diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Communication/ExchangeData27.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Communication/ExchangeData27.h
index c6116ea37e6a6b17c7c3ded73d3e8478f07c41da..c8f281702f1b8121dfb9f7d3e0d0343f9a0374c4 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Communication/ExchangeData27.h
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Communication/ExchangeData27.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 //! \file ExchangeData27.h
 //! \ingroup GPU
 //! \author Martin Schoenherr, Anna Wellmann
-//! \brief routines for data exchange when running simulations on multiple GPUs
+//! \brief Routines for data exchange when running simulations on multiple GPUs
 // 1D domain decomposition
@@ -23,19 +23,19 @@ extern "C" void exchangePostCollDataGPU27(Parameter *para, vf::gpu::Communicator
 // functions used for all directions
-//! \brief collect the send nodes in a buffer on the gpu
+//! \brief Collect the send nodes in a buffer on the gpu
 extern "C" void collectNodesInSendBufferGPU(Parameter *para, int level, int streamIndex,
                                             std::vector<ProcessNeighbor27> *sendProcessNeighbor,
                                             unsigned int numberOfSendProcessNeighbors);
-//! \brief distribute the receive nodes from the buffer on the gpu
+//! \brief Distribute the receive nodes from the buffer on the gpu
 extern "C" void scatterNodesFromRecvBufferGPU(Parameter *para, int level, int streamIndex,
                                               std::vector<ProcessNeighbor27> *recvProcessNeighborDev,
                                               unsigned int numberOfRecvProcessNeighbors);
-//! \brief copy nodes which are part of the communication in multiple directions
+//! \brief Copy nodes which are part of the communication in multiple directions
 //! \details The nodes are copied from the receive buffer in one direction to the send buffer in another direction. The
 //! copy operation is conducted on the cpu. 
-//! \ref see master thesis of Anna Wellmann (p. 56f: "Communication Hiding bei
-//! der Verwendung eines uniformen Simulationsgitters") 
+//! See [master thesis of Anna Wellmann (p. 56f: "Communication Hiding bei
+//! der Verwendung eines uniformen Simulationsgitters")]
 //! \param edgeNodes determines from where to where the nodes are
 //! copied 
 //! \param recvProcessNeighborHost is a reference to the receive buffer on the host, nodes are copied from here
@@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ extern "C" void copyEdgeNodes(std::vector<LBMSimulationParameter::EdgeNodePositi
 // x
-//! \brief collect the send nodes for communication in the x direction in a buffer on the gpu
-//! \details needed to exchange all nodes, used in the communication after collision step
+//! \brief Collect the send nodes for communication in the x direction in a buffer on the gpu
+//! \details Needed to exchange all nodes, used in the communication after collision step
 extern "C" void prepareExchangeCollDataXGPU27AllNodes(Parameter *para, int level, int streamIndex);
-//! \brief collect the send nodes for communication in the x direction in a buffer on the gpu
+//! \brief Collect the send nodes for communication in the x direction in a buffer on the gpu
 //! \details Only exchange nodes which are part of the interpolation process on refined grids. This function is used in
 //! the exchange which takes place after the interpolation fine to coarse and before the interpolation coarse to fine.
-//! \ref see master thesis of Anna Wellmann
+//! See [master thesis of Anna Wellmann]
 extern "C" void prepareExchangeCollDataXGPU27AfterFtoC(Parameter *para, int level, int streamIndex);
-//! \brief exchange routine in x direction for simulations on multiple gpus
-//! \details send and receive the nodes from the communication buffers on the gpus
+//! \brief Exchange routine in x direction for simulations on multiple gpus
+//! \details Send and receive the nodes from the communication buffers on the gpus.
 //! \param Communicator is needed for the communication between the processes with mpi
 //! \param CudaMemoryManager is needed for moving the data between host and device
 //! \param streamIndex is the index of a CUDA Stream, which is needed for communication hiding
@@ -68,23 +68,24 @@ extern "C" void exchangeCollDataXGPU27(Parameter *para, vf::gpu::Communicator &c
                                        std::vector<ProcessNeighbor27> *recvProcessNeighborDev,
                                        std::vector<ProcessNeighbor27> *sendProcessNeighborHost,
                                        std::vector<ProcessNeighbor27> *recvProcessNeighborHost);
-//! \brief calls exchangeCollDataXGPU27() for exchanging all nodes
-//! \details used in the communication after collision step
+//! \brief Calls exchangeCollDataXGPU27() for exchanging all nodes
+//! \details Used in the communication after collision step
 extern "C" void exchangeCollDataXGPU27AllNodes(Parameter *para, vf::gpu::Communicator &comm,
                                                CudaMemoryManager *cudaManager, int level, int streamIndex);
-//! \brief calls exchangeCollDataXGPU27() for exchanging the nodes, which are part of the communication between the two
-//! interpolation processes on refined grids \details Only exchange nodes which are part of the interpolation process on
+//! \brief Calls exchangeCollDataXGPU27() for exchanging the nodes, which are part of the communication between the two
+//! interpolation processes on refined grids 
+//! \details Only exchange nodes which are part of the interpolation process on
 //! refined grids. This function is used in the exchange which takes place after the interpolation fine to coarse and
-//! before the interpolation coarse to fine. \ref see master thesis of Anna Wellmann
+//! before the interpolation coarse to fine. See [master thesis of Anna Wellmann]
 extern "C" void exchangeCollDataXGPU27AfterFtoC(Parameter *para, vf::gpu::Communicator &comm,
                                                 CudaMemoryManager *cudaManager, int level, int streamIndex);
-//! \brief distribute the receive nodes (x direction) from the buffer on the gpu
-//! \details needed to exchange all nodes, used in the communication after collision step
+//! \brief Distribute the receive nodes (x direction) from the buffer on the gpu
+//! \details Needed to exchange all nodes, used in the communication after collision step
 extern "C" void scatterNodesFromRecvBufferXGPU27AllNodes(Parameter *para, int level, int streamIndex);
-//! \brief distribute the receive nodes (x direction) from the buffer on the gpu
+//! \brief Distribute the receive nodes (x direction) from the buffer on the gpu
 //! \details Only exchange nodes which are part of the interpolation process on refined grids. This function is used in
 //! the exchange which takes place after the interpolation fine to coarse and before the interpolation coarse to fine.
-//! \ref see master thesis of Anna Wellmann
+//! See [master thesis of Anna Wellmann]
 extern "C" void scatterNodesFromRecvBufferXGPU27AfterFtoC(Parameter *para, int level, int streamIndex);
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/DataStructureInitializer/GridReaderGenerator/IndexRearrangementForStreams.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/DataStructureInitializer/GridReaderGenerator/IndexRearrangementForStreams.h
index f5b1ada0e475f4c8a3b214772dc290a3c1a40699..3c68ef7c57bc37b9c1f713df1052d483bee3bda1 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/DataStructureInitializer/GridReaderGenerator/IndexRearrangementForStreams.h
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/DataStructureInitializer/GridReaderGenerator/IndexRearrangementForStreams.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 //! \file IndexRearrangementForStreams.h
 //! \ingroup GPU
 //! \author Anna Wellmann
-//! \ref master thesis of Anna Wellmann
+//! \details See [master thesis of Anna Wellmann]
 #ifndef IndexRearrangementForStreams_H
 #define IndexRearrangementForStreams_H
@@ -24,24 +24,22 @@ class Communicator;
 class IndexRearrangementForStreams
-    //! \brief construct IndexRearrangementForStreams object
+    //! \brief Construct IndexRearrangementForStreams object
     IndexRearrangementForStreams(std::shared_ptr<Parameter> para, std::shared_ptr<GridBuilder> builder, vf::gpu::Communicator& communicator);
     // communication after coarse to fine
-    //! \brief initialize the arrays for the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse in x direction
+    //! \brief Initialize the arrays for the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse in x direction
     //! \details Only the nodes involved in the interpolation need to be exchanged. Therefore in this method all nodes,
     //! which are part of the interpolation as well as the communication, are identified.
-    //!
-    //! \ref see master thesis of Anna
-    //! Wellmann (p. 59-62: "Reduzieren der auszutauschenden Knoten")
+    //!See [master thesis of Anna Wellmann (p. 59-62: "Reduzieren der auszutauschenden Knoten")]
     void initCommunicationArraysForCommAfterFinetoCoarseX(const uint &level, int j, int direction);
-    //! \brief initialize the arrays for the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse in y direction
+    //! \brief Initialize the arrays for the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse in y direction
     //! \details --> see x direction
     void initCommunicationArraysForCommAfterFinetoCoarseY(const uint &level, int j, int direction);
-    //! \brief initialize the arrays for the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse in z direction
+    //! \brief Initialize the arrays for the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse in z direction
     //! \details --> see x direction
     void initCommunicationArraysForCommAfterFinetoCoarseZ(const uint &level, int j, int direction);
@@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ public:
     // split interpolation cells
-    //! \brief split the interpolation cells from coarse to fine into border an bulk
+    //! \brief Split the interpolation cells from coarse to fine into border an bulk
     //! \details For communication hiding, the interpolation cells from the coarse to the fine grid need to be split
     //! into two groups:
@@ -58,10 +56,10 @@ public:
     //! - the other cells which are not directly related to the communication between the two gpus --> "bulk"
-    //! \ref see master thesis of Anna Wellmann (p. 62-68: "Ãœberdeckung der reduzierten Kommunikation")
+    //! see [master thesis of Anna Wellmann (p. 62-68: "Ãœberdeckung der reduzierten Kommunikation")]
     void splitCoarseToFineIntoBorderAndBulk(const uint &level);
-    //! \brief split the interpolation cells from fine to coarse into border an bulk
+    //! \brief Split the interpolation cells from fine to coarse into border an bulk
     //! \details For communication hiding, the interpolation cells from the fine to the coarse grid need to be split
     //! into two groups:
@@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ public:
     //! - the other cells which are not directly related to the communication between the two gpus --> "bulk"
-    //! \ref see master thesis of Anna Wellmann (p. 62-68: "Ãœberdeckung der reduzierten Kommunikation")
+    //! See [master thesis of Anna Wellmann (p. 62-68: "Ãœberdeckung der reduzierten Kommunikation")]
     void splitFineToCoarseIntoBorderAndBulk(const uint &level);
@@ -77,7 +75,7 @@ private:
     // communication after coarse to fine
-    //! \brief inits pointers for reduced communication after interpolation fine to coarse by copying them from "normal"
+    //! \brief Initializes pointers for reduced communication after interpolation fine to coarse by copying them from "normal"
     //! communication
     void copyProcessNeighborToCommAfterFtoCX(const uint &level, int indexOfProcessNeighbor);
     void copyProcessNeighborToCommAfterFtoCY(const uint &level, int indexOfProcessNeighbor);
@@ -90,7 +88,7 @@ private:
     void reorderSendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCZ(int direction, int level, int indexOfProcessNeighbor,
                                              std::vector<uint> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions);
-    //! \brief the send indices are reordered for the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse
+    //! \brief The send indices are reordered for the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse
     //! \details The indices of nodes which are part of the interpolation are moved to the front of vector with the send
     //! indices. 
     //! \pre para->getParH(level)->intCF needs to be inititalized 
@@ -99,22 +97,22 @@ private:
     //! \param sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions stores each sendIndex's positions before reordering
     void reorderSendIndicesForCommAfterFtoC(int *sendIndices, int &numberOfSendNodesAfterFtoC, int direction,
                                             int level, std::vector<uint> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions);
-    //! \brief check if a sparse index occurs in the ICellFCC
+    //! \brief Check if a sparse index occurs in the ICellFCC
     bool isSparseIndexInICellFCC(uint sizeOfICellFCC, int sparseIndexSend, int level);
-    //! \brief aggregate all nodes in the coarse cells for the interpolation in coarse to fine
+    //! \brief Aggregate all nodes in the coarse cells for the interpolation in coarse to fine
     //! \details For the coarse cells in the interpolation from coarse to fine only one node is stored. This methods
     //! looks for the other nodes of each cell and puts them into vector. Duplicate nodes are only stored once.
     void aggregateNodesInICellCFC(int level, std::vector<uint> &nodesCFC);
-    //! \brief add index to sendIndicesAfterFtoC and sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions, but omit indices which are already in sendIndicesAfterFtoC
+    //! \brief Add index to sendIndicesAfterFtoC and sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions, but omit indices which are already in sendIndicesAfterFtoC
     void addUniqueIndexToCommunicationVectors(std::vector<int> &sendIndicesAfterFtoC, int &sparseIndexSend,
                                               std::vector<unsigned int> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions,
                                               uint &posInSendIndices) const;
-    //! \brief find if a sparse index is a send index. If true, call addUniqueIndexToCommunicationVectors()
+    //! \brief Find if a sparse index is a send index. If true, call addUniqueIndexToCommunicationVectors()
     findIfSparseIndexIsInSendIndicesAndAddToCommVectors(int sparseIndex, int *sendIndices, uint numberOfSendIndices,
                                                         std::vector<int> &sendIndicesAfterFtoC,
                                                         std::vector<uint> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions) const;
-    //! \brief find all indices which are not part of the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse
+    //! \brief Find all indices which are not part of the communication after the interpolation from fine to coarse
     void findIndicesNotInCommAfterFtoC(const uint &numberOfSendOrRecvIndices, int *sendOrReceiveIndices,
                                        std::vector<int> &sendOrReceiveIndicesAfterFtoC,
                                        std::vector<int> &sendOrIndicesOther);
@@ -126,7 +124,7 @@ private:
     void reorderRecvIndicesForCommAfterFtoCZ(int direction, int level, int indexOfProcessNeighbor,
                                              std::vector<uint> &sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions);
-    //! \brief reorder the receive indices in the same way that the send indices were reordered.
+    //! \brief Reorder the receive indices in the same way that the send indices were reordered.
     //! \details When the send indices are reordered, the receive indices need to be reordered accordingly.
     //! \pre sendIndicesForCommAfterFtoCPositions should not be empty
     //! \param recvIndices is the pointer to the vector with the receive indices, which will be reordered in this function