diff --git a/apps/gpu/RotatingGrid/RotatingGrid.cpp b/apps/gpu/RotatingGrid/RotatingGrid.cpp
index 59d0cd83ec1e33d2b60f1b569a6b41c50f3590ef..0826fb2f1abcc4958ad9b269d712a58b689531ac 100644
--- a/apps/gpu/RotatingGrid/RotatingGrid.cpp
+++ b/apps/gpu/RotatingGrid/RotatingGrid.cpp
@@ -159,6 +159,18 @@ int main()
         // bcFactory.setNoSlipBoundaryCondition(BoundaryConditionFactory::NoSlipBC::NoSlipBounceBack);
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // set initial condition
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        para->setInitialCondition([&](real coordX, real coordY, real coordZ, real &rho, real &vx, real &vy, real &vz) {
+            rho = (real)0.0;
+            vx = velocityLB;
+            vy = 0.0;
+            vz = 0.0;
+        });
         // set copy mesh to simulation
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Calculation/UpdateGrid27.cpp b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Calculation/UpdateGrid27.cpp
index fbbec3b81670c4c66defef40cc32944570e44851..c1359069dc92d5332471d0c5d9ee2547004322fb 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Calculation/UpdateGrid27.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Calculation/UpdateGrid27.cpp
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@
 void UpdateGrid27::updateGrid(int level, unsigned int t)
+    SPtr<ParameterRotatingGrid> paraRot = para->getRotatingGridParameter();
     if (level != para->getFine()) {
         updateGrid(level + 1, t);
-        updateGrid(level + 1, t);
+        if (paraRot == nullptr) updateGrid(level + 1, t);
@@ -54,7 +55,6 @@ void UpdateGrid27::updateGrid(int level, unsigned int t)
     if (level != para->getFine()) {
-        SPtr<ParameterRotatingGrid> paraRot = para->getRotatingGridParameter();
         if ( paraRot != nullptr) {
             // rotation
             paraRot->parameterRotHost->gridAngle[0] += paraRot->parameterRotHost->angularVelocity[0];
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/DataStructureInitializer/GridReaderGenerator/GridGenerator.cpp b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/DataStructureInitializer/GridReaderGenerator/GridGenerator.cpp
index ee7aa332a90c77784f076f3ede8cc9a1472e8876..6851e795c4453734a0bc12380bf0283d5942c60a 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/DataStructureInitializer/GridReaderGenerator/GridGenerator.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/DataStructureInitializer/GridReaderGenerator/GridGenerator.cpp
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ void GridGenerator::allocArrays_CoordNeighborGeo()
     for (int i = 0; i <= para->getMaxLevel(); i++) {
         para->getParH(i)->gridSpacing = builder->getGrid(i)->getDelta();
         para->getParD(i)->gridSpacing = builder->getGrid(i)->getDelta();
-        VF_LOG_WARNING("{}", builder->getGrid(i)->getDelta());
     VF_LOG_INFO("Number of Nodes: {}", numberOfNodesGlobal);
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh
index ba19342b8eb913c0d5430919b049d743ebfce3ce..dcb674409ed873537227c919545ea16840d6fb55 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GPU_Kernels.cuh
@@ -1869,6 +1869,8 @@ template<bool hasTurbulentViscosity> __global__ void scaleCF_compressible(
     ICellNeigh offsetCF);
 __global__ void interpolateStaticToRotating(
+    real *distributionsStatic,
+    real *distributionsRotating,
     unsigned int numberOfInterfaceNodes,
     unsigned int *indicesStaticMMM,
     const unsigned int *indicesRotating,
@@ -1891,6 +1893,8 @@ __global__ void interpolateStaticToRotating(
     real angularVelocityX,
     real angularVelocityY,
     real angularVelocityZ,
+    real omega,
+    bool isEvenTimestep,
     real dx);
 __global__ void interpolateRotatingToStatic(
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/interpolateStaticRotating.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/interpolateStaticRotating.cu
index c97dbeecb7635fe11c89c9266f17d41b0fe011c4..bcb83edf77231bd2bfe3b2bbe371b26cefc24d1a 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/interpolateStaticRotating.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/GridScaling/interpolateStaticRotating.cu
@@ -41,9 +41,13 @@
 #include <lbm/refinement/Coefficients.h>
 #include <lbm/refinement/InterpolationCF.h>
+using namespace vf::lbm;
 __global__ void interpolateStaticToRotating(
+    real *distributionsStatic,
+    real *distributionsRotating,
     unsigned int numberOfInterfaceNodes,
-    unsigned int * indicesStaticCell,
+    unsigned int *indicesStaticCell,
     const unsigned int *indicesRotating,
     const real *coordDestinationX,
     const real *coordDestinationY,
@@ -64,28 +68,358 @@ __global__ void interpolateStaticToRotating(
     real angularVelocityX,
     real angularVelocityY,
     real angularVelocityZ,
+    real omegaStatic,
+    bool isEvenTimestep,
     real dx)
     const unsigned listIndex = vf::gpu::getNodeIndex();
     if (listIndex >= numberOfInterfaceNodes) return;
-    uint destinationIndex = indicesRotating[listIndex];
-    uint sourceIndex =  indicesStaticCell[listIndex];
-    uint indexNeighborMMMsource = neighborMMMstatic[sourceIndex];
+    const uint destinationIndex = indicesRotating[listIndex];
+    const uint previousSourceIndex = indicesStaticCell[listIndex];
+    const uint indexNeighborMMMsource = neighborMMMstatic[previousSourceIndex];
-    real globalX;
-    real globalY;
-    real globalZ;
+    real globalCoordDestinationX;
+    real globalCoordDestinationY;
+    real globalCoordDestinationZ;
-    transformRotatingToGlobal(globalX, globalY, globalZ, coordDestinationX[destinationIndex],
+    transformRotatingToGlobal(globalCoordDestinationX, globalCoordDestinationY, globalCoordDestinationZ, coordDestinationX[destinationIndex],
                               coordDestinationY[destinationIndex], coordDestinationZ[destinationIndex], centerCoordX,
                               centerCoordY, centerCoordZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ);
-    indicesStaticCell[listIndex] = traverseSourceCell(
-        globalX, globalY, globalZ,
-        indexNeighborMMMsource, coordSourceX[indexNeighborMMMsource], coordSourceY[indexNeighborMMMsource],
-        coordSourceZ[indexNeighborMMMsource], neighborXstatic, neighborYstatic, neighborZstatic, dx);
+    const uint sourceIndex =
+        traverseSourceCell(globalCoordDestinationX, globalCoordDestinationY, globalCoordDestinationZ, indexNeighborMMMsource, coordSourceX[indexNeighborMMMsource],
+                           coordSourceY[indexNeighborMMMsource], coordSourceZ[indexNeighborMMMsource], neighborXstatic,
+                           neighborYstatic, neighborZstatic, dx);
+    indicesStaticCell[listIndex] = sourceIndex;
+    // ...
+    const real cellCoordDestinationX = (coordSourceX[sourceIndex] - globalCoordDestinationX) / dx + c1o2;
+    const real cellCoordDestinationY = (coordSourceY[sourceIndex] - globalCoordDestinationY) / dx + c1o2;
+    const real cellCoordDestinationZ = (coordSourceZ[sourceIndex] - globalCoordDestinationZ) / dx + c1o2;
+    // 1. calculate moments
+    vf::lbm::MomentsOnSourceNodeSet momentsSet;
+    vf::gpu::calculateMomentSet<false>(momentsSet, listIndex, distributionsStatic, neighborXstatic, neighborYstatic,
+                                       neighborZstatic, indicesStaticCell, nullptr, numberOfInterfaceNodes, omegaStatic,
+                                       isEvenTimestep);
+    // 2. calculate coefficients
+    vf::lbm::Coefficients coefficients;
+    momentsSet.calculateCoefficients(coefficients, cellCoordDestinationX, cellCoordDestinationY, cellCoordDestinationZ);
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Set all moments to zero
+    //!
+    real m111 = c0o1;
+    real m211 = c0o1;
+    real m011 = c0o1;
+    real m121 = c0o1;
+    real m101 = c0o1;
+    real m112 = c0o1;
+    real m110 = c0o1;
+    real m221 = c0o1;
+    real m001 = c0o1;
+    real m201 = c0o1;
+    real m021 = c0o1;
+    real m212 = c0o1;
+    real m010 = c0o1;
+    real m210 = c0o1;
+    real m012 = c0o1;
+    real m122 = c0o1;
+    real m100 = c0o1;
+    real m120 = c0o1;
+    real m102 = c0o1;
+    real m222 = c0o1;
+    real m022 = c0o1;
+    real m202 = c0o1;
+    real m002 = c0o1;
+    real m220 = c0o1;
+    real m020 = c0o1;
+    real m200 = c0o1;
+    real m000 = c0o1;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Define aliases to use the same variable for the distributions (f's):
+    //!
+    real& f000 = m111;
+    real& fP00 = m211;
+    real& fM00 = m011;
+    real& f0P0 = m121;
+    real& f0M0 = m101;
+    real& f00P = m112;
+    real& f00M = m110;
+    real& fPP0 = m221;
+    real& fMM0 = m001;
+    real& fPM0 = m201;
+    real& fMP0 = m021;
+    real& fP0P = m212;
+    real& fM0M = m010;
+    real& fP0M = m210;
+    real& fM0P = m012;
+    real& f0PP = m122;
+    real& f0MM = m100;
+    real& f0PM = m120;
+    real& f0MP = m102;
+    real& fPPP = m222;
+    real& fMPP = m022;
+    real& fPMP = m202;
+    real& fMMP = m002;
+    real& fPPM = m220;
+    real& fMPM = m020;
+    real& fPMM = m200;
+    real& fMMM = m000;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Declare local variables for destination nodes
+    //!
+    real vvx, vvy, vvz, vxsq, vysq, vzsq;
+    real useNEQ = c1o1; // zero; //one;   //.... one = on ..... zero = off
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Set macroscopic values on destination node (zeroth and first order moments)
+    //!
+    m000  = coefficients.d000; // m000 is press, if drho is interpolated directly
+    vvx   = coefficients.a000;
+    vvy   = coefficients.b000;
+    vvz   = coefficients.c000;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - The magic for the rotating grid begins here: subtract tangential velocity from the velocity in the inertial frame of reference
+    //!
+    real coordDestinationXlocal = coordDestinationX[destinationIndex] / dx;
+    real coordDestinationYlocal = coordDestinationY[destinationIndex] / dx;
+    real coordDestinationZlocal = coordDestinationZ[destinationIndex] / dx;
+    vvx -= angularVelocityY * coordDestinationZlocal - angularVelocityZ * coordDestinationYlocal;
+    vvy -= angularVelocityZ * coordDestinationXlocal - angularVelocityX * coordDestinationZlocal;
+    vvz -= angularVelocityX * coordDestinationYlocal - angularVelocityY * coordDestinationXlocal;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - calculate the forces due to the rotating frame of reference
+    //!
+    // centrifugal force
+    real forceX = angularVelocityY * angularVelocityY * coordDestinationXlocal +
+                  angularVelocityZ * angularVelocityZ * coordDestinationXlocal -
+                  angularVelocityX * angularVelocityY * coordDestinationYlocal -
+                  angularVelocityX * angularVelocityZ * coordDestinationZlocal;
+    real forceY = -angularVelocityX * angularVelocityY * coordDestinationXlocal +
+                   angularVelocityX * angularVelocityX * coordDestinationYlocal +
+                   angularVelocityZ * angularVelocityZ * coordDestinationYlocal -
+                   angularVelocityY * angularVelocityZ * coordDestinationZlocal;
+    real forceZ = -angularVelocityX * angularVelocityZ * coordDestinationXlocal -
+                   angularVelocityY * angularVelocityZ * coordDestinationYlocal +
+                   angularVelocityX * angularVelocityX * coordDestinationZlocal +
+                   angularVelocityY * angularVelocityY * coordDestinationZlocal;
+    // Coriolis force
+    forceX += c2o1 * (angularVelocityZ * vvy - angularVelocityY * vvz);
+    forceY += -c2o1 * (angularVelocityZ * vvx - angularVelocityX * vvz);
+    forceZ += c2o1 * (angularVelocityY * vvx - angularVelocityX * vvy);
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - subtract half the force from the velocities
+    //!
+    vvx -= c1o2 * forceX;
+    vvy -= c1o2 * forceY;
+    vvz -= c1o2 * forceZ;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - rotate the velocities
+    //!
+    if (angleX != 0) {
+        vvy = vvy * cos(angleX) - vvz * sin(angleX);
+        vvz = vvy * sin(angleX) + vvz * cos(angleX);
+    }
+    if (angleY != 0) {
+        // rotate in y
+        vvx = vvx * cos(angleY) + vvz * sin(angleY);
+        vvz = -vvx * sin(angleY) + vvz * cos(angleY);
+    }
+    if (angleZ != 0) {
+        // rotate in z
+        vvx = vvx * cos(angleZ) - vvy * sin(angleZ);
+        vvy = vvx * sin(angleZ) + vvy * cos(angleZ);
+    }
+    // rotate in the inverse direction compared to above
+    // if (angleX != 0) {
+    //    vvy = vvy * cos(angleX) + vvz * sin(angleX);
+    //    vvz = -vvy * sin(angleX) + vvz * cos(angleX);
+    // }
+    // if (angleY != 0) {
+    //    vvx = vvx * cos(angleY) - vvz * sin(angleY);
+    //    vvz = vvx * sin(angleY) + vvz * cos(angleY);
+    // }
+    // if (angleZ != 0) {
+    //    vvx = vvx * cos(angleZ) + vvy * sin(angleZ);
+    //    vvy = -vvx * sin(angleZ) + vvy * cos(angleZ);
+    // }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // calculate the squares of the velocities
+    //
+    vxsq = vvx * vvx;
+    vysq = vvy * vvy;
+    vzsq = vvz * vvz;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Set moments (second to sixth order) on destination node
+    //!
+    // linear combinations for second order moments
+    // The second order moments have to be rotated. First they are computed in a static frame of reference (SFOR)
+    real mxxPyyPzz = m000;
+    real mxxMyySFOR = -c2o3 * ((coefficients.a100 - coefficients.b010)) / omegaStatic * (c1o1 + m000);
+    real mxxMzzSFOR = -c2o3 * ((coefficients.a100 - coefficients.c001)) / omegaStatic * (c1o1 + m000);
+    m011 = -c1o3 * ((coefficients.b001 + coefficients.c010)) / omegaStatic * (c1o1 + m000);
+    m101 = -c1o3 * ((coefficients.a001 + coefficients.c100)) / omegaStatic * (c1o1 + m000);
+    m110 = -c1o3 * ((coefficients.a010 + coefficients.b100)) / omegaStatic * (c1o1 + m000);
+    // rotate some second order moments
+    real mxxMyy;
+    real mxxMzz;
+    if (angleX != 0) {
+        mxxMyy = c1o2 * (mxxMyySFOR + mxxMzzSFOR + ( mxxMyySFOR - mxxMzzSFOR) * cos(angleX * c2o1) +
+                         c2o1 * m011 * sin(angleX * c2o1));
+        mxxMzz = c1o2 * (mxxMyySFOR + mxxMzzSFOR + (-mxxMyySFOR + mxxMzzSFOR) * cos(angleX * c2o1) -
+                         c2o1 * m011 * sin(angleX * c2o1));
+        m011 = m011 * cos(angleX * c2o1) + (-mxxMyySFOR + mxxMzzSFOR) * cos(angleX) * sin(angleX);
+        m101 = m101 * cos(angleX) + m110 * sin(angleX);
+        m110 = m110 * cos(angleX) - m101 * sin(angleX);
+    }
+    if (angleY != 0) {
+        mxxMyySFOR = mxxMyy;
+        mxxMzzSFOR = mxxMzz;
+        mxxMyy = mxxMyySFOR - c1o2 * mxxMzzSFOR + c1o2 * mxxMzzSFOR * cos(angleY * c2o1) + m101 * sin(angleY * c2o1);
+        mxxMzz = mxxMzzSFOR * cos(angleY * c2o1) + c2o1 * m101 * sin(angleY * c2o1);
+        m011 = m011 * cos(angleY) - m110 * sin(angleY);
+        m101 = m101 * cos(angleY * c2o1) - mxxMzzSFOR * cos(angleY) * sin(angleY);
+        m110 = m110 * cos(angleY) + m011 * sin(angleY);
+    }
+    if (angleZ != 0) {
+        mxxMyySFOR = mxxMyy;
+        mxxMzzSFOR = mxxMzz;
+        mxxMyy = mxxMyySFOR * cos(angleY * c2o1) - c2o1 * m110 * sin(angleY * c2o1);
+        mxxMzz = -c1o2 * mxxMyySFOR + mxxMzzSFOR + c1o2 * mxxMyySFOR * cos(angleY * c2o1) - m110 * sin(angleY * c2o1);
+        m011 = m011 * cos(angleZ) + m101 * sin(angleZ);
+        m101 = m101 * cos(angleZ) - m011 * sin(angleZ);
+        m110 = m110 * cos(angleZ * c2o1) + mxxMyySFOR * cos(angleZ) * sin(angleZ);
+    }
+    // calculate remaining second order moments from previously rotated moments
+    m200 = c1o3 * (        mxxMyy +        mxxMzz + mxxPyyPzz) * useNEQ;
+    m020 = c1o3 * (-c2o1 * mxxMyy +        mxxMzz + mxxPyyPzz) * useNEQ;
+    m002 = c1o3 * (        mxxMyy - c2o1 * mxxMzz + mxxPyyPzz) * useNEQ;
+    // linear combinations for third order moments
+    real mxxyPyzz, mxxyMyzz, mxxzPyyz, mxxzMyyz, mxyyPxzz, mxyyMxzz;
+    m111 = c0o1;
+    mxxyPyzz = c0o1;
+    mxxyMyzz = c0o1;
+    mxxzPyyz = c0o1;
+    mxxzMyyz = c0o1;
+    mxyyPxzz = c0o1;
+    mxyyMxzz = c0o1;
+    m210 = ( mxxyMyzz + mxxyPyzz) * c1o2;
+    m012 = (-mxxyMyzz + mxxyPyzz) * c1o2;
+    m201 = ( mxxzMyyz + mxxzPyyz) * c1o2;
+    m021 = (-mxxzMyyz + mxxzPyyz) * c1o2;
+    m120 = ( mxyyMxzz + mxyyPxzz) * c1o2;
+    m102 = (-mxyyMxzz + mxyyPxzz) * c1o2;
+    // fourth order moments
+    m022 = m000 * c1o9;
+    m202 = m022;
+    m220 = m022;
+    // fifth order moments
+    // sixth order moments
+    m222 = m000 * c1o27;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! - Chimera transform from central moments to well conditioned distributions as defined in Appendix J in
+    //! <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.camwa.2015.05.001"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2015),
+    //! DOI:10.1016/j.camwa.2015.05.001 ]</b></a> see also Eq. (88)-(96) in <a
+    //! href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040"><b>[ M. Geier et al. (2017), DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2017.05.040
+    //! ]</b></a>
+    //!
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // X - Dir
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m000, m100, m200, vvx, vxsq, c1o1, c1o1);
+    backwardChimera(            m010, m110, m210, vvx, vxsq);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m020, m120, m220, vvx, vxsq, c3o1, c1o3);
+    backwardChimera(            m001, m101, m201, vvx, vxsq);
+    backwardChimera(            m011, m111, m211, vvx, vxsq);
+    backwardChimera(            m021, m121, m221, vvx, vxsq);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m002, m102, m202, vvx, vxsq, c3o1, c1o3);
+    backwardChimera(            m012, m112, m212, vvx, vxsq);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m022, m122, m222, vvx, vxsq, c9o1, c1o9);
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Y - Dir
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m000, m010, m020, vvy, vysq, c6o1, c1o6);
+    backwardChimera(            m001, m011, m021, vvy, vysq);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m002, m012, m022, vvy, vysq, c18o1, c1o18);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m100, m110, m120, vvy, vysq, c3o2, c2o3);
+    backwardChimera(            m101, m111, m121, vvy, vysq);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m102, m112, m122, vvy, vysq, c9o2, c2o9);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m200, m210, m220, vvy, vysq, c6o1, c1o6);
+    backwardChimera(            m201, m211, m221, vvy, vysq);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m202, m212, m222, vvy, vysq, c18o1, c1o18);
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Z - Dir
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m000, m001, m002, vvz, vzsq, c36o1, c1o36);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m010, m011, m012, vvz, vzsq, c9o1,  c1o9);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m020, m021, m022, vvz, vzsq, c36o1, c1o36);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m100, m101, m102, vvz, vzsq, c9o1,  c1o9);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m110, m111, m112, vvz, vzsq, c9o4,  c4o9);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m120, m121, m122, vvz, vzsq, c9o1,  c1o9);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m200, m201, m202, vvz, vzsq, c36o1, c1o36);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m210, m211, m212, vvz, vzsq, c9o1,  c1o9);
+    backwardInverseChimeraWithK(m220, m221, m222, vvz, vzsq, c36o1, c1o36);
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_000] = f000;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_P00] = fP00;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_M00] = fM00;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_0P0] = f0P0;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_0M0] = f0M0;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_00P] = f00P;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_00M] = f00M;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_PP0] = fPP0;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_MM0] = fMM0;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_PM0] = fPM0;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_MP0] = fMP0;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_P0P] = fP0P;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_M0M] = fM0M;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_P0M] = fP0M;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_M0P] = fM0P;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_0PP] = f0PP;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_0MM] = f0MM;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_0PM] = f0PM;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_0MP] = f0MP;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_PPP] = fPPP;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_MPP] = fMPP;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_PMP] = fPMP;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_MMP] = fMMP;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_PPM] = fPPM;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_MPM] = fMPM;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_PMM] = fPMM;
+    distributionsRotating[DIR_MMM] = fMMM;
 __global__ void interpolateRotatingToStatic(
@@ -117,21 +451,21 @@ __global__ void interpolateRotatingToStatic(
     if (listIndex >= numberOfInterfaceNodes) return;
-    uint destinationIndex = indicesStatic[listIndex];
-    uint sourceIndex = indicesRotatingCell[listIndex];
-    uint indexNeighborMMMsource = neighborMMMrotating[sourceIndex];
+    const uint destinationIndex = indicesStatic[listIndex];
+    const uint sourceIndex = indicesRotatingCell[listIndex];
+    const uint indexNeighborMMMsource = neighborMMMrotating[sourceIndex];
-    real rotatedDestinationX;
-    real rotatedDestinationY;
-    real rotatedDestinationZ;
+    real rotatedCoordDestinationX;
+    real rotatedCoordDestinationY;
+    real rotatedCoordDestinationZ;
-    transformGlobalToRotating(rotatedDestinationX, rotatedDestinationY, rotatedDestinationZ,
+    transformGlobalToRotating(rotatedCoordDestinationX, rotatedCoordDestinationY, rotatedCoordDestinationZ,
                               coordDestinationX[destinationIndex], coordDestinationY[destinationIndex],
                               coordDestinationZ[destinationIndex], centerCoordX, centerCoordY, centerCoordZ, angleX, angleY,
     indicesRotatingCell[listIndex] = traverseSourceCell(
-        rotatedDestinationX, rotatedDestinationY, rotatedDestinationZ, indexNeighborMMMsource,
+        rotatedCoordDestinationX, rotatedCoordDestinationY, rotatedCoordDestinationZ, indexNeighborMMMsource,
         coordSourceX[indexNeighborMMMsource], coordSourceY[indexNeighborMMMsource], coordSourceZ[indexNeighborMMMsource],
         neighborXrotating, neighborYrotating, neighborZrotating, dx);
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu
index 63e0e4da58d73d3c405cfa4d460fde7d5e011444..32db06008e7a3a3486041c229e9e642a4d74766a 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/GPU/LBMKernel.cu
@@ -4065,6 +4065,8 @@ void InterpolateStaticToRotating(
     dim3 threads(parameterDeviceS->numberofthreads, 1, 1);
     interpolateStaticToRotating<<<grid, threads, 0, CU_STREAM_LEGACY>>>(
+        parameterDeviceS->distributions.f[0],
+        parameterDeviceR->distributions.f[0],
@@ -4087,6 +4089,8 @@ void InterpolateStaticToRotating(
+        parameterDeviceS->omega,
+        parameterDeviceS->isEvenTimestep,
@@ -4129,7 +4133,7 @@ void InterpolateRotatingToStatic(
-    getLastCudaError("interpolateStaticToRotating execution failed");
+    getLastCudaError("interpolateRotatingToStatic execution failed");
 void UpdateGlobalCoordinates(
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ScalingUtilities.h b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ScalingUtilities.h
index 606f6b38b4f50ebc621cce23f05c2d54091934f9..56f8bb0055564bdc5b6875fbbe84a1e95d2edc01 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ScalingUtilities.h
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/GPUHelperFunctions/ScalingUtilities.h
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ template<bool hasTurbulentViscosity> __device__ void calculateMomentSet(
     vf::lbm::MomentsOnSourceNodeSet& momentsSet,
     const unsigned nodeIndex,
     real *distribution,
-    unsigned int *neighborX,
-    unsigned int *neighborY,
-    unsigned int *neighborZ,
-    unsigned int *indices_MMM,
+    const unsigned int *neighborX,
+    const unsigned int *neighborY,
+    const unsigned int *neighborZ,
+    const unsigned int *indices_MMM,
     real* turbulentViscosity,
     unsigned long long numberOfLBnodes,
     const real omega,
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/ParameterRotatingGridTest.cpp b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/ParameterRotatingGridTest.cpp
index bdd77dd6386a46d1477bc80f3211d75c2c6111af..d970554e88ec28308d89fd77040baadb02a630c6 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/ParameterRotatingGridTest.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Parameter/ParameterRotatingGridTest.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
-#include <gmock/gmock.h>
+// #include "Utilities/testUtilitiesGPU.h"
+// #include "GPU/CudaMemoryManager.h"
+// #include "Parameter/Parameter.h"
 // TEST(ParameterRotatingGrid, arrayForCoordinatesHostNotAllocated_fillWithCoordinates_Throws)
 // {
-//     CudaMemoryManager cuda
+//     Parameter para=testingVF::createParameterForLevel(0);
+//     CudaMemoryManager cudaMemoryManager;
 // }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lbm/refinement/Coefficients.h b/src/lbm/refinement/Coefficients.h
index 78790f758f597a49caaad5e719641cf3df08afca..ad506370398e35566435703b598a69e3c3d4f488 100644
--- a/src/lbm/refinement/Coefficients.h
+++ b/src/lbm/refinement/Coefficients.h
@@ -407,26 +407,26 @@ public:
         a000 = a000 + xoff * a100 + yoff * a010 + zoff * a001 + xoffsq * a200 + yoffsq * a020 + zoffsq * a002 +
-            xoff * yoff * a110 + xoff * zoff * a101 + yoff * zoff * a011;
-        a100 = a100 + c2o1 * xoff * a200 + yoff * a110 + zoff * a101;
-        a010 = a010 + c2o1 * yoff * a020 + xoff * a110 + zoff * a011;
-        a001 = a001 + c2o1 * zoff * a002 + xoff * a101 + yoff * a011;
+            xoff * yoff * a110 + xoff * zoff * a101 + yoff * zoff * a011 + xoff * yoff * zoff * a111;
+        a100 = a100 + c2o1 * xoff * a200 + yoff * a110 + zoff * a101 + yoff * zoff * a111;
+        a010 = a010 + c2o1 * yoff * a020 + xoff * a110 + zoff * a011 + xoff * zoff * a111;
+        a001 = a001 + c2o1 * zoff * a002 + xoff * a101 + yoff * a011 + xoff * yoff * a111;
         b000 = b000 + xoff * b100 + yoff * b010 + zoff * b001 + xoffsq * b200 + yoffsq * b020 + zoffsq * b002 +
-                xoff * yoff * b110 + xoff * zoff * b101 + yoff * zoff * b011;
-        b100 = b100 + c2o1 * xoff * b200 + yoff * b110 + zoff * b101;
-        b010 = b010 + c2o1 * yoff * b020 + xoff * b110 + zoff * b011;
-        b001 = b001 + c2o1 * zoff * b002 + xoff * b101 + yoff * b011;
+                xoff * yoff * b110 + xoff * zoff * b101 + yoff * zoff * b011 + xoff * yoff * zoff * b111;
+        b100 = b100 + c2o1 * xoff * b200 + yoff * b110 + zoff * b101 + yoff * zoff * b111;
+        b010 = b010 + c2o1 * yoff * b020 + xoff * b110 + zoff * b011 + xoff * zoff * b111;
+        b001 = b001 + c2o1 * zoff * b002 + xoff * b101 + yoff * b011 + xoff * yoff * b111;
         c000 = c000 + xoff * c100 + yoff * c010 + zoff * c001 + xoffsq * c200 + yoffsq * c020 + zoffsq * c002 +
-                xoff * yoff * c110 + xoff * zoff * c101 + yoff * zoff * c011;
-        c100 = c100 + c2o1 * xoff * c200 + yoff * c110 + zoff * c101;
-        c010 = c010 + c2o1 * yoff * c020 + xoff * c110 + zoff * c011;
-        c001 = c001 + c2o1 * zoff * c002 + xoff * c101 + yoff * c011;
+                xoff * yoff * c110 + xoff * zoff * c101 + yoff * zoff * c011 + xoff * yoff * zoff * c111;
+        c100 = c100 + c2o1 * xoff * c200 + yoff * c110 + zoff * c101 + yoff * zoff * c111;
+        c010 = c010 + c2o1 * yoff * c020 + xoff * c110 + zoff * c011 + xoff * zoff * c111;
+        c001 = c001 + c2o1 * zoff * c002 + xoff * c101 + yoff * c011 + xoff * yoff * c111;
         d000 = d000 + xoff * d100 + yoff * d010 + zoff * d001 + 
-                xoff * yoff * d110 + xoff * zoff * d101 + yoff * zoff * d011;
+                xoff * yoff * d110 + xoff * zoff * d101 + yoff * zoff * d011 + xoff * yoff * zoff * d111;
-        d100 = d100 + yoff * d110 + zoff * d101;
-        d010 = d010 + xoff * d110 + zoff * d011;
-        d001 = d001 + xoff * d101 + yoff * d011;
+        d100 = d100 + yoff * d110 + zoff * d101; // + yoff * zoff * d111 // not needed, as we do NOT use a diagonal offset
+        d010 = d010 + xoff * d110 + zoff * d011; // + xoff * zoff * d111
+        d001 = d001 + xoff * d101 + yoff * d011; // + xoff * yoff * d111