From 08c3c2de6a255146ff4ee3228cd7bde22b5be170 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anna Wellmann <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2022 11:41:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Reformat Timer output

 src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/Simulation.cpp | 8 ++++----
 src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Output/Timer.cpp   | 6 +++---
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/Simulation.cpp b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/Simulation.cpp
index 342c9288e..a05554298 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/Simulation.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/LBM/Simulation.cpp
@@ -575,19 +575,19 @@ void Simulation::run()
             if( para->getDoCheckPoint() )
-                output << "Dateien fuer CheckPoint kopieren t=" << t << "...\n";
+                output << "Copy data for CheckPoint t=" << t << "...\n";
                 for (int lev=para->getCoarse(); lev <= para->getFine(); lev++)
-                output << "Dateien fuer CheckPoint schreiben t=" << t << "...";
+                output << "Write data for CheckPoint t=" << t << "...";
 				const auto name = getFileName(para->getFName(), t, para->getMyID());
 				restart_object->serialize(name, para);
-                output << "\n fertig\n";
+                output << "\n done\n";
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ void Simulation::run()
          if( para->getPrintFiles() )
-            output << "Dateien schreiben t=" << t << "...";
+            output << "Write files t=" << t << "... ";
             for (int lev=para->getCoarse(); lev <= para->getFine(); lev++)
diff --git a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Output/Timer.cpp b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Output/Timer.cpp
index 4fb7b223f..9cf85cc60 100644
--- a/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Output/Timer.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/VirtualFluids_GPU/Output/Timer.cpp
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ void Timer::outputPerformance(uint t, Parameter* para, vf::gpu::Communicator& co
     if(this->firstOutput && communicator.getPID() == 0) //only display the legend once
-        VF_LOG_INFO("PID \t --- {} --- Processing time (ms) \t Nups in Mio \t Bandwidth in GB/sec", this->name );
+        VF_LOG_INFO("PID \t --- {} ---  Processing time (ms) \t Nups in Mio \t Bandwidth in GB/sec", this->name );
         this->firstOutput = false;
-    VF_LOG_INFO(" {} \t --- {} --- {}/{} \t {} \t {}",  communicator.getPID(), this->name, this->elapsedTime, this->totalElapsedTime, fnups, bandwidth);
+    VF_LOG_INFO(" {} \t --- {} --- {:>8.1f}/ {:<8.1f} \t   {:5.1f} \t       {:4.1f}",  communicator.getPID(), this->name, this->elapsedTime, this->totalElapsedTime, fnups, bandwidth);
     // When using multiple GPUs, sum the nups of all processes
     if (communicator.getNummberOfProcess() > 1) {
         double nupsSum =  communicator.sumNups(fnups);
-        VF_LOG_INFO("Sum of all {}\t processes: Nups in Mio: {}", communicator.getNummberOfProcess(), nupsSum);
+        VF_LOG_INFO("Sum of all {}\t processes: Nups in Mio: {:.1f}", communicator.getNummberOfProcess(), nupsSum);
\ No newline at end of file