], coordDestinationY[destinationIndex],
+                              coordDestinationZ[destinationIndex], centerCoordX, centerCoordY, centerCoordZ, angleX, angleY,
+                              angleZ);
+    const uint sourceIndex = traverseSourceCell(rotatedCoordDestinationX, rotatedCoordDestinationY, rotatedCoordDestinationZ,
+                                                indexNeighborMMMsource, coordSourceX[indexNeighborMMMsource],
+                                                coordSourceY[indexNeighborMMMsource], coordSourceZ[indexNeighborMMMsource],
+                                                neighborXrotating, neighborYrotating, neighborZrotating, dx);
+    indicesRotatingCell[listIndex] = sourceIndex;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/interpolateStaticToRotating.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/interpolateStaticToRotating.cu
index 7707a1515ab84788701ad63e76b94d76520ae5ca..0119aab6ede5ad47a3d7ebeefe72f52eb42db7af 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/interpolateStaticToRotating.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/interpolateStaticToRotating.cu
@@ -238,25 +238,7 @@ __global__ void interpolateStaticToRotating(
     //! - rotate the velocities
-    real vvxTemp = vvx;
-    real vvyTemp = vvy;
-    real vvzTemp = vvz;
-    if (angleX != c0o1) {
-        vvyTemp = vvy * cos(angleX) - vvz * sin(angleX);
-        vvzTemp = vvy * sin(angleX) + vvz * cos(angleX);
-    } else if (angleY != c0o1) {
-        // rotate in y
-        vvxTemp = vvx * cos(angleY) + vvz * sin(angleY);
-        vvzTemp = -vvx * sin(angleY) + vvz * cos(angleY);
-    } else if (angleZ != c0o1) {
-        // rotate in z
-        vvxTemp = vvx * cos(angleZ) - vvy * sin(angleZ);
-        vvyTemp = vvx * sin(angleZ) + vvy * cos(angleZ);
-    }
-    vvx = vvxTemp;
-    vvy = vvyTemp;
-    vvz = vvzTemp;
+    rotateVelocityFromRotatingToGlobal(vvx, vvy, vvz, angleX, angleY, angleZ);
     // calculate the squares of the velocities
@@ -427,3 +409,53 @@ __global__ void interpolateStaticToRotating(
     vf::gpu::ListIndices indicesRotatingForWriting(destinationIndex, neighborXrotating, neighborYrotating, neighborZrotating);
     vf::gpu::write(distRoating, indicesRotatingForWriting, fRotating);
+__global__ void traverseStaticToRotating(
+    unsigned int numberOfInterfaceNodes,
+    unsigned int *indicesStaticCell,
+    const unsigned int *indicesRotating,
+    const real *coordDestinationX,
+    const real *coordDestinationY,
+    const real *coordDestinationZ,
+    const real *coordSourceX,
+    const real *coordSourceY,
+    const real *coordSourceZ,
+    const uint *neighborXstatic,
+    const uint *neighborYstatic,
+    const uint *neighborZstatic,
+    const uint *neighborMMMstatic,
+    real centerCoordX,
+    real centerCoordY,
+    real centerCoordZ,
+    real angleX,
+    real angleY,
+    real angleZ,
+    real dx)
+    // Interpolate from a cell on the static grid (source cell) to a node on the rotating grid (destination cell)
+    // 1. calculate the indices of involved nodes
+    const unsigned listIndex = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
+    if (listIndex >= numberOfInterfaceNodes) return;
+    const uint destinationIndex = indicesRotating[listIndex];
+    const uint previousSourceIndex = indicesStaticCell[listIndex];
+    const uint indexNeighborMMMsource = neighborMMMstatic[previousSourceIndex];
+    // calculate the coordinates of the destination cell in the global coordinate system
+    real globalCoordDestinationX;
+    real globalCoordDestinationY;
+    real globalCoordDestinationZ;
+    transformRotatingToGlobal(globalCoordDestinationX, globalCoordDestinationY, globalCoordDestinationZ,
+                              coordDestinationX[destinationIndex], coordDestinationY[destinationIndex],
+                              coordDestinationZ[destinationIndex], centerCoordX, centerCoordY, centerCoordZ, angleX, angleY,
+                              angleZ);
+    // find the new index of the source cell (a static cell) after the rotation
+    const uint sourceIndex =
+        traverseSourceCell(globalCoordDestinationX, globalCoordDestinationY, globalCoordDestinationZ, indexNeighborMMMsource,
+                           coordSourceX[indexNeighborMMMsource], coordSourceY[indexNeighborMMMsource],
+                           coordSourceZ[indexNeighborMMMsource], neighborXstatic, neighborYstatic, neighborZstatic, dx);
+    // write the new source index to the array
+    indicesStaticCell[listIndex] = sourceIndex;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu
index a0049db48ea04dfad9f8d825ddd0313e63db9be5..3dfb649efe35ea46562ee4216091e6e3970212a0 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu
@@ -820,6 +820,46 @@ void CalcMacCompSP27(
     getLastCudaError("LBCalcMacCompSP27 execution failed");
+void CalcMacCompSP27RotatingToStatic(
+    real* vxD,
+    real* vyD,
+    real* vzD,
+    real* rhoD,
+    real* pressD,
+    unsigned int* geoD,
+    unsigned int* neighborX,
+    unsigned int* neighborY,
+    unsigned int* neighborZ,
+    unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
+    unsigned int numberOfThreads,
+    real* DD,
+    bool isEvenTimestep,
+    ParameterRotatingGridSimulation* parameterRotDevice)
+    vf::cuda::CudaGrid grid = vf::cuda::CudaGrid(numberOfThreads, numberOfLBnodes);
+    LBCalcMacCompSP27RotatingToStatic<<< grid.grid, grid.threads >>> (
+        vxD,
+        vyD,
+        vzD,
+        rhoD,
+        pressD,
+        geoD,
+        neighborX,
+        neighborY,
+        neighborZ,
+        numberOfLBnodes,
+        DD,
+        isEvenTimestep,
+        parameterRotDevice->gridAngle[0],
+        parameterRotDevice->gridAngle[1],
+        parameterRotDevice->gridAngle[2]
+        );
+    getLastCudaError("LBCalcMacCompSP27RotatingToStatic execution failed");
 void CalcMacThS7(
     real* Conc,
@@ -4102,6 +4142,43 @@ void InterpolateStaticToRotating(
     getLastCudaError("interpolateStaticToRotating execution failed");
+void TraverseStaticToRotating(
+    LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceS,
+    LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceR,
+    ParameterRotatingGridSimulation *paraRotDevice,
+    ICells *baseToNested,
+    ICellNeigh &neighborBaseToNested)
+    dim3 grid = vf::cuda::getCudaGrid(parameterDeviceS->numberofthreads, baseToNested->numberOfCells);
+    dim3 threads(parameterDeviceS->numberofthreads, 1, 1);
+    traverseStaticToRotating<<<grid, threads, 0, CU_STREAM_LEGACY>>>(
+        baseToNested->numberOfCells,
+        baseToNested->coarseCellIndices,
+        baseToNested->fineCellIndices,
+        paraRotDevice->nestedCoordinatesX,
+        paraRotDevice->nestedCoordinatesY,
+        paraRotDevice->nestedCoordinatesZ,
+        parameterDeviceS->coordinateX,
+        parameterDeviceS->coordinateY,
+        parameterDeviceS->coordinateZ,
+        parameterDeviceS->neighborX,
+        parameterDeviceS->neighborY,
+        parameterDeviceS->neighborZ,
+        parameterDeviceS->neighborInverse,
+        paraRotDevice->centerPoint[0],
+        paraRotDevice->centerPoint[1],
+        paraRotDevice->centerPoint[2],
+        paraRotDevice->gridAngle[0],
+        paraRotDevice->gridAngle[1],
+        paraRotDevice->gridAngle[2],
+        parameterDeviceS->gridSpacing
+    );
+    getLastCudaError("traverseStaticToRotating execution failed");
 void InterpolateRotatingToStatic(
     LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceS,
     LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceR,
@@ -4150,6 +4227,42 @@ void InterpolateRotatingToStatic(
     getLastCudaError("interpolateRotatingToStatic execution failed");
+void TraverseRotatingToStatic(
+    LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceS,
+    LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceR,
+    ParameterRotatingGridSimulation *paraRotDevice,
+    ICells *nestedToBase,
+    ICellNeigh &neighborNestedToBase)
+    dim3 grid = vf::cuda::getCudaGrid(parameterDeviceS->numberofthreads, nestedToBase->numberOfCells);
+    dim3 threads(parameterDeviceS->numberofthreads, 1, 1);
+    traverseRotatingToStatic<<<grid, threads, 0, CU_STREAM_LEGACY>>>(
+        nestedToBase->numberOfCells,
+        nestedToBase->coarseCellIndices,
+        nestedToBase->fineCellIndices,
+        parameterDeviceS->coordinateX,
+        parameterDeviceS->coordinateY,
+        parameterDeviceS->coordinateZ,
+        paraRotDevice->nestedCoordinatesX,
+        paraRotDevice->nestedCoordinatesY,
+        paraRotDevice->nestedCoordinatesZ,
+        parameterDeviceR->neighborX,
+        parameterDeviceR->neighborY,
+        parameterDeviceR->neighborZ,
+        parameterDeviceR->neighborInverse,
+        paraRotDevice->centerPoint[0],
+        paraRotDevice->centerPoint[1],
+        paraRotDevice->centerPoint[2],
+        paraRotDevice->gridAngle[0],
+        paraRotDevice->gridAngle[1],
+        paraRotDevice->gridAngle[2],
+        parameterDeviceS->gridSpacing
+    );
+    getLastCudaError("traverseRotatingToStatic execution failed");
 void UpdateGlobalCoordinates(
     LBMSimulationParameter *parameterDeviceR,
     ParameterRotatingGridSimulation *paraRotDevice
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Compressible/FluidFlow/K17/K17CompressibleNavierStokes_Device.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Compressible/FluidFlow/K17/K17CompressibleNavierStokes_Device.cu
index 732e96ce44e64d2f86bf899bd87bb33de4725874..81e2579eb26c9f308c1f5d1b01e9a020972ef969 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Compressible/FluidFlow/K17/K17CompressibleNavierStokes_Device.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Kernel/Compressible/FluidFlow/K17/K17CompressibleNavierStokes_Device.cu
@@ -209,9 +209,9 @@ __global__ void K17CompressibleNavierStokes_Device(
     //! DOI:10.1016/j.camwa.2015.05.001 ]</b></a>
     real factor = c1o1;
-    for (size_t i = 1; i <= level; i++) {
-        factor *= c2o1;
-    }
+    // for (size_t i = 1; i <= level; i++) {
+    //     factor *= c2o1;
+    // }
     real fx = forces[0];
     real fy = forces[1];
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/CoordinateTransformation.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/CoordinateTransformation.h
index 14fc5794e7fd28f1efd5210d61062c6d065943c2..fea772f62337841a71ae8feea0e040e4c9a152e1 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/CoordinateTransformation.h
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/CoordinateTransformation.h
@@ -3,6 +3,33 @@
 #include <basics/DataTypes.h>
 #include <math.h>
+#include <basics/constants/NumericConstants.h>
+using namespace vf::basics::constant;
+__inline__ __device__ void rotateVelocityFromRotatingToGlobal(real &velocityX, real &velocityY, real &velocityZ, real angleX,
+                                                              real angleY, real angleZ)
+    real velocityXTemp = velocityX;
+    real velocityYTemp = velocityY;
+    real velocityZTemp = velocityZ;
+    if (angleX != c0o1) {
+        velocityYTemp = velocityY * cos(angleX) - velocityZ * sin(angleX);
+        velocityZTemp = velocityY * sin(angleX) + velocityZ * cos(angleX);
+    } else if (angleY != c0o1) {
+        // rotate in y
+        velocityXTemp = velocityX * cos(angleY) + velocityZ * sin(angleY);
+        velocityZTemp = -velocityX * sin(angleY) + velocityZ * cos(angleY);
+    } else if (angleZ != c0o1) {
+        // rotate in z
+        velocityXTemp = velocityX * cos(angleZ) - velocityY * sin(angleZ);
+        velocityYTemp = velocityX * sin(angleZ) + velocityY * cos(angleZ);
+    }
+    velocityX = velocityXTemp;
+    velocityY = velocityYTemp;
+    velocityZ = velocityZTemp;
 __inline__ __device__ void transformRotatingToGlobal(real &globalX, real &globalY, real &globalZ, real localX, real localY,
                                                      real localZ, real centerCoordX, real centerCoordY, real centerCoordZ,
                                                      real angleX, real angleY, real angleZ)
@@ -32,6 +59,30 @@ __inline__ __device__ void transformRotatingToGlobal(real &globalX, real &global
     globalZ += centerCoordZ;
+__inline__ __device__ void rotateVelocityFromGlobalToRotating(real &velocityX, real &velocityY, real &velocityZ, real angleX,
+                                                              real angleY, real angleZ)
+    real velocityXTemp = velocityX;
+    real velocityYTemp = velocityY;
+    real velocityZTemp = velocityZ;
+    if (angleX != c0o1) {
+        velocityYTemp = velocityY * cos(angleX) + velocityZ * sin(angleX);
+        velocityZTemp = -velocityY * sin(angleX) + velocityZ * cos(angleX);
+    } else if (angleY != c0o1) {
+        // rotate in y
+        velocityXTemp = velocityX * cos(angleY) - velocityZ * sin(angleY);
+        velocityZTemp = velocityX * sin(angleY) + velocityZ * cos(angleY);
+    } else if (angleZ != c0o1) {
+        // rotate in z
+        velocityXTemp = velocityX * cos(angleZ) + velocityY * sin(angleZ);
+        velocityYTemp = -velocityX * sin(angleZ) + velocityY * cos(angleZ);
+    }
+    velocityX = velocityXTemp;
+    velocityY = velocityYTemp;
+    velocityZ = velocityZTemp;
 __inline__ __device__ void transformGlobalToRotating(real &rotatingX, real &rotatingY, real &rotatingZ, real globalX,
                                                               real globalY, real globalZ, real centerCoordX, real centerCoordY,
                                                               real centerCoordZ, real angleX, real angleY, real angleZ)
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/Simulation.cpp b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/Simulation.cpp
index 948f923c183c561f9b07de79b1d35308c70a00f1..65999b0ae9103fad501b41264f5a78b54cb071f9 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/Simulation.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/Simulation.cpp
@@ -768,6 +768,8 @@ void Simulation::readAndWriteFiles(uint timestep)
         //                        para->getParD(lev)->d0SP.f[0],
         //                        para->getParD(lev)->evenOrOdd);
         //     getLastCudaError("CalcMacSP27 execution failed");
+        if (lev == 0){
@@ -782,6 +784,26 @@ void Simulation::readAndWriteFiles(uint timestep)
             getLastCudaError("CalcMacSP27 execution failed");
+        }
+        if (lev == 1)
+        {
+            CalcMacCompSP27RotatingToStatic(para->getParD(lev)->velocityX,
+                            para->getParD(lev)->velocityY,
+                            para->getParD(lev)->velocityZ,
+                            para->getParD(lev)->rho,
+                            para->getParD(lev)->pressure,
+                            para->getParD(lev)->typeOfGridNode,
+                            para->getParD(lev)->neighborX,
+                            para->getParD(lev)->neighborY,
+                            para->getParD(lev)->neighborZ,
+                            para->getParD(lev)->numberOfNodes,
+                            para->getParD(lev)->numberofthreads,
+                            para->getParD(lev)->distributions.f[0],
+                            para->getParD(lev)->isEvenTimestep,
+                            para->getRotatingGridParameter()->parameterRotDevice.get());
+            getLastCudaError("CalcMacSP27 execution failed");
+        }
         //     // overwrite with wall nodes
         //     SetOutputWallVelocitySP27( para->getParD(lev)->numberofthreads,
         //                                para->getParD(lev)->velocityX,
@@ -971,7 +993,7 @@ void Simulation::readAndWriteFiles(uint timestep)
     UpdateGlobalCoordinates(para->getParD(1).get(), para->getRotatingGridParameter()->parameterRotDevice.get());
-    // cudaMemoryManager->cudaCopyCoordRotationDeviceToHost(1);
     // cudaMemoryManager->cudaCopyInterfaceCFDeviceToHost(0);
     // cudaMemoryManager->cudaCopyInterfaceFCDeviceToHost(0);
     // InterfaceDebugWriter::writeInterfaceLinesDebugCF(para.get(), timestep);
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/ParameterRotatingGrid.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/ParameterRotatingGrid.h
index ac78941f87564936acca189f8d3f3ae81716ca0c..c3484739c5cd544a8b0ce1bb11769b23cdbd9122 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/ParameterRotatingGrid.h
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/ParameterRotatingGrid.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ struct ParameterRotatingGridSimulation {
     uint sizeOfNestedCoordinates;
     uint memorySizeOfNestedCoordinates;
     std::array<real, 3> gridAngle = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
-    std::array<real, 3> angularVelocity = { 0.02, 0.0, 0.0 };
+    std::array<real, 3> angularVelocity = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
 struct ParameterRotatingGrid {