diff --git a/apps/cpu/VirtualFluids.h b/apps/cpu/VirtualFluids.h
index 9d667ae25532b111bed78393f5bcfdc67bae4645..c6f3a2a6cb55dba435502c34cdeb01a0f0ec37b9 100644
--- a/apps/cpu/VirtualFluids.h
+++ b/apps/cpu/VirtualFluids.h
@@ -33,22 +33,13 @@
 #include <basics/container/CbArray4D.h>
 #include <basics/container/CbVector.h>
 #include <basics/container/CbVectorPool.h>
-#include <basics/memory/MbMemPool.h>
-#include <basics/memory/MbSharedPointerDefines.h>
 #include <basics/memory/MbSmartPtr.h>
 #include <basics/memory/MbSmartPtrBase.h>
-#include <basics/objects/ObCreator.h>
-#include <basics/objects/ObFactory.h>
 #include <basics/objects/ObObject.h>
-#include <basics/objects/ObObjectCreator.h>
-#include <basics/objects/ObObjectFactory.h>
-#include <basics/objects/ObObjectManager.h>
 #include <basics/transmitter/TbTransmitter.h>
 #include <basics/transmitter/TbTransmitterLocal.h>
 #include <basics/transmitter/TbTransmitterMpiPool.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbAutoRun.hpp>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbComparators.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbConverter.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbEqual.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbException.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbFileInput.h>
@@ -65,14 +56,10 @@
 #include <basics/utilities/UbNupsTimer.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbObservable.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbObserver.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbPointerWrapper.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbRandom.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbScheduler.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbStaticPathMap.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbString.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbStringInputASCII.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbSystem.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbTableModel.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbTiming.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbTuple.h>
 #include <basics/writer/WbWriter.h>
diff --git a/src/basics/CMakeLists.txt b/src/basics/CMakeLists.txt
index e10456fbeb7274fd898839e9c26fdd1130f2d42e..7b2023b80dee73ed399cdd17a493a3fba05eaec2 100644
--- a/src/basics/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/basics/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,52 +1,18 @@
-include (${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/VirtualFluidsMacros.cmake)
-vf_add_library(BUILDTYPE static
-               FOLDER
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/geometry3d
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/geometry3d/KdTree
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/basics/container
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/basics/memory
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/basics/objects
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/basics/transmiitter
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/basics/utilities
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/basics/writer
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Core/Logger
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Core/Logger/implementations
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Core/Input
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Core/Input/ConfigData
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Core/Input/ConfigFileReader
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Core/Input/ConfigInput
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Core/Input/JsonInput
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Core/StringUtilities
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Core/Timer
-        EXCLUDE buildInfo.in.cpp
-        )
+vf_add_library(BUILDTYPE static EXCLUDE buildInfo.in.cpp)
 vf_get_library_name (library_name)
 target_include_directories(${library_name} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Core)
-target_include_directories(${library_name} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
+target_include_directories(${library_name} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/geometry3d)
+target_include_directories(${library_name} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/geometry3d/KdTree)
+target_include_directories(${library_name} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/basics/container)
+target_include_directories(${library_name} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/basics/memory)
+target_include_directories(${library_name} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/basics/objects)
+target_include_directories(${library_name} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/basics/transmitter)
+target_include_directories(${library_name} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/utilities)
+target_include_directories(${library_name} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/basics/writer)
     target_compile_definitions(${library_name} PUBLIC NOMINMAX) # Disable Min/Max-Macros
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/container/examples/CbVectorPool/CMakeLists.txt b/src/basics/basics/container/examples/CbVectorPool/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a5113c6e77b669fb9a1eb824915569841927f806..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/container/examples/CbVectorPool/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
-###   PACKAGES                                               ###
-###   OWN DEFINES 						###
-FILE(GLOB SPECIFIC_FILES ${SOURCE_ROOT}/basics/container/examples/CbVectorPool/*.h
-                         ${SOURCE_ROOT}/basics/container/examples/CbVectorPool/*.cpp ) 
-###  PROJECT ERSTELLEN                                        ###
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/container/examples/CbVectorPool/functions.h b/src/basics/basics/container/examples/CbVectorPool/functions.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c9a49cdf53b8c0bb8c5885e5004968ed9e031e14..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/container/examples/CbVectorPool/functions.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbTuple.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbException.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbSystem.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbFileOutputASCII.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbTiming.h>
-#include <basics/memory/MbSmartPtr.h>
-#include <basics/container/CbVector.h>
-#include <basics/container/CbVectorPool.h>
-using std::cout;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-using std::vector;
-typedef long double value_type;
-typedef MbSmartPtr<CbVector< value_type > > CbVectorPtr;
-typedef MbSmartPtr<vector< value_type > >   StlVectorPtr;
-template<typename T>
-inline void setValues(vector<T>& stlvec, CbVector<T>& cbvec, CbVector<T>& cbpoolvec)
-   if(stlvec.size() != cbvec.size() || stlvec.size() != cbpoolvec.size() )
-   {
-      cerr<<"sizes:"<<endl;
-      cerr<<"stlvec... = "<<(int)stlvec.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbvec.... = "<<(int)cbvec.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbpoolvec = "<<(int)cbpoolvec.size()<<endl;
-      throw UB_THROW( UbException("setValues - sizeCheck failed") );
-   }
-   static value_type stlVal    = 1;
-   static value_type cbVal     = 1;
-   static value_type cbPoolVal = 1;
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++) stlvec[i]    = stlVal   ++;
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++) cbvec[i]     = cbVal    ++;
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++) cbpoolvec[i] = cbPoolVal++;
-template<typename T>
-inline void setValues(vector< StlVectorPtr >& stlvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbpoolvecs)
-   if(stlvecs.size() != cbvecs.size() || stlvecs.size() != cbpoolvecs.size() )
-   {
-      cerr<<"sizes:"<<endl;
-      cerr<<"stlvec... = "<<(int)stlvecs.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbvec.... = "<<(int)cbvecs.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbpoolvec = "<<(int)cbpoolvecs.size()<<endl;
-      throw UB_THROW( UbException("setValues glob - sizeCheck failed") );
-   }
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++)
-      setValues(*stlvecs[i],*cbvecs[i],*cbpoolvecs[i]);
-template<typename T>
-inline void resize(vector<T>& stlvec, CbVector<T>& cbvec, CbVector<T>& cbpoolvec, std::size_t size, const T& val)
-   stlvec.resize(size,val);
-   cbvec.resize(size,val);
-   cbpoolvec.resize(size,val);
-template<typename T>
-inline void resize(vector< StlVectorPtr >& stlvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbpoolvecs, std::size_t size, const value_type& val, bool timed=false)
-   if(stlvecs.size() != cbvecs.size() || stlvecs.size() != cbpoolvecs.size() )
-   {
-      cerr<<"sizes:"<<endl;
-      cerr<<"stlvec... = "<<(int)stlvecs.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbvec.... = "<<(int)cbvecs.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbpoolvec = "<<(int)cbpoolvecs.size()<<endl;
-      throw UB_THROW( UbException("resize glob - sizeCheck failed") );
-   }
-   if(timed)
-   {
-      UbTimer timer;
-      timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++) stlvecs[i]->resize(size,val);    if(timed) cout<<"stl-resize    in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-      timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++) cbvecs[i]->resize(size,val);     if(timed) cout<<"cbStd-resize  in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-      timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++) cbpoolvecs[i]->resize(size,val); if(timed) cout<<"cbPool-resize in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++)
-         resize(*stlvecs[i],*cbvecs[i],*cbpoolvecs[i],size,val);
-   }
-inline void createVecs(size_t number, int size,vector< StlVectorPtr >& stlvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbpoolvecs, CbVectorPool<value_type>*& pool, bool timed=false)
-   UbTimer timer;
-   timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<number; i++) stlvecs.push_back(StlVectorPtr(new vector<value_type>(size)));                                                  if(timed) cout<<"stl-createVecs    in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<number; i++) cbvecs.push_back(CbVectorPtr(new CbVector<value_type>(size)));                                                  if(timed) cout<<"cbStd-createVecs  in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<number; i++) cbpoolvecs.push_back(CbVectorPtr(new CbVector<value_type>(size,new CbVectorAllocatorPool<value_type>(pool))));  if(timed) cout<<"cbPool-createVecs in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++) setValues(*stlvecs.back(),*cbvecs.back(),*cbpoolvecs.back());
-inline void createVecs(size_t number, size_t size, const value_type& val,vector< StlVectorPtr >& stlvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbpoolvecs, CbVectorPool<value_type>*& pool, bool timed=false)
-   UbTimer timer;
-   timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<number; i++) stlvecs.push_back(StlVectorPtr(new vector<value_type>(size,val)));                                                  if(timed) cout<<"stl-createVecs    in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<number; i++) cbvecs.push_back(CbVectorPtr(new CbVector<value_type>(size,new CbVectorAllocatorStd<value_type>(),val)));           if(timed) cout<<"cbStd-createVecs  in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<number; i++) cbpoolvecs.push_back(CbVectorPtr(new CbVector<value_type>(size,new CbVectorAllocatorPool<value_type>(pool),val)));  if(timed) cout<<"cbPool-createVecs in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-template<typename T>
-inline void equalCheck(vector<T>& stlvec, CbVector<T>& cbvec, CbVector<T>& cbpoolvec)
-   if(stlvec.size() != cbvec.size() || stlvec.size() != cbpoolvec.size() )
-   {
-      cerr<<"sizes:"<<endl;
-      cerr<<"stlvec... = "<<(int)stlvec.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbvec.... = "<<(int)cbvec.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbpoolvec = "<<(int)cbpoolvec.size()<<endl;
-      throw UB_THROW( UbException("equalCheck - sizeCheck failed") );
-   }
-   bool check=true;
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++)
-      if(stlvec[i] != cbvec[i] || stlvec[i] != cbpoolvec[i]  )
-         check=false;
-   if(!check)
-   {
-      cerr<<"\nstl - "; for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++) cout<<stlvec[i]<<" ";    cout<<endl;
-      cerr<<  "cbv - "; for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++) cout<<cbvec[i]<<" ";     cout<<endl;
-      cerr<<  "cbp - "; for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++) cout<<cbpoolvec[i]<<" "; cout<<endl;
-      throw UB_THROW( UbException("equalCheck - equalCheck failed") );
-   }
-template<typename T>
-void equalCheck(vector< StlVectorPtr >& stlvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbpoolvecs)
-   if(stlvecs.size() != cbvecs.size() || stlvecs.size() != cbpoolvecs.size() )
-   {
-      cerr<<"sizes:"<<endl;
-      cerr<<"stlvec... = "<<(int)stlvecs.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbvec.... = "<<(int)cbvecs.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbpoolvec = "<<(int)cbpoolvecs.size()<<endl;
-      throw UB_THROW( UbException("equalCheck - sizeCheck failed") );
-   }
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++)
-   {
-      //cout<<"equalCheck i="<<i<<"/"<<cbvecs.size()-1;
-      equalCheck(*stlvecs[i],*cbvecs[i],*cbpoolvecs[i]);
-      //cout<<" passed"<<endl;
-   }
-void accessCheck(int times,vector< StlVectorPtr >& stlvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbpoolvecs)
-   UbTimer timer;
-   timer.start();
-   for(size_t i=0; i<stlvecs.size(); i++)
-   {
-      vector<value_type>& vec = *stlvecs[i];
-      for(int m=0; m<times; m++)
-         for(vector<value_type>::size_type k=0; k<vec.size(); k++) vec[k] = k;
-   }
-   cout<<"stl-accessCheck       in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   timer.start();
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++)
-   {
-      CbVector<value_type>& vec = *cbvecs[i];
-      for(int m=0; m<times; m++)
-         for(vector<value_type>::size_type k=0; k<vec.size(); k++) vec[k] = k;
-   }
-   cout<<"cbStd-accessCheck     in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   timer.start();
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbpoolvecs.size(); i++)
-   {
-      CbVector<value_type>& vec = *cbpoolvecs[i];
-      for(int m=0; m<times; m++)
-         for(vector<value_type>::size_type k=0; k<vec.size(); k++) vec[k] = k;
-   }
-   cout<<"cbPool-accessCheck    in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/container/examples/CbVectorPool/main.cpp b/src/basics/basics/container/examples/CbVectorPool/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ede778c94479a4c8f4aead8a1db707793333aa72..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/container/examples/CbVectorPool/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-#include "./functions.h"
-using namespace std;
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
-   try
-   {
-       {
-         CbVectorPool<float>* floatPool = new CbVectorPool<float>(0);
-         CbVector<float> v1,v2,v3;
-         CbVector<float> v0(new CbVectorAllocatorPool<float>(104,floatPool) );
-         v0.resize(20);
-         v0[3] = 60000;
-         v0.resize(40);
-         v0[3] = 90000;
-         v1.setAllocator( new CbVectorAllocatorPool<float>(100,floatPool) );
-         v2.setAllocator( new CbVectorAllocatorPool<float>(101,floatPool) );
-         v3.setAllocator( new CbVectorAllocatorPool<float>(102,floatPool) );
-         v1.resize(20, 0.0);
-         v1.resize(30, 0.0);
-         v2.resize(0);
-         v2.resize(40, 0.0);
-         v3.resize(30, 0.0);
-         v3.resize(50, 0.0);
-         for(CbVector<float>::size_type i=v1.size()-1; i>=15; i--)
-            v1[i] = (CbVector<float>::value_type)i;
-         for(CbVector<float>::size_type i=v2.size()-1; i>=35; i--)
-            v2[i] = (CbVector<float>::value_type)i;
-         for(CbVector<float>::size_type i=v3.size()-1; i>=10; i--)
-            v3[i] = (CbVector<float>::value_type)i;
-         v1.size(); 
-         v2.size();
-         v3.size();
-         for(CbVector<float>::size_type i=0; i<v1.size(); i++)  v1[i];
-         v1.size();
-         v2.size();
-         v3.size();
-         for(CbVector<float>::size_type i=0; i<v2.size(); i++) v2[i];
-         v1.size();
-         v2.size();
-         v3.size();
-         for(CbVector<float>::size_type i=0; i<v3.size(); i++) v3[i];
-      }
-     CbVectorPool<value_type>* vectorPool = new CbVectorPool<value_type>(0);
-     vector< StlVectorPtr > stlVecs;
-     vector< CbVectorPtr >  cbVecs;
-     vector< CbVectorPtr >  cbPoolVecs;
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     createVecs(10,12,0,stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,vectorPool);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     resize(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,0,2);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     resize(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,3,3);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     setValues(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     createVecs(8,5,stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,vectorPool);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     resize(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,20,7);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     setValues(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     resize(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,20,3);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     setValues(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     resize(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,0,7);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     setValues(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     resize(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,20,3);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     setValues(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     createVecs(4,3,stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,vectorPool);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     resize(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,20,3);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     setValues(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     resize(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,0,7);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     setValues(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     resize(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,20,3);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     //dealloc check
-     stlVecs.resize(5);
-     cbVecs.resize(5);
-     cbPoolVecs.resize(5);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     createVecs(4,3,stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,vectorPool);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     setValues(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     createVecs(4,3,stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,vectorPool);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     //operator= check
-     CbVector<value_type> testPool1(10, new CbVectorAllocatorPool<value_type>(vectorPool));
-     CbVector<value_type> testPool2(1 , new CbVectorAllocatorPool<value_type>(vectorPool));
-     CbVector<value_type> testPool3(8 , new CbVectorAllocatorPool<value_type>(vectorPool));
-     CbVector<value_type> testPool4(8 , new CbVectorAllocatorPool<value_type>(vectorPool));
-     CbVector<value_type> testStd1(10);
-     for(CbVector<value_type>::size_type i=0; i<testStd1.size(); i++ )
-        testStd1[i] = (value_type)i*10;
-     testPool1 = testStd1;
-     testPool4 = testStd1;
-     testPool3 = testPool4;
-     testPool2 = testPool3;
-     for(CbVector<value_type>::size_type i=0; i<testStd1.size(); i++ )
-        cout<<testStd1[i]<<" "; cout<<endl;
-     for(CbVector<value_type>::size_type i=0; i<testPool1.size(); i++ )
-        cout<<testPool1[i]<<" "; cout<<endl;
-     for(CbVector<value_type>::size_type i=0; i<testPool2.size(); i++ )
-        cout<<testPool2[i]<<" "; cout<<endl;
-     for(CbVector<value_type>::size_type i=0; i<testPool3.size(); i++ )
-        cout<<testPool3[i]<<" "; cout<<endl;
-     for(CbVector<value_type>::size_type i=0; i<testPool4.size(); i++ )
-        cout<<testPool4[i]<<" "; cout<<endl;
-    ///end
-     cout<<"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"<<endl;
-     cout<<"// access test - start"<<endl;
-     cout<<"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"<<endl;
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     createVecs(1000,1000,stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,vectorPool,true);
-     CbVectorPool<value_type>* pool2 = new CbVectorPool<value_type>(1);
-     vector< StlVectorPtr > stlVecs2;
-     vector< CbVectorPtr >  cbVecs2;
-     vector< CbVectorPtr >  cbPoolVecs2;
-     createVecs(1000,1000,stlVecs2,cbVecs2,cbPoolVecs2,pool2,true);
-     cout<<"access check\n";
-     //accessCheck(1000,stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     setValues(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"check"<<__LINE__<<endl;
-     resize(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,120,3,true);
-     equalCheck(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs);
-     cout<<"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"<<endl;
-     cout<<"// access test - end"<<endl;
-     cout<<"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"<<endl;
-     cout<<"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"<<endl;
-     cout<<"// EXCEPTION TEST - start"<<endl;
-     cout<<"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"<<endl;
-     delete vectorPool;
-     vectorPool = NULL;
-     try
-     {
-        resize(stlVecs,cbVecs,cbPoolVecs,20,3);
-     }
-     catch(UbException& e)
-     {
-        cout<<"if exception tells something about \"vectorPool==NULL\" -> test successfully passed:"<<endl;
-        cout<<e<<endl;
-     }
-     cout<<"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"<<endl;
-     cout<<"// EXCEPTION TEST - end"<<endl;
-     cout<<"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"<<endl;
-     cout<<"\n\n\nALL TESTS PASSED\n";
-   }
-   catch(UbException& e)
-   {
-      std::cerr<<e<<std::endl;
-   }
-   catch(const std::exception &e)
-   {
-      std::cerr << "Caught exception:\n";
-      std::cerr << "Type: " << typeid(e).name() << "\n";
-      std::cerr << "What: " << e.what() << "\n";
-   }
-   catch(...)
-   {
-      std::cerr<<" **            Verdammte Scheisse - mal wieder Mist gebaut!                **"<<endl;
-   }
-    return 0;
-// #include <functional>
-// #include <iostream>
-// #include <vector>
-// #include <algorithm>
-// #include <typeinfo>
-// struct bar
-// {
-//    bar()
-//       : data(0)
-//    {}
-//    void foo(const std::size_t value) { std::cout << "data = " << value << " (old: " << data << ");" << std::endl; data = value; }
-// private:
-//    std::size_t data;
-// };
-// int main()
-// {
-//    std::vector<bar> data(10);
-//    /* operator[] => Indexoperator */
-//    for (std::size_t i(0); i < data.size(); ++i)
-//       data[i].foo(2);
-//    /* begin(), end() => Iterator */
-//    const std::vector<bar>::iterator it_end(data.end());
-//    for (std::vector<bar>::iterator it(data.begin()); it != it_end; ++it)
-//       it->foo(3);
-//    /* for_each => Algorithm | Iterator */
-//    std::for_each(data.begin(), data.end(), std::bind2nd(std::mem_fun_ref(&bar::foo), 2));
-// }
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/memory/MbChessMemPool2D.h b/src/basics/basics/memory/MbChessMemPool2D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ae46d2a52a8271bda3534fa26eaf477d05967a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/memory/MbChessMemPool2D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <typeinfo>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbException.h>
-template <class TData, std::size_t cachSize>
-class MbChessMemPool2D;
-//class MbChessMap2DKey
-//key zum Auffinden der ChessMem2DBlocks
-class MbChessMap2DKey
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //Konstruktoren
-   MbChessMap2DKey(): mVectorPos(0),mFirstCriteria(0),mSecondCriteria(0)
-   {
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   MbChessMap2DKey(std::size_t vectorPos, std::size_t firstCriteria, std::size_t secondCriteria)
-      : mVectorPos(vectorPos), mFirstCriteria(firstCriteria), mSecondCriteria(secondCriteria)
-   {
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   MbChessMap2DKey& operator=(const MbChessMap2DKey& srcKey)
-   {
-      if(this == &srcKey ) return *this;
-      mVectorPos      = srcKey.mVectorPos;
-      mFirstCriteria  = srcKey.mFirstCriteria;
-      mSecondCriteria = srcKey.mSecondCriteria;
-      return *this;
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //global ueberladene Operatoren
-   friend inline bool operator<(const MbChessMap2DKey& lhsKey,const MbChessMap2DKey& rhsKey)
-   {
-      if(lhsKey.mFirstCriteria  < rhsKey.mFirstCriteria ) return true;
-      if(lhsKey.mFirstCriteria  > rhsKey.mFirstCriteria ) return false;
-      if(lhsKey.mSecondCriteria < rhsKey.mSecondCriteria) return true;
-      return false;
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   friend inline bool operator==(const MbChessMap2DKey& lhsKey,const MbChessMap2DKey& rhsKey)
-   {
-      if(lhsKey.mVectorPos      != rhsKey.mVectorPos      ) return false;
-      if(lhsKey.mFirstCriteria  != rhsKey.mFirstCriteria  ) return false;
-      if(lhsKey.mSecondCriteria != rhsKey.mSecondCriteria ) return false;
-      return true;
-   }
-   //ueberladene Operatoren
-   friend inline bool operator!=(const MbChessMap2DKey& lhsKey,const MbChessMap2DKey& rhsKey)
-   {
-      return !(lhsKey==rhsKey);
-   }
-   //ueberladene Operatoren
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   friend inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const MbChessMap2DKey& key)
-   {
-      os<<"VectorPos,first-,second-,third Criteria) (";
-      os<<key.mVectorPos<<","<<key.mFirstCriteria<<","<<key.mSecondCriteria<<")";
-      return os;
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //public Methoden
-   std::size_t getVectorPos() {return mVectorPos;}
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //private Member
-   std::size_t mVectorPos;
-   std::size_t mFirstCriteria;
-   std::size_t mSecondCriteria;
-template<class T,std::size_t cachSize>
-class MbChessMem2DBlock
-   friend class MbChessMemPool2D<T,cachSize>;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //Konstruktoren
-   MbChessMem2DBlock()
-   {
-      mUsedElements = 0;
-      std::size_t arrayLength = mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth;
-      //mDataElements = new T[arrayLength];
-      mDataElements = operator new(arrayLength*sizeof(T));
-      mFlagVector   = new bool[arrayLength];
-      for(std::size_t i=0;i<arrayLength;i++) mFlagVector[i] = false;
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //Destruktor
-   ~MbChessMem2DBlock()
-   {
-      //if(mDataElements) delete[] mDataElements;
-      if(mDataElements) operator delete(mDataElements);
-      if(mFlagVector)   delete[] mFlagVector;
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //private Methoden
-   void* getReference(std::size_t chessX1, std::size_t chessX2)
-   {
-      std::size_t arrayIndex = chessX2*mBlockWidth + chessX1;
-      #ifdef _DEBUG
-         if(arrayIndex>=mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"index out of range") );
-      #endif
-      if(mFlagVector[arrayIndex]==true) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"memory already allocated!") );
-      mUsedElements++;
-      mFlagVector[arrayIndex]=true;
-      return (void*)((T*)(mDataElements)+arrayIndex);//&(mDataElements[arrayIndex]);
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   std::size_t freeReference(void* p)
-   {
-      //std::size_t arrayIndex = static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<T*>(p) - mDataElements); //mDataElements = &mDataElements[0]
-      std::size_t arrayIndex = static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<T*>(p) - static_cast<T*>(mDataElements));
-      #ifdef _DEBUG
-         if(arrayIndex>=mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"index out of range") );
-      #endif
-      if(mFlagVector[arrayIndex]==false) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"memory not allocated!") );
-      mFlagVector[arrayIndex]=false;
-      return --mUsedElements;
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   std::size_t getNofUsedElements()   { return mUsedElements; }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   void addPointerToTElementsToVector(std::vector<T*>& tdataVector)
-   {
-      std::size_t arrayLength = mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth;
-      for(std::size_t arrayIndex=0;arrayIndex<arrayLength;arrayIndex++)
-      {
-         //if(mFlagVector[arrayIndex]) tdataVector.push_back(&mDataElements[arrayIndex]);
-         if(mFlagVector[arrayIndex]) tdataVector.push_back(static_cast<T*>(mDataElements)+arrayIndex);
-      }
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   template<typename Pred>
-   void addPointerToTElementsToVector(std::vector<T*>& tdataVector, Pred& pred)
-   {
-      std::size_t arrayLength = mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth;
-      T* tmp;
-      for(std::size_t arrayIndex=0;arrayIndex<arrayLength;arrayIndex++)
-      {
-         if(mFlagVector[arrayIndex])
-         {
-            //tmp = &mDataElements[arrayIndex];
-            tmp = (static_cast<T*>(mDataElements))+arrayIndex;
-            if( pred(*tmp) ) tdataVector.push_back(tmp);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //static Member
-   static const std::size_t   mBlockWidth;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //private Member
-   std::size_t   mUsedElements;
-   //T*    mDataElements;
-   void* mDataElements;
-   bool* mFlagVector;
-//class MbChessMemPool2D
-//zum Verwalten von TData Elementen in einer Schabrett-artigen Struktur
-//die ChessMemBloecke haben hier eine Groesse von ~cachSize
-template <class TData, std::size_t cachSize>
-class MbChessMemPool2D
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //protected static const Member
-   const static std::size_t mCacheSize;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //protected Member
-   static std::vector< std::map< MbChessMap2DKey , MbChessMem2DBlock< TData,cachSize >* > > mMapVector;
-   static std::map< void*, MbChessMap2DKey > mPointerKeyMap;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //protected Konstrukoren
-   MbChessMemPool2D() //protected, um max einmal vererbt werden zu koennen!!!
-   {              //zudem kann man so keine elmente von TreeBasedMemPool erstellen
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //Destruktor
-    ~MbChessMemPool2D()
-   {
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //static public Methoden
-   static void* getReference(std::size_t level, std::size_t ix1, std::size_t ix2)
-   {
-      if(!MbChessMem2DBlock< TData,cachSize >::mBlockWidth)
-      {
-         std::stringstream ss;
-         ss<<"TreeBasedMemPool() - InitialisationError\n";
-         ss<<"\t size of StorageData ("<<typeid(TData).name()<<", "<<sizeof(TData)<<" byte)\n";
-         ss<<"\t exceeds user-specifyed cache-zize ("<<mCacheSize<<" byte)\n";
-         ss<<"\t cache-size has to be larger than data-size";
-         UB_THROW( UbException(ss.str()) );
-      }
-      if( mMapVector.size()<=level ) mMapVector.resize(level+1);
-      std::size_t chessX1 = ix1/(MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth);
-      std::size_t chessX2 = ix2/(MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth);
-      MbChessMap2DKey mapKey(level,chessX1,chessX2);
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap2DKey,MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator pos = mMapVector[level].find(mapKey);
-      MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>* memBlock = NULL;
-      if(pos==mMapVector[level].end())
-      {
-         memBlock = new MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>;
-         (mMapVector[level])[mapKey] = memBlock;
-      }
-      else memBlock = pos->second;
-      std::size_t internalChessX1 = ix1%(MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth);
-      std::size_t internalChessX2 = ix2%(MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth);
-      void* p = memBlock->getReference(internalChessX1,internalChessX2);
-      mPointerKeyMap[p]=mapKey;
-      return p;
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static void freeReference(void *p)
-   {
-      typename std::map<void*,MbChessMap2DKey>::iterator posPointerKeyMap = mPointerKeyMap.find(p);
-      if(posPointerKeyMap==mPointerKeyMap.end()) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"pointer not in map") );
-      MbChessMap2DKey mapKey = posPointerKeyMap->second;
-      mPointerKeyMap.erase(posPointerKeyMap);
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap2DKey,MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator posMemBlockMap;
-      posMemBlockMap = mMapVector[mapKey.getVectorPos()].find(mapKey);
-      if(posMemBlockMap == mMapVector[mapKey.getVectorPos()].end())
-         UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"mapKey not in ChessMem2DBlockMap") );
-      std::size_t leftElements = posMemBlockMap->second->freeReference(p);
-      if(!leftElements)
-      {
-         MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>* tmp = posMemBlockMap->second;
-         mMapVector[mapKey.getVectorPos()].erase(posMemBlockMap);
-         delete tmp;
-      }
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static void fillVectorWithPointerToTDataElements(std::size_t level,std::vector<TData*>& tdataVector)
-   {
-      tdataVector.clear();
-      if(level>=mMapVector.size()) return;
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap2DKey,MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator pos;
-      for(pos=mMapVector[level].begin();pos!=mMapVector[level].end();++pos)
-      {
-         pos->second->addPointerToTElementsToVector(tdataVector);
-      }
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static void fillVectorWithPointerToTDataElements(std::vector<TData*>& tdataVector)
-   {
-      tdataVector.clear();
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap2DKey,MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator pos;
-      for(std::size_t vecIndex=0; vecIndex<mMapVector.size(); vecIndex++ )
-      {
-         for(pos=mMapVector[vecIndex].begin();pos!=mMapVector[vecIndex].end();++pos)
-         {
-            pos->second->addPointerToTElementsToVector(tdataVector);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   template<typename Pred>
-   static void fillVectorWithPointerToTDataElements(std::size_t level,std::vector<TData*>& tdataVector, Pred pred)
-   {
-      tdataVector.clear();
-      if(level>=mMapVector.size()) return;
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap2DKey,MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator pos;
-      for(pos=mMapVector[level].begin();pos!=mMapVector[level].end();++pos)
-      {
-         pos->second->addPointerToTElementsToVector(tdataVector,pred);
-      }
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   template<typename Pred>
-   static void fillVectorWithPointerToTDataElements(std::vector<TData*>& tdataVector, Pred pred)
-   {
-      tdataVector.clear();
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap2DKey,MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator pos;
-      for(std::size_t vecIndex=0; vecIndex<mMapVector.size(); vecIndex++ )
-      {
-         for(pos=mMapVector[vecIndex].begin();pos!=mMapVector[vecIndex].end();++pos)
-         {
-            pos->second->addPointerToTElementsToVector(tdataVector,pred);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static std::size_t getNumberOfChessMemoryBlocks()
-   {
-      std::size_t nofElements = 0;
-      for(std::size_t i=0; i<mMapVector.size(); i++)
-      {
-         nofElements+=mMapVector[i].size();
-      }
-      return nofElements;
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static std::size_t getNumberOfChessMemoryBlocks(std::size_t level)
-   {
-      if(level<mMapVector.size() )return mMapVector[level].size();
-      return 0;
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static std::size_t getNumberOfStoredDataElements()
-   {
-      return mPointerKeyMap.size();
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static std::size_t getNumberOfStoredDataElements(std::size_t level)
-   {
-      if(level<mMapVector.size() )
-      {
-         std::size_t nofElements = 0;
-         typename std::map< MbChessMap2DKey , MbChessMem2DBlock< TData,cachSize >* >::iterator pos;
-         for(pos=mMapVector[level].begin(); pos!=mMapVector[level].end(); ++pos)
-         {
-            nofElements += pos->second->getNofUsedElements();
-         }
-         return nofElements;
-      }
-      return 0;
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static std::string toString()
-   {
-      long double capaticityPerBlock   = (std::size_t)pow((double)MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth,2.0);
-      std::size_t storedElements       = MbChessMemPool2D<TData,cachSize>::getNumberOfStoredDataElements();
-      std::size_t initialisedMemBlocks = MbChessMemPool2D<TData,cachSize>::getNumberOfChessMemoryBlocks();
-      std::stringstream ss;
-      ss<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"****************** MbChessMemPool2D-Info (BEGIN) ******************"<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"type of Storage-Data.................. : "<<typeid(TData).name()<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"size of Storage-Data........... [bytes]: "<<sizeof(TData)<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"specified cache-size........... [bytes]: "<<mCacheSize<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"#elements per MbChessMem2DBlock [bytes]: "<<capaticityPerBlock<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"mem per MbChessMem2DBlock...... [bytes]: "<<capaticityPerBlock*sizeof(TData)<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"used cache-size[%]............. [bytes]: "<<capaticityPerBlock*sizeof(TData)/(double)mCacheSize*100<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"\n";
-      ss<<"#stored Elements  = "<<storedElements<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"#ChessMem2DBlocks = "<<initialisedMemBlocks<<std::endl;
-      ss<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"level | #ChessMem2DBlocks | #stored Elements | used capaticity [%] \n";
-      ss<<"----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
-      for(std::size_t level=0;level<mMapVector.size();level++)
-      {
-         std::size_t nofStoredElements = MbChessMemPool2D<TData,cachSize>::getNumberOfStoredDataElements(level);
-         std::size_t nofChessMem2DBlocks = MbChessMemPool2D<TData,cachSize>::getNumberOfChessMemoryBlocks(level);
-         ss<<std::left<<" "<<std::setw(5)<<level<<"| "
-            <<std::setw(16)<<nofChessMem2DBlocks<<"| "
-            <<std::setw(17)<<nofStoredElements<<"| ";
-         if(nofStoredElements)
-            ss<<setw(15)<<nofStoredElements/(double)(capaticityPerBlock*nofChessMem2DBlocks)*100<<std::endl;
-         else ss<<"-"<<std::endl;
-      }
-      ss<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"called memory..... [bytes]: "<<storedElements*sizeof(TData)<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"initialised memory [bytes]: "<<initialisedMemBlocks*capaticityPerBlock*sizeof(TData)<<std::endl;
-      double denominator = (double)(initialisedMemBlocks*capaticityPerBlock*sizeof(TData));
-      if(fabs(denominator)>1.E-13) ss<<"used.............. [%]    : "<<100.*storedElements*sizeof(TData)/denominator<<std::endl;
-      else                         ss<<"used.............. [%]    : 0.0"<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"****************** MbChessMemPool2D-Info (END)  *******************"<<std::endl;
-      return ss.str();
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static void writeStatisticFiles(const std::string& filename)
-   {
-      //liefert Statistik ueber aufuellung der einzelnen bloecke (gesamt und pro level)
-      //x-Achse: 0... max moegliche Anzahl von moeglichen Elementen pro MemBlock
-      //y-Achse: Anzahl an Bloecken, die die Anzahl an Elementen beinhalten
-      std::ofstream spreadingFile(((std::string)(filename+"_spreading.txt")).c_str());
-      if(!spreadingFile) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"couldn't open file") );
-      std::size_t initialisedMemBlocks       =   MbChessMemPool2D<TData,cachSize>::getNumberOfChessMemoryBlocks();
-      std::size_t maxNofDataElementsPerBlock =   MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth
-                                               * MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth
-                                               * MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth;
-      std::vector<std::size_t> spreading;
-      spreading.resize(maxNofDataElementsPerBlock+1,0);
-      std::vector< std::vector<std::size_t> > spreadingPerLevel;
-      spreadingPerLevel.resize(mMapVector.size());
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap2DKey,MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator pos;
-      for(std::size_t level=0; level<mMapVector.size(); level++ )
-      {
-         spreadingPerLevel[level].resize(maxNofDataElementsPerBlock+1,0);
-         for(pos=mMapVector[level].begin();pos!=mMapVector[level].end();++pos)
-         {
-            std::size_t number = pos->second->getNofUsedElements();
-            spreading[number]++;
-            spreadingPerLevel[level][number]++;
-         }
-      }
-      spreadingFile<<"#BlockUsage nofBlocks(all Level) ";
-      for(std::size_t level=0; level<mMapVector.size(); level++ )
-         spreadingFile<<"nofBlockLevel"<<level<<" ";
-      spreadingFile<<std::endl;
-      for(std::size_t i=0; i<spreading.size(); i++)
-      {
-         spreadingFile<<i<<" "<<spreading[i];
-         for(std::size_t level=0; level<mMapVector.size(); level++ )
-            spreadingFile<<" "<<spreadingPerLevel[level][i];
-         spreadingFile<<std::endl;
-      }
-      spreadingFile.flush();
-      spreadingFile.close();
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //ueberladene operatoren
-   void* operator new(size_t size, std::size_t level, std::size_t ix1, std::size_t ix2)
-   {
-      if(level<0) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"level ist negativ!") );
-      void *p = getReference(level,ix1,ix2);
-      return p;
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   void operator delete(void* p, std::size_t level, std::size_t ix1, std::size_t ix2)
-   {
-      //ACHTUNG: wenn man hier ne Exception schmeisst, dann gibts einen BoeSEN compilerFehler!!!
-      //UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"Scheisse noch nicht gerafft, wie das geht!") );
-      std::cerr<<"MbChessMemPool2D::delete(void* p, std::size_t level, std::size_t ix1, std::size_t ix2) - Scheisse noch nicht gerafft, wie das geht!\n";
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   void operator delete(void* p)
-   {
-      freeReference(p);
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //private statische Methoden
-//statische Variablen initialisieren
-template <class TData, std::size_t cachSize>
-std::vector< std::map<MbChessMap2DKey,MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>* > > MbChessMemPool2D<TData,cachSize>::mMapVector;
-template <class TData, std::size_t cachSize>
-std::map<void*,MbChessMap2DKey >  MbChessMemPool2D< TData, cachSize>::mPointerKeyMap;
-template <class TData, std::size_t cachSize>
-const std::size_t  MbChessMemPool2D<TData,cachSize>::mCacheSize=cachSize;
-template <class TData,std::size_t cachSize>
-const std::size_t  MbChessMem2DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth=static_cast<std::size_t>(pow(static_cast<double>(static_cast<std::size_t>(cachSize/sizeof(TData))),1./3.));
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/memory/MbChessMemPool3D.h b/src/basics/basics/memory/MbChessMemPool3D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ffc74a8d6d39cffa4b7c23c73dafda1597d9fffe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/memory/MbChessMemPool3D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbException.h>
-template <class TData, std::size_t cachSize>
-class MbChessMemPool3D;
-//class MbChessMap3DKey
-//key zum Auffinden der ChessMem3DBlocks
-class MbChessMap3DKey
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //Konstruktoren
-   MbChessMap3DKey(): mVectorPos(0),mFirstCriteria(0),mSecondCriteria(0),mThirdCriteria(0)
-   {
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   MbChessMap3DKey(std::size_t vectorPos,std::size_t firstCriteria,std::size_t secondCriteria,std::size_t thirdCriteria)
-      : mVectorPos(vectorPos), mFirstCriteria(firstCriteria), mSecondCriteria(secondCriteria), mThirdCriteria(thirdCriteria)
-   {
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   MbChessMap3DKey& operator=(const MbChessMap3DKey& srcKey)
-   {
-      if(this == &srcKey ) return *this;
-      mVectorPos      = srcKey.mVectorPos;
-      mFirstCriteria  = srcKey.mFirstCriteria;
-      mSecondCriteria = srcKey.mSecondCriteria;
-      mThirdCriteria  = srcKey.mThirdCriteria;
-      return *this;
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //global ueberladene Operatoren
-   friend inline bool operator<(const MbChessMap3DKey& lhsKey,const MbChessMap3DKey& rhsKey)
-   {
-      if(lhsKey.mFirstCriteria  < rhsKey.mFirstCriteria ) return true;
-      if(lhsKey.mFirstCriteria  > rhsKey.mFirstCriteria ) return false;
-      if(lhsKey.mSecondCriteria < rhsKey.mSecondCriteria) return true;
-      if(lhsKey.mSecondCriteria > rhsKey.mSecondCriteria) return false;
-      if(lhsKey.mThirdCriteria  < rhsKey.mThirdCriteria ) return true;
-      return false;
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   friend inline bool operator==(const MbChessMap3DKey& lhsKey,const MbChessMap3DKey& rhsKey)
-   {
-      if(lhsKey.mVectorPos      != rhsKey.mVectorPos      ) return false;
-      if(lhsKey.mFirstCriteria  != rhsKey.mFirstCriteria  ) return false;
-      if(lhsKey.mSecondCriteria != rhsKey.mSecondCriteria ) return false;
-      if(lhsKey.mThirdCriteria  != rhsKey.mThirdCriteria  ) return false;
-      return true;
-   }
-   //ueberladene Operatoren
-   friend inline bool operator!=(const MbChessMap3DKey& lhsKey,const MbChessMap3DKey& rhsKey)
-   {
-      return !(lhsKey==rhsKey);
-   }
-   //ueberladene Operatoren
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   friend inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const MbChessMap3DKey& key)
-   {
-      os<<"VectorPos,first-,second-,third Criteria) (";
-      os<<key.mVectorPos<<","<<key.mFirstCriteria<<","<<key.mSecondCriteria<<","<<key.mThirdCriteria<<")";
-      return os;
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //public Methoden
-   std::size_t getVectorPos() {return mVectorPos;}
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //private Member
-   std::size_t mVectorPos;
-   std::size_t mFirstCriteria;
-   std::size_t mSecondCriteria;
-   std::size_t mThirdCriteria;
-template<class T,std::size_t cachSize>
-class MbChessMem3DBlock
-   friend class MbChessMemPool3D<T,cachSize>;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //Konstruktoren
-   MbChessMem3DBlock()
-   {
-      mUsedElements = 0;
-      std::size_t arrayLength = mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth;
-      //mDataElements = new T[arrayLength];
-      mDataElements = operator new(arrayLength*sizeof(T));
-      if(!mDataElements) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"out of memeory!") );
-      mFlagVector   = new bool[arrayLength];
-      if(!mFlagVector) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"out of memeory!") );
-      for(std::size_t i=0;i<arrayLength;i++) mFlagVector[i] = false;
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //Destruktor
-   ~MbChessMem3DBlock()
-   {
-      //if(mDataElements) delete[] mDataElements;
-      if(mDataElements) operator delete(mDataElements);
-      if(mFlagVector)   delete[] mFlagVector;
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //private Methoden
-   void* getReference(std::size_t chessX1, std::size_t chessX2, std::size_t chessX3)
-   {
-      //std::size_t arrayIndex = (chessX1*mBlockWidth+chessX2)*mBlockWidth + chessX3;
-      std::size_t arrayIndex = (chessX3*mBlockWidth+chessX2)*mBlockWidth + chessX1;
-      #ifdef _DEBUG
-         if(arrayIndex>=mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"index out of range") );
-      #endif
-      if(mFlagVector[arrayIndex]==true) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"memory already allocated!") );
-      mUsedElements++;
-      mFlagVector[arrayIndex]=true;
-      return (void*)((T*)(mDataElements)+arrayIndex);//&(mDataElements[arrayIndex]);
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   std::size_t freeReference(void* p)
-   {
-      //std::size_t arrayIndex = static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<T*>(p) - mDataElements); //mDataElements = &mDataElements[0]
-      std::size_t arrayIndex = static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<T*>(p) - static_cast<T*>(mDataElements));
-      #ifdef _DEBUG
-        if(arrayIndex>=mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"index out of range") );
-      #endif
-      if(mFlagVector[arrayIndex]==false) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"memory not allocated!") );
-      mFlagVector[arrayIndex]=false;
-      return --mUsedElements;
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   std::size_t  getNofUsedElements()   { return mUsedElements; }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   void addPointerToTElementsToVector(std::vector<T*>& tdataVector)
-   {
-      std::size_t arrayLength = mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth;
-      for(std::size_t arrayIndex=0; arrayIndex<arrayLength; arrayIndex++)
-      {
-         //if(mFlagVector[arrayIndex]) tdataVector.push_back(&mDataElements[arrayIndex]);
-         if(mFlagVector[arrayIndex]) tdataVector.push_back(static_cast<T*>(mDataElements)+arrayIndex);
-      }
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   template<typename Pred>
-   void addPointerToTElementsToVector(std::vector<T*>& tdataVector,Pred& pred )
-   {
-      std::size_t arrayLength = mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth*mBlockWidth;
-      T* tmp;
-      for(std::size_t arrayIndex=0;arrayIndex<arrayLength;arrayIndex++)
-      {
-         if(mFlagVector[arrayIndex])
-         {
-            //tmp = &mDataElements[arrayIndex];
-            tmp = static_cast<T*>(mDataElements)+arrayIndex;
-            if( pred(*tmp) ) tdataVector.push_back(tmp);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //static Member
-   static const std::size_t  mBlockWidth;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //private Member
-   std::size_t mUsedElements;
-   //T*    mDataElements;
-   void* mDataElements;
-   bool* mFlagVector;
-//class MbChessMemPool3D
-//zum Verwalten von TData Elementen in einer Schabrett-artigen Struktur
-//die ChessMemBloecke haben hier eine Groesse von ~cachSize
-template <class TData, std::size_t cachSize>
-class MbChessMemPool3D
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //protected static const Member
-   const static std::size_t mCacheSize;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //protected Member
-   static std::vector< std::map< MbChessMap3DKey , MbChessMem3DBlock< TData,cachSize >* > > mMapVector;
-   static std::map< void*, MbChessMap3DKey > mPointerKeyMap;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //protected Konstrukoren
-   MbChessMemPool3D() //private, da NUR static erlaubt!!!
-   {
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //Destruktor
-   ~MbChessMemPool3D()
-   {
-   }
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //static public Methoden
-   static void* getReference(std::size_t level, std::size_t ix1, std::size_t ix2, std::size_t ix3)
-   {
-      if(!MbChessMem3DBlock< TData,cachSize >::mBlockWidth)
-      {
-         std::stringstream ss;
-         ss<<"TreeBasedMemPool() - InitialisationError\n";
-         ss<<"\t size of StorageData ("<<typeid(TData).name()<<", "<<sizeof(TData)<<" byte)\n";
-         ss<<"\t exceeds user-specifyed cache-zize ("<<mCacheSize<<" byte)\n";
-         ss<<"\t cache-size has to be larger than data-size";
-         UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,ss.str()) );
-      }
-      if( mMapVector.size()<=level ) mMapVector.resize(level+1);
-      std::size_t chessX1 = ix1/(MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth);
-      std::size_t chessX2 = ix2/(MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth);
-      std::size_t chessX3 = ix3/(MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth);
-      MbChessMap3DKey mapKey(level,chessX1,chessX2,chessX3);
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap3DKey,MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator pos = mMapVector[level].find(mapKey);
-      MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>* memBlock = NULL;
-      if(pos==mMapVector[level].end())
-      {
-         memBlock = new MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>;
-         (mMapVector[level])[mapKey] = memBlock;
-      }
-      else memBlock = pos->second;
-      std::size_t internalChessX1 = ix1%(MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth);
-      std::size_t internalChessX2 = ix2%(MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth);
-      std::size_t internalChessX3 = ix3%(MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth);
-      void* p = memBlock->getReference(internalChessX1,internalChessX2,internalChessX3);
-      mPointerKeyMap[p]=mapKey;
-      return p;
-   }
-   static void freeReference(void *p)
-   {
-      typename std::map<void*,MbChessMap3DKey>::iterator posPointerKeyMap = mPointerKeyMap.find(p);
-      if(posPointerKeyMap==mPointerKeyMap.end()) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"pointer not in map") );
-      MbChessMap3DKey mapKey = posPointerKeyMap->second;
-      mPointerKeyMap.erase(posPointerKeyMap);
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap3DKey,MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator posMemBlockMap;
-      posMemBlockMap = mMapVector[mapKey.getVectorPos()].find(mapKey);
-      if(posMemBlockMap == mMapVector[mapKey.getVectorPos()].end())
-         UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"mapKey not in ChessMem3DBlockMap") );
-      std::size_t leftElements = posMemBlockMap->second->freeReference(p);
-      if(!leftElements)
-      {
-         MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>* tmp = posMemBlockMap->second;
-         mMapVector[mapKey.getVectorPos()].erase(posMemBlockMap);
-         try{ delete tmp; }
-         catch(...){UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"could not delete MbChessMem3DBlock") );}
-      }
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static void fillVectorWithPointerToTDataElements(std::size_t level,std::vector<TData*>& tdataVector)
-   {
-      tdataVector.clear();
-      if(level>=mMapVector.size()) return;
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap3DKey,MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator pos;
-      for(pos=mMapVector[level].begin();pos!=mMapVector[level].end();++pos)
-      {
-         pos->second->addPointerToTElementsToVector(tdataVector);
-      }
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static void fillVectorWithPointerToTDataElements(std::vector<TData*>& tdataVector)
-   {
-      tdataVector.clear();
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap3DKey,MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator pos;
-      for(std::size_t vecIndex=0; vecIndex<mMapVector.size(); vecIndex++ )
-      {
-         for(pos=mMapVector[vecIndex].begin();pos!=mMapVector[vecIndex].end();++pos)
-         {
-            pos->second->addPointerToTElementsToVector(tdataVector);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   template<class Pred>
-   static void fillVectorWithPointerToTDataElements(std::size_t level,std::vector<TData*>& tdataVector, Pred pred)
-   {
-      tdataVector.clear();
-      if(level>=mMapVector.size()) return;
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap3DKey,MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator pos;
-      for(pos=mMapVector[level].begin();pos!=mMapVector[level].end();++pos)
-      {
-         pos->second->addPointerToTElementsToVector(tdataVector,pred);
-      }
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   template<typename Pred>
-   static void fillVectorWithPointerToTDataElements(std::vector<TData*>& tdataVector, Pred pred)
-   {
-      tdataVector.clear();
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap3DKey,MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator pos;
-      for(std::size_t vecIndex=0; vecIndex<mMapVector.size(); vecIndex++ )
-      {
-         for(pos=mMapVector[vecIndex].begin();pos!=mMapVector[vecIndex].end();++pos)
-         {
-            pos->second->addPointerToTElementsToVector(tdataVector,pred);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static std::size_t getNumberOfChessMemoryBlocks()
-   {
-      std::size_t nofElements = 0;
-      for(std::size_t i=0;i<mMapVector.size();i++)
-      {
-         nofElements+=mMapVector[i].size();
-      }
-      return nofElements;
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static std::size_t getNumberOfChessMemoryBlocks(std::size_t level)
-   {
-      if(level<mMapVector.size() ) return mMapVector[level].size();
-      return 0;
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static std::size_t getNumberOfStoredDataElements()
-   {
-      return mPointerKeyMap.size();
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static std::size_t getNumberOfStoredDataElements(std::size_t level)
-   {
-      if(level<mMapVector.size() )
-      {
-         std::size_t nofElements = 0;
-         typename std::map< MbChessMap3DKey , MbChessMem3DBlock< TData,cachSize >* >::iterator pos;
-         for(pos=mMapVector[level].begin(); pos!=mMapVector[level].end(); ++pos)
-         {
-            nofElements+= pos->second->getNofUsedElements();
-         }
-         return nofElements;
-      }
-      return 0;
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static std::string toString()
-   {
-      long double capaticityPerBlock   = pow((double)MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth,3.0);
-      std::size_t storedElements       = MbChessMemPool3D<TData,cachSize>::getNumberOfStoredDataElements();
-      std::size_t initialisedMemBlocks = MbChessMemPool3D<TData,cachSize>::getNumberOfChessMemoryBlocks();
-      std::stringstream ss;
-      ss<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"****************** MbChessMemPool3D-Info (BEGIN) ******************"<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"type of Storage-Data.................. : "<<typeid(TData).name()<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"size of Storage-Data........... [bytes]: "<<sizeof(TData)<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"specified cache-size........... [bytes]: "<<mCacheSize<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"#elements per MbChessMem3DBlock [bytes]: "<<capaticityPerBlock<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"mem per MbChessMem3DBlock...... [bytes]: "<<capaticityPerBlock*sizeof(TData)<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"used cache-size[%]............. [bytes]: "<<capaticityPerBlock*sizeof(TData)/(double)mCacheSize*100<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"\n";
-      ss<<"#stored Elements   = "<<storedElements<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"#ChessMem3DBlocks  = "<<initialisedMemBlocks<<std::endl;
-      ss<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"level | #ChessMem3DBlocks | #stored Elements | used capaticity [%] \n";
-      ss<<"----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
-      for(std::size_t level=0;level<mMapVector.size();level++)
-      {
-         std::size_t nofStoredElements   = MbChessMemPool3D<TData,cachSize>::getNumberOfStoredDataElements(level);
-         std::size_t nofChessMem3DBlocks = MbChessMemPool3D<TData,cachSize>::getNumberOfChessMemoryBlocks(level);
-         ss<<std::left<<" "<<std::setw(5)<<level<<"| "
-            <<std::setw(16)<<nofChessMem3DBlocks<<"| "
-            <<std::setw(17)<<nofStoredElements<<"| ";
-         if(nofStoredElements)
-            ss<<std::setw(15)<<nofStoredElements/(double)(capaticityPerBlock*nofChessMem3DBlocks)*100<<std::endl;
-         else ss<<"-"<<std::endl;
-      }
-      ss<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"called memory..... [bytes]: "<<storedElements*sizeof(TData)<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"initialised memory [bytes]: "<<initialisedMemBlocks*capaticityPerBlock*sizeof(TData)<<std::endl;
-      double denominator = (double)(initialisedMemBlocks*capaticityPerBlock*sizeof(TData));
-      if(fabs(denominator)>1.E-13) ss<<"used.............. [%]    : "<<100.*storedElements*sizeof(TData)/denominator<<std::endl;
-      else                         ss<<"used.............. [%]    : 0.0"<<std::endl;
-      ss<<"****************** MbChessMemPool3D-Info (END)  *******************"<<std::endl;
-      return ss.str();
-   }
-   /*==========================================================*/
-   static void writeStatisticFiles(const std::string& filename)
-   {
-      //liefert Statistik ueber aufuellung der einzelnen bloecke (gesamt und pro level)
-      //x-Achse: 0... max moegliche Anzahl von moeglichen Elementen pro MemBlock
-      //y-Achse: Anzahl an Bloecken, die die Anzahl an Elementen beinhalten
-      std::ofstream spreadingFile(((std::string)(filename+"_spreading.txt")).c_str());
-      if(!spreadingFile) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"couldn't open file") );
-      //std::size_t initialisedMemBlocks       =  MbChessMemPool3D<TData,cachSize>::getNumberOfChessMemoryBlocks();
-      std::size_t maxNofDataElementsPerBlock =  MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth
-                                               *MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth
-                                               *MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth;
-      std::vector<std::size_t> spreading;
-      spreading.resize(maxNofDataElementsPerBlock+1,0);
-      std::vector< std::vector<std::size_t> > spreadingPerLevel;
-      spreadingPerLevel.resize(mMapVector.size());
-      typename std::map<MbChessMap3DKey,MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>* >::iterator pos;
-      for(std::size_t level=0; level<mMapVector.size(); level++ )
-      {
-         spreadingPerLevel[level].resize(maxNofDataElementsPerBlock+1,0);
-         for(pos=mMapVector[level].begin();pos!=mMapVector[level].end();++pos)
-         {
-            std::size_t number = pos->second->getNofUsedElements();
-            spreading[number]++;
-            spreadingPerLevel[level][number]++;
-         }
-      }
-      spreadingFile<<"#BlockUsage nofBlocks(all Level) ";
-      for(std::size_t level=0; level<mMapVector.size(); level++ )
-         spreadingFile<<"nofBlockLevel"<<level<<" ";
-      spreadingFile<<std::endl;
-      for(std::size_t i=0;i<spreading.size();i++)
-      {
-         spreadingFile<<i<<" "<<spreading[i];
-         for(std::size_t level=0; level<mMapVector.size(); level++ )
-            spreadingFile<<" "<<spreadingPerLevel[level][i];
-         spreadingFile<<std::endl;
-      }
-      spreadingFile.flush();
-      spreadingFile.close();
-   }
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   ////ueberladene operatoren
-   //void* operator new(size_t size, std::size_t level, std::size_t ix1, std::size_t ix2, std::size_t ix3)
-   //{
-   //   if(level<0) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"level ist negativ!") );
-   //   void *p = getReference(level,ix1,ix2,ix3);
-   //   return p;
-   //}
-   ///*==========================================================*/
-   //void operator delete(void* p, std::size_t level, std::size_t ix1, std::size_t ix2, std::size_t ix3)
-   //{
-   //   //ACHTUNG: wenn man hier ne Exception schmeisst, dann gibts einen BoeSEN compilerFehler!!!
-   //   //UB_THROW( UbException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "MbChessMemPool3D::delete - Scheisse noch nicht gerafft, wie das geht!") );
-   //   cout<<"MbChessMemPool3D::delete(void* p, std::size_t level, std::size_t ix1, std::size_t ix2, std::size_t ix3) - Scheisse noch nicht gerafft, wie das geht!\n";
-   //}
-   ///*==========================================================*/
-   //void operator delete(void* p)
-   //{
-   //   freeReference(p);
-   //}
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //private statische Methoden
-//statische Variablen initialisieren
-template <class TData, std::size_t cachSize>
-std::vector< std::map<MbChessMap3DKey,MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>* > > MbChessMemPool3D<TData,cachSize>::mMapVector;
-template <class TData, std::size_t cachSize>
-std::map<void*,MbChessMap3DKey >  MbChessMemPool3D< TData, cachSize>::mPointerKeyMap;
-template <class TData, std::size_t cachSize>
-const std::size_t  MbChessMemPool3D<TData,cachSize>::mCacheSize=cachSize;
-//template <class TData, std::size_t cachSize>
-//const std::size_t  MbChessMemPool3D<TData,cachSize>::mNofElementsWidthMemBlock=static_cast<std::size_t>(pow(static_cast<double>(static_cast<std::size_t>(cachSize/sizeof(TData))),1./3.));
-//template <class TData, std::size_t cachSize>
-//const std::size_t  MbChessMemPool3D<TData,cachSize>::mNofElementsInMemBlock=static_cast<std::size_t>(pow(static_cast<double>(static_cast<std::size_t>(pow(static_cast<double>(static_cast<std::size_t>(cachSize/sizeof(TData))),1./3.))),3.0));
-template <class TData,std::size_t cachSize>
-const std::size_t  MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mBlockWidth=static_cast<std::size_t>(std::pow(static_cast<double>(static_cast<std::size_t>(cachSize/sizeof(TData))),1./3.));
-//template <class TData,std::size_t cachSize>
-//const std::size_t  MbChessMem3DBlock<TData,cachSize>::mMaxElements=static_cast<std::size_t>(pow(static_cast<double>(static_cast<std::size_t>(pow(static_cast<double>(static_cast<std::size_t>(pow(static_cast<double>(static_cast<std::size_t>(cachSize/sizeof(TData))),1.0/3.0))),3.0))),3.0));
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/memory/MbMemPool.h b/src/basics/basics/memory/MbMemPool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e2482caa702661ab838e0ce94d2ad9b2195c7ecc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/memory/MbMemPool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#ifndef MBMEMPOOL_H
-#define MBMEMPOOL_H
-#include <queue>
-#include <list>
-template <typename TData, int asize>
-class MbMemPool
-   MbMemPool(){}
-   // Alle 3 Attribute sind Singleton-Objekte !
-   // Allokiere Blocke der Groesse m_asize
-   static int m_asize;       
-   // Halte alle freien Pointer (jedes einzelne Element)  in eine FIFO Liste
-   static std::queue<void*> m_queue;
-   // Pointer auf Bloecke zum Loeschen !
-   static std::list<TData*> m_list;
-   ~MbMemPool(){}
-   // Daten-Bloecke Loeschen, damit wird der gesamte Speicher freigegeben,
-   // erst aufrufen, wenn die objekte nicht mehr gebraucht werden!
-   static void	deallocatePool();
-   void* operator new(std::size_t size)
-   {
-      void*  pNew;
-      TData* feld;	
-      int i;
-      //i=m_queue.size();
-      //pNew = m_queue.front();
-      if(m_queue.size()==0) 
-      {
-         //Wenn kein freier Speicher mehr vorhanden, Block anlegen
-         feld = new TData[m_asize];
-         m_list.push_back(feld);
-         for(i=0 ; i<m_asize ; i++)
-         {
-            pNew = (void*) &(feld[i]);
-            m_queue.push( pNew );
-         }
-      }
-      pNew = m_queue.front();
-      m_queue.pop();
-      return pNew;
-   }
-   void  operator delete(void* p)
-   {
-      m_queue.push(p);
-   }
-template <typename TData, int asize> 
-std::queue<void*>  MbMemPool<TData,asize>::m_queue;
-template <typename TData, int asize> 
-std::list<TData*>  MbMemPool<TData,asize>::m_list;
-template <typename TData, int asize> 
-int  MbMemPool<TData,asize>::m_asize=asize;
-template <typename TData, int asize> 
-void MbMemPool<TData,asize>::deallocatePool()
-   for(typename std::list<TData*>::iterator pos=m_list.begin() ; pos!=m_list.end(); ++pos)
-   {
-      delete[] pos;
-   }
-#endif //MBMEMPOOL_H
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/memory/MbSharedPointerDefines.h b/src/basics/basics/memory/MbSharedPointerDefines.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d959e5ef7b1a21dca86903a1e89cee433214ae9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/memory/MbSharedPointerDefines.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#include <PointerDefinitions.h>
-//#define VFSharedFromThis std::enable_shared_from_this
-//#define VFSharedPtr std::shared_ptr
-//#define VFWeakPtr   std::weak_ptr
-//#define VFDynamicPtrCast std::dynamic_pointer_cast
-//template<typename T>
-//class VFPtrDeleter
-//   void operator()(T* p) { delete p; }
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObCreator.h b/src/basics/basics/objects/ObCreator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b9ef047c8d4653225def53978fdefccef59ee2f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObCreator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#ifndef OBCREATOR_H
-#define OBCREATOR_H
-#include <string>
-/*  ObCreator / ObCreatorImpl                                              */
-/*                                                                         */
-generic factory
-@author <A HREF="mailto:muffmolch@gmx.de">S. Freudiger</A>
-@version 1.0 - 14.06.07
-@version 1.1 - 12.04.08
-usage: see bottom of file "./ObFactory.h"
-// ObCreator
-// Um in der Factory verschiedene Typen von Creaors in einer 
-// std::map<std::string,ObCreator<BaseT>*> halten zu koennen
-// muss eine gemeinsame Basisklasse existieren
-template< class BaseT >
-class ObCreator
-   virtual std::string  getObjectTypeID()=0;
-   virtual BaseT*       createObject() = 0;
-   virtual ~ObCreator() {  }
-   ObCreator() {}
-   ObCreator( const ObCreator< BaseT >& );         //no copy allowed 
-   const ObCreator& operator=( const ObCreator& ); //no copy allowed
-// ObCreatorImpl
-// Implementierung des speziellen Creators 
-template< class T, class BaseT=T >
-class ObCreatorImpl : public ObCreator< BaseT >
-   static ObCreator<BaseT >* getInstance()
-   {
-      static ObCreatorImpl< T, BaseT > instance;
-      return &instance;
-   }
-   ~ObCreatorImpl() {}
-   //aus portabilitaetsgruenden kann man nicht typeinfo nehmen, da diese compilerabhaengig ist
-   std::string getObjectTypeID()  { return T::getStaticClassObjectTypeID();  } 
-   virtual T*  createObject() { return new T(); }
-	ObCreatorImpl() {}
-	ObCreatorImpl( const ObCreatorImpl< T, BaseT >& );      //no copy allowed 
-   const ObCreatorImpl& operator=( const ObCreatorImpl& ); //no copy allowed
-// ObCreatorImpl
-// Implementierung des speziellen Creators fuer Singletons
-template< class T, class BaseT=T >
-class ObSingletonCreatorImpl : public ObCreator< BaseT >
-   static ObCreator<BaseT >* getInstance()
-   {
-      static ObSingletonCreatorImpl< T, BaseT > instance;
-      return &instance;
-   }
-   ~ObSingletonCreatorImpl() {}
-   //aus portabilitaetsgruenden kann man nicht typeinfo nehmen, da diese compilerabhaengig ist
-   std::string getObjectTypeID()  { return T::getStaticClassObjectTypeID();  } 
-   virtual T* createObject() { return T::getInstance(); }
-   ObSingletonCreatorImpl() {}
-   ObSingletonCreatorImpl( const ObSingletonCreatorImpl< T, BaseT >& );      //no copy allowed 
-   const ObSingletonCreatorImpl& operator=( const ObSingletonCreatorImpl& ); //no copy allowed
-//workaround for the not perfect C++ world. typeinfo::name is not usable for this purpose!
-//see Andrei Alexandrescu, "Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied", Chapter 8.5
-#define OBCREATOR_EXT( ClassObject ) \
-   static  std::string  getStaticClassObjectTypeID() { return #ClassObject;                 } \
-   virtual std::string  getClassObjectTypeID()       { return getStaticClassObjectTypeID(); } 
-#endif //OBCREATOR_H
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObFactory.h b/src/basics/basics/objects/ObFactory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aa522ec5c3bbbc7aa2558ce694068887db06a1ff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObFactory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#ifndef OBFACTORY_H
-#define OBFACTORY_H
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <typeinfo>
-#include <basics/objects/ObCreator.h>
-/*  ObFactory                                                            */
-/*                                                                         */
-generic factory
-@author <A HREF="mailto:muffmolch@gmx.de">S. Freudiger</A>
-@version 1.0 - 14.06.07
-@version 1.1 - 12.04.08
-usage:  T       = zu erzeugende Klasse
-        Creator = Erzeugerklasse
-//  class Base{ 
-//  public:
-//        OBCREATOR_EXT(Base)
-//  };
-//  //automatisches registrieren:
-//  UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED(ObFactory<Base>::getInstance()->addObCreator(ObCreatorImpl<Base,Base>::getInstance()), CAB_Base);
-//  class Derived : public Base 
-//  {
-//   public:
-//        OBCREATOR_EXT(Derived)
-//  //automatisches registrieren:
-//  UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED(ObFactory<Base>::getInstance()->addObCreator(ObCreatorImpl<Base,Derived>::getInstance()), CAB_Derived);
-//  int main()
-//  {
-//       //Alternativ zu UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED: haendisches registrieren
-//       ObFactory<Base>::getInstance()->addObCreator(ObCreatorImpl<Base>::getInstance());
-//       ObFactory<Base>::getInstance()->addObCreator(ObCreatorImpl<Derived,Base>::getInstance());
-//       //create objects - method1
-//       Base* test1 = ObFactory<Base>::getInstance()->createObject<Base>();
-//       Base* test2 = ObFactory<Base>::getInstance()->createObject<Derived>();
-//       //create objects - method2
-//       Base* test1 = ObFactory<Base>::getInstance()->createObject(Base::getStaticClassObjectTypeID()    );
-//       Base* test2 = ObFactory<Base>::getInstance()->createObject(Derived::getStaticClassObjectTypeID() );
-//   //...
-// }
-template<class  T, typename Creator = ObCreator< T > >
-class ObFactory
-   typedef std::map<  std::string, Creator* > CreatorMap;
-   typedef typename CreatorMap::iterator      CreatorMapIt;
-   typedef std::pair< std::string, Creator* > CreatorMapElement;
-   ObFactory() {}  //so ist vererbung gewahrleistet
-   ObFactory( const ObFactory< T, Creator >& );    //no copy allowed 
-   const ObFactory& operator=( const ObFactory& ); //no copy allowed
-   virtual ~ObFactory() {}
-   static ObFactory< T, Creator >* getInstance() 
-   {
-      static ObFactory< T, Creator > instance;
-      return &instance;
-   }
-   bool addObCreator(Creator* creator);
-   bool removeObCreator(Creator* creator);
-   T* createObject(const std::string& objectTypeID);
-   template< typename T2 > 
-   T* createObject() { return this->createObject( T2::getStaticClassObjectTypeID() ); }
-   Creator* getCreator(const std::string& objectTypeID);
-   virtual std::string toString();
-   CreatorMap creatorMap;
-template<class  T, typename Creator >
-bool ObFactory< T, Creator >::addObCreator(Creator* creator)
-	if(creatorMap.insert( CreatorMapElement(creator->getObjectTypeID(), creator) ).second )
-   {
-      //insert succeeded
-      return true;
-   }
-   //insert fails
-   return false;
-template<class  T, typename Creator >
-bool ObFactory< T, Creator >::removeObCreator(Creator* creator)
-   if(creator && creatorMap->erase( creator->getClassObjectTypeID() ) ) 
-      return true;
-   return false;
-template<class  T, typename Creator >
-Creator* ObFactory< T, Creator >::getCreator(const std::string& obtypeID)
-   CreatorMapIt it = creatorMap.find(obtypeID);
-   if(it == creatorMap.end()) return NULL;
-   Creator* creator = it->second;
-   if(!creator) return NULL;
-   return creator;
- template<class  T, typename Creator >
- T* ObFactory< T, Creator >::createObject(const std::string& objectTypeID)
- {
-    Creator* creator = this->getCreator(objectTypeID);
-    if(!creator) 
-    {
-       UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"no creator avaivlable for ID="+objectTypeID ) );
-    }
-    return creator->createObject();
- }
-template<class  T, typename Creator >
-std::string ObFactory< T, Creator >::toString() 
-   std::size_t maxL = 6;
-   for(CreatorMapIt it=creatorMap.begin(); it!=creatorMap.end(); ++it)
-      if( it->first.size() > maxL ) 
-         maxL = it->first.size();
-   std::stringstream os;
-   os<<(std::string)typeid(*this).name()<<" - info:"<<std::endl;
-   os<<"   "<<std::left<<std::setw(maxL)<<"object"<<" <-> "<<"creator "<<std::endl;
-   for(CreatorMapIt it=creatorMap.begin(); it!=creatorMap.end(); ++it)
-      os<< " - " << std::setw(maxL) << it->first << " <-> " << (std::string)typeid(*it->second).name() << std::endl;
-   return os.str();
-#endif //OBFACTORY_H
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObject.cpp b/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObject.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e7774e9163d6173e456afeb9d3e91608a431a2f7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObject.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-//#include <basics/objects/ObObject.h>
-// ObObject::ObObject()
-// { 
-// }
-// /*=======================================*/
-// std::string ObObject::getName()
-// {
-//    return name;
-// }
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectCreator.h b/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectCreator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3224466dc34d500e67d381cba2e68e04fe5f474b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectCreator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#include <string>
-class ObObject;
-class ObObjectManager;
-class Presentator;
-class QViewer;
-#ifdef CAB_QT 
-class QObObjectSpecificInstrument;
-class QWidget;
-class QActionGroup;
-class ObObjectCreator
-   virtual ~ObObjectCreator() {}
-	virtual ObObject* createObObject()=0;
-	virtual std::string getTypeID()	{ return "ObObject"; }
-	virtual std::string toString()	{ return "ObObjectCreator"; }
-#ifdef CAB_QT 
-   //virtual Presentator* createObjectPresentator(ObObject *object)=0;
-   virtual Presentator* createObjectPresentator(ObObject *object) { return NULL; }
-   virtual QActionGroup* getSpecificPresentatorGroup(ObObject* object, QViewer *viewer, QWidget* parent) { return NULL; }
-   virtual QActionGroup* getSpecificActionGroup(ObObjectManager* manager, ObObject* object, QWidget* parent) 
-   { 
-      return NULL; 
-   }
-   virtual ObObject* createObObjectWithQt() { return NULL; }
-   virtual void showSpecificInstrument(ObObject* object, QWidget* parent=0) {}
-   virtual QObObjectSpecificInstrument* getSpecificInstrument() { return NULL; }
-   //virtual QActionGroup *getSpecificContextMenuActionGroup() { return NULL; }
-	ObObjectCreator() {}
-   ObObjectCreator( const ObObjectCreator& );                  //no copy allowed 
-   const ObObjectCreator& operator=( const ObObjectCreator& ); //no copy allowed
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectFactory.cpp b/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectFactory.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 49bf03fe3ab159a91a17b9fd4f7b65f6c2dcda9c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectFactory.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#include <basics/objects/ObObjectFactory.h>
-/**** Eigene ****/
-#include <basics/objects/ObObjectCreator.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbException.h>
-using namespace std;
-//ObObjectFactory* ObObjectFactory::getInstance()
-//	static ObObjectFactory instance;
-//	return &instance;
-void ObObjectFactory::addObObjectCreator(ObObjectCreator *creator)
-	//cout<<"Meth:"<<creator->toString()<<" Meth-ID:"<<creator->getTypeID()<<endl;
-	creatorSet.insert(std::pair<string, ObObjectCreator*>(creator->getTypeID(), creator));
-void ObObjectFactory::removeObObjectCreator(ObObjectCreator *creator)
-	UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"not implemented") );
-ObObjectCreator* ObObjectFactory::getCreator(string objectType) 
-	std::map<string, ObObjectCreator*>::iterator creatorIterator = creatorSet.find(objectType);
-	if(creatorIterator == creatorSet.end()) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"factory has no creator for "+objectType) );
-	ObObjectCreator *creator = creatorIterator->second;
-	if(!creator) UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"no time series creator for type available") );
-	return creator;
-string ObObjectFactory::toString() 
-   stringstream text;
-   std::map<string, ObObjectCreator*>::iterator creatorIterator;
-   std::map<string, ObObjectCreator*>* creatorSet = this->getCreatorSet();
-   for(creatorIterator = creatorSet->begin(); creatorIterator!=creatorSet->end(); ++creatorIterator)
-      text<<"   - "<<(creatorIterator->second)->toString()<<" for "<<(creatorIterator->first)<<endl;
-   return text.str();
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectFactory.h b/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectFactory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2af7458cdf9fa742b19710a3ab4cc4ca665c6860..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectFactory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
-class ObObjectCreator; 
-class ObObjectFactory
-   ObObjectFactory() {}
-   virtual ~ObObjectFactory() {}
-   //static geht nicht, da abgeleitete Factories existieren ...
-   //static ObObjectFactory* getInstance();
-   //virtual ObObjectFactory* getInstance()=0;
-   ObObjectCreator* getCreator(std::string objectType);
-	void addObObjectCreator(ObObjectCreator* creator);
-	void removeObObjectCreator(ObObjectCreator* creator);
-   std::map<std::string, ObObjectCreator*>* getCreatorSet() { return &creatorSet;  }
-   virtual std::string toString();
-   ObObjectFactory( const ObObjectFactory& );                  //no copy allowed 
-   const ObObjectFactory& operator=( const ObObjectFactory& ); //no copy allowed
-   std::map<std::string, ObObjectCreator*> creatorSet;
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectManager.cpp b/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectManager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d84f49fc158850203f6ddc2467a1e3fb7c5c6d32..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectManager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-#include <basics/objects/ObObjectManager.h>
-#include <basics/objects/ObObject.h>
-#include <basics/objects/ObObjectCreator.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbTableModel.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbException.h>
-using namespace std;
-ObObjectEntry::ObObjectEntry(ObObjectManager *parent, ObObject *object)
-   this->parent = parent;
-   this->object = object;
-	this->selectedObject = NULL;
-	this->tableModel = NULL;
-	//cerr<<"NEIN, notifyObserversObjectWillBeDeleted wird AUSSCHLIESSLICH von BasisKlasse aufgerufen!!!"<<endl;
- //  cerr<<"das muss so sein, denn ansonsten duerfte diese funktion nur in der speziellen klasse stehen, da\n";
- //  cerr<<"virtuelle destruktoren sich rekursiv vom speziellen ins allg. aufrufen --> notify.. wuerde\n";
- //  cerr<<"oefters aufgerufen werden...\n";
-	this->objectList.clear();
-	if(this->tableModel) delete this->tableModel;
-UbTableModel* ObObjectManager::getTableModel()
-	return tableModel; 
-//bool ObObjectManager::addObObject(ObObject *object)
-//   cout<<"ObObjectManager::addObObject "<<object->toString()<<endl;
-//	for(int pos=0; pos<(int)this->objectList.size(); pos++)
-//		if(this->objectList[pos]->object==object) 
-//			return false;
-//	this->objectList.push_back(new ObObjectEntry(this,object));
-//	//object->addObserver(this);
-//	this->selectObObject(object);
-//	return true;
-bool ObObjectManager::addObObjectEntry(ObObjectEntry* objectEntry)
-   for(int pos=0; pos<(int)this->objectList.size(); pos++)
-      if(this->objectList[pos]->object==objectEntry->object) 
-         return false;
-   this->objectList.push_back(objectEntry);
-//   objectEntry->getObject()->addObserver(this);
-   this->selectObObject(objectEntry->object);
-   return true;
-bool ObObjectManager::removeObObject(ObObject* object)
-	if (this->selectedObject == object) this->selectedObject=NULL;
-	for(int pos=0; pos<(int)this->objectList.size(); pos++)
-	{
-		if(this->objectList[pos]->object==object) 
-		{
-         return this->removeObObject(pos);
-//			this->objectList.erase(objectList.begin()+pos);
-//			//this->removeObserver(this);
-//			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
-bool ObObjectManager::removeObObject(int index)
-	try
-	{
-		if ( objectList[index]->object == this->selectedObject ) this->selectedObject=NULL;
-      //den entry loeschen ... das object im Entry ??? erstmal ausserhalb ...
-      delete objectList[index]; 
-		objectList.erase(objectList.begin()+index);
-   	this->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-   	return true;
-	}
-	catch(const std::exception& e)  {  cerr<<e.what()<<endl;    }
-   catch(...)                      {  cerr<<"Fehler in ObObjectManager::removeObObject"<<endl; }
-   return false;
-void ObObjectManager::removeAllObObjects() 
-	//TODO: implementieren!!
-	//foreach grid:
-	//grid->removeObserver(this);
-	//vector<ObObject*>::iterator it;
-	//for(it=objectList.begin();  it!=objectList.end(); it++)
-	//{
-	//	it->removeObserver(this);
-	//}
-// 	for(int i=0; i<(int)objectList.size(); i++)
-// 	{
-// 		delete objectList[i]->object->removeObserver(this);
-// 	} 
-	this->objectList.clear();
-	this->selectedObject = NULL;
-	this->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-int ObObjectManager::getNumberOfObObjects()
-	return (int)this->objectList.size();
-vector<ObObject*>* ObObjectManager::getAllObObjects()  
-   UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"hier muss noch was getan werden") );
-//	return this->objectList;  
-vector<ObObjectEntry*>* ObObjectManager::getAllObObjectEntries()
-   return &this->objectList;  
-ObObject* ObObjectManager::getObObject(int index)
-	if(index <  0)                            return NULL;
-	if(index >= (int)this->objectList.size()) return NULL;
-	return(this->objectList[index]->object);
-ObObjectEntry* ObObjectManager::getObObjectEntry(int index)
-   if(index <  0)                            return NULL;
-   if(index >= (int)this->objectList.size()) return NULL;
-   return(this->objectList[index]);
-string ObObjectManager::toString()
-	stringstream ss; ss<<endl;
-	for(int pos=0; pos<(int)this->objectList.size(); pos++)          
-	{
-		ObObject* object = this->objectList[pos]->object;
-		ss<<(pos+1)<<". "<<object->toString()<<endl;
-	}
-	return ss.str();
-void ObObjectManager::objectChanged(UbObservable* observable)
-   //cout<<"ObObjectManager::objectChanged ??";
-	this->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-void ObObjectManager::objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable* observable)
-   cout<<"ObObjectManager::objectWillBeDeleted ??";
-	//observable->removeObserver(this);
-bool ObObjectManager::selectObObject(int index)
-   if((int)this->objectList.size()==0) 
-   {
-      this->selectedObject = NULL; return false; 
-   }
-	if (index > (int)this->objectList.size()-1 || index < 0) return false; 
-	if ( this->selectedObject == this->getObObject(index) ) return true;
-	this->selectedObject = this->getObObject(index);
-   //cout<<this->getObserverList()->size()<<endl;
-	this->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-	return true;
-bool ObObjectManager::selectObObject(ObObject* object)
-   if((int)this->objectList.size()==0) { this->selectedObject = NULL; return false; }
-	for(int pos=0; pos<(int)this->objectList.size(); pos++)
-	{
-		if(this->objectList[pos]->object==object) 
-		{
-			return this->selectObObject(pos);
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
-ObObject* ObObjectManager::getSelectedObObject()
-	return this->selectedObject;
-int ObObjectManager::getSelectedIndex()
-	for(int pos=0; pos<(int)this->objectList.size(); pos++)
-	{
-		if(this->objectList[pos]->object==this->selectedObject) 
-		{
-			return pos;
-		}
-	}
-	return -1;
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectManager.h b/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectManager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d5b42df99209527228127eb195122054d550bfd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/objects/ObObjectManager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbObservable.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbObserver.h>
-class UbException;
-class UbTableModel;
-class ObObjectManager;
-class ObObjectFactory;
-class ObObject;
-class ObObjectEntry
-   friend class ObObjectManager;
-   ObObjectManager* getParent() { return parent; }
-   ObObject*        getObject() { return object; }
-   ObObjectEntry(ObObjectManager* parent, ObObject* object);
-   virtual ~ObObjectEntry() {  }
-   ObObjectManager* parent;
-   ObObject* object;
-class ObObjectManager : public UbObservable, public UbObserver
-	ObObjectManager();
-	~ObObjectManager();
-   //virtual bool addObObject(ObObject* object);   
-   virtual bool addObObjectEntry(ObObjectEntry* objectEntry);
-   virtual ObObjectEntry* createNewObObjectEntry(ObObject* obj) { return new ObObjectEntry(this, obj); }
-	bool removeObObject(ObObject* object);
-	bool removeObObject(int index);
-	void removeAllObObjects();
-	bool selectObObject(int index);
-	bool selectObObject(ObObject* object);
-	ObObject* getSelectedObObject();
-	int getSelectedIndex();
-	int getNumberOfObObjects();                 
-   std::vector<ObObject*>* getAllObObjects();
-   std::vector<ObObjectEntry*>* getAllObObjectEntries();
-	ObObject* getObObject(int index);
-   ObObjectEntry* getObObjectEntry(int index);
-	std::string toString();
-	virtual void objectChanged(UbObservable* observable);
-	virtual void objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable* observable);
-	UbTableModel* getTableModel();
-   virtual ObObjectFactory* getObObjectFactory()=0;
-	 std::vector<ObObjectEntry*> objectList;
-	 ObObject* selectedObject;
-	 UbTableModel* tableModel;
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/parallel/PbMpiTools.h b/src/basics/basics/parallel/PbMpiTools.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ea52881f8e0704c3ca0523727ec10fbcd06c8b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/parallel/PbMpiTools.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-//#undef SEEK_SET
-//#undef SEEK_CUR
-//#undef SEEK_END
-#include <mpi.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbException.h>
-namespace PbMpiTools
-   /*======================================================================*/  
-   // send a single value "value" of MPI_Datatype
-   template <class T>
-   inline void sendSingleValue(const T& value, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm);
-   /*======================================================================*/  
-   // receives a single value "value" of MPI_Datatype
-   template <class T>
-   inline void receiveSingleValue(T& value, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm);
-   /*======================================================================*/  
-   // receives and returns a single value of MPI_Datatype
-   // expample: int value = PbMpiTools::receiveSingleValue<int>(MPI::INT,0,10,comm);
-   template <class T>
-   inline T receiveSingleValue(MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm);
-   /*======================================================================*/  
-   // sends bool value (doesn't work with template, why ever... stupid MPI)
-   inline void sendBoolValue(const bool& value,int dest, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm);
-   /*======================================================================*/  
-   // receives bool value (doesn't work with template, why ever... stupid MPI)
-   inline bool receiveBoolValue(int source, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm);
-   /*======================================================================*/  
-   // sends bool value (doesn't work with template, why ever... stupid MPI)
-   inline void sendStringValue(const std::string& value,int dest, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm);
-   /*======================================================================*/  
-   // receives bool value (doesn't work with template, why ever... stupid MPI)
-   inline std::string receiveStringValue(int source, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm);
-   /*======================================================================*/  
-   // send a vector of MPI_Datatype
-   template <class T>
-	inline void sendVector(const std::vector<T>& v, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm);
-   /*======================================================================*/  
-   // receive a std::vector of MPI_Datatype
-   template <class T>
-   inline void receiveVector(std::vector<T>& v, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm);
-   /*======================================================================*/  
-   // receive a vector of MPI_Datatype and adds this vector to existing vector
-   // ans returns number of received elements
-   template <class T>
-   inline int receiveVectorAndAddToVector(std::vector<T>& v, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm);
-   /*======================================================================*/  
-   // send a std::vector of strings
-   inline void sendStringVector(const std::vector<std::string>& v, int dest, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm);
-   /*======================================================================*/  
-   // send a vector of strings
-   inline void receiveStringVector(std::vector<std::string>& v, int dest, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm);
-// send a single value of MPI_Datatype
-template <class T>
-void PbMpiTools::sendSingleValue(const T& value, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm)
-   try{ comm.Send(&value, 1, datatype, dest, tag); }
-   catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss; ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                             UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"catched with info at send size\n"+ss.str()) ); }
-   catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at send size") ); }
-template <class T>
-void PbMpiTools::receiveSingleValue(T& value, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm) 
-   try { comm.Recv(&value, 1, datatype, source, tag); }
-   catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss;ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                             UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at receive size\n"+ss.str()) );}
-   catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at receive size") ); }
-template <class T>
-T PbMpiTools::receiveSingleValue(MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm) 
-   T value;
-   try { comm.Recv(&value, 1, datatype, source, tag); }
-   catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss;ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                             UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at receive size\n"+ss.str()) );}
-   catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at receive size") ); }
-   return value;
-// send a bool value (bool doesn't work with template, why ever)
-void PbMpiTools::sendBoolValue(const bool& value,int dest, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm)
-   short dummy;
-   if(value) dummy=1;                  
-   else      dummy=0;
-   try{ comm.Send(&dummy, 1, MPI::SHORT, dest, tag); }
-   catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss; ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                             UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at send size\n"+ss.str()) ); }
-   catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at send size") ); }
-bool PbMpiTools::receiveBoolValue(int source, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm) 
-   short dummy;
-   try { comm.Recv(&dummy, 1, MPI::SHORT, source, tag); }
-   catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss;ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                             UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at receive size\n"+ss.str()) );}
-   catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at receive size") ); }
-   return (dummy==1);
-// sends bool value (doesn't work with template, why ever... stupid MPI)
-void PbMpiTools::sendStringValue(const std::string& value,int dest, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm)
-   std::vector<char> vec;
-   for(std::size_t i=0; i<value.size(); i++)
-      vec.push_back(value[i]);
-   PbMpiTools::sendVector(vec,MPI::CHAR,dest,tag,comm);
-// receives bool value (doesn't work with template, why ever... stupid MPI)
-std::string PbMpiTools::receiveStringValue(int source, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm)
-   std::vector<char> vec;
-   PbMpiTools::receiveVector(vec,MPI::CHAR,source,tag,comm);
-   std::string str;
-   for(std::size_t i=0; i<vec.size(); i++)
-      str+=vec[i];
-   return str;
-// send a vector of MPI_Datatype
-template <class T>
-void PbMpiTools::sendVector(const std::vector<T>& v, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm)
-   // send size
-   int size = (int)v.size();
-   try{ comm.Send(&size, 1, MPI::INT, dest, tag); }
-   catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss; ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                             UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at send size\n"+ss.str()) ); }
-   catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at send size") ); }
-   if(size>0)
-	{
-      try{ comm.Send(&v[0], size, datatype, dest, tag); }
-      catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss; ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                                UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at send vector<T>\n"+ss.str()) );}
-      catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at send vector<T>") ); }
-   }
-// receive a vector of MPI_Datatype
-template <class T>
-void PbMpiTools::receiveVector(std::vector<T>& v, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm) 
-   int size;
-   try { comm.Recv(&size, 1, MPI::INT, source, tag); }
-   catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss;ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                             UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at receive size\n"+ss.str()) );}
-   catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at receive size") ); }
-   v.resize(size);
-   if( size>0 )
-   {
-      try{ comm.Recv(&v[0], size, datatype, source, tag); }
-      catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss; ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                                UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at receive vector\n"+ss.str()) ); }
-      catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at receive vector") ); }
-   }
-// receive a vector of MPI_Datatype and adds this vector to existing vector
-// return value is size of received elements
-template <class T>
-int PbMpiTools::receiveVectorAndAddToVector(std::vector<T>& v, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm) 
-   int incommingSize;
-   try { comm.Recv(&incommingSize, 1, MPI::INT, source, tag); }
-   catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss;ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                             UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at receive size\n"+ss.str()) );}
-   catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at receive size") ); }
-   int oldSize = (int)v.size();
-   v.resize(oldSize+incommingSize);
-   if( incommingSize>0 )
-   {
-      try{ comm.Recv(&v[oldSize], incommingSize, datatype, source, tag); }
-      catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss; ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                                UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at receive vector\n"+ss.str()) ); }
-      catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at receive vector") ); }
-   }
-   return incommingSize;
-// send a vector of strings
-void PbMpiTools::sendStringVector(const std::vector<std::string>& v, int dest, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm)
-   // send size
-   int stringVectorSize = (int)v.size();
-   try{ comm.Send(&stringVectorSize, 1, MPI::INT, dest, tag); }
-   catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss; ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                             UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at send size\n"+ss.str()) ); }
-   catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at send size") ); }
-   if(stringVectorSize>0)
-   {
-      std::vector<int> singleStringSizes(stringVectorSize+1);
-      int nofChars = 0;
-      for(int i=0; i<stringVectorSize; i++)
-         nofChars += singleStringSizes[i] = (int)v[i].length();
-      singleStringSizes[stringVectorSize] = nofChars;
-      try{ comm.Send(&singleStringSizes[0], stringVectorSize+1, MPI::INT, dest, tag); }
-      catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss; ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                                UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at send vector<T>\n"+ss.str()) );}
-      catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at send vector<T>") ); }
-      std::vector<char> charVector(nofChars);
-      int pos = 0;
-      for(int i=0; i<stringVectorSize; i++)
-         for(int j=0; j<singleStringSizes[i]; j++)
-            charVector[pos++] = v[i][j];      
-      try{ comm.Send(&charVector[0], nofChars, MPI::CHAR, dest, tag); }
-      catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss; ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                                UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at send vector<T>\n"+ss.str()) );}
-      catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at send vector<T>") ); }
-   }
-// send a vector of strings
-void PbMpiTools::receiveStringVector(std::vector<std::string>& v, int source, int tag, MPI::Intracomm comm)
-   // send size
-   int stringVectorSize;
-   try { comm.Recv(&stringVectorSize, 1, MPI::INT, source, tag); }
-   catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss; ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                             UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at send size\n"+ss.str()) ); }
-   catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at send size") ); }
-   v.clear();
-   v.resize(stringVectorSize);
-   if(stringVectorSize>0)
-   {
-      std::vector<int> singleStringSizes(stringVectorSize+1);
-      try{ comm.Recv(&singleStringSizes[0], stringVectorSize+1, MPI::INT, source, tag); }
-      catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss; ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                                UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at send vector<T>\n"+ss.str()) );}
-      catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at send vector<T>") ); }
-      int nofChars = singleStringSizes[stringVectorSize];
-      std::vector<char> charVector(nofChars);
-       try{ comm.Recv(&charVector[0], nofChars, MPI::CHAR, source, tag); }
-       catch(MPI::Exception& e){ std::stringstream ss; ss<<"MPI::Exception error_string="<<e.Get_error_string()<<std::endl;
-                                 UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"MPI:Exception catched with info at send vector<T>\n"+ss.str()) );}
-       catch(...)              { UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown exception at send vector<T>") ); }
-      int pos=0;
-      for(int i=0; i<stringVectorSize; i++)
-         for(int j=0; j<singleStringSizes[i]; j++)
-            v[i].push_back(charVector[pos++]);      
-   }
-#endif //PBMPITOOLS_H
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/parallel/examples/simpleMPI/CMakeLists.txt b/src/basics/basics/parallel/examples/simpleMPI/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a44b5c76e4b9b5e805f501b94d895a6f7026c039..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/parallel/examples/simpleMPI/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
-SET(CMAKE_CONFIG_FILE "${SOURCE_ROOT}/cmake_config_files/${CAB_MACHINE}.config.cmake")
-#erst hier das config file einfügen, ansonsten werden manche settings durch (Project) überschrieben)  
-##   PACKAGES						###
-###   OWN DEFINES 						###
-ADD_CXX_FLAGS("/wd4996") #deprecated strcpy...
-###   MPI                                                     ###
-###   EXCECUTABLE						###
-###   ADDITIONAL LINK LIBRARIES                               ###
-###   ADDITIONAL LINK PROPERTIES                              ###
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/parallel/examples/simpleMPI/functions.h b/src/basics/basics/parallel/examples/simpleMPI/functions.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 38005eca57b1a61a5a862169716afc49bb3cda5d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/parallel/examples/simpleMPI/functions.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbTuple.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbException.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbSystem.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbFileOutputASCII.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbTiming.h>
-#include <basics/memory/MbSmartPtr.h>
-#include <basics/container/CbVector.h>
-#include <basics/container/CbVectorPool.h>
-using std::cout;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-using std::vector;
-typedef long double value_type;
-typedef MbSmartPtr<CbVector< value_type > > CbVectorPtr;
-typedef MbSmartPtr<vector< value_type > >   StlVectorPtr;
-template<typename T>
-inline void setValues(vector<T>& stlvec, CbVector<T>& cbvec, CbVector<T>& cbpoolvec)
-   if(stlvec.size() != cbvec.size() || stlvec.size() != cbpoolvec.size() )
-   {
-      cerr<<"sizes:"<<endl;
-      cerr<<"stlvec... = "<<(int)stlvec.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbvec.... = "<<(int)cbvec.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbpoolvec = "<<(int)cbpoolvec.size()<<endl;
-      throw UB_THROW( UbException("setValues - sizeCheck failed") );
-   }
-   static value_type stlVal    = 1;
-   static value_type cbVal     = 1;
-   static value_type cbPoolVal = 1;
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++) stlvec[i]    = stlVal   ++;
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++) cbvec[i]     = cbVal    ++;
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++) cbpoolvec[i] = cbPoolVal++;
-template<typename T>
-inline void setValues(vector< StlVectorPtr >& stlvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbpoolvecs)
-   if(stlvecs.size() != cbvecs.size() || stlvecs.size() != cbpoolvecs.size() )
-   {
-      cerr<<"sizes:"<<endl;
-      cerr<<"stlvec... = "<<(int)stlvecs.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbvec.... = "<<(int)cbvecs.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbpoolvec = "<<(int)cbpoolvecs.size()<<endl;
-      UB_THROW( UbException("setValues glob - sizeCheck failed") );
-   }
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++)
-      setValues(*stlvecs[i],*cbvecs[i],*cbpoolvecs[i]);
-template<typename T>
-inline void resize(vector<T>& stlvec, CbVector<T>& cbvec, CbVector<T>& cbpoolvec, std::size_t size, const T& val)
-   stlvec.resize(size,val);
-   cbvec.resize(size,val);
-   cbpoolvec.resize(size,val);
-template<typename T>
-inline void resize(vector< StlVectorPtr >& stlvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbpoolvecs, std::size_t size, const value_type& val, bool timed=false)
-   if(stlvecs.size() != cbvecs.size() || stlvecs.size() != cbpoolvecs.size() )
-   {
-      cerr<<"sizes:"<<endl;
-      cerr<<"stlvec... = "<<(int)stlvecs.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbvec.... = "<<(int)cbvecs.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbpoolvec = "<<(int)cbpoolvecs.size()<<endl;
-      UB_THROW( UbException("resize glob - sizeCheck failed") );
-   }
-   if(timed)
-   {
-      UbTimer timer;
-      timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++) stlvecs[i]->resize(size,val);    if(timed) cout<<"stl-resize    in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-      timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++) cbvecs[i]->resize(size,val);     if(timed) cout<<"cbStd-resize  in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-      timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++) cbpoolvecs[i]->resize(size,val); if(timed) cout<<"cbPool-resize in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++)
-         resize(*stlvecs[i],*cbvecs[i],*cbpoolvecs[i],size,val);
-   }
-template<typename T>
-inline void createVecs(size_t number, int size,vector< StlVectorPtr >& stlvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbpoolvecs, CbVectorPool<value_type>*& pool, bool timed=false)
-   UbTimer timer;
-   timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<number; i++) stlvecs.push_back(StlVectorPtr(new vector<value_type>(size)));                                                  if(timed) cout<<"stl-createVecs    in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<number; i++) cbvecs.push_back(CbVectorPtr(new CbVector<value_type>(size)));                                                  if(timed) cout<<"cbStd-createVecs  in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<number; i++) cbpoolvecs.push_back(CbVectorPtr(new CbVector<value_type>(size,new CbVectorAllocatorPool<value_type>(pool))));  if(timed) cout<<"cbPool-createVecs in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++) setValues(*stlvecs.back(),*cbvecs.back(),*cbpoolvecs.back());
-template<typename T>
-inline void createVecs(size_t number, size_t size, const value_type& val,vector< StlVectorPtr >& stlvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbpoolvecs, CbVectorPool<value_type>*& pool, bool timed=false)
-   UbTimer timer;
-   timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<number; i++) stlvecs.push_back(StlVectorPtr(new vector<value_type>(size,val)));                                                  if(timed) cout<<"stl-createVecs    in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<number; i++) cbvecs.push_back(CbVectorPtr(new CbVector<value_type>(size,new CbVectorAllocatorStd<value_type>(),val)));           if(timed) cout<<"cbStd-createVecs  in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   timer.start(); for(size_t i=0; i<number; i++) cbpoolvecs.push_back(CbVectorPtr(new CbVector<value_type>(size,new CbVectorAllocatorPool<value_type>(pool),val)));  if(timed) cout<<"cbPool-createVecs in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-template<typename T>
-inline void equalCheck(vector<T>& stlvec, CbVector<T>& cbvec, CbVector<T>& cbpoolvec)
-   if(stlvec.size() != cbvec.size() || stlvec.size() != cbpoolvec.size() )
-   {
-      cerr<<"sizes:"<<endl;
-      cerr<<"stlvec... = "<<(int)stlvec.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbvec.... = "<<(int)cbvec.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbpoolvec = "<<(int)cbpoolvec.size()<<endl;
-      throw UB_THROW( UbException("equalCheck - sizeCheck failed") );
-   }
-   bool check=true;
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++)
-      if(stlvec[i] != cbvec[i] || stlvec[i] != cbpoolvec[i]  )
-         check=false;
-   if(!check)
-   {
-      cerr<<"\nstl - "; for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++) cout<<stlvec[i]<<" ";    cout<<endl;
-      cerr<<  "cbv - "; for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++) cout<<cbvec[i]<<" ";     cout<<endl;
-      cerr<<  "cbp - "; for(size_t i=0; i<cbvec.size(); i++) cout<<cbpoolvec[i]<<" "; cout<<endl;
-      throw UB_THROW( UbException("equalCheck - equalCheck failed") );
-   }
-template<typename T>
-void equalCheck(vector< StlVectorPtr >& stlvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbpoolvecs)
-   if(stlvecs.size() != cbvecs.size() || stlvecs.size() != cbpoolvecs.size() )
-   {
-      cerr<<"sizes:"<<endl;
-      cerr<<"stlvec... = "<<(int)stlvecs.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbvec.... = "<<(int)cbvecs.size()<<endl;
-      cerr<<"cbpoolvec = "<<(int)cbpoolvecs.size()<<endl;
-      UB_THROW( UbException("equalCheck - sizeCheck failed") );
-   }
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++)
-   {
-      //cout<<"equalCheck i="<<i<<"/"<<cbvecs.size()-1;
-      equalCheck(*stlvecs[i],*cbvecs[i],*cbpoolvecs[i]);
-      //cout<<" passed"<<endl;
-   }
-template<typename T>
-void accessCheck(int times,vector< StlVectorPtr >& stlvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbvecs, vector< CbVectorPtr >& cbpoolvecs)
-   UbTimer timer;
-   timer.start();
-   for(size_t i=0; i<stlvecs.size(); i++)
-   {
-      vector<value_type>& vec = *stlvecs[i];
-      for(int m=0; m<times; m++)
-         for(vector<value_type>::size_type k=0; k<vec.size(); k++) vec[k] = k;
-   }
-   cout<<"stl-accessCheck       in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   timer.start();
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbvecs.size(); i++)
-   {
-      CbVector<value_type>& vec = *cbvecs[i];
-      for(int m=0; m<times; m++)
-         for(vector<value_type>::size_type k=0; k<vec.size(); k++) vec[k] = k;
-   }
-   cout<<"cbStd-accessCheck     in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
-   timer.start();
-   for(size_t i=0; i<cbpoolvecs.size(); i++)
-   {
-      CbVector<value_type>& vec = *cbpoolvecs[i];
-      for(int m=0; m<times; m++)
-         for(vector<value_type>::size_type k=0; k<vec.size(); k++) vec[k] = k;
-   }
-   cout<<"cbPool-accessCheck    in "<<timer.stop()<<"s"<<endl;
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/parallel/examples/simpleMPI/main.cpp b/src/basics/basics/parallel/examples/simpleMPI/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 18c2769e02e8ad571eba9a0805996257f4b743f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/parallel/examples/simpleMPI/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <mpi.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbSystem.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbException.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbLogger.h>
-using namespace std;
-int randomNumber () { return (rand()%100); }
-struct RankSetter{
-   RankSetter(int rank) : rank(rank) {}
-   int operator()() 
-   {
-      return rank;
-   }
-   int rank;
-} /*rankSetter*/;
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
-   MPI::Init(argc, argv);
-   try
-   {  
-      MPI::Intracomm comm = MPI::COMM_WORLD;
-      int rank = comm.Get_rank();
-      vector<int> sendData(1000,0);
-      generate(sendData.begin(), sendData.end(), RankSetter(rank+1) );
-      vector<int> recvData(1000,0);
-      if(rank==0)
-      {
-         UBLOG(logINFO,"rank="<<rank<<" - recv request");
-         MPI::Request request = comm.Irecv(&recvData[0], (int)recvData.size(), MPI::INT, 1, 100);
-         UBLOG(logINFO,"rank="<<rank<<" - sendData");
-         comm.Ssend(&sendData[0],(int)sendData.size(), MPI::INT, 1, 100);
-         sendData.back() = 999;
-         UBLOG(logINFO,"rank="<<rank<<" - Wait");
-         request.Wait();
-         UBLOG(logINFO,"rank="<<rank<<" - all data received, last = "<<recvData.back());
-      }
-      else if(rank == 1)
-      {
-         UbSystem::sleepS(5);
-         UBLOG(logINFO,"rank="<<rank<<" - recv request");
-         MPI::Request request = comm.Irecv(&recvData[0],(int)recvData.size(), MPI::INT, 0, 100);
-         request.Wait();
-         UBLOG(logINFO,"rank="<<rank<<" - all data received, last = "<<recvData.back());
-         UbSystem::sleepS(5);
-         UBLOG(logINFO,"rank="<<rank<<" - sendData");
-         comm.Ssend(&sendData[0],(int)sendData.size(), MPI::INT, 0, 100);
-         sendData.back() = 999;
-         UBLOG(logINFO,"rank="<<rank<<" - data sent");
-      }
-      else 
-      {
-         throw UB_THROW( UbException(UB_EXARGS,"only two ranks allwoed") );
-      }
-      UBLOG(logINFO,"rank="<<rank<<" barrier start");
-      MPI::COMM_WORLD.Barrier();
-      UBLOG(logINFO,"rank="<<rank<<" barrier done ");
-   }
-   catch(const std::exception& e)
-   {
-      UBLOG2(  logERROR,std::cerr, "caught exception:" );
-      UBLOG2(  logERROR,std::cerr, "type: " << typeid(e).name() );
-      UBLOG2ML(logERROR,std::cerr, "what: " << e.what() );
-   }
-   catch(MPI::Exception e)
-   { 
-      UBLOG2ML(logERROR,std::cerr, "caught exception:" << e.Get_error_string());
-      MPI::COMM_WORLD.Abort(99); 
-   } 
-   catch(...)
-   {
-      UBLOG2(logERROR,std::cerr,"Verdammte Scheisse - mal wieder Mist gebaut!");
-   }
-   MPI::Finalize();
-   return 0;
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/relation/RbAggregation.h b/src/basics/basics/relation/RbAggregation.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c86c07fdddbbe3207888fc4e287bd7862045d212..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/relation/RbAggregation.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-using namespace std;
-template <class T1, class T2>
-class RbAggregation 
-   string name;
-   std::multimap<T1,T2> obj1Map;
-   std::multimap<T2,T1> obj2Map;
-   RbAggregation(string name)
-   {
-      this->name = name;
-   }
-   /*=========================================================================*/
-   void insertPair(T1& to1, T2& to2)
-   {
-      obj1Map.insert(pair<T1,T2>(to1,to2));
-      obj2Map.insert(pair<T2,T1>(to2,to1));
-   }     
-   /*=========================================================================*/
-   int countObj2forObj1(T1& to1)
-   {                                                                
-      return((int)obj1Map.count(to1));
-   }
-   /*=========================================================================*/
-   int countObj1forObj2(T2& to2)
-   {
-      return((int)obj2Map.count(to2));
-   }
-   /*=========================================================================*/
-   vector<T2> getObj2vectorForObj1(T1& to1)
-   {
-      vector<T2> obj2vector;
-      unsigned number = (unsigned)obj1Map.count(to1);
-      typedef std::multimap<T1, T2>::iterator obj1MapIterator = obj1Map.find(to1);
-      for(unsigned u =0; u<number; u++) 
-      {
-         obj2vector.push_back(obj1MapIterator->second);
-         obj1MapIterator++;
-      }
-      return obj2vector;
-   }
-   ///*=========================================================================*/
-   vector<T1>  getObj1vectorForObj2(T2& to2)
-   {
-      vector<T1> obj1vector;
-      unsigned number = (unsigned)obj2Map.count(to2);
-      typedef std::multimap<T2, T1>::iterator obj2MapIterator = obj2Map.find(to2);
-      for(unsigned u =0; u<number; u++) 
-      {
-         obj1vector.push_back(obj2MapIterator->second);
-         obj2MapIterator++;
-      }
-      return obj1vector;
-   }
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbAutoRun.hpp b/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbAutoRun.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 50fcf37b648b87502516a34dab93260e619d9d95..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbAutoRun.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN(func)                              UB_AUTO_RUN_(func,  __LINE__)
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_(func, nID)                        UB_AUTO_RUN__(func, nID)
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN__(func, nID)                       UB_AUTO_RUN___(func, nID)
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN___(func, ID)                                                           \
-    namespace {                                                                         \
-        struct UbAutoRun##ID {                                                            \
-            UbAutoRun##ID() {                                                             \
-                func;                                                                   \
-            }                                                                           \
-        } UbAutoRunInst##ID;                                                              \
-    }
-    // More concise to implement UB_AUTO_RUN using the following, but BCB emits an ICE on it.
-    //static bool UB_AutoRun##ID = ( func , false);
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_1(func)                            UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED(func, 1)                   
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_2(func)                            UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED(func, 2)                   
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_3(func)                            UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED(func, 3)                   
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_4(func)                            UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED(func, 4)                   
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_5(func)                            UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED(func, 5)                   
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED(func, name)                  UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED_(func, name, __LINE__)
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED_(func, name, nID)            UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED__(func, name, nID)
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED__(func, name, nID)           UB_AUTO_RUN___(func, _##name##_##nID)
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE(func)                         UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_(func,  __LINE__)
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_(func, nID)                   UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE__(func, nID)
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE__(func, nID)                  UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE___(func, nID)
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE___(func, ID)                                                   \
-    struct UbAutoRunOnce##ID {                                                            \
-        UbAutoRunOnce##ID() {                                                             \
-            if (!init()) {                                                              \
-                init() = true;                                                          \
-                func;                                                                   \
-            }                                                                           \
-        }                                                                               \
-        static bool &init() {                                                           \
-            static bool bInit = false;                                                  \
-            return bInit;                                                               \
-        }                                                                               \
-    };                                                                                  \
-    static UbAutoRunOnce##ID AutoRunOnceInst##ID;
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_1(func)                           UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_NAMED(func, 1)                   
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_2(func)                           UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_NAMED(func, 2)                   
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_3(func)                           UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_NAMED(func, 3)                   
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_4(func)                           UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_NAMED(func, 4)                   
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_5(func)                           UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_NAMED(func, 5)                   
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_NAMED(func, name)                 UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_NAMED_(func, name, __LINE__)
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_NAMED_(func, name, nID)           UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_NAMED__(func, name, nID)
-#define UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE_NAMED__(func, name, nID)          UB_AUTO_RUN_ONCE___(func, _##name##_##nID)
-#endif // ! UB_AUTORUN_HPP
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbConverter.cpp b/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbConverter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dcdf17f5d39f4d8c2be285fb15d3e6c5bae306cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbConverter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#include <basics/utilities/UbConverter.h>
-const std::string UbConverter::base64_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
-                                              "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-                                              "0123456789+/";
-std::string UbConverter::base64_encode(unsigned char const* bytes_to_encode, unsigned int in_len) 
-   std::string ret;
-   int i = 0;
-   int j = 0;
-   unsigned char char_array_3[3];
-   unsigned char char_array_4[4];
-   while (in_len--)
-   {
-      char_array_3[i++] = *(bytes_to_encode++);
-      if( i==3)
-      {
-         char_array_4[0] = ( char_array_3[0] & 0xfc) >> 2;
-         char_array_4[1] = ((char_array_3[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((char_array_3[1] & 0xf0) >> 4);
-         char_array_4[2] = ((char_array_3[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((char_array_3[2] & 0xc0) >> 6);
-         char_array_4[3] = char_array_3[2] & 0x3f;
-         for( i=0; i<4 ; i++)
-            ret += base64_chars[char_array_4[i]];
-         i=0;
-      }
-   }
-   if( i )
-   {
-      for( j=i; j<3; j++)
-         char_array_3[j] = '\0';
-      char_array_4[0] = ( char_array_3[0] & 0xfc) >> 2;
-      char_array_4[1] = ((char_array_3[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((char_array_3[1] & 0xf0) >> 4);
-      char_array_4[2] = ((char_array_3[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((char_array_3[2] & 0xc0) >> 6);
-      char_array_4[3] = char_array_3[2] & 0x3f;
-      for ( j=0; j<i+1; j++)
-         ret += base64_chars[char_array_4[j]];
-      while( i++<3 )
-         ret += '=';
-   }
-   return ret;
-std::string UbConverter::base64_decode(std::string const& encoded_string) 
-   int in_len = (int)encoded_string.size();
-   int i = 0;
-   int j = 0;
-   int in_ = 0;
-   unsigned char char_array_4[4], char_array_3[3];
-   std::string ret;
-   while (in_len-- && ( encoded_string[in_] != '=') && is_base64(encoded_string[in_])) 
-   {
-      char_array_4[i++] = encoded_string[in_]; in_++;
-      if(i ==4)
-      {
-         for (i = 0; i <4; i++)
-            char_array_4[i] = (unsigned char)base64_chars.find(char_array_4[i]);
-         char_array_3[0] = (char_array_4[0] << 2) + ((char_array_4[1] & 0x30) >> 4);
-         char_array_3[1] = ((char_array_4[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
-         char_array_3[2] = ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3) << 6) + char_array_4[3];
-         for (i = 0; (i < 3); i++)
-            ret += char_array_3[i];
-         i = 0;
-      }
-   }
-   if( i )
-   {
-      for(j = i; j <4; j++)
-         char_array_4[j] = 0;
-      for(j = 0; j <4; j++)
-         char_array_4[j] = (unsigned char)base64_chars.find(char_array_4[j]);
-      char_array_3[0] = (char_array_4[0] << 2) + ((char_array_4[1] & 0x30) >> 4);
-      char_array_3[1] = ((char_array_4[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
-      char_array_3[2] = ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3) << 6) + char_array_4[3];
-      for(j = 0; (j < i - 1); j++) 
-         ret += char_array_3[j];
-   }
-   return ret;
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbConverter.h b/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbConverter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fd99c689e2098a3422003e658ce91a7cfb958dc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbConverter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#include <cstdlib> 
-#include <ctime> 
-#include <cassert> 
-#include <string>
-/*  UBConverter                                                             */
-/*                                                                         */
-// encodes  vals to   e.g. base64
-// dencodes vals from e.g. base64
-// author <A HREF="mailto:muffmolch@gmx.de">S. Freudiger</A>
-// version 1.0 - 22.10.2007
-class UbConverter
-   static std::string base64_encode(unsigned char const* , unsigned int len);
-   static std::string base64_decode(std::string const& s);
-   static inline bool is_base64(const unsigned char& c)
-   {
-      return (isalnum(c) || (c == '+') || (c == '/'));
-   }
-   UbConverter() {}
-   ~UbConverter() {}
-   UbConverter(const UbConverter&);  // not implemented.
-   void operator=(const UbConverter&);  //not implemented.
-   static const std::string base64_chars;
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbPointerWrapper.h b/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbPointerWrapper.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dbb65d39f08eea99d924026a1ba3604a362fe02f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbPointerWrapper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-//kappselt dynamische Objekte zur remote uebetragung
-//bei RCF werden z.B. aufgrund GC alle lokalen Objekte und 
-//"nackte" Pointer die automatisch als shared_ptr initialisert 
-//werde nach Methoden-Aufruf zerstoert
-//hierfuer kann man dann den UbPointerWrapper verwenden
-template<typename T>
-class UbPointerWrapper
-	UbPointerWrapper() : pointer(NULL) {}
-	UbPointerWrapper(T* pointer) : pointer(pointer) {}
-   T* get() { return pointer; }
-   template<class Archive>
-	void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) 
-   {
-		ar & pointer;
-	}
-   T* pointer;
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbStaticPathMap.cpp b/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbStaticPathMap.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b68cc5ba1445d870e45b57e45ba1eaa5462ca44d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbStaticPathMap.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#include <basics/utilities/UbStaticPathMap.h>
-UbStaticPathMap::PathMap UbStaticPathMap::pathMap;
-const std::string UbStaticPathMap::GLOBAL = "UbStaticPathMap::GLOBAL";
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbStaticPathMap.h b/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbStaticPathMap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a188843c3a2411fd198b74f71ce0e712fbfcb5ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbStaticPathMap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbSystem.h>
-/*  UbStaticPathMap                                                             */
-/*                                                                         */
-@author <A HREF="mailto:muffmolch@gmx.de">S. Freudiger</A>
-@version 1.0 - 12.10.2007
-stores pathnames for pathIDs (e.g. on different processes different paths with same pathID)
-adding an path autom. changes "\" to "/" and removed last "/" if exists
-class UbStaticPathMap
-   typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > PathMap;
-   static const std::string GLOBAL;
-   static std::string addAndMakePath(const std::string& id, const std::string& path)
-   {
-      std::string tmpPath = UbStaticPathMap::addPath(id,path);
-      if( !tmpPath.empty() ) UbSystem::makeDirectory(tmpPath,20);
-      return tmpPath;
-   }
-   static std::string addPath(const std::string& id, const std::string& path)
-   {
-      std::string tmpPath = UbSystem::replaceInString(path,"\\","/");
-      if(tmpPath.rfind("/") == tmpPath.size()-1) tmpPath.resize(tmpPath.size()-1);
-      pathMap[id] = tmpPath;   
-      return tmpPath;
-   }
-   static std::string getPath(const std::string& id)
-   {
-      PathMap::iterator it = pathMap.find(id);
-      if(it == pathMap.end()) return "";
-      return it->second;
-   }
-   static void removePath(const std::string& id)
-   {
-      pathMap.erase(id);
-   }
-   static PathMap pathMap;
-   UbStaticPathMap() {}
-   UbStaticPathMap(const UbStaticPathMap&) {}
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbString.h b/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbString.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f93fe7ae6a6243a4bcd48adfd7ce872b2e0b3a36..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbString.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-//unnoetig: UbSystem::toString() verwenden,... andere Richtung: stringTo... oder am besten boost::lexical_cast
-//#ifndef UBSTRING_H
-//#define UBSTRING_H
-//#include <string>
-//#include <sstream>
-//using namespace std;
-//class UbString
-//   static void IntToString(int i, string& res)
-//   {
-//      ostringstream temp;
-//      temp << i;
-//      res = temp.str();
-//   }
-//#endif //end UBSTRING_H
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbTableModel.cpp b/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbTableModel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 12e69b068646db62f966d14d50b295812e5b05ba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbTableModel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#include <basics/utilities/UbTableModel.h>
-	//this->notifyObserversObjectWillBeDeleted();
-//void UbTableModel::objectChanged(UbObservable* changedObject)
-//	this->notifyObserversObjectChanged();	
-//void UbTableModel::objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable* objectForDeletion)
-//	objectForDeletion->removeObserver(this);
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbTableModel.h b/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbTableModel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 957201a5115555402b005708e3e553e172105942..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbTableModel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#include <iostream>
-class UbTableModel 
-   const static int COL_TYPE_STRING  = 1;
-   const static int COL_TYPE_BOOL    = 2;
-   const static int COL_TYPE_INTEGER = 3;
-   const static int COL_TYPE_DOUBLE  = 4;
-	UbTableModel();
-	virtual ~UbTableModel();
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//void objectChanged(UbObservable*);
-	//void objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable*);
-	virtual int getColumnNumber() = 0;
-	virtual int getRowNumber()    = 0;
-   virtual std::string getColumnLabel(int column) = 0;
-	virtual int getColumnType(int column) = 0;
-	virtual std::string getStringValue(int row, int col) = 0;
-   virtual void setStringValue(int row, int col, std::string str) = 0;
-	virtual int getSelectedRowIndex() = 0;
-	//virtual bool GetBoolValue(int row, int col) = 0;
diff --git a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbTuple.cpp b/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbTuple.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f778fc71a3a5ca12017213db79f3efba88c0761f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/basics/utilities/UbTuple.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-#include "UbTuple.h"
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/GbTriFaceMesh3D.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/GbTriFaceMesh3D.h
index 61eac36e1dac626dd039c0ffd20fd06e1d3929e8..146c8c2200da8ec73fe9a6b5b87684a571d02604 100644
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/GbTriFaceMesh3D.h
+++ b/src/basics/geometry3d/GbTriFaceMesh3D.h
@@ -10,14 +10,12 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <vector>
+#include <map>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbException.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbMath.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/Vector3D.h>
-#include <basics/memory/MbSmartPtr.h>
 #include <geometry3d/GbPoint3D.h>
 #include <PointerDefinitions.h>
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/KdTree.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/KdTree.h
index cbdfa88a48d2b63c591ef81cdbb6929ea9c61bef..03e461216cbfd7367b872713b77c21bd3e5bae5e 100644
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/KdTree.h
+++ b/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/KdTree.h
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 #ifndef KDTREE_H
 #define KDTREE_H
-#include <basics/memory/MbSmartPtr.h>
 #include <basics/writer/WbWriterVtkXmlBinary.h>
 #include <geometry3d/GbTriFaceMesh3D.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbKeys.h>
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/examples/AdvancedPIOTests/CMakeLists.txt b/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/examples/AdvancedPIOTests/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 97745da33a784c1374c5c3640ba91a97fb3cd8ab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/examples/AdvancedPIOTests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
-###   PACKAGES                                               ###
-###   OWN DEFINES 						###
-                         ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.cpp ) 
-###  PROJECT ERSTELLEN                                        ###
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/examples/AdvancedPIOTests/main.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/examples/AdvancedPIOTests/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 25a443cf16efb9d751873f10e04ee7ac20744c10..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/examples/AdvancedPIOTests/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,542 +0,0 @@
-#include <basics/utilities/UbTiming.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbRandom.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbTuple.h>
-#include <basics/writer/WbWriterAvsASCII.h>
-#include <basics/writer/WbWriterAvsBinary.h>
-#include <basics/writer/WbWriterVtkXmlBinary.h>
-#include <basics/writer/WbWriterVtkXmlASCII.h>
-#include <basics/container/CbUniformMatrix3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/GbTriFaceMesh3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/creator/GbTriFaceMesh3DCreator.h>
-#include <geometry3d/GbHalfSpace3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/KdTree/KdTree.h>
-#include <geometry3d/KdTree/splitalgorithms/KdSpatiallMedianSplit.h>
-#include <geometry3d/KdTree/splitalgorithms/KdSAHSplit.h>
-#include <geometry3d/KdTree/intersectionhandler/KdCountLineIntersectionHandler.h>
-#include <geometry3d/KdTree/intersectionhandler/KdCountRayIntersectionHandler.h>
-#include <stack>
-#include <list>
-using namespace std;
-void createGrid(std::string meshfile, int maxNofPointsPerDir, Kd::SplitAlgorithm<float>& splitAlg, bool writeFiles = true, std::string outpath = "g:/temp");
-void recursiveGridFill(CbUniformMatrix3D<short>& grid, const short& xs, const short& ys, const short& zs, const short& type);
-void iterativeGridFill(CbUniformMatrix3D<short>& grid, const short& xs, const short& ys, const short& zs, const short& type);
-#include <3rdParty/dirstream/dirstream.h>
-#include <3rdParty/dirstream/filter_utils.h>  // enth�lt die Definiton der bool'schen Ops f�r Filter
-using namespace std;
-int main()
-   try
-   {
-//       //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-//       //STL File auswaehlen
-//       //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-//       string pathname = "c:/temp";
-//       string stlPath = "c:/temp";
-//       dirstr::dirstream str(stlPath.c_str(), dirstr::op(dirstr::pattern_f("*.stl")) 
-//                            || dirstr::op(dirstr::pattern_f("*.ply"))  || dirstr::op(dirstr::pattern_f("*.inp"))
-//                            || dirstr::op(dirstr::pattern_f("*.mesh")));
-// //      UbLog::setReportingLevel(logDEBUG5);
-//       UbLog::setReportingLevel(logINFO);
-//       vector<string> filenames;
-//       for(string entry; str >> entry;)
-//       {
-//          GbTriFaceMesh3D* mesh = GbTriFaceMesh3DCreator::getInstance()->readMeshFromFile(entry,"mesh");
-//          string fn = UbSystem::getFilenameFromString(entry);
-//          mesh->writeMeshPly(pathname+"/"+fn+".ply");
-//          delete mesh;
-//       }
-//       exit(0);
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/clumps.stl", 200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/50spheres.inp", 200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/Sphere5040.inp", 200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/cooling_2.inp", 400, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/NDR-Konzertsaal.inp", 100, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/Campus-Details-W3.inp", 200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/Boein707.mesh", 100, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/dolphin.mesh", 400, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/box.ply", 10, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/bodyRight.stl", 200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/flamingo.mesh", 200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/torus.inp", 256, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      createGrid("c:/temp/xzx_dragon.stl", 512, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-//       createGrid("c:/temp/bunny_ascii.ply", 256, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-//       createGrid("c:/temp/dragon_ascii.ply", 256, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-//       createGrid("c:/temp/budda_ascii.ply", 256, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGridWithLines("c:/temp/box.ply", 10, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-//       createGrid("c:/temp/beatle.mesh",200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>(), true, "g:/temp");
-//       createGrid("c:/temp/atrium-30000tri.inp",200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>(), true, "g:/temp");
-//       createGrid("c:/temp/Buero.inp",200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>(), true, "g:/temp");
-//       createGrid("c:/temp/office_space.inp",200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>(), true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("d:/meshes/50spheres.inp",200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>(), true, "d:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/torus.inp",200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>(), true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/bodyRight.stl", 200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/jetta.stl", 200, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SPATIALSPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/jetta.stl", 200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>(), true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/VW_body.ply", 200, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/kugel.stl", 50, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp");
-      //createGrid("c:/temp/ship-2.mesh", 100, Kd::SAHSplit<float>() , true, "g:/temp/schiff2");                                                   
-   }
-   catch(const std::exception& e)
-   {
-      UBLOG2(  logERROR, std::cerr, "Caught exception:");
-      UBLOG2(  logERROR, std::cerr, "Type: " << typeid(e).name() );
-      UBLOG2ML(logERROR, std::cerr, "What: " << e.what() );
-   }
-   catch(...)
-   {
-      UBLOG2(logERROR, std::cerr, "unknown exception occurs in "<< UB_FUNCTION)
-   }
-namespace Flag
-   const short UNDEF = 2;
-   const short SOLID = 1;
-   const short FLUID = 0;
-void createGrid(std::string meshfile, int maxNofPointsPerDir, Kd::SplitAlgorithm<float>& splitAlg, bool writeFiles, std::string outpath)
-   UbLog::setReportingLevel(logDEBUG5);
-   std::string filename = UbSystem::getFilenameFromString(meshfile);
-   std::list< UbTuple<string, double> > timerVals;
-   UbTimer timer;
-   timer.start();
-   GbTriFaceMesh3D* mesh = GbTriFaceMesh3DCreator::getInstance()->readMeshFromFile(meshfile,"mesh",GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT);
-   timerVals.push_back( UbTuple<string, double>("mesh", timer.stop() ) );
-   UBLOG( logINFO, "read mesh in "<<val<2>(timerVals.back())<<"s" );
-   timer.start();
-   Kd::Tree<float> kdTree( *mesh, splitAlg  );
-   timerVals.push_back( UbTuple<string, double>("kdTree", timer.stop() ) );
-   UBLOG( logINFO, "build tree in "<<val<2>(timerVals.back())<<"s" );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "############################################################");
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "nodes of TriFaceMesh....... "<<mesh->getNodes()->size()      );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "triFaces of TriFaceMesh.... "<<mesh->getTriangles()->size()  );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "triFace copies in KdTree... "<<kdTree.getNumOfTriFaces()     );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "nodes of kdNodes of KdTree. "<<kdTree.getNumOfNodes()        );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "");
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   // Ausgangs 3-D_Feld erstellen
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   const float percentOverLap = 0.05f; //=5%
-   const float maxLength = (1.0f+percentOverLap)*(float)UbMath::max( mesh->getLengthX1(), mesh->getLengthX2(), mesh->getLengthX3() );
-   const float dx1 = maxLength/(maxNofPointsPerDir-1);
-   const float dx2 = dx1;
-   const float dx3 = dx1;
-   const int nx1 = 1 + int( std::ceil(mesh->getLengthX1()*(1.0f+percentOverLap)/dx1)+0.5 );
-   const int nx2 = 1 + int( std::ceil(mesh->getLengthX2()*(1.0f+percentOverLap)/dx2)+0.5 );
-   const int nx3 = 1 + int( std::ceil(mesh->getLengthX3()*(1.0f+percentOverLap)/dx3)+0.5 );
-   CbUniformMatrix3D<short> solids(nx1,nx2,nx3,Flag::UNDEF);
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   // Knoten typisieren
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   const float orgx1 = (float)( -0.5*percentOverLap*mesh->getLengthX1()+mesh->getX1Minimum() );
-   const float orgx2 = (float)( -0.5*percentOverLap*mesh->getLengthX2()+mesh->getX2Minimum() );
-   const float orgx3 = (float)( -0.5*percentOverLap*mesh->getLengthX3()+mesh->getX3Minimum() );
-   std::vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>& triFaces = *mesh->getTriangles();
-   std::vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>&  vertices = *mesh->getNodes();
-   float x1center = float( mesh->getX1Centroid() );
-   float x2center = float( mesh->getX2Centroid() );
-   float x3center = float( mesh->getX3Centroid() );
-   UBLOG( logINFO, "performing point-in-object(PIO)-tests");
-   long  counter1=0, counter2 = 0;
-   float x1w, x2w, x3w;
-   int   x1Min, x2Min, x3Min, x1Max, x2Max, x3Max;
-   float einflussBereichKnoten_sq = dx1*dx1+dx2*dx2+dx3*dx3;
-   timer.start();
-   for(size_t t=0; t<triFaces.size(); t++)   
-   {
-      GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace& triangle = triFaces[t];
-      GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex& v1 = vertices[triangle.v1];
-      GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex& v2 = vertices[triangle.v2];
-      GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex& v3 = vertices[triangle.v3];
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      // AABB riangle
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      x1Min = /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::floor( ( UbMath::min( v1.x, v2.x, v3.x ) - orgx1) / dx1 ) );
-      x2Min = /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::floor( ( UbMath::min( v1.y, v2.y, v3.y ) - orgx2) / dx2 ) );
-      x3Min = /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::floor( ( UbMath::min( v1.z, v2.z, v3.z ) - orgx3) / dx3 ) );
-      x1Max = /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::ceil(  ( UbMath::max( v1.x, v2.x, v3.x ) - orgx1) / dx1 ) );
-      x2Max = /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::ceil(  ( UbMath::max( v1.y, v2.y, v3.y ) - orgx2) / dx2 ) );
-      x3Max = /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::ceil(  ( UbMath::max( v1.z, v2.z, v3.z ) - orgx3) / dx3 ) );
-      GbHalfSpace3D halfSpace(  v1.x, v1.y, v1.z, v2.x, v2.y, v2.z, v3.x, v3.y, v3.z );
-      for(int x3=x3Min; x3<=x3Max; x3++)
-      {
-         for(int x2=x2Min; x2<=x2Max; x2++)
-         {
-            for(int x1=x1Min; x1<=x1Max; x1++)
-            {
-               counter1++;
-               short& solidVal = solids(x1,x2,x3);
-               if( solidVal != Flag::UNDEF )  //doppeltes Testen vermeiden
-               {
-                  continue;
-               }
-               counter2++;
-               //Weltkoords
-               x1w = orgx1+x1*dx1;
-               x2w = orgx2+x2*dx2;
-               x3w = orgx3+x3*dx3;
-               float dist = (float)halfSpace.getDistance( x1w, x2w, x3w );
-               if( UbMath::greater( dist, 0.0f) )
-               {
-                  continue;
-               }
-               if( UbMath::greater(dist*dist, einflussBereichKnoten_sq))
-               {
-                  continue;
-               }
-               //eigentlicher PIO-Test
-               bool testFailed = true;
-               for(int i=0; i<100; i++ )
-               {
-                  Kd::Ray<float> ray(  x1w, x2w, x3w  //, 1, 0 ,0 );
-                                     , ( x1w < x1center ? (float)UbRandom::rand(-1.0,-0.001, 10) : (float)UbRandom::rand(0.001, 1.0, 10) )
-                                     , ( x2w < x2center ? (float)UbRandom::rand(-1.0,-0.001, 10) : (float)UbRandom::rand(0.001, 1.0, 10) )
-                                     , ( x3w < x3center ? (float)UbRandom::rand(-1.0,-0.001, 10) : (float)UbRandom::rand(0.001, 1.0, 10) ) );
-                  int iSec = kdTree.intersectRay( ray, Kd::CountRayIntersectionHandler<float>() );
-                  if( iSec != Kd::Intersection::INTERSECT_EDGE ) //KEINE Kante getroffen
-                  {
-                     if(iSec == Kd::Intersection::ON_BOUNDARY )
-                     {
-                        solidVal = Flag::SOLID;
-                     }
-                     else
-                     {
-                        solidVal = (iSec&1);  //ungerade anzahl an schnitten --> drinnen
-                     }
-                     testFailed = false;
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  else
-                  {
-                     UBLOG(logDEBUG3, "GbTriFaceMesh3D.isPointInGbObject3D.if  - an edge was hit ");
-                  }
-               }
-               if( testFailed ) throw UbException(UB_EXARGS, "ups, nach 100 Strahlen immer noch kein Ergebnis");
-             }
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   timerVals.push_back( UbTuple<string, double>("PiO-Test", timer.stop() ) );
-   UBLOG( logINFO,counter2 <<" point-in-object(PIO)-tests done in "<<val<2>(timerVals.back())<<"s" );
-   UBLOG( logINFO,counter1-counter2 <<" point-in-object(PIO)-tests uebersprungen" );
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   if( false) //using just one seed point
-   {
-      //FUELL
-      bool foundSeedPoint         = false;
-      int  seedPointSearchCounter = 0;
-      int  seedX1 = Ub::inf;
-      int  seedX2 = Ub::inf;
-      int  seedX3 = Ub::inf;
-      timer.start();
-      for(size_t t=0; t<triFaces.size(); t++)   
-      {
-          GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace& triangle = triFaces[t];
-          float& nx = triangle.nx;
-          float& ny = triangle.ny;
-          float& nz = triangle.nz;
-          float cx1 = triangle.getX1Centroid(vertices);
-          float cx2 = triangle.getX2Centroid(vertices);
-          float cx3 = triangle.getX3Centroid(vertices);
-          for(int k=0; k<5; k++) 
-          {
-             seedPointSearchCounter++;
-             cx1 -= nx * dx1;
-             cx2 -= ny * dx2;
-             cx3 -= nz * dx3;
-             int ix1 = UbMath::integerRounding( (cx1-orgx1)/dx1 );
-             int ix2 = UbMath::integerRounding( (cx2-orgx2)/dx2 );
-             int ix3 = UbMath::integerRounding( (cx3-orgx3)/dx3 );
-             if(   solids.indicesInRange(ix1,ix2,ix3)
-                && solids(ix1, ix2, ix3 ) == Flag::UNDEF )
-             {
-                x1w = orgx1+ix1*dx1;
-                x2w = orgx2+ix2*dx2;
-                x3w = orgx3+ix3*dx3;
-                Kd::Ray<float> ray(  x1w, x2w, x3w  //, 1, 0 ,0 );
-                                  , ( x1w < x1center ? (float)UbRandom::rand(-1.0,-0.001, 10) : (float)UbRandom::rand(0.001, 1.0, 10) )
-                                  , ( x2w < x2center ? (float)UbRandom::rand(-1.0,-0.001, 10) : (float)UbRandom::rand(0.001, 1.0, 10) )
-                                  , ( x3w < x3center ? (float)UbRandom::rand(-1.0,-0.001, 10) : (float)UbRandom::rand(0.001, 1.0, 10) ) );
-                int iSec = kdTree.intersectRay( ray, Kd::CountRayIntersectionHandler<float>() );
-                if( iSec>0 && (iSec&1) )
-                {
-                   seedX1 = ix1;
-                   seedX2 = ix2;
-                   seedX3 = ix3;
-                   foundSeedPoint = true;
-                   break;
-                }
-              }
-          }
-          if(foundSeedPoint) break;
-      }
-      if(!foundSeedPoint)
-         throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"fuck no seed point found");
-      timerVals.push_back( UbTuple<string, double>("Seed found in", timer.stop() ) );
-      UBLOG( logINFO,"found seed Point in "<<val<2>(timerVals.back())<<"s with "<<seedPointSearchCounter << " tested points" );
-      cout<<nx1<<","<<nx2<<","<<nx3<<endl;
-      bool recursiveFloodFill = ( nx1*nx2*nx3 < 100*100*30 );
-      if(recursiveFloodFill)
-      {
-         timer.start();
-         recursiveGridFill(solids, seedX1, seedX2, seedX3, Flag::SOLID);
-         timerVals.push_back( UbTuple<string, double>("flood fill (r)", timer.stop() ) );
-         UBLOG( logINFO,"recursive flood fill in "<<val<2>(timerVals.back())<<"s with "<<seedPointSearchCounter << " tested points" );
-         CbUniformMatrix3D<short> solidsCpy(solids);
-         timer.start();
-         iterativeGridFill(solidsCpy, seedX1, seedX2, seedX3, Flag::SOLID);
-         timerVals.push_back( UbTuple<string, double>("flood fill (i)", timer.stop() ) );
-         UBLOG( logINFO,"iterative flood fill in "<<val<2>(timerVals.back())<<"s with "<<seedPointSearchCounter << " tested points" );
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         timer.start();
-         iterativeGridFill(solids, seedX1, seedX2, seedX3, Flag::SOLID);
-         timerVals.push_back( UbTuple<string, double>("flood fill (r)", timer.stop() ) );
-         UBLOG( logINFO,"recursive flood fill in "<<val<2>(timerVals.back())<<"s with "<<seedPointSearchCounter << " tested points" );
-      }
-      UBLOG(logINFO, "############################################################");
-   }
-   else //verifying complete arry
-   {
-      bool recursiveFloodFill = ( nx1*nx2*nx3 < 100*100*30 );
-      int solidCounter  = 0;
-      timer.start();
-      for(int x3=0; x3<solids.getNX3(); x3++)
-         for(int x2=0; x2<solids.getNX2(); x2++)
-            for(int x1=0; x1<solids.getNX1(); x1++)
-            {
-               if( solids(x1  ,x2  ,x3 ) == Flag::UNDEF ) 
-               {
-                  x1w = orgx1+x1*dx1;
-                  x2w = orgx2+x2*dx2;
-                  x3w = orgx3+x3*dx3;
-                  int iSec = -1;
-                  do{
-                     Kd::Ray<float> ray(  x1w, x2w, x3w  //, 1, 0 ,0 );
-                                       , ( x1w < x1center ? (float)UbRandom::rand(-1.0,-0.001, 10) : (float)UbRandom::rand(0.001, 1.0, 10) )
-                                       , ( x2w < x2center ? (float)UbRandom::rand(-1.0,-0.001, 10) : (float)UbRandom::rand(0.001, 1.0, 10) )
-                                       , ( x3w < x3center ? (float)UbRandom::rand(-1.0,-0.001, 10) : (float)UbRandom::rand(0.001, 1.0, 10) ) );
-                     iSec = kdTree.intersectRay( ray, Kd::CountRayIntersectionHandler<float>() );
-                  }while(iSec<0);
-                  if( iSec&1 )
-                  {
-                     if(recursiveFloodFill) recursiveGridFill(solids,x1,x2,x3,Flag::SOLID);
-                     else                   iterativeGridFill(solids,x1,x2,x3,Flag::SOLID);
-                  }
-                  else
-                  {
-                     if(recursiveFloodFill) recursiveGridFill(solids,x1,x2,x3,Flag::FLUID);
-                     else                   iterativeGridFill(solids,x1,x2,x3,Flag::FLUID);
-                  }
-               }
-            }
-      if(recursiveFloodFill) timerVals.push_back( UbTuple<string, double>("flood fill (r)", timer.stop() ) );
-      else                   timerVals.push_back( UbTuple<string, double>("flood fill (i)", timer.stop() ) );
-      UBLOG( logINFO,"recursive flood fill in "<<val<2>(timerVals.back())<<"s " );
-   }
-   list< UbTuple< string, double > >::iterator iter;
-   for(iter = timerVals.begin(); iter!=timerVals.end(); ++iter)
-   {
-      UBLOG( logINFO, setw(16) << val<1>(*iter) << " in " << setw(8) << setprecision(8) << val<2>(*iter) << "s" );
-   }
-   int solidCounter  = 0;
-   for(int x3=0; x3<solids.getNX3(); x3++)
-      for(int x2=0; x2<solids.getNX2(); x2++)
-         for(int x1=0; x1<solids.getNX1(); x1++)
-         {
-            if( solids(x1  ,x2  ,x3 ) == Flag::SOLID ) 
-            {
-               solidCounter++;
-            }
-         }
-   UBLOG( logINFO, "SOLIDS = " <<solidCounter);
-   UBLOG( logINFO, "SOLIDS = " <<solidCounter);
-   UBLOG( logINFO, "SOLIDS = " <<solidCounter);
-   UBLOG( logINFO, "SOLIDS = " <<solidCounter);
-   /* ======================================================================================= */
-   if(writeFiles) 
-   {
-      UBLOG( logINFO, "writeFiles - start");
-      string subfiledir = outpath+"/"+filename+"_solid_node_files";
-      UbSystem::makeDirectory( subfiledir );
-      std::vector<UbTupleFloat3 > nodes;
-      std::vector<std::string > datanames(1,"data");
-      datanames[0] = "solid";
-      std::vector< std::string > outFilenames;
-      std::vector<std::vector<double > > nodedata( datanames.size() );
-      for(int x3=0; x3<solids.getNX3(); x3++)
-         for(int x2=0; x2<solids.getNX2(); x2++)
-            for(int x1=0; x1<solids.getNX1(); x1++)
-            {
-               if( solids(x1  ,x2  ,x3 ) == Flag::SOLID ) 
-               {
-                  nodes.push_back( makeUbTuple(  orgx1+x1*dx1, orgx2+x2*dx2, orgx3+x3*dx3 ) );
-                  nodedata[0].push_back( solids(x1  ,x2  ,x3 ) );
-               }          
-               if(    nodes.size() > 2000000  
-                   || ( x1==(solids.getNX1()-1) && x2==(solids.getNX2()-1) && x3==(solids.getNX3()-1) ) ) 
-               {
-                  outFilenames.push_back( WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance()->writeNodesWithNodeData(subfiledir+"/"+filename+"_solid_nodes_"+"_part"+UbSystem::toString(outFilenames.size()+1),nodes,datanames,nodedata) );
-                  nodes.clear();
-                  nodedata.clear();
-                  nodedata.resize( datanames.size() );
-               }
-            }
-      WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance()->writeCollection(outpath+"/"+filename+"_solids_nodes",outFilenames,0,false);
-      mesh->writeMesh(outpath+"/"+filename+"_mesh",WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-      kdTree.writeTree(outpath+"/"+filename+"_kdTree",WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-      UBLOG( logINFO, "writeFiles - end")
-   }
-   delete mesh;
-namespace Dirs
-   const int X1[] = { 1, -1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1, -1,  1, -1,  1, -1,  1, -1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 };
-   const int X2[] = { 0,  0,  1, -1,  0,  0,  1, -1, -1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1, -1,  1, -1,  0 };
-   const int X3[] = { 0,  0,  0,  0,  1, -1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1, -1, -1,  1,  1, -1, -1,  1,  0 };
-   const int START = 0;
-   const int END6  = 5;
-   const int END18 = 17;
-bool floodFillCheck(CbUniformMatrix3D<short>& grid, const short& x, const short& y, const short& z)
-   return grid.indicesInRange( x, y, z ) && grid(x,y,z)==Flag::UNDEF;
-int g_counter = 0;
-void recursiveGridFill(CbUniformMatrix3D<short>& grid, const short& xs, const short& ys, const short& zs, const short& type)
-   // Algorithmus zum F�llen eines Polyeders, ausgehend vom Saatpunkt xs,ys,zs
-   //Saatknoten einf�rben
-   short& val = grid(xs,ys,zs);
-   if( val==Flag::UNDEF )
-   {
-      val = type;
-   }
-   if(   floodFillCheck( grid, xs+1, ys  , zs   ) ) recursiveGridFill( grid, xs+1, ys  , zs  , type );
-   if(   floodFillCheck( grid, xs  , ys+1, zs   ) ) recursiveGridFill( grid, xs  , ys+1, zs  , type );
-   if(   floodFillCheck( grid, xs  , ys  , zs+1 ) ) recursiveGridFill( grid, xs  , ys  , zs+1, type );
-   if(   floodFillCheck( grid, xs-1, ys  , zs   ) ) recursiveGridFill( grid, xs-1, ys  , zs  , type );
-   if(   floodFillCheck( grid, xs  , ys-1, zs   ) ) recursiveGridFill( grid, xs  , ys-1, zs  , type );
-   if(   floodFillCheck( grid, xs  , ys  , zs-1 ) ) recursiveGridFill( grid, xs  , ys  , zs-1, type );
-void iterativeGridFill(CbUniformMatrix3D<short>& grid, const short& xs, const short& ys, const short& zs, const short& type)
-   std::stack< UbTupleInt3 > stck;
-   stck.push( UbTupleInt3(xs,ys,zs) );
-   int x,y,z;
-   while( !stck.empty() )  
-   {
-      x = val<1>( stck.top() );
-      y = val<2>( stck.top() );
-      z = val<3>( stck.top() );
-      stck.pop();
-      short& flagType = grid( x, y, z );
-      if( flagType == Flag::UNDEF ) 
-      {     
-         flagType = type;
-         if ( grid.indicesInRange( x+1, y  , z   ) ) stck.push( UbTupleInt3( x+1, y  , z   ) );
-         if ( grid.indicesInRange( x  , y+1, z   ) ) stck.push( UbTupleInt3( x  , y+1, z   ) );
-         if ( grid.indicesInRange( x  , y  , z+1 ) ) stck.push( UbTupleInt3( x  , y  , z+1 ) );
-         if ( grid.indicesInRange( x-1, y  , z   ) ) stck.push( UbTupleInt3( x-1, y  , z   ) );
-         if ( grid.indicesInRange( x  , y-1, z   ) ) stck.push( UbTupleInt3( x  , y-1, z   ) );
-         if ( grid.indicesInRange( x  , y  , z-1 ) ) stck.push( UbTupleInt3( x  , y  , z-1 ) );
-      }
-   }
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/examples/PIOTests/CMakeLists.txt b/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/examples/PIOTests/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b748ae13617043634038e4ebd3db5800fd666c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/examples/PIOTests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
-###   PACKAGES                                               ###
-###   OWN DEFINES 						###
-                         ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.cpp ) 
-###  PROJECT ERSTELLEN                                        ###
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/examples/PIOTests/main.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/examples/PIOTests/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 15ad8489aebe7bb7aa9fbefa5233e553870fbc3b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/KdTree/examples/PIOTests/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-#include <basics/utilities/UbTiming.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbRandom.h>
-#include <basics/writer/WbWriterAvsASCII.h>
-#include <basics/writer/WbWriterAvsBinary.h>
-#include <basics/writer/WbWriterVtkXmlBinary.h>
-#include <basics/writer/WbWriterVtkXmlASCII.h>
-#include <basics/container/CbUniformMatrix4D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/GbTriFaceMesh3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/creator/GbTriFaceMesh3DCreator.h>
-#include <geometry3d/KdTree/KdTree.h>
-#include <geometry3d/KdTree/splitalgorithms/KdSpatiallMedianSplit.h>
-#include <geometry3d/KdTree/splitalgorithms/KdSAHSplit.h>
-#include <geometry3d/KdTree/intersectionhandler/KdCountLineIntersectionHandler.h>
-#include <geometry3d/KdTree/intersectionhandler/KdCountRayIntersectionHandler.h>
-using namespace std;
-void KdTreeTest         (std::string meshfile, int maxNofPointsPerDir, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SPLITAGORITHM pio, bool writeFiles = true, std::string outpath = "g:/temp");
-void KdTreeTestWithLines(std::string meshfile, int maxNofPointsPerDir, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SPLITAGORITHM pio, bool writeFiles = true, std::string outpath = "g:/temp");
-int main()
-   try
-   {
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/clumps.stl", 200, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/50spheres.inp", 200, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/Sphere5040.inp", 200, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/cooling_2.inp", 400, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/NDR-Konzertsaal.inp", 100, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/Campus-Details-W3.inp", 200, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/Boein707.mesh", 100, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/dolphin.mesh", 400, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/box.ply", 10, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/bodyRight.stl", 200, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/flamingo.mesh", 200, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/torus.inp", 200, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTestWithLines("c:/temp/box.ply", 10, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      KdTreeTest("c:/temp/doppelwandbox.ply", 100, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SPATIALSPLIT, true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTestWithLines("c:/temp/torus.inp", 200, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT, true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTestWithLines("c:/temp/bodyRight.stl", 200, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/jetta.stl", 200, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SPATIALSPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/jetta.stl", 200, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT, true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/VW_body.ply", 200, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/kugel.stl", 50, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp");
-      //KdTreeTest("c:/temp/ship-2.mesh", 100, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT , true, "g:/temp/schiff2");                                                   
-   }
-   catch(const std::exception& e)
-   {
-      UBLOG2(  logERROR, std::cerr, "Caught exception:");
-      UBLOG2(  logERROR, std::cerr, "Type: " << typeid(e).name() );
-      UBLOG2ML(logERROR, std::cerr, "What: " << e.what() );
-   }
-   catch(...)
-   {
-      UBLOG2(logERROR, std::cerr, "unknown exception occurs in "<< UB_FUNCTION)
-   }
-void KdTreeTest(std::string meshfile, int maxNofPointsPerDir, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SPLITAGORITHM pio, bool writeFiles, std::string outpath)
-   UbLog::setReportingLevel(logDEBUG5);
-   std::string filename = UbSystem::getFilenameFromString(meshfile);
-   GbTriFaceMesh3D* mesh = GbTriFaceMesh3DCreator::getInstance()->readMeshFromFile(meshfile,"mesh",pio);
-   mesh->scale(10000,10000,10000);
-   //dummy test, damit der baum erstellt wird
-   mesh->isPointInGbObject3D(0,0,0);
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "############################################################");
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "nodes of TriFaceMesh....... "<<mesh->getNodes()->size()              );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "triFaces of TriFaceMesh.... "<<mesh->getTriangles()->size()          );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "triFace copies in KdTree... "<<mesh->getKdTree()->getNumOfTriFaces() );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "nodes of kdNodes of KdTree. "<<mesh->getKdTree()->getNumOfNodes()   );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "");
-   const float percentOverLap = 0.05f; //=5%
-   const float maxLength = (1.0f+percentOverLap)*UbMath::max( mesh->getLengthX1(), mesh->getLengthX2(), mesh->getLengthX3() );
-   const float dx1 = maxLength/(maxNofPointsPerDir-1);
-   const float dx2 = dx1;
-   const float dx3 = dx1;
-   const int nx1 = 1 + int( std::ceil(mesh->getLengthX1()*(1.0f+percentOverLap)/dx1)+0.5 );
-   const int nx2 = 1 + int( std::ceil(mesh->getLengthX2()*(1.0f+percentOverLap)/dx2)+0.5 );
-   const int nx3 = 1 + int( std::ceil(mesh->getLengthX3()*(1.0f+percentOverLap)/dx3)+0.5 );
-   CbUniformMatrix4D<int> solids(nx1,nx2,nx3,1,0);
-   const float orgx1 = -0.5*percentOverLap*mesh->getLengthX1()+mesh->getX1Minimum();
-   const float orgx2 = -0.5*percentOverLap*mesh->getLengthX2()+mesh->getX2Minimum();
-   const float orgx3 = -0.5*percentOverLap*mesh->getLengthX3()+mesh->getX3Minimum();
-   const float outX1 = 2*mesh->getX1Maximum();
-   const float outX2 = 0;//2*mesh->getX2Maximum();
-   const float outX3 = 0;//2*mesh->getX3Maximum();
-   UBLOG( logINFO, "performing " << nx1*nx2*nx3  <<" point-in-object(PIO)-tests");
-   UbTimer ff;
-   ff.start();
-   for(int x3=0; x3<solids.getNX3(); x3++)
-      for(int x2=0; x2<solids.getNX2(); x2++)
-         for(int x1=0; x1<solids.getNX1(); x1++)
-         {
-            solids(x1,x2,x3,0) = mesh->isPointInGbObject3D(orgx1+x1*dx1, orgx2+x2*dx2, orgx3+x3*dx3);
-         }
-   UBLOG( logINFO, nx1*nx2*nx3 <<" point-in-object(PIO)-tests done in "<<ff.stop()<<"s" );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "############################################################");
-   /* ======================================================================================= */
-   if(writeFiles) 
-   {
-      UBLOG( logINFO, "writeFiles - start");
-      string subfiledir = outpath+"/"+filename+"_solid_node_files";
-      UbSystem::makeDirectory( subfiledir );
-      std::vector<UbTupleFloat3 > nodes;
-      std::vector<std::string > datanames(solids.getNX4(),"data");
-      datanames[0] = "solid";
-      //datanames[1] = "solid";
-      std::vector< std::string > outFilenames;
-      std::vector<std::vector<double > > nodedata( datanames.size() );
-      for(int x3=0; x3<solids.getNX3(); x3++)
-         for(int x2=0; x2<solids.getNX2(); x2++)
-            for(int x1=0; x1<solids.getNX1(); x1++)
-            {
-               if( solids(x1  ,x2  ,x3  , 0)  ) 
-               {
-                  nodes.push_back( makeUbTuple(  orgx1+x1*dx1, orgx2+x2*dx2, orgx3+x3*dx3 ) );
-                  for(int i=0; i<solids.getNX4(); i++)
-                  {
-                     nodedata[i].push_back( solids(x1  ,x2  ,x3  ,i) );
-                  }
-               }          
-               if(    nodes.size() > 2000000  
-                   || ( x1==(solids.getNX1()-1) && x2==(solids.getNX2()-1) && x3==(solids.getNX3()-1) ) ) 
-               {
-                  outFilenames.push_back( WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance()->writeNodesWithNodeData(subfiledir+"/"+filename+"_solid_nodes_"+"_part"+UbSystem::toString(outFilenames.size()+1),nodes,datanames,nodedata) );
-                  nodes.clear();
-                  nodedata.clear();
-                  nodedata.resize( datanames.size() );
-               }
-            }
-      WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance()->writeCollection(outpath+"/"+filename+"_solids_nodes",outFilenames,0,false);
-      mesh->writeMesh(outpath+"/"+filename+"_mesh",WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance(),true);
-      mesh->writeMesh(outpath+"/"+filename+"_mesh",WbWriterAvsASCII::getInstance(),true);
-      mesh->getKdTree()->writeTree(outpath+"/"+filename+"_kdTree",WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-      UBLOG( logINFO, "writeFiles - end")
-   }
-void KdTreeTestWithLines(std::string meshfile, int maxNofPointsPerDir, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SPLITAGORITHM pio, bool writeFiles, std::string outpath)
-   UbLog::setReportingLevel(logDEBUG5);
-   std::string filename = UbSystem::getFilenameFromString(meshfile);
-   GbTriFaceMesh3D* mesh = GbTriFaceMesh3DCreator::getInstance()->readMeshFromFile(meshfile,"mesh",pio);
-   //dummy test, damit der baum erstellt wird
-   mesh->isPointInGbObject3D(0,0,0);
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "############################################################");
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "nodes of TriFaceMesh....... "<<mesh->getNodes()->size()              );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "triFaces of TriFaceMesh.... "<<mesh->getTriangles()->size()          );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "triFace copies in KdTree... "<<mesh->getKdTree()->getNumOfTriFaces() );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "nodes of kdNodes of KdTree. "<<mesh->getKdTree()->getNumOfNodes()   );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "");
-   const float percentOverLap = 0.05f; //=5%
-   const float maxLength = (1.0f+percentOverLap)*UbMath::max( mesh->getLengthX1(), mesh->getLengthX2(), mesh->getLengthX3() );
-   const float dx1 = maxLength/(maxNofPointsPerDir-1);
-   const float dx2 = dx1;
-   const float dx3 = dx1;
-   const int nx1 = 1 + /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::ceil(mesh->getLengthX1()*(1.0f+percentOverLap)/dx1) );
-   const int nx2 = 1 + /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::ceil(mesh->getLengthX2()*(1.0f+percentOverLap)/dx2) );
-   const int nx3 = 1 + /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::ceil(mesh->getLengthX3()*(1.0f+percentOverLap)/dx3) );
-   CbUniformMatrix4D<int> solids(nx1,nx2,nx3,2,0);
-   const float orgx1 = -0.5*percentOverLap*mesh->getLengthX1()+mesh->getX1Minimum();
-   const float orgx2 = -0.5*percentOverLap*mesh->getLengthX2()+mesh->getX2Minimum();
-   const float orgx3 = -0.5*percentOverLap*mesh->getLengthX3()+mesh->getX3Minimum();
-//    const float outX1 = 2*mesh->getX1Maximum();
-//    const float outX2 = 2*mesh->getX2Maximum();
-//    const float outX3 = 2*mesh->getX3Maximum();
-   Kd::Tree<double>* kdTree = mesh->getKdTree();
-   std::vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>& triFaces = *mesh->getTriangles();
-   std::vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>&  vertices = *mesh->getNodes();
-   float x1center = float( mesh->getX1Centroid() );
-   float x2center = float( mesh->getX2Centroid() );
-   float x3center = float( mesh->getX3Centroid() );
-   UBLOG( logINFO, "performing point-in-object(PIO)-tests");
-   UbTimer ff;
-   ff.start();
-   long counter1=0, counter2 = 0;
-   for(size_t t=0; t<triFaces.size(); t++)   
-   {
-      int x1Min = /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::floor( (triFaces[t].getMinX(vertices)-orgx1) / dx1 ) );
-      int x2Min = /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::floor( (triFaces[t].getMinY(vertices)-orgx2) / dx2 ) );
-      int x3Min = /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::floor( (triFaces[t].getMinZ(vertices)-orgx3) / dx3 ) );
-      int x1Max = /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::ceil(  (triFaces[t].getMaxX(vertices)-orgx1) / dx1 ) );
-      int x2Max = /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::ceil(  (triFaces[t].getMaxY(vertices)-orgx2) / dx2 ) );
-      int x3Max = /*UbMath::integerRounding*/( std::ceil(  (triFaces[t].getMaxZ(vertices)-orgx3) / dx3 ) );
-      for(int x3=x3Min; x3<=x3Max; x3++)
-         for(int x2=x2Min; x2<=x2Max; x2++)
-            for(int x1=x1Min; x1<=x1Max; x1++)
-            {
-               counter1++;
-               if( !solids.indicesInRange(x1,x2,x3,0) 
-                  || solids(x1,x2,x3,1) == 1 )  //doppeltes Testeb vermeiden
-               {
-                  continue;
-               }
-               counter2++;
-               double x1w = orgx1+x1*dx1;
-               double x2w = orgx2+x2*dx2;
-               double x3w = orgx3+x3*dx3;
-               //eigentlicher PIO-Test
-               bool testFailed = true;
-               for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
-               {
-                  UbTupleDouble3 n1(x1w, x2w, x3w);
-                  UbTupleDouble3 n2(  double( x1w < x1center ? mesh->getX1Minimum()-UbRandom::rand(0.5, 1.0, 10)*mesh->getLengthX1() : mesh->getX1Maximum()+UbRandom::rand(0.5, 1.0, 10)*mesh->getLengthX1() )
-                                    , double( x2w < x2center ? mesh->getX2Minimum()-UbRandom::rand(0.5, 1.0, 10)*mesh->getLengthX2() : mesh->getX2Maximum()+UbRandom::rand(0.5, 1.0, 10)*mesh->getLengthX2() )
-                                    , double( x3w < x3center ? mesh->getX3Minimum()-UbRandom::rand(0.5, 1.0, 10)*mesh->getLengthX3() : mesh->getX3Maximum()+UbRandom::rand(0.5, 1.0, 10)*mesh->getLengthX3() ) );
-                  int iSec = kdTree->intersectLine( n1, n2, Kd::CountLineIntersectionHandler<double>() );
-                  if( iSec != Kd::Intersection::INTERSECT_EDGE ) //KEINE Kante getroffen
-                  {
-                     if(iSec == Kd::Intersection::ON_BOUNDARY )
-                     {
-                        solids(x1,x2,x3,0) = true;
-                     }
-                     else
-                     {
-                        solids(x1,x2,x3,0) = (iSec&1);  //ungerade anzahl an schnitten --> drinnen
-                     }
-                     testFailed = false;
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  else
-                  {
-                     UBLOG(logDEBUG3, "GbTriFaceMesh3D.isPointInGbObject3D.if  - an edge was hit ");
-                  }
-               }
-               if( testFailed ) throw UbException(UB_EXARGS, "ups, nach 100 Strahlen immer noch kein Ergebnis");
-               solids(x1,x2,x3,1) = 1;
-             }
-   }
-   UBLOG( logINFO,counter2 <<" point-in-object(PIO)-tests done in "<<ff.stop()<<"s" );
-   UBLOG( logINFO,counter1-counter2 <<" point-in-object(PIO)-tests uebersprungen" );
-   UBLOG(logINFO, "############################################################");
-   /* ======================================================================================= */
-   if(writeFiles) 
-   {
-      UBLOG( logINFO, "writeFiles - start");
-      string subfiledir = outpath+"/"+filename+"_solid_node_files";
-      UbSystem::makeDirectory( subfiledir );
-      std::vector<UbTupleFloat3 > nodes;
-      std::vector<std::string > datanames(solids.getNX4(),"data");
-      datanames[0] = "solid";
-      //datanames[1] = "solid";
-      std::vector< std::string > outFilenames;
-      std::vector<std::vector<double > > nodedata( datanames.size() );
-      for(int x3=0; x3<solids.getNX3(); x3++)
-         for(int x2=0; x2<solids.getNX2(); x2++)
-            for(int x1=0; x1<solids.getNX1(); x1++)
-            {
-               if( solids(x1  ,x2  ,x3  , 0)  ) 
-               {
-                  nodes.push_back( makeUbTuple(  orgx1+x1*dx1, orgx2+x2*dx2, orgx3+x3*dx3 ) );
-                  for(int i=0; i<solids.getNX4(); i++)
-                  {
-                     nodedata[i].push_back( solids(x1  ,x2  ,x3  ,i) );
-                  }
-               }          
-               if(    nodes.size() > 2000000  
-                   || ( x1==(solids.getNX1()-1) && x2==(solids.getNX2()-1) && x3==(solids.getNX3()-1) ) ) 
-               {
-                  outFilenames.push_back( WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance()->writeNodesWithNodeData(subfiledir+"/"+filename+"_solid_nodes_"+"_part"+UbSystem::toString(outFilenames.size()+1),nodes,datanames,nodedata) );
-                  nodes.clear();
-                  nodedata.clear();
-                  nodedata.resize( datanames.size() );
-               }
-            }
-      WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance()->writeCollection(outpath+"/"+filename+"_solids_nodes",outFilenames,0,false);
-      mesh->writeMesh(outpath+"/"+filename+"_mesh",WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-      mesh->writeMesh(outpath+"/"+filename+"_mesh",WbWriterAvsASCII::getInstance());
-      mesh->getKdTree()->writeTree(outpath+"/"+filename+"_kdTree",WbWriterVtkXmlBinary::getInstance());
-      UBLOG( logINFO, "writeFiles - end")
-   }
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/insideOutsideTests/CMakeLists.txt b/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/insideOutsideTests/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 989760098ee002a782032c851e78729e86135201..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/insideOutsideTests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4)
-SET(CMAKE_CONFIG_FILE "${SOURCE_ROOT}/cmake_config_files/${CAB_MACHINE}.config.cmake")
-   PROJECT(geo3dCellCutTests)
-   SET(EXECUTABLE_NAME geo3dCellCutTests)
-   #erst hier das config file einf�gen, ansonsten werden manche settings durch (Project) �berschrieben)  
-   #################################################################
-   ###   PACKAGES						###
-   #################################################################
-   INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/basics/utilities/CMakePackage.txt)
-   INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/basics/objects/CMakePackage.txt)
-   INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/geometry3d/CMakePackage.txt)
-   INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/geometry3d/creator/CMakePackage.txt)
-   INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/geometry3d/fem/CMakePackage.txt)
-   #################################################################
-   ###   OWN DEFINES 						###
-   #################################################################
-                            ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.cpp ) 
-   #################################################################
-   ###   ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES                             ###
-   #################################################################
-   #################################################################
-   ###   EXCECUTABLE						###
-   #################################################################
-   #################################################################
-   ###   ADDITIONAL LINK PROPERTIES    			        ###
-   #################################################################
-      MESSAGE("CAB_MACHINE error - following file is missing: \n ${CMAKE_CONFIG_FILE}")
-    ELSE()
-      MESSAGE("check CAB_MACHINE!!!")
-    ENDIF()  
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/insideOutsideTests/main.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/insideOutsideTests/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fff172a00205f76c5bc302e6003e46b0c4de85a3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/insideOutsideTests/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#include <geometry3d/GbCuboid3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/GbSphere3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/GbCylinder3D.h>
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
-     GbSphere3D test(10,10,10,8);
-     bool cutSp1    /*false*/= test.isCellCuttingGbObject3D(9,9,9,11,11,11); //cell komplett IN sphere
-     bool cutSp2    /*true */= test.isCellCuttingGbObject3D(0,0,0,20,20,20); //cell umhuellt    sphere
-     bool cutSp3    /*true */= test.isCellCuttingGbObject3D(0,0,0,10,10,10); //cell cutted      sphere
-     bool cutSp4    /*false*/= test.isCellCuttingGbObject3D(100,100,100,101,101,101); //cell nix      sphere
-     bool cutInsSp1 /*true */= test.isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(9,9,9,11,11,11);     //cell komplett IN sphere
-     bool cutInsSp2 /*true */= test.isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(0,0,0,20,20,20);     //cell umhuellt    sphere
-     bool cutInsSp3 /*true */= test.isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(0,0,0,10,10,10);     //cell cutted      sphere
-     bool cutInsSp4 /*false*/= test.isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(100,100,100,101,101,101); //cell nix      sphere
-     GbCuboid3D test1(0,0,0,10,10,10);
-     bool cutCu1    /*false*/= test1.isCellCuttingGbObject3D(4,4,4,6,6,6);       //cell komplett IN cube
-     bool cutCu2    /*true */= test1.isCellCuttingGbObject3D(-1,-1,-1,11,11,11); //cell umhuellt    cube
-     bool cutCu3    /*true */= test1.isCellCuttingGbObject3D(5,5,5,15,15,15);   //cell cutted      cube
-     bool cutCu4    /*false*/= test1.isCellCuttingGbObject3D(12,12,12,15,15,15);   //cell nix      cube
-     bool cutInsCu1 /*true */= test1.isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(4,4,4,6,6,6);       //cell komplett IN cube
-     bool cutInsCu2 /*true */= test1.isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(-1,-1,-1,11,11,11); //cell umhuellt    cube
-     bool cutInsCu3 /*true */= test1.isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(5,5,5,15,15,15);   //cell cutted      cube
-     bool cutInsCu4 /*false*/= test1.isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(12,12,12,15,15,15);  //cell nix      cube
-     GbCylinder3D test2( 0,0,0, 20, 0, 0, 10);
-     bool cutCy1     /*false*/ = test2.isCellCuttingGbObject3D(1,-1,-1,4,1,1);       //cell komplett IN cyl
-     bool cutCy2     /*true */ = test2.isCellCuttingGbObject3D(10,0,0,15,12,11);     //cell umhuellt    cyl
-     bool cutCy3a    /*true */ = test2.isCellCuttingGbObject3D(5,5,5,15,15,15);      //cell cutted      cyl im kreisbreich
-     bool cutCy3b    /*true */ = test2.isCellCuttingGbObject3D(-5,-1,-1,5,1,1);      //cell cutted      cyl am stirn
-     bool cutCy4     /*false*/= test2.isCellCuttingGbObject3D(-10,-10,-10,-5,-5,-5);   //cell nix      cyl
-     bool cutInsCy1  /*true */= test2.isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(4,4,4,6,6,6);       //cell komplett IN cube
-     bool cutInsCy2  /*true */= test2.isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(10,0,0,15,12,11);   //cell umhuellt    cyl
-     bool cutInsCy3a /*true */= test2.isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(5,5,5,15,15,15);      //cell cutted      cyl im kreisbreich
-     bool cutInsCy3b /*true */= test2.isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(-5,-1,-1,5,1,1);   //cell cutted      cube
-     bool cutInsCy4  /*false*/= test2.isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(-10,-10,-10,-5,-5,-5);   //cell nix      cube
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/CMakeLists.txt b/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8205b5df50814835adda30f3ffaec014132a0229..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-SET(SOURCE_ROOT $ENV{CAB_DIR} CACHE PATH "(e.g. d:/temp/source)" )
-  INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/CMakeCABMacros.txt) 
-  #################################################################
-  ###   PACKAGES						###
-  #################################################################
-  INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/basics/objects/CMakeLists.txt)
-  INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/basics/utilities/CMakeLists.txt)
-  INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/basics/relation/CMakeLists.txt)
-  INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/geometry2d/CMakeLists.txt)
-  INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/geometry2d/creator/CMakeLists.txt)
-  INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/geometry3d/CMakeLists.txt)
-  INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/geometry3d/creator/CMakeLists.txt)
-  INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/octree/CMakeLists.txt)
-  INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/octree/facette/CMakeLists.txt)
-  INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/quadtree/CMakeLists.txt)
-  INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/quadtree/nodeadaptation/CMakeLists.txt)
-  #################################################################
-  ###   OWN DEFINES                                             ###
-  #################################################################
-  SET(SPECIFIC_FILES main.cpp stl2inp.h stl2inp.cpp QDefineUniformMesh.h QDefineUniformMesh.cpp)
-  IF(WIN32)
-    ADD_CXX_FLAGS("/wd4996")
-  ELSE(WIN32)
-    ADD_CXX_FLAGS("-O3 -mcpu=athlon-4 -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -funroll-all-loops")
-  #################################################################
-  ### QT SPECIFIC (only has effects if a QT source is included)	###
-  #################################################################
-  #QT specific 
-  INCLUDE(${SOURCE_ROOT}/CMakeQtMacros.txt)
-                       )
-                     ${QT_QTGUI_LIBRARY} 
-                    )
-      MESSAGE("Ups\nAt least one package needs Qt!\nPlease check Qt settings\n(e.g. librarys within Advanced Values)")
-     SET(SUBDIRPATH geometry3d/examples/stl2inp)
-     ################################################################
-    ###         Qt4      UI FILES                                ###
-    ################################################################
-    FILE(GLOB UI_FILES ${CURRENT_DIR}/*.ui)           #collect ui files
-    QT4_WRAP_UI(${CURRENT_DIR} OUTFILES ${UI_FILES})  #wrap ui files
-    #make subfolders for VS with new files
-    IF(WIN32)
-    ENDIF(WIN32)
-   ################################################################
-    ###       Qt4        HEADERS TO BE MOCED                     ###
-    ################################################################
-    #SET(MOC_CLASSES  ${CURRENT_DIR}/stl2inp.h QDefineUniformMesh.ui )
-  #################################################################
-  ###   ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES                             ###
-  #################################################################
-  #################################################################
-  ###   EXCECUTABLE						###
-  #################################################################
-                  ${ALL_SOURCES}
-                )
-  #################################################################
-  ###   ADDITIONAL LINK PROPERTIES    			        ###
-  #################################################################
-   MESSAGE("Set Path to \"source\" directory at\nSOURCE_ROOT\nis not correct")
- MESSAGE("Please Set Path to \"source\" directory at\nSOURCE_ROOT\n(e.g. D:/temp/source)")
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/QDefineUniformMesh.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/QDefineUniformMesh.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0676719cd8acd3bf5ccec29793bedd6e42405240..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/QDefineUniformMesh.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#include "./QDefineUniformMesh.h"
-#include <QtGui/QFileDialog>
-#include <QString>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <cstdio>
-QDefineUniformMesh::QDefineUniformMesh(QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags flags)
-	ui.setupUi(this);
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/QDefineUniformMesh.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/QDefineUniformMesh.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0648b9ae20f4d9452b0e7beb087607b0613beded..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/QDefineUniformMesh.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#include <QtGui/QDialog>
-#include "./QDefineUniformMeshUI.h"
-class QDefineUniformMesh : public QDialog
-	QDefineUniformMesh(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0);
-	~QDefineUniformMesh();
-	void	setStartLevel(int startLevel)	{ ui.spinBox_startLevel->setValue(startLevel); }
-	void	setStopLevel(int stopLevel)		{ ui.spinBox_stopLevel->setValue(stopLevel); }
-	void	setDelta(double delta)		{ ui.doubleSpinBox_delta->setValue(delta); }
-	void	setNX1(int nx1)				{ ui.spinBox_nx1->setValue(nx1); }
-	void	setNX2(int nx2)				{ ui.spinBox_nx2->setValue(nx2); }
-	void	setNX3(int nx3)				{ ui.spinBox_nx3->setValue(nx3); }
-	int		getStartLevel()	{ return ui.spinBox_startLevel->value(); }
-	int		getStopLevel()	{ return ui.spinBox_stopLevel->value(); }
-	double	getDelta()		{ return ui.doubleSpinBox_delta->value(); }
-	int		getNX1()		{ return ui.spinBox_nx1->value(); }
-	int		getNX2()		{ return ui.spinBox_nx2->value(); }
-	int		getNX3()		{ return ui.spinBox_nx3->value(); }
-	Ui::QDefineUniformMesh ui;
-//private slots:
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/QDefineUniformMesh.ui b/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/QDefineUniformMesh.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index c03b2513f5b64cfb9a4e1a5ea3ce9cbab96e11b2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/QDefineUniformMesh.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
- <author></author>
- <comment></comment>
- <exportmacro></exportmacro>
- <class>QDefineUniformMesh</class>
- <widget class="QDialog" name="QDefineUniformMesh" >
-  <property name="geometry" >
-   <rect>
-    <x>0</x>
-    <y>0</y>
-    <width>180</width>
-    <height>220</height>
-   </rect>
-  </property>
-  <property name="windowTitle" >
-   <string>Define Mesh Parameters</string>
-  </property>
-  <layout class="QGridLayout" >
-   <property name="margin" >
-    <number>9</number>
-   </property>
-   <property name="spacing" >
-    <number>6</number>
-   </property>
-   <item row="0" column="0" >
-    <layout class="QGridLayout" >
-     <property name="margin" >
-      <number>0</number>
-     </property>
-     <property name="spacing" >
-      <number>6</number>
-     </property>
-     <item row="1" column="0" >
-      <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-       <property name="margin" >
-        <number>0</number>
-       </property>
-       <property name="spacing" >
-        <number>6</number>
-       </property>
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QLabel" name="label" >
-         <property name="toolTip" >
-          <string>Stop-Level der Verfeinerung</string>
-         </property>
-         <property name="text" >
-          <string>Stop-Level</string>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QSpinBox" name="spinBox_stopLevel" />
-       </item>
-      </layout>
-     </item>
-     <item row="0" column="0" >
-      <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-       <property name="margin" >
-        <number>0</number>
-       </property>
-       <property name="spacing" >
-        <number>6</number>
-       </property>
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_6" >
-         <property name="toolTip" >
-          <string>Start-Level der Verfeinerung</string>
-         </property>
-         <property name="text" >
-          <string>Start-Level</string>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QSpinBox" name="spinBox_startLevel" />
-       </item>
-      </layout>
-     </item>
-    </layout>
-   </item>
-   <item row="1" column="0" >
-    <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-     <property name="margin" >
-      <number>0</number>
-     </property>
-     <property name="spacing" >
-      <number>6</number>
-     </property>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2" >
-       <property name="toolTip" >
-        <string>Größe der Zellen</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text" >
-        <string>Delta</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="doubleSpinBox_delta" />
-     </item>
-    </layout>
-   </item>
-   <item row="3" column="0" >
-    <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-     <property name="margin" >
-      <number>0</number>
-     </property>
-     <property name="spacing" >
-      <number>6</number>
-     </property>
-     <item>
-      <spacer>
-       <property name="orientation" >
-        <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
-       </property>
-       <property name="sizeHint" >
-        <size>
-         <width>131</width>
-         <height>31</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-      </spacer>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="okButton" >
-       <property name="text" >
-        <string>OK</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="cancelButton" >
-       <property name="text" >
-        <string>Cancel</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-    </layout>
-   </item>
-   <item row="2" column="0" >
-    <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
-     <property name="margin" >
-      <number>0</number>
-     </property>
-     <property name="spacing" >
-      <number>6</number>
-     </property>
-     <item>
-      <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-       <property name="margin" >
-        <number>0</number>
-       </property>
-       <property name="spacing" >
-        <number>6</number>
-       </property>
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3" >
-         <property name="toolTip" >
-          <string>Anzahl Zellen in X-Richtung</string>
-         </property>
-         <property name="text" >
-          <string>nx1</string>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QSpinBox" name="spinBox_nx1" />
-       </item>
-      </layout>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-       <property name="margin" >
-        <number>0</number>
-       </property>
-       <property name="spacing" >
-        <number>6</number>
-       </property>
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_4" >
-         <property name="toolTip" >
-          <string>Anzahl Zellen in Y-Richtung</string>
-         </property>
-         <property name="text" >
-          <string>nx2</string>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QSpinBox" name="spinBox_nx2" />
-       </item>
-      </layout>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-       <property name="margin" >
-        <number>0</number>
-       </property>
-       <property name="spacing" >
-        <number>6</number>
-       </property>
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_5" >
-         <property name="toolTip" >
-          <string>Anzahl Zellen in Z-Richtung</string>
-         </property>
-         <property name="text" >
-          <string>nx3</string>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QSpinBox" name="spinBox_nx3" />
-       </item>
-      </layout>
-     </item>
-    </layout>
-   </item>
-  </layout>
- </widget>
- <pixmapfunction></pixmapfunction>
- <resources/>
- <connections>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>okButton</sender>
-   <signal>clicked()</signal>
-   <receiver>QDefineUniformMesh</receiver>
-   <slot>accept()</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel" >
-     <x>286</x>
-     <y>257</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel" >
-     <x>96</x>
-     <y>254</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>cancelButton</sender>
-   <signal>clicked()</signal>
-   <receiver>QDefineUniformMesh</receiver>
-   <slot>reject()</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel" >
-     <x>369</x>
-     <y>257</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel" >
-     <x>179</x>
-     <y>282</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
- </connections>
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/main.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 70f49c728e124f6692f30c79a9fdc05f3a6b84f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <QtGui/QApplication>
-#include "./stl2inp.h"
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    QApplication a(argc, argv);
-    STL2INP w;
-	w.show();
-    a.connect(&a, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &a, SLOT(quit()));
-    return a.exec();
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/stl2inp.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/stl2inp.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d925c2b3c8acd24bd9bd85b174cbd73daf33c8b9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/stl2inp.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-#include "stl2inp.h"
-#include <QtGui/QFileDialog>
-#include <QString>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include "./QDefineUniformMesh.h"
-#include "./../../../../../source/basics/utilities/UbFileInputASCII.h"
-#include "./../../../../../source/basics/utilities/UbFileOutputASCII.h"
-#include "./../../../../../source/basics/utilities/UbFileOutputBinary.h"
-#include "./../../../../../source/geometry3d/GbTriangularMesh3D.h"
-#include "./../../../../../source/geometry3d/creator/GbTriangularMesh3DCreator.h"
-#include "./../../../../../source/geometry3D/CoordinateTransformation3D.h"
-#include "./../../../../../source/basics/utilities/UbTiming.h"
-#include "./../../../../../source/octree/facette/OctFacettenGrid2.h"
-STL2INP::STL2INP(QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags flags)
-: QMainWindow(parent, flags)
-	ui.setupUi(this);
-	startLevel	= 0;
-	stopLevel	= 3;
-	delta		= 10.00;
-	nx1			= 30;
-	nx2			= 15;
-	nx3			= 5;
-void STL2INP::on_pBtn_Input_pressed()
-	QString s = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
-		this,
-		"Choose a file",
-		"E:/",
-		"STL-Files (*.stl)");
-	if(s != ""){
-		ui.lineEdit_In->setText(s);
-		ui.statusBar->showMessage("Input-File: Filename defined", 3000);
-	}
-	else
-		ui.statusBar->showMessage("Input-File: No file found", 3000);
-void STL2INP::on_lineEdit_In_returnPressed(){
-	QString s = ui.lineEdit_In->text();
-	if(s != ""){
-		if(!s.endsWith(".stl",Qt::CaseSensitivity(false)))
-		{
-			s.append(".stl");
-			ui.lineEdit_In->setText(s);
-		}
-		if(QFile::exists(s))
-			ui.statusBar->showMessage("Inputput-File: File found", 3000);
-		else
-			ui.statusBar->showMessage("Input-File: File does not exist", 3000);
-	}
-	else
-		ui.statusBar->showMessage("Input-File: no Filename", 3000);
-void STL2INP::on_pBtn_Output_pressed(){
-	QString s = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
-		this,
-		"Choose a filename to save under",
-		"E:/",
-		"AVS-File (*.inp)");
-	if(s != ""){
-		ui.lineEdit_Out->setText(s);
-		ui.statusBar->showMessage("Output-File: Filename defined", 3000);
-	}
-	else
-		ui.statusBar->showMessage("Output-File: No file defined", 3000);
-void STL2INP::on_lineEdit_Out_returnPressed(){
-	QString s = ui.lineEdit_Out->text();
-	if(s != ""){
-		if(!s.endsWith(".inp",Qt::CaseSensitivity(false)))
-		{
-			s.append(".inp");
-			ui.lineEdit_Out->setText(s);
-		}
-		if (QFile::exists(s))
-			if(QMessageBox::question(this,
-				tr("Overwrite File? -- Application Name"),
-				tr("A file called %1 already exists."
-				"Do you want to overwrite it?")
-				.arg(s),
-				tr("&Yes"), tr("&No"),
-				QString(), 0, 1))
-				ui.lineEdit_Out->setText("");
-			else
-				ui.statusBar->showMessage("Output-File: overwrite existing File", 3000);
-		else
-			ui.statusBar->showMessage("Output-File: Filename defined", 3000);
-	}
-	else
-		ui.statusBar->showMessage("Output-File: No file defined", 3000);
-void STL2INP::on_pBtn_Output_2_pressed(){
-	QString s = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
-		this,
-		"Choose a filename to save under",
-		"E:/",
-		"Data-File (*.dat)");
-	if(s != ""){
-		ui.pBtn_EditMesh->setEnabled(true);
-		ui.lineEdit_Out_2->setText(s);
-		ui.statusBar->showMessage("Output-File: Filename defined", 3000);
-		on_pBtn_EditMesh_pressed();
-	}
-	else
-		ui.statusBar->showMessage("Output-File: No file defined", 3000);
-void STL2INP::on_lineEdit_Out_2_returnPressed(){
-	QString s = ui.lineEdit_Out_2->text();
-	if(s != ""){
-		ui.pBtn_EditMesh->setEnabled(true);
-		if(!s.endsWith(".dat",Qt::CaseSensitivity(false)))
-		{
-			s.append(".dat");
-			ui.lineEdit_Out_2->setText(s);
-		}
-		if (QFile::exists(s))
-			if(QMessageBox::question(this,
-				tr("Overwrite File? -- Application Name"),
-				tr("A file called %1 already exists."
-				"Do you want to overwrite it?")
-				.arg(s),
-				tr("&Yes"), tr("&No"),
-				QString(), 0, 1)){
-					ui.lineEdit_Out_2->setText("");
-					ui.pBtn_EditMesh->setEnabled(false);
-			}
-			else{
-				ui.statusBar->showMessage("Output-File: overwrite existing File", 3000);
-				ui.pBtn_EditMesh->setEnabled(true);
-			}
-		else{
-			ui.statusBar->showMessage("Output-File: Filename defined", 3000);
-			on_pBtn_EditMesh_pressed();
-		}
-	}
-	else
-		ui.statusBar->showMessage("Output-File: No file defined", 3000);
-void STL2INP::on_pBtn_Convert_pressed(){
-	if(ui.lineEdit_In->text() == "")
-		QMessageBox::warning(this,"ERROR", "No Input-File defined!",
-		QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton);
-	else if(ui.lineEdit_Out->text() == "" && ui.lineEdit_Out_2->text() == "")
-		QMessageBox::warning(this,"ERROR", "No Output-File defined!",
-		QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton);  
-	else
-	{
-		UbFileInputASCII *fileInput = new UbFileInputASCII(std::string(ui.lineEdit_In->text().toAscii()));
-		GbTriangularMesh3D *mesh = GbTriangularMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromSTLFile(fileInput, "Cube");
-		ui.statusBar->showMessage("Input-File was read", 3000);
-		delete fileInput;
-		cout<<mesh->toString()<<endl;
-		if(ui.checkBox_writeAVS->isChecked()){
-			if(ui.checkBox_Binary->isChecked()){
-				UbFileOutputBinary *fileOutput_AVS = new UbFileOutputBinary(std::string(ui.lineEdit_Out->text().toAscii()));
-				mesh->writeAVSMesh(fileOutput_AVS);
-				delete fileOutput_AVS;
-			}
-			else{
-				UbFileOutputASCII *fileOutput_AVS = new UbFileOutputASCII(std::string(ui.lineEdit_Out->text().toAscii()));
-				mesh->writeAVSMesh(fileOutput_AVS);
-				delete fileOutput_AVS;
-			}
-			ui.statusBar->showMessage("wrote AVS-Output-File");
-		}
-		if(ui.checkBox_writeUM->isChecked()){
-			cout<<"MinX:"<<mesh->getX1Minimum()<<endl;
-			cout<<"MaxX:"<<mesh->getX1Maximum()<<endl;
-			cout<<"MinY:"<<mesh->getX2Minimum()<<endl;
-			cout<<"MaxY:"<<mesh->getX2Maximum()<<endl;
-			cout<<"MinZ:"<<mesh->getX3Minimum()<<endl;
-			cout<<"MaxZ:"<<mesh->getX3Maximum()<<endl;
-			ui.statusBar->showMessage("start Writing Uniform-Mesh-File");
-			double minX = 0.0;
-			double minY = 0.0;    
-			double minZ = 0.0;
-			CoordinateTransformation3D *trafo = new CoordinateTransformation3D(minX, minY, minZ, delta, delta, delta);
-			UbTiming time;
-			time.initTiming();
-			time.startTiming();
-			ui.statusBar->showMessage("start Building FacetteGrid", 3000);
-			OctFacettenGrid2 *facettegrid = new OctFacettenGrid2("FacettenGrid", nx1, nx2, nx3, startLevel, stopLevel, mesh, trafo);
-			ui.statusBar->showMessage("end Building FacetteGrid", 3000);
-			UbFileOutputASCII out("E:/DATA/test.inp");
-			facettegrid->writeCellsToAVS(&out);
-			time.endTiming();
-			cout<<"Dauer:"<<time.getDuration()<<endl;
-			cout<<"Number of cells:"<<facettegrid->getNumberOfCells()<<endl;
-			cout<<"after generation ..."<<endl<<endl;                                         
-			double mydouble=0.0;
-			time.initTiming(); 
-			time.startTiming();
-			ui.statusBar->showMessage("start writing", 3000);
-			UbFileOutputASCII *fileOutput_UM = new UbFileOutputASCII(std::string(ui.lineEdit_Out_2->text().toAscii()));
-			facettegrid->writeToUniformGridFile2(fileOutput_UM);
-			delete fileOutput_UM;
-			time.endTiming();
-			cout<<"Dauer:"<<time.getDuration()<<endl;
-			int number = (int)facettegrid->getCells()->size();
-			delete trafo;
-			delete mesh;
-			delete facettegrid;
-			cout<<"Ready!!!"<<endl;
-			ui.statusBar->showMessage("wrote Unstructured-Mesh Output-File", 3000);
-		}
-	}
-void STL2INP::on_checkBox_stateChanged(int)
-void STL2INP::on_pBtn_EditMesh_pressed()
-	QDefineUniformMesh *meshdef = new QDefineUniformMesh(this); 
-	meshdef->setStartLevel(startLevel);
-	meshdef->setStopLevel(stopLevel);
-	meshdef->setDelta(delta);
-	meshdef->setNX1(nx1);
-	meshdef->setNX2(nx2);
-	meshdef->setNX3(nx3);
-	meshdef->exec();
-	startLevel = meshdef->getStartLevel();
-	stopLevel = meshdef->getStopLevel();
-	//cout<<"Start-Level: "<<startLevel<<"  Stop-Level: "<<stopLevel<<endl;
-	delta = meshdef->getDelta();
-	//cout<<"Delta: "<<delta<<endl;
-	nx1 = meshdef->getNX1();
-	nx2 = meshdef->getNX2();
-	nx3 = meshdef->getNX3();
-	//cout<<"nx1: "<<nx1<<"  nx2: "<<nx2<<"  nx3: "<<nx3<<endl;
-	delete meshdef;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/stl2inp.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/stl2inp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 353f2a2a72a2b9f6677029a4976da697cd141ef2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/stl2inp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef STL2INP_H
-#define STL2INP_H
-#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
-#include <QtGui/QProgressBar>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include "stl2inpUI.h"
-class STL2INP : public QMainWindow
-	STL2INP(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0);
-	~STL2INP();
-	int startLevel, stopLevel;
-	double delta;
-	int nx1, nx2, nx3;
-	Ui::STL2INPClass ui;
-	private slots:
-		void on_checkBox_stateChanged(int);
-		void on_pBtn_Input_pressed();
-		void on_pBtn_Output_pressed();
-		void on_pBtn_Output_2_pressed();
-		void on_pBtn_Convert_pressed();
-		void on_lineEdit_In_returnPressed();
-		void on_lineEdit_Out_returnPressed();
-		void on_lineEdit_Out_2_returnPressed();
-		void on_pBtn_EditMesh_pressed();
-#endif // STL2INP_H
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/stl2inp.ui b/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/stl2inp.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index 28d3ab49ca511a249430e804088b461320d72d0a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/examples/stl2inp/stl2inp.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
- <author></author>
- <comment></comment>
- <exportmacro></exportmacro>
- <class>STL2INPClass</class>
- <widget class="QMainWindow" name="STL2INPClass" >
-  <property name="geometry" >
-   <rect>
-    <x>0</x>
-    <y>0</y>
-    <width>400</width>
-    <height>350</height>
-   </rect>
-  </property>
-  <property name="windowTitle" >
-   <string>STL2INP</string>
-  </property>
-  <property name="statusTip" >
-   <string>...</string>
-  </property>
-  <widget class="QWidget" name="centralWidget" >
-   <layout class="QGridLayout" >
-    <property name="margin" >
-     <number>9</number>
-    </property>
-    <property name="spacing" >
-     <number>6</number>
-    </property>
-    <item row="4" column="0" colspan="2" >
-     <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_2" >
-      <property name="title" >
-       <string>Output-Files</string>
-      </property>
-      <layout class="QGridLayout" >
-       <property name="margin" >
-        <number>9</number>
-       </property>
-       <property name="spacing" >
-        <number>6</number>
-       </property>
-       <item row="0" column="0" >
-        <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBox_writeAVS" >
-         <property name="text" >
-          <string>write AVS-File</string>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item row="0" column="1" colspan="3" >
-        <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBox_Binary" >
-         <property name="text" >
-          <string>write *.inp to Binary</string>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item row="4" column="0" >
-        <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBox_writeUM" >
-         <property name="text" >
-          <string>write Uniform-Mesh-File</string>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item row="1" column="0" colspan="3" >
-        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_Out" >
-         <property name="enabled" >
-          <bool>false</bool>
-         </property>
-         <property name="minimumSize" >
-          <size>
-           <width>300</width>
-           <height>17</height>
-          </size>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item row="5" column="3" >
-        <widget class="QPushButton" name="pBtn_Output_2" >
-         <property name="enabled" >
-          <bool>false</bool>
-         </property>
-         <property name="maximumSize" >
-          <size>
-           <width>25</width>
-           <height>23</height>
-          </size>
-         </property>
-         <property name="text" >
-          <string>...</string>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item row="5" column="0" colspan="3" >
-        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_Out_2" >
-         <property name="enabled" >
-          <bool>false</bool>
-         </property>
-         <property name="minimumSize" >
-          <size>
-           <width>300</width>
-           <height>17</height>
-          </size>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item row="1" column="3" >
-        <widget class="QPushButton" name="pBtn_Output" >
-         <property name="enabled" >
-          <bool>false</bool>
-         </property>
-         <property name="maximumSize" >
-          <size>
-           <width>25</width>
-           <height>23</height>
-          </size>
-         </property>
-         <property name="text" >
-          <string>...</string>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item rowspan="2" row="2" column="0" colspan="4" >
-        <widget class="Line" name="line" >
-         <property name="orientation" >
-          <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item rowspan="2" row="3" column="2" colspan="2" >
-        <widget class="QPushButton" name="pBtn_EditMesh" >
-         <property name="enabled" >
-          <bool>false</bool>
-         </property>
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-   <signal>clicked(bool)</signal>
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-  <connection>
-   <sender>checkBox_writeUM</sender>
-   <signal>clicked(bool)</signal>
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-     <y>257</y>
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-  <connection>
-   <sender>lineEdit_In</sender>
-   <signal>selectionChanged()</signal>
-   <receiver>pBtn_Input</receiver>
-   <slot>animateClick()</slot>
-   <hints>
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-     <x>236</x>
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-     <y>98</y>
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-  <connection>
-   <sender>lineEdit_Out</sender>
-   <signal>selectionChanged()</signal>
-   <receiver>pBtn_Output</receiver>
-   <slot>animateClick()</slot>
-   <hints>
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-     <x>302</x>
-     <y>203</y>
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-  <connection>
-   <sender>lineEdit_Out_2</sender>
-   <signal>selectionChanged()</signal>
-   <receiver>pBtn_Output_2</receiver>
-   <slot>animateClick()</slot>
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-     <x>365</x>
-     <y>253</y>
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-   </hints>
-  </connection>
- </connections>
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 86b7cc239d0a33da9db6a6263d8959863bcfa0da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#include "./FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D.h"
-#include "./../GbPoint3D.h"
-#include "./../GbTriangle3D.h"
-#include "./../GbTriangularMesh3D.h"
-#include "./../../../basics/utilities/UbFileOutputASCII.h"
-#include "./../../../basics/utilities/UbLogger.h"
-FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D::FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D(std::string name, Mesh* mesh):FeTriFaceMesh3D()
-   this->mesh = mesh;
-   this->setName(name);
-   std::cout << "FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D:Konstruktor !!!"<<std::endl;
-   std::cout << "num vertices: " << mesh->VL->nitem << ", num triangles: " << mesh->TL->nitem
-             << ", num quads: " << mesh->QL->nitem << std::endl;
- //  this->writeAdhoCMeshForStefan("/scratch/geller/StudienMitAdhoC3D/mesh.inp");
-   this->adhocVertices = new vector< ::Vertex*>;
-   List *vertexlist  = mesh->VL;
-   List *elementlist = mesh->TL;
-   ListItem*  LI;
-   ListItem*  LI2;
-   Tri*       triangle;
- //  double z1, z2, z3;
-   int    id1, id2, id3;
-   ::Vertex *v1, *v2, *v3;
-   //if (mesh->VL->status==open)  close_Vertex_List(mesh->VL);
-   FOR_ALL(vertexlist->first, LI, 0)
-   {
-      ::Vertex* V = get_Vertex(LI);
-      this->nodes->push_back(GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex((float)V->x, (float)V->y, (float)V->z));
-      this->adhocVertices->push_back(V);
-   }
-   int countTris=0;
-    int fred=0;
-   FOR_ALL(elementlist->first, LI, 0)
-   {
-      triangle = get_Tri(LI);
-    if(triangle==NULL) UBLOG(logINFO, "hugo - dreieck ist NULL");
-      v1 = triangle->V[0];
-      v2 = triangle->V[1];
-      v3 = triangle->V[2];
-      int count=0;
-      id1=-1; id2=-1; id3=-1;
-      FOR_ALL(vertexlist->first, LI2, 0)
-      {
-         ::Vertex* V = get_Vertex(LI2);
-         if(v1==V) id1=count;
-         if(v2==V) id2=count;
-         if(v3==V) id3=count;
-         if((id1!=-1) && (id2!=-1) && (id3!=-1))
-         {
-            break;
-         }
-         count++;
-      }
-    //  this->triangles->push_back(GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace(v1->id, v2->id, v3->id));
-    // das geht bei Winkelplatte und Bathe
-      this->triangles->push_back(GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace(id2, id1, id3));
-    //  this->triangles->push_back(GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace(id1, id2, id3));
-      countTris++;
-   }
-   std::cout<<"#################################"<<std::endl;
-   std::cout<<"countTris:"<<countTris<<std::endl;
-   std::cout<<"vecSize:"<<this->triangles->size()<<std::endl;
-   this->attributes->resize(nodes->size());
-   countTris=0;
-   for(int u=0;u<(int)this->triangles->size(); u++)
-   {
-       double area = (*this->triangles)[u].getArea(*this->nodes);
-       if(UbMath::zero(area))  countTris++;
-   }
-   std::cout<<"#################################"<<std::endl;
-   std::cout<<"Area 0 für:"<<countTris<<" Dreiecke"<<std::endl;
-   this->calculateValues();
-   this->createVertexTriFaceMap();
-void FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D::writeAdhoCMeshForStefan(string filename)
-   std::cout << "FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D::writeAdhoCMeshForStefan ...\n";
-   List *elementlist = mesh->TL;
-   ListItem* LI;
-   Tri*      triangle;
-   vector<GbPoint3D*>*     tmnodes     = new vector<GbPoint3D*>;
-   vector<GbTriangle3D*>*  tmtriangles = new vector<GbTriangle3D*>;
-   FOR_ALL(elementlist->first, LI, 0)
-   {
-      triangle = get_Tri(LI);
-      GbPoint3D *node1 = new GbPoint3D(triangle->V[0]->x, triangle->V[0]->y, triangle->V[0]->z);
-      GbPoint3D *node2 = new GbPoint3D(triangle->V[1]->x, triangle->V[1]->y, triangle->V[1]->z);
-      GbPoint3D *node3 = new GbPoint3D(triangle->V[2]->x, triangle->V[2]->y, triangle->V[2]->z);
-      tmnodes->push_back(node1);
-      tmnodes->push_back(node2);
-      tmnodes->push_back(node3);
-      tmtriangles->push_back(new GbTriangle3D(node1, node2, node3));
-   }
-   GbTriangularMesh3D tmmesh("Name", tmnodes, tmtriangles);
-   UbFileOutputASCII out(filename);
-   tmmesh.writeAVSMesh(&out);
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 99a0a983fc1783d8f4931b1411be9b75c97b9e72..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-using namespace std;
-//extern "C"
-   //#include "mshpi.h"
-    #include "fsi_interface.h"
-    #include "fsi_user_interface.h"
-#include "./FeTriFaceMesh3D.h"
-#ifdef CAB_RCF
-#include <3rdParty/rcf/RcfSerializationIncludes.h>
-#endif //CAB_RCF
-/* FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D                                                    */
-/*                                                                         */
- * This Class provides the triangular meshes.
- * Note, that up to now no methods for checking consistency are included.
- * in this context this class describes facettes from an 3D-object !!!
-class FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D : public FeTriFaceMesh3D
-   FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D();
-   FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D(std::string name, Mesh *mesh);
-   Mesh*  getMesh() { return mesh; }
-   void writeAdhoCMeshForStefan(string filename);
-   std::vector< ::Vertex*>* getAdhocVertices() { return this->adhocVertices; }
-#ifdef CAB_RCF
-   template<class Archive>
-   void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
-   {
-      serializeParent<FeTriFaceMesh3D>(ar, *this);
-   }
-#endif //CAB_RCF
-   Mesh* mesh;
-   std::vector< ::Vertex*>* adhocVertices;
-UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED(   SF::registerType<FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D  >("FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D  ")    , SF_FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D     );
-UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED( ( SF::registerBaseAndDerived< FeTriFaceMesh3D, FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D>() ), SF_FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D_BD1 );
-UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED( ( SF::registerBaseAndDerived< GbTriFaceMesh3D, FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D>() ), SF_FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D_BD2 );
-UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED( ( SF::registerBaseAndDerived< GbObject3D, FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D>() ), SF_FeAdhocTriFaceMesh3D_BD3 );
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeHalfDisc3D.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeHalfDisc3D.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ee0c1752d3b7cbae177ca8f6f26a5f1bdfc924e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeHalfDisc3D.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
-#include <geometry3d/fem/FeHalfDisc3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/GbSystem3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/GbLine3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/GbTriangle3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/fem/FePoint3D.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbInfinity.h>
-using namespace std;
-ObObjectCreator* FeHalfDisc3D::getCreator()
-   return NULL;//FeHalfDisc3DCreator::getInstance(); 
-// Konstruktor
-   GbPoint3D* p1 = new GbPoint3D();
-   GbPoint3D* p2 = new GbPoint3D();
-   mLine = new GbLine3D(p1,p2);
-   this->mLine->addObserver(this);
-   mRad = 0.0;
-   cylinderType = FeHalfDisc3D::NOTPARALLELTOAXIS;
-FeHalfDisc3D::FeHalfDisc3D(FeHalfDisc3D* cylinder)
-   mRad         = cylinder->getRadius();
-   cylinderType = cylinder->cylinderType;
-   mLine        = cylinder->getLine()->clone();
-   this->mLine->addObserver(this);
-FeHalfDisc3D::FeHalfDisc3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a, const double& x3a, const double& x1b,const double& x2b, const double& x3b, const double& rad)
-   mLine = new GbLine3D;
-   mLine->setPoints( new GbPoint3D(min(x1a,x1b), min(x2a,x2b), min(x3a,x3b))
-	                 ,new GbPoint3D(max(x1a,x1b), max(x2a,x2b), max(x3a,x3b)));
-   this->mLine->addObserver(this);
-   mRad = fabs(rad);
-   this->initCylinderType();
-      throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-FeHalfDisc3D::FeHalfDisc3D(GbPoint3D* p1, GbPoint3D* p2, const double& rad)
-   mRad = rad;
-   mLine = new GbLine3D(p1,p2);
-   this->mLine->addObserver(this);
-   this->initCylinderType();
-      throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-FeHalfDisc3D::FeHalfDisc3D(GbLine3D* line, const double& rad)
-   mRad = rad;
-   this->mLine = line;
-   this->mLine->addObserver(this);
-   this->initCylinderType();
-      throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-// Destruktor
-   if(mLine) this->mLine->removeObserver(this);
-   mLine = NULL;
-void FeHalfDisc3D::initCylinderType()
-   double x1a = mLine->getPoint1()->x1;    double x1b = mLine->getPoint2()->x1;
-   double x2a = mLine->getPoint1()->x2;    double x2b = mLine->getPoint2()->x2;
-   double x3a = mLine->getPoint1()->x3;    double x3b = mLine->getPoint2()->x3;
-   if     (x1a!=x1b && x2a==x2b && x3a==x3b)  this->cylinderType = X1PARALLEL; 
-   else if(x2a!=x2b && x1a==x1b && x3a==x3b)  this->cylinderType = X2PARALLEL; 
-   else if(x3a!=x3b && x1a==x1b && x2a==x2b)  this->cylinderType = X3PARALLEL; 
-   else                                       this->cylinderType = NOTPARALLELTOAXIS;
-void FeHalfDisc3D::finalize() 
-   if(this->mLine) 
-   {
-      mLine->finalize();
-      delete mLine; 
-      mLine=NULL;
-   } 
-double FeHalfDisc3D::getHeight()
-   if(mLine) return mLine->getLength(); return 0.0; 
-GbPoint3D* FeHalfDisc3D::getPoint1()
-   if(this->mLine) return this->mLine->getPoint1();
-   return NULL;
-GbPoint3D* FeHalfDisc3D::getPoint2()
-   if(this->mLine) return this->mLine->getPoint2();
-   return NULL;
-void FeHalfDisc3D::setRadius(const double& radius) 
-   this->mRad = std::fabs(radius); 
-   this->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-void FeHalfDisc3D::setLine(GbLine3D* line) 
-   if(this->mLine) this->mLine->removeObserver(this);
-   this->mLine = line;  
-   this->mLine->addObserver(this);
-   this->initCylinderType();
-   this->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-void FeHalfDisc3D::setPoint1(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3)
-   if(!mLine->getPoint1()) throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"line has no point1");
-   mLine->getPoint1()->setCoordinates(x1,x2,x3);
-   this->initCylinderType();
-   //this->notifyObserversObjectChanged(); //wird automatisch aufgerufen, da der point (this) benachrichtigt...
-void FeHalfDisc3D::setPoint2(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3)
-   if(!mLine->getPoint2()) throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"line has no point2");
-   mLine->getPoint2()->setCoordinates(x1,x2,x3);
-   this->initCylinderType();
-   //this->notifyObserversObjectChanged(); //wird automatisch aufgerufen, da der point (this) benachrichtigt...
-double FeHalfDisc3D::getX1Centroid()  
-   return mLine->getX1Centroid();
-double FeHalfDisc3D::getX1Minimum()   
-   if     (this->isParallelToX1Axis()) return mLine->getX1Minimum(); 
-   else if(this->isParallelToX2Axis()) return mLine->getX1Centroid()-mRad; 
-   else if(this->isParallelToX3Axis()) return mLine->getX1Centroid()-mRad; 
-   else throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-double FeHalfDisc3D::getX1Maximum()   
-   if     (this->isParallelToX1Axis()) return mLine->getX1Maximum(); 
-   else if(this->isParallelToX2Axis()) return mLine->getX1Centroid()+mRad; 
-   else if(this->isParallelToX3Axis()) return mLine->getX1Centroid()+mRad; 
-   else throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-double FeHalfDisc3D::getX2Centroid()
-   return mLine->getX2Centroid();
-double FeHalfDisc3D::getX2Minimum()   
-   if     (this->isParallelToX1Axis()) return mLine->getX2Centroid()-mRad;
-   else if(this->isParallelToX2Axis()) return mLine->getX2Minimum();
-   else if(this->isParallelToX3Axis()) return mLine->getX2Centroid()-mRad; 
-   else throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-double FeHalfDisc3D::getX2Maximum()   
-   if     (this->isParallelToX1Axis())  return mLine->getX2Centroid()+mRad;
-   else if(this->isParallelToX2Axis())  return mLine->getX2Maximum();
-   else if(this->isParallelToX3Axis())  return mLine->getX2Centroid()+mRad; 
-   else throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-double FeHalfDisc3D::getX3Centroid()
-   return mLine->getX3Centroid();
-double FeHalfDisc3D::getX3Minimum()   
-   if     (this->isParallelToX1Axis()) return mLine->getX3Centroid()-mRad;
-   else if(this->isParallelToX2Axis()) return mLine->getX3Centroid()-mRad; 
-   else if(this->isParallelToX3Axis()) return mLine->getX3Minimum(); 
-   else throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-double FeHalfDisc3D::getX3Maximum()   
-   if     (this->isParallelToX1Axis()) return mLine->getX3Centroid()+mRad;
-   else if(this->isParallelToX2Axis()) return mLine->getX3Centroid()+mRad; 
-   else if(this->isParallelToX3Axis()) return mLine->getX3Maximum(); 
-   else throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-bool FeHalfDisc3D::isPointInGbObject3D(const double& x1p, const double& x2p, const double& x3p)
-   throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"sollte mal einer machen ... ");
-bool FeHalfDisc3D::isPointInGbObject3D(const double& x1p, const double& x2p, const double& x3p, bool& pointIsOnBoundary)
-   throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"sollte mal einer machen ... ");
-bool FeHalfDisc3D::isCellInsideGbObject3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a,const double& x3a,const double& x1b,const double& x2b,const double& x3b)
-   throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"sollte mal einer machen ... ");
-string FeHalfDisc3D::toString() 
-	stringstream ss;
-	ss<<"FeHalfDisc3D[";
-	ss<<"line="<<this->mLine->toString();
-   ss<<", r="<<this->mRad;
-   ss<<"]";
-   return(ss.str());
-bool FeHalfDisc3D::isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a,const double& x3a,const double& x1b,const double& x2b,const double& x3b)
-   throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"sollte mal einer machen ... ");   
-bool FeHalfDisc3D::isCellCuttingGbObject3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a,const double& x3a,const double& x1b,const double& x2b,const double& x3b)
-   throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"sollte mal einer machen ... ");
-GbLine3D* FeHalfDisc3D::createClippedLine3D(GbPoint3D& point1, GbPoint3D& point2)
-   throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"sollte mal einer machen ... ");
-vector<GbTriangle3D*> FeHalfDisc3D::getSurfaceTriangleSet()
-   double x1ma,x1mb,x2m,x3m;
-   if( this->isParallelToX1Axis() ) 
-   {
-      x1ma = this->getX1Minimum();
-      x1mb = this->getX1Maximum();
-      x2m  = this->getX2Centroid();
-      x3m  = this->getX3Centroid();
-   }
-   else if( this->isParallelToX2Axis() ) 
-   {
-      x1ma = this->getX2Minimum();
-      x1mb = this->getX2Maximum();
-      x2m  = this->getX1Centroid();
-      x3m  = this->getX3Centroid();
-   }
-   else if( this->isParallelToX3Axis() ) 
-   {
-      x1ma = this->getX3Minimum();
-      x1mb = this->getX3Maximum();
-      x2m  = this->getX2Centroid();
-      x3m  = this->getX1Centroid();
-   }
-   else throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"cylinder is not axis prallel");
-   vector<GbTriangle3D*> triangles;    
-   int segmentsCircle  = 14;
-   double deltaPhi = UbMath::PI/(double)segmentsCircle;
-   double phiX1a,phiX1b;
-   double x1a,x2a,x3a,x1b,x2b,x3b,x1c,x2c,x3c,x1d,x2d,x3d;
-   double dXCylinder =  fabs((x1mb-x1ma)); ///(double)0.5;
-   int segmentsCylinder = (int)(fabs(x1mb-x1ma)/dXCylinder);
-   for(int segCyl = 0; segCyl<segmentsCylinder; segCyl++)
-   {
-      x1a = x1d = x1ma+segCyl*dXCylinder;
-      x1b = x1c = x1a+dXCylinder;
-      for(phiX1a=UbMath::PI-deltaPhi; phiX1a>-deltaPhi; phiX1a-=deltaPhi)
-      {
-         phiX1b = phiX1a+deltaPhi;
-         x2a =  x2m+mRad*std::sin(phiX1a);
-         x3a =  x3m+mRad*std::cos(phiX1a);
-         x2b =  x2m+mRad*std::sin(phiX1b);
-         x3b =  x3m+mRad*std::cos(phiX1b);
-         if( this->isParallelToX1Axis() ) 
-         { 
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1b,x2a,x3a),new FePoint3D(x1b,x2b,x3b),new FePoint3D(x1a,x2a,x3a)));
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1a,x2b,x3b),new FePoint3D(x1a,x2a,x3a),new FePoint3D(x1b,x2b,x3b))); 
-         }
-         else if( this->isParallelToX2Axis() ) 
-         { 
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2b,x1b,x3b),new FePoint3D(x2a,x1b,x3a),new FePoint3D(x2a,x1a,x3a)));
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2a,x1a,x3a),new FePoint3D(x2b,x1a,x3b),new FePoint3D(x2b,x1b,x3b))); 
-         }
-         else if( this->isParallelToX3Axis() ) 
-         { 
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3b,x2b,x1b),new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1b),new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1a)));
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1a),new FePoint3D(x3b,x2b,x1a),new FePoint3D(x3b,x2b,x1b))); 
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   x2a = x2m;
-   x3a = x3m;
-   x2d = x2m;
-   x3d = x3m+mRad;
-   x3b = x3m;
-   x3c = x3m-mRad;
-   triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2a,x3a),new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2a,x3a),new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2a,x3d)));
-   triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2a,x3d),new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2a,x3a),new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2a,x3d)));
-   triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2a,x3b),new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2a,x3b),new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2a,x3c)));
-   triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2a,x3b),new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2a,x3c),new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2a,x3c)));
-   for(phiX1a=UbMath::PI-deltaPhi; phiX1a>-deltaPhi; phiX1a-=deltaPhi)
-   {
-      phiX1b = phiX1a+deltaPhi;
-      x2a =  x2m;
-      x3a =  x3m;
-      x2b =  x2m;
-      x3b =  x3m;
-      x2c =  x2m+mRad*std::sin(phiX1b);
-      x3c =  x3m+mRad*std::cos(phiX1b);
-      x2d =  x2m+mRad*std::sin(phiX1a);
-      x3d =  x3m+mRad*std::cos(phiX1a);
-      if( this->isParallelToX1Axis() ) 
-      { 
-         triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2d,x3d),new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2c,x3c),new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2a,x3a)));
-         triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2d,x3d),new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2a,x3a),new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2c,x3c)));
-      }
-      else if( this->isParallelToX2Axis() ) 
-      { 
-         triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2a,x1ma,x3a),new FePoint3D(x2b,x1ma,x3b),new FePoint3D(x2c,x1ma,x3c)));
-         triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2c,x1ma,x3c),new FePoint3D(x2d,x1ma,x3d),new FePoint3D(x2a,x1ma,x3a)));
-         triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2c,x1mb,x3c),new FePoint3D(x2b,x1mb,x3b),new FePoint3D(x2a,x1mb,x3a)));
-         triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2a,x1mb,x3a),new FePoint3D(x2d,x1mb,x3d),new FePoint3D(x2c,x1mb,x3c)));
-      }
-      else if( this->isParallelToX3Axis() ) 
-      { 
-         triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1ma),new FePoint3D(x3b,x2b,x1ma),new FePoint3D(x3c,x2c,x1ma)));
-         triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3c,x2c,x1ma),new FePoint3D(x3d,x2d,x1ma),new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1ma)));
-         triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3c,x2c,x1mb),new FePoint3D(x3b,x2b,x1mb),new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1mb)));
-         triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1mb),new FePoint3D(x3d,x2d,x1mb),new FePoint3D(x3c,x2c,x1mb)));
-      }
-   }
-   return triangles;
-void FeHalfDisc3D::objectChanged(UbObservable* changedObject)
-   GbLine3D* line = dynamic_cast<GbLine3D*>(changedObject);
-   if(!line || this->mLine!=line) return;
-   this->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-void FeHalfDisc3D::objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable* objectForDeletion)
-   if(this->mLine)
-   {
-      UbObservable* observedObj = dynamic_cast<UbObservable*>(this->mLine);
-      if(objectForDeletion == observedObj) { this->mLine = NULL; }
-   }
-void FeHalfDisc3D::scale(const double& sx1, const double& sx2, const double& sx3)
-   if( this->isParallelToX1Axis() )
-   {
-      if(!UbMath::equal(sx2,sx3)) throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"|| to x1 -> different scaling sx2 and sx3 not possible");
-      this->mRad*=sx2;
-   }
-   else if( this->isParallelToX2Axis() )
-   {
-      if(!UbMath::equal(sx1,sx3)) throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"|| to x2 -> different scaling sx1 and sx3 not possible");
-      this->mRad*=sx1;
-   }
-   else if( this->isParallelToX3Axis() )
-   {
-      if(!UbMath::equal(sx1,sx2)) throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"|| to x3 -> different scaling sx1 and sx2 not possible");
-      this->mRad*=sx1;
-   }
-   else throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"unknown direction");
-   this->mLine->scale(sx1,sx2,sx3);
-   //notify observer wird automatisch aufgerufen
-void FeHalfDisc3D::write(UbFileOutput* out) 
-   out->writeString(this->getCreator()->getTypeID());
-   mLine->write(out);
-   out->writeDouble(mRad);
-   out->writeInteger(cylinderType);
-void FeHalfDisc3D::read(UbFileInput* in) 
-   in->readString();                                    
-   mLine = new GbLine3D;
-   mLine->read(in);
-   mRad         = in->readDouble();
-   cylinderType = in->readInteger();
-double FeHalfDisc3D::getIntersectionRaytraceFactor(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3, const double& rx1, const double& rx2, const double& rx3)
-   /*
-   Distance D of the intersection between a Ray((ox1,ox2,ox3),(dx1,dx2,dx3)) and a Plane P: ax+by+cz+d=0 
-   dc = a*dx1 + b*dx2 + c*dx3
-   dw = a*ox1 + b*ox2 + c*ox3 + d
-   D =   - dw / dc
-   */
-   double px1, px2, px3;
-   double d = Ub::inf; // Distance to Min or Max Plane of the Cylinder  
-                       // final distance should be less that d 
-   if( this->isParallelToX1Axis() )
-   {
-      double minX1 = this->getX1Minimum();
-      double maxX1 = this->getX1Maximum();
-      if     (UbMath::equal(x1 ,minX1) && UbMath::negative(rx1))    return -1.0; 
-      else if(UbMath::equal(x1 ,maxX1) && UbMath::positive(rx1))    return -1.0; 
-      //falls die Linie nicht parallel zu den Seitenfl�chen ist
-      if( x1< minX1  ||  x1 > maxX1 ) //nur f�r punkte links und rechts des cylinders
-      {
-         px1 = (x1 < minX1 ? minX1 : maxX1);
-         //falls die Linie nicht parallel zu den Seitenfl�chen ist
-         if( !UbMath::zero(rx1) )
-         {
-            // Plane a= 0, b= 1, c=0 d= -1*px2
-            d   = -1.0*(x1 - px1) / rx1;
-            px2 = x2 + d*rx2;
-            px3 = x3 + d*rx3;
-            if(UbMath::greater(mLine->getDistance(px1,px2,px3) , mRad))
-            {
-               if     (x1 < minX1 && rx1>0.0 ) d = Ub::inf;  //punkt liegt "links" vom cylinder und strahl hat evtl weiteren SP auf oberfl�che 
-               else if(x1 > maxX1 && rx1<0.0 ) d = Ub::inf;
-               else return -1.0;
-            }
-            else return d;
-         }
-         else return -1.0;
-      }
-      else 
-      {
-         if     (UbMath::negative(rx1)) d = -1.0 * (x1 - minX1) / rx1;
-         else if(UbMath::positive(rx1)) d = -1.0 * (x1 - maxX1) / rx1;
-      }
-   }
-   else if( this->isParallelToX2Axis() )
-   { 
-      double minX2 = this->getX2Minimum();
-      double maxX2 = this->getX2Maximum();
-      if     (UbMath::equal(x2 ,minX2) && UbMath::negative(rx2))    return -1; 
-      else if(UbMath::equal(x2 ,maxX2) && UbMath::positive(rx2))    return -1; 
-      if( minX2 > x2  ||  x2 > maxX2 )
-      {
-         px2 = (x2 < minX2 ? minX2 : maxX2);
-         //falls die Linie nicht parallel zu den Seitenfl�chen ist
-         if( !UbMath::zero(rx2) )
-         {
-            // Plane a= 0, b= 1, c=0 d= -1*px2
-            d   = -1*(x2 - px2) / rx2;
-            px1 = x1 + d*rx1;
-            px3 = x3 + d*rx3;
-            if (UbMath::greater(mLine->getDistance(px1,px2,px3) , mRad))
-            {
-               if     (x2 < minX2 && rx2>0.0 ) d = Ub::inf;  //punkt liegt "links oberhalb" vom cylinder und strahl mit pos x1 hat evtl weiteren SP auf oberfl�che 
-               else if(x2 > maxX2 && rx2<0.0 ) d = Ub::inf;
-               else return -1.0;
-            }
-            else return d;
-         }
-         else return -1.0;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         if     (UbMath::negative(rx2)) d = -1.0 * (x2 - minX2) / rx2;
-         else if(UbMath::positive(rx2)) d = -1.0 * (x2 - maxX2) / rx2;
-      }
-   }
-   else if( this->isParallelToX3Axis() )
-   {
-      double minX3 = this->getX3Minimum();
-      double maxX3 = this->getX3Maximum();
-      if     (UbMath::equal(x3, minX3) && UbMath::negative(rx3)) return -1.0; 
-      else if(UbMath::equal(x3, maxX3) && UbMath::positive(rx3)) return -1.0; 
-      if(minX3 > x3  ||  x3 > maxX3 )
-      {
-         px3 = (x3 < minX3 ? minX3 : maxX3);
-         //falls die Linie nicht parallel zu den Seitenfl�chen ist
-         if (!UbMath::zero(rx3))
-         {
-            // Plane a= 0, b= 0, c=1 d= -1*px3
-            d   = -1.0*(x3 - px3) / rx3;
-            px2 = x2 + d*rx2;
-            px1 = x1 + d*rx1;
-            if( UbMath::greater(mLine->getDistance(px1,px2,px3) , mRad) )
-            {
-               if     (x3 < minX3 && rx3>0.0 ) d = Ub::inf;  
-               else if(x3 > maxX3 && rx3<0.0 ) d = Ub::inf;
-               else return -1.0;
-            }
-            else return d;
-         }
-         else return -1.0;
-      }
-      else 
-      {
-         if     (UbMath::negative(rx3)) d = -1.0 * (x3 - minX3) / rx3;
-         else if(UbMath::positive(rx3)) d = -1.0 * (x3 - maxX3) / rx3;
-      }
-   }
-   else throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"funzt nur bei achsen parallelem cylinder");
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //Q berechnen f�r Infinity Cylinder
-   GbPoint3D* p1 = mLine->getPoint1();
-   GbPoint3D* p2 = mLine->getPoint2();
-   double axisX1 = p2->x1 - p1->x1;  /* Axis of the cylinder   */
-   double axisX2 = p2->x2 - p1->x2;  /* mit p1 als base of cylinder */
-   double axisX3 = p2->x3 - p1->x3;       
-   //double dirlen = mLine->getLength(); 
-   //double abs, t, s;
-   double RCx1 = x1 - p1->x1;
-   double RCx2 = x2 - p1->x2; 
-   double RCx3 = x3 - p1->x3; 
-   //n = ray x axis
-   double nx1 = rx2*axisX3 - rx3*axisX2;
-   double nx2 = rx3*axisX1 - rx1*axisX3;
-   double nx3 = rx1*axisX2 - rx2*axisX1;
-   double nLength = nx1*nx1 + nx2*nx2 + nx3*nx3;
-   double abs;
-   if( UbMath::zero( nLength ) )
-   {  /* ray parallel to cyl  */
-      //abs = RC dot axis
-      double abs = RCx1*axisX1 + RCx2*axisX2 + RCx3*axisX3;
-      double dx1 = RCx1 - abs*axisX1; 
-      double dx2 = RCx2 - abs*axisX2;
-      double dx3 = RCx3 - abs*axisX3;
-      //abs   = sqrt(dx1*dx1 + dx2*dx2 + dx3*dx3);
-      if( UbMath::greater( dx1*dx1 + dx2*dx2 + dx3*dx3 , mRad*mRad) ) 
-         return -1.0;
-   }
-   //normalize "n"
-   nLength = std::sqrt(nLength);
-   double invnLength = 1.0/nLength;
-   nx1*=invnLength;
-   nx2*=invnLength;
-   nx3*=invnLength;
-   //shortest distance  = fabs( RC dot n )
-   abs = fabs( RCx1*nx1 + RCx2*nx2 + RCx3*nx3 );     
-   if( UbMath::lessEqual(abs, mRad) )
-   {                    /* if ray hits cylinder */
-      //Ox1 = RC x axis
-      double Ox1 = RCx2*axisX3 - RCx3*axisX2;
-      double Ox2 = RCx3*axisX1 - RCx1*axisX3;
-      double Ox3 = RCx1*axisX2 - RCx2*axisX1;
-      //t = - O dot n / nLength;
-      double t = - (Ox1*nx1 + Ox2*nx2 + Ox3*nx3) / nLength;
-      //O = n x axis;
-      Ox1 = nx2*axisX3 - nx3*axisX2;
-      Ox2 = nx3*axisX1 - nx1*axisX3;
-      Ox3 = nx1*axisX2 - nx2*axisX1;
-      //normalize O
-      invnLength = 1.0/sqrt(Ox1*Ox1 + Ox2*Ox2 + Ox3*Ox3);
-      Ox1*=invnLength;
-      Ox2*=invnLength;
-      Ox3*=invnLength;
-      double s = fabs( sqrt(mRad*mRad - abs*abs) / (rx1*Ox1 + rx2*Ox2 + rx3*Ox3) );
-      if( UbMath::greater(t-s,d) ) return -1.0;
-      return  t - s;
-   }
-   return -1.0;
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeHalfDisc3D.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeHalfDisc3D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 001ab81951eb601841d16dc08caebffd34f2e308..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeHalfDisc3D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#include <vector>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <geometry3d/GbObject3D.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbObserver.h>
-class GbPoint3D;
-class GbLine3D;
-class GbTriangle3D;
-class GbObject3DCreator;
-class FeHalfDisc3D : public GbObject3D , public UbObserver 
-   FeHalfDisc3D();
-	FeHalfDisc3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a, const double& x3a, const double& x1b,const double& x2b, const double& x3b, const double& radius);
-	FeHalfDisc3D(GbPoint3D* p1, GbPoint3D* p2, const double& radius);
-	FeHalfDisc3D(GbLine3D* line, const double& rad);
-	FeHalfDisc3D(FeHalfDisc3D* cylinder);
-	~FeHalfDisc3D();    
-	FeHalfDisc3D* clone() { return new FeHalfDisc3D(this); }
-	void finalize();
-	double     getRadius() { return this->mRad; };
-	GbLine3D*  getLine() {return mLine;}
-	GbPoint3D* getPoint1();
-	GbPoint3D* getPoint2();
-	void setRadius(const double& radius);
-	void setLine(GbLine3D* line);
-	void setPoint1(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3);
-	void setPoint2(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3);
-	bool isParallelToX1Axis() { return((this->cylinderType & X1PARALLEL        )    ==  X1PARALLEL        );}
-	bool isParallelToX2Axis() { return((this->cylinderType & X2PARALLEL        )    ==  X2PARALLEL        );}
-	bool isParallelToX3Axis() { return((this->cylinderType & X3PARALLEL        )    ==  X3PARALLEL        );}
-	bool isNotParallelToAxis(){ return((this->cylinderType & NOTPARALLELTOAXIS )    ==  NOTPARALLELTOAXIS );}
-	double getHeight(); 
-	void scale(const double& sx1, const double& sx2, const double& sx3);
-	double getX1Centroid();
-	double getX1Minimum() ;
-	double getX1Maximum() ;
-	double getX2Centroid();
-	double getX2Minimum() ;
-	double getX2Maximum() ;
-	double getX3Centroid();
-	double getX3Minimum() ;
-	double getX3Maximum() ;
-	bool isPointInGbObject3D(const double& x1p, const double& x2p, const double& x3p); 
-	bool isPointInGbObject3D(const double& x1p, const double& x2p, const double& x3p, bool& pointIsOnBoundary); 
-   bool isCellInsideGbObject3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a,const double& x3a,const double& x1b,const double& x2b,const double& x3b);
-   bool isCellCuttingGbObject3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a,const double& x3a,const double& x1b,const double& x2b,const double& x3b);
-   bool isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a,const double& x3a,const double& x1b,const double& x2b,const double& x3b);
-	GbLine3D* createClippedLine3D(GbPoint3D& point1, GbPoint3D& point2);
-   bool hasRaytracing() { return true; }
-   /*|r| must be 1! einheitsvector!!*/
-   double getIntersectionRaytraceFactor(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3, const double& rx1, const double& rx2, const double& rx3);
-	std::vector<GbTriangle3D*> getSurfaceTriangleSet();
-	std::string toString();
-	ObObjectCreator* getCreator();
-	void write(UbFileOutput* out);
-	void read(UbFileInput* in);
-	//virtuelle Methoden von UbObserver
-	void objectChanged(UbObservable* changedObject);
-	void objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable* objectForDeletion);
-   using GbObject3D::isPointInGbObject3D; //Grund: dadurch muss man hier  isPointInGbObject3D(GbPoint3D*) nicht ausprogrammieren, welche sonst hier "ueberdeckt" waere
-	void initCylinderType();
-   GbLine3D* mLine;
-	double    mRad;
-	int cylinderType;
-	//void berechneQuerschnittsWerte();
-   static const int NOTPARALLELTOAXIS  = (1<<0); //1
-   static const int X1PARALLEL         = (1<<1); //2
-   static const int X2PARALLEL         = (1<<2); //4
-   static const int X3PARALLEL         = (1<<3); //8
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FePlateTriangularMesh3D.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FePlateTriangularMesh3D.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 37cb5b2e071e75f8f08aef66f079c40eb34f27e6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FePlateTriangularMesh3D.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-#include <geometry3d/fem/FePlateTriangularMesh3D.h>
-using namespace std;
-FePlateTriangularMesh3D::FePlateTriangularMesh3D() : GbTriangularMesh3D()
-FePlateTriangularMesh3D::FePlateTriangularMesh3D(string name, vector<GbPoint3D*> *nodes, vector<GbTriangle3D*> *triangles) : GbTriangularMesh3D(name, nodes, triangles)
-FePlateTriangularMesh3D::FePlateTriangularMesh3D(string name, vector<GbTriangle3D*> *triangles) : GbTriangularMesh3D(name, triangles)
-FePlateTriangularMesh3D::FePlateTriangularMesh3D(string name, vector<GbPoint3D*> *nodes, vector<GbLine3D*> *edges, vector<GbTriangle3D*> *triangles) : GbTriangularMesh3D(name, nodes, edges, triangles)
-bool FePlateTriangularMesh3D::isPointInGbObject3D(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3)
-	//cout<<"GbTriangularMesh3D::isPointInGbObject3D"<<endl;
-	//Sebastian
-	//double xmin=this->getX1Minimum();	double xmax=this->getX1Maximum();
- //  double ymin=this->getX2Minimum();	double ymax=this->getX2Maximum();
- //  double zmin=this->getX3Minimum();	double zmax=this->getX3Maximum();
- //  double dX = (xmax-xmin)/100.;
- //  double dY = (ymax-ymin)/100.;
- //  double dZ = (zmax-zmin)/100.;
- //  GbCuboid3D boundingCube(xmin-dX, ymin-dY, zmin-dZ, xmax+dX, ymax+dY, zmax+dZ);
-	//
-	//if(this->isPointInObject3DHalfSpace(x1,x2,x3))
-	//{
-	//	return true;
-	//}
-	//if(!boundingCube.isPointInGbObject3D(x1, x2, x3))
-	//{
-	//	return false;
-	//}
-	//return false;
-	//Marco
-	int inside = 0;
-   int nx1 = this->getNodesX1Dir()-1;
-   int nx2 = this->getNodesX2Dir()-1;
-   int maxTriangels = 2*nx1*nx2;
-   //�berpr�ft, ob der Punkt innerhalb des Netzes liegt
-	double xmin=this->getX1Minimum();	double xmax=this->getX1Maximum();
-	double ymin=this->getX2Minimum();	double ymax=this->getX2Maximum();
-	double zmin=this->getX3Minimum();	double zmax=this->getX3Maximum();
-	if(	x1<=xmax && x1>=xmin
-		&& x2<=ymax && x2>=ymin
-		&& x3<=zmax && x3>=zmin)
-	{
-      //Achtung Sonderfall
-      //Es wird nur gegen die obere Lage Dreiecke getestet, da die untere Lage um den Abstand 'height' verschoben ist!
-      //Die Seiten m�ssen somit auch nicht ber�cksichtigt werden
-      for(int i=0; i<int(maxTriangels);i++)     
-		{
-			if(	(triangles->at(i))->enclosesPoint2D(x1, x2)
-				&&	x3<triangles->at(i)->getX3Centroid()
-				&& x3>triangles->at(i)->getX3Centroid() - this->height  )
-			{
-					inside++;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if(inside!=0)
-	{
-		return true;
-	}
-	else return false;
-FePlateTriangularMesh3D* FePlateTriangularMesh3D::createMeshByElements(int ElementsX1, int ElementsX2, double nulllevel, double deltaX1, double deltaX2, double height)
-   FePlateTriangularMesh3D* triMesh = FePlateTriangularMesh3D::createMeshByNodes(ElementsX1+1, ElementsX2+1, nulllevel, deltaX1, deltaX2, height);
-   return triMesh;
-FePlateTriangularMesh3D* FePlateTriangularMesh3D::createMeshByNodes(int nodesX1, int nodesX2, double nulllevel, double deltaX1, double deltaX2, double height)
-   cout<<"erstelle GbTriangularMesh3D -> ";
-   vector<GbTriangle3D*>  *triangles = new vector<GbTriangle3D*>;
-   vector<GbPoint3D*> *points = new vector<GbPoint3D*>;
-   double h1=nulllevel+0.5*height;
-   double h2=nulllevel-0.5*height;
-   GbPoint3D* point1;
-   GbPoint3D* point2;
-   GbPoint3D* point3;
-   GbPoint3D* point4;
-   //Erstelle Knoten
-   //oben
-   for(int i=0; i<nodesX1; i++)
-   {
-      for(int j=0; j<nodesX2; j++)
-      {
-         GbPoint3D* point = new GbPoint3D(i*deltaX1,j*deltaX2,h1);
-         points->push_back(point);
-      }
-   }
-   //unten
-   for(int i=0; i<nodesX1; i++)
-   {
-      for(int j=0; j<nodesX2; j++)
-      {
-         GbPoint3D* point = new GbPoint3D(i*deltaX1,j*deltaX2,h2);
-         points->push_back(point);
-      }
-   }
-   int size=int(points->size());
-   //Erstelle Dreiecke
-   //oben
-   for(int i=0; i<(size/2)-nodesX2; i+=nodesX2)
-   {
-      for(int j=0; j<nodesX2-1; j++)
-      {
-         point1 = points->at(i+j);
-         point2 = points->at(i+j+1);
-         point3 = points->at(i+j+nodesX2);
-         point4 = points->at(i+j+nodesX2+1);
-         GbTriangle3D* tri1 = new GbTriangle3D(point1,point3,point4);
-         GbTriangle3D* tri2 = new GbTriangle3D(point1,point4,point2);
-         triangles->push_back(tri1);
-         triangles->push_back(tri2);
-      }
-   }
-   //unten
-   for(int i=(size/2); i<size-nodesX2; i+=nodesX2)
-   {
-      for(int j=0; j<nodesX2-1; j++)
-      {
-         point1 = points->at(i+j);
-         point2 = points->at(i+j+1);
-         point3 = points->at(i+j+nodesX2);
-         point4 = points->at(i+j+nodesX2+1);
-         GbTriangle3D* tri1 = new GbTriangle3D(point4,point3,point1);
-         GbTriangle3D* tri2 = new GbTriangle3D(point2,point4,point1);
-         triangles->push_back(tri1);
-         triangles->push_back(tri2);
-      }
-   }
-   //Rand
-   //Nord
-   for(int i=0;i<nodesX1-1;i++)
-   {	
-      int a = i*nodesX2+nodesX2-1;
-      int b = (i+1)*nodesX2+nodesX2-1;
-      point1 = points->at(a);
-      point2 = points->at(b);
-      point3 = points->at(a+size/2);
-      point4 = points->at(b+size/2);
-      GbTriangle3D* tri1 = new GbTriangle3D(point1,point2,point3);
-      GbTriangle3D* tri2 = new GbTriangle3D(point2,point4,point3);
-      triangles->push_back(tri1);
-      triangles->push_back(tri2);
-   }
-   //S�d
-   for(int i=0;i<nodesX1-1;i++)
-   {	
-      int a = i*nodesX2;
-      int b = (i+1)*nodesX2;
-      point1 = points->at(a);
-      point2 = points->at(b);
-      point3 = points->at(a+size/2);
-      point4 = points->at(b+size/2);
-      GbTriangle3D* tri1 = new GbTriangle3D(point3,point2,point1);
-      GbTriangle3D* tri2 = new GbTriangle3D(point3,point4,point2);
-      triangles->push_back(tri1);
-      triangles->push_back(tri2);
-   }
-   //Ost
-   for(int j=0;j<nodesX2-1;j++)
-   {	
-      int a = j;
-      int b = j+1;
-      point1 = points->at(a);
-      point2 = points->at(b);
-      point3 = points->at(a+size/2);
-      point4 = points->at(b+size/2);
-      GbTriangle3D* tri1 = new GbTriangle3D(point1,point2,point3);
-      GbTriangle3D* tri2 = new GbTriangle3D(point4,point3,point2);
-      triangles->push_back(tri1);
-      triangles->push_back(tri2);
-   }
-   //West
-   for(int j=0;j<nodesX2-1;j++)
-   {	
-      int a = j+(nodesX1-1)*nodesX2;
-      int b = j+(nodesX1-1)*nodesX2+1;
-      point1 = points->at(a);
-      point2 = points->at(b);
-      point3 = points->at(a+size/2);
-      point4 = points->at(b+size/2);
-      GbTriangle3D* tri1 = new GbTriangle3D(point3,point2,point1);
-      GbTriangle3D* tri2 = new GbTriangle3D(point2,point3,point4);
-      triangles->push_back(tri1);
-      triangles->push_back(tri2);
-   }
-   string name = "TriMesh";
-   FePlateTriangularMesh3D* triMesh = new FePlateTriangularMesh3D(name,points,triangles);
-   triMesh->setNullLevel((float)nulllevel);
-   triMesh->setHeight(height);
-   triMesh->setNodesX1Dir(nodesX1);
-   triMesh->setNodesX2Dir(nodesX2);
-   cout<<"done"<<endl;
-   return triMesh;
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FePlateTriangularMesh3D.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FePlateTriangularMesh3D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f76e9ec9ccafaeea3c02d5fe535080476b5a29ea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FePlateTriangularMesh3D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <geometry3d/GbTriangularMesh3D.h>
-/* GbTriangularMesh3D                                                      */
-/*                                                                         */
- * This Class provides the triangular meshes.
- * Note, that up to now no methods for checking consistency are included.
- * in this context this class describes facettes from an 3D-object !!!
-class FePlateTriangularMesh3D : public GbTriangularMesh3D 
-   FePlateTriangularMesh3D();
-   FePlateTriangularMesh3D(std::string name, std::vector<GbPoint3D*> *nodes, std::vector<GbTriangle3D*> *triangles);
-   FePlateTriangularMesh3D(std::string name, std::vector<GbTriangle3D*> *triangles);
-   FePlateTriangularMesh3D(std::string name, std::vector<GbPoint3D*> *nodes, std::vector<GbLine3D*> *edges, std::vector<GbTriangle3D*> *triangles);
-	virtual ~FePlateTriangularMesh3D();   
-   static FePlateTriangularMesh3D* createMeshByNodes(int nodesX1, int nodesX2, double nulllevel, double deltaX1, double deltaX2, double height);
-   static FePlateTriangularMesh3D* createMeshByElements(int ElementsX1, int ElementsX2, double nulllevel, double deltaX1, double deltaX2, double height);
-	float	 getNullLevel()						{	return this->nulllevel;	}
-	void	 setNullLevel(float nulllevel)	{	this->nulllevel = nulllevel;	}
-   double getHeight()							{	return this->height;	}
-   void	 setHeight(double height)			{	this->height = height;	}
-   int    getNodesX1Dir()						{	return this->nodesX1Dir;	}
-   void	 setNodesX1Dir(int nodesX1Dir)   {	this->nodesX1Dir = nodesX1Dir;	}
-   int    getNodesX2Dir()						{	return this->nodesX2Dir;	}
-   void	 setNodesX2Dir(int nodesX2Dir)   {	this->nodesX2Dir = nodesX2Dir;	}
-	bool isPointInGbObject3D(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3);
-   /*======================================================================*/
-	float			nulllevel;
-	double		height;
-   int         nodesX1Dir;
-   int         nodesX2Dir;
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FePoint3D.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FePoint3D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 23163b7ed23e13ad6124fa91a664e35bb46a0462..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FePoint3D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef FEPOINT3D_H
-#define FEPOINT3D_H
-#include <sstream>
-#include <geometry3d/GbPoint3D.h>
-/* GbPoint3D                                                               */
-/*                                                                         */
- * This Class provides basic 3D point objects.
- * <BR><BR><HR>
- * @author <A HREF="mailto:geller@bauinf.tu-cottbus.de">S. Geller</A>
- * @version 1.0 - 10.02.07
- * 
-	*/
-class FePoint3D : public GbPoint3D 
-	double Fx;
-	double Fy;
-	double Fz;
-    //double oldFx;
-    //double oldFy;
-    double sumFx;
-    double sumFy;
-    double sumFz;
-	double velocityX;
-	double velocityY;
-	double velocityZ;
-    //double accelerationX;
-    //double accelerationY;
-   UbTupleDouble6 stresses; 
-   double area;
-	FePoint3D():GbPoint3D()
-   {
-      this->init();
-	}
-	FePoint3D(double x, double y, double z):GbPoint3D(x,y,z)
-	{
-      this->init();
-	}
-   FePoint3D(GbPoint3D *point):GbPoint3D(point)
-   {
-      this->init();
-   }
-	FePoint3D(FePoint3D *point):GbPoint3D(point)
-	{
-      this->Fx = point->Fx;
-      this->Fy = point->Fy;
-      this->Fz = point->Fz;
-      throw UbException(__FILE__,__LINE__,"spaeter fertig machen...");
-   }
-	virtual ~FePoint3D()
-	{
-	}
-   void init()
-   {
-      this->Fx = 0.0;
-      this->Fy = 0.0;
-      this->Fz = 0.0;
-      //this->oldFx = 0.0;
-      //this->oldFy = 0.0;
-      this->sumFx = 0.0;
-      this->sumFy = 0.0;
-      this->sumFz = 0.0;
-      val<1>(stresses) = 0.0;
-      val<2>(stresses) = 0.0;
-      val<3>(stresses) = 0.0;
-      val<4>(stresses) = 0.0;
-      val<5>(stresses) = 0.0;
-      val<6>(stresses) = 0.0;
-      this->area = 0.0;
-      this->velocityX = 0.0;
-      this->velocityY = 0.0;
-      this->velocityZ = 0.0;
-   }
-	/*======================================================================*/
-   FePoint3D* clone()   
-   { 
-      return(new FePoint3D(this)); 
-   }
-	double getVelocityX()   { return(this->velocityX); }
-	double getVelocityY()   { return(this->velocityY); }
-	double getVelocityZ()   { return(this->velocityZ); }
-	void setVelocityX(double x)   { this->velocityX = x; }
-	void setVelocityY(double y)   { this->velocityY = y; }
-	void setVelocityZ(double z)   { this->velocityZ = z; }
-   double getFX()   { return(this->Fx); }
-	double getFY()   { return(this->Fy); }
-	double getFZ()   { return(this->Fz); }
-	void setFX(double FX)   { this->Fx = FX; }
-	void setFY(double FY)   { this->Fy = FY; }
-	void setFZ(double FZ)   { this->Fz = FZ; }
-	void addFX(double FX)   { this->Fx += FX; }
-	void addFY(double FY)   { this->Fy += FY; }
-	void addFZ(double FZ)   { this->Fz += FZ; }
-   double getSumFX()   { return(this->sumFx); }
-   double getSumFY()   { return(this->sumFy); }
-   double getSumFZ()   { return(this->sumFz); }
-   void setSumFX(double FX)   { this->sumFx = FX; }
-   void setSumFY(double FY)   { this->sumFy = FY; }
-   void setSumFZ(double FZ)   { this->sumFz = FZ; }
-   void addSumFX(double FX)   { this->sumFx += FX; }
-   void addSumFY(double FY)   { this->sumFy += FY; }
-   void addSumFZ(double FZ)   { this->sumFz += FZ; }
-   UbTupleDouble6& getStresses() { return this->stresses; }
-//   void setS11(double S11) { this->S11 = S11; }
-//   void setS12(double S12) { this->S12 = S12; }
-//   void setS22(double S22) { this->S22 = S22; }
-   double getArea() { return this->area; }
-   void setArea(double area) { this->area = area; }
-   void addArea(double area) { this->area += area; }
-   /**
-    * Returns a string representation of this 3D fe-point.
-    * @return a string representation of this 3D fe-point
-    */
-   std::string toString()
-   {
-      std::stringstream ss; 
-      ss<<"FePoint3D[";
-		ss<<"x1="<<this->x1;
-		ss<<", x2="<<this->x2;		
-		ss<<", x3="<<this->x3;		
-		ss<<", Fx="<<this->Fx;
-		ss<<", Fy="<<this->Fy;
-		ss<<", Fz="<<this->Fz<<"]";
-		return((ss.str()).c_str());
-   }
-   /*======================================================================*/
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeRing3D.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeRing3D.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ecdfd3bc88c5e343b1c8b908335e73675cd8018..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeRing3D.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-#include <geometry3d/fem/FeRing3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/GbSystem3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/fem/FePoint3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/GbLine3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/GbTriangle3D.h>
-using namespace std;
-ObObjectCreator* FeRing3D::getCreator()
-   return NULL; //FeRing3DCreator::getInstance(); 
-// Konstruktor
-   GbPoint3D* p1 = new GbPoint3D();
-   GbPoint3D* p2 = new GbPoint3D();
-   mLine = new GbLine3D(p1,p2);
-   this->mLine->addObserver(this);
-   inRadius = 0.0;
-   outRadius = 0.0;
-   ringType = FeRing3D::NOTPARALLELTOAXIS;
-FeRing3D::FeRing3D(FeRing3D* ring)
-   inRadius     = ring->getInRadius();
-   outRadius    = ring->getOutRadius();
-   ringType     = ring->ringType;
-   mLine        = ring->getLine()->clone();
-   this->mLine->addObserver(this);
-FeRing3D::FeRing3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a, const double& x3a, const double& x1b,const double& x2b, const double& x3b, const double& inradius, const double& outradius)
-   mLine = new GbLine3D;
-   mLine->setPoints( new GbPoint3D(min(x1a,x1b), min(x2a,x2b), min(x3a,x3b))
-	                 ,new GbPoint3D(max(x1a,x1b), max(x2a,x2b), max(x3a,x3b)));
-   this->mLine->addObserver(this);
-   this->inRadius = inradius;
-   this->outRadius = outradius;
-   this->initRingType();
-      throw UbException("FeRing3D::FeRing3D - derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-FeRing3D::FeRing3D(GbPoint3D* p1, GbPoint3D* p2, const double& inradius, const double& outradius)
-   this->inRadius = inradius;
-   this->outRadius = outradius;
-   mLine = new GbLine3D(p1,p2);
-   this->mLine->addObserver(this);
-   this->initRingType();
-      throw UbException("FeRing3D::FeRing3D - derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-FeRing3D::FeRing3D(GbLine3D* line, const double& inradius, const double& outradius)
-   this->inRadius = inradius;
-   this->outRadius = outradius;
-   this->mLine = line;
-   this->mLine->addObserver(this);
-   this->initRingType();
-      throw UbException("FeRing3D::FeRing3D - derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-// Destruktor
-   if(mLine) this->mLine->removeObserver(this);
-   mLine = NULL;
-void FeRing3D::initRingType()
-   double x1a = mLine->getPoint1()->x1;    double x1b = mLine->getPoint2()->x1;
-   double x2a = mLine->getPoint1()->x2;    double x2b = mLine->getPoint2()->x2;
-   double x3a = mLine->getPoint1()->x3;    double x3b = mLine->getPoint2()->x3;
-   if     (x1a!=x1b && x2a==x2b && x3a==x3b)  this->ringType = X1PARALLEL; 
-   else if(x2a!=x2b && x1a==x1b && x3a==x3b)  this->ringType = X2PARALLEL; 
-   else if(x3a!=x3b && x1a==x1b && x2a==x2b)  this->ringType = X3PARALLEL; 
-   else                                       this->ringType = NOTPARALLELTOAXIS;
-void FeRing3D::finalize() 
-   if(this->mLine) 
-   {
-      mLine->finalize();
-      delete mLine; 
-      mLine=NULL;
-   } 
-double FeRing3D::getHeight()
-   if(mLine) return mLine->getLength(); return 0.0; 
-GbPoint3D* FeRing3D::getPoint1()
-   if(this->mLine) return this->mLine->getPoint1();
-   return NULL;
-GbPoint3D* FeRing3D::getPoint2()
-   if(this->mLine) return this->mLine->getPoint2();
-   return NULL;
-void FeRing3D::setInRadius(const double& radius) 
-   this->inRadius = std::fabs(radius); 
-   this->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-void FeRing3D::setOutRadius(const double& radius) 
-   this->outRadius = std::fabs(radius); 
-   this->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-void FeRing3D::setLine(GbLine3D* line) 
-   if(this->mLine) this->mLine->removeObserver(this);
-   this->mLine = line;  
-   this->mLine->addObserver(this);
-   this->initRingType();
-   this->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-void FeRing3D::setPoint1(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3)
-   if(!mLine->getPoint1()) throw UbException("FeRing3D::setPoint1() - line has no point1");
-   mLine->getPoint1()->setCoordinates(x1,x2,x3);
-   this->initRingType();
-   //this->notifyObserversObjectChanged(); //wird automatisch aufgerufen, da der point (this) benachrichtigt...
-void FeRing3D::setPoint2(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3)
-   if(!mLine->getPoint2()) throw UbException("FeRing3D::setPoint1() - line has no point2");
-   mLine->getPoint2()->setCoordinates(x1,x2,x3);
-   this->initRingType();
-   //this->notifyObserversObjectChanged(); //wird automatisch aufgerufen, da der point (this) benachrichtigt...
-double FeRing3D::getX1Centroid()  
-   return mLine->getX1Centroid();
-double FeRing3D::getX1Minimum()   
-   if     (this->isParallelToX1Axis()) return mLine->getX1Minimum(); 
-   else if(this->isParallelToX2Axis()) return mLine->getX1Centroid()-outRadius; 
-   else if(this->isParallelToX3Axis()) return mLine->getX1Centroid()-outRadius; 
-   else throw UbException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "FeRing3D::getX3Minimum - derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-double FeRing3D::getX1Maximum()   
-   if     (this->isParallelToX1Axis()) return mLine->getX1Maximum(); 
-   else if(this->isParallelToX2Axis()) return mLine->getX1Centroid()+outRadius; 
-   else if(this->isParallelToX3Axis()) return mLine->getX1Centroid()+outRadius; 
-   else throw UbException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "FeRing3D::getX3Maximum - derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-double FeRing3D::getX2Centroid()
-   return mLine->getX2Centroid();
-double FeRing3D::getX2Minimum()   
-   if     (this->isParallelToX1Axis()) return mLine->getX2Centroid()-outRadius;
-   else if(this->isParallelToX2Axis()) return mLine->getX2Minimum();
-   else if(this->isParallelToX3Axis()) return mLine->getX2Centroid()-outRadius; 
-   else throw UbException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "FeRing3D::getX3Minimum - derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-double FeRing3D::getX2Maximum()   
-   if     (this->isParallelToX1Axis())  return mLine->getX2Centroid()+outRadius;
-   else if(this->isParallelToX2Axis())  return mLine->getX2Maximum();
-   else if(this->isParallelToX3Axis())  return mLine->getX2Centroid()+outRadius; 
-   else throw UbException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "FeRing3D::getX3Maximum - derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-double FeRing3D::getX3Centroid()
-   return mLine->getX3Centroid();
-double FeRing3D::getX3Minimum()   
-   if     (this->isParallelToX1Axis()) return mLine->getX3Centroid()-outRadius;
-   else if(this->isParallelToX2Axis()) return mLine->getX3Centroid()-outRadius; 
-   else if(this->isParallelToX3Axis()) return mLine->getX3Minimum(); 
-   else throw UbException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "FeRing3D::getX3Minimum - derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-double FeRing3D::getX3Maximum()   
-   if     (this->isParallelToX1Axis()) return mLine->getX3Centroid()+outRadius;
-   else if(this->isParallelToX2Axis()) return mLine->getX3Centroid()+outRadius; 
-   else if(this->isParallelToX3Axis()) return mLine->getX3Maximum(); 
-   else throw UbException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "FeRing3D::getX3Maximum - derzeit nur zu Achsen orthogonale Cylinder erlaubt... isPointInObject3D funzt sonst ned");
-bool FeRing3D::isPointInGbObject3D(const double& x1p, const double& x2p, const double& x3p)
-   throw UbException(__FILE__,__LINE__,"FeRing3D function not implemented");
-bool FeRing3D::isPointInGbObject3D(const double& x1p, const double& x2p, const double& x3p, bool& pointIsOnBoundary)
-   throw UbException(__FILE__,__LINE__,"FeRing3D function not implemented");
-bool FeRing3D::isCellInsideGbObject3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a,const double& x3a,const double& x1b,const double& x2b,const double& x3b)
-   throw UbException(__FILE__,__LINE__,"FeRing3D function not implemented");
-string FeRing3D::toString() 
-	stringstream ss;
-	ss<<"FeRing3D[";
-	ss<<"line="<<this->mLine->toString();
-   ss<<", inRadius="<<this->inRadius;
-   ss<<", outRadius="<<this->outRadius;
-   ss<<"]";
-   return(ss.str());
-bool FeRing3D::isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a,const double& x3a,const double& x1b,const double& x2b,const double& x3b)
-   throw UbException(__FILE__,__LINE__,"FeRing3D function not implemented");
-bool FeRing3D::isCellCuttingGbObject3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a,const double& x3a,const double& x1b,const double& x2b,const double& x3b)
-   throw UbException(__FILE__,__LINE__,"FeRing3D function not implemented");
-GbLine3D* FeRing3D::createClippedLine3D(GbPoint3D& point1, GbPoint3D& point2)
-   throw UbException(__FILE__,__LINE__,"FeRing3D function not implemented");
-vector<GbTriangle3D*> FeRing3D::getSurfaceTriangleSet()
-   double x1ma,x1mb,x2m,x3m;
-   if( this->isParallelToX1Axis() ) 
-   {
-      x1ma = this->getX1Minimum();
-      x1mb = this->getX1Maximum();
-      x2m  = this->getX2Centroid();
-      x3m  = this->getX3Centroid();
-   }
-   else if( this->isParallelToX2Axis() ) 
-   {
-      x1ma = this->getX2Minimum();
-      x1mb = this->getX2Maximum();
-      x2m  = this->getX1Centroid();
-      x3m  = this->getX3Centroid();
-   }
-   else if( this->isParallelToX3Axis() ) 
-   {
-      x1ma = this->getX3Minimum();
-      x1mb = this->getX3Maximum();
-      x2m  = this->getX2Centroid();
-      x3m  = this->getX1Centroid();
-   }
-   else throw UbException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "FeRing3D::getSurfaceTriangleSet() - ring not axis prallel");
-   vector<GbTriangle3D*> triangles;    
-   int segmentsCircle  = 14;
-   double deltaPhi = UbMath::PI/(double)segmentsCircle;
-   double phiX1a,phiX1b;
-   double x1a,x2a,x3a,x1b,x2b,x3b,x1c,x2c,x3c,x1d,x2d,x3d;
-   double x2aa,x3aa,x2bb,x3bb;
-   double dXCylinder =  fabs((x1mb-x1ma)); // /(double)segmentsCircle;
-   int segmentsCylinder = (int)(fabs(x1mb-x1ma)/dXCylinder);
-   for(int segCyl = 0; segCyl<segmentsCylinder; segCyl++)
-   {
-      x1a = x1d = x1ma+segCyl*dXCylinder;
-      x1b = x1c = x1a+dXCylinder;
-      for(phiX1a=2.0*UbMath::PI; phiX1a>0; phiX1a-=deltaPhi)
-      {
-         phiX1b = phiX1a+deltaPhi;
-         x2a =  x2m+this->outRadius*std::sin(phiX1a);
-         x3a =  x3m+this->outRadius*std::cos(phiX1a);
-         x2b =  x2m+this->outRadius*std::sin(phiX1b);
-         x3b =  x3m+this->outRadius*std::cos(phiX1b);
-         x2aa =  x2m+this->inRadius*std::sin(phiX1a);
-         x3aa =  x3m+this->inRadius*std::cos(phiX1a);
-         x2bb =  x2m+this->inRadius*std::sin(phiX1b);
-         x3bb =  x3m+this->inRadius*std::cos(phiX1b);
-         if( this->isParallelToX1Axis() ) 
-         { 
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1b,x2a,x3a),new FePoint3D(x1b,x2b,x3b),new FePoint3D(x1a,x2a,x3a)));
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1a,x2b,x3b),new FePoint3D(x1a,x2a,x3a),new FePoint3D(x1b,x2b,x3b))); 
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1b,x2bb,x3bb),new FePoint3D(x1b,x2aa,x3aa),new FePoint3D(x1a,x2aa,x3aa)));
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1a,x2aa,x3aa),new FePoint3D(x1a,x2bb,x3bb),new FePoint3D(x1b,x2bb,x3bb))); 
-         }
-         else if( this->isParallelToX2Axis() ) 
-         { 
-            throw UbException(__FILE__,__LINE__," sollte man mal machen");
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2b,x1b,x3b),new FePoint3D(x2a,x1b,x3a),new FePoint3D(x2a,x1a,x3a)));
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2a,x1a,x3a),new FePoint3D(x2b,x1a,x3b),new FePoint3D(x2b,x1b,x3b))); 
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2bb,x1b,x3bb),new FePoint3D(x2aa,x1b,x3aa),new FePoint3D(x2aa,x1a,x3aa)));
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2aa,x1a,x3aa),new FePoint3D(x2bb,x1a,x3bb),new FePoint3D(x2bb,x1b,x3bb))); 
-         }
-         else if( this->isParallelToX3Axis() ) 
-         { 
-            throw UbException(__FILE__,__LINE__," sollte man mal machen");
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3b,x2b,x1b),new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1b),new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1a)));
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1a),new FePoint3D(x3b,x2b,x1a),new FePoint3D(x3b,x2b,x1b))); 
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3bb,x2bb,x1b),new FePoint3D(x3aa,x2aa,x1b),new FePoint3D(x3aa,x2aa,x1a)));
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3aa,x2aa,x1a),new FePoint3D(x3bb,x2bb,x1a),new FePoint3D(x3bb,x2bb,x1b))); 
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   //int segmentsSide = (int)(this->outRadius/dXCylinder);
-   double radius0, radius1;
-   //for(int segCyl = 10; segCyl<segmentsSide; segCyl++)
-   //{
-      radius0 = inRadius;//segCyl*dXCylinder;
-      radius1 = outRadius;//radius0+dXCylinder;
-      //if(segCyl==segmentsSide-1) radius1=outRadius;
-      for(phiX1a=2.0*UbMath::PI; phiX1a>0; phiX1a-=deltaPhi)
-      {
-         phiX1b = phiX1a+deltaPhi;
-         x2a =  x2m+radius0*std::sin(phiX1a);
-         x3a =  x3m+radius0*std::cos(phiX1a);
-         x2b =  x2m+radius0*std::sin(phiX1b);
-         x3b =  x3m+radius0*std::cos(phiX1b);
-         x2c =  x2m+radius1*std::sin(phiX1b);
-         x3c =  x3m+radius1*std::cos(phiX1b);
-         x2d =  x2m+radius1*std::sin(phiX1a);
-         x3d =  x3m+radius1*std::cos(phiX1a);
-         if( this->isParallelToX1Axis() ) 
-         { 
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2b,x3b),new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2a,x3a),new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2c,x3c)));
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2d,x3d),new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2c,x3c),new FePoint3D(x1ma,x2a,x3a)));
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2b,x3b),new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2c,x3c),new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2a,x3a)));
-            triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2d,x3d),new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2a,x3a),new FePoint3D(x1mb,x2c,x3c)));
-         }                                                                   
-         else if( this->isParallelToX2Axis() ) 
-         { 
-            throw UbException(__FILE__,__LINE__," sollte man mal machen");
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2a,x1ma,x3a),new FePoint3D(x2b,x1ma,x3b),new FePoint3D(x2c,x1ma,x3c)));
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2c,x1ma,x3c),new FePoint3D(x2d,x1ma,x3d),new FePoint3D(x2a,x1ma,x3a)));
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2c,x1mb,x3c),new FePoint3D(x2b,x1mb,x3b),new FePoint3D(x2a,x1mb,x3a)));
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x2a,x1mb,x3a),new FePoint3D(x2d,x1mb,x3d),new FePoint3D(x2c,x1mb,x3c)));
-         }
-         else if( this->isParallelToX3Axis() ) 
-         { 
-            throw UbException(__FILE__,__LINE__," sollte man mal machen");
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1ma),new FePoint3D(x3b,x2b,x1ma),new FePoint3D(x3c,x2c,x1ma)));
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3c,x2c,x1ma),new FePoint3D(x3d,x2d,x1ma),new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1ma)));
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3c,x2c,x1mb),new FePoint3D(x3b,x2b,x1mb),new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1mb)));
-            //triangles.push_back(new GbTriangle3D(new FePoint3D(x3a,x2a,x1mb),new FePoint3D(x3d,x2d,x1mb),new FePoint3D(x3c,x2c,x1mb)));
-         }
-      }
-  // }
-   return triangles;
-void FeRing3D::objectChanged(UbObservable* changedObject)
-   GbLine3D* line = dynamic_cast<GbLine3D*>(changedObject);
-   if(!line || this->mLine!=line) return;
-   this->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-void FeRing3D::objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable* objectForDeletion)
-   if(this->mLine)
-   {
-      UbObservable* observedObj = dynamic_cast<UbObservable*>(this->mLine);
-      if(objectForDeletion == observedObj) { this->mLine = NULL; }
-   }
-void FeRing3D::scale(const double& sx1, const double& sx2, const double& sx3)
-   if( this->isParallelToX1Axis() )
-   {
-      if(!UbMath::equal(sx2,sx3)) throw UbException("FeRing3D::scale - || to x1 -> different scaling sx2 and sx3 not possible");
-      this->inRadius*=sx2;
-      this->outRadius*=sx2;
-   }
-   else if( this->isParallelToX2Axis() )
-   {
-      if(!UbMath::equal(sx1,sx3)) throw UbException("FeRing3D::scale - || to x2 -> different scaling sx1 and sx3 not possible");
-      this->inRadius*=sx1;
-      this->outRadius*=sx1;
-   }
-   else if( this->isParallelToX3Axis() )
-   {
-      if(!UbMath::equal(sx1,sx2)) throw UbException("FeRing3D::scale - || to x3 -> different scaling sx1 and sx2 not possible");
-      this->inRadius*=sx1;
-      this->outRadius*=sx1;
-   }
-   else throw UbException("FeRing3D::scale - unknown direction");
-   this->mLine->scale(sx1,sx2,sx3);
-   //notify observer wird automatisch aufgerufen
-void FeRing3D::write(UbFileOutput* out) 
-   out->writeString(this->getCreator()->getTypeID());
-   mLine->write(out);
-   out->writeDouble(inRadius);
-   out->writeDouble(outRadius);
-   out->writeInteger(ringType);
-void FeRing3D::read(UbFileInput* in) 
-   in->readString();                                    
-   mLine = new GbLine3D;
-   mLine->read(in);
-   inRadius  = in->readDouble();
-   outRadius = in->readDouble();
-   ringType  = in->readInteger();
-double FeRing3D::getIntersectionRaytraceFactor(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3, const double& rx1, const double& rx2, const double& rx3)
-   throw UbException(__FILE__,__LINE__,"FeRing3D function not implemented");
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeRing3D.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeRing3D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 12491ada96c001995f3ca6f7e73b0a683252754e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeRing3D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-//  _    ___      __              __________      _     __
-// | |  / (_)____/ /___  ______ _/ / ____/ /_  __(_)___/ /____
-// | | / / / ___/ __/ / / / __ `/ / /_  / / / / / / __  / ___/
-// | |/ / / /  / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
-// |___/_/_/   \__/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/   /_/\__,_/_/\__,_/____/
-#ifndef FERING3D_H
-#define FERING3D_H
-#include <vector>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <geometry3d/GbObject3D.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbObserver.h>
-class GbPoint3D;
-class GbLine3D;
-class GbTriangle3D;
-class GbObject3DCreator;
-class FeRing3D : public GbObject3D , public UbObserver 
-   FeRing3D();
-	FeRing3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a, const double& x3a, const double& x1b,const double& x2b, const double& x3b, const double& inradius, const double& outradius);
-	FeRing3D(GbPoint3D* p1, GbPoint3D* p2, const double& inradius, const double& outradius);
-	FeRing3D(GbLine3D* line, const double& inradius, const double& outradius);
-	FeRing3D(FeRing3D* ring);
-	~FeRing3D();    
-	FeRing3D* clone() { return new FeRing3D(this); }
-	void finalize();
-	double     getInRadius() { return this->inRadius; };
-   double     getOutRadius() { return this->outRadius; };
-	GbLine3D*  getLine() {return mLine;}
-	GbPoint3D* getPoint1();
-	GbPoint3D* getPoint2();
-	void setInRadius(const double& radius);
-   void setOutRadius(const double& radius);
-	void setLine(GbLine3D* line);
-	void setPoint1(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3);
-	void setPoint2(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3);
-	bool isParallelToX1Axis() { return((this->ringType & X1PARALLEL        )    ==  X1PARALLEL        );}
-	bool isParallelToX2Axis() { return((this->ringType & X2PARALLEL        )    ==  X2PARALLEL        );}
-	bool isParallelToX3Axis() { return((this->ringType & X3PARALLEL        )    ==  X3PARALLEL        );}
-	bool isNotParallelToAxis(){ return((this->ringType & NOTPARALLELTOAXIS )    ==  NOTPARALLELTOAXIS );}
-	double getHeight(); 
-	void scale(const double& sx1, const double& sx2, const double& sx3);
-	double getX1Centroid();
-	double getX1Minimum() ;
-	double getX1Maximum() ;
-	double getX2Centroid();
-	double getX2Minimum() ;
-	double getX2Maximum() ;
-	double getX3Centroid();
-	double getX3Minimum() ;
-	double getX3Maximum() ;
-	bool isPointInGbObject3D(const double& x1p, const double& x2p, const double& x3p); 
-	bool isPointInGbObject3D(const double& x1p, const double& x2p, const double& x3p, bool& pointIsOnBoundary); 
-   bool isCellInsideGbObject3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a,const double& x3a,const double& x1b,const double& x2b,const double& x3b);
-   bool isCellCuttingGbObject3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a,const double& x3a,const double& x1b,const double& x2b,const double& x3b);
-   bool isCellInsideOrCuttingGbObject3D(const double& x1a,const double& x2a,const double& x3a,const double& x1b,const double& x2b,const double& x3b);
-	GbLine3D* createClippedLine3D(GbPoint3D& point1, GbPoint3D& point2);
-   bool hasRaytracing() { return true; }
-   /*|r| must be 1! einheitsvector!!*/
-   double getIntersectionRaytraceFactor(const double& x1, const double& x2, const double& x3, const double& rx1, const double& rx2, const double& rx3);
-	std::vector<GbTriangle3D*> getSurfaceTriangleSet();
-	std::string toString();
-	ObObjectCreator* getCreator();
-	void write(UbFileOutput* out);
-	void read(UbFileInput* in);
-	//virtuelle Methoden von UbObserver
-	void objectChanged(UbObservable* changedObject);
-	void objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable* objectForDeletion);
-   using GbObject3D::isPointInGbObject3D; //Grund: dadurch muss man hier  isPointInGbObject3D(GbPoint3D*) nicht ausprogrammieren, welche sonst hier "ueberdeckt" waere
-	void initRingType();
-   GbLine3D* mLine;
-	double    inRadius;
-   double    outRadius;
-	int ringType;
-	//void berechneQuerschnittsWerte();
-   static const int NOTPARALLELTOAXIS  = (1<<0); //1
-   static const int X1PARALLEL         = (1<<1); //2
-   static const int X2PARALLEL         = (1<<2); //4
-   static const int X3PARALLEL         = (1<<3); //8
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeTriFaceMesh3D.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeTriFaceMesh3D.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1df203b4727426402b7dab6c8876399209b1fe98..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeTriFaceMesh3D.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-#include <geometry3d/fem/FeTriFaceMesh3D.h>
-#include <geometry3d/fem/creator/FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator.h>
-#include <geometry3d/GbTriangle3D.h>
-#include <basics/writer/WbWriterVtkXmlBinary.h>
-#include <basics/writer/WbWriterVtkXmlASCII.h>
-using namespace std;
-   this->attributes = new vector<VertexAttributes>;
-//   this->createVertexTriFaceMap();
-FeTriFaceMesh3D::FeTriFaceMesh3D(std::string name, std::vector<Vertex>* nodes, std::vector<TriFace>* triangles):GbTriFaceMesh3D(name,nodes,triangles)
-   this->attributes = new vector<VertexAttributes>;
-   this->attributes->resize(nodes->size());
-//   this->createVertexTriFaceMap();
-ObObjectCreator* FeTriFaceMesh3D::getCreator()
-   return FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::getInstance();
-void FeTriFaceMesh3D::resizeAttributes()
-   this->attributes->resize(nodes->size());
-//void FeTriFaceMesh3D::createVertexTriFaceMap()
-//   vertexTriFaceMap.clear();
-//   vector<TriFace>& tris = *this->triangles;
-//   vector<Vertex>&  pts  = *this->nodes;
-//   for(size_t t=0; t<tris.size(); t++)
-//   {
-//      TriFace& tri = tris[t];
-//      Vertex& vert1 = pts[tri.v1];
-//      Vertex& vert2 = pts[tri.v2];
-//      Vertex& vert3 = pts[tri.v3];
-//      vertexTriFaceMap.setVertexTriFaceRelation(&vert1,&tri);
-//      vertexTriFaceMap.setVertexTriFaceRelation(&vert2,&tri);
-//      vertexTriFaceMap.setVertexTriFaceRelation(&vert3,&tri);
-//   }
-FeTriFaceMesh3D* FeTriFaceMesh3D::createMeshByTriangles(std::string name, std::vector<GbTriangle3D*> *triangles)
-   vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>    *nodes = new vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>;
-   vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>   *tris  = new vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>;
-   int nr=0;
-   for(int u=0;u<(int)triangles->size();u++)
-   {
-      if(UbMath::zero((*triangles)[u]->getArea())) continue;
-      GbPoint3D* p1 = (*triangles)[u]->getPoint1();
-      GbPoint3D* p2 = (*triangles)[u]->getPoint2();
-      GbPoint3D* p3 = (*triangles)[u]->getPoint3();
-      nodes->push_back(GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex((float)p1->getX1Coordinate(),(float)p1->getX2Coordinate(),(float)p1->getX3Coordinate()));
-      nodes->push_back(GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex((float)p2->getX1Coordinate(),(float)p2->getX2Coordinate(),(float)p2->getX3Coordinate()));
-      nodes->push_back(GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex((float)p3->getX1Coordinate(),(float)p3->getX2Coordinate(),(float)p3->getX3Coordinate()));
-      tris->push_back(GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace(nr,nr+1,nr+2));
-      nr+=3;
-   }
-   FeTriFaceMesh3D* triMesh = new FeTriFaceMesh3D(name, nodes, tris);
-   triMesh->deleteRedundantNodes();
-   triMesh->resizeAttributes();
-   return triMesh;
-UbTuple<string,string> FeTriFaceMesh3D::writeMesh(string filename, WbWriter* writer, bool writeNormals, std::vector< std::string >* datanames, std::vector< std::vector < double > >* nodedata)
-   if(datanames || nodedata)
-   {
-      UBLOG(logWARNING,"FeTriFaceMesh3D::writeMesh - no support for extra datanames || nodedata");
-   }
-   UBLOG2(logDEBUG1,std::cout,"FeTriFaceMesh3D::writeMesh - start");
-   UbTuple<string,string> filenames;
-   if( dynamic_cast<WbWriterVtkXmlBinary*>(writer) || dynamic_cast<WbWriterVtkXmlASCII*>(writer))
-   {
-      vector< UbTupleFloat3 > triNodes( nodes->size() );
-      vector< UbTupleInt3   > tris( triangles->size() );
-      for(size_t i=0; i<nodes->size(); i++)
-         triNodes[i] = makeUbTuple( (*nodes)[i].x, (*nodes)[i].y, (*nodes)[i].z );
-      for(size_t i=0; i<triangles->size(); i++)
-         tris[i] = makeUbTuple( (*triangles)[i].v1, (*triangles)[i].v2, (*triangles)[i].v3 ) ;
-      vector<string> localDataNames;
-      localDataNames.push_back("Fx"      );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("Fy"      );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("Fz"      );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("sumFx"   );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("sumFy"   );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("sumFz"   );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("vx"      );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("vy"      );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("vz"      );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("S1"      );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("S2"      );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("S3"      );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("S4"      );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("S5"      );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("S6"      );		
-      localDataNames.push_back("Pressure");		
-      std::vector< std::vector < double > > localNodedata( localDataNames.size(), std::vector<double>( nodes->size() ) );
-      for(size_t n=0; n<nodes->size(); n++)
-      {
-         FeTriFaceMesh3D::VertexAttributes& attribut = (*this->attributes)[n];
-         localNodedata[ 0][n] = attribut.getFX();
-         localNodedata[ 1][n] = attribut.getFY();
-         localNodedata[ 2][n] = attribut.getFZ();
-         localNodedata[ 3][n] = attribut.getSumFX();
-         localNodedata[ 4][n] = attribut.getSumFY();
-         localNodedata[ 5][n] = attribut.getSumFZ();
-         localNodedata[ 6][n] = attribut.getVelocityX();
-         localNodedata[ 7][n] = attribut.getVelocityY();
-         localNodedata[ 8][n] = attribut.getVelocityZ();
-         localNodedata[ 9][n] = val<1>(attribut.getStresses());
-         localNodedata[10][n] = val<2>(attribut.getStresses());
-         localNodedata[11][n] = val<3>(attribut.getStresses());
-         localNodedata[12][n] = val<4>(attribut.getStresses());
-         localNodedata[13][n] = val<5>(attribut.getStresses());
-         localNodedata[14][n] = val<6>(attribut.getStresses());
-         localNodedata[15][n] = attribut.getPressure();
-      }
-      val<1>(filenames) = writer->writeTrianglesWithNodeData(filename,triNodes,tris,localDataNames,localNodedata);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      string avsfilename = filename+writer->getFileExtension();
-      val<1>(filenames)=avsfilename;
-      ofstream out(avsfilename.c_str(),ios::out);
-      if(!out)
-      { 
-         out.clear(); //flags ruecksetzen (ansonsten liefert utern if(!outfile) weiterhin true!!!
-         string path = UbSystem::getPathFromString(filename);
-         if(path.size()>0){UbSystem::makeDirectory(path);out.open(filename.c_str(),ios::out);}
-         if(!out) throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"file konnte nicht geschrieben werden");
-      }
-      //cout<<"AvsASCII - writeLines to "<<avsfilename<<" ...";
-      int nofNodes = (int)nodes->size(); 
-      int nofTrian = (int)triangles->size(); 
-      int dataSize = 16;
-      out<<"# UCD-File created by WbWriterAvsASCII\n";
-      out<<nofNodes<<" "<<nofTrian<<" "<<dataSize<<" 0 0 "<<endl;
-      for(int i=0; i<nofNodes; i++)
-         out<<i+1<<" "<< (*nodes)[i].x<<" "<< (*nodes)[i].y<<" "<< (*nodes)[i].z<<" \n";
-      for(int i=0; i<nofTrian; i++)
-         out<<i+1<<" 2 tri "<<(*triangles)[i].v1+1<<" "<<(*triangles)[i].v2+1<<" "<<(*triangles)[i].v3+1<<" "<<endl;
-      out<<dataSize;	
-      for(int i=0;i<dataSize;i++) out<<" "<<1;
-      out<<endl;
-      out<<"Fx, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"Fy, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"Fz, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"sumFx, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"sumFy, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"sumFz, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"vx, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"vy, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"vz, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"S1, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"S2, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"S3, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"S4, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"S5, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"S6, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      out<<"Pressure, no_unit"<<endl;		
-      for(int n=0; n<nofNodes; n++)
-      {
-         FeTriFaceMesh3D::VertexAttributes& attribut = (*this->attributes)[n];
-         double Fx = attribut.getFX();
-         double Fy = attribut.getFY();
-         double Fz = attribut.getFZ();
-         double sumFx = attribut.getSumFX();
-         double sumFy = attribut.getSumFY();
-         double sumFz = attribut.getSumFZ();
-         double vx = attribut.getVelocityX();
-         double vy = attribut.getVelocityY();
-         double vz = attribut.getVelocityZ();
-         double p = attribut.getPressure();
-         UbTupleDouble6& stresses = attribut.getStresses();
-         out<<n+1<<" "<<Fx<<" "<<Fy<<" "<<Fz;
-         out<<" "<<sumFx<<" "<<sumFy<<" "<<sumFz;
-         out<<" "<<vx<<" "<<vy<<" "<<vz;
-         out<<" "<<val<1>(stresses)<<" "<<val<2>(stresses)<<" "<<val<3>(stresses);
-         out<<" "<<val<4>(stresses)<<" "<<val<5>(stresses)<<" "<<val<6>(stresses);
-         out<<" "<<p<<endl;
-      }
-      out.close();
-   }
-   if(writeNormals)
-   {
-      vector<UbTupleFloat3 > lineNodes(triangles->size()*2);
-      vector<UbTupleInt2 >   lines(triangles->size());
-      for(size_t i=0; i<triangles->size(); i++)
-      {
-         TriFace& triangle = (*triangles)[i];
-         lineNodes[i*2  ] = makeUbTuple( triangle.getX1Centroid(*nodes)
-                                        ,triangle.getX2Centroid(*nodes)
-                                        ,triangle.getX3Centroid(*nodes));
-         lineNodes[i*2+1] = makeUbTuple( (float)(triangle.getX1Centroid(*nodes)+triangle.nx)
-                                        ,(float)(triangle.getX2Centroid(*nodes)+triangle.ny)
-                                        ,(float)(triangle.getX3Centroid(*nodes)+triangle.nz));
-         lines[i] = makeUbTuple((int)i*2,(int)i*2+1);
-      }
-      val<2>(filenames) = writer->writeLines(filename+"_normals",lineNodes,lines);
-   }
-   if(writeNormals)
-   {
-      vector<UbTupleFloat3 > lineNodes(nodes->size()*2);
-      vector<UbTupleInt2 >   lines(nodes->size());
-      for(size_t i=0; i<nodes->size(); i++)
-      {
-   	    FeTriFaceMesh3D::VertexAttributes& attribut = (*this->attributes)[i];
-         lineNodes[i*2  ] = makeUbTuple((*nodes)[i].x, (*nodes)[i].y, (*nodes)[i].z );
-         lineNodes[i*2+1] = makeUbTuple((*nodes)[i].x+(float)attribut.getNormalX()
-                                       ,(*nodes)[i].y+(float)attribut.getNormalY()
-                                       ,(*nodes)[i].z+(float)attribut.getNormalZ());
-         lines[i] = makeUbTuple((int)i*2,(int)i*2+1);
-      }
-      writer->writeLines(filename+"_PointNormals",lineNodes,lines);
-   }
-   UBLOG2(logDEBUG1,std::cout,"FeTriFaceMesh3D::writeMesh - end");
-   return filenames;
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeTriFaceMesh3D.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeTriFaceMesh3D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 924941867af336b5fcfa69e0ce2e7f0afc4df546..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/FeTriFaceMesh3D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include "./../GbTriFaceMesh3D.h"
-#ifdef CAB_RCF
-#include <3rdParty/rcf/RcfSerializationIncludes.h>
-#endif //CAB_RCF
-/* FeTriFaceMesh3D                                                                  */
-/*                                                                         */
- * This Class provides the triangular meshes.
- * Note, that up to now no methods for checking consistency are included.
- * in this context this class describes facettes from an 3D-object !!!
-class FeTriFaceMesh3D : public GbTriFaceMesh3D
-   class VertexAttributes
-   {
-   private:
-      double Fx;
-      double Fy;
-      double Fz;
-      double sumFx;
-      double sumFy;
-      double sumFz;
-      double velocityX;
-      double velocityY;
-      double velocityZ;
-      double normalX;
-      double normalY;
-      double normalZ;
-      UbTupleDouble6 stresses; 
-      double area;
-      double p; //pressure
-   public:
-      VertexAttributes()
-      {
-         this->init();
-      }
-      ~VertexAttributes() {}
-#ifdef CAB_RCF
-      template<class Archive>
-      void SF_SERIALIZE(Archive & ar)
-      {
-         ar & Fx; ar & Fy; ar & Fz;
-         ar & velocityX; ar & velocityY; ar & velocityZ;
-      }
-#endif //CAB_RCF
-      void init()
-      {
-         this->Fx         = 0.0;
-         this->Fy         = 0.0;
-         this->Fz         = 0.0;
-         this->sumFx      = 0.0;
-         this->sumFy      = 0.0;
-         this->sumFz      = 0.0;
-         val<1>(stresses) = 0.0;
-         val<2>(stresses) = 0.0;
-         val<3>(stresses) = 0.0;
-         val<4>(stresses) = 0.0;
-         val<5>(stresses) = 0.0;
-         val<6>(stresses) = 0.0;
-         this->area       = 0.0;
-         this->p = 0.0;
-         this->velocityX  = 0.0;
-         this->velocityY  = 0.0;
-         this->velocityZ  = 0.0;
-         this->normalX  = 0.0;
-         this->normalY  = 0.0;
-         this->normalZ  = 0.0;
-      }
-      double getVelocityX()         { return this->velocityX; }
-      double getVelocityY()         { return this->velocityY; }
-      double getVelocityZ()         { return this->velocityZ; }
-      void   setVelocityX(double x) { this->velocityX = x;    }
-      void   setVelocityY(double y) { this->velocityY = y;    }
-      void   setVelocityZ(double z) { this->velocityZ = z;    }
-      double getNormalX()         { return this->normalX; }
-      double getNormalY()         { return this->normalY; }
-      double getNormalZ()         { return this->normalZ; }
-      void   setNormalX(double x) { this->normalX = x;    }
-      void   setNormalY(double y) { this->normalY = y;    }
-      void   setNormalZ(double z) { this->normalZ = z;    }
-      double getFX()          { return this->Fx; }
-      double getFY()          { return this->Fy; }
-      double getFZ()          { return this->Fz; }
-      void   setFX(double FX) { this->Fx = FX;   }
-      void   setFY(double FY) { this->Fy = FY;   }
-      void   setFZ(double FZ) { this->Fz = FZ;   }
-      void   addFX(double FX) { this->Fx += FX;  }
-      void   addFY(double FY) { this->Fy += FY;  }
-      void   addFZ(double FZ) { this->Fz += FZ;  }
-      double getSumFX()          { return this->sumFx; }
-      double getSumFY()          { return this->sumFy; }
-      double getSumFZ()          { return this->sumFz; }
-      void   setSumFX(double FX) { this->sumFx = FX;   }
-      void   setSumFY(double FY) { this->sumFy = FY;   }
-      void   setSumFZ(double FZ) { this->sumFz = FZ;   }
-      void   addSumFX(double FX) { this->sumFx += FX;  }
-      void   addSumFY(double FY) { this->sumFy += FY;  }
-      void   addSumFZ(double FZ) { this->sumFz += FZ;  }
-      UbTupleDouble6& getStresses() { return this->stresses; }
-      double getArea()            { return this->area;  }
-      void   setArea(double area) { this->area  = area; }
-      void   addArea(double area) { this->area += area; }
-      double getPressure()         { return this->p;  }
-      void   setPressure(double p) { this->p = p; }
-   };
-   //class VertexTriFaceMap : public std::multimap<Vertex*, TriFace*>
-   //{
-   //public:
-   //   VertexTriFaceMap()  {}
-   //   /*=========================================================================*/
-   //   void setVertexTriFaceRelation(Vertex* v, TriFace* tri)
-   //   {
-   //      this->insert(std::pair<Vertex*,TriFace*>(v,tri));
-   //   }
-   //   /*=========================================================================*/
-   //   int getNumberOfTriFaces(Vertex* v)
-   //   {  
-   //      return((int)this->count(v));
-   //   }
-   //   /*=========================================================================*/
-   //   std::vector<TriFace*> getTriFacesForVertex(Vertex* v)
-   //   {
-   //      std::vector<TriFace*> trivector;
-   //      unsigned number = (unsigned)this->count(v);
-   //      std::multimap<Vertex*,TriFace*>::iterator mapIterator = this->find(v);
-   //      for(unsigned u =0; u<number; u++) 
-   //      {
-   //         trivector.push_back(mapIterator->second);
-   //         mapIterator ++;
-   //      }
-   //      return trivector;
-   //   }
-   //   //void deleteNeighbors(QtInteractor* interactor);
-   //   ///*=========================================================================*/
-   //};
-   //#ifndef SWIG
-   //VertexTriFaceMap vertexTriFaceMap;
-   //#endif
-   FeTriFaceMesh3D();
-   FeTriFaceMesh3D(std::string name, std::vector<Vertex>* nodes, std::vector<TriFace>* triangles);
-   std::vector<VertexAttributes>* getAttributes() { return this->attributes; }
-   void resizeAttributes();
-   //void createVertexTriFaceMap();
-   UbTuple<std::string,std::string> writeMesh(std::string filename, WbWriter* writer, bool writeNormals=false, std::vector< std::string >* datanames=NULL, std::vector< std::vector < double > >* nodedata=NULL);
-   static FeTriFaceMesh3D* createMeshByTriangles(std::string name, std::vector<GbTriangle3D*>* triangles);
-   virtual ObObjectCreator* getCreator();
-#ifdef CAB_RCF
-   template<class Archive>
-   void SF_SERIALIZE(Archive & ar)
-   {
-      SF_SERIALIZE_PARENT<GbTriFaceMesh3D>(ar, *this);
-      ar & attributes;
-      //if( ArchiveTools::isReading(ar) ) this->createVertexTriFaceMap();
-   }
-#endif //CAB_RCF
-   std::vector<VertexAttributes>* attributes;
-#if defined(RCF_USE_SF_SERIALIZATION) && !defined(SWIG)
-   UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED(   SF::registerType<FeTriFaceMesh3D  >("FeTriFaceMesh3D  ")     , SF_FeTriFaceMesh3D     );
-   UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED( ( SF::registerBaseAndDerived< GbTriFaceMesh3D, FeTriFaceMesh3D >() ), SF_FeTriFaceMesh3D_BD1 );
-   UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED( ( SF::registerBaseAndDerived< GbObject3D, FeTriFaceMesh3D >() ), SF_FeTriFaceMesh3D_BD2 );
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/creator/FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/creator/FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d406423d6217fed5390026f9ec71841b1c8f500..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/creator/FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-#include <geometry3d/fem/creator/FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbLogger.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbTiming.h>
-using namespace std;
-FeTriFaceMesh3D* FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromFile(string filename, string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes)
-   if(meshName.empty())
-   {
-      size_t pos=filename.rfind("/");
-      if(pos!=string::npos) meshName = filename.substr(pos+1);
-      else                  meshName = filename;
-   }
-   UbFileInputASCII stlfile(filename);
-   if(!stlfile) throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"cannot open file "+filename);
-   string ext=stlfile.getFileExtension();
-   //in "kleinbuchstaben" umwandeln
-   transform(ext.begin(), ext.end(), ext.begin(), (int(*)(int))tolower); //(int(*)(int)) ist irgendso ein fieser cast, weil tolower ne alte c-methode ist
-   if     ( !ext.compare("ply") ) return FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromPLYFile(filename, meshName, removeRedundantNodes);
-   else if( !ext.compare("stl") ) return FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromSTLFile(filename, meshName, removeRedundantNodes);
-   else if( !ext.compare("inp") ) return FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromAVSFile(filename, meshName, removeRedundantNodes);
-   //else if( !ext.compare("gts") ) return FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromGTSFile(filename, meshName);
-   //else if( !ext.compare("raw") ) return FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromRAWFile(filename, meshName);
-   else throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"fileformat "+ext);
-   return NULL;
-FeTriFaceMesh3D* FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromPLYFile(string filename, string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes)
-   UbFileInputASCII plyfile(filename);
-   if(!plyfile) throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"cannot open file "+filename);
-   return FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromPLYFile(&plyfile,meshName);
-FeTriFaceMesh3D* FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromPLYFile(UbFileInput* in, string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes)
-   //cout<<"GbTriangularMesh3DFile.readMeshFromPLYFile !!! Dieses Format hat leider redundante Knoten ..."<<endl;
-   vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>    *nodes     = new vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>;
-   vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>   *triangles = new vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>;
-   float x, y, z;
-   string dummy;
-   int numVertices = in->readIntegerAfterString("element vertex");
-   int numFaces    = in->readIntegerAfterString("element face");
-   in->setPosAfterLineWithString("end_header");
-   UBLOG(logDEBUG1,"Number of vertices "<<numVertices);
-   UBLOG(logDEBUG1,"Number of faces    "<<numFaces);
-   nodes->resize(numVertices);
-   triangles->reserve(numFaces);
-   int onePercent = (int)UbMath::max(1,UbMath::integerRounding(numVertices*0.01));
-   for (int i=0; i<numVertices; i++)
-   {
-      if( i%onePercent==0 )
-         cout<<" - read vertices (#"<<numVertices<<") "<<UbMath::integerRounding(i/(double)numVertices*100.0)<<"% "<<"\r"<<flush;
-      x = in->readFloat();
-      y = in->readFloat();
-      z = in->readFloat();
-      in->readLine();
-      (*nodes)[i] = GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex(x,y,z);
-   }
-   UBLOG(logDEBUG1," - read vertices (#"<<numVertices<<") done");
-   int p,j,k,l,n;
-   onePercent = (int)UbMath::max(1,UbMath::integerRounding(numFaces*0.01));
-   for(int i=0; i<numFaces; i++)
-   {
-      if( i%onePercent==0 ) cout<<" - read faces (#"<<numFaces<<") "<<UbMath::integerRounding(i/(double)numFaces*100.0)<<"% "<<"\r"<<flush;
-      p = in->readInteger();
-      if(p==3)  //Dreieck, alles andere wird stumpf ingnoriert
-      {
-         j = in->readInteger();
-         k = in->readInteger();
-         l = in->readInteger();
-         if(   !UbMath::inClosedInterval(j,0,numVertices-1) 
-            || !UbMath::inClosedInterval(k,0,numVertices-1) 
-            || !UbMath::inClosedInterval(l,0,numVertices-1) ) 
-         {         
-            throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"dreiecksindex ist groesser als max Knotenindex oder kleiner 0");
-         }
-         triangles->push_back(GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace(j,k,l));
-      }
-      else if(p==4)  //Viereck --> wird zu zwei Dreiecken!
-      {
-         j = in->readInteger();
-         k = in->readInteger();
-         l = in->readInteger();
-         n = in->readInteger();
-         numFaces++;
-         i++;
-         if(   !UbMath::inClosedInterval(j,0,numVertices-1) 
-            || !UbMath::inClosedInterval(k,0,numVertices-1) 
-            || !UbMath::inClosedInterval(l,0,numVertices-1) 
-            || !UbMath::inClosedInterval(n,0,numVertices-1) 
-            ) 
-         {         
-            throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"vierecksindex ist groesser als max Knotenindex oder kleiner 0");
-         }
-         triangles->push_back(GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace(j,k,l));
-         triangles->push_back(GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace(l,n,j));
-      }
-      in->readLine();
-   }
-   UBLOG(logDEBUG1," - read faces (#"<<(int)triangles->size()<<", #nonTriangles="<<(int)triangles->size()-numFaces<<") done");
-   FeTriFaceMesh3D* mesh = new FeTriFaceMesh3D(meshName, nodes, triangles);
-   if(removeRedundantNodes) mesh->deleteRedundantNodes();
-   mesh->resizeAttributes();
-   //mesh->createVertexTriFaceMap();
-   mesh->calculateValues();
-   return mesh;
-FeTriFaceMesh3D* FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromSTLFile(string filename, string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes)
-   UbFileInputASCII stlfile(filename);
-   if(!stlfile) throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"cannot open file "+filename);
-   return FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromSTLFile(&stlfile,meshName,removeRedundantNodes);
-FeTriFaceMesh3D* FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromSTLFile(UbFileInput *in, string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes)
-   UBLOG(logINFO,"FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromSTLFile !!! Dieses Format hat leider redundante Knoten ...");
-   vector<FeTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>    *nodes     = new vector<FeTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>;
-   vector<FeTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>   *triangles = new vector<FeTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>;
-   string dummy;
-   double x, y, z;
-   int nr=0;
-   in->readLine();
-   while(dummy!="endsolid")
-   {
-      in->readLine();
-      in->readLine();
-      dummy = in->readString();
-      if(dummy!="vertex") throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"no vertex format");
-      x=in->readDouble();
-      y=in->readDouble();
-      z=in->readDouble();
-      nodes->push_back(FeTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex((float)x,(float)y,(float)z));
-      in->readLine();
-      in->readString();
-      x=in->readDouble();
-      y=in->readDouble();
-      z=in->readDouble();
-      nodes->push_back(FeTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex((float)x,(float)y,(float)z));
-      in->readLine();
-      in->readString();
-      x=in->readDouble();
-      y=in->readDouble();
-      z=in->readDouble();
-      nodes->push_back(FeTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex((float)x,(float)y,(float)z));
-      triangles->push_back(FeTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace(nr,nr+1,nr+2));
-      in->readLine();
-      in->readLine();
-      in->readLine();
-      dummy = in->readString();
-      nr+=3;
-   }
-   FeTriFaceMesh3D* mesh = new FeTriFaceMesh3D(meshName, nodes, triangles);
-   if(removeRedundantNodes) mesh->deleteRedundantNodes();
-   mesh->resizeAttributes();
-//   mesh->createVertexTriFaceMap();
-   mesh->calculateValues();
-   return mesh;
-// /*======================================================================*/
-// FeTriFaceMesh3D* FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromMeshFile(string filename, string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes)
-// {
-//    public static void read(String file, ArrayList<Node3d> nodeList, ArrayList<TrianglePatch> patches) throws FileReaderException {
-//       UBLOG(logINFO,"FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromSTLFile !!! Dieses Format hat leider redundante Knoten ...");
-//    vector<FeTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>    *nodes     = new vector<FeTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>;
-//    vector<FeTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>   *triangles = new vector<FeTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>;
-//    string dummy;
-//    double x, y, z;
-//    int nr=0;
-//    in->readLine();
-//    while(dummy!="endsolid")
-//    {
-//       in->readLine();
-//       in->readLine();
-//       dummy = in->readString();
-//       if(dummy!="vertex") throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"no vertex format");
-//       x=in->readDouble();
-//       y=in->readDouble();
-//       z=in->readDouble();
-//       nodes->push_back(FeTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex((float)x,(float)y,(float)z));
-//       in->readLine();
-//       in->readString();
-//       x=in->readDouble();
-//       y=in->readDouble();
-//       z=in->readDouble();
-//       nodes->push_back(FeTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex((float)x,(float)y,(float)z));
-//       in->readLine();
-//       in->readString();
-//       x=in->readDouble();
-//       y=in->readDouble();
-//       z=in->readDouble();
-//       nodes->push_back(FeTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex((float)x,(float)y,(float)z));
-//       triangles->push_back(FeTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace(nr,nr+1,nr+2));
-//       in->readLine();
-//       in->readLine();
-//       in->readLine();
-//       dummy = in->readString();
-//       nr+=3;
-//    }
-//    FeTriFaceMesh3D* mesh = new FeTriFaceMesh3D(meshName, nodes, triangles);
-//    if(removeRedundantNodes) mesh->deleteRedundantNodes();
-//    return mesh;
-//    try {
-//       FileInput input = new FileInput(file);
-//       int line = 0;
-//       while(true)
-//       { 
-//          if(line>1000) break;            
-//          if(input.readLine().contains("Vertices")) 
-//             break;              
-//          line++;
-//       }
-//       int num_of_points = input.readInt();
-//       for (int i = 0; i < num_of_points; i++) {               
-//          float x = (float) input.readDouble();
-//          float y = (float) input.readDouble();
-//          float z = (float) input.readDouble();
-//          int nr = input.readInt();
-//          nodeList.add(new Node3d(x, y, z));
-//       }
-//       input.skipLine();
-//       input.skipLine();
-//       int num_of_triangles = input.readInt();
-//       for (int i = 0; i < num_of_triangles; i++) {
-//          int a = input.readInt();
-//          int b = input.readInt();
-//          int c = input.readInt();
-//          int nr = input.readInt();
-//          Node3d P1 = nodeList.get(a - 1);
-//          Node3d P2 = nodeList.get(b - 1);
-//          Node3d P3 = nodeList.get(c - 1);
-//          patches.add(new TrianglePatch(P1, P2, P3));
-//       }
-//       // END reading mesh file
-//    }
-//    -- 
-//       Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Bindick
-//       Institute for Computational Modeling in Civil Engineering (iRMB) Technische Universit�t Braunschweig Pockelsstr. 3 (9th Floor) D-38106, Braunschweig, Germany
-//       phone +49 531/391-7598
-//       fax   +49 531/391-7599
-//       email    bindick@irmb.tu-bs.de
-//       web  www.irmb.tu-bs.de
-FeTriFaceMesh3D* FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromAVSFile(string filename, string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes)
-   UbFileInputASCII stlfile(filename);
-   if(!stlfile) throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"cannot open file "+filename);
-   return FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromAVSFile(&stlfile,meshName,removeRedundantNodes);
-FeTriFaceMesh3D* FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromAVSFile(UbFileInput *in, string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes)
-   UBLOG(logINFO,"FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator.readMeshFromAVSFile !!! Dieses Format hat leider redundante Knoten ...");
-   vector<FeTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>    *nodes     = new vector<FeTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>;
-   vector<FeTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>   *triangles = new vector<FeTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>;
-   string dummy;
-   in->readLine();
-   int numberNodes = in->readInteger();
-   int numberTris  = in->readInteger();
-   in->readLine();
-   double x,y,z;
-   for(int u=0;u<numberNodes;u++)
-   {
-      in->readInteger();
-      x=in->readDouble();
-      y=in->readDouble();
-      z=in->readDouble();
-      in->readLine();
-      nodes->push_back(FeTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex((float)x,(float)y,(float)z));
-   }
-   int id1,id2,id3;
-   for(int u=0;u<numberTris;u++)
-   {
-      in->readInteger();
-      in->readInteger();
-      in->readString();
-      id1 = in->readInteger();
-      id2 = in->readInteger();
-      id3 = in->readInteger();
-      triangles->push_back(FeTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace(id1-1,id2-1,id3-1));
-   }
-   FeTriFaceMesh3D* mesh = new FeTriFaceMesh3D(meshName, nodes, triangles);
-   if(removeRedundantNodes) mesh->deleteRedundantNodes();
-   mesh->resizeAttributes();
-//   mesh->createVertexTriFaceMap();
-   mesh->calculateValues();
-   return mesh;
-FeTriFaceMesh3D* FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromVTKASCIIFile(string filename, string meshName, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SPLITAGORITHM splitAlg, bool removeRedundantNodes)
-   UbFileInputASCII stlfile(filename);
-   if(!stlfile) throw UbException(UB_EXARGS,"cannot open file "+filename);
-   return FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromVTKASCIIFile(&stlfile,meshName,splitAlg,removeRedundantNodes);
-FeTriFaceMesh3D* FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromVTKASCIIFile(UbFileInput *in, string meshName, GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SPLITAGORITHM splitAlg, bool removeRedundantNodes)
-   UBLOG(logDEBUG1,"GbTriFaceMesh3DCreator.readMeshFromVTKASCIIFile !!! Dieses Format hat leider redundante Knoten ...");
-   vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>    *nodes     = new vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex>;
-   vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>   *triangles = new vector<GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace>;
-   string dummy;
-   in->readLine();
-   in->readLine();
-   in->readLine();
-   in->readLine();
-   in->readString();
-   int numberNodes = in->readInteger();
-   in->readLine();
-   double x,y,z;
-   for(int u=0;u<numberNodes;u++)
-   {
-      x=in->readDouble();
-      y=in->readDouble();
-      z=in->readDouble();
-      nodes->push_back(GbTriFaceMesh3D::Vertex((float)x,(float)y,(float)z));
-   }
-   in->readLine();
-   in->readString();
-   int numberTris  = in->readInteger();
-   in->readLine();
-   UBLOG(logDEBUG1,"numberTris:"<<numberTris);
-   int id1,id2,id3;
-   for(int u=0;u<numberTris;u++)
-   {
-      in->readInteger();
-      id1 = in->readInteger();
-      id2 = in->readInteger();
-      id3 = in->readInteger();
-      triangles->push_back(GbTriFaceMesh3D::TriFace(id1,id2,id3));
-      //cout<<u<<" - id1,id2,id3:"<<id1<<","<<id2<<","<<id3<<endl;
-   }
-   UBLOG(logDEBUG1,"Tris gelesen");
-   FeTriFaceMesh3D* mesh = new FeTriFaceMesh3D(meshName, nodes, triangles);
-   if(removeRedundantNodes) mesh->deleteRedundantNodes();
-   mesh->resizeAttributes();
-//   mesh->createVertexTriFaceMap();
-   mesh->calculateValues();
-   UBLOG(logDEBUG1,"mesh erzeugt (with remove redundant nodes = "<< boolalpha <<removeRedundantNodes<<")");
-   return mesh;
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/creator/FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/creator/FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d6f11cae318db8d03947333821c0e7dfff2cff40..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/fem/creator/FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-#include <geometry3d/creator/GbObject3DCreator.h>
-#include <geometry3d/fem/FeTriFaceMesh3D.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbFileInputASCII.h>
-#ifdef CAB_QT 
-#include <qfiledialog.h>    
-#ifdef CAB_VTK
-//#include <geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbTriangularMesh3D.h>
-class FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator : public GbObject3DCreator              
-   static FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator* getInstance()
-   {
-      static FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator instance;
-      return &instance;
-   }
-   static FeTriFaceMesh3D* readMeshFromFile(std::string filename, std::string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes=true);
-   static FeTriFaceMesh3D* readMeshFromPLYFile(std::string filename, std::string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes=true);
-   static FeTriFaceMesh3D* readMeshFromPLYFile(UbFileInput* in, std::string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes=true);
-   static FeTriFaceMesh3D* readMeshFromSTLFile(std::string filename, std::string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes=true); 
-   static FeTriFaceMesh3D* readMeshFromSTLFile(UbFileInput* in, std::string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes=true);
-   static FeTriFaceMesh3D* readMeshFromAVSFile(std::string filename, std::string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes=true); 
-   static FeTriFaceMesh3D* readMeshFromAVSFile(UbFileInput* in, std::string meshName, bool removeRedundantNodes=true);
-   static FeTriFaceMesh3D* readMeshFromVTKASCIIFile(std::string filename, std::string meshName="", GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SPLITAGORITHM splitAlg = GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT, bool removeRedundantNodes=true); 
-   static FeTriFaceMesh3D* readMeshFromVTKASCIIFile(UbFileInput* in, std::string meshName="", GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SPLITAGORITHM splitAlg = GbTriFaceMesh3D::KDTREE_SAHPLIT, bool removeRedundantNodes=true);
-   FeTriFaceMesh3D* createGbObject3D() { return new FeTriFaceMesh3D(); }
-   std::string getGbObject3DTypeID(){ return "FeTriFaceMesh3D"; };
-   std::string toString()           { return "FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator"; }
-#ifdef CAB_QT 
-   FeTriFaceMesh3D* createGbObject3DwithQt()
-   {
-	   //QString s = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(NULL,NULL,NULL,"open file dialog","Choose a STL file" );
-	   QString s = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(NULL, "Choose a STL file", "/home", "*.stl");
-      //QFileDialog* fd = new QFileDialog( NULL );
-      //fd->setIconText(QString("Hallo"));
-      //fd->show();
-      //TODO: Open File Dialog einbauen.		
-      UbFileInputASCII in( s.toAscii().data() );
-      stringstream stream;
-      stream <<"TriangularMesh3D ";//<<_objCount++;
-      FeTriFaceMesh3D *mesh = NULL;//FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::readMeshFromSTLFile(&in, stream.str() );
-      return mesh;
-   }
-   //QDialog* getSpecificInstrument()  {  return 0;}
-   void editGbObject3DwithQt(GbObject3D* gbObj)
-   { 
-   }
-#ifdef CAB_VTK
-   Presentator* createObjectPresentator(ObObject *object) { return new vtkGbTriangularMesh3D((GbTriangularMesh3D*)object); }
-   FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator( const FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator& );                  //no copy allowed 
-   const FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator& operator=( const FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator& ); //no copy allowed
-   FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator() : GbObject3DCreator() {}
-#ifndef SWIG
-UB_AUTO_RUN_NAMED( GbObject3DFactory::getInstance()->addObObjectCreator(FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator::getInstance()), CAB_FeTriFaceMesh3DCreator);
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCuboid3DInstrument.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCuboid3DInstrument.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e444b4b7776031dd728f87d32d30a0cb85190a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCuboid3DInstrument.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#include "./QGbCuboid3DInstrument.h"
-/**** Qt ****/
-#include <qlineedit.h>
-#include <qstring.h>
-#include <qcheckbox.h>
-/**** CAB ****/
-#include "./../GbCuboid3D.h"
-#include "./../GbPoint3D.h"
-QGbCuboid3DInstrument::QGbCuboid3DInstrument( QWidget* parent, Qt::WFlags flags ):QDialog(parent, flags)
-	ui.setupUi(this);
-	this->gbCuboid = NULL;
-void QGbCuboid3DInstrument::setGbCuboid3D(GbCuboid3D* cuboid)
-	this->gbCuboid = cuboid;
-	ui.lineEditPoint1X->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCuboid->getPoint1()->getX1Coordinate() ) );
-	ui.lineEditPoint1Y->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCuboid->getPoint1()->getX2Coordinate() ) );
-	ui.lineEditPoint1Z->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCuboid->getPoint1()->getX3Coordinate() ) );
-	ui.lineEditPoint2X->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCuboid->getPoint2()->getX1Coordinate() ) );
-	ui.lineEditPoint2Y->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCuboid->getPoint2()->getX2Coordinate() ) );
-	ui.lineEditPoint2Z->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCuboid->getPoint2()->getX3Coordinate() ) );
-	//this->checkBoxActive->setChecked( cuboid->isActive() );
-	ui.checkBoxActive->setChecked( true );
-GbCuboid3D* QGbCuboid3DInstrument::getGbCuboid3D()
-	return this->gbCuboid;
-//void QGbCuboid3DInstrument::SetGbObject3D(GbObject3D* gbObj)
-//		this->SetGbSphere(dynamic_cast<GbSphere3D*>(gbObj));
-void QGbCuboid3DInstrument::on_pBtnOK_clicked()
-	this->gbCuboid->getPoint1()->setX1(ui.lineEditPoint1X->text().toDouble() );
-	this->gbCuboid->getPoint1()->setX2(ui.lineEditPoint1Y->text().toDouble() );
-	this->gbCuboid->getPoint1()->setX3(ui.lineEditPoint1Z->text().toDouble() );
-	this->gbCuboid->getPoint2()->setX1(ui.lineEditPoint2X->text().toDouble() );
-	this->gbCuboid->getPoint2()->setX2(ui.lineEditPoint2Y->text().toDouble() );
-	this->gbCuboid->getPoint2()->setX3(ui.lineEditPoint2Z->text().toDouble() );
-	//this->gbCuboid->setActive( this->checkBoxActive->isChecked() );
-	this->gbCuboid->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-	this->accept();
-void QGbCuboid3DInstrument::on_pBtnCancel_clicked()
-	this->reject();
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCuboid3DInstrument.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCuboid3DInstrument.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 312fb0efa42b7bd6d6fc08ec55d4e293f727cee8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCuboid3DInstrument.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "./QGbCuboid3DInstrumentUI.h"
-class GbCuboid3D;
-class GbObject3D;
-class QGbCuboid3DInstrument : public QDialog
-	QGbCuboid3DInstrument( QWidget* parent = 0, Qt::WFlags fl = 0 );
-	~QGbCuboid3DInstrument();
-	void setGbCuboid3D(GbCuboid3D* cuboid);        
-	GbCuboid3D* getGbCuboid3D();
-	GbCuboid3D* gbCuboid;
-	Ui::QGbCuboid3DInstrument ui;
-private slots:
-	void on_pBtnOK_clicked();
-	void on_pBtnCancel_clicked();
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCuboid3DInstrument.ui b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCuboid3DInstrument.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index e584634af9e5b0ac129a66f4ce105d5cba6e86ee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCuboid3DInstrument.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
- <author></author>
- <comment></comment>
- <exportmacro></exportmacro>
- <class>QGbCuboid3DInstrument</class>
- <widget class="QDialog" name="QGbCuboid3DInstrument" >
-  <property name="geometry" >
-   <rect>
-    <x>0</x>
-    <y>0</y>
-    <width>252</width>
-    <height>239</height>
-   </rect>
-  </property>
-  <property name="windowTitle" >
-   <string>GbCuboid3DInstrument</string>
-  </property>
-  <layout class="QGridLayout" >
-   <property name="margin" >
-    <number>10</number>
-   </property>
-   <property name="spacing" >
-    <number>6</number>
-   </property>
-   <item row="0" column="0" >
-    <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel2" >
-     <property name="font" >
-      <font>
-       <family>Arial</family>
-       <pointsize>20</pointsize>
-       <weight>50</weight>
-       <italic>false</italic>
-       <bold>false</bold>
-       <underline>false</underline>
-       <strikeout>false</strikeout>
-      </font>
-     </property>
-     <property name="text" >
-      <string>Cuboid</string>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="1" column="0" colspan="4" >
-    <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-     <property name="margin" >
-      <number>0</number>
-     </property>
-     <property name="spacing" >
-      <number>6</number>
-     </property>
-     <item>
-      <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
-       <property name="margin" >
-        <number>0</number>
-       </property>
-       <property name="spacing" >
-        <number>6</number>
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-         <item>
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-          <string>Point 2:</string>
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diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCylinder3DInstrument.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCylinder3DInstrument.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 34ff20fe1b0b771609467e1317e184b9db87ce9a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCylinder3DInstrument.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#include "./QGbCylinder3DInstrument.h"
-/**** Qt ****/
-#include <QtCore/QString>
-#include <QtGui/QLineEdit>
-#include <QtGui/QCheckBox>
-#include <QtGui/QTabWidget>
-/**** CAB ****/
-#include "./../GbCylinder3D.h"
-#include "./../GbPoint3D.h"
-QGbCylinder3DInstrument::QGbCylinder3DInstrument( QWidget* parent, Qt::WFlags flags )
-	ui.setupUi(this);
-   /*JZ TODO daher Buttons noch ausgeschaltet (29.11.05)*/
-   ui.rBtnXAxis->setEnabled(false);
-   ui.rBtnYAxis->setEnabled(false);
-   ui.rBtnZAxis->setEnabled(false);
-   this->gbCylinder = NULL;
-void QGbCylinder3DInstrument::setGbCylinder3D(GbCylinder3D* cylinder)
-   this->gbCylinder = cylinder;
-   ui.lineEdit1_X_1->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCylinder->getPoint1()->x1 ) );
-   ui.lineEdit1_Y_1->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCylinder->getPoint1()->x2 ) );
-   ui.lineEdit1_Z_1->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCylinder->getPoint1()->x3 ) );
-   ui.lineEdit1_X_2->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCylinder->getPoint2()->x1 ) );
-   ui.lineEdit1_Y_2->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCylinder->getPoint2()->x2 ) );
-   ui.lineEdit1_Z_2->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCylinder->getPoint2()->x3 ) );
-   ui.dSpBoxRadius1->setValue(gbCylinder->getRadius());
-   ui.checkBoxActive1->setChecked( true );
-   ui.lineEdit2_X->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCylinder->getPoint1()->x1 ) );
-   ui.lineEdit2_Y->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCylinder->getPoint1()->x2 ) );
-   ui.lineEdit2_Z->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCylinder->getPoint1()->x3 ) );
-   ui.dSpBoxRadius2->setValue(gbCylinder->getRadius());
-   ui.checkBoxActive2->setChecked( true );
-   ui.lineEditLength->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbCylinder->getHeight()) );
-   //if (!this->gbCylinder->isParallelToX1Axis()) 
-   //{
-   //   if (!this->gbCylinder->isParallelToX2Axis()) 
-   //   {
-   //      ui.rBtnZAxis->setChecked(true);
-   //   }
-   //   else ui.rBtnYAxis->setChecked(true);
-   //}
-   //else ui.rBtnXAxis->setChecked(true);
-GbCylinder3D* QGbCylinder3DInstrument::getGbCylinder3D(void)
-	return this->gbCylinder;
-//void QGbSphere3DInstrument::SetGbObject3D(GbObject3D* gbObj)
-//		this->SetGbSphere(dynamic_cast<GbSphere3D*>(gbObj));
-void QGbCylinder3DInstrument::on_pBtnOK_clicked()
-   if(ui.tabWidget->currentIndex()==0)
-   {
-      this->gbCylinder->setPoint1(  ui.lineEdit1_X_1->text().toDouble(),
-                                    ui.lineEdit1_Y_1->text().toDouble(),
-                                    ui.lineEdit1_Z_1->text().toDouble());
-      this->gbCylinder->setPoint2(  ui.lineEdit1_X_2->text().toDouble(),
-                                    ui.lineEdit1_Y_2->text().toDouble(),
-                                    ui.lineEdit1_Z_2->text().toDouble());
-      this->gbCylinder->setRadius(ui.dSpBoxRadius1->value());
-      this->gbCylinder->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-   }
-   if(ui.tabWidget->currentIndex()==1)
-   {
-      this->gbCylinder->setPoint1(  ui.lineEdit2_X->text().toDouble(),
-                                    ui.lineEdit2_Y->text().toDouble(),
-                                    ui.lineEdit2_Z->text().toDouble());
-      this->gbCylinder->setPoint2(  ui.lineEdit2_X->text().toDouble(),
-                                    ui.lineEdit2_Y->text().toDouble()+ui.lineEditLength->text().toDouble(),
-                                    ui.lineEdit2_Z->text().toDouble());
-      this->gbCylinder->setRadius(ui.dSpBoxRadius2->value());
-      this->gbCylinder->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-   }
-   this->accept();
-void QGbCylinder3DInstrument::on_pBtnCancel_clicked()
-	this->reject();
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCylinder3DInstrument.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCylinder3DInstrument.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ab65d38079601166ee52f09e1436d5d61325629..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCylinder3DInstrument.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#include <QtGui/QDialog>
-#include <QtGui/QWidget>
-#include "./QGbCylinder3DInstrumentUI.h"
-#include "./QGbObject3DInstrument.h"
-class GbCylinder3D;
-class GbObject3D;
-class QGbCylinder3DInstrument : public QDialog
-   QGbCylinder3DInstrument( QWidget* parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 );
-   ~QGbCylinder3DInstrument();
-   void setGbCylinder3D(GbCylinder3D* cylinder);
-   GbCylinder3D* getGbCylinder3D();
-   GbCylinder3D* gbCylinder;
-   Ui::QGbCylinder3DInstrument ui;
-private slots:
-   void on_pBtnOK_clicked();
-   void on_pBtnCancel_clicked();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCylinder3DInstrument.ui b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCylinder3DInstrument.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index 18f74c5767165ca2f6621611bda9f26c7d630a27..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbCylinder3DInstrument.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,682 +0,0 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
- <author></author>
- <comment></comment>
- <exportmacro></exportmacro>
- <class>QGbCylinder3DInstrument</class>
- <widget class="QDialog" name="QGbCylinder3DInstrument" >
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-   <rect>
-    <x>0</x>
-    <y>0</y>
-    <width>457</width>
-    <height>347</height>
-   </rect>
-  </property>
-  <property name="windowTitle" >
-   <string>GbCylinder3DInstrument</string>
-  </property>
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-   <property name="margin" >
-    <number>8</number>
-   </property>
-   <property name="spacing" >
-    <number>6</number>
-   </property>
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-     <widget class="QWidget" name="tabPoints" >
-      <attribute name="title" >
-       <string>Define by Points</string>
-      </attribute>
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-       <property name="margin" >
-        <number>8</number>
-       </property>
-       <property name="spacing" >
-        <number>6</number>
-       </property>
-       <item row="0" column="0" >
-        <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox" >
-         <property name="title" >
-          <string>Base Centerpoint</string>
-         </property>
-         <layout class="QGridLayout" >
-          <property name="margin" >
-           <number>8</number>
-          </property>
-          <property name="spacing" >
-           <number>6</number>
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-          <item row="2" column="0" >
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-             <number>0</number>
-            </property>
-            <property name="spacing" >
-             <number>6</number>
-            </property>
-            <item>
-             <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel1_3_2" >
-              <property name="text" >
-               <string>Z:</string>
-              </property>
-             </widget>
-            </item>
-            <item>
-             <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit1_Z_1" >
-              <property name="text" >
-               <string>0.0</string>
-              </property>
-             </widget>
-            </item>
-           </layout>
-          </item>
-          <item row="1" column="0" >
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-             <number>0</number>
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-             <number>6</number>
-            </property>
-            <item>
-             <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel1_2_3" >
-              <property name="text" >
-               <string>Y:</string>
-              </property>
-             </widget>
-            </item>
-            <item>
-             <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit1_Y_1" >
-              <property name="text" >
-               <string>0.0</string>
-              </property>
-             </widget>
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-          </item>
-          <item row="0" column="0" >
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-             <number>0</number>
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-             <number>6</number>
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-            <item>
-             <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel1_5" >
-              <property name="text" >
-               <string>X:</string>
-              </property>
-             </widget>
-            </item>
-            <item>
-             <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit1_X_1" >
-              <property name="text" >
-               <string>0.0</string>
-              </property>
-             </widget>
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-          </item>
-         </layout>
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-       </item>
-       <item row="0" column="1" >
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-          <string>Top Centerpoint</string>
-         </property>
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-           <number>8</number>
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-            <item>
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-              <property name="text" >
-               <string>Z:</string>
-              </property>
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-            <item>
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-               <string>0.0</string>
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-             <number>6</number>
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-            <item>
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-               <string>Y:</string>
-              </property>
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-            <item>
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-               <string>X:</string>
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-         <item>
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-            <string>Radius</string>
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-       <string>Define by Length</string>
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-  <tabstop>pBtnCancel</tabstop>
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- <resources/>
- <connections/>
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbObject3DInstrument.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbObject3DInstrument.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 62c4b2bf46d46b2116e849317c16341737b6541a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbObject3DInstrument.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#include "./QGbObject3DInstrument.h"
-/**** Qt ****/
-#include <qlineedit.h>
-/**** vtk ****/
-#include "./../GbObject3D.h"
-#include "./../../../basics/utilities/UbMath.h"
-//#define PI   3.14159265358979323846
-QGbObject3DInstrument::QGbObject3DInstrument( QWidget* parent, Qt::WFlags flags )
-	ui.setupUi(this);
-	this->gbObject3D = NULL;
-void QGbObject3DInstrument::setGbObject3D(GbObject3D* obj)
-	this->gbObject3D = obj;
-GbObject3D* QGbObject3DInstrument::getGbObject3D()
-	return this->gbObject3D;
-void QGbObject3DInstrument::on_pBtnOK_clicked()
-	double rx = ui.lineEditRotationX->text().toDouble();
-	double ry = ui.lineEditRotationY->text().toDouble();
-	double rz = ui.lineEditRotationZ->text().toDouble();
-	rx *= UbMath::PI /180;     
-	ry *= UbMath::PI /180;
-	rz *= UbMath::PI /180;
-	if ( rx != 0.0 || ry != 0.0 || rz != 0.0 ) this->gbObject3D->rotate(rx, ry, rz);
-	double sx = ui.lineEditScalingX->text().toDouble();
-	double sy = ui.lineEditScalingY->text().toDouble();
-	double sz = ui.lineEditScalingZ->text().toDouble();
-	if ( sx != 0.0 || sy != 0.0 || sz != 0.0 ) this->gbObject3D->scale(sx, sy, sz);
-	double x = ui.lineEditTranlationX->text().toDouble();
-	double y = ui.lineEditTranlationY->text().toDouble();
-	double z = ui.lineEditTranlationZ->text().toDouble();
-	if ( x != 0.0 || y != 0.0 || z != 0.0 ) this->gbObject3D->translate(x, y, z);
-	this->gbObject3D->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-	this->accept();
-void QGbObject3DInstrument::on_pBtnCancel_clicked()
-	this->reject();
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbObject3DInstrument.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbObject3DInstrument.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c3e556b59d1be37cf7a0794684af2a1967e4ac2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbObject3DInstrument.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#include <QDialog>
-#include "./QGbObject3DInstrumentUI.h"
-class GbObject3D;
-class QGbObject3DInstrument : public QDialog
-	QGbObject3DInstrument( QWidget* parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 );
-	~QGbObject3DInstrument();
-	void setGbObject3D(GbObject3D* gbObject);           
-	GbObject3D* getGbObject3D();
-	GbObject3D *gbObject3D;
-	Ui::QGbObject3DInstrument ui;
-private slots:
-	void on_pBtnOK_clicked();
-	void on_pBtnCancel_clicked();
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbObject3DInstrument.ui b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbObject3DInstrument.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fb6f96a9432533a5d7af0e71f3fcc6cbc5caf8a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbObject3DInstrument.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
- <author></author>
- <comment></comment>
- <exportmacro></exportmacro>
- <class>QGbObject3DInstrument</class>
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-    <x>0</x>
-    <y>0</y>
-    <width>391</width>
-    <height>167</height>
-   </rect>
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-  <property name="windowTitle" >
-   <string>GeneralModifyInstrument</string>
-  </property>
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-   <property name="margin" >
-    <number>10</number>
-   </property>
-   <property name="spacing" >
-    <number>6</number>
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-      <number>0</number>
-     </property>
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-      <number>6</number>
-     </property>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="pBtnOK" >
-       <property name="text" >
-        <string>OK</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="pBtnCancel" >
-       <property name="text" >
-        <string>Cancel</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-    </layout>
-   </item>
-   <item row="2" column="2" >
-    <spacer>
-     <property name="orientation" >
-      <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
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-     <property name="sizeType" >
-      <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum>
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-     <property name="sizeHint" >
-      <size>
-       <width>40</width>
-       <height>20</height>
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-          <string>Translation:</string>
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diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbSphere3DInstrument.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbSphere3DInstrument.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bb397eda50f014c0dab545780e261cb795f8cb36..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbSphere3DInstrument.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#include "./QGbSphere3DInstrument.h"
-/**** Qt ****/
-#include <qlineedit.h>
-#include <qstring.h>
-#include <qcheckbox.h>
-/**** CAB ****/
-#include "./../GbSphere3D.h"
-QGbSphere3DInstrument::QGbSphere3DInstrument( QWidget* parent, Qt::WFlags flags ):QDialog(parent,flags)
-	ui.setupUi(this);
-	this->gbSphere = NULL;
-void QGbSphere3DInstrument::setGbSphere3D(GbSphere3D* sphere)
-	this->gbSphere = sphere;
-	ui.lineEditX->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbSphere->getX1Centroid() ) );
-	ui.lineEditY->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbSphere->getX2Centroid() ) );
-	ui.lineEditZ->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbSphere->getX3Centroid() ) );
-   ui.lineEditName->setText( QString(gbSphere->getName().c_str()) );
-	ui.lineEditRadius->setText( QString("%1").arg(gbSphere->getRadius() ) );
-	ui.checkBoxActive->setChecked( true );
-GbSphere3D* QGbSphere3DInstrument::getGbSphere3D(void)
-	return this->gbSphere;
-//void QGbSphere3DInstrument::SetGbObject3D(GbObject3D* gbObj)
-//		this->SetGbSphere(dynamic_cast<GbSphere3D*>(gbObj));
-void QGbSphere3DInstrument::on_pBtnOK_clicked()
-	this->gbSphere->setCenterX1Coordinate(ui.lineEditX->text().toDouble());
-	this->gbSphere->setCenterX2Coordinate(ui.lineEditY->text().toDouble());
-	this->gbSphere->setCenterX3Coordinate(ui.lineEditZ->text().toDouble());
-	this->gbSphere->setRadius(ui.lineEditRadius->text().toDouble());
-   this->gbSphere->setName(ui.lineEditName->text().toStdString());
-	//this->gbSphere->setActive( this->checkBoxActive->isChecked() );
-	this->gbSphere->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-	this->accept();
-void QGbSphere3DInstrument::on_pBtnCancel_clicked()
-	this->reject();
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbSphere3DInstrument.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbSphere3DInstrument.h
deleted file mode 100644
index afe97b1ef80e3f0c09eebdda57fbf098f159e341..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbSphere3DInstrument.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#include <QtGui/QDialog>
-#include <QtGui/QWidget>
-#include "./QGbSphere3DInstrumentUI.h"
-#include "./QGbObject3DInstrument.h"
-class GbSphere3D;
-class GbObject3D;
-class QGbSphere3DInstrument : public QDialog
-	QGbSphere3DInstrument( QWidget* parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 );
-	~QGbSphere3DInstrument();
-	void setGbSphere3D(GbSphere3D* sphere);     
-	GbSphere3D* getGbSphere3D();
-	//void SetGbObject3D(GbObject3D*);
-	GbSphere3D* gbSphere;
-	Ui::QGbSphere3DInstrument ui;
-private slots:
-	void on_pBtnOK_clicked();
-	void on_pBtnCancel_clicked();
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbSphere3DInstrument.ui b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbSphere3DInstrument.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index dced5d31c34f6a58ac6c1c9b235f975cbc542a2f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QGbSphere3DInstrument.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
- <author></author>
- <comment></comment>
- <exportmacro></exportmacro>
- <class>QGbSphere3DInstrument</class>
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-    <width>426</width>
-    <height>180</height>
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-  </property>
-  <property name="windowTitle" >
-   <string>GbSphere3DInstrument</string>
-  </property>
-  <widget class="QWidget" name="layoutWidget" >
-   <property name="geometry" >
-    <rect>
-     <x>10</x>
-     <y>50</y>
-     <width>406</width>
-     <height>82</height>
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-   <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-    <property name="margin" >
-     <number>0</number>
-    </property>
-    <property name="spacing" >
-     <number>6</number>
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-      <property name="spacing" >
-       <number>6</number>
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-      <item>
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-         <number>0</number>
-        </property>
-        <property name="spacing" >
-         <number>6</number>
-        </property>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel1" >
-          <property name="text" >
-           <string>X:</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditX" >
-          <property name="text" >
-           <string>0</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-       </layout>
-      </item>
-      <item>
-       <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-        <property name="margin" >
-         <number>0</number>
-        </property>
-        <property name="spacing" >
-         <number>6</number>
-        </property>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel1_2" >
-          <property name="text" >
-           <string>Y:</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditY" >
-          <property name="text" >
-           <string>0</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-       </layout>
-      </item>
-      <item>
-       <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
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-         <number>0</number>
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-        <property name="spacing" >
-         <number>6</number>
-        </property>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel1_3" >
-          <property name="text" >
-           <string>Z:</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditZ" >
-          <property name="text" >
-           <string>0</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-       </layout>
-      </item>
-     </layout>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-     <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
-      <property name="margin" >
-       <number>0</number>
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-      <property name="spacing" >
-       <number>6</number>
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-      <item>
-       <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
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-         <number>0</number>
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-        <property name="spacing" >
-         <number>6</number>
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-        <item>
-         <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-          <property name="margin" >
-           <number>0</number>
-          </property>
-          <property name="spacing" >
-           <number>6</number>
-          </property>
-          <item>
-           <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel1_3_2" >
-            <property name="text" >
-             <string>Radius:</string>
-            </property>
-           </widget>
-          </item>
-          <item>
-           <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditRadius" >
-            <property name="text" >
-             <string>5</string>
-            </property>
-           </widget>
-          </item>
-         </layout>
-        </item>
-       </layout>
-      </item>
-      <item>
-       <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxActive" >
-        <property name="text" >
-         <string>Active</string>
-        </property>
-        <property name="checked" >
-         <bool>true</bool>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
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-      <item>
-       <spacer>
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-         <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
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-          <width>20</width>
-          <height>16</height>
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-       </spacer>
-      </item>
-     </layout>
-    </item>
-   </layout>
-  </widget>
-  <widget class="QWidget" name="layoutWidget" >
-   <property name="geometry" >
-    <rect>
-     <x>10</x>
-     <y>144</y>
-     <width>401</width>
-     <height>28</height>
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-   <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-    <property name="margin" >
-     <number>0</number>
-    </property>
-    <property name="spacing" >
-     <number>6</number>
-    </property>
-    <item>
-     <widget class="QPushButton" name="pBtnOK" >
-      <property name="text" >
-       <string>OK</string>
-      </property>
-     </widget>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-     <spacer>
-      <property name="orientation" >
-       <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
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-      <property name="sizeType" >
-       <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum>
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-      <property name="sizeHint" >
-       <size>
-        <width>132</width>
-        <height>16</height>
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-     </spacer>
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-    <item>
-     <widget class="QPushButton" name="pBtnCancel" >
-      <property name="text" >
-       <string>Cancel</string>
-      </property>
-     </widget>
-    </item>
-   </layout>
-  </widget>
-  <widget class="QWidget" name="" >
-   <property name="geometry" >
-    <rect>
-     <x>12</x>
-     <y>12</y>
-     <width>401</width>
-     <height>35</height>
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-   <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-    <property name="margin" >
-     <number>0</number>
-    </property>
-    <property name="spacing" >
-     <number>6</number>
-    </property>
-    <item>
-     <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel2" >
-      <property name="font" >
-       <font>
-        <family>Arial</family>
-        <pointsize>20</pointsize>
-        <weight>50</weight>
-        <italic>false</italic>
-        <bold>false</bold>
-        <underline>false</underline>
-        <strikeout>false</strikeout>
-       </font>
-      </property>
-      <property name="text" >
-       <string>Sphere</string>
-      </property>
-     </widget>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-     <spacer>
-      <property name="orientation" >
-       <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
-      </property>
-      <property name="sizeType" >
-       <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum>
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-      <property name="sizeHint" >
-       <size>
-        <width>101</width>
-        <height>33</height>
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-     </spacer>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-     <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel1_3_3" >
-      <property name="text" >
-       <string>Name:</string>
-      </property>
-     </widget>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-     <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditName" />
-    </item>
-   </layout>
-  </widget>
- </widget>
- <layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11" />
- <pixmapfunction>qPixmapFromMimeSource</pixmapfunction>
- <resources/>
- <connections/>
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QVTKGbObject3DViewer.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QVTKGbObject3DViewer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 46f97bf4af49e4b096d8d067b55f4e4be1d4315f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QVTKGbObject3DViewer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#include "./QVTKGbObject3DViewer.h"
-/**** Qt ****/
-#include <qtabwidget.h>
-#include <qlabel.h>
-/**** vtk ****/
-#include <QVTKWidget.h>
-//#include "QvtkWindow.h"
-/**** CAB ****/
-#include "./../../../basics/utilities/UbMath.h"
-#include "./../GbObject3DManager.h"
-#include "./../../../userinterface/instrument/QManagerPresentatorInstrument.h"
-//#include "./QGbObject3DManagerInstrument.h"
-	//GbObjectManagerInstrument
-   this->gbObject3DManager = new GbObject3DManager();
-   QManagerPresentatorInstrument* gbObjManInst = new QManagerPresentatorInstrument(gbObject3DManager);
-	//gbObjManInst->setQViewer(this->getViewer());
-	//Instrumente hinzufügen
-	this->addInstrument(gbObjManInst, "Geometries");
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QVTKGbObject3DViewer.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QVTKGbObject3DViewer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 86b4cb83170fb14bfa692823306ac2e785fc5b15..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/QVTKGbObject3DViewer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#include "./../../../userinterface/viewer3d/QVTKViewer3DApplication.h"
-class QVTKWindow;
-class QVTKViewer3D;
-class GbObject3DManager;
-class OctNodeGridManager;
-class QVTKGbObject3DViewer : public QVTKViewer3DApplication
-	QVTKGbObject3DViewer();
-	~QVTKGbObject3DViewer();
-	GbObject3DManager* gbObject3DManager;
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbCuboid3D.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbCuboid3D.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bfd53a09c4a053c79f0593bbba8286483a42649b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbCuboid3D.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-#include "./vtkGbCuboid3D.h"
-#include "./../GbCuboid3D.h"
-#include "./../../../userinterface/presentation/vtkEventCallbacks.h"
-#include "vtkCubeSource.h"
-#include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"
-//#include "math.h"
-vtkGbCuboid3D::vtkGbCuboid3D(GbCuboid3D* gbObject)
-	this->gbCuboid = gbObject;
-	this->gbCuboid->addObserver(this);
-   this->setName("vtkGbCuboid3D");
-	this->source = vtkCubeSource::New();
-   this->mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
-	this->setValues();
-	this->mapper->SetInput( this->source->GetOutput() );
-	this->actor->SetMapper( this->mapper );
-   this->gbCuboid->removeObserver(this);
-	if (this->source) this->source->Delete();
-//void vtkGbCuboid3D::ModifiedEventFired()
-//	//double a_orien[3];
-//	double a_pos[3];
-//	this->actor->GetPosition(a_pos);
-//	//this->actor->GetOrientation(a_orien);
-//	this->actor->SetPosition(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-//	this->actor->SetOrientation(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-//	this->actor->SetScale(1.0,1.0,1.0);
-//	//cout<<"Orien:"<<a_orien[0]<<","<<a_orien[1]<<","<<a_orien[3]<<endl;
-//	//cout<<"Position:"<<a_pos[0]<<","<<a_pos[1]<<","<<a_pos[3]<<endl;
-//	this->gbCuboid->translate(a_pos[0], a_pos[1], a_pos[2]);
-//	this->gbCuboid->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-void vtkGbCuboid3D::applyActorModifications()
-	if (isModified) 
-	{
-		double pos[3];
-		double scale[3];
-		//double orien[3];
-		this->actor->GetPosition(pos);
-		this->actor->GetScale(scale);
-		//this->actor->GetOrientation(orien);
-		this->actor->SetPosition(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-		this->actor->SetOrientation(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-		this->actor->SetScale(1.0,1.0,1.0);
-		//cout<<"Orien:"<<a_orien[0]<<","<<a_orien[1]<<","<<a_orien[3]<<endl;
-		//cout<<"Position:"<<a_pos[0]<<","<<a_pos[1]<<","<<a_pos[3]<<endl;
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		////Rotieren
-		////[Cy x1 + Sy x3, x2, -Sy x1 + Cy x3, 1]
-		//double center[3];
-		//center[0] = this->gbCuboid->getX1Centroid();
-		//center[1] = this->gbCuboid->getX2Centroid();
-		//center[2] = this->gbCuboid->getX3Centroid();
-		////Punkt1
-		//double p1x = this->gbCuboid->getPoint1()->getX1Coordinate();
-		//double p1y = this->gbCuboid->getPoint1()->getX2Coordinate();
-		//double p1z = this->gbCuboid->getPoint1()->getX3Coordinate();
-		//p1x = cos(orien[1]) * p1x + sin(orien[1]) * p1z;
-		////p1y = p1y;
-		//p1z = -sin(orien[1]) * p1x + cos(orien[1]) * p1z;
-		//this->gbCuboid->getPoint1()->setX1(p1x);
-		//this->gbCuboid->getPoint1()->setX2(p1y);
-		//this->gbCuboid->getPoint1()->setX3(p1z);
-		//
-		////Punkt2
-		//double p2x = this->gbCuboid->getPoint2()->getX1Coordinate();
-		//double p2y = this->gbCuboid->getPoint2()->getX2Coordinate();
-		//double p2z = this->gbCuboid->getPoint2()->getX3Coordinate();
-		//p2x = cos(orien[1]) * p2x + sin(orien[1]) * p2z;
-		////p1y = p1y;
-		//p2z = -sin(orien[1]) * p2x + cos(orien[1]) * p2z;
-		//this->gbCuboid->getPoint2()->setX1(p2x);
-		//this->gbCuboid->getPoint2()->setX2(p2y);
-		//this->gbCuboid->getPoint2()->setX3(p2z);
-		//
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		if (scale[0] != 1.0) this->gbCuboid->scale(scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]);
-		else this->gbCuboid->translate(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
-		this->gbCuboid->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-		//Methode der Basisklasse aufrufen.
-		vtkPoElement3D::applyActorModifications();
-	}
-void vtkGbCuboid3D::setValues(void)
-	double bounds[6];
-	bounds[0] = this->gbCuboid->getX1Minimum();
-	bounds[1] = this->gbCuboid->getX1Maximum();
-	bounds[2] = this->gbCuboid->getX2Minimum();
-	bounds[3] = this->gbCuboid->getX2Maximum();
-	bounds[4] = this->gbCuboid->getX3Minimum();
-	bounds[5] = this->gbCuboid->getX3Maximum();
-	this->source->SetBounds(bounds);
-//	this->actor->SetVisibility( this->gbCuboid->isActive() );
-bool vtkGbCuboid3D::isPointInObject(double const point[3])
-	return this->gbCuboid->isPointInGbObject3D(point[0], point[1], point[2]);
-void vtkGbCuboid3D::objectChanged(UbObservable*)
-	this->setValues();
-	this->source->Update();
-void vtkGbCuboid3D::objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable*)
-	//TODO: Hier muss auf jeden Fall noch was geschehen....
-	this->gbCuboid->removeObserver(this);
-	delete this;
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbCuboid3D.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbCuboid3D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4163d44672b9be917f957a9aba2587adea00b639..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbCuboid3D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#include "./../../../userinterface/presentation/vtkPoElement3D.h"
-/**** vtk ****/
-class vtkCubeSource;
-class vtkPolyDataMapper;
-class GbCuboid3D;
-class vtkGbCuboid3D : public vtkPoElement3D
-	vtkGbCuboid3D(GbCuboid3D*);
-	~vtkGbCuboid3D(void);
-	void objectChanged(UbObservable*);
-	void objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable*);
-	//void ModifiedEventFired(void);
-	void applyActorModifications();
-	bool isPointInObject(double const point[3]);
-	void setValues();
-	GbCuboid3D* gbCuboid;
-	vtkCubeSource* source;
-   vtkPolyDataMapper* mapper;
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbCylinder3D.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbCylinder3D.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 77390a14658bc66769cb128db680611946842f17..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbCylinder3D.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#include "./vtkGbCylinder3D.h"
-#include "./../GbCylinder3D.h"
-#include "./../GbPoint3D.h"
-#include "./../../../userinterface/presentation/vtkEventCallbacks.h"
-#include "vtkCylinderSource.h"
-#include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"
-vtkGbCylinder3D::vtkGbCylinder3D(GbCylinder3D* gbObject)
-	this->gbCylinder = gbObject;
-	this->gbCylinder->addObserver(this);
-   this->setName("vtkGbCylinder3D");
-	this->source = vtkCylinderSource::New();
-   this->mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
-	this->setValues();
-	this->mapper->SetInput( this->source->GetOutput() );
-	this->actor->SetMapper( this->mapper );
-   //this->applyActorModifications();
-   this->gbCylinder->removeObserver(this);
-	if (this->source) this->source->Delete();
-void vtkGbCylinder3D::setValues(void)
-   //this->source->SetCenter(   this->gbCylinder->getX1Centroid(),
-   //                           this->gbCylinder->getX2Centroid(),
-   //                           this->gbCylinder->getX3Centroid());
-   //this->source->SetHeight(this->gbCylinder->getLength());
-   //this->source->SetRadius( this->gbCylinder->getRadius());
-   /* JZ Attention not ready still some work TODO*/
-   this->source->SetHeight(this->gbCylinder->getHeight());
-   this->source->SetCenter(this->gbCylinder->getX1Centroid(),
-                           this->gbCylinder->getX2Centroid(),
-                           this->gbCylinder->getX3Centroid());
-   this->source->SetRadius( this->gbCylinder->getRadius() );
-   this->source->SetResolution(10);
-void vtkGbCylinder3D::applyActorModifications()
-   //this->actor->SetScale(1.0, this->gbCylinder->getLength(), 1.0);
-   this->source->SetHeight(this->gbCylinder->getHeight());
-   this->actor->SetPosition(  this->gbCylinder->getPoint1()->x1,
-                              this->gbCylinder->getPoint1()->x2,
-                              this->gbCylinder->getPoint1()->x3);
-   this->source->SetRadius( this->gbCylinder->getRadius() );
-   //if (this->isModified)
-	//{
-	//	double pos[3];
-	//	double scale[3];
-	//	this->actor->GetPosition(pos);
-	//	this->actor->GetScale(scale);
-	//	this->actor->SetPosition(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-	//	this->actor->SetOrientation(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-	//	this->actor->SetScale(1.0,1.0,1.0);
-	//	if (scale[0] != 1.0) this->gbCylinder->scale(scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]);
-	//	else this->gbCylinder->translate(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
-	//	this->gbCylinder->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-	//	vtkPoElement3D::applyActorModifications();
-	//}
-bool vtkGbCylinder3D::isPointInObject(double const point[3])
-	return this->gbCylinder->isPointInGbObject3D(point[0], point[1], point[2]);
-//Wird aufgerufen, wenn sich das zugehörige GBObject3D ändert.
-void vtkGbCylinder3D::objectChanged(UbObservable*)
-   this->setValues();
-//	this->applyActorModifications();
-	this->source->Modified();
-void vtkGbCylinder3D::objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable*)
-	//TODO: Hier muss auf jeden Fall noch was geschehen....
-	this->gbCylinder->removeObserver(this);
-	delete this;
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbCylinder3D.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbCylinder3D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 19da3417b3e00941385cc2a5bb1132257163735a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbCylinder3D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#include "./../../../userinterface/presentation/vtkPoElement3D.h"
-class GbCylinder3D;
-class vtkCylinderSource;
-class vtkPolyDataMapper;
-class vtkGbCylinder3D : public vtkPoElement3D
-	vtkGbCylinder3D(GbCylinder3D* cylinder);
-	~vtkGbCylinder3D();
-	void objectChanged(UbObservable*);
-	void objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable*);
-	//void ModifiedEventFired(void);
-	void applyActorModifications();             
-	bool isPointInObject(double const point[3]);
-	void setValues();
-	GbCylinder3D* gbCylinder;
-   vtkCylinderSource* source;
-   vtkPolyDataMapper* mapper;
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbSphere3D.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbSphere3D.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bac51ecc1300d17e6b24527f22189b562298a0dd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbSphere3D.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-#include "./vtkGbSphere3D.h"
-#include "./../GbSphere3D.h"
-#include "./../../../userinterface/presentation/vtkEventCallbacks.h"
-#include "vtkSphereSource.h"
-#include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"
-vtkGbSphere3D::vtkGbSphere3D(GbSphere3D* gbObject):vtkPoElement3D()
-	this->gbSphere = gbObject;
-	this->gbSphere->addObserver(this);
-   this->setName("vtkGbSphere3D");
-	this->source = vtkSphereSource::New();
-   this->mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
-	this->setValues();
-	this->mapper->SetInput( this->source->GetOutput() );
-	this->actor->SetMapper( this->mapper );
-//	this->actor->GetProperty()->SetRepresentationToWireframe();
-   this->gbSphere->removeObserver(this);
-	if (this->source) this->source->Delete();
-//void vtkGbSphere3D::ModifiedEventFired()
-//	////double a_orien[3];
-//	//double a_pos[3];
-//	////double a_scale[3];
-//	//this->actor->GetPosition(a_pos);
-//	////this->actor->GetOrientation(a_orien);
-//	////this->actor->GetScale(a_scale);
-//	//this->actor->SetPosition(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-//	//this->actor->SetOrientation(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-//	//this->actor->SetScale(1.0,1.0,1.0);
-//	//
-//	////cout<<"Orien:"<<a_orien[0]<<","<<a_orien[1]<<","<<a_orien[3]<<endl;
-//	////cout<<"Position:"<<a_pos[0]<<","<<a_pos[1]<<","<<a_pos[3]<<endl;
-//	////cout<<"Scale:"<<a_scale[0]<<","<<a_scale[1]<<","<<a_scale[3]<<endl;
-//	//this->gbSphere->translate(a_pos[0], a_pos[1], a_pos[2]);
-//	//this->gbSphere->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-//	PoElement3D::ModifiedEventFired();
-void vtkGbSphere3D::setValues(void)
-	this->source->SetCenter(	this->gbSphere->getX1Centroid(),
-								this->gbSphere->getX2Centroid(),
-								this->gbSphere->getX3Centroid()	);
-	this->source->SetRadius( this->gbSphere->getRadius() );
-//	this->actor->SetVisibility( this->gbSphere->isActive() );
-void vtkGbSphere3D::applyActorModifications()
-	if (this->isModified)
-	{
-		//double a_orien[3];
-		double pos[3];
-		double scale[3];
-		this->actor->GetPosition(pos);
-		//this->actor->GetOrientation(a_orien);
-		this->actor->GetScale(scale);
-		this->actor->SetPosition(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-		this->actor->SetOrientation(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-		this->actor->SetScale(1.0,1.0,1.0);
-		//cout<<"Orien:"<<a_orien[0]<<","<<a_orien[1]<<","<<a_orien[3]<<endl;
-		//cout<<"Position:"<<a_pos[0]<<","<<a_pos[1]<<","<<a_pos[3]<<endl;
-		//cout<<"Scale:"<<a_scale[0]<<","<<a_scale[1]<<","<<a_scale[3]<<endl;
-		if (scale[0] != 1.0) this->gbSphere->scale(scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]);
-		else this->gbSphere->translate(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
-		this->gbSphere->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-		vtkPoElement3D::applyActorModifications();
-	}
-bool vtkGbSphere3D::isPointInObject(double const point[3])
-	return this->gbSphere->isPointInGbObject3D(point[0], point[1], point[2]);
-//Wird aufgerufen, wenn sich das zugehörige GBObject3D ändert.
-void vtkGbSphere3D::objectChanged(UbObservable*)
-	this->setValues();
-	this->source->Modified();
-	this->actor->Modified();
-void vtkGbSphere3D::objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable*)
-	//TODO: Hier muss auf jeden Fall noch was geschehen....
-	this->gbSphere->removeObserver(this);
-	delete this;
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbSphere3D.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbSphere3D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dd6c1f696d60757ba38d7c6bbc7575cfa3467921..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbSphere3D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include "./../../../userinterface/presentation/vtkPoElement3D.h"
-//#include "./../../../../vtkEventListeners.h"
-class GbSphere3D;
-class vtkSphereSource;
-class vtkPolyDataMapper;
-class vtkGbSphere3D : public vtkPoElement3D
-	vtkGbSphere3D(GbSphere3D*);
-	~vtkGbSphere3D(void);
-	void objectChanged(UbObservable*);
-	void objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable*);
-	//void ModifiedEventFired(void);
-	void applyActorModifications(); 
-	bool isPointInObject(double const point[3]);
-   virtual string toString() { return "vtkGbSphere3D";  }
-	void setValues();
-	GbSphere3D* gbSphere;
-   vtkPolyDataMapper* mapper;
-	vtkSphereSource* source;
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbTriangularMesh3D.cpp b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbTriangularMesh3D.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f772e7c97b4bcb3948b09f9171b89325ebf78a6f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbTriangularMesh3D.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-#include "./vtkGbTriangularMesh3D.h"
-/**** CAB ****/
-#include "./../GbTriangularMesh3D.h"
-#include "./../GbTriangle3D.h"
-#include "./../../../basics/utilities/UbMath.h"
-/**** vtk ****/
-#include "vtkUnstructuredGrid.h"
-#include "vtkDataSetMapper.h"
-#include "vtkPoints.h"
-#include "vtkTriangle.h"
-#include "vtkIdList.h"
-/*** temp ****/
-#include "./../GbPoint3D.h"
-#include "vtkMatrix4x4.h"
-//#define PI   3.14159265358979323846
-vtkGbTriangularMesh3D::vtkGbTriangularMesh3D(GbTriangularMesh3D* mesh)
-	this->gbTriangularMesh = mesh;
-	this->gbTriangularMesh->addObserver(this);
-   this->setName("vtkGbTriangularMesh3D");
-	this->unstGrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
-	this->buildGrid();
-	this->dataSetMapper = vtkDataSetMapper::New();
-	this->dataSetMapper->SetInput(unstGrid);
-	this->actor->SetMapper( this->dataSetMapper );
-   this->gbTriangularMesh->removeObserver(this);
-	this->unstGrid->Delete();
-	this->dataSetMapper->Delete();
-//void vtkGbTriangularMesh3D::ModifiedEventFired()
-//	double pos[3];
-//	this->actor->GetPosition(pos);
-//	this->actor->SetPosition(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-//	this->actor->SetOrientation(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-//	this->actor->SetScale(1.0,1.0,1.0);
-//	double x1 = pos[0];
-//	double x2 = pos[1];
-//	double x3 = pos[3];
-//	vector<GbPoint3D*>* pointList = this->gbTriangularMesh->getNodes();
-//	for (int pos=0; pos<pointList->size(); pos++) 
-//	{
-//		(*pointList)[pos]->translate(x1,x2,x3);
-//		//((*pointList)[pos])->translate(pos[0], pos[1], pos[3]);
-//	}
-//	this->gbTriangularMesh->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-void vtkGbTriangularMesh3D::applyActorModifications()
-	if (isModified) 
-	{
-		double pos[3];
-		double orien[3];
-		double scale[3];
-		this->actor->GetPosition(pos);
-		this->actor->GetOrientation(orien);
-		this->actor->GetScale(scale);
-      orien[0] = orien[0] / 180 * UbMath::PI;
-		orien[1] = orien[1] / 180 * UbMath::PI;
-		orien[2] = orien[2] / 180 * UbMath::PI;
-		//cout<<"Orien:"<<orien[0]<<","<<orien[1]<<","<<orien[3]<<endl;
-		//cout<<"Position:"<<pos[0]<<","<<pos[1]<<","<<pos[3]<<endl;
-		//cout<<"Scale:"<<scale[0]<<","<<scale[1]<<","<<scale[3]<<endl;
-		this->actor->SetPosition(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-		this->actor->SetOrientation(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-		this->actor->SetScale(1.0,1.0,1.0);
-		vector<GbPoint3D*>* pointList = this->gbTriangularMesh->getNodes();
-		for (int index=0; index<(int)pointList->size(); index++) 
-		{
-			(*pointList)[index]->rotate(orien[0], orien[1], orien[2]);
-			(*pointList)[index]->scale(scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]);
-			(*pointList)[index]->translate(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
-		}
-		this->gbTriangularMesh->notifyObserversObjectChanged();
-		//Methode der Basisklasse aufrufen.
-		vtkPoElement3D::applyActorModifications();
-	}
-void vtkGbTriangularMesh3D::buildGrid(void)
-	this->unstGrid->Reset();
-	vector<GbTriangle3D*>* triangles = this->gbTriangularMesh->getTriangles();
-	double xyz[3];
-	//this.setContext(new PoContext3D());
-	vtkPoints* points  = vtkPoints::New();
-	vtkTriangle* triangle = vtkTriangle::New();
-	for(int u=0; u<(int)triangles->size(); u++)
-	{
-		xyz[0] = (*triangles)[u]->getPoint(0)->getX1Coordinate();
-		xyz[1] = (*triangles)[u]->getPoint(0)->getX2Coordinate();
-		xyz[2] = (*triangles)[u]->getPoint(0)->getX3Coordinate();
-		triangle->GetPointIds()->InsertId(0, points->InsertNextPoint(xyz));
-		//points.InsertPoint(u, xyz);       // 3D geometry
-		xyz[0] = (*triangles)[u]->getPoint(1)->getX1Coordinate();
-		xyz[1] = (*triangles)[u]->getPoint(1)->getX2Coordinate();
-		xyz[2] = (*triangles)[u]->getPoint(1)->getX3Coordinate();
-		triangle->GetPointIds()->InsertId(1, points->InsertNextPoint(xyz));
-		//points.InsertPoint(u, xyz);       // 3D geometry
-		xyz[0] = (*triangles)[u]->getPoint(2)->getX1Coordinate();
-		xyz[1] = (*triangles)[u]->getPoint(2)->getX2Coordinate();
-		xyz[2] = (*triangles)[u]->getPoint(2)->getX3Coordinate();
-		triangle->GetPointIds()->InsertId(2, points->InsertNextPoint(xyz));
-		//points.InsertPoint(u, xyz);       // 3D geometry
-		this->insertNextCell( triangle->GetCellType(), triangle->GetPointIds() ); // grid topology
-	}
-	this->setPoints(points);
-	//this->source->SetCenter(	this->gbSphere->getX1Centroid(),
-	//	this->gbSphere->getX2Centroid(),
-	//	this->gbSphere->getX3Centroid()	);
-	//this->source->SetRadius( this->gbSphere->getRadius() );
-	//this->actor->SetVisibility( this->gbSphere->isActive() );
-	//this->unstGrid->Modified();
-int vtkGbTriangularMesh3D::insertNextCell(int type, vtkIdList* idList)
-	return this->unstGrid->InsertNextCell(type, idList);
-void vtkGbTriangularMesh3D::setPoints(vtkPoints* points)
-	this->unstGrid->SetPoints(points);
-void vtkGbTriangularMesh3D::objectChanged(UbObservable*)
-	this->buildGrid();
-	this->unstGrid->Update();
-void vtkGbTriangularMesh3D::objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable*)
-	//TODO: Hier muss auf jeden Fall noch was geschehen....
-	this->gbTriangularMesh->removeObserver(this);
-	delete this;
diff --git a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbTriangularMesh3D.h b/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbTriangularMesh3D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 968f98846794e0ca2095e85d7b922a1eba13994c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/basics/geometry3d/presentation/vtkGbTriangularMesh3D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "./../../../userinterface/presentation/vtkPoElement3D.h"
-class GbTriangularMesh3D;
-class vtkUnstructuredGrid;
-class vtkDataSetMapper;
-class vtkIdList;
-class vtkPoints;
-class vtkGbTriangularMesh3D : public vtkPoElement3D
-	vtkGbTriangularMesh3D(GbTriangularMesh3D* mesh);
-	~vtkGbTriangularMesh3D();
-	void objectChanged(UbObservable* );
-	void objectWillBeDeleted(UbObservable* );
-	int insertNextCell(int, vtkIdList*);
-	void setPoints(vtkPoints*);
-	//void ModifiedEventFired(void);
-	void applyActorModifications();
-	void buildGrid();
-	GbTriangularMesh3D* gbTriangularMesh;
-	vtkUnstructuredGrid* unstGrid;
-	vtkDataSetMapper* dataSetMapper;
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BCAdapter.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BCAdapter.h
index f91e6ad482d1b4fc81c15b59deaad2f9482cad1d..2a522376595f0b198d1dbd91db0a0064c2f7831b 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BCAdapter.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/BCAdapter.h
@@ -11,10 +11,8 @@
 #include "BoundaryConditions.h"
 #include "basics/objects/ObObject.h"
-#include "basics/objects/ObObjectCreator.h"
 #include "basics/utilities/UbFileOutput.h"
 #include "basics/utilities/UbFileInput.h"
-#include "basics/utilities/UbAutoRun.hpp"
 #include "BCAlgorithm.h"
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/DensityBCAdapter.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/DensityBCAdapter.h
index 9da55f374a700cb82279e81aa5d3a8eb6a388ef7..64caced01d891d6b41241beec8a6caf0497b8dbc 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/DensityBCAdapter.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/DensityBCAdapter.h
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ public:
    //------------- implements D3Q27BoundaryConditionAdapter ----- start
    std::string toString();
-   ObObjectCreator* getCreator();
    void init(const D3Q27Interactor* const& interactor, const double& time=0);
    void update(const D3Q27Interactor* const& interactor, const double& time=0);
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SlipBCAdapter.h b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SlipBCAdapter.h
index f846d405fb044f10493a2144ca10b9b089062a02..462cf564a2995cbdc8fa8b0e0ab96a24ad1c16ea 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SlipBCAdapter.h
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/BoundaryConditions/SlipBCAdapter.h
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ public:
    //------------- implements D3Q27BoundaryConditionAdapter ----- start
-   ObObjectCreator* getCreator();
    void init(const D3Q27Interactor* const& interactor, const double& timestep=0) {}
    void update(const D3Q27Interactor* const& interactor, const double& timestep=0) {}
diff --git a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Interactors/D3Q27TriFaceMeshInteractor.cpp b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Interactors/D3Q27TriFaceMeshInteractor.cpp
index 3bf919dde1593bf930712076d48d07142c4dbbec..89ddd366e9833908bc906c1d99037ee8f598a3d4 100644
--- a/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Interactors/D3Q27TriFaceMeshInteractor.cpp
+++ b/src/cpu/VirtualFluidsCore/Interactors/D3Q27TriFaceMeshInteractor.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 #include "D3Q27TriFaceMeshInteractor.h"
 #include <basics/utilities/UbMath.h>
 #include <basics/utilities/UbLogger.h>
-#include <basics/utilities/UbStaticPathMap.h>
 #include <basics/writer/WbWriterVtkBinary.h>
 #include <basics/writer/WbWriterVtkXmlBinary.h>