# Installing and managing requirements with venv 1. Create a new virtual environment (.venv) (Only required for the first time) ``` $ python3 -m venv .venv ``` 1.1. Install the required python packages ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 2. Activate the virtual environment ``` $ source .venv/bin/activate ``` # Steps to run the IBI 1. Clone the project and cd into the directory of the project, then install the requirements. ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 2. Run the start.py file, with the IP of your machine. ``` python3 start.py "IP.AD.DRE.SS" ``` Example, assuming that the IP of your machine is ``` python3 start.py ``` 3. To send an intent from another module running on another machine to the IBI on your machine, copy the file 'put_intents.py' and paste in the other machine and then run the command below, while "IP.AD.DRE.SS" is the IP of your machine: ``` python3 put_intents.py "IP.AD.DRE.SS" ``` An example of an intent is already inside the put_intents.py file, you can modify the parameters how you want. 4. When the what-if question has been sent for a prevention intent, to send a reply to the what-if question from another module running on another machine to the IBI on your machine, copy the file 'put_whatif.py' and paste in the other machine and then run the command below, while "IP.AD.DRE.SS" is the IP of your machine: ``` python3 put_whatif.py "IP.AD.DRE.SS" ``` An example of a what-if reply is already inside the put_whatif.py file, you can modify the parameters how you want.